FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME - July 4, 2021 - Parishes Online

Page created by Rodney Holmes
FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME - July 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME - July 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
FLIP THE SWITCH!                              everything to understand what’s
If you were worshipping this past             what and how each system truly
weekend at our St. Philip the Apostle         works. By the time you read this,
Church, you probably noticed that the         they’ve been on the job for four
ceiling fans were going like gangbusters,     weeks.
whipping up a little bit of a breeze inside
the church. However, it was still a bit       In that time they’ve had to deal with
humid and uncomfortable. I can tell you       flooding in multiple basements,
                                                                                         coming in to determine what is
why.                                          gutters that needed blowing out (to
                                                                                         causing some of our glitches. But
                                              help prevent future flooding), gas
                                                                                         the glitch on June 20 was all me.
Earlier that morning one of our               leaks in several buildings at both
                                                                                         Silly me.
maintenance crew members flipped the          campuses, roof leaks, three failed
switch in the sacristy to turn on the air     sump pumps and a destroyed water
                                                                                         Now, if only we could call down the
conditioning, knowing that the day was        heater, the end of school events, and
                                                                                         Holy Spirit in his fullness on our
going to be another hot and humid one.        minor interior renovations.
                                                                                         parish with the flip of a switch, I’d be
Fantastic. We are fortunate to have air       Meanwhile, they are also tending to
                                                                                         ecstatic. However, the Spirit doesn’t
conditioning in both our churches. We         the ordinary maintenance needs.
                                                                                         quite work that way. More prayer is
are made more comfortable by having                                                      needed. And more Alpha efforts,
this capability.                              They’re doing a fantastic job. So
                                                                                         and the like, will be needed.
                                              when you read the above stuff about
Even though the sacristy switch was           not being aware that the basement
                                                                                         By the way, we’ll be offering a new
flipped, calling for cooler air, nothing      switch at St. Philip cuts off the
                                                                                         Alpha course this fall. Let’s “flip that
happened.                                     upstairs switch in the sacristy, I am
                                                                                         switch” and start talking up Alpha
                                              definitely not criticizing. I mention it
                                                                                         among your family and friends who
Nothing happened because we’ve got            only to say, there’s a lot involved in
                                                                                         have not yet attended!
two new maintenance team members.             maintenance and our newest guys
One is the head of maintenance. The           who are fantastic, are getting their
other, his assistant. Our new head            hands around all the systems,              HAPPY JULY 4
maintenance guy, Bobby, went down             literally!                                 Independence Day is here. After
into the St. Philip Church basement                                                      Mass on Sunday, I plan on flying to
earlier in the week to turn off the air       On the same topic of “switches,” if        Atlanta to spend three days with my
conditioning. Church was getting too          you were at St. Philip Church the          brother and his family. Like many of
cold.                                         weekend of June 20, and you only           you, I haven’t seen or been with
                                              heard the last two-thirds of my            family—aside from Face Time and
The switch in the sacristy only works         homily, that was not because of a          Zoom—for over a year.
when the main switch in the basement is       short in the sound system or some
engaged. Our new guys are still figuring      other mystery failing of the system. I     I’m looking forward to it. May your
out how all our systems work. Like most       simply forgot to turn on my personal       own holiday be joyous and relaxing!
parishes, we don’t have up-to-date            mic.                                       Happy Independence Day!
operating manuals. (The switch in the
sacristy was installed only a few years       Yep. It was me. I forgot. Till I
ago, I’m told).                               remembered.

In the absence of current operating           We have been having difficulties with
manuals, it will take a while for our         the sound systems at both Churches,
maintenance team to work through              and we have a new consultant

