OCTOBER 24TH 24 DE OCTUBRE - Together, Worshipping the Lord, Forming Disciples, Serving in the Name of Jesus Juntos, Adorando al Señor, Formando ...

Page created by Dave Schroeder
OCTOBER 24TH 24 DE OCTUBRE - Together, Worshipping the Lord, Forming Disciples, Serving in the Name of Jesus Juntos, Adorando al Señor, Formando ...
OCTOBER 24TH                   24 DE OCTUBRE

Together, Worshipping the Lord, Forming Disciples, Serving in the Name of Jesus
Juntos, Adorando al Señor, Formando Discípulos, Sirviendo en Nombre de Jesús
OCTOBER 24TH 24 DE OCTUBRE - Together, Worshipping the Lord, Forming Disciples, Serving in the Name of Jesus Juntos, Adorando al Señor, Formando ...
MASS SCHEDULE                                                          CHURCH OF THE LITTLE FLOWER - REILLY PARISH CENTER
    Monday - Friday                                                           Parish Office Hours        Address                             Contact
Time         Language                                                          Monday - Friday            2711 Indian Mound Trail            P. (305) 446-9950
6:15 am      English                                                           8:30 am - 4:30 pm          Coral Gables, FL 33134             F. (305) 482-6183
8:00 am      English — Livestreamed                                                                                                          www.cotlf.org
5:30 pm
             Español — Livestreamed                                                               @COTLF                              MyParish App
Time         Language
8:00 am      English — Livestreamed                 OFFICE STAFF
5:00 pm      English Vigil                            Irma Aguilar - Ext 314                                     Annette Perez - Ext 302
    Sunday                                               Business Manager                                          Curator of Records
Time         Language                                 Sofia Arrabal - Ext. 316                                     Virtus Training Coordinator
7:30 am      English                                     Rel.Ed. Office Assistant                                Jessica Rodriguez - Ext 300
9:00 am      English                                  Maria Elena Chialastri - Ext 306                             Receptionist
10:30 am     English — Livestreamed                      Administrative Assistant to the Pastor                    COTLF Charities Coordinator
12:30 pm     Español — Livestreamed                      Office Manager
5:30 pm      English                                                                                             Ashley Sacks - Ext 309
                                                      Luis Cuza - Ext 308                                          Director of Development
               CONFESSIONS                               Director of Music Ministries                            Jorge Santibáñez - Ext 307
 Priests are available to hear Confessions every      Juan del Sol - Ext 311                                       Parish Life Coordinator
  Saturday morning, from 8:30am to 10:00am.              Weddings Coordinator                                      Director of Religious Education
Penitents must be wearing a mask and maintain         Rene Denis                                                 Nubia Vivas
  6 feet social distancing while waiting in line.        Maintenance — Commodore Prop. Mgmt.                       Custodian

                      ST. JOSEPH                                       SAINT THERESA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
                   ADORATION CHAPEL                                           School Office Hours        Address                             Contact
                                                                               Monday - Friday            2701 Indian Mound Trail             (305) 446-1738
                   Open Mon-Fri, 8:30a to 4:30p                                7:15 am - 3:15 pm          Coral Gables, FL 33134              www.stscg.org
                   Visit www.cotlf.org/adoration
                                                                         Administered by the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of LA - Sr. Rosalie, Principal
                  to register as a COTLF Adorer.

               Welcome To The Catholic Church!                      Congratulations And God’s                                   Rest in Peace. We Pray For Those
               Congratulations To Our Newly                         Blessings To Those Joined In                                Who Have Entered Eternity:
               Baptized:                                            Holy Matrimony:                                              Mario Pajon
                Liam Alexander Calero                              Claudio Sottile                                           Dorothy Yako
                Claudia Ortega                                              & Gabriella Madruga                                Emilia Cevallos
                Gavin Enrique Salcedo                              Oscar Delgado Valenzuela
                Michael James Santana                                       & Alicia Caraballo

                 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM                                                      SACRAMENT OF HOLY MATRIMONY
- Private on Saturdays or Group on Sundays at 2pm. Arrangements must be           - Arrangements must be made with the Parish Office at least six (6) months in
      made with the Parish Office at least two (2) months in advance.                   advance.
- Privados los sábados o en grupo los domingos a las 2pm. Arreglos se deben       - Arreglos de bodas se deben hacer en la oficina por lo menos con seis (6)
      hacer en la oficina por lo menos con dos (2) meses de anticipación.               meses de anticipación.

