Page created by Hector Sanders
                 January 17, 2021
         1050 Bert Kouns Industrial Loop
              Shreveport, LA 71118
           Office 687-5121 • Rectory 687-1818

                  Rev. Mark Watson
       Kim Long, Director of Religious Education
              Carol Garceau, Secretary

             Tom Ticich, Music Coordinator
                Jenny Hebert, Organist
                Dan Cezar, Custodian

MASSES: Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday 8:30 a.m.
(Please note: No Mass on Monday & Wednesday)
Saturday (Vigil) 4 p.m.; Sunday 8:30 a.m. & Sunday
Spanish Mass 11:30 a.m.

CONFESSION: Saturday 3:00—3:45 p.m.;
Sunday 10:30 a.m.—11:15 a.m.; or by appointment.

BAPTISM: Call the office to schedule a preparation
class after which a Baptism date can be scheduled.

ADORATION: Following 8:30 a.m. Mass on Tuesday
until Holy Hour which is 3 p.m. Benediction at 4 p.m.
GIFT SHOP: Tues., Wed., & Thurs. 11 a.m.—1 p.m.

CHURCH OFFICE: Monday through Thursday 8:30
a.m. until 3:30 p.m. & Friday 8:30 a.m. until 12 noon.

                                       We the people of St. Mary of the Pines are unified by our
                                       Baptism to fulfill the mission of the Catholic Church: to
                                       proclaim the works of God and to live as Jesus taught.

                                       Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will improve
our lives by continuing to understand the teachings of the Catholic Church, sharing with
the poor, providing support for our young people, the sick and the lonely, worshipping
with reverence and enthusiasm, providing stewardship for the gifts God has committed to
our care, and celebrating together as a Christian family.
New Horizons
                                                        The Lamb of God

One aspect of Catholicism is that we believe that not only people and objects are holy but also that time is holy.

We have just completed the Seasons of Advent in which we reflected on the Comings of the Lord: his coming into the world at
Christmas and his final coming at the end of time.
We have just celebrated the Season of Christmas in which we reflected on the meaning of the Incarnation and Manifestation of
our Lord to the nations and at his Baptism. We look forward to the Season of Lent during which we will go through a conver-
sion process as we prepare to celebrate Easter. We will than celebrate the Season of Easter during which we will unpack the
meaning of the Resurrection and the new life we received in Baptism.

This Sunday we celebrate the beginning of Ordinary Time. What does Ordinary Time mean? The title of this Season does not
mean that this time is ordinary. Ordinary Time is the time during which we reflect on the ministry of Jesus and experience how
God is working out his salvation in our lives and in our world.

In the first reading the boy Samuel is sleeping in the Temple at Shiloh. The first line of the chapter of our first reading states:
“During the time young Samuel was minister to the Lord under Eli, a revelation of the Lord was uncommon and vision infre-
quent (Samuel 3:1).” It had been a long time since God had spoken to his people.

God calls to Samuel three different times while he is asleep and Samuel does not know it is the Lord. Each time he believes
that Eli the priest has called him and so he goes to Eli. The first two times Eli believes Samuel is dreaming and so he tells him
to go back to sleep. After the third time, Eli tells Samuel to say, “Speak Lord your servant is listening.” This time God speaks
to the boy Samuel and Samuel listens.

God begins to do something new in Israel. God punishes Eli and his sons who were being unfaithful to God and God begins a
new time of grace through the prophet Samuel. The hour of the priest will now yield to the age of the prophet. This new age
begins with Samuel and continues with Nathan, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.

We see God’s holy time at work in today’s Gospel. John the Baptist sees Jesus walking by and calls out to two of his disciples,
“Behold the Lamb of God (John 1:36).” Two of John’s followers listen and begin to follow Jesus. Jesus turns around and in-
vites the disciples to “Come and you will see (John 1:39).” They follow Jesus and stay with him from about 4 pm until the end
of the day.

The moment of grace flows from one invitation to the next. Andrew later goes out and brings Simon to Jesus. Jesus names
Simon, Cephas or Peter. Just as God’s grace broke into the world when Jesus invited the disciples to stay with him and when
Andrew invited Simon Peter to follow Jesus, so God’s grace continues to break into our world.

