Twenty-Third Sunday in ordinary time - September 5 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew

Twenty-Third Sunday in ordinary time - September 5 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Twenty-Third Sunday
       in ordinary time

          September 5
Twenty-Third Sunday in ordinary time - September 5 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
                                                    Mass AT TH E
                                                    CATH EDRAL
                                 Saturday, Sep 4       12:05pm     Daily Mass
                                                                   † George Rybicki
                                                       4:30pm      Sunday Vigil Mass
                                                                   † Ed Mead & Gerrie Mead-Friar
                                 Sunday, Sep 5         10:00am     Sunday Mass (ASL interpretation)
                                                                   (televised / live-streamed)
                                                                   † Charles L. Baumgartner
                                                       12:00pm     Misa Domingo en Español
                                                                   † Fausta Altamirano
                                                       5:30pm      Sunday Mass
                                                                   † Samantha Patis
                                                       7:30pm      Sunday Contemplative Mass
                                                                   Parish family
                                 Monday, Sep 6         9:00am      Labor Day Mass
                                                                   † Louis Joseph Menesse
                                 Tuesday, Sep 7        12:05pm     Daily Mass
                                                                   † Sommer family
                                 Wednesday, Sep 8      12:05pm     Daily Mass
                                                                   † Zofia & Sylwester Dymarski
                                 Thursday, Sep 9       12:05pm     Daily Mass
                                                                   Int. Persenaire-Ruiz family
                                 Friday, Sep 10        12:05pm     Daily Mass
                                                                   † Barb Smith
                                 Saturday, Sep 11      12:05pm     Daily Mass
                                                                   † Sommer family
                                                       4:30pm      Sunday Vigil Mass
                                                                   † Joe & Marie Reynolds
                                 Sunday, Sep 12        10:00am     Sunday Mass (ASL interpretation)
                                                                   (televised / live-streamed)
                                                                   Int. Catherine Corkins
                                                       12:00pm     Misa Domingo en Español
                                                                   Familia Parroquial
                                                       5:30pm      Sunday Mass
                                                                   Intentions of CIC Collaborators &
                                                                   Partners in Mission
                                                       7:30pm      Sunday Contemplative Mass
                                                                   Int. Mary & Bill Close
                                            Confession Schedule
 God bless,                                         Weekdays following the 12:05pm Mass
                                                    Saturdays, 11-11:45am in the Chapel
 Very Rev. René Constanza, CSP                      (or by appointment)
                                           Watch Sunday 10am Mass Online
page 2                                    Go to or the Cathedral’s Facebook page
Twenty-Third Sunday in ordinary time - September 5 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Scri pture
                                                                                                             Read ing...
                                                                                                             23rd Sunday in
                                                                                                             Ordinary Time
                                                                                                             Is 35:4-7a

 Casting a Net
                                                                                                             Ps 146:6-10
                                                                                                             Jas 2:1-5
                                                                                                             Mk 7:31-37

