St. Bernard of Clairvaux - St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Scottsdale, AZ

Page created by Raymond Rice
St. Bernard of Clairvaux - St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Scottsdale, AZ
June 6, 2021           The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ                                   Page 1

     St. Bernard of Clairvaux
                             Reverend Michael Straley, Pastor
                        Reverend Simon Osuchukwu, Associate Pastor
          Assisting Priests: Fr. Fred Adamson, V.G., Fr. Charles Kieffer, Deacon Alan Hungate

           June 6, 2021 — The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
                         10755 N. 124th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85259
St. Bernard of Clairvaux - St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Scottsdale, AZ
Page 2                                  The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ                                                 June 6, 2021
                     Parish Office & Staff                                 PARISH OFFICE HOURS
                                                                           Monday through Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Director, Parish Business:           Mike Huesman         extension 302
                                                                           Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Pastoral Assistant:                  Nancy Boettcher      extension 300
Administrative Assistant:            Nancy Paulus         extension 301
Administrative Assistant:            Leslie Balderrama    extension 301    LITURGY:
Director, Liturgy:                   Kent Campbell        extension 311    Monday - Saturday: 9:00 am
Liturgy Coordinator:                 Kathie Stine         extension 314    Saturday: 5:00 pm
Director, Family Life & Marriage:    Ryan Ayala           extension 309    Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00 am
LifeTeen & Edge Coordinator:         Maria Stoey          extension 301    Mass Live-streamed: Sunday 11:00 am
Coordinator Children’s Catechesis:   Kathie Stine         extension 314    Communion in church after live-streamed mass.
Facilities Supervisor:               Steve Cassar         480-309-9443
Parish I T Communications:           Shannon Hards        extension 310    Reconciliation:
Telephone: (480) 661-9843                                                  Wednesday: 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Fax:      (480) 614-8092                                                   Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 pm
                                                                           Church and Chapel will close:
                                                                           Monday - Thursday:          4:00 pm
                                                                           Fridays:                    2:00 pm
                 Ministries at St. Bernard                                 Saturdays:                  5:00 pm
                                                                           Sundays:                    1:00 pm
Altar Servers                   Kathie Stine                480-661-9843
Altar Society                   Cheryl Roehm                480-236-5688   SACRAMENTS:
                                Linda Echsner               480-767-5285
Baptism Preparation             Parish Office               480-661-9843   Baptism: If you are interested in arranging a baptism, please con-
Charismatic Prayer Mtg          Elena Konerko               602-741-8259   tact Nancy Boettcher, or visit our parish
Edge (6th to 8th Grade)         Maria Stoey                 480-661-9843
                                                                           website for more information!
Grief Support                   Anne Pauly-Cerami           480-614-9327
Life Teen (High School Teens)   Maria Stoey                 480-661-9843   Adult Confirmation: If you are interested in exploring full mem-
Faith Formation:
Children’s Catechesis            Kathie Stine               480-661-9843
                                                                           bership within the Catholic Church, please contact Ryan Ayala
Finance Council                  Tom Echsner                480-767-5285   at or at 480-661-9843 x309.
Hispanic Ministry                Marcia Bhattacharya        310-714-6822
I T Communications               Shannon Hards              480-661-9843
                                                                           Marriage Preperation: If you are interested, please contact Ryan
Funeral Hospitality              Ellen Florea               480-816-3551   Ayala at or visit our parish website for more
Hospitality                      Paul & Gina Wise           480-661-7767   information.
Knights of Columbus              Buzz Lewandowski           480-760-1230
                                              Please note: We ask while on church property that you please
Lectors (Min. of Word)           Dr. Richard Rutkowski      480-836-0568   wear a mask and respect social distancing.
Legion of Mary                   Loretta Curfman            602-545-6664
Liturgy Coordinator              Kathie Stine               480-661-9843                    Parish Council Members
Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy John Zikias                602-315-9139
Communion                                                                  Bob Gomez            480-695-3229
Ministry of Care                 Dan & Kerry Mueller        480-661-0523   Claudia Higginbotham    
Music Ministry                   Kent Campbel               480-540-8850
                                                                           Ken Higginbotham        
Padre Pio Prayer Group           Nancy Rossiello            480-391-1257
Pastoral Council                 Bob Gomez                  480-661-9843   Scott Lacher            
Renewal—Women                    Nancy Paulus               480-203-4428   Mark Lindbloom          
Renewal—Men                      Paul Majcher               480-242-1725   Dan Mueller             
RCIA                             Ryan Ayala                 480-661-9843   Lisa Schiffer           
Sanctity of Life Committee       Shirley Towers             480-661-9843
Senior Social Club               Josephine Zupancich        480-451-5320                Spiritual Direction at St. Bernard’s
Spiritual Direction              Terri Hofmann              480-313-1343
                                                                           If you are interested in exploring how spiritual direction can be a great aid
St. Vincent de Paul              On-Call cell phone         480-332-8742   in your spiritual life, please call the parish office. 480-661-9843
Stewardship/Development          Mike Huesman               480-661-9843
That Man Is You                  Kent Campbell              480-540-8850              NOTICE TO PARISHIONERS
Women’s Spirituality             Sandy Muszkiewicz          480-314-5386   Some parishioners have received a text or email that
Bulletin Submissions: Please continue to submit any information
                                                                           appeared to be from Fr. Straley.
you may want us to see/hear. We would like to hear from you. Most
articles must be approved by Father Michael prior to submission.           Please know that Fr. Straley would never text
                                                                           or email parishioners asking them for favors,
Please contact the bulletin editor, Leslie Balderrama:
                                                                           monetary assistance, or gift cards.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux - St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Scottsdale, AZ
June 6, 2021                        The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ                                                                        Page 3

