St. Ann Roman Catholic Church - "Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the ...

Page created by Ted Tucker
St. Ann Roman Catholic Church - "Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the ...
St. Ann Roman Catholic Church
19 September 2021 ~ Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

            “Whoever receives one child
              such as this in my name,
                  receives me;
            and whoever receives me,
   receives not me but the One who sent me.”
                    ~ Mark 9:37
St. Ann Roman Catholic Church - "Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the ...
Welcome to St. Ann!
          We’re so glad that you’re here. We strive to make all feel at home here and to build community.
                                 Please let us know if we can assist you in any way.
                                                 Parish Clergy & Staff
Pastor                           Rev. John J. Newns            610-933-3732, Ext.104      
Weekend Assistants               Rev. William Donnelly, O.S.A.
                                 Rev. Kail Ellis, O.S.A.
Permanent Deacons                Deacon Daniel Giblin              610-952-3765           
                                 Deacon Mark Szewczak              484-985-1889           
Business Manager                 Mrs. Lisa Burghardt               610-933-3732           
Accounting Clerk                 Mrs. Marianne Wheatley            610-933-3732           
Holy Family School               Mrs. Jennifer D’Amelio            610-933-7562           
Liturgy & Cemetery               Mrs. Madelyn Howard               484-302-5705           
Music Director                   Mr. Thomas Denny                  610-933-3732           
Parish Receptionists             Mrs. Stefanie Baker               610-933-3732           
                                 Mrs. Debra Carr                   610-933-3732           
PREP (Religious Ed.)             Mrs. Julie Prichett               610-755-1077           
Spiritual Ministry               Sr. Marie Rose Gibson, R.S.M.     610-416-5431           

Parish Office                                                     St. Ann Cemetery: 305 W. Pothouse Road
PHONE: 610-933-3732 FAX: 610-935-7958                             Sacred Heart Cemetery: 1258 Fillmore Street
502 S. Main Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460
Parish Website:                                         Parish Office Hours:
Parish Email Address:                           Mon to Thurs 8AM - 4PM & Fri 8AM-12 Noon

     MASS & CONFESSION SCHEDULE                                    If you cannot attend Mass in person, the 9:30 AM Mass
           (All Masses & Confessions in chapel)                     is live-streamed weekly on the Parish Facebook page
               Monday - Thursday: 8:00 AM                                          and our parish website.
                  Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM
                Sunday: 7:30 AM & 9:30 AM                                    CONFESSION SCHEDULE
                   and 11:30 AM Spanish                                 Tuesday 8:30 AM & Saturday 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM

New Parishioners: We are pleased to welcome new members to our Parish Community. Please call the Parish Office for Parish
Registration dates or to make an appointment.
Bulletin Submissions: Please send all news, photos, and events at least ten days prior to the issue date. Bulletin information
should be emailed to

                        Today: Wis 2:12, 17-20; Ps 54:3-4, 5, 6, 8; Jas 3:16 — 4:3; Mk 9:30-37
                        Monday: Ezr 1:1-6; Ps 126:1b-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6; Lk 8:16-18
                        Tuesday: Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2-3, 4-5; Mt 9:9-13
                        Wednesday: Ezr 9:5-9; Tb:13:2, 3-4a, 4befghn, 7-8; Lk 9:1-6
                        Thursday: Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a, 9b; Lk 9:7-9
                        Friday: Hg 2:1-9; Ps 43:1, 2, 3, 4; Lk 9:18-22
                         Saturday: Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13; Lk 9:43b-45
                         Sunday: Nm 11:25-29; Ps 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14; Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48
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St. Ann Roman Catholic Church - "Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the ...
From the Pastor’s Desk...
                                                               permanent dwellings---that God gave them the gift of the
                                                               Law through Moses and that they became a people.
                                                               Having an awareness of our dependency and
                                                               vulnerability can be a help in coming to know God, our
                                                               neighbors and ourselves. This historical level of the
                                                               celebration is layered upon the celebration of the
 The theme for today’s celebration of Catechetical Sunday      ingathering of the fall harvest. In time this feast became
 is: “Say but the Word and my soul shall be healed”. We        a great Temple Festival marked by pilgrimage, joy, lights
 give thanks to God for the members of our parish who          and flowing water. It was within the context of a Sukkot
 are giving of themselves as part of our Religious             celebration that Jesus presents himself as the “Living
 Formation Ministries such as: PREP, Holy Family               Water” (John 7:38) and as “The Light of the
 School, Sacramental Preparation Programs for Baptism,         World.” (John 8:12). So what’s all this ritual got to do
 Penance, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, RCIA,             with real life?
 Bible Study and other educational opportunities. Please
 offer a special prayer for our Catechists today and please
 consider volunteering to serve as a Catechist in our