D        ear sisters and brothers in Christ,                                                                 Monday:
                                                                                                             Col 1:24—2:3
          Growing up with 8 siblings provided me with several life lessons. When I tended to be              Ps 62:6-7,9
critical of myself or my siblings, my mom would stretch both of her hands to indicate her 10                 Lk 6:6-11
fingers while saying, "Son, you see all these fingers. They are all different, yet very important for
the function of my hands. Yet, when one hurts, the whole hand is affected." There is much that               Tuesday:
this simple image teaches me not only about my family but our Church and country.                            Col 2:6-15
                                                                                                             Ps 145:1b-2,8-11
At a time in our Church and nation when we tend to highlight what divides us, we may run the                 Lk 6:12-19
risk of overlooking what we have in common. The same is true when we focus only on what is
common but overlook the divisions that need to be addressed. As in most things in life, it is                Wednesday:
about finding a balance. Pope Francis teaches us that as we walk together in this pilgrimage of              Nativity of the
life, we are already moving forward together, facing difficulties and challenges as a people called          Blessed Virgin Mary
to strengthen each other. What can also be applied to our interactions as a family, can also be              Mi 5:1-4a or
applied to our Church and nation. We need to understand that unity should always prevail over                Rom 8:28-30
conflict and that the whole, our common baptism and faith in Christ, are more important than                 Ps 13:6
the parts, our differences.                                                                                  Mt 1:1-16,18-23
Our effort for unity in our family, in our Church, and in our country, is a slow ongoing process             Thursday:
that requires work. It calls for addressing injustices, inequities, and illnesses within the body. It        St. Peter Claver
also requires patience, perseverance, and much hope.                                                         Col 3:12-17
                                                                                                             Ps 150:1b-6
This coming Monday our nation commemorates Labor Day and we, at the Cathedral,                               Lk 6:27-38
will celebrate it with a Mass at 9a.m. We will pray for the millions who are out of work or
underemployed and for the many whose economic circumstances are stressful or even dire. It is                Friday:
also a time to be thankful for the many healthcare workers and other essential workers who                   1 Tm 1:1-2,12-14
continue laboring with courage and love in this post-pandemic time.                                          Ps 16:1b-2a,5,
On September 9, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Peter Claver , a Jesuit missionary                    Lk 6:39-42
who spent his life in service to African slaves in South America during the 17th century. He is the
patron saint of African missions, African Americans, and interracial justice. May we ask for Saint           Saturday:
Peter’s intercession to help us see and treat every individual, regardless of race, as beloved sons          1 Tm 1:15-17
and daughters of God the Father.                                                                             Ps 113:1b-7
                                                                                                             Lk 6:43-49
I pray to the Holy Spirit for a new Pentecost in our parish and Church to respond to the
promptings of the Spirit calling us to address and dismantle the various forms of systemic racism            Sunday:
that exist. One huge step is to encounter others who are not like us and listen to their stories.            24th Sunday in
Differences must not threaten us but enlarge us to see Christ in the other.                                  Ordinary Time
                                                                                                             Is 50:5-9a
                                                                                                             Ps 116:1-9
In Christ,                                                                                                   Jas 2:14-18
                                                                                                             Mk 8:27-35

Very Rev. René Constanza, CSP
                                                                                   Fr. René Constanza, CSP                page 3
Twenty-Third Sunday in ordinary time - September 5 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Th is Week
         Events and Activities
Saturday, September 4
10:00am      Baptism
1:30pm       Wedding
4:30pm       Sunday Vigil Mass
Sunday, September 5                                                  Monday, Sept. 6
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time                          Mass at 9am only (no Confessions)
Joy of the Gospel Second Collection                                Parish Office Closed
10:00am      Sunday Televised Mass (live-streamed)
12:00pm      Misa en Español (live-streamed)
1:30pm       Comité Hispano                                                 Register Your Child
5:30pm       Sunday Mass                                                    If your child is planning on
7:30pm       Sunday Contemplative Mass                                      receiving their sacraments in the
Monday, September 6                                                         Spring, it’s time to register them
Labor Day | Cathedral office closed                                         for Religious Education.
9:00am       Labor Day Mass (no Confessions)                              Get your registration forms filled out
                                                                          and returned to the Cathedral office.
Wednesday, September 8                                                    You can get a form from an usher or
9:30am       CCHS Mass                               download forms at
10:00am      Prayer Blanket Ministry
Thursday, September 9
10:00am      Bible Study Group
7:00pm       Music Ministry Evening Prayer/Social
7:00pm       Young Adult Holy Brew at Peppino’s
Friday, September 10                                 This week’s second collection: Our Joy of the
5:00pm       Wedding Rehearsal
                                                     Gospel Fund puts into action Pope Francis’ call to
7:00pm       Amigos de Jesus
                                                     “evangelize in word and deed”. We do that through the
Saturday, September 11                               Catholic Information Center that welcomes seekers from all
9:00am       Quinceañera program                     backgrounds and helps Catholics continue to grow spiritually.
9:30am       Young Adults at Heartside Park          We do that through our outreach ministries that care for
1:30pm       Wedding                                 those in need in both our parish and our community. Thank
4:30pm       Sunday Vigil Mass                       you for being a partner with your giving each month to the
                                                     Joy of the Gospel Fund.
Sunday, September 12
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00am      Sunday Televised Mass (live-streamed)
12:00pm      Misa en Español (live-streamed)
5:30pm       Sunday Mass
7:30pm       Sunday Contemplative Mass

