SPRING + SUMMER 2018 Exhibitions & Programs - Art Gallery of Burlington

SPRING + SUMMER 2018 Exhibitions & Programs - Art Gallery of Burlington
     SUMMER 2018
                            Exhibitions & Programs

Kids classes supported by
SPRING + SUMMER 2018 Exhibitions & Programs - Art Gallery of Burlington
SPRING +                                                                              VISITING
    SUMMER 2018                                                                           THE GALLERY
    Exhibitions & Programs
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Admission is Free.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Donations are appreciated.


                                                                                                                                                                                Exit                       1333 Lakeshore Road,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Burlington, Ontario L7S 1A9
                                                 3                                   12

    Gallery Information                                 What’s On                                                                                                              QEW

                                                                                                                                            Rd E                                                           Phone: 905.632.7796
    Lee-Chin Family Gallery                             Volunteering                 14

                                                                                                                                                      Brant St
                                                                                            Plains                                                                                Fairview St.             Fax: 905.632.0278

                                                                                            Road E

                                                                                                                   Maple Av
     Primetime                                   4      Venue Rentals                15                                                                                                                    info@artgalleryofburlington.com

     & Storytellers                                                                                                                       Ontario St
                                                        40th Anniversary             16
     Dialogue                                    5                                                                                                                                                         Gallery Hours:
                                                                                                                                           Elgin St

                                                                                                             Maple Ave
                                                        Programming                                                                                                                                        Monday to Friday 9am - 9pm

                                                                                                                                                                                            Brant St
     40th Anniversary Exhibition

                                                                                                                                                                 Nelson Ave
                                                                                                                              Brock Ave
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Saturday & Sunday 10am - 5pm
    Perry Gallery                                         Family Sundays             18    No
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Most Holidays 12 - 5 (closed April 1)
                                                                                          Blv r th Sh
                                                                                             d E ore
                                                                                                                                                                              Lakeshore Rd

     Suited to a Tea                             6        P.A. Days                  18                                                   Spencer Smith Park                                               AGB Shop Hours:

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Monday to Friday 10am - 6pm

                                                          Saturday Sessions          18                                                                                                Lake Ontario
     Jim Koyanagi Donation                       7                                                                                                                                                         Saturday & Sunday 10am - 5pm
                                                          Community Drop-In Studio   19
    Permanent Collection Corridor
                                                          Adult Classes - April      19   Registration for Programs opens Friday March 16, 2018
     Knobs Finals & Handles                      8
                                                          Adult Classes - May        24   Online: agb.life/springsummer-2018-classes
     Pacific Overtures                           9                                        By phone: 905-632-7796 ext. 307
                                                          Adult Classes - June       25   or In person at the Brock Lobby (just off the parking lot)
    Guild Exhibitions
                                                          Adult Classes - July       25
                                                                                          AGB accepts Visa, Mastercard, and American Express or if you register
     The Journey                               10         Summer Camps               26   in person debit, cheques and cash payments are also accepted.
     Kaleidoscope of the Arts                   11      Sponsors                     31   Please note our cancellation and refund policies online at agb.life

                                                                                          Connect with us! #AGBLIFE
                                                                                          ! ArtGallBurl                                        " @artgallburl $ @ArtGallBurl
2    ART GALLERY OF BURLINGTON                                                                                                                                                                                                    A G B .L I F E   3
SPRING + SUMMER 2018 Exhibitions & Programs - Art Gallery of Burlington
LEE-CHIN FAMILY GALLERY                                                                 LEE-CHIN FAMILY GALLERY

    Canada’s 23 Prime Ministers
                                                  On until April 8, 2018
                                                  The Art Gallery of Burlington is proud
                                                  to present Prime Time, Canada’s                                    June 2 – August 26, 2018
                                                  23 Prime Ministers in memory and                          Opening Reception | Friday June 1, 6pm-9pm
                                                  honour of Hamiltonian Dr. William
                                                  “Bill’ Bensen. The exhibition provides     This collaborative exhibition will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Art
                                                  a visual chronology of Canada’s Prime      Gallery of Burlington and the 60th anniversary of the Burlington Handweavers
                                                  Ministers through a Pop Art filter         and Spinners Guild (BHSG). Members of the BHSG will present work inspired
                                                  with works created by Julio Ferrer.        by pieces from the AGB’s permanent collection. These two milestones will
                                                  Highlighting important moments in          come together at the Table of Celebration installation, where dining services
                                                  the career of each Prime Minister,         collected throughout the years will be displayed with specially woven textiles
                                                  we can continue to reflect on the          by the guild.
                                                  country’s history, and discover new
                                                  facts and insights into this welcoming
                                                  nation we call Canada.