Howdy,                                                                 The Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary invite you
                                                                                                to celebrate…
Today we celebrate Corpus Christi, the Body                                                     The Great Vigil
and Blood of Christ. This was the feast when                                                             in honor of
I celebrated my first Mass back in 1983, so it                        The Hearts of Jesus and Mary
is even more special to me. Yesterday, we celebrated
the ordination to the priesthood of one of our
seminarians, so today he will be celebrating his first
Mass on this feast. Please remember to pray for Fr. Ian
Wintering today.
Today, we will bid farewell to Fr. Steve Sedlock and the
Holy Cross priests who have helped us for so many
years to build St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Fr. Steve is
celebrating the 9 am mass and we will have a reception
after the 9 am and 11 am Masses.                                                            Friday June 11, 2021
                                                                                                   7:30 pm Mass
Next Sunday, June 13th, Bishop Olmsted will be with us                                 for the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart
to celebrate the 9 am Mass. After Mass, we will have a                                 Mass celebrated by His Excellency Thomas Olmsted,
                                                                                                Bishop of the Diocese of Phoenix
“ceremonial” groundbreaking for our new rectory, with a
                                                                                                  12:00 am Mass
reception to follow.                                                                   for the Feast of the Immaculate Heart
Peace,                                                                                       St. Gregory Catholic Church
Fr. Mike                                                                               3424 N. 18th Avenue - Phoenix, AZ 85015
                                                                                     The night will be spent in Adoration of the Blessed Sacra-
               Anointing of the sick:                                                ment, accompanied by prayer, intercession, and the Holy
            Who receives this sacrament?
The sacrament is Not for those only who are at the point of death.
Hence, as soon as anyone of the faithful begins to be in              We Can Prepare the Upper Room
danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time            We all know that person, don’t we? Hey, maybe we’ve even been that
for him to receive this sacrament has certainly arrived               person.
(SC. 73).                                                             “I have a great relationship with God, but I don’t go to church regularly.
                                                                      God and I are on good terms. I can talk to Him just fine on my own.”
If a sick person who received this anointing recovers his
health, he can in the case of another grave illness receive this      There isn’t anything false in these statements. It’s important to have an
                                                                      intimate, even conversational prayer relationship with God. But the prob-
sacrament again. It is fitting to receive the Anointing of the Sick   lem with this attitude is that it implies that churches don’t matter. Communi-
just prior to a serious operation. The same holds for elderly whose   ty worship doesn’t matter. Today, we are reminded exactly why that is so
frailty become more pronounced (CCC 1515).                            untrue. Why we need our parishes, our priests, and each other.
                                                                      The Body and Blood of Christ — that’s what it’s all about. If it’s not about
 Sanctity of Life - May’s Spiritual Adoption                          that, it’s not about anything. If we don’t have the Eucharist, we’re just like
                           Program                                    the ancient priests, making sacrifices that don’t have the power to redeem
    Your baby is making progress, developing all of his external      anybody.
   features and internal organs. His brain is functioning at 40       Where do we receive the Body and Blood of Christ? For most of us, it’s in
  days. His mother can hear his heartbeat now on an ultrasonic        our parishes. The altar of sacrifice is also the table we gather in front of, as
       stethoscope. His milk-teeth buds are present at 6 1/2          a family, to become one with Christ in the truest and realest way possible,
 weeks. From this moment onward, your spiritually adopted baby        recreating the scene in the Upper Room over and over again every time
 grows and refines his body. Everything he needs to survive once      Mass is celebrated.
is born already is present by the end of the eight weeks. Please      The disciples were commissioned by Christ to prepare the Upper Room for
                   pray for him and his parents.                      the Last Supper. How can we take up that work ourselves? How can we
                                                                      strengthen the bonds in our spiritual family? How can we serve our parish,
                                                                      always remembering that the table is not meant to be set only for two?