                                                             Experience the convenience of Online
                                                            Giving. Visit
Try Text-to-Give
We have a convenient way you can give
to Cathedral Ministries. Text the
                                                                     STEWARDS H IP
word “Give” to 844-490-1079
You will get a link for the quick initial              Week ended August 28                      $ 13,664.20
sign up. Once you are signed up, you
just type in a dollar amount and send.                   Same week last year                     $ 8,694.00
Be sure to save the phone number in                    Weekly need                               $ 14,038.46
your contacts.

page 4
Twenty-Third Sunday in ordinary time - September 5 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Join the Liturgical                                                         Register now
                         Ministries Team!                                                            for Diocesan
                         Liturgical ministry is an expression of
                         stewardship and is a rewarding
                         opportunity to share your gifts and                                          2021: Grow
                         talent with the faith community.                                          Parishioners from
                                                                                                   throughout the
                         Whether participation is through
                         “behind the scenes” preparation or                                        diocese are invited to
                         through a ministerial role of service        “Diocesan Assembly 2021: Grow” from 8:30 a.m.
                         within the Mass, parishioner volunteers      to 2:30 p.m. on September 25, at Cathedral
                         help our liturgies to be truly life-giving   Square Center, 360 Division Ave. S. The event will
                         and moving celebrations of faith.            be offered in person and online via livestream.
By welcoming as Ushers, by proclaiming                                Last year’s assembly focused on becoming aware of
the Word as Lectors, by imitating Christ                              and deepening our personal relationship with God.
in sharing communion as Eucharistic                                   Diocesan Assembly 2021 will teach us how to grow
Ministers, and by assisting the presider                              and mature as disciples by reflecting on practical
as Sacristans or Altar Servers liturgical                             aspects of growth in holiness.
ministers are Christ present
sacramentally.                                                        The Church teaches and guides us through the joys
                                                                      and hopes, sorrows and anxieties of life as we strive
Please give some prayerful consideration
to serving as a lay liturgical minister. For                          to know, love and serve God more each day. We
more information and to get involved                                  will reflect on and be inspired by the story of the
you can fill out the inquiry card in the                              man born blind found in John 9:1-41. This passage
pews and drop in the collection box, or                               tells a powerful story of healing and reveals how it
email or call 616.288.0219.          is necessary to grow in understanding and
                                                                      knowledge of Jesus as Lord.
                                                                      Timothy Matovina, Ph.D., chair of the Department
                                ADDING WEEKDAY                        of Theology at the University of Notre Dame will be
                                MASSES                                our keynote speaker. Afternoon sessions will focus
                                Beginning the week of                 on growing deeper in our relationship with Christ
                                September 13, the Cathedral           and the Church through examination of the
                                will offer more options for daily     theological and cardinal virtues.
                                Mass.                                 Fast facts:
                                                                      •   The in-person and livestreamed sessions will be
                                New Daily Mass Schedule                   presented concurrently in English and Spanish.
                             Mondays:                                 •   Registration to attend via livestream is free.
                             12:05pm     English Mass in the
DAILY MASS                   cathedral
                                                                          Cost of the in-person event is $15 (includes
                             12:35pm     Confessions                  •   There will be opportunities to gather in person
   5:15pm     Spanish Mass in the chapel                                  at satellite parish venues.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursday:                                      •   Register at:
   12:05pm    English Mass in the cathedral
   12:35pm    Confessions
   5:15pm     English Mass in the chapel
Fridays:                                                              The Altar Guild’s next
   7:00am     English Mass in the chapel                              meeting is September 23, 1pm,
   7:30am     Confessions                                             in the Parish Center.
   12:05pm    English Mass in the cathedral
                                                                      For more information on this
   12:35pm    Confessions
                                                                      ministry and to get involved
Saturdays:                                                            please email julie@cathedral
   11:00am    Confessions                                    or call
   12:05pm    English Mass in the cathedral                           616.288.0219.

