Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 - e-churchbulletins ...

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 - e-churchbulletins ...
January 16, 2022

                                                    Second Sunday in
                                                     Ordinary Time

Mission Statement….page 2    Parish Staff……… 3     Mass Schedule.…… 4
Organizations…… 5   Mass Intentions…….page 6     Daily Readings………page 6
Español……….…….page 8         Português ……….…page 10       Stewardship Report….page 12
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 - e-churchbulletins ...
From Monsignor Fran Cilia

                           There is an old expression in the Church, “lex orandi, lex credendi,”
                           translated as “the rule of prayer is the rule of faith. Put in other
                           words, it means that the way we pray reflects what we believe. Since
                           “the person who sings, prays twice,” (qui cantat, bis orat), what we
                           sing as part of our prayer at Mass should be a clear reflection of our
                           theology, as you can see below in the hymn I learned in school and
                           church long before I became a teen.
 Mission Statement         This hymn celebrated the Lord’s Epiphany as more than the one event
                           of the visit of the magi. It included two additional manifestations, the
                           Baptism of Jesus and the changing of water into wine at the wedding
  Founded in 1777,         feast at Cana in Galilee, which is our gospel reading for this weekend.
Saint Clare Parish is                           Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
an ethnically diverse      Songs of thankfulness and praise,          Manifest at Jordan's stream,
                           Jesus, Lord, to you we raise,              Prophet, Priest, and King supreme,
Catholic community of      manifested by the star                     and at Cana, wedding guest,
 faith, united in wor-     to the Magi from afar,                     in your Godhead manifest;
                           branch of royal David's stem,              manifest in pow'r divine,
ship, discipleship and     in your birth at Bethlehem.                changing water into wine.
                           Anthems be to you addressed,               Anthems be to you addressed,
service. In welcoming      God in flesh made manifest.                God in flesh made manifest.

immigrants, newcom-        May we continue to recognize the Lord throughout the course of our
ers and strangers, we      lives and in our world.

 strive to live the vir-
                               Second Collection: The Church in Latin America
  tues of justice and           _________________________________________________________________________

 love, so as to be the     Information about next week’s annual collection for the Church in
                           Latin America may be found on the information sheet that is printed,
 face of Christ in the     page 7, as part of this week’s Bulletin. Thanks for considering how
                           you can support this good work.
 world, becoming in
 Him a sign of unity
                           The Parish Office will be
and an instrument of       closed on Monday,
                           January 17 in observance
     God’s peace.          of Martin Luther King
                           Day Daily Mass will be
                           held at 9:00am

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 - e-churchbulletins ...
General Parish Meeting
                 Sunday, February 6 at 2:00 pm                             Main Office Number
                _____________________________________________              (408) 248-7786
As we begin charting the course the parish will travel toward our
                                                                           Monsignor Francis V. Cilia
250th Jubilee in 2027, we will embark upon a path that loosely   
follows the “Synodal” process that has been inaugurated for the            (669) 270-2700
universal Church by Pope Francis. Our formal parish introduction to
this process of “encounter, listening and discerning” will begin on        Parochial Vicar/
Sunday afternoon, February 6, from 2:00 until 3:30, in the parish          Vicario Parroquial
hall. More details will follow, but please plan to attend and even         Father Jonathan Cuarto
bring others who might not have been to church for a short or long
time. We hope to hear from as many as possible. For now, if you            (669) 270-2701
could email Msgr. Fran ( letting us know how many            Saint Clare School Principal
will attend, this will be a great help. Again, more details will follow.   Cecile Mantecon
Thank you!                                                       
                                                                           (408) 246-6797
                                                                           Catechetical Coordinator
                                With the coming of the new year, our       Sandra Quintanilla
                                Parish and Diocese renew the Annual
                                Diocesan Appeal. The theme of this         (669) 270-2702
                                year’s Appeal is Growing Together in
                                Faith. The ADA mailing should be           Youth Minister
                                arriving at your homes within days.        Director of Confirmation
                                Please read the materials that describe    Ryan Bao
                                Bishop Cantú’s request, based on the       (669) 270-2708
                                needs of the Diocese. Msgr. Fran has
                                also written a letter to encourage         Christian Initiation of Adults
support not only for the Diocese, but also for the parish. Our             (RCIA)
diocesan goal this year is $85,674. We have added an additional            Diane Madruga
$64,326 parish goal, for a total of $150,000. If we achieve this total
goal, we will have sufficient funds to re-roof the church, hopefully       Music Ministry
before the end of the year. This goal is ambitious, but with all of us     Christopher Wemp
working together, we can definitely accomplish it. Please consider
your response to this year’s Appeal over the next few weeks. We
                                                                           Administrative Staff
will be asking for your commitment at the end of January.                  Linda Ortiz Brisuela
                                                                           Laura Quiroz
                        Parish E-Mail List                       
                                                                           Parish Facilities/
Did you know that much of our parish correspondence is now done            Emergencies
by e-mail? Just under 500 households are on our mailing list. If you       Matt Dutra
have e-mail, please consider sharing your address with us so that you
can receive, among other things, our weekly Friday Update.                 (408) 904-9181