                                                               Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, the former Chief Rabbi of Great
                                                               Britain, said, “we’re exposed to the heat by day and the
                                                               cold by night (so that we might)…understand what it is
 National Migration Week – In order to prepare for             to be homeless….One of the things we fear most is the
 next Sunday’s 107th World Day of Prayer for Migrants          stranger….The one commandment reiterated more than
 and Refugees, the Bishops of the USA invite us to invest      any other---36 times---is love the stranger for you were
 time this week getting to know our brothers and sisters       once strangers in the land of Egypt. Or, to put it a
 who are away from home seeking safety and a better life.      contemporary way, love the stranger because, to him,
 To learn more and to learn how to help visit https://         you’re a stranger. And it is this sense that we are            enlarged by the people who are different from us — we
 That said, the start of National Migration Week this          are not threatened by them — that needs cultivating, can
 Monday coincides with the start of the Jewish Feast of        be cultivated, and can lead us to see the 21st century as
 Sukkot.                                                       full of blessing, not full of fear.”

                                                                                     BEATIFIC VISION – When
                                                                                     Jesus looked at the evil-doing
                                                                                     tax collector Levi, the Lord saw
                                                                                     not only Levi but also the person
                                                                                     the sinner could become
                                                                                     through grace. Today we call
                                                                                     that man Saint Matthew and
                                                                                     this Tuesday (9/21) we will
 This Monday, as our Jewish neighbors begin the                                      celebrate the feast of this
 celebration of Sukkot, many of our friends will spend at                            Apostle and Evangelist. FYI the
 least part of these eight days living, eating, and sleeping   motto of Pope Francis---Miserando atque eligendo
 outdoors in make-shift dwellings (Sukkot is Hebrew for        (Looking with mercy and seeing)---derives from Jesus’
 “Tents” or “Huts”). Sukkot reminds us that it was while       encounter with Levi.
 our ancestors were sojourning through a desert---
 unsettled, in-between, dwelling in flimsy, non-
Page 3                                                                                                           St. Ann (026)
St. Ann Roman Catholic Church - "Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the ...
Continued From the Pastor’s Desk...