The readings speak of God doing something new in Israel through Samuel and in the entire world through Jesus and his follow-
ers. Ordinary life is penetrated anew by the Word of God and the presence of God. May we be awake and ready to experience
God’s grace.

These readings also call us to share the truth of the faith with others. Eli shares the truth of God with Samuel and John shares
the truth with Andrew who shares the truth with Simon. Andrew then brings Simon to Jesus. Had Andrew not shared his faith
with Peter he might not have become the rock upon which the church was built.

May we listen to and follow the Lord’s call as did Samuel and share the truth of our faith with others as did Andrew.
Nuevos Horizontes
                                                  El Cordero de Dios

Un aspecto del catolicismo es que creemos que no solo las personas y los objetos son santos, sino también que el
tiempo es santo.

Acabamos de completar la Temporada de Adviento en la que reflexionamos sobre las venidas del Señor: su venida
al mundo en Navidad y su venida final al final de los tiempos. Acabamos de celebrar la temporada navideña en la
que reflexionamos sobre el significado de la Encarnación y Manifestación de nuestro Señor a las naciones y en su
Bautismo. Esperamos la temporada de Cuaresma durante la cual pasaremos por un proceso de conversión mientras
nos preparamos para celebrar la Pascua. Luego celebraremos la Temporada de Pascua durante la cual descubriremos
el significado de la Resurrección y la nueva vida que recibimos en el Bautismo.

Este Domingo celebramos el inicio del Tiempo Ordinario. ¿Que significa el Tiempo Ordinario? El título de esta
Temporada no significa que esta época sea común. El Tiempo Ordinario es el tiempo durante el cual reflexionamos
sobre el ministerio de Jesús y experimentamos cómo Dios está obrando su salvación en nuestras vidas y en nuestro

En la primera lectura, el niño Samuel está durmiendo en el templo de Silo. La primera línea del capítulo de nuestra
primera lectura dice: “Durante el tiempo que el joven Samuel fue ministro del Señor bajo Eli, una revelación del
Señor era poco común y la visión poco frecuente (Samuel 3:1)”. Había pasado mucho tiempo desde que Dios le ha-
bía hablado a su pueblo.

Dios llama a Samuel tres veces diferentes mientras está dormido y Samuel no sabe que es el Señor. Cada vez que
cree que Eli el sacerdote lo ha llamado, acude a Eli. Las dos primeras veces Eli cree que Samuel está soñando y por
eso le dice que se vuelva a dormir. Después de la tercera vez, Eli le dice a Samuel que diga: “Habla, Señor, tu siervo
está escuchando”. Esta vez Dios le habla al niño Samuel y Samuel escucha.

Dios comienza a hacer algo nuevo en Israel. Dios castiga a Eli y sus hijos que le estaban siendo infieles y Dios co-
mienza un nuevo tiempo de gracia a través del profeta Samuel. La hora del sacerdote cederá ahora a la edad del pro-
feta. Esta nueva era comienza con Samuel y continúa con Natán, Amós, Oseas, Isaías, Jeremías y Ezequiel.

Vemos el tiempo santo de Dios en acción en el Evangelio de hoy. Juan el Bautista ve a Jesús pasar y grita a dos de
sus discípulos: “He aquí el Cordero de Dios (Juan 1:36)”. Dos de los seguidores de Juan escuchan y comienzan a
seguir a Jesús. Jesús se da la vuelta e invita a los discípulos a “Venid y veréis (Juan 1:39)”. Siguen a Jesús y perma-
necen con él desde las 4 de la tarde hasta el final del día.

El momento de gracia fluye de una invitación a la siguiente. Andrés luego sale y lleva a Simón a Jesús, Jesús nom-
bra a Simón, Cefas o Pedro. Así como la gracia de Dios irrumpió en el mundo cuando Jesus invito a los discípulos a
quedarse con él y cuando Andrés invitó a Simón Pedro a seguir a Jesús, la gracia de Dios continúa irrumpiendo en
nuestro mundo.

Las lecturas hablan de Dios haciendo algo nuevo en Israel a través de Samuel y en el mundo entero a través de Jesús
y sus seguidores. La vida ordinaria es penetrada de nuevo por la Palabra de Dios. Que estemos despiertos y listos
para experimentar la gracia de Dios.

