BMI Trajectories During the First 2 Years, and Their Associations With Infant Overweight/Obesity: A Registered Based Cohort Study in Taizhou ...

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BMI Trajectories During the First 2 Years, and Their Associations With Infant Overweight/Obesity: A Registered Based Cohort Study in Taizhou ...
                                                                                                                                                 published: 12 May 2021
                                                                                                                                         doi: 10.3389/fped.2021.665655

                                                BMI Trajectories During the First 2
                                                Years, and Their Associations With
                                                Infant Overweight/Obesity: A
                                                Registered Based Cohort Study in
                                                Taizhou, China
                                                Tian Zhang 1† , Ying Song 1† , Haoyue Teng 1 , Yue Zhang 1 , Jianan Lu 1 , Linghua Tao 2 ,
                                                Yanjie Jin 2,3 , Jieyun Yin 1* and Danhong Zhou 2*
                                                 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatics, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Preventive and Translational Medicine for Geriatric
                                                Diseases, School of Public Health, Medical College of Soochow University, Suzhou, China, 2 Department of Gynaecology and
                           Edited by:           Obstetrics, Taizhou Woman and Children’s Hospital, Taizhou, China, 3 Beijing Longtengxinyang Information Technology
            Stefan Swartling Peterson,          Company, Beijing, China
           Uppsala University, Sweden

                      Reviewed by:
                        Jiangmin Xu,
                                                Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify trajectories of body mass
      Winston-Salem State University,           index (BMI) in toddlers from birth to 2 years old and examine their association with
                       United States
                                                infantile overweight/obesity.
                       Jolanta Pauk,
               Bialystok University of          Methods: Data were collected from 19,054 children born in any hospital or community
                 Technology, Poland
                                                healthcare center in Taizhou, China from 2018 to 2019 with at least three BMI
                             Jieyun Yin
                                                measurements after birth. The Latent Class Growth Mixture Model was used to identify
                     distinct BMI trajectories during the first 2 years of infants. Multiple logistic regression
                         Danhong Zhou
                                                models were conducted to explore the associated factors of different BMI trajectories,
                                                and log-binomial regression was performed to assess the association between the
     † These   authors have contributed
                                                trajectories and overweight/obesity.
                    equally to this work
                                                Results: Three heterogeneous BMI trajectories were identified and labeled as “lower”
                    Specialty section:          (36.21%, n = 6,899), “middle” (53.15%, n = 10,128) and “upper” (10.64%, n = 2,027),
          This article was submitted to
                   Children and Health,         respectively. Several characteristics of infants and their corresponding mothers were
                a section of the journal        found to be correlated with infant BMI trajectories, including infant sex, mode of
                  Frontiers in Pediatrics
                                                delivery and weight at birth, as well as maternal parity, early pregnancy BMI and
         Received: 08 February 2021
                                                status of gestational diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, compared with those in the lower
            Accepted: 13 April 2021
            Published: 12 May 2021              trajectory, infants in the middle [prevalence ratio (PR) = 2.63, 95% confidence interval
                               Citation:        (95%CI) = 2.17–2.63] or upper (PR = 2.98, 95%CI = 1.51–2.98) trajectory groups were
    Zhang T, Song Y, Teng H, Zhang Y,           prone to be overweight/obesity at their final observation.
   Lu J, Tao L, Jin Y, Yin J and Zhou D
     (2021) BMI Trajectories During the         Conclusion:      Heterogeneous BMI trajectories were observed in our study.
  First 2 Years, and Their Associations
                                                Characteristics of both infants and their corresponding mothers could be potential
     With Infant Overweight/Obesity: A
    Registered Based Cohort Study in            determinants of infant growth. Moreover, infants in the middle and upper trajectory
                         Taizhou, China.        groups were more likely to suffer overweight/obesity.
              Front. Pediatr. 9:665655.
       doi: 10.3389/fped.2021.665655            Keywords: BMI trajectory, infant, overweight, obesity, latent class growth mixture model

Frontiers in Pediatrics |                                         1                                             May 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 665655
BMI Trajectories During the First 2 Years, and Their Associations With Infant Overweight/Obesity: A Registered Based Cohort Study in Taizhou ...
Zhang et al.                                                                                                                BMI Trajectories and Infant Obesity