                                                  On until April 8, 2018
                                                  This exhibition presents the work
                                                  of five artists addressing the idea
                                                  of storytelling. Hope Forstenzer
                                                  revisits children stories with two glass
                                                  installations, while Mary Philpott
                                                  explores 18th century nursery rhymes.
                                                  Melanie MacDonald uses illustrations
                                                  found in vintage scrapbooks to
                                                  create paintings of heroic proportion.
                                                  Olexander Wlasenko draws large
                                                  scale urban scenes of everyday life
                                                  inspired by vintage movies, while                                                                            IMAGE: JAN PHEL AN |
                                                                                                                                                         RIDEAU HALL DINNER PL ACE
                                                  Maria Sarkany engages with the                                                                                    SET TING , C. 1985
                          IMAGE: MARY PHILPOT
                 SING A SONG OF SIXPENCE , 2017   stories of Burlington.

4    ART GALLERY OF BURLINGTON                                                                                                                                     A G B .L I F E    5
SPRING + SUMMER 2018 Exhibitions & Programs - Art Gallery of Burlington
PERRY GALLERY                                                                               PERRY GALLERY

                                                           IMAGE: IAN SYMONS | TEAPOT , 1991                                          IMAGE: KAWAI KANJIRO | TEA BOWL , EARLY 20TH CENTURY

    SUITED TO A TEA:                                                                           THE KOYANAGI
    Forty Teapots,                                                                             FAMILY DONATION
    Forty Years                                                                                April 28 – July 22, 2018
                                                                                               Opening Reception | Friday June 1, 6pm-9pm
    On until April 17, 2018
                                                                                               The Art Gallery of Burlington is proud to present The Koyanagi Family
    In honour of the fortieth anniversary of the Art Gallery of Burlington, we are             Donation in memory and honour of Burlingtonian James Koyanagi.
    kicking off this celebration with an imaginary tea party with forty teapots drawn          James Koyanagi, a Japanese Canadian resident of Burlington, lived for a decade
    from the Permanent Collection of Contemporary Canadian Ceramics. Often                     in Tokyo during the 1960’s. Aware that modern technology was changing the
    considered the most challenging of functional forms, these pieces, ranging                 traditional Japanese way of life, he began to collect the traditional ceramics
    from the highly functional to the more creative, will demonstrate the eclectic             made by village potters, known as Mingei pottery. In the process he met and
    variety of shapes, sizes, and styles that has made this shape such an appealing            collected the work of the finest ceramists working in this tradition. These artists
    form for the potter to explore.                                                            would go on to become National Living Treasures – Hamada, Shimaoka, and
                                                                                               Kawai. With Koyanagi’s death, his family donated an outstanding selection of
                                                                                               these treasures to the AGB’s Permanent Collection which will be shown with a
                                                                                               selection of Japanese prints and Koyanagi’s own photographs.
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SPRING + SUMMER 2018 Exhibitions & Programs - Art Gallery of Burlington
PERMANENT COLLECTION                                                                  PERMANENT COLLECTION

                                                         IMAGE: DONN ZVER, | HEXAGON BOX
                                                              WITH CRESTED HANDLE, 1973-74                                                        IMAGE: JUDI DYELL | PL ATE , 2001

    KNOBS, FINIALS &                                                                         PACIFIC
    HANDLES                                                                                  OVERTURES
    On until April 8, 2018                                                                   April 14 – July 8, 2018
                                                                                             Opening Reception | Friday June 1, 6pm-9pm
    Mugs, cups, casseroles, or coffee pots, the ceramic pieces that are used every
    day, are often chosen because they feel good in the hand and are easy to                 Drawn from the Permanent Collection of the AGB, this exhibition looks at
    use. If these pieces are well designed, one does not necessarily consider the            the effect that Japanese ceramics has had on Canadian ceramics. While many
    reasons why one likes them, they just feel good. Knobs, finials, and handles not         Canadians have gone to study in Japan, often heading toward the pottery town
    only make it easier to use a piece, but are routinely employed to give a piece           of Mashiko, the home of Hamada and Shimaoka, others have been inspired
    the personal mark of the artist, yet while they are often ignored, they are often        by the work of Bernard Leach who introduced Mingei pottery to the western
    the most important detail in the design. See some of the clever solutions to             world.
    this problem in Knobs, Finials and Handles.

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SPRING + SUMMER 2018 Exhibitions & Programs - Art Gallery of Burlington

     4TH ANNUAL                                                                     ALL GUILD'S SALE
     ALL GUILDS SHOW                                                                  APRIL 20 - 22, 2018
     April 21 – May 21, 2018
     Opening Reception | Friday, April 20, 5pm-7pm
                                                                                      ART DEMONSTRATIONS
                                                                                     FREE KIDS ART ACTIVITIES
     This annual exhibition will celebrate the works of members from our guilds
     which include the Fibre Arts Guild, Burlington Fine Arts Association,
                                                                                    SHOP LOCAL ORIGINAL ART
     Burlington Handweavers and Spinners Guild, Latow Photographers Guild,
     Burlington Potters’ Guild, Burlington Rug Hooking and Craft Guild, and the
     Burlington Guild of Sculptors and Woodcarvers, with juried and curated shows
     on the theme of ‘The Journey’.