We promise that we will never share your email address with anyone         In Residence
else. Please contact the Parish Office to be added to the distribution     Father Daniel Urcia
list at or Thank you.       
                                                                           Father Martin Ezeador
                                                                           Father Paul-Cuong Phan
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 - e-churchbulletins ...
Youth Ministry News

                                   For Confirmation Candidates, our first
                                   small group sessions will be this week.
                                   Please check your email for a reminder.

                                   Save the date February 13th for our first
                                   youth ministry session this year! More
                                   information to come!
      Mass Schedule
                                   Cheer on our priests and seminarians at the Revs vs. Sems game on
     Weekend Masses                January 28th at 7pm. You can purchase tickets ($5) with cash or a
                                   check from Ryan Bao outside after Mass this Sunday!
  Saturday Evening Vigil
    (Livestreamed and
        in– person)
  5:00 p.m. (English)
  6:30 p.m. (Español)
  7:30 a.m. (English)
  9:00 a.m. (Portuguesa)
  10:30 a.m. (English)
  12:00 p.m. (Español)
Liturgy of the Word for Children
  During 10:30 a.m.
  Mass (English)
   Weekday Masses
Monday-Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Saturdays 3:00 p.m.– 3:30 p.m.
        (In the Tent)                                      Weekly Justice Challenge

     Office Address:               On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court
  725 Washington Street            made abortion legal in our country. Since then
  Santa Clara, CA 95050            millions and millions of unborn babies have been            killed. The most basic of all human rights is life.
                                   The most basic of all Catholic social principles is
           E-mail                  the right to life and dignity for every human per-           son. Your challenge this week is to do something
                                   to promote life and dignity for all. Advocate for unborn babies, fight
       Emergencies                 against euthanasia or the death penalty, speak out for the rights of
 (for the sick and dying):         those whose dignity has been stripped from them.
    Follow the prompt,             ©Center for Ministry Development. Published by the Pastoral Center /
                          All rights reserved
        then press 9

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 - e-churchbulletins ...
Saint Clare School

Brother Tom Redmond, S.M. - Distinguished Alumnus, Saint                  Parish Organizations
Clare School Class of 1966                                                Organizaciones Parroquiales
Brother Tom Redmond and his younger brother Allen both
graduated from Saint Clare School in the 1960s. Their parents,            Parish Pastoral Council
Dorothy and Daniel Redmond believed in Catholic education and in          Jasmine Vu
supporting the parish community in which they raised their children.
As a Marianist Brother based in Dayton, Ohio, Br. Tom leads re-
treats for his community throughout the world. Recently, he sent us       Parish Finance Council
greetings from Kenya where he has been leading retreats since early       Jerome Alabado
December for Marianist brothers and priests there.              