                                                                      — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
St. Bernard of Clairvaux - St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Scottsdale, AZ
Page 4                               The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ                                     June 6, 2021
                                                                          Elementary Faith Formation News

                                                                   Who:            Children – Preschool through 5th Grade (Grade
                                                                                   just completed)
                                                                   What/Cost:      Vacation Bible School       $60.00 per participant
                                                                   Where:          St. Bernard of Clairvaux Catholic Church – Parish
                                                                   When:           Monday, June 14th – Friday, June 18th
                                                                   Time:           9:30am – 12:30pm
                                                                   Registration:   After all Masses and in the Parish Office

                                                                   All children who participate will be invited to sing in the choir
                                                                      at the 9:00am Mass on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 20th!

                                                                   Come join us at Rocky Mountain Railway Vacation Bible School!
                                                                   At Rocky Railway kids discover through life’s ups and downs that
                                                                   Jesus’ power pulls us through. Kids participate in memorable Bible
                                                                   learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork building
                                                                   games, engage in fun snack eating experiences, take part in one
                                                                   of a kind Bible Adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to re-
                                                                   mind them to trust Jesus and test out Science fun gizmos they will
                                                                   take home and play with all summer long!
                                                                   Kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through
                                                                   something called God Sightings. Each Day concludes with the
                                                                   Rock Wrap up that gets everyone involved in living what they have
                                                                   All aboard our Rocky Mountain Railway journey! Our volunteers
                                                                   are ready to provide all participants with a safe, healthy and so-
                                                                   cially distanced experience! Hope to see you there space is lim-
                                                                   You may email me at or call me at the Parish
                                                                   Office, 480-661-9843 ex 314, Monday through Thursday. I can
                                                                   pick up emails when I am out of the Office, so you will get a re-
                                                                   sponse a lot quicker than leaving a voice mail.

                                                                   God’s blessings,

                                                                                     Altar Servers Needed
                                                                   We were excited to see some of our wonderful
A MUSICAL FOR KIDS CREATED BY— CYNDI NINE -BOB HOWARD              alter server’s return to service during the Easter
                                                                   Liturgies. It is time to retrain our younger
 For all kids entering Kindergarten through 8th grade             servers and to recruit new ones! Anyone fourth
 Kids learn a 400-minute musical in 5 days!!!!!                   grade and above, who has received the
 Enrollment fee - $75/child                                       sacrament of First Communion and is interested
 Includes: Participation in an all new musical production,”iAM”   in serving at the Altar, this includes all former
               Games, Craft, Snack “iAM”                           servers, are asked to call Kathie at the Parish
   Questions? Contact Kent Campbell –    Office, so we can schedule a training with Fr. Simon.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux - St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Scottsdale, AZ
June 6, 2021                           The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ                                                            Page 5
                                                                                            Parish Announcements

                                                                           ST. PADRE MONTHLY MASS WITH BENEDICTION & ROSARY
                                                                           Is the first Monday of every month at 7:00 pm
5    Saturday            9:00 AM † Teofila Plata Caballero                 (June 7th) in the church.
                         5:00 PM † Don Mckenzie                            Masks are mandatory.
6    Sunday              7:30 AM † Keli Luther                             All are welcome.
                         9:00 AM † James Gossen
                        11:00 AM St. Bernard’s Parishioners                          DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP
                                                                           Meets Every Wednesday In Church at 3:00 pm
7    Monday              9:00 AM † Fr. Oliver Mohan
                                                                           All are welcome - Please join us
8    Tuesday             9:00 AM Raul Rocha
9    Wednesday           9:00 AM † Manuel Torres
10   Thursday            9:00 AM † Virginia DiCicco                                            WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY
11   Friday              9:00 AM † Don Mckenzie                            Will continue the Wednesday meetings
12   Saturday            9:00 AM † Matthew Gross                           Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
                         5:00 PM St. Bernard’s Parishioners                Staring June 2, 2021 we will be located in the OLD
13 Sunday                7:30 AM † Teofila Plata Caballero                 Parish Center.
                         9:00 AM † Maxine Leonard                          Park in the North Lot for easy entry.
                         11:00 AM Margie Sanger                            Questions please call Sandy 480-314-5386