                                                                                                                  page 5
Twenty-Third Sunday in ordinary time - September 5 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Upcoming Young Adult Events
September 9, 7p                      September 17-19
Holy Brew at Peppino’s               YA Women’s Camping Trip
September 11, 9:30a                  September 22, 7p
Heartside Parks Beautification       End of Summer Celebration

                                                                        Virtual Come & See: An
                                Celebrating the                         Introduction to the Paulist Fathers
                               Covenant between                         Thinking about religious life? Have questions about
                                                                        the Paulist Fathers or ever thought about what it's
                                   Katherine Crippen                    like to be a seminarian as part of a religious
                                  and Benjamin Miller                   community?
                                    August 27, 2021                     Talk and hear from those who have done it before
                                                                        while being in the comforts of your home.
                               Maria Margarita Castro &
                              Jose Cesar Zamudio Frutos                 Wherever you are on your discernment journey,
                                   August 28, 2021                      this event will help you make a better choice!
                                                                        TO REGISTER: visit:

B      ecause the CDC has raised the risk level
       for several counties in our diocese,
       including Kent county, we at the
cathedral are strongly recommending that all
individuals, regardless of vaccination status,
wear a mask in the church. Hand sanitizer                                      This week, let us honor St. Joseph
remains available by the entrances and we                                        with our love and this prayer:
continue sanitizing the church regularly to                                 Dear St. Joseph, please help us to
ensure a safe environment. We also want to encourage all to               always labor for the Kingdom of God,
receive their COVID vaccine.
                                                                               and the salvation of souls.

                       The Prayer Blanket Ministry is                                      Get the bulletin in your
                       just one of the Cathedral’s many ministries                         email. Sign up on Flocknote
                       that your Sunday offerings make possible. If                        to get the bulletin and a
                       you have someone that is sick or recovering                         special Sunday letter each
                       and would like to take them a blanket, visit                        week from Father René. Text
                       our office.
                                                                                           CGR to 84576 or visit
Mass Intentions
If you would like to have a Mass said for someone, and/or in-             When you come to Mass,
clude a card as a special gift, call the Cathedral Office and talk to    check-in to the Cathedral on
Eliana, 616-456-1454 x1909.                                             Facebook. It's a simple way to
                                                                          share your faith with your
page 6
Twenty-Third Sunday in ordinary time - September 5 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Is this you?
•   I want to understand what                                        Fall at the CIC
    Catholic worship and Mass is

                                                                                                                 Catholic Information Center
    all about...or                                                  Let the Catholic Information Center
•   I pray to Jesus, but I never got                                help you Learn, Celebrate, Live and
    baptized...or                                                         Pray your Catholic faith.
•   I don’t know who this Jesus                                    View all your opportunities for a 2021
    guy is...or                                                       filled with spiritual purpose at
•   I was raised in another Chris-                           
    tian tradition, but I feel
    drawn to the Catholic Church...or                         Just Faith—Sacred Land: Food and
•   I was baptized Catholic as a baby, but I never went       Farming
    to Mass, faith classes, or received any other sacra-      Mondays, Sept. 13 – Nov. 8, 7-8:30 p.m.
    ments...or                                                Presented by Deacon Dennis Rybicki
•   I like what I see and feel during worship at the Ca-      $10 donation suggested (Registration required)
    thedral, I think I would like to join this church...or    Zoom and In-person classes
•   I’m thinking about becoming Catholic, but I’m not         Participants explore practical ways to support,
    sure.                                                     advocate for, and implement sustainable food and
                                                              farming practices in the communities and the
Don’t delay. Respond to the call! It’s probably the Holy
                                                              institutions of which they’re a part.
Spirit nudging you to take the next step of getting more
information or registering for the upcoming fall Inquiry
Class. Take that next step by contacting Sean Do-             Nurturing Inner Peace
novan, at 616-456-1454, ext. 1913 or                          Thursday, Sept. 16, 7-8:30pm with spiritual                           director Mary Wcisel. In-person class.
                                                              $10 donation suggested (Registration required)
                                                              Together we will explore ways to be intentional
What is Catholic Inquiry? This 10-week program                about nurturing our inner peace through
is designed for seekers who wish to learn more about          mindfulness and the practice of contemplation.
the Catholic faith and way of life. It’s geared towards
those who have never been baptized, as well as those
who have been baptized and who worship in a different         Encore: Spirituality in a Time of
Christian tradition. It's designed to help individuals dis-   Adversity
cern whether the process for becoming Catholic is right       Thursday, Sept. 23, 10-11:30am with Paulist
for them. The program is also open to those who are           father René Constanza and CIC director of
already Catholic and want to renew their understanding        programming, Mark Mann.
of Catholic teaching. Specific topics are presented each      $15 registration, includes lunch for in-person.
week. However, participants are encouraged to bring           Zoom attendance available.
their own questions and issues of faith for discussion.       Together we will explore the lessons we have
                                                              harvested since the start of the pandemic.
Tuesdays, 7:00 to 8:30pm at the
Catholic Information Center                                   Book Talk: Let’s Talk About Truth
9/14 – God, Community & Me – Invitation to Relation-          Thursday, Sept. 23, 7-8:30pm with Sister Mary
ship & Prayer                                                 Kay Oosdyke, OP. In-person class.
9/21 – The Bible – Source of God’s Self-Revelation            $10 donation suggested (Registration required)
9/28 – Jesus the Christ – God’s Son, Messenger, & Mes-        Join in a conversation about truth and its
sage                                                          expression in our culture and lives today.
10/5 – The Church – Sacramental Presence of Christ on
10/12 – The Sacraments – General Principles, Sacra-
ments of Initiation: Baptism & Confirmation
10/19 – Sacraments of Initiation: Holy Communion
(Eucharist) & the Mass
10/26 – Death & the Afterlife
11/2 – Morality – Sin & Grace, Virtue & Vice
11/9 – Sacraments of Healing – Reconciliation &
Anointing of Sick                                               If you enjoy our programming please
11/16 – Saints, Holiness & Missionary Discipleship –                consider making a donation at
Why It Matters
                                                                                                                 page 7
Twenty-Third Sunday in ordinary time - September 5 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Infant Baptisms
Please contact the
Cathedral office 456-
1454 x1909.
Adult Baptisms &