   SIGNS OF OUR STEWARDSHIP                                                                                            OCTOBER 17, 2021

Attendance ……………………..…… 1,548                        Thank you for your generosity!
                                                      ¡Gracias por su generosidad!                                  Sponsor ads in the back of this
In-Church Collection………….... $8,413
                                                                                                               bulletin help us print this publication on
Late, Drop-off & Mail-in ………. $875
                                                                                                               a weekly basis at no cost to the parish,
Online Giving ………………………... $11,882                                Grand Total                                 so that offertory donations to the church
Devotional Lights ………...……... $905                                                                             can be used for ministry and services.
Poor Box/Charities ………………. $316                                      $22,391                                     If you are interested in a bulletin ad,
                                                                                                                  please contact our Diocesan Rep,
                                                                                                                Jenny Lusk, at JLusk@diocesan.com

OCTOBER 24TH 24 DE OCTUBRE - Together, Worshipping the Lord, Forming Disciples, Serving in the Name of Jesus Juntos, Adorando al Señor, Formando ...
MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS                                                         THIS WEEK @ COTLF
Sunday, October 24                                                                                  SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24TH
XXX Sunday in Ordinary Time / World Mission Sunday                           All Masses 2nd Collection: World Mission Sunday
5pm Sat Vigil + Vivian Coello Pena                                           6:30 pm    High School Youth Group (Comber Hall)
7:30 am          For all Parishioners who Passed Away this Month                        Andria Parks-Herrera, COTLFYouthGroup@gmail.com
9:00 am          For all Missionaries                                        7:30 pm    Young Adult Group (RPC Hall)
10:30 am         Missa Pro Populo - For All Members of the Parish Family                Ceci Cristobal, 305-528-1780
12:30 pm       + Consuelo Menendez Vasquez                                                          MONDAY, OCTOBER 25TH
5:30 pm          In Thanksgiving for Sr Emma Luz and the Carmelite Sisters   10:00 am    Seekers Bible Study (Rear Conference Room)
Monday, October 25th                                                                     Mercy Gonzalez, drmom92@gmail.com
Monday of Week XXX in Ordinary Time
                                                                             7:00 pm     Cristo en Cuba (Chapel Conference Room)
6:15 am        + Gloria Gutierrez
                                                                                         Adriano Garcia, adrianogar@aol.com
8:00 am        + Jane Corrigan
                                                                             7:00 pm     Adult Bible Study Group (Zoom)
5:30 pm          Misa Comunitaria
                                                                                         Julie Otero, JOtero@vistacolor.com
Tuesday, October 26th
                                                                             7:30 pm     Emaus de Hombres (RPC Hall)
Tuesday of Week XXX in Ordinary Time
                                                                                         Andres Hernandez, hernandezandres@hotmail.com
6:15 am        + Deborah Lee Carter
                                                                             7:30 pm     Ejercicios Espirituales (Rear Conference Room)
8:00 am        + Dorothy Rebak
                                                                                         Marcia Iglesias, marcia@amprex.net
5:30 pm          Misa Comunitaria
Wednesday, October 27th                                                                             TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26TH
Wednesday of Week XXX in Ordinary Time                                       5pm—9pm Bl. Carlo Acutis/Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition - Comber Hall
6:15 am          Special Intentions of Daniel Burke                                      Special Presentation on Eucharistic Miracles at 7:30pm
8:00 am          For the Health of Clark & Martha LaVoice                    6:30 pm     Escuela: Talleres de Oracion y Vida (Rear Conference Room)
5:30 pm          Misa Comunitaria                                            7:00 pm     RCIA (STS Cafeteria)
Thursday, October 28th                                                       7:00 pm     Unfolding the Scriptures with Fr. Omar (Zoom)
Feast of Sts. Simon & Jude, Apostles                                         7:00 pm     Legion of Mary (Legion of Mary House)
6:15 am          Intentions of the Murdock Family                                        Maria Lopez, 786-247-3872
8:00 am        + William & Mary Malone                                       7:00 pm     Reaching for a Smile Rosary (St. Joseph Chapel)