                                                                          Social Justice Committee
                                                                          Anne McMahon

                                                                          Saint Vincent de Paul Society
                                                                          Mick Gonzales
                                                                          (408) 645-0506

                                                                          Hispanic Council
                                                                          Elania Tablada
We are grateful to Brother Tom and his brother Allen for                  (408) 984-3519
establishing the Daniel and Dorothy Redmond Fund, which provides
professional development for teachers and makes Catholic education        Portuguese Council
accessible to needy families. Most recently, the fund allocated           Eduina Faria
$20,000 to the CleanAir4StClare Campaign to provide a climate             (650) 420-9908
controlled learning environment for our students.
In a recent reflection shared with our students, Brother Redmond          San José Chinese
wrote: As I went through grade school I began to sense that God was       Catholic Mission
calling me. This was supported by the Sisters of Notre Dame de            Mandarin Community
Namur along with the lay teachers and staff and by the Jesuit priests     Father Alberto Olivera, Pastor
who staffed the parish. This sense of call is hard to describe, but the
care and concern in the school and parish community really
encouraged this within me.                                                Cantonese Community
                                                                          Tony Lau
He continued by encouraging “...each of you to listen to the stirrings
in your heart. Ask God to bless you with light to help you see your
calling in life. May God bless each of you, and please know of my         Serra Club of Santa Clara
supportive prayer for you in your journey!”                               Cathleen Lencioni
Thank you, Brother Tom for your continued prayers for our                 (408) 248-6728
community and for inspiring us. We honor you as a Distinguished
Saint Clare Alumnus!                                                      Young Ladies Institute (YLI)
                                                                          Dolores Wriglesworth
             Donations are tax deductible and eligible for matching.
             Please send a check in any amount to the School ℅
             CleanAir4StClare or visit        Knights of Columbus
             cleanair4stclare to make a donation.                         Tony Colombo
             (Hover over the QR Code to navigate to the site.)
Mrs. Cecile Mantecon, Principal
Saint Clare School Forming hearts and minds since 1856
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 - e-churchbulletins ...
Mass Intentions
                                               January 15-22, 2022
                                                                                Mass on Monday January
                          5:00 pm        Saint Clare Parishioners               17th will be held at 9:00 am
                          6:30 pm        ——                                     in observance of Martin
                                                                                Luther King Jr. Day
Daily Readings
                          7:30 am        ——-                                    Monday 9:00 am
Monday                    9:00 am        Messalina Eleazar+
1 Samuel 15:16-23                                                               Roosevelt Family
Psalms 50:8-9, 16bc-                     Dora de Oliveira+
                                                                                Tuesday 8:00 am
17, 21, 23                               Manuel & Cristina Jeronimo+
                                         Rosa da Conceicao Machado+             —
Mark 2:18-22
                                         Jose S. Sanches+                       Wednesday 8:00 am
Tuesday                                  Manuel Clemente Machado+               Sebastian Segura-
1 Samuel 16:1-13                         Manuel Santos+                         Birthday
Psalms 89:20-22, 27-28                   Maria A. Madruga+
Mark 2:23-28                                                                    Thursday 8:00 am
                                         Maria L. Monteiro+
                                                                                Rev. Edward Allen+
Wednesday                                Jose R. Barcelos+
1 Samuel 17:32-33,                       Jose C. Barcelos+                      Friday 8:00 am
37, 40-51                                Vidalia Gaspar Rocha+                  ——
Psalms 144:1b, 2, 9-10    10:30 am       Christopher Do Rego+                   Saturday 8:00 am
Mark 3:1-6
                          12:00pm        Ida Lopez– Salud                       ——
1 Samuel 18:6-9; 19:1-7
Psalms 56:2-3, 9-13                        Virtual Boundaries & Appropriate
Mark 3:7-12                                     Online Safety Measures
1 Samuel 24:3-21          Virtual boundaries and Online Safety remain parament to the wellbeing
Psalms 57:2-4, 6, 11      of our youth. Never has the concept of "virtual boundaries" been more
Mark 3:13-19              important than today, as we all spend more and more time people are
                          signing on to various virtual and social media platforms connecting with
Saturday                  others. As a result, we find ourselves increasingly needing to delineate
2 Samuel 1:1-4, 11-12,    boundaries more clearly, so that our online behavior is just as appropriate
19, 23-27                 as it should be in-person, and so that children are safe. Regardless of
Psalms 80:2-3, 5-7        your role or position in the life of a child, the focus of this information is
                          to provide the framework for a context of appropriate boundaries and
Mark 3:20-21              best practices to help keep online interaction and discussion with youth
                          appropriate a with proper oversight.
Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10     Virtual Boundaries & Appropriate Online Safety Measures - Diocese of San Jose (
Psalms 19:8-10, 15
1 Corinthians 12:12-30
Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 - e-churchbulletins ...
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 - e-churchbulletins ...
De Monseñor Fran Cilia