                             Arrojando la Red
Becoming Catholic
Please contact Sean
Donovan 616-456-1454
(Confession) For the
confession schedule,
                             Q     ueridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
                                    Crecer con 8 hermanos me proporcionó varias lecciones de vida. Cuando solía ser
                                    crítico conmigo mismo o con mis hermanos, mi madre estiraba ambas manos para
please refer to page 2.      indicar sus 10 dedos mientras decía: "Hijo, ves todos estos dedos. Todos son diferentes, pero
For special situations,      muy importantes para la función de mis manos. Sin embargo, cuando uno duele, toda la
please contact the           mano se ve afectada ". Hay mucho que esta simple imagen me enseña no solo sobre mi
Cathedral office 616-456-    familia, sino también sobre nuestra Iglesia y nuestro país.
1454 x1909 to make an
appointment with one of      En este periodo en nuestra Iglesia y nación en el que tendemos a resaltar lo que nos divide,
our priests.                 podemos correr el riesgo de pasar por alto lo que tenemos en común. Lo mismo ocurre
                             cuando solo nos enfocamos en lo que es común, pero pasamos por alto las divisiones que
First Communion is           deben abordarse. Como en la mayoría de las cosas en la vida, se trata de encontrar un
prepared for through the     equilibrio. El Papa Francisco nos enseña que mientras caminamos juntos en esta
Religious Education          peregrinación de la vida, ya avanzamos juntos, enfrentando dificultades y desafíos como
program. Contact Sean        personas llamadas a fortalecerse mutuamente. Lo que también se puede aplicar a nuestras
Donovan at the               interacciones como familia, también se puede aplicar a nuestra iglesia y nación. Necesitamos
Cathedral office             entender que la unidad siempre debe prevalecer sobre el conflicto y que el todo, nuestro
456-1454 x1913.              bautismo común y fe en Cristo, es más importante que las partes, nuestras diferencias.
Confirmation for 8th
                             Nuestro trabajo por la unidad en nuestra familia, en nuestra Iglesia y en nuestro país, es un
graders is prepared for
                             proceso lento que requiere trabajo. Hace un llamado a abordar las injusticias, inequidades y
through the Religious
                             enfermedades dentro del cuerpo. También requiere paciencia, perseverancia y mucha
Education program.
Contact Sean Donovan
at the Cathedral office      El próximo lunes nuestra nación conmemora el Día del Trabajo y nosotros, en la Catedral, lo
456-1454 x1913.              celebraremos con una misa a las 9 a.m. Oraremos por los millones que están sin trabajo o
Baptized adults can          subempleados y por los muchos cuyas circunstancias económicas son estresantes. También
register for Adult           es un momento para estar agradecido por los muchos trabajadores de la salud y otros
Confirmation prep            trabajadores esenciales que continúan trabajando con valentía y amor en este tiempo
classes. Contact Sean        posterior a la pandemia.
616-456-1454 x1913.
                             El 9 de septiembre, la Iglesia celebra la fiesta de San Pedro Claver, un misionero jesuita que
Weddings                     pasó su vida al servicio de los esclavos africanos en América del Sur durante el siglo XVII. Es el
Please contact Lynnae in     santo patrón de las misiones africanas, los afroamericanos y la justicia interracial. Pidamos la
the Cathedral office 616-    intercesión de San Pedro para que nos ayude a ver y tratar a cada individuo,
456-1454, x1901.             independientemente de su raza, como amados hijos e hijas de Dios Padre.
Anointing of the Sick        Oro al Espíritu Santo por un nuevo Pentecostés en nuestra parroquia e Iglesia para responder
Please call the Cathedral    a las impresiones del Espíritu que nos llama a abordar y desmantelar
office 456-1454 x1909 if     las diversas formas de racismo sistémico que existen. Un gran paso es
you are in the hospital or   encontrar a otras personas que no son como nosotros y escuchar sus
home-bound and would         historias. Las diferencias no deben amenazarnos, sino agrandarnos
like Anointing or            para ver el Cristo en el rostro del otro.
Communion. For after
hour emergencies dial        En Cristo,
option 6 and one of our
priests will be paged.