Estas lecturas también nos llaman a compartir la verdad de la fe con otros. Eli comparte la verdad de Dios con Sa-
muel y Juan comparte la verdad con Andrés, quien comparte la verdad con Simón. Andrés luego lleva a Simón a
Jesús. Si Andrés no hubiera no hubiera compartido su fe con Pedro, no se habría convertido en la roca sobre la que
construyó la iglesia.

Que podamos escuchar y seguir el llamado del Señor como lo hizo Samuel y compartir la verdad de nuestra fe con
otros como lo hizo Andrés.
Mass Intentions for the Week

Saturday      4:00 P.M.      +   Gae Lenox
1-16                             St. Mary’s Parish Family
Sunday        8:30 A.M.          William C. Scarlato Family
1-17                         +   Avelino Natividad Flores
         11:30 A.M.              Spanish Mass
Monday    8:30 A.M.              No Mass
Tuesday   8:30 A.M.          +   Artie Sepulvado
Wednesday 8:30 A.M.              No Mass
Thursday   8:30 A.M          +   Manuel M. DeSouza
Friday    8:30 A.M.              Vocation to Priesthood &
                                 Religious life
Saturday      4:00 P.M.      +   Willie Martinez
1-23                             St. Mary ‘s Parish Family
Sunday       8:30 A.M.       +   Ana Nicolas
1-24        11:30 A.M.           Spanish Mass
                                                                      Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                                January 17, 2021
                                                              Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you.
                                                                                      — 1 Corinthians 6:19a

 Monday:   Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22
 Tuesday:  Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c;
           Mk 2:23-28
 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6                            January 9 & 10, 2021
 Thursday: Heb 7:25 — 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-
            12                                                 Tithe………………………………………$ 6,753.45
 Friday:   Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19,             Capital Improvement…………………. 266.00
            or any of a number of readings for the             Parish Charities………………………..  48.00
            Day of Prayer                                      SVDP……………………………………..         35.00
 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9;                   Infirm Priest……………………………..   17.00
           Mk 3:20-21                                          Latin America……………………………     67.00
                                                               Catholic Schools……………………….. 203.00
 Sunday:   Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31;
                                                               Solemnity of Mary……………………….  80.00
           Mk 1:14-20

                                                              Second Collection: Jan. 23/24—Church in Latin
The Sanctuary Candle is burning this week for the re-         America. This collection benefits the faithful in Latin
pose of the soul of Patrick Arno Seymour. May he              America & the Caribbean, including the outreach to
rest in peace.                                                the indigenous people of Brazil’s Amazon region,
                                                              seminarians in Nicaragua, Venezuelan refugee fami-
                                                              lies in Colombia, & Haitians affected by COVID-19.
St. Mary of the Pines is co-hosting with Lifeshare
Blood Center a “Blood Drive” on Sunday, February
7th, from 9:00 am—12:30 pm. Please consider giving
the gift of life. Please call Steve at (318) 286-9076 with    Please bring your old palms and place them in the
any questions.                                                basket in the vestibule of church. They will be burned
                                                              and used on Ash Wednesday.


Governor Edwards has asked that all Catholics                          Mass Attendance: Jan. 9 & 10, 2021
be sure to social distance and wear masks at
Mass and at other social events. Please be                                         4:00 p.m.—116
sure to do so.                                                                     8:30 a.m.—100
                         Fr. Mark                                                   11:30 a.m.—
               If you know someone who needs to be on this list, please let us know.