                                    Hay una antigua expresión en la Iglesia, “lex orandi, lex credendi”,
                                    traducida como “la regla de la oración es la regla de la fe. En otras
                                    palabras, significa que la forma en que oramos refleja lo que creemos.
                                    Ya que “el que canta, ora dos veces” (qui cantat, bis orat), lo que
                                    cantamos como parte de nuestra oración en la Misa debe ser un claro
                                    reflejo de nuestra teología, como pueden ver a continuación en el
                                    himno que aprendí en la escuela. y la iglesia mucho antes de
convertirme en adolescente.

Este himno celebró la Epifanía del Señor como algo más que el único evento de la visita de los magos.
Incluyó dos manifestaciones adicionales, el bautismo de Jesús y la transformación del agua en vino en
la fiesta de bodas en Caná de Galilea, que es nuestra lectura del evangelio para este fin de semana.

                                 Canciones de Agradecimiento y Alabanza
          Cantos de agradecimiento y alabanza,           Manifiesta en el arroyo del Jordán,
          Jesús, Señor, a ti elevamos,                   Profeta, Sacerdote y Rey supremo,
          manifestado por la estrella                    y en Caná, invitado de bodas,
          a los Reyes Magos de lejos,                    en tu Deidad manifestada;
          rama del tallo real de David,                  manifiesta en poder divino,
          en tu nacimiento en Belén.                     cambiando el agua en vino.
          Los himnos sean dirigidos a ti,                Los himnos sean dirigidos a ti,
          Dios en carne hecho manifiesto.                Dios en carne hecho manifiesto.

Que sigamos reconociendo al Señor a lo largo de nuestras vidas y en nuestro mundo.

                      Segunda Colecta: La Iglesia en América Latina

La información sobre la colecta anual de la próxima semana para la Iglesia en América Latina se puede
encontrar en la hoja de información que se imprime como parte del Boletín de esta semana. Gracias por
considerar cómo puede apoyar este buen trabajo.

                                 Reunión General Parroquial
                               Domingo 6 de Febrero a las 2:00 pm

A medida que comenzamos a trazar el curso que la parroquia viajará hacia nuestro 250 aniversario en
2027, nos embarcaremos en un camino que vagamente sigue el proceso "sinodal" que ha sido
inaugurado para el Iglesia universal por el Papa Francisco. Nuestra introducción formal parroquial a
este proceso de “encuentro, escucha y discernimiento” comenzará el domingo 6 de febrero por la tarde,
de 2:00 a 3:30, en el salón parroquial. Más detalles seguirán, pero por favor planee asistir e incluso
traer a otras personas que quizás no hayan ido a la iglesia por un tiempo corto o largo. Esperamos tener
noticias de tantos como sea posible. Por ahora, si pudiera enviar un correo electrónico a Mons. Fran
( haciéndonos saber cuántos asistirán, esto será de gran ayuda. Nuevamente, seguirán
más detalles. ¡Gracias!