                             Muy Reverendo René Constanza, CSP
page 8                       Pastor/Rector                                                              Padre René Constanza, CSP
Twenty-Third Sunday in ordinary time - September 5 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
¿Quieres saber más de
                                   nuestra Fe? ¿Necesitas
                                   el Sacramento de
                                   Bautismo o 1ra                                                                         Es hora de
                                   Comunión o
                                   Confirmación?                                                                          registrar a
                          El 24 de octubre de 2021,
                          comenzaremos el tiempo de
                                                                                                                          su hijo/a/s
                          preguntas y consulta para
                          aquellos adultos que quieren
recibir estos Sacramentos y formación a través del                              Es hora de registrar a su hijo/a/s
proceso de RICA.                                                                Si planea en que su hijo/a/s reciban su sacramento, es
Recuerda el pasaje Bíblico de Juan 2:3-10 en el cual
                                                                                hora de apuntarlos en Educación Religiosa.
nuestra Madre Maria le dice a Jesús,” No tienen vino” y                         Llene sus formularios de registro y devuelvalo a la oficina de la
luego continúa                                                                  Catedral. Puede obtener un formulario de un ujier o descargar el
diciendo “Hagan lo                                                              formulario en
que Él les diga” El
pasaje termina con las                                                          Queremos empezar una clase para papás y
palabras “Tú has
guardado el mejor                                                               mamás en el manejo de sus niños. Estamos
vino hasta este                                                                 buscando una persona que puede guiar tal clase. Tú vas a
momento” Si tienes 18                                                           escuchar y ayudar estos padres y les darás sugerencias, soporte
años o más y necesitas                                                          y ánimos en criar a sus hijos. ¿Usted es un maestro o maestra,
los Sacramentos de                                                              que ha ganado mucha sabiduría para compartir? Favor de
Bautismo, 1ra                                                                   contactar a Padre Bill.
Comunión o
Confirmación,                                                                   Reflexión Dominical del Padre Bill
recuerda que Jesús te
                                                                                Nuestra primera lectura, es sacado de Isaías 35, habla del
llama y te espera. Él ha
                                                                                regreso del exilio. Sería como decirle a un inmigrante que ahora
guardado el mejor
                                                                                está completamente documentado. Es como decirles a los
vino para ti.
                                                                                Dreamers que no los deportarán. Es como decirles a los
Responde al llamado                                                             refugiados que su caso será escuchado rápidamente y, mientras
de Jesús y nuestra                                                              tanto, se quedarán con una familia en los Estados Unidos.
Madre María. El equipo “No tienen vino” “Hagan lo que                           Incluso podría ser como decirle a alguien de Guatemala que ya
de RICA estará en la     Él les diga” “Tú has dejado el                         no hay pandillas en Huehuetenango o él Petén, que el gobierno
parte de atrás de la     mejor vino hasta este momento”                         tratará a los indígenas igual que a los ladinos, que se respetarán
Iglesia al final de la                      - Juan 2:3-10                       los derechos de todos.
Misa Hispana, durante
                                                                                Estos son los sentimientos que tenía el pueblo israelita. No
el mes de septiembre y octubre para que te inscribas y
                                                                                podían creer las buenas noticias de que eran libres de regresar
recibas información. Los miembros del equipo son Enid
                                                                                de la esclavitud en Babilonia a su tierra natal. Isaías dice
Benedict, Cesarina Grullón, Orlando Benedict, Giovanna
                                                                                “¡esfuerza te, no temas! Aquí está tu Dios, que viene con
Cruz y Angela Velasquez y ellos están ansiosos por
                                                                                reivindicación.... Entonces se abrirán los ojos de los ciegos, se
                                                                                aclararán los oídos de los sordos; entonces el cojo saltará como
                                                                                un ciervo ... Corrientes estallarán en el desierto …”
                                                                                Somos bendecidos por un Dios que trae paz, pertenencia y
                    CO N ECTARS E                                               alegría a nuestras vidas justo cuando pensamos que no es
                                                                                Y que haremos para prestar atención? "Ve las señales de la
                                                                                presencia de Dios, presta atención al gozo todos los días,
                                                                                acompaña a los que necesitan ayuda especial, sé la voz de Dios
                                                                                en el desierto para los que están perdidos."