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SPRING + SUMMER 2018 Exhibitions & Programs - Art Gallery of Burlington
WHAT’S ON                                                                        WHAT’S ON

            March 16     Spring + Summer Class Registration Opens
            March 25     March Hare Tea Party a fundraiser for the permanent
               April 8   Special Event: Move - Dance with Peggy Baker
         April 14 + 15   Latow Photo Weekend
             April 16    Volunteer appreciation
             April 20    All Guilds Show: The Journey Opening Reception
      April 20, 21 +22   Kaleidoscope of the Arts

              May 24     AGB Annual General Meeting

               June 1    Dialogue, The Koyanagi Family Donation,
                         Pacific Overtures Opening Reception and
                         Courtyard, exhibiting artist Joon Hee Kim
               June 3    40th Anniversary Community BBQ


       September 21,     Diana Thorneycroft – Black Forest (Dark Waters), Patron’s
                         Choice, and Round: Bowls & Vases Opening Reception
        November 30      Tom Wilson: Beautiful Scars, Dil Hildebrand & Patrick
                         Thibert, Paper Thin and Wide Open Opening Reception

     September 6 – 16    Fibre Content: 4th Biennial Juried Exhibition
       September 29      Culture Days
     November 21 – 25 Soup Bowl (Tickets on Sale October 1)
     November 22 – 25 Guild Christmas Sale

12   ART GALLERY OF BURLINGTON                                                       ARTWORK BY NIKOL A WOJEWODA               A G B .L I F E   13
SPRING + SUMMER 2018 Exhibitions & Programs - Art Gallery of Burlington
VOLUNTEERING                                                                                 VENUE RENTALS

                                                                     PHOTO CREDIT: CHUCK BURDICK

     Even before the gallery’s opening Forty years ago, volunteers were leading the way            HOST YOUR EVENT
                                                                                                   AT THE GALLERY
     to a vibrant arts community. We invite you to join our team who support the Art
     Gallery of Burlington.

     Volunteering for special events is a great way to connect with your community                 Our flexible indoor and outdoor spaces are the perfect setting for meetings,
     while supporting fundraisers and welcoming visitors. As a student volunteer you               receptions, showers and family gatherings. Impress your guests with FREE access
     work alongside practicing artists who instruct our children’s classes. In the AGB             to all of our galleries. Spanning over 44,000 square feet, the AGB boasts venue
     Shop you are introduced to Canadian Artists from coast to coast through selling               and meeting space for 10-250 guests, 4 galleries, a one of a kind gift shop,
     their work. As a conservatory volunteer you help maintain our beautiful indoor                an exhibition courtyard and year-round conservatory.
     plant oasis that has been the central hub of our gallery for many years. As a docent
     you share your passion for the arts with visitors, and have opportunities to learn            The AGB has established relationships with recommended and trusted caterers
     about our permanent collection and exhibitions during our docent lecture series.              who can service all events from a casual meeting for 15 to a formal dinner for 200.
                                                                                                   Please contact Gillian Goobie @ 905.632.7796 ext 326 for a quote or tour of
     For more information on how to volunteer at the AGB, please visit: agb.life/volunteer         the Gallery.

14    ART GALLERY OF BURLINGTON                                                                                                                                           A G B .L I F E   15
SPRING + SUMMER 2018 Exhibitions & Programs - Art Gallery of Burlington
                                 OUR 40TH

                                 THE AGB IS 40 YEARS YOUNG!
                                 Your’re invited to celebrate this milestone anniversary
                                 with us: Whether you are a founding member of the
                                 gallery or a first time visitor, gather at the Art Gallery
                                 of Burlington to enjoy a BBQ and refreshments, and
                                 share memories with friends in celebration of our
                                 vibrant arts community.

                                                       FRIDAY, JUNE 1ST
                                                       Exhibitions Opening reception

                                                       SUNDAY, JUNE 3RD
                                                       Free Community BBQ

16   ART GALLERY OF BURLINGTON                                                  A G B .L I F E   17
SPRING + SUMMER 2018 Exhibitions & Programs - Art Gallery of Burlington
FAMILIES                                                                        ADULT CL ASSES

                                                                                             COMMUNITY DROP-IN STUDIO
                                                                                             Community Drop-in studio | Fine Arts W03
                                                                                             Member and Non-Member $ 10 for 4 hours or 10 visits for $90
                                                                                             Tuesdays 1 - 9 pm | April 10 - June 19
                                                                                             Not Available July & August
                                                                                             For adults who need a studio space to work in – drop by      Class
                                                                                             and work on your own independent projects. On site        Registration
                                                                                             facilitator, will show you how to use the equipment and     Opens
                                                                                             will monitor room capacity. Register in advance or on      MARCH   16
                                                                                             arrival. Availability based on popularity.