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 - e-churchbulletins ...
Con la llegada del nuevo año, nuestra parroquia y diócesis renuevan la
                                 Campaña Diocesana Anual. El tema de la Campaña de este año es
                                 Crecer juntos en la fe. El correo de la ADA debería llegar a sus hogares
                                 en unos días. Lea los materiales que describen la solicitud del obispo
                                 Cantú, según las necesidades de la Diócesis. Mons. Fran también ha
                                 escrito una carta para animar apoyo no solo a la Diócesis, sino también a
                                 la parroquia. Nuestra meta diocesana para este año es $ 85,674. Hemos
                                 agregado una meta parroquial adicional de $ 64,326, para un total de
                                 $150,000. Si logramos esta meta total, tendremos fondos suficientes
para volver a techar la iglesia, con suerte antes de fin de año. Este objetivo es ambicioso, pero si todos
trabajamos juntos, definitivamente podemos lograrlo. Considere su respuesta a la apelación de este año
durante las próximas semanas. Le pediremos su compromiso a finales de enero.

                          Lista de Correo Electrónico de la Parroquia

¿Sabía que gran parte de la correspondencia de nuestra parroquia ahora se realiza por correo
electrónico? Un poco menos de 500 hogares están en nuestra lista de correo. Si tiene un correo
electrónico, considere compartir su dirección con nosotros para que pueda recibir, entre otras cosas,
nuestra actualización semanal de los viernes.

Prometemos que nunca compartiremos su dirección de correo electrónico con nadie más. Comuníquese
con la Oficina Parroquial para agregarlo a la lista de distribución en o Gracias.

                                                 Aparte la Fecha!

                         Boletos ya disponible para el juego épico de
                         baskeball Revs vs Sems, sacerdotes vs
                         seminaristas, el próximo 28 de enero del 2022 en la
                         escuela Saint Francis High School. Las puertas
                         abren a las 6:00pm y el juego comienza alas 7:00
                         pm. Ven y anima a tu sacerdote favorito y a los
                         seminaristas. Boletos solo a $5! Contacte a nuestro
                         director de jóvenes, Ryan Bao para boletos y mas
                         información o ala oficina parroquial.

                    Oficina Cerrada

La oficina parroquial estará cerrada el lunes 17 de enero en
observación del dia de Martin Luther King Jr.. Resumiendo
horario regular el Martes. La misa diaria será celebrada a
las 9:00am

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 - e-churchbulletins ...
Boletim Paroquial Português
                                  Domingo II do Tempo Comum -C
                                  Reflexão por: João Pereira Arruda

                                    Entramos no Tempo Comum com o primeiro milagre de Jesus nas
                                    bodas de Caná. Pode-se observar neste Evangelho deste Domingo
                                    do papel de Maria em apontar Jesus como solução dos nossos
                                    problemas. Maria ao observar a falta de vinho e que esta falta
                                    poderia resultar em desastre numa festa de grande importância na
                                    sociedade de então; muito discretamente apontou Jesus como a
solução deste problema dizendo “ fazei tudo como Ele vos disser”. Jesus neste milagre afirmou a sua
divindade revelando aos Apóstolos e seus discípulos de como Deus é operante na tranformação das
nossas vidas. Tal como a transformação da água em vinho é reconhecida pela alegria que gera de quem
dele usa; assim Jesus opera tranformação nas nossas vidas transformando-as do desalento á esparança
da salvação. Ao observarem o milagre os presentes reconhecerem em Jesus como alguém com um
poder forte de transformação sobrenatural. Pela fé também nos é legado esse poder de transformação.
Primeiro temos que reconhecer que a transformações que operamos nas nossas vidas não podem ser
bem sucedidas sem a presença operante de Jesus Cristo; qualquer transformação não acontece por mere
acaso mas pela oração e esforços e experiências de vivença com Jesus estas transformações acontecem
e o nosso crescimento acontece na confiança de que Jesus está connosco e não nos abandona. Segundo:
Jesus não marca preseça naquilo que pensamos ser processos de transformação de vida; mas sómente
desejos que gostaria-mos de ter ou possuir mas estes são “decorações” para adornarem a casa mas não
são de importância na sustentabilidade desta para ser moradia. Há uma diferença muito grande no
“desejo de tranformação”; entre o essencia e crescimento de vida e o desejo de ter melhor – mais
poderoso ou mais rico do que os outros. Ganhar a lotaria pode transformar de pobre a rica mas não
assegura de ser pecador em santo. A palavra de ordem para este Domingo em que entramos nas
liturgias do Tempo Comum é “TRANSFORMAÇÃO” e assim sugerimos que se faça uma refleção
séria sobre o significado da mesma e a importância que tem no nosso viver quuotidiano cristão. Depois
das grandes celebrações do Tempo do Natal e até á entrada no Tempo de Quaresma, iremos viver este
Tempo Comum caminhando com Jesus Cristo no nosso dia a dia, que é tão importante como viver as
grandes festas da nossa fé. Jesus Cristo continua a nos assistir com a Sua presença na Eucaristia e na
Santa Comunhão. Na caminhado que fazemos sejamos orantes e generosos no uso dos nossos dons
espirituais ao bem comum das nossas famílias, comunidade e paróquia que pertencemos e neste
processo Jesus está connosco passo a passo a transformar o nosso crecimento de vida na fé.