                                                                                                    Sigue la catedral en
                                                                                                    Facebook para ver
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                                                                                                                                         page 9
Twenty-Third Sunday in ordinary time - September 5 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
       Th e                                                                                215 Sheldon SE
                                                                                       Grand Rapids, MI 49503

  We give the Word of God a                                                            M-Th 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  voice in pulpits and print,                                                           F 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  on radio and television, on                              MOST REVEREND DAVID J. WALKOWIAK
  the web and the wide                                       Bishop of Grand Rapids / Obispo
  screen. We search out
  those who have no church
  home, and welcome home                             VERY REV. RENÉ CONSTANZA, CSP      REV. JOACHIM LALLY, CSP

                                 Paulist fath ers
  those who have been away.                          Rector (Párroco) ext. 1905         Senior Ministry
  We share the passion of                                                               REV. CHARLIE BRUNICK, CSP
  Paul for unity in faith and                        REV. BILL EDENS, CSP               Senior Ministry
  solidarity in mission among                        Associate Pastor ext. 1906
  all the baptized in the body                       fatherbill@cathedralofsaint
  of Christ. We build bridges              
  of respect and collabora-
  tion with people of other                          REV. MIKE CRUICKSHANK, CSP
  world religions.                                   Associate Pastor ext. 1914
  In our parishes and campus
  worshipping communities
  we welcome people of di-                          Cathedral staff                  LYNNAE JARRELL ext. 1901
  verse racial and cultural                                                          Wedding Coordinator
  backgrounds. The gospel        BARB FOSS ext. 1902
                                 Business Administrator                    
  we preach calls for all the
                                            ANTHONY LEARY ext. 1917
  children of God to be treat-
  ed with dignity and justice.   SEAN DONOVAN ext. 1913                              Facilities Maintenance
                                 Director of Religious Education and
  We claim Isaac Hecker as       Faith Formation
  our founder, the Holy Spirit                       Other numbers
  as our primary guide, St.                                                          BULLETIN EDITOR/DESIGN
                                 ELIANA GONZALEZ ext. 1909                           Eulene Freeland, 456-1454 ext. 1904
  Paul as our patron, and lai-   Administrative Assistant/Receptionist               Send announcements via email only by
  ty as our valued partners in                   previous Monday to
                                 MATTHEW JAKUBISIN, ext. 1911
     We are Paulists.            Director of Music                  CATHEDRAL OUTREACH CENTER
                        Open Tuesdays & Thursdays
       Missionaries                                                 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Closed July-August
                                 EULENE FREELAND, ext. 1904
    to North America.            Director of Communications         PRAYER CHAIN

                                 DEACON DENNIS RYBICKI, ext. 1903                    CATHEDRAL FAX: 616-456-5110
                                 Baptism & Homebound Ministry
                                 deacondennis@cathedralofsaint                       Cathedral proper open to the public:
                                                                 Weekdays: 6:30am to 6pm
                                                                                     Saturdays: 9am to 6:30pm
                                 JULIE BARTHOLOMEW ext. 1912                         Sundays: 9am to 9pm
                                 Liturgy Coordinator                                 Please coordinate with the office for
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                                           group tours or visits.
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