                    OUR VISION STATEMENT
 Divine Mercy Parish is a Welcoming Community that Inspires
Disciples of Jesus to Share God’s Love and Transform the World.
      Making Disciples • Building Church • Serving Others
FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME - July 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
COMMUNITY                                                                                     OUTREACH
CONGRATULATIONS                                 A LUMEN CHRISTI INSTITUTE                     A JUST HARVEST NEEDS
                                                EVENT:                                        OUR HELP
                                                A School for the Lord’s Service: A            Throughout the pandemic A JUST
                                                Meditation on the Rule of                     HARVEST remained open and
                                                St. Benedict: Sunday July 25, 7:30 p.m.       continues to serve a record number of
                                                Written for monks living in Italy almost      clients. Now they need our help with a
                                                1600 years ago, The Rule of St. Benedict      number of projects. There will be
                                                is remarkable for its wisdom, its             scheduled days to participate. If you are
                                                discretion, and its clarity. St. Benedict     interested, please email David Crawford
                                                draws on Scripture and the theological        at David will
                                                tradition that preceded him to craft a        contact you with specific information.
                                                text that combines both detailed
                                                prescriptions for daily life in a monastery   INDOOR
                                                and the principles of a spiritual theology.   Cleaning the kitchen and dining areas
                                                All these prescriptions and theological       Painting the kitchen and dining areas
                                                principles he sees as foundation of a         This opportunity is for ADULTS ONLY
                                                School for the Lord’s Service. In this        and anyone who participates MUST wear
                                                webinar we will look at several elements      a mask.
Congratulations to Evette Castro                of that “school” that guide any Christian
Longalong & Kylle Angelo DeLeon                 to “run along the path of God’s               OUTDOOR
Consing on their wedding day,                   commandments, our hearts overflowing          Assist with:
Friday, June 25, 2021                           wit the inexpressible delight of              Composting
                                                love” (Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue 49).    Hoop House
ARCHDIOCESE LIFTS COVID-19                                                                    Clearing the parking lot
RESTRICTIONS                                    Join the Lumen Christi Institute for this     Building a Library Box
If you don’t receive our e-blast yet, (to       monthly special series on Monastic            Other possible projects
sign-up, email Judy Pyke                        Wisdom. This event will be held online        These opportunities are for ADULTS
at or           through Zoom (registration required)          ONLY.
call the parish office) or have not seen the    and live-streamed to YouTube.
parish news on our website, the                 Click here to register or visit https://      Many thanks to our many parishioners
Archdiocese has issued guidelines              who have donated funds, goods and
in accordance with the State for Phase 5                                                      time to keep A JUST HARVEST open
of Restore Illinois, essentially lifting most                                                 and running!
of our restrictions. Thus, we are at 100%
capacity at both our churches;
reservations are no longer required to
attend Mass; and face masks are no
longer required unless you are
unvaccinated (or you feel more
comfortable wearing one). You can read
the full list of guidelines on our website
under Parish News and Events or by
clicking here.


                                                                                       PLEASE MAKE A REGULAR
  For online donations, our Parish uses
                                                                                       DONATION TO DIVINE MERCY
                                                                                       Your generosity helps us bring you the Mass
                                                                                       each week, do the good work of the parish,
                                                                                       support our outreach efforts and keep the
                                                          Scan the Code                lights on! We are grateful beyond measure for
 Sign up for online giving at
                                                           to Donate!                  your support. God Bless You!!
FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME - July 4, 2021 - Parishes Online

SACRED VESSELS                                                                           MASS INTENTIONS
                                                                                         Would you like a Mass said for a loved
All of the items used at Mass and in our Catholic Rituals have unique names and
                                                                                         one? Just call Megan Nolan at our
uses. Many of us see them used but few of us may know their names.
                                                                                         office at 847-881-6664 or 847-446-
Notwithstanding, after years of use, refurbishing them to their original look
                                                                                         0856, and she’ll be able to help you.
becomes essential. We have prioritized what items must be refinished rather than
replacing, which keeps costs down dramatically. Here are a few examples:                 You can also email Megan Nolan at

                                          These three containers (called ciboria,        RESPECT LIFE PRAYER:
                                          the plural of ciborium) are priced at          That as our nation observes
                                          $1755 but to refinish all three of them        Independence Day, we may give
                                          would cost $750. It is our obligation to       thanks for our freedom and use it in
                                          have all vessels used to hold the Body         the service of life and of God, we pray
                                          of Christ in pristine condition.               to the Lord...