5:30 pm          Misa Comunitaria                                                        Maru de Castro, 305-335-4104
Friday, October 29th                                                         8:00 pm     English Charismatic Prayer Group (Chapel Conference Room)
Friday of Week XXX in Ordinary Time                                                      Felipe Vizcarrondo, fevmd@bellsouth.net
6:15 am          Aida Morejon’s Health                                       8:30 pm     Revelando las Escrituras con el Padre Omar (Zoom)
8:00 am        + Rosa De Sanchez                                                                  WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27TH
5:30 pm          Misa Comunitaria                                                        St. Augustine Bus Pilgrimage
Saturday, October 30th                                                       4 & 6:30 pm Religious Ed Classes (STS)
Saturday of Week XXX in Ordinary Time                                        7:00 pm     Encantus Choir Rehearsal (RPC Hall)
8:00 am        + Ronald Cuza                                                 7:30 pm     Oracion de Intercesion / Grupo Carismatico (Zoom)
Sunday, October 31st                                                                     Maria Arrabal, uria.bernardo1996@att.net
XXXI Sunday in Ordinary Time / All Hallow’s Eve                              7:30 pm     Women’s Emmaus (Chapel Conference Room)
5pm Sat Vigil + Emma Hernandez
                                                                                         Marifer Ordoñez, mfordonez@earthlink.net
7:30 am        + Carmen Subia
                                                                                                   THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28TH
9:00 am        + Mariana Hernandez
                                                                             7:00 pm     Choir Rehearsal (RPC Hall)
10:30 am         Missa Pro Populo - For All Members of the Parish Family
                                                                                         Luis Cuza, LCuza@cotlf.org
12:30 pm       + Juan Quintin Redruello
                                                                             7:00 pm     Cub Scouts (STS Cafeteria)
5:30 pm        + Belen Santibanez
                                                                                         St Theresa Pack 16, stspack16@gmail.com
  READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 24, 2021                                  7:30 pm     Men’s English Emmaus (Comber Hall Foyer)
                                                                                         Core Team, contact@littlefloweremmaus.org
 SUNDAY           JER 31:7-9; PS 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6; HEB 5:1-6;
                                                                                                     FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29TH
                  MK 10:46-52
                                                                         7:00 pm         Grupo Carismatico: Corazon de Jesus (Zoom)
 MONDAY           ROM 8:12-17; PS 68:2 AND 4, 6-7AB, 20-21; LK 13:10-17                  Daisy Muik, dmuik48@yahoo.com
 TUESDAY          ROM 8:18-25; PS 126:1B-2AB, 2CD-3, 4-5, 6; LK 13:18-21 8:00 pm         English Marriage Covenant (Zoom)
 WEDNESDAY        ROM 8:26-30; PS 13:4-5, 6; LK 13:22-30                                 Janetsy Christensen, JanetsyC@bellsouth.net
 THURSDAY         EPH 2:19-22; PS 19:2-3, 4-5; LK 6:12-16                                          SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30TH
 FRIDAY           ROM 9:1-5; PS 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20; LK 14:1-6       10:00 am        Religious Ed. Classes (STS)
 SATURDAY         ROM 11:1-2A, 11-12, 25-29; PS 94:12-13A, 14-15,                                   SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31ST
                  17-18; LK 14:1, 7-11                                   6:30 pm         High School Youth Group (Comber Hall)
 SUNDAY           DT 6:2-6; PS 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51; HEB 7:23-28;                         Andria Parks-Herrera, COTLFYouthGroup@gmail.com
                  MK 12:28B-34                                           7:30 pm         Young Adult Group (RPC Hall)
                                                                                         Ceci Cristobal, 305-528-1780
OCTOBER 24TH 24 DE OCTUBRE - Together, Worshipping the Lord, Forming Disciples, Serving in the Name of Jesus Juntos, Adorando al Señor, Formando ...
                                         DEL ESCRITORIO DEL PARROCO
My Dear Friends,                                                 Mis Queridos Amigos,
    I was overjoyed at the positive response last week to             Me llené de alegría por la respuesta positiva de la semana
the Opening Masses for the Synod in which we will all seek       pasada a las Misas de Apertura del Sínodo en las que todos
to discern where the Holy Spirit is guiding the Church and       trataremos de discernir a dónde el Espíritu Santo está guiando
to listen both to the Spirit and to each other. Our Holy         a la Iglesia y de escuchar tanto al Espíritu como a los demás.
Father has asked us to “listen, one to the other and all to      Nuestro Santo Padre nos ha pedido que "escuchemos, el uno
the Holy Spirit.”                                                al otro y todos al Espíritu Santo".