                                                                                               FATIMA ROSARY
                                                                           Our Lady asked the three children at all six visits on the
                                                                           13th of each month “...TO PRAY THE ROSARY..."
Readings for the week of June 6, 2021                                      We ask you to join us to pray the rosary as requested
Sunday:         Ex 24:3-8/Ps 116:12-13, 15-16, 17-18 [13]/Heb 9:11-        Monday, June 14, 2021 immediately following 9:00 am
                15/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26                                      morning mass, in the church.
Monday:         2 Cor 1:1-7/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [9]/Mt 5:1-12         All are welcome.
Tuesday:        2 Cor 1:18-22/Ps 119:129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135
                [135a]/Mt 5:13-16
Wednesday:      2 Cor 3:4-11/Ps 99:5, 6, 7, 8, 9 [cf. 9c]/Mt 5:17-19
                                                                                    Thursday’s Carpool to Planned Parenthood
                                                                           With summer heat upon us, our regular THURSDAY trips
Thursday:       2 Cor 3:15—4:1, 3-6/Ps 85:9ab and 10, 11-12, 13-14
                [cf. 10b]/Mt 5:20-26                                       to PLANNED PARENTHOOD in Tempe will resume for
Friday:         Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9/Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 [3]/Eph 3:8-12, 14   the 2021 Fall Campaign in September for 40 Days
                -19/Jn 19:31-37                                            for Life.
Saturday:       2 Cor 5:14-21/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-12 [8a]/Lk         Do go anytime to the site to pray for the protection of
                2:41-51                                                    all human life from conception to natural death.
Next Sunday: Ez 17:22-24/Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16 [cf. 2a]/2 Cor 5:6-       PP doors are now open just two to three days a week!
                10/Mk 4:26-34                                                                 OUR PRAYERS ARE WORKING!!!!

Observances for the week of June 6, 2021                                            Remember in Your Prayers Family and
Sunday:       The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ                                       Friends who are ill.
Wednesday:    St. Ephrem, Deacon and Doctor of the Church                  Judith Arndt                  Carlos Julio              Barbara Plowman
Friday:       The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus                               Noelle Anderson               T. Kampmann               Preston Prewett
Saturday:     The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary              Irene A.                      Mary Kirkpatrick          Cameron Reedy
Next Sunday: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                  Stephen David Bell            Arturo Loas               Judith(Jude)Rusk
                                                                           Jane Brown                    Ricardo Loas              Rita Sargis
                                                                           Agatha(Mickey)Butcher         Omaira Garcia de Loas     Marie Shutts
                                                                           Kim C.                        Penny Latko               Carmen Sotelo
                                                                           Mary Cassar                   Charlie LaPlant           Jesus Sotelo
                                                                           Dolores Colman                Mel Latimer               Linda Kay Stump
                                                                           Ed Connell                    James Linse               Yoko Taylor
                                                                           Sean Gaughan                  Jan Mc.                   Andrew Todd
                                                                           Kelly Garrison                Kerri McDermot            Kristen V.
                                                                           Erin Gorney                   Kathleen Mignin           Jerry Ward
                                                                           Kim Green                     Richard Moulder           Lance Will
                                                                           Anna Gurczak                  Peter Murillo             Arlene Zuiker
                                                                           Shannon Hards                 Phil Pecora
                                                                           Steve Jordan                  Art Perez
                                                                           Please advise parish office 480-661-9842 for names to be removed. To
                                                                           keep list current, names listed for more than six months will be removed.
Page 6                              The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ                                     June 6, 2021

Sanctity of Life Quotes: “We must protect                              FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED
unborn babies from conception in the womb’”                  Are you having hearing issues here in
- Pope Francis                                               Church? We now have receivers with
                                                             earpieces available for your use. Just
VOCATIONS: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ            visit the sound booth located at the
“Christ came as high preist.” Do these words of Christ       back of the Church and a sound
challenge you to give your all for Him as a priest, deacon   technician will help you.
or in the consecrated life? Contact the Vocation Office at
602-354-2005 or                                           The parish has purchased a
                                                                                         subscription so that all our parishioners will
            STEWARDSHIP CORNER                                                         have access to great Catholic content through
                                                             their computer, Roku, Apple TV, Chromecast, Android, and iOS devices.
May 23, 2021         Sunday Collections                      It is completely free for parishioners.
ENVELOPES:                 $ 10,736.00                       Here’s how to create your account through the parish:
ELECTRONIC GIVING:         $ 21,689.00                       1. Visit
Protecting Our Future Fund                                   2. Click Sign Up
ENVELOPES:                 $     65.00                       3. Select “I Belong to a Parish or Organization”
ELECTRONIC GIVING:         $ 2,083.00                        4. Find our parish by entering our name
Thank you for your ongoing generosity                        5. Enter your email - and you’re in!
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