                                                                                         WORSHIP AIDS FOR MASS
                                                                                         Worship aids for Mass can be found on
                                                                                         our website, which you can download
                                                                                         before you come to
                                                                                         Mass or scan this QR
                                                                                         code with your smart
                                                                                         phone camera to
  We’ve all seen the Holy Water
                                                                                         access it at church or
  container and sprinkler. This is a vital part of our Wedding and Funeral Masses,
                                                                                         at home so that you
  Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday.
                                                                                         can follow along. NOTE: all three
  These are in need of cleaning and replating: $225 each, to buy a new could be as       Masses will appear, so you’ll need to
  much as $1000.                                                                         scroll to the Mass you are attending.

  There are other vessels which need our attention and as donations are made
                                                                                         We pray the Rosary together online at
  these items will be prioritized.
                                                                                         7:30 am each week day. All are
  Your contribution allows you to commemorate a father, godfather, priest,               welcome to experience the joy of
  grandfather or father-like figure in your life. A list of memorials or honorariums     praying in community. You can find
  will be kept on file in the liturgy and music office.                                  the link here or you can dial in by
                                                                                         calling +1 312 626 6799, Meeting ID:
  If you’d like to make a donation towards this effort, you can call the parish office   261 495 7344, Passcode: 534493
  at 847-446-0856 or click here (
                                                                                         The Rosary is also prayed after 8:00
  event/30491) to be taken directly to our Give Central online gift portal.
                                                                                         am Mass on Fridays at
  Thank you so much for your generosity.
                                                                                         St. Philip the Apostle.
                                                                                         Join us!