    Last Sunday, Father Omar and I told you that more                El domingo pasado, el Padre Omar y yo les dijimos que
                                                                 más información sobre cómo podríamos participar en el
information for how we could participate in the Synod
                                                                 Sínodo vendría en el boletín, y bueno, aquí está. Celebraremos
would be coming in the bulletin, and well, here it is. We will
                                                                 dos Sesiones Consultivas Parroquiales en el mes de
be holding two Parish Consultative Sessions in the month
                                                                 noviembre. La sesión en español se llevará a cabo el jueves
of November. The session in Spanish will be held on              11de noviembre a las 7:30 p.m., y la sesión en inglés se llevará
Thursday, November 11th at 7:30pm, and the English               a cabo el jueves 18 de noviembre a las 7:30 p.m. Ambas
Session will be held on Thursday, November 18th at               sesiones tendrán lugar en Comber Hall. También realizaremos
7:30pm. Both sessions will take place in Comber Hall.            sesiones individualizadas con nuestros jóvenes, nuestra
We will also be holding individualized sessions with our         facultad escolar, Educación Religiosa y con nuestros padres
young people, our school faculty, Religious Education, and       de escuela.
with our school parents.
                                                                      En cada sesión nos reuniremos para orar al Espíritu Santo
    At each session we will gather to pray to the Holy Spirit    en busca de guía y escuchar nuestras respuestas a las
for guidance and listen to our responses to reflection           preguntas de reflexión que han sido preparadas por el
questions that have been prepared by Archbishop Wenski.          arzobispo Wenski. Las respuestas a estas preguntas serán
The answers to these questions will be compiled by three         compiladas por tres feligreses que han estado representando
parishioners who have been representing the parish in the        a la parroquia en el Sínodo y han estado haciendo un trabajo
Synod and have been doing exceptional work. They will            excepcional. Prepararán un informe de nuestras respuestas
prepare a report of our responses that will be presented to      que se presentará a la Arquidiócesis y luego se presentará en
the Archdiocese and then up the line for consideration from      fila para la consideración por parte de Roma. ¡Nuestro Papa,
Rome. Our Pope, our Church, wants to hear from you!              nuestra Iglesia, ¡quiere saber de ti! Por favor, únanse a
Please join us for these Spirit-filled sessions.                 nosotros para estas sesiones llenas del Espíritu.
                                                                     En otras noticias parroquiales, y esto es algo de última
    In other parish news, and this is is kind of last minute
                                                                 hora porque acaba de caer del cielo la semana pasada,
because it just fell from heaven last week, we will be
                                                                 organizaremos una exposición de Milagros Eucarísticos y del
hosting an exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles and Blessed
                                                                 Beato Carlo Acutis el próximo martes 26 de octubre en
Carlo Acutis this coming Tuesday, October 26 in Comber           Comber Hall. La exposición será de 5 p.m. a 9 p.m. con una
Hall. The Exhibit will be from 5pm – 9pm with a formal           presentación formal a las 7:30 p.m. Los invito a unirse a
presentation at 7:30pm. I invite you to join us in seeing this   nosotros para ver esta exhibición de Milagros Eucarísticos y
exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles and learning more about this     aprender más sobre este notable joven que pronto será un
remarkable soon to be young saint.                               santo.
    Finally, today we celebrate World Mission Sunday                 Finalmente, hoy celebramos el Domingo Mundial de las
which is so close to my heart because of my summers as a         Misiones, que está tan cerca de mi corazón debido a mis
missionary before I entered seminary. We will have a             veranos como misionero antes de ingresar al seminario. Hoy
second collection today to support the Society of                tendremos una segunda colecta para apoyar a la Sociedad de
Propagation of the Faith which oversees missions                 Propagación de la Fe que supervisa las misiones en todo el
throughout the world. I ask you to please be generous as         mundo. Les pido que por favor sean generosos al apoyar a
we support those who are taking the message of the               aquellos que están llevando el mensaje del evangelio a partes
gospel to parts of the world where it is sorely needed.          del mundo donde es muy necesario.