                                                                                             Community Drop-in studio | Pottery W02
                                                                                             Member & Non-Member $ 10 for 4 hours or 10 visits for $90
                                                                                             Wednesdays 1 - 9 pm | April 11 - June 20
     FAMILY SUNDAYS                                                                          Not Available July & August
     1 - 4pm | Every Sunday | Except April 1                                                 For adults who need a studio space to work in – drop by and work on your
     Bring family and friends to AGB’s FREE drop-in art studio in our GWD                    own independent projects. On site facilitator, will show you how to use the
     Foundation for Kids Creative Hub. Our facilitators offer ideas as sources of            equipment and will monitor room capacity. Register in advance or on arrival.
     inspiration to encourage visitors to engage with art and craft making. Children         Availability based on popularity.
     must be accompanied by parents or adult caregivers.

                                                                                                                            No Word for Art:
     P.A. DAYS                                                                                                              Exploring First Nations
     Member $30 | Non-Member $40 | April 27 & June 1                                                                        Creative Traditions W30
     Camp style programs for school age children from 9am - 4pm daily.                                                      Member & Non-Member $ 75
                                                                                                                            Friday 10 am – 4 pm | April 6
                                                                                                                            Facilitator: Naomi Smith
     SATURDAY SESSIONS                                                                                                      Naomi Smith is a Native artisan and educator.
     Saturday Family Clay Sessions W01 (Ages 6+)                                                                            Her work embraces ancestral designs in the form
     Member & Non-Member $45/person                                                                                         of beaded bags, adornment and accessories. She
     Saturdays 1 - 3:30 pm | April 28 | May 5 | May 26 | June 2                                                             is actively involved in educating others about the
     Instructor: Michelle Lynn                                                                                              ways of the First Nations people of the Woodlands
     An opportunity for parents, grandparents, guardians and young people (ages                                             and Northeastern area from a historical and
     6+) to share in some creative time. Our artist instructor will first lead you                                          contemporary perspective often through the
     on a tour of a current exhibition for inspiration and then you’ll learn to shape                                       story of beads. Indigenous stories and traditional
     an object (mug, bowl, etc.) out of clay and decorate it with coloured slips.                                           teachings will be part of the learning process. Cost
     Great for Mother’s Day/Father’s Day gifts. (1 class – includes all required materials                                  of the workshop includes all required materials.
     and firing)                                                                                                            Lunch is not provided.

18    ART GALLERY OF BURLINGTON                                                                                                                                    A G B .L I F E   19
ADULT CL ASSES                                                                         ADULT CL ASSES

     ADULT CLASSES | APRIL                                                                 Basic Watercolour (8 classes) A45
     Surface Decorating for Clay (4 classes) W24                                           Member $160 | Non- Member $185 | Sundays 1 - 4 pm | April 8 - June 24
     Member $ 150 | Non-Member $ 175 | Wednesdays 7 - 10 pm | April 4 - 25                 (no class Apr 22, May 20, Jun 10 & 17)
     Instructor: Barbara Taylor                                                            Instructor: Joseph Swanek
     Students will work in several methods with step by step instructions to complete      Leave your inhibitions at home and come out and experience the latest in
     a tray or tile using different techniques each week. Methods covered:                 watercolour painting. We strip the watercolour painting process down to
     brushstrokes, carving slip trailing, underglaze decals and various resists of paper   its bare essentials. By using only the primary colours (red, yellow and blue),
     and wax, Suitable for beginners or intermediate potters. Cost of class includes all   one paint brush and a palette you will produce a colour chart, rendering the
     materials; clay, firing, as well as brushes that the students keep.                   primary, secondary and tertiary colours. Using an unorthodox method of
                                                                                           charting colours you will discover how easy it is to mix the colours perfectly
     Successful Sales at Craft, Trade & Wholesale Shows (2 classes) W08                    every time. One still life study will be completed in the workshop.
     Member and Non- Member $50
     Saturday + Sunday 10am - 4pm | April 7 & 8                                            Rug Hooking Hit & Miss (4 classes) W17
     Instructor: Barbara Taylor                                                            Member $100 | Non- Member $125 | Sundays 1 - 4pm | April 8 - May 6
     Are you doing shows but not getting the crowd stopping at your booth? Is              (no class Apr 22)
     it time to look at different ways of displaying your work? This interactive           Instructor: Lisa Meecham
     workshop is designed to help makers and artisans who need to boost their              Hit & Miss is a design technique for using up bits and pieces- either new or
     sales skills by improving their display and reviewing the do’s and don’ts of trade    reclaimed in an organized, yet random fashion. Each of the cast-off strips of
     shows. Will include hands on exercises to help you visualize your dreams of           wool from earlier projects tells a story of the tradition of this Canadian heritage
     greater success at shows! For the novice and anyone who wants to improve              craft. During this 4-week session you will make an 8” x 8” wool trivet and learn
     their tradeshow success. Workshop facilitator Barbara Taylor has over forty           the finishing technique of “whipping” - suitable for beginners and advanced rug
     years of experience participating in craft, trade and wholesale shows. She will       hookers alike. There is an additional $25 material fee payable to the instructor at
     share tips and techniques to make your work stand out and improve your sales.         the first class for all materials. A traditional rug hook (optional) is also available
                                                                                           for $10.
     Needle Felting – Bumblebee Flower Pick W04
     Member & Non- Member $25                                                              Painting from Your Photos (10 classes) A79
     Sunday 1 - 3 pm | April 8                                                             Member $200 | Non-Member $225 | Wednesdays 7 - 10 pm
     Instructor: Cathy Disbrow                                                             April 11 - June 13
     Perfect beginner project -learn various techniques                                    Instructor: Sandee Ewasiuk
     of needle felting by creating a cute bee on a wire                                    Bring your own photos to class and let your creativity and imagination
     that you can display amongst your plants. Students                                    transform them into unique paintings. We will work from personal as well
     will learn to needle felt a core shape, wrap wool to                                  as found imagery, and learn how to paint either a convincing or fantastical
     hide the wire on main shape, create yellow stripes                                    narrative space – the choice will be yours. The instructor will help broaden
     and apply to shape, create bee wings to attach to                                     your understanding of the principals of paint handling, colour theory, tonality,
     core shape, and eye detailing. There is an additional                                 composition, perspective, human anatomy and proper use of materials.
     material fee of $15 payable to the instructor at the first                            Students will work in acrylic paint. This is a course for all levels, and a sense of
     class for a kit with all required materials.                                          adventure is encouraged.