Felix Larue, Necie Malmay, James Garcia, Beardon Merritt, Therese Aldrich, Angela Savat, Sammy Sansing, Judy
Turner, Ellis Monette, Britt Albert, Joyce Abbott, Hank Pieske, Ada Kreamer, the Perry Family, Lew Abell, Paul Con-
senza, Titus Taylor, Sue Shelton, Brion Harris, Caleb Beaver, Judy Messina, Jerome Moley, Walter Jones, Jesus
Rodriguez, Winnie Scott, Avad Johnson, Ron Lewis, Jimmy Pearson, Choochie Pearson, Phyllis Howard, Mike
Howard, Chris Everage, Winnie Hunter, Nan & William Choate, Damien Contini, Gerarlyn Contini, JoAnn Ray,
Geraldine Turner, Tess Morrison, V. J. Rinaudo, Cheryl Hopkins, Leon Lagese, Jr., Robin Parker, Jennifer Booras,
Patricia Penton, Violet Wright, Charlotte Dimes Carter, Cesar Agusto Marroquin, Joe Wiles, Kathy Green, Linda
LaDart, Mike & Teresa Hansen, Helen Garcia, Tammy Mallory, Maddie Silas, Alex Quinn, Blake Biddy, Paul & Beth
Cosenza, Kim Allums, Emily Sinagra, Baby Aldridge, Opal Green, Pat Brice, Dennis Payne, Bob Rasmussen,
Fr. Ubald Rugirangoga, Ron Hockenberry, Zach Law, Doll and Dave Burk, Terri Lively, Allison, Lively, Helen Garcia,
Jessie Matthews, Susan Carroll, Mattie Garcie, William Nectoux, Kingston Carter, Albin Wilson, Matthew Siedlecki,
Patrick McClellan, Glenda Hall, Marjorie Olah, Robert Sledge, Joleen D’Andria, Leroy & Mary Jane Terry, John Bar-
bo, Nan Crow, Sherry Gorman, Kimberly Hales Moreau, Curtis Leroy McInnis, Travis Poston, Marilyn Procell, Beverly
Winslow, Betty Procell, Alicia Garcia, Lee Williams, Sr., Special Intention, James Davidson.

Unfortunately, as with so many other plans and                         Sunday Reading Zoom Bible Study
events, the COVID-19 pandemic has thwarted our
                                                              Late in January Fr. Pat Madden will begin a study of
traditional Life March plans across the state. As a           the Sunday scripture readings on Thursday mornings,
result, we will be coordinating life chain events             9:30-11:30 am. These classes will be available live via
called “Stand For Life” statewide on Saturday,                Zoom, and the recordings subsequently available
January 23, 2021, from 10:30 am—12:00 pm.                     through the Diocesan web site. These classes will be
The life chain will allow us to publicly stand along a        designed for lectors, and for any Catholics who want a
high-traffic road and/or intersection and publicly            better understanding of the Sunday scriptures before
oppose abortion and support of life, while maintain-          Mass begins. If you wish to have the Zoom link for his
ing social distancing standards and preventing                live class, please send him an email,
large congregations of people. Participants will be                 
encouraged to hold signs (either handmade or
printed) and share our message with the public.
Locations have not been finalized. We will have               SPECIAL RECOGNITION FOR MARRIED COUPLES
this info in next week’s bulletin.                                             IN 2021

                                                                                   For all couples celebrating their
        St. John Berchmans Catholic School                                         decade and half-decade anniver-
        Open Enrollment for New Families                                           saries in 2021 (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.)
            begins January 11, 2021                                                and for those married 50+ years,
  Small Classes, Affordable Tuition, Space is Limited                              Bishop Malone, along with your
       For more information, call 318 221-6005                                     parish would like to honor couples
       or email: www.sjbcathedralschoolorg                                         on World Marriage Day, Feb. 14,
                                                              2021. Call the Parish Office as soon as possible with:
                                                              husband and wife’s full names (including maiden), ad-
                                                              dress, email, marriage date, church or locations, city/
The Diocese of Shreveport is looking for couples who          state and the anniversary being celebrated in the year
practice Natural Family Planning (NFP) and who are            2021. Recognizing married couples in our parish is a
interested in becoming NFP trainers for the Diocese.          wonderful example for the young and engaged couples
Trainer couples will offer classes a few times per year       to witness the importance of the Sacrament of Mar-
to help other couples interested in learning NFP discov-      riage. We look forward to celebrating all married cou-
er the beauty and gift of God’s design for marriage and       ples in February. Information is due in the Church Of-
fertility. We are looking for 2 to 3 couples in each of our   fice no later than January 25, 2021.
3 deaneries to be trainers for the deaneries in which
they live. If you would like more information, please
contact Mark Loyet at                    I am going to hold two Spiritual Direction Intern Informa-
                                                              tional meetings on Zoom at 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. on Tues-
JOY                                                           day, January 19. These are for those who feel they may be
                                                              called to become a Spiritual Director.
The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything.
                                                              Mike Van Vranken, Spiritual Director of our Diocese
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