                                                                                         POPE FRANCIS ON
                                                                                         Sister, brother, let Jesus
                                                                                         look upon and heal your
                                                                                         heart. And if you have already felt His
                                                                                         tender gaze upon you, imitate Him;
                                                                                         do as He does. Help us to bring
                                                                                         comfort to those with wounded
                                                                                         hearts whom we meet on our journey.
FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME - July 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
RENEW MY CHURCH NEWS                        Africa as slaves to Sicily. He was born a    figure. On one occasion, a barking dog
FOR OUR SHARING PARISHES                    slave but was set free in his youth. His     prevented Moses from carrying out a
We recently connected with our two          temperament was refined and cheerful,        robbery, so he swore vengeance on the
sharing parishes, and wanted to share       despite the racial slurs he suffered from    owner. Weapons in his mouth, Moses
some news with you. First, St. Benedict     his neighbors. He eventually gave all his    swam the river toward the owner's hut.
the African Parish will remain intact as    possessions to the poor and became a         The owner, again alerted, hid, and the
they had already undergone a parish         hermit near Palermo, following the rule      frustrated Moses took some of his
consolidation when St. Benedict the         of Saint Francis.                            sheep to slaughter. Attempting to hide
African East merged with St. Benedict                                                    from local authorities, he took shelter
                                            When Benedict was forty years old, Pius
the African West in 2016. They actually                                                  with some monks in a colony in the
                                            IV decreed that all such hermits should
have undergone several consolidations                                                    desert of Scete, near Alexandria. The
                                            become members of the Franciscan
in the last 20-30 years. The following                                                   dedication of their lives, as well as their
                                            Order. Benedict entered a friary in
information regarding their history can                                                  peace and contentment, influenced
                                            Palermo as a lay brother. The friars
be found on their website:                                                               Moses deeply. He soon gave up his old
                                            there appointed him as their superior
“Eight parishes formed into two worship                                                  way of life and joined the monastic
                                            because of his outstanding virtue, even
communities along geographical lines:                                                    community at Scete.
                                            though he was not a priest. As superior
St. Justin Martyr, St. Raphael, and         he introduced a stricter observance of       He had a rather difficult time adjusting
Sacred Heart came together at the St.       the Franciscan Rule and was venerated        to regular monastic discipline. His flair
Justin Martyr site. St. Brendan, Our        by all his brethren. He asked to be          for adventure remained with him.
Lady of Solace, St. Martin, St. Bernard,    allowed to return to the kitchen when        Attacked by a group of robbers in his
and St. Carthage came together in a         his term as superior ended. People           desert cell, Moses fought back,
new church built on the site of the 1968-   began coming to see him from all over        overpowered the intruders, and
razed St. Bernard church.                   Sicily for spiritual direction. He became    dragged them to the chapel where the
By 1995 the single parish with two          famous for his care for the sick and the     other monks were at prayer. He told the
worship sites split into two separate       hungry.                                      brothers that he didn't think it Christian
parishes (St. Benedict the African West                                                  to hurt the robbers and asked what he
                                            He died after a severe illness, at the
and St. Benedict the African East),                                                      should do with them. The overwhelmed
                                            hour he had foretold. Years after his
reflecting the independent growth and                                                    robbers repented, were converted, and
                                            death, when his body was exhumed it
stable Eucharistic communities at each                                                   themselves joined the community.
                                            was found incorrupt. His veneration
site.                                       spread throughout Italy, to Spain and        Moses became the spiritual leader of a
2016 saw a further evolution of Catholic    Portugal, and even to Latin America.”        colony of hermits in the desert. At some
presence in Englewood, as both                                                           time, he had been ordained priest. At
                                            St. Columbanus
parishes formed a single new parish of                                                   about age 75, about the year 407, word
                                            The Archdiocesan Renew My Church
St. Benedict the African (SBA), with no                                                  came that a group of renegades planned
                                            effort has united the parishes of St.
indicators of west or east. We are                                                       to attack the colony. The brothers
                                            Columbanus, St. Dorothy and St.
hopeful and strong with the newness of                                                   wanted to defend themselves, but
                                            Clotilde as one new parish with St.
our faith community, and move forward                                                    Moses forbade it. He told them to
                                            Columbanus serving as the parish
with the confidence, courage, and joy of                                                 retreat, rather than take up weapons.
                                            church. (St. Dorothy and St. Clotilde will
a people who share faith and                                                             He and seven others remained behind
                                            move toward formal closure). There will
faithfulness.”                                                                           and greeted the invaders with open
                                            be no changes to Augustus Tolton
                                                                                         arms, but all eight were martyred by the
Do you know much about its namesake,        Academy (the school located at the St.
                                                                                         bandits. A modern interpretation
St. Benedict the African? He lived from     Columbanus site).
                                                                                         honors St. Moses the Black as an
1526 to 1589, and his feast day is          The people of this new parish discerned      apostle of non-violence.”
celebrated on April 4th.                    a new name for the parish with the help
                                                                                         Please keep the people of St. Benedict
“Benedict’s parents were brought from       of the Holy Spirit (just as we discerned
                                                                                         the African and St. Moses the Black
                                            the name of Divine Mercy): St. Moses
                                                                                         parishes in your prayers, particularly as
                                            the Black. According to the EWTN
                                                                                         we all work to renew our churches.
                                            website, “St. Moses the Black,
                                            sometimes called the Ethiopian, was a
                                            slave of a government official in Egypt
                                            who dismissed him for theft and
                                            suspected murder. He became the
                                            leader of a gang of bandits who roamed
                                            the Nile Valley spreading terror and
                                            violence. He was a large, imposing
FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME - July 4, 2021 - Parishes Online

           Happy Fourth of July to All of Our Children’s Ministry Families!
             We are looking for a few good men and women to serve!

We are blessed to have outstanding, experienced catechists lined up for nearly all of our grades, but we
                could use a few more! Some of the many benefits of teaching include:
                                • Enjoying the children in the parish
                  • Learning about the faith through preparation and presentation
                         • Sharing the faith with the children and families
            • Meeting a wonderful group of people who also are learning and growing —
                                   and those are other catechists
       • Getting involved in the wonders of parish life, which is fun, rewarding and never dull!
                                 • Giving back, paying it forward!
   Please contact Kathy Handelman at for information.

             Registration is Coming!
 You will be receiving an email with a link to register the
 week after the Fourth of July! Please plan to register as
 soon as possible so we can begin the lengthy process of
ordering materials, preparing classes and getting supplies
 ready to go! Get ready to twist and shout for in-person
               Children’s Ministry sessions!
FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME - July 4, 2021 - Parishes Online

                        LOOK WHAT’S HAPPENING AT
                          SACRED HEART SCHOOL!