                                 God bless you all,                                       Que Dios los bendiga a to

OCTOBER 24TH 24 DE OCTUBRE - Together, Worshipping the Lord, Forming Disciples, Serving in the Name of Jesus Juntos, Adorando al Señor, Formando ...
OCTOBER 24TH 24 DE OCTUBRE - Together, Worshipping the Lord, Forming Disciples, Serving in the Name of Jesus Juntos, Adorando al Señor, Formando ...
OCTOBER 24TH 24 DE OCTUBRE - Together, Worshipping the Lord, Forming Disciples, Serving in the Name of Jesus Juntos, Adorando al Señor, Formando ...
Music for Sunday Masses                                                                        Musica para la Misa Dominical

1. For the beauty of the earth, For the glory of the skies,                                             Alabaré, (alabaré,) alabaré, (alabaré,)
     For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies:                                              alabaré a mi Señor.

Lord of all, to you we raise                                                                            1.    Juan vio el número de los redimidos y todos alababan al Señor.
     This our hymn of grateful praise.                                                                        Unos oraban, otros cantaban y todos alababan al Señor.

2.     For the beauty of each hour Of the day and of the night,                                         2.    Todos unidos, alegres cantamos gloria y alabanzas al Señor.
       Hill and vale, and tree and flow'r, Sun and moon, and stars of light:                                  ¡Gloria al Padre! ¡Gloria al Hijo! Y ¡Gloria al Espíritu de amor!

3.     For the joy of ear and eye, For the heart and mind's delight,                                    3.    Somos tus hijos, Dios Padre eterno, Tú nos has creado por amor.
       For the mystic harmony Linking sense to sound and sight:                                               Te adoramos, te bendecimos y todos cantamos en tu honor.
                                                                                                        Letra: Basada en Apocalipsis 7, 4. 9–12. Letra y música © 1979, Manuel José Alonso y José Pagán.
4.     For the joy of human love, Brother, sister, parent, child,
                                                                                                        Derechos reservados. Administradora exclusiva en Norteamérica: OCP.
       Friends on earth, and friends above; For all gentle thoughts and mild:

Text: Folliot S. Pierpont, 1835-1917, alt.

                                                                                                        Donde hay fe, hay amor. Donde hay amor, existe paz.
                                                                                                            Donde hay paz, ahí está Dios. Donde está Dios, no falta nada.
1.     Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me!
                                                                                                        1.    La fe, cual un granito de mostaza, siendo una semilla tan pequeña
       I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see.
                                                                                                              se convierte en un árbol robusto que florece y fructifica amor.
2.     'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved;
                                                                                                        2.    Cuando el amor inunda nuestras vidas,
       How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed!
                                                                                                              viene y nos transforma la existencia
                                                                                                              porque así es el gran mandamiento que nos ha encomendado el Señor.
3.     The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures;
       He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures.
                                                                                                        3.    Si el precepto del amor cumplimos nos vendrá la paz en recompensa,
                                                                                                              esa paz que tan solo se alcanza si andamos los caminos de Dios.
4.     Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come;
       'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.                            © 2001, Eleazar Cortés. Obra publicada por OCP. Derechos reservados.

Text: St. 1-4, John Newton, 1725-1807; st. 5, attr. to John Rees, fl. 1859

                                                                                                        Aquí estamos, Señor, unidos en la misma fe.
                                                                                                             Acepta, Señor, nuestros dones y transforma nuestras vidas.
1.     I want to walk as a child of the light. I want to follow Jesus.
       God set the stars to give light to the world. The star of my life is Jesus.                      Aquí estamos, Señor, unidos en la misma fe.
                                                                                                             Realiza con tu Espíritu, la obra salvadora.
In him there is no darkness at all. The night and the day are both alike.
     The Lamb is the light of the city of God. Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus.                           1.    Estos dones de tu bondad, que has puesto en nuestras manos,
                                                                                                              por tu sacrificio, santifican nuestras vidas.
2.     I want to see the brightness of God. I want to look at Jesus.
       Clear sun of righteousness shine on my path,                                                     2.    Mantengamos lazos de paz, unidos con el mismo Espíritu.
       And show me the way to the Father.                                                                     En oración y cantos, muéstranos tu presencia.