20     ART GALLERY OF BURLINGTON                                                                                                                                     A G B .L I F E   21
ADULT CL ASSES                                                                        ADULT CL ASSES

     The Foundations of Painting (10 classes) A20                                          Painting the City: Urban Landscapes (10 classes) A12
     Member $200 | Non-Member $225 | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm                            Member $200 | Non-Member $225 | Thursdays 7 - 10 pm
     April 12 - June 21 (No Class April 19)                                                April 12 - June 21 (No Class April 19)
     Instructor: Kevin Willson                                                             Instructor: Sandee Ewasiuk
     If you’ve always longed to paint but don’t know where to start, this gentle           We live in an area and a world full of beautiful architecture and cityscapes. In this
     introduction to basic art skills is for you. See a dramatic improvement in            course we will either use the streets and buildings that are part of our everyday
     painting and creative skills. Includes a study of historical and contemporary         lives or reference from places around the world including travel pictures to
     paintings as reference. Develop the ability to think and see as an artist. For        capture these urban landscapes. Open to all media types (no oil paints please
     beginners and those with experience.                                                  due to fumes) and all levels of experience. Please bring photo references.

     The Foundations of Drawing (10 classes) A24
                                                                                           Friends and Couples Clay Date (1 class) W65
     Member $150 | Non-Member $175 | Thursdays 7 - 9pm
                                                                                           Member & Non-Member $50 | Friday 7 - 9:30 pm | April 13
     April 12 - June 21 (No Class April 19)
                                                                                           Instructor: Michelle Lynn
     Instructor: Kevin Willson                                                             Looking for something different to do with your friends or on date night?
     If you are intimidated by drawing, this course increases confidence through a         Enjoy a night of creativity and fun -You’ll learn to shape an object (mug,
     progressive and varied selection of exercises and activities. Traditional materials   bowl, etc.) out of clay and decorate it with coloured slips.
     such as pencil, pen, and charcoal on paper will be used to study core ideas and
     skills: tone, form and proportion, perspective and artistry. Demonstrations and
     individual instruction included. All welcome, no prior experience necessary
                                                                                           Sip and Paint Social (Ages 19+) W19
                                                                                           Member & Non-Member $60 | Friday 7 - 9:30 pm | April 13
     Painting the Canadian Landscape (10 classes) A25
                                                                                           Instructor: Kevin Willson
     Member $200 | Non-Member $225 | Thursdays 1:30 - 4:30pm
                                                                                           Uncork your creativity with a painting class that includes an evening of light
     April 12 - June 21 (No Class April 19)
     Instructor: Kevin Willson                                                             hearted socializing. Follow the host (a AGB studio instructor and practicing
     Proudly paint in the manner of some of our favourite Canadian artists by taking       artist) as you are guided with entertaining demonstrations to recreate a
     inspiration from their techniques, ideas and stories. We will discuss historical      selected painting. Come join us for a drink and a few laughs; bring a friend
     and contemporary paintings as reference. Plenty of support and guidance will          or come to meet new friends. No artistic background is necessary and all
     be available as you express your interests in acrylic paint. All levels welcome.      are welcome.

     Fun and Functional Pottery (10 classes) A52
     Member $250 | Non-Member $275 | Thursdays 7 - 10 pm                                   Intro to Stained Glass (2 classes) W68
     April 12 - June 21 (No Class April 19)                                                Member & Non-Member $55 | Wednesdays 7 - 9:30 pm | April 25 -May 2
     Instructor: Barbara Taylor                                                            Instructor: Teresa Seaton
     Explore the many ways to create functional pieces for home and garden using           Learn to cut, grind, foil, solder and finish a 9-piece feather in two sessions. This
     handbuilding and the wheel. All levels welcome as each student will develop           5-hour course is a basic introduction to stained glass and copper foiling. There
     their own pieces with individual guidance and demos from the instructor on            is an additional material fee of $40 for all required materials and shared use of
     form, surface, finishing and glazing. Let’s get creative!                             tools payable to the instructor at the first class.