                                   Prespectivas de Ano Novo

Continuamos em tempo de pandemia; tem sido um tempo de sofrimento, abnegação, a mudança de
costumes ou hábitos. A nossa aderência e obediência ás sugestões que nos são apresentadas pelas
autoridades do Condado e da nossa Diocese de São José têem sido cumpridas e esta atitude é cristão e
louvável. Neste Novo Ano de 2022 continuemos neste mesmo espírito atentos ás mudaças a que
estamos sugeitos continuemos a orar pelo fim desta pandemia, pelos que estão infectados e pelos que
corajosamente continuam a assistir os infectados e enfermos. A pandemia também causa incerteza no
projectos que o nosso Conselho tem de actividades para a nossa comunidade, cedo estes apareçam
serão apresentados na página portuguesa deste boletim.

                               Um Santo e feliz Domingo para todos!!

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Around the Diocese                                            Stewardship Report
                  ______________________________                               ____________________________

   January 21-23, Marriage Program, Hosted by:                                   Sunday Collection:
     Retrouvaille of San Jose/Silicon Valley.                                                     Weekly Goal: $7,850.00

 January 29 Mass of Remembrance for the                                        Last Sunday:$8,763.00
  Victims & Survivors of Violence at Holy Cross
— Church                                                                               Thank You !!

   February 2, World Day for Consecrated Life

February 11 White Mass for Medical Community
— at Queen of Apostles at 6:00 pm

   February 4-6, Men’s Discernment Weekend

   February 11– 13, Women’s Discernment Weekend

                          Get your tickets with
                           Ryan Bao for $5
                             cash or check

                       Welcome!                                                       ¡Bienvenido!
Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us,               Nuestra más cordial bienvenida a todos los que están
whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the             celebrando con nosotros, ya sea que han estado por largo
parish. We thank God for you. If you are not registered,        tiempo o estén recién llegados a la parroquia. Damos
please fill out this form and place it in the collection        gracias a Dios por ustedes. Si aún no está registrado, por
basket or mail it to the parish office.                         favor, llene este formulario y póngalo en la canasta de la
                                                                coleta o mándelo por correo a la oficina de la parroquia.
Name: ________________________________________
                                                                Nombre (s): ___________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
                                                                Dirección: _____________________________________
City: ________________________Zip______________
                                                                Ciudad: ________________Código postal: ___________
Phone: _______________________________________
                                                                Numero teléfono: _______________________________
Email: ________________________________________
                                                                Correo electrónico: ______________________________
         Would you like to receive envelopes?                           ¿Desea recibir sobres de contribución?
            ______ Yes         ______ No                                     ______ Si        ______ No
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