 Our Tradition teaches that grace builds on nature, and
 so it can be enriching to name and connect with cosmic       “Think Globally. Act Locally” - As we continue to
 events. This Wednesday will be the autumn equinox,           celebrate the Season of Creation this image of reusable
 one of the two days each year when the hours of light        water containers from a recent HFS Physical Education
 and the hours of darkness are equal. As earth’s northern     Class comes to mind. In the same vein, today (Sept 19) at 2
 hemisphere passes from summer into fall, we will enter       PM the Colonial Theater is showing The Story of Plastic.
 into a season of diminishing light. As we become more        Following the film there will be a panel discussion with
 immersed in the darkness of the natural world, let’s ask     local leaders regarding recent changes to single-use plastic
 the Lord to help us face the dark places in our souls, in    policies in West Chester and Philadelphia. Click here for
 our Church and in our culture. Let’s also ask the Lord       more information.
 to help us be His Light for those who are going through
 a dark time and struggling to keep the flame of faith        Position Available: St Ann Parish is in need of a part
 alive in their hearts.                                       time custodian (10 hours/week) responsible for cleaning
                                                              our worship sites and public/meeting areas. The ideal
 Hurricane IDA Update - We are working with                   candidate for this position is detail-oriented, flexible and
 insurance adjusters and contractors to remediate the         willing to take on non-routine cleaning and special
 damage to our Church Hall and to Griffin Hall. We will       projects as the need arises. The ability to stand for long
 continue to keep you updated regarding their                 periods of time as well as stoop, kneel and lift objects (up
 availability for use. Thank you for your continuing          to 50 pounds) is required. Please contact Scott Coonradt,
 support of our parish and our ministries. Click here to      facilities manager at 610-212-0492.
 view photos of some of the damage.
                                                                       ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW
 Livestreamed Masses – There are two ways folks can
                                                                                  SOMEONE WHO…
 access our livestreamed Sunday Mass: either via our
 parish website or via Facebook. Some people using             ▪ Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?
 Facebook have reported that they sometimes experience         ▪ Has a child over the age of seven who has not been
 connection problems during the Mass. If this is the             bap zed?
 case, we suggest you access the Mass via our parish
                                                               ▪ Was bap zed Catholic as a child, but has not
                                                                 celebrated the Sacraments of Confirma on and
                  BLOCK COLLECTION – Our main                    Eucharist?
                  source of parish income is our Sunday        We offer an opportunity to come together in a small
                  Collection, plus our three annual special
                  collections: 1) Christmas; 2) Easter; and
                                                               group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on
 3) the September Block Collection. Each registered            the teachings and experience of Church and prepare
 household has been mailed a solicitation for this             individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Bap sm,
 September’s Block Collection. Should you wish to give         Confirma on, and Eucharist during the Easter season.
 electronically please visit
                                                               There are separate sessions for children or youth. You
                                                               are welcome to par cipate in the process with your
                                                               ques ons, your insights and your faith story in a warm
                                                               accep ng se ng. For informa on please contact
                                                               Madelyn Howard at
Page 4                                                                                                            St. Ann (026)
St. Ann Roman Catholic Church - "Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the ...
Casseroles for St. John’s Hospice
           Counting Our Blessings!                                                   is located in Philadelphia
         Thank you for your generosity!                                              and serves men who have
                                                                                     no place to stay. Pans and
                                                              recipes are on the front porch of the Parish Office.
                                                              Put the date your casserole was prepared on the
                                                              cover of each dish. Frozen casseroles are due
                                                              Wednesday, September 29 by 10 AM on the back
                                                              porch of the Parish Office.

                                                                           Holy Family School provides many
                                                                           enrichment opportuni es for our
                                                                           children. We extend and enrich
                                                              classroom instruc on in a variety of ways. Our
                                                              students can par cipate in science, cooking, or
                                                              sports clubs. Interested students can par cipate in
                                                              our drama club, while our upper grades are offered
                                                              a variety of elec ves built right into their
                                                              schedules. We are proud of our strong spiritual and
                                                              academic program, and we are pleased to provide
                                                              addi onal       opportuni es       for      student
                                                              development! For more informa on or to schedule
                                                              a visit, call 620-933-7562, or email us

         Please pray for the sick, disabled, homebound members of our Parish Family.
Alicia Andrews        Theresa Durkin         John Kolar              Cindy Patton             Evelyn Spitz
Chad Berish           Kensley Eggeling       Christine Koons         Jonathan Perez           Christine Springer
Stephanie Bilash      William Eggeling       Bridget Kunakorn        Glen Philips             Bob Stancavage
Patricia Bogardus     Andrew Fabian          Irene Layden            Abigail Pilcicki         Marc Stevenson
Beth Booth            Dan Fennell            Margaret Litka          Dianne Ponzio            Sherri Stover
Ashley Rose Bukay     Daniel Flores          Denise Long             Norm Rabenold            Julie Szewczak
Joseph Buono          Ryan Gerhold           Ray Long                Ann Racey                Nancy Szewczak
Sandy Burns           Gordon Gladden         Claire Maestrale        Christine Radoiss        Ethel Thomas
Ed Cain               Jennifer Golaszewski   Steve & Joanne Mardi    Jerry Ratchford          Glenn Thomas
John Calvecchio       Christine Greger       Thomas Mastrangelo      John Riegel              Don Troncelliti
Leroy Campbell        Denise Griboski        Heather McCann          Kris Roberts             Helen Twargoski
Sally Claverie        Brad Hartman           John McKenzie           Tom Sarnak               Doris Valerio
Dave Cocci            Angela Hogan           Michele Mellon          Debbie Schwartzer        Jeff Vance
Frank Cook            Michael Hudak          Ron Motzer              Al Scott                 Mary Way
Ginger Cutlip         Jeanette Jelus         Karen Nesspor           Ken Shackleton           Carol Welch
Gertrude Dawson       Ann Johnson            Jacob Nichols           Margaret Sim             Anna Wesler
Isabella DeSimone     Terry Johnson          Marcelo Opiela          James Smith              Dorothy Wolff
Michael DiArcangelo   Linda Kerr             Mary Ellen Ott Trout    Renee Smith              Talan Wolstenholme
Lucille Dickson       Patrick Koch           Ruth Pascal             John Snyder