22    ART GALLERY OF BURLINGTON                                                                                                                                     A G B .L I F E   23
ADULT CL ASSES                                                                       ADULT CL ASSES

                                       Make your own Cuerda seca Tiles                                 ADULT CLASSES | MAY
                                       (2 classes) W35                                                    Needle Felt a Woodland Fox age 12+ T26
                                      Member $ 75 Non-Member $ 100                                         Member & Non-Member $ 45 | Sunday 1 - 3 pm | May 6
                                      Saturdays 1 - 4 pm | April 28 - May 5                                 Instructor: Cathy Disbrow
                                      Instructor: Karla Rivera                                               This is a great single session class to learn the basics of needle
                                      Come and experiment with different transfer                            felting by creating a cute woodland fox. Students will learn
                                      techniques to create your own custom tiles                            to needle felt a core shape using the rolling ball technique,
                                      – perfect for shower or backsplash accents,                          apply an outer color, felt triangle ear shapes, learn the skewer
                                      a kitchen tray or trivet. Cuerda seca is a                          technique for a tail, and how to sculpt the face detailing. The
                                                                                                        cost of the workshop includes all required materials.
                                      technique where a design is outlined with an
     oxide-tinted wax. The wax will resist the glaze when it is applied to colored       Natural Dyes: Rusts, Tannins, and Indigo (1 class) W82
     areas. Finished results show areas of glaze divided by dark unglazed lines. This    Member & Non-Member $ 60 | Monday 6:30 - 9:30 pm | May 14
     workshop is suitable for beginners and those with some experience. The cost         Instructor: Chandra Rice
     of the workshop includes all required materials.                                    Did you know that an old rusty can and your leftover tea bags can make the
                                                                                         most beautiful marks on fabric? And that an indigo vat is a living organism? In
                                                                                         this 3-hour workshop, learn how to use rust, tannin, and indigo to create your
     Encaustic Painting Techniques.                                                      own dyed fabrics. Using recycled cotton, we will explore resists, mordants, and
     The Whole Ball of Wax (2 classes) W16                                               the secrets to dyeing with natural materials. Bring home a set of samples to
     Member & Non-Member $ 55 | Sundays 1 - 4 pm                                         remind you of the techniques and to use in your own practice. All materials are
     April 29 - May 6                                                                    provided and covered in the cost of the workshop.
     Instructor: Robbin Pulver-Andrews
     In two sessions students will learn the ancient techniques of painting with         Eco Printing (1 class) W83
     melted beeswax and resin. This course will offer not only the basics of encaustic   Member & Non-Member $ 60 | Tuesday 6:30 - 9:30 pm | May 15
     painting, but also explore some of the other creative possibilities of working      Instructor: Chandra Rice
     with this medium. Layering, incising, collage, and image transfer techniques,       In this workshop, we will explore different ways to draw the dyestuff out of leaves
                                                                                         and flowers and other natural materials to print directly on silk and paper. The
     as well as including other found objects such as stones and shells will be
                                                                                         results are surprising and magical, and the possibilities endless. We will also
     demonstrated. An additional materials fee of $40.00 is payable to instructor
                                                                                         explore different treatments of the resulting prints. Bring home a mounted print
     at first class for use of shared tools, wax and other items.                        and a printed silk scarf to impress your friends! Materials provided are covered in
                                                                                         the cost of the workshop except for the silk scarf which students may purchase
                                                                                         directly from the instructor.
     Photo-ceramic Jewelry (3 classes) W15
     Member $ 150 Non-Member $ 175 | Mondays 7 - 10pm                                    Drawing with Soft Pastels (2 classes) W48
     April 30 - May 14                                                                   Member and Non-member $55 | Saturdays 12 - 4 pm | May 26 - June 2
     Instructors: Dawn Hackett-Burns and Deborah Kanfer                                  Instructor: Robbin Pulver-Andrews
     Experience a specialized workshop collaboration between analogue                    In this 2 session workshop students will be introduced to the basics of working
     photography and ceramics. Create one of a kind pieces using the photographs         with the glorious colours and versatility of Soft Pastels. Students will be given
     and ceramic items created in this 3-session workshop. Cost of class includes        an overview of basic drawing techniques and colour processes that will offer a
     all required materials. No experience required.                                     good foundation for designing and making pastel drawings of landscapes. We
                                                                                         will then discuss various technical aspects of working with soft pastels, some of
                                                                                         the different papers and drawing accessories available.
24    ART GALLERY OF BURLINGTON                                                                                                                                   A G B .L I F E   25
ADULT CL ASSES                                                                        KIDS CL ASSES