INTRODUCTION                                                                            reach the following research objectives: (1) to identify the
                                                                                        latent BMI growth trajectories from birth to 2 years by
Overweight and Obesity, defined by the World Health                                     conducting LCGMM; (2) to explore the associated factors of
Organization (WHO) as an abnormal or excessive fat                                      the identified BMI trajectories; (3) to examine the associations
accumulation, present an alarming risk to health (1). Childhood                         between different trajectories of BMI and overweight/obesity
overweight and obesity have become a major public health                                in infancy.
concern (2). In China, a national survey reported that the
prevalence of overweight and obesity in children aged 7–17
years had increased rapidly from 3.8% and 0.6% in 1995 to
14.3% and 4.1% in 2014, respectively (3). Excessive weight gain                         Study Population
in early life is likely to lead to lifelong overweight and obesity                      A total of 29,274 singleton children who born in any hospital or
(4). Meanwhile, childhood overweight/obesity is associated                              community healthcare center in Taizhou city from 01/01/2018-
with greater risk and earlier onset of chronic disorders, such                          31/12/2019 were recruited in our study. Information for
as heart disease, asthma, type 2 diabetes, and psychosocial                             children and their corresponding mothers were collected through
disorders (5–7). Thus, the early identification and intervention                        questionnaires or medical records. First, exclusion was made
of overweight/obesity in infants is critical to their long-term                         for participants with uncompleted information of prenatal
health conditions.                                                                      characteristics [maternal BMI at early stage of pregnancy (n =
    Body mass index (BMI) is widely accepted to assess children’s                       2,330)]. Second, we excluded infants with missing intrapartum
weight status. As we known, BMI fluctuates in early life (8). In                        [mode of delivery (n = 169)] or postnatal data [missing for
general, BMI rapidly increases during the 1st year after birth,                         follow-up during 0–2 years old (n = 3,176) and without
then decreases until reaching a nadir around 6 years of age (also                       gender information (n = 3)], resulting in a total of 23,596
called the adiposity rebound); thereafter, BMI increases again                          participants. Third, we excluded 4,542 infants who received
Zhang et al.                                                                                                        BMI Trajectories and Infant Obesity

 FIGURE 1 | Flow chart for selection process of the study.

into four levels: primary school or below, junior school, high               fits the data. For each model involving latent classes, posterior
school, university or above. Maternal age at delivery was                    class-membership probabilities (PP) were also used to obtain a
divided into four categories (600 IU/d).                  classified in each class with a PP above a threshold of 0.7,
Outdoor activity duration was divided into three levels (0–1, 1–2,           indicating the proportion of subjects unambiguously classified
>2 h/day).                                                                   in each latent class (13). These procedures indicated that a
    Other maternal characteristics were then retrieved from                  model with three trajectories (with cubic curve assumption)
medical records. Maternal BMI at early pregnancy was classified              was superior to models with fewer trajectories because of much
following Chinese BMI classification standard as lean (BMI <                 smaller BIC values. Although models with 4 or 5 trajectories had
18.5 kg/m2 ), normal (18.5 ≤ BMI ≤ 23.9 kg/m2 ), overweight                  smaller BIC values than the three trajectories, the former models
(24 ≤ BMI ≤ 27.9 kg/m2 ) and obese (BMI ≥ 28 kg/m2 ) (22).                   yielded trajectories with 0.7
Zhang et al.                                                                                                                 BMI Trajectories and Infant Obesity

 FIGURE 2 | BMI trajectories from birth to 2 years old identified from the LCGMM.