                                                  There are limited office hours during
                                                  the month of July. Please call before
                                                  you stop by. Regular office hours will
                                                   resume August 2nd. Please visit our
                                                       website with any questions.

We are still accepting applications for the 2021-22 school year. You can go on our website to
set up a tour or email Sara Lanser at

If you or someone you know is interested in applying for a part-time, pre-school teacher
position please call or send a resume to
FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME - July 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME - July 4, 2021 - Parishes Online

 PRESIDER SCHEDULE                                                 SPIRITUAL COMMUNION
 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY                                                  My Jesus,
 July 10, 2021                                          I believe that you are present in the
 5:00 p.m.                                                      Most Holy Sacrament.
 Presider: Fr. John Kartje                                   I love you above all things,
                                                      and I desire to receive you into my soul.
 July 11, 2021
                                                           Since I cannot at this moment
 8:00 a.m.                                                   receive you sacramentally,
 Presider: Fr. Dan Cassidy                             please come spiritually into my heart.
                                                                  I embrace you now
 July 11, 2021
                                                             as if you were already there
 10:00 a.m.                                               and I unite myself wholly to you.
 Presider: Fr. John Kartje                           Never permit me to be separated from you.
                MINISTERS OF CARE                                                         PLEASE PRAY
Given restrictions of nursing homes in the State of Illinois,                        For Those Who Are Sick
the constraints of safety protocols of the Archdiocese, and           The following people suffer from illness or chronic conditions.
the fact that the majority of our volunteers fall into the                They have asked for the prayers of our parish family.
vulnerable category, home visits by Ministers of Care cannot                       Please remember them to the Lord.
be made at this time. If your loved one is seriously ill or                Mark Agnew, Jeannie Ambrose, Michael Anderson,
near death, and in need of the Sacrament of the Sick /                 Donald Blair, Dennis Braun, Ron Braun, Wendy Braun, Patt
Last Rites, please contact the parish office at 847-446-               Carlson, John Coyne, Dan Dawson, Lisa Marie Franke, Paul
0856. One of our priests will respond to your call. Please                 Greco, Benjamin Grillo, Jack Hogan, Mark Iserloth,
leave a message!!                                                              Mario Iturino, Philip Jones, Barnett Kolton,
                                                                       Gina Quirk Lazicki, Matt Madden, Beth O’Brien, Joan Rohrs,
              LITURGICAL MINISTERS                                                          Sister Betty Tranel

July 10, 2021 Sacred Heart Church                                                   For Those Who Have Died
5:00 p.m. Julie Hartvigsen                                                         May the souls of faithfully departed,
                                                                                 through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
July 11, 2021 St. Philip the Apostle Church
8:00 a.m. Bob Snediker