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St. Ann Roman Catholic Church - "Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the ...
Events Around the Archdiocese & Our Community...
Drive thru Flu shots given In Phoenixville's Acme                18th & Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphia PA 19103.
parking lot on October 16 from 10AM to 2PM.                      Limited      Parking      is    available.     More
************************************************                 information: visit
Job Opportunity at Camilla Hall, Malvern - Dining services       ****************************************
is looking for full and part me help. Flexible hours. Online     Mondays, October 4–25, 2021 - 7 PM - Event:
or in person applica ons.                        Between Two Laws: Seminar on Sigrid
************************************************                 Undset’s Olav Audunssøn: Vows Collegium
Monday, September 20, 2021 – 7:00 PM - Event:                    Institute invites you to join us this October for a
PresentaƟon: “The Wonders of St. Joseph!”                        Virtual Campus Seminar held via Zoom. In this
Join us for a talk by local Catholic physician and Third Order   series, we will explore Olav Audunssøn: Vows by
Carmelite, Dr. Antone Raymundo. You will learn all about         the Nobel Laureate, Sigrid Undset. Engaging
the glories of St. Joseph and the power he has to protect,       with this new translation with Tiina Nunnally
provide and lead you deeper into the spiritual life. The talk    allows us to encounter a major figure in
is based on book, Consecra on to St. Joseph by Fr. Donald        Catholic literature as her books reach a broader
Calloway,MIC Loca on: St. Isaac Jogues Church, 50 W.             audience. We will consider the ways in which
Walker Rd., Wayne, PA                                            the novel unites modern and medieval concerns
************************************************                 in its exploration of the troubled relationship of
More info: Contact the parish, hƩps://sƟ                Olav and Ingunn. The novel is an expression of
Young Catholic Professionals recently launched its 24th          the division in the human heart between
Chapter in Philadelphia and invites adults of all ages to get    emotion and duty, love and promises, and
involved in our ministry focused on Working in Witness for       above all between the law of the world and the
Christ. 20s & 30s: Enjoy free beer and wine, find new            law of the Gospel. Location: Online More -
friends, and hear faith and career advice from local             info:
Catholic business leaders at our events! 40+: Serve the          ****************************************
young adults in your community as a mentor, board                Thursday, October 7, 2021 - 7 PM - Event:
member, or financial supporter of YCP! Join us for our           Pontifical Mass celebrating St. John Henry
Networking Happy Hour on Wednesday, September 29th               Newman - All are welcome to attend a
at 6:30PM at the SlyFox Taphouse in Malvern. YCP Happy           Pontifical Mass in celebration of Saint John
Hours are a great way to meet new people and network             Henry Newman, an English theologian and poet
with other young professionals. The community shares job         whose remarkable journey brought him from
opportuni es, strengthens each other in the faith, and           Anglican ministry into the Catholic Church as a
challenges each other to grow as Catholic professionals. All     priest of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri, and
young professionals in their 20's and 30's are invited to        eventually as a cardinal. The liturgy will be
this FREE event! Visit or email          celebrated by the Most Reverend Steven J. to learn more.                          Lopes, Bishop of the Ordinariate of the Chair of
************************************************                 St. Peter. The homily will be preached by the
Sunday, September 26, 2021, 11 AM Event: Archdiocesan            Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez. The Durandus
Respect Life Month Opening Mass - Join us as we unite in         Institute for Sacred Liturgy & Music is assisting
prayer with Archbishop Pérez to uphold the sanc ty of life!      the Ordinariate with a special program of
Following Mass, all are invited to a brunch recep on with        sacred music of the English choral tradition.
the Sisters of Life. Please RSVP for brunch.                     Location: Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and
Loca on: 11 AM Mass at Cathedral Basilica SS Peter & Paul,       Paul, Philadelphia
Page 6                                                                                                        St. Ann (026)
St. Ann Roman Catholic Church - "Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the ...
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