3 additionally adjusted for maternal factors, including parity,                         14 and 49 years old [mean = 30.61, standard deviation (SD) =
early pregnancy BMI, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and                           5.22]. Mothers who received education of high school or above
gestational hypertension. Based on Model 3, model 4 further                             accounted for 67.15%. A slightly larger number of mothers gave
included infants’ characteristics, such as mode of delivery,                            birth to a male infant (52.34%) or delivered by cesarean section
outdoor activity duration, maternal feeding styles, SGA, infant                         (51.02%). Few mothers drank (0.18%) or smoked (0.10%) during
age at the final observation, and intake of vitamin D. At last,                         pregnancy. Besides, the mean birth weight of the infants was
subgroups analyses by sex were conducted to see whether there                           3320.30 (SD = 393.87) grams and the mean gestational age at
are any gender differences. All statistical tests were performed                        delivery was 38.99 (SD = 1.24) weeks. A total of 2,994 (15.71%)
using SAS software (version 9.4, SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA),                         infants were identified as overweight and 1,821 (9.56%) became
and differences were considered statistically significant with two-                     obese at their final observation. Meanwhile, infants born from
sided P ≤ 0.05.                                                                         mothers with multiparity, higher BMI at early pregnancy, or
                                                                                        GDM were more likely to be in the upper group. Also, infantile
                                                                                        characteristics such as gender, gestational age, birth weight, and
                                                                                        outdoor time differed among three trajectory groups.
BMI Trajectories
A total of 19,054 singleton children delivered at 28–44 weeks                           Predictors of BMI Trajectories
of gestation were enrolled in our study. The infants had a                              Table 2 presents the associations between prenatal as well
total of 101,251 BMI measurements since birth, the median                               as infantile factors and their growth trajectories. Birth to a
measurement times of each infant was 5 (interquartile range,                            multiparous mother [odds ratio (OR) = 1.28, 95% confidence
4–6). Three distinct BMI trajectory groups were identified                              interval (95%CI) = 1.15–1.42] was a risk factor for being in the
(Figure 2). They were labeled as “lower” (n = 6,899, 36.21%),                           upper trajectory group. Maternal obesity (BMI ≥ 28 kg/m2 ) at
“middle” (n = 10,128, 53.15%) and “upper” (n = 2,027, 10.64%),                          early stage of pregnancy (OR = 2.41, 95%CI = 1.95–2.97) and
respectively. The lower trajectory started with relatively low BMI                      complicated with GDM (OR = 1.18, 95%CI = 1.03–1.35) were
(12.97 kg/m2 ), then followed with a steady acceleration until the                      also associated with increased risk of belonging to the upper
age of seven months (16.83 kg/m2 ). After peaking at 7 months, it                       trajectory. Besides, the highest BMI groups tended to include
declined gradually and reached the lowest point at 17 months,                           infants who had exclusive breastfeeding (OR = 1.14, 95%CI =
followed by an increase subsequently. The middle trajectory                             1.03–1.26) or male gender (OR = 5.71, 95%CI = 5.10–6.39).
started with a mid-level BMI (13.75 kg/m2 ), while the upper one                        However, vaginally delivered (OR = 0.60, 95%CI = 0.54–0.66)
showed a higher level of BMI (14.44 kg/m2 ) at beginning. Both of                       and SGA (OR = 0.07, 95%CI = 0.05–0.10) infants were less likely
them reached the climax at 7 months (“middle” = 18.47 kg/m2 ,                           to be grouped into the upper trajectory.
“upper” = 20.58 kg/m2 ) and the lowest point at 17 months after
birth, which were parallel to the process of the lower one. The                         Association Between BMI Trajectories and
slope and intercept of the specific trajectories were present in                        Infant Overweight/Obesity
Supplementary Table 1.2.                                                                As shown in Table 3, 1.51, 28.88, and 88.11% of participants
                                                                                        were overweight/obesity in the lower, the middle and the upper
Baseline Characteristics                                                                trajectory groups, respectively. In comparison with children in
Characteristics of infants and their mothers were illustrated in                        the lower trajectory, children in the middle trajectory group
Table 1. In the included population, maternal age ranged between                        [prevalence ratio (PR) = 19.16, 95%CI = 15.89–23.39] and the

Frontiers in Pediatrics |                                       4                                      May 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 665655
Zhang et al.                                                                                                          BMI Trajectories and Infant Obesity

TABLE 1 | Characteristics of mother-child pairs by BMI trajectories.

Variables                                       Total population       Lower trajectory   Middle trajectory   Upper trajectory             P-value
                                                  N = 19,054              n = 6,899          n = 10,128          n = 2,027

Maternal characteristics
Maternal demographics
  Age (years) (mean ± SD)                         30.61 ± 5.22           30.56 ± 5.31       30.66 ± 5.20        30.56 ± 4.99                0.415
Education, n (%)                                                                                                                            0.123
  Primary school or below                        1,201 (6.30%)           474 (6.87%)        617 (6.09%)         110 (5.43%)
  Junior school                                  5,059 (26.55%)         1,826 (26.47%)     2,664 (26.30%)       569 (28.07%)
  High school                                    4,892 (25.68%)         1,739 (25.21%)     2,639 (26.06%)       514 (25.36%)
  University or above                            7,902 (41.47%)         2,860 (41.45%)     4,208 (41.55%)       834 (41.14%)
Parity, n (%)
Zhang et al.                                                                                                                BMI Trajectories and Infant Obesity

TABLE 1 | Continued

Variables                                            Total population   Lower trajectory      Middle trajectory     Upper trajectory             P-value
                                                        N = 19,054         n = 6,899             n = 10,128            n = 2,027