3.     I'm looking for the coming of Christ. I want to be with Jesus.           3.                            Uno es el Señor, una la fe, uno el bautismo.
       When we have run with patience the race, We shall know the joy of Jesus.                               Sirvámonos unos a otros, como un solo cuerpo en Cristo.

Text: Ephesians 5:8-10, Revelation 21:23, John 12:46, 1 John 1:5, Hebrews 12:1; Kathleen Thomerson,
                                                                                                        4.    Con los dones que Tú nos das, muestras tu presencia.
b.1934, © 1970, 1975, Celebration
                                                                                                              Guíanos en tu camino, unidos en la misma fe.
                                                                                                        © 1999, Mauricio Centeno. Obra publicada por OCP. Derechos reservados.

Sing a new song unto the Lord; let your song be sung from mountains high.
     Sing a new song unto the Lord, singing alleluia.
                                                                                                        El Señor es mi fuerza,
1.     Shout with gladness! Dance for joy! O come before the Lord.                                           mi roca y salvación.
       And play for God on glad tambourines, and let your trumpet sound.
                                                                                                        1.    Tú me guías por sendas de justicia, me enseñas la verdad.
2.     Rise, O children, from your sleep; your Savior now has come.                                           Tú me das el valor para la lucha, sin miedo avanzaré.
       He has turned your sorrow to joy, and filled your soul with song.
                                                                                                        2.    Iluminas las sombras de mi vida, al mundo das la luz.
3.     Glad my soul for I have seen the glory of the Lord.                                                    Aunque pase por valles de tinieblas, yo nunca temeré.
       The trumpet sounds; the dead shall be raised. I know my Savior lives.
                                                                                                        Text: Based on Psalm 18 (17). Text and music © 1969, Juan A. Espinosa. Published by OCP. All rights
Text: Psalm 98; Dan Schutte, b.1947, © 1972, OCP.

                                             Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-736156. All rights reserved.
                                     To find Mass Readings and lyrics for all other Sunday Masses, please visit www.cotlf.org/mass
OCTOBER 24TH 24 DE OCTUBRE - Together, Worshipping the Lord, Forming Disciples, Serving in the Name of Jesus Juntos, Adorando al Señor, Formando ...
   As we begin the parish phase of the XVI Synod, you are
 invited to participate in one of two consultative sessions to
   be hosted here next month. The Spanish Session will be
  held on Thursday, November 11th at 7:30pm. The English
Session will be held on Thursday, November 18th at 7:30pm.
         Both sessions will take place in Comber Hall.

        We will also be holding individualized sessions
           with our young people, our school faculty,
       Religious Education, and with our school parents.

Are you seeking to improve your personal relationship with Christ? The Emmaus
Community of The Church of the Little Flower would like to invite you for a weekend of
spiritual talks and reflection in the company of other fellow Emmaus men.

Join us for the next Men’s Emmaus Retreat in English that will be held at the
Southeastern Pastoral Institute (SEPI) in Miami the weekend of November 12-14, 2021.

              TO REGISTER ONLINE GO TO: littlefloweremmaus.org

                                                THIS WEEKEND, October 24th, we celebrate World Mission Sunday. Pope
                                           Francis invites the entire Church to support mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the
                                           Pacific Islands, and parts of Latin America and Europe, where priests, religious
                                           and lay leaders serve the world’s most vulnerable communities. Please keep the
                                           Pope’s missions in your prayers and be generous in this week’s special second
                                           collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.

                                               ÉSTE FIN DE SEMANA, 24 de Octubre, celebramos el Domingo
                                           Mundial de las Misiones. El Papa Francisco invita a toda la Iglesia a apoyar a las
                                           diócesis en África, Asia, las Islas del Pacifico y partes de América Latina y Europa,
                                           donde sacerdotes, líderes religiosos y líderes laicos sirven a las comunidades más
                                           vulnerables del mundo. Por favor sigan orando por las misiones del Papa y sean
                                           generosos en la segunda colecta especial para la Sociedad para la
                                           Propagación de la Fe.