                                                                                        SUMMER CAMPS
                                                                                        • The goal of our Summer art programs for kids is to stimulate creativity;
                                                                                          enhanced motor skills and improved attention span are added benefits.
                                                                                        • Children will be divided into groups based on age and will learn from a variety
                                                                                          of instructors in different mediums each day
                                                                                        • Registration deadline is one week prior to start of camp. Register early to
                                                                                          ensure a spot.
                                                                                        • We cannot provide extended care
                                                                                          JULY 3 - 6 Tuesday - Friday (4 Classes)                         Registration
     ADULT CLASSES | JUNE                                                                                                                                  MARCH 16
     Friends and Couples Clay Date W65                                                  Theme: Creative Picnic (Ages 4-12yr)
     Member & Non- Member $ 50 | Friday 7 - 9:30 pm | June 1                            Member $ 225 Non-Member $ 250
     Instructor: Michelle Lynn                                                          Tuesday - Friday 9am - 4pm | July 3 - 6 (4 classes)
     Looking for something different to do with your friends or on date night?          Instructors: Elena Espinoza, Laura Marotta, Karla Rivera and Kevin Willson
     Enjoy a night of creativity and fun -You’ll learn to shape an object               Join us for a week-long creative escape. We will use the “taster” approach to
     (mug, bowl, etc.) out of clay and decorate it with coloured slips.                 try new techniques with some of our favorite mediums (clay, paper and paint)
                                                                                        and serve up a week of fun-filled creativity.
     Sip and Paint Social (Ages 19+) W19
     Member & Non-Member $ 60 | Friday 7 - 9:30 pm | June 1
     Instructor: Kevin Willson                                                            JULY 9 - 13 Monday - Friday (5 Classes)
     Uncork your creativity with a painting class that includes an evening of light
     hearted socializing. Follow the host (a AGB studio instructor and practicing       Theme: Flip flops and Sneakers (Ages 4 -12yr)
     artist) as you are guided with entertaining demonstrations to recreate a           Member $ 250 Non-Member $ 275 | Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
     selected painting. Come join us for a drink and a few laughs; bring a friend       July 9 - 13 (5 classes)
     or come to meet new friends. No artistic background is necessary and all           Instructors: Elena Espinoza, Laura Marotta,Karla Rivera and Kevin Willson
     are welcome.                                                                       Follow in the footsteps of famous Canadian artists and learn what made them
                                                                                        special! Use their work to inspire your own amazing creations on canvas and with clay.
     Painting & Drawing Foundations: Summer Inspiration (5 classes) W87                 Handbuilding & Wheel Techniques for Teens (Ages 13+yr)
     Member $ 110 Non-Member $ 135 | Monday - Friday 1 – 4 pm | July 16 - 20            Member $ 250 Non-Member $ 275 | Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
     Instructor: Kevin Willson                                                          July 9 - 13 (5 classes)
     Enjoy five back to back afternoons painting and drawing at the Gallery this        Instructor: Michelle Lynn
     summer! This course is designed to give you the skills to create and understand    An introduction to the processes of ceramics. We will produce a slab formed
     picture making in traditional visual arts mediums. A variety playful exercises     object, such as jars and clocks and then work on the potter’s wheel. Topics
     and summer inspired projects will quickly ‘get you up and painting’ in acrylics.   include the methods of forming, as well as decoration using coloured slips,
     Think “paintcation” for all levels.                                                carving, sgraffito and finishing the pieces by glazing and firing the works.

26    ART GALLERY OF BURLINGTON                                                                                                                                   A G B .L I F E   27
KIDS CL ASSES                                                                        KIDS CL ASSES