Daily intake of vitamin D (IU/d), n (%)                                                                                                           0.254
  0 ≤ vitamin D ≤ 400                                 16,423 (86.19%)    5,942 (86.13%)         8,736 (86.26%)       1,745 (86.09%)
  400 < vitamin D ≤ 600                               2,193 (11.51%)      777 (11.26%)          1,175 (11.60%)        241 (11.89%)
  600 < vitamin D                                       438 (2.30%)       180 (2.61%)            217 (2.14%)           41 (2.02%)
Outdoor activity duration (hours/d), n (%)                                                                                                        0.002
  0–1                                                   424 (2.23%)       138 (2.00%)            237 (2.34%)           49 (2.42%)
  1–2                                                 5,391 (28.29%)     1,890 (27.40%)         2,861 (28.25%)        640 (31.57%)
  ≥2                                                  13,239 (69.48%)    4,871 (70.60%)         7,030 (69.41%)       1,338 (66.01%)
Overweight, n (%)                                     2,994 (15.71%)       95 (1.38%)           2,278 (22.49%)        621 (30.64%)
Zhang et al.                                                                                                                               BMI Trajectories and Infant Obesity

TABLE 2 | Association between prenatal and early life factors with middle and          TABLE 2 | Continued
upper BMI trajectories in comparison to the lower trajectory group.
                                                                                       Variables                                       Middle                        Upper
Variables                                    Middle                  Upper                                                           trajectory                    trajectory
                                           trajectory              trajectory
                                                                                                                                    OR (95%CI)                    OR (95%CI)
                                          OR (95%CI)              OR (95%CI)
                                                                                         Yes                                      0.24 (0.22–0.27)             0.07 (0.05–0.10)
Maternal characteristics                                                               Mode of delivery
Maternal demographics                                                                    Cesarean                                 1.00 (reference)              1.00 (reference)
Age (years)                                                                              Vaginal delivery                         0.83 (0.78–0.89)             0.60 (0.54–0.66)
Zhang et al.                                                                                                                     BMI Trajectories and Infant Obesity

of rising infant weight gain patterns (39), and the underlying                      DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
mechanisms remain unclear.
    Strengths of our study lie in the relatively large sample size                  The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
and the continuity of infant growth period up to 2 years old.                       made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Studies focusing on BMI trajectories were mainly children from
western countries (18–20). Regional differences may exist in                        ETHICS STATEMENT
BMI trajectories which vary in terms of dimensions, elevation,
living habits, dietary habits, and socio-economic status. The                       The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
participants in our study come from Taizhou, a south-eastern                        approved by ethic committee of Medical College of Soochow
coastal city located in Zhejiang Province, China. The geographic                    University. Written informed consent to participate in this study
location of the city is 120◦ 34’ E and 28◦ 50’ N. It has more than                  was provided by the participants’ legal guardian/next of kin.
5.97 million permanent residents, features a booming economy                        Written informed consent was obtained from the individual(s),
and high population density. Given the paucity of data on growth                    and minor(s)’ legal guardian/next of kin, for the publication of
trajectories in Asian population, our study enriched the field and                  any potentially identifiable images or data included in this article.
may help develop intervention strategies to control the rapidly
increasing prevalence of childhood obesity.                                         AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
    There remained some limitations in our current study.
Firstly, other potential confounding factors, such as paternal                      JY and DZ has contributed to the design and concept of
characteristics, genetics, environmental and dietary habits (40),                   the manuscript. TZ and YS were responsible for the analysis,
were not assessed in the current study. Secondly, due to                            interpretation of data and manuscript drafting. HT, YZ, JL, LT,
the nature of observational study, we cannot infer the causal                       and YJ were responsible for critical revision of the manuscript
relationship between those possible risk factors and changes in                     for intellectual content. All authors were involved in writing
infant BMI. Thirdly, children included in our study are from                        the paper and had final approval of the submitted and
Taizhou city in China, and thus may not be representative for                       published versions.
other parts of China and other nationalities. Considering these
limitations, further studies are needed.                                            FUNDING
                                                                                    This study was supported by a Project of the Priority
                                                                                    Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education
Three distinct latent BMI trajectories were identified for children                 Institutions (PAPD).
from birth to 2 years old including the lower, middle and
upper groups. Infants in the middle and upper trajectory groups                     SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
are more likely to be obese late in their life. Our results also
underline the importance of the timely intervention on children                     The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
overweight/obesity targeted at potential risk factors during both                   online at:
prenatal and postnatal period.                                                      2021.665655/full#supplementary-material

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Frontiers in Pediatrics |                                             9                                                May 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 665655
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