OCTOBER 24TH 24 DE OCTUBRE - Together, Worshipping the Lord, Forming Disciples, Serving in the Name of Jesus Juntos, Adorando al Señor, Formando ...
All throughout the month of October, in celebration of Respect Life Month, the parish will be
hosting a baby item collection drive in the vestibule of the church. All items donated will be
collected by the COTLF Respect Life Ministry to benefit the South Dade Pregnancy Center.
                              Thank you for your generosity!

                                            THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 2022 — SUNDAY JANUARY 23, 2022
                                          To join the official ADOM Pilgrimage Group, please contact
                                                 Viviana Yerex at Viviana vyerex@theadom.org
                                 We will be hosting a local March for Life here at the Parish in union with the
                                 National March for Life in January. More details will be made available soon.

OCTOBER 24TH 24 DE OCTUBRE - Together, Worshipping the Lord, Forming Disciples, Serving in the Name of Jesus Juntos, Adorando al Señor, Formando ...
We thank our Title Sponsors,
                                                                    Celebrity Cruises and Holidays in Motion,
                                                                           for their generous support!

       The Parish Fair is a three day event open to the community at large.
This annual tradition brings together the Church of the Little Flower and St. Theresa
  Catholic School families for a weekend full of family thrill and fun for everyone!

     The Parish Fair will take place at the St. Theresa Catholic School grounds from
                     Friday, December 3 — Sunday, December 5th.
        Throughout the weekend you will enjoy games, rides and great food in a
        family atmosphere. Mark your calendars and we hope to see you there!

       We thank our title sponsors, Holiday in Motion/Celebrity Cruises for their
generous support and invite you to consider becoming a fair sponsor – whether it’s
 for your family or company — in one of MANY opportunities that remain available.

                             Ride and food tickets are also available for pre-purchase!

          For more details about the fair, sponsorship opportunities, and/or tickets,
                       visit www.cotlf.org/fair or www.stscg.org/fair
          or contact our Development Director, Ashley Sacks, at the Parish Office.

                                                      COTLF PARISH PRAYER LIST
 Mercy Acosta                  Armelio Gomez            Michele Luciano        Porfirio Ponce
 Alex Artiga                   Danielle Gongora         Luis Maggi             Lee Ramirez                 To add or remove the
 Pat Ayala                       Jimenez                  Audrey Marante         Robert G Ramirez, Sr.
                                                                                                                  name of a parishioner,
 Humberto Báculo               Denis Gonzalez           Adriana Martin         Augustus Riley
 Jayden C.                     Margie Alfonso           Crystal Martin         Alejandro Rivera
                                                                                                                  relative, or friend to our
 Juan Carbonell                      Gonzalez             Daniel Martin          Karolina Cabrera Rivera       Parish Prayer List
 Maria de Cardenas             Christine Grenet         Yolanda Martos         Ana Roca                      please contact us
 Dean Carr                     Lidia Guallar            Rene Monteagudo        Aurora Elena Rodriguez       at the Parish Office
 Manuel Herrera Castilla       Hugo & Maria Guilarte    Ann Munley             Eddy Sanchez
                                                                                                                       or submit your
 Otto Crombet                  Ana Isabel Herrera       Matthew Murray         Robert Sanchez
 Jose Luis del Oso             Kyle Hirshson            Bob Needham            Frances Shaheen
                                                                                                                       Prayer Request
 Sr Anthony Mary Diago         Verna Hume               The Paniagua Family    Sean Stockhausen            via the MyParish App.
 Jonathan Peter Domash         Gloria L.V. Keigans      Susana Parks           Jose “Ricky” Suarez
 Elena Dominguez               Elizabeth Kiss           Rosa Pelaez            Steven Sullivan
 Barbara Fernandez             Alex Lacca               Osvaldo Perez          Francis Sweeney
 Carlos Fernandez              Augusto Ledesma          Sister Janet Pfile     Marisol Tapia
 Tammy Fons                    Marlene Llamas           Sister Judy Pfile      Idalmy Vidaurre
 Elena Garcia                  Gustavo Lobo             Ryker Urbane Phelps    Jennifer & Kaylin Yudice

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