July 11, 2021 Sacred Heart Church                                    Readings for the week of July 4, 2021
10:00 a.m. Mary Newton                                               Sunday:           Ez 2:2-5/Ps 123:1-2, 2, 3-4 [2cd]/
                                                                                       2 Cor 12:7-10/Mk 6:1-6a
If you are interested in the ministry of Lector at either Sacred     Monday:           Gn 28:10-22a/Ps 91:1-2, 3-4, 14-15 ab
Heart or St. Philip the Apostle, please contact Ron Vanasdlen,                         [cf. 2b]/Mt 9:18-26
via email                       Tuesday:          Gn 32:23-33/Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b
                                                                     and               15 [15a]/Mt 9:32-38
                                                                     Wednesday:        Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a/Ps 33:2-3,
                                                                                       10-11, 18-19 [22]/Mt 10:1-7
                                                                     Thursday:         Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5/Ps 105:16-
                                                                                       17, 18-19, 20-21 [5a]/Mt 10:7-15
                                                                     Friday:           Gn 46:1-7, 28-30/Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-
                                                                     28,               39-40 [39a]/Mt 10:16-23
                                                                     Saturday:         Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4,
                                                                                       6-7 [cf. Ps 69:33]/Mt 10:24-33
                                                                     Next Sunday:      Am 7:12-15/Ps 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14 [8]/
                                                                                       Eph 1:3-14 or 1:3-10/Mk 6:7-13
FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME - July 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS             Meetings at Divine Mercy are               Please adhere to the following
WEEK AT BOTH SACRED                  gradually returning. Check with the        specifications when submitting an
                                     parish office for the most up to date      item for the bulletin. The deadline is
HEART AND ST. PHILIP                 information.                               Tuesday, 9:00am for the following
MONDAY, July 5 (SH)
8:00 a.m. - Suzanne and David                                                   BULLETIN SPECS:
           Johnson                    Please call the Parish Office at 847-     FONT STYLE: Corbel
                                      446-0856 for information regarding        FONT SIZE:
TUESDAY, July 6 (SPA)                 Sacraments, or visit our website          Headlines: 12 (ALL CAPS & BOLD)
8:00 a.m. - John Flynn                at         Body text: 10
                                                                                LINE SPACING:
WEDNESDAY, July 7 (SH)                The Sacrament of Reconciliation           Before and After Paragraphs: 0pt
8:00 a.m. - Mary MacFarland           is offered at both of our worship         Between Lines: 1sp
                                                                                Avoid outlining text boxes, if you can.
                                      sites. Sacred Heart Church offers
THURSDAY, July 8 (SH)                 the Sacrament on Saturday
                                                                                Continue to create ads for special
8:00 a.m. - Robert Schinderle         mornings between 9:00 a.m. and            events like Nite Lites. We simply ask
                                      9:30 a.m. and at St. Philip the           you incorporate the Corbel font style
FRIDAY, July 9 (SPA)                  Apostle Church on Wednesday               when you are able. Please submit all
8:00 a.m. - Sande Bolan               afternoons with Fr. Javier Del            items to:
                                      Castillo from 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
SATURDAY, July 10 (SH)                And there is no need to make a
5:00 p.m. - Coradini Family and       reservation! We remind everyone
Parishioners of Divine Mercy          to wear a mask, and that you’ll be         DIVINE MERCY OFFICES
                                      greeted by someone from our
SUNDAY, July 11                       reopening team.                            Given the constraints of the
8:00 a.m. (SPA) - John Flynn                                                     pandemic, our offices are only
10:00 a.m. (SH) - Robert Gast Yale    Please know that if it has been a while    open in the mornings from
                                      since your last confession, “Do not be     9:00 a.m. until 12:15 p.m.
                                      afraid!” (Matthew 14:27). The priest
                                                                                 Monday through Friday. You
                                      will help guide you.
                                                                                 can reach us by calling
                                      A suggested Act of Contrition is:          847-446-0856.
                                      My God, I am sorry for my sins
                                      with all my heart. In choosing to          You can also reach any staff
                                      do wrong and failing to do good, I         member via email. You can
                                      have sinned against you whom I             find that directory on the next
                                      should love above all things. I            page.
                                      firmly intend, with your help, to do
                                      penance, to sin no more, and to            Office Address:
                                      avoid whatever leads me to sin.
                                                                                 Divine Mercy Parish
                                      Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered
                                      and died for us. In his name, my           1077 Tower Rd.
                                      God, have mercy. (Rite of                  Winnetka, IL 60093
                                      Penance, no. 45)
                                                                                 Thank you for your

 Pastor - Rev. Steven M. Lanza,
 Resident - Rev. Daniel Cassidy,
 Deacon Mike McNulty,
 Deacon Gerry Keenan,, 773-251-6626
 Deacon Bob Puhala,
 Director of Communications - Judy Pyke,
 Principal Sacred Heart School - Kristen Fink,
 Director of Evangelization and Lifelong Formation - Sue Lehocky,
 Director of Pastoral Care and Outreach - Maureen Valvassori,
 Director of Liturgy & Music - Ron Vanasdlen,
 Director of Operations - Michelle Wasielewski,
 Finance Office - Cindy Atsaves,
 Coordinator of Children’s Ministry - Kathy Handelman,
 Children’s Ministry Administrator – Kelly Shoup,
 Administrative Assistant - Megan Nolan,
 Maintenance Engineer - Bobby Tuebert,
 Maintenance Staff - Eamon Marks

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                                                                                                                              (847) 446-1421
                                                                                                                             801 Oak Street, Winnetka

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