       JULY 16 - 20 Monday - Friday (5 Classes)                                             Handbuilding & Wheel Techniques for Teens (Ages 13+yr)
                                                                                            Member $ 250 Non-Member $ 275 | Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
                                                                                            July 23 - 27 (5 classes)
     Puttering in Pottery E03 (Ages 11+yr)                                                  Instructor: Michelle Lynn
     Member $ 250 Non-Member $ 275 | Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm                              An introduction to the processes of ceramics. We will produce a slab formed
     July 16 - 20 (5 classes)                                                               object, such as jars and clocks and then work on the potter’s wheel. Topics
     Instructor: Michelle Lynn                                                              include the methods of forming, as well as decoration using coloured slips,
     Students explore handbuilding construction; experiment with shapes, texture            carving, sgraffito and finishing the pieces by glazing and firing the works.
     and 3-dimensions and using the different techniques, such as slab and coil
     create simple sculptures. Have fun with clay and try basic techniques for
     throwing cylinders and bowls on the wheel. More challenging work will be                JULY 30 - AUGUST 3 Monday - Friday (5 Classes)
     assigned to students with previous experience.
                                                                                            Theme: Campfires and Music (Ages 4-12yr)
     Art in the Garden (Ages 7 – 11)                                                        Member $ 250 Non-Member $ 275 | Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
     $270 per week per camper | Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm                                   July 30 - Aug 3 (5 classes)
     July 16 - 20 (5 classes)        | Please register at RBG.ca                            Instructors: Elena Espinoza, Samantha Goeree, Heather Kuzyk and Kevin Willson
                                                                                            Let the music inspire you. This week we will explore the connection between
     Join us for an immersive inspirational camp experience. Each morning will begin
                                                                                            sound and art in the creation of some magical (or magically musical) works in
     at the Art Gallery of Burlington where campers will be introduced to a variety of
                                                                                            clay and with paper and paint.
     mediums including printmaking, clay, fibre and mixed media with the opportunity
     to create a variety of projects. Beyond broadening their art making skills, students   Puttering in Pottery (Ages 11+yr)
     will expand their problem solving and analytical abilities and develop aesthetic       Member $ 250 Non-Member $ 275 | Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
     awareness. To round out this experience campers will hop on our chartered bus          July 30 - Aug 3 (5 classes)
     and head to Royal Botanical Gardens to spend the second                                Instructor: Michelle Lynn
     half of each day immersed in the beauty of one of Canada’s                             Students explore handbuilding construction; experiment
     most biodiverse areas. Afternoons are spent exploring and                              with shapes, texture and 3-dimensions and using the
     discovering the natural and cultivated lands and sculpture                             different techniques, such as slab and coil create simple
     collections of RBG where campers will have the opportunity to                          sculptures. Have fun with clay and try basic techniques
     hike, play, and learn about the natural world that surrounds us.                       for throwing cylinders and bowls on the wheel. More
                                                                                            challenging work will be assigned to students with
                                                                                            previous experience.
       JULY 23 - 27 Monday - Friday (5 Classes)

     Theme: Beaches and Caves (Ages 4 -12yr)                                                 AUGUST 7 -10 Tuesday - Friday (4 Classes)
     Member $ 250 Non-Member $ 275 | Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
     July 23 - 27 (5 classes)                                                               Theme: Make a Splash! (Ages 4-10yr)
     Instructors: Elena Espinoza, Samantha Goeree, Heather Kuzyk and Karla Rivera           Member $ 225 Non-Member $ 250 | Tuesday - Friday 9am - 4pm
     Summer is the best time to explore the great outdoors. We will use the                 Aug 7 - 10 (4 classes)
     landscape as inspiration to create our own fantasy worlds – escape into your           Instructor: Elena Espinoza, Samantha Goeree, Heather Kuzyk and Kevin Willson
     imagination and express yourself in clay or on canvas.                                 Turn your staycation into a wave of inspiration! We will look at the ways water
                                                                                            is used to make art; watercolours, prints and even clay sculptures.
28    ART GALLERY OF BURLINGTON                                                                                                                                 A G B .L I F E   29

                                                                                           Thank you to our Sponsors & Media
       AUGUST 13 - 17 Monday - Friday (5 Classes)
                                                                                           Partners for their generous support!
     Art in the Garden (Ages 7-11yrs)
     $270 per week per camper | Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
     August 13-17 (5 classes) | Please register at RBG.ca
     Join us for an immersive inspirational camp experience. Each morning will
     begin at the Art Gallery of Burlington where campers will be introduced to
     a variety of mediums including printmaking, clay, fibre and mixed media with
     the opportunity to create a variety of projects. Beyond broadening their art
     making skills, students will expand their problem solving and analytical abilities
     and develop aesthetic awareness. To round out this experience campers will
     hop on our chartered bus and head to Royal Botanical Gardens to spend the
     second half of each day immersed in the beauty of one
     of Canada’s most biodiverse areas. Afternoons are spent
     exploring and discovering the natural and cultivated lands
     and sculpture collections of RBG where campers will have
     the opportunity to hike, play, and learn about the natural
     world that surrounds us.

     Special Afternoon Camp: Garden Party in the Clay studio
     (Ages 7-11yrs)
                                                                                                                        Adam &              Rick & Cindy
     Member $ 125 Non-Member $ 150 | Monday - Friday 1 - 3 pm                                                           Christine Doering   Balaz
     Aug 13 - 17 (5 classes)
     Instructor: Heather Kuzyk                                                                                       Pieczonka
     Calling kids who want to learn to make tea cups and saucers, sandwich plates                                    Family Foundation
     and even flower pots! Kids can create functional clay objects using a variety of
     handbuilding techniques. Take a break from the heat and join us playing in the mud!      The Rotary Club of           Louise   Elizabeth L. Gordon
                                                                                              Burlington Lakeshore         Cooke    Art Program

       AUGUST 20 - 24 Monday - Friday (5 Classes)

     Theme: Sizzling Summer (Ages 4-12yr)
     Member $ 250 Non-Member $ 275 | Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
     Aug 20 - 24 (5 classes)
     Instructors: Samantha Goeree, Deborah Kanfer, Heather Kuzyk and Kevin Willson
     What’s happening in the art world today? We will explore art as a form of
     communication. From cartooning, to darkroom photography (for 10+ only),
     to caricatures in clay, students will learn how to use artistic techniques to spark
     a conversation.

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