January 30, 2022 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...

January 30, 2022 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
Cathedral of Saint Mary of    Sacred Heart Church
The Immaculate Conception     and combined Parish Office
607 NE Madison Ave.           504 Fulton Street, 61602
St. Bernard Church            St. Joseph Church/Sophia’s Kitchen
511 E. Kansas St., 61603      103 S. Richard Pryor Place

                    January 30, 2022 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time
January 30, 2022 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
Saint Bernard News                                                                     Parish News
 St. Bernard Parish Support                                                                                Feast of the Presentation-
 January 23, 2022                                                                                          C a n dl e m a s : W ed ne s d a y ,
 Sunday Income ................................................. $575.00
                                                                                                           February 2nd is the Feast of
 Building and Grounds (1) .................................. $ 5.00
                                                                                                           the Presentation of the Lord in
 Seton Education Fund …………………………..……$ 15.00
                                                                                     the Temple, the traditional end of the Christmas
      ADA GOAL………………………….. $17,993.00                                                season and the day to bless church
                                                                                     candles. Candles to be used throughout the
      ACTUAL RECEIVED TO DATE ….. $10,420.00
                                                                                     liturgical year will be blessed at the 7am Mass at
                 Saint Mary’s News                                                   St. Mary’s Cathedral and the noon Mass at Sacred
                                                                                     Heart. Blessed candles traditionally are lit during
                                                                                     storms or in the rooms of the sick. They can also
 St. Mary Parish Support
                                                                                     be used during time of personal prayer or for other
 January 23, 2022
 Envelopes (45) .................................................. $939.00
                                                                                     family celebrations.
 Loose ................................................................ $883.00
                                                                                                         Blessing of Throats: Thursday,
 Total ................................................................. $1,822.00
                                                                                                         February 3rd, is the feast of the
    ADA GOAL………………….……….. $14,559.00                                                                     martyr, St. Blaise, on which there
    PLEDGED………………………......….$10,804.00                                                                   will be a blessing of the throats.
    ACTUAL RECEIVED TO DATE ….. $ 8,894.00

     Sacred Heart & St. Joseph                                                       STATEMENTS OF YOUR 2021 CONTRIBUTIONS to our
                                                                                     churches are available for your tax reporting purposes.
             News                                                                    Call the parish office at 673-6317 to request.
IN YOUR CHARITY, please pray for the repose of the soul
                                                                                                    THE NEXT ST. BERNARD MEN’S CLUB
of Fr. Robert Weakley, former priest at Sacred Heart
                                                                                                    FISH FRY will be on Friday, February 4th
Parish, who passed away on January 23, 2022.                                                        from 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the school gym,
                                                                                                    512 E. Kansas. You may dine in or carry
 Sacred Heart & St. Joseph Parish Support                                            out. The cost is $15.00 for catfish or a baked cod
 January 23, 2022                                                                    dinner, and $10.00 for shrimp or fried cod dinners,
 Sunday Income    $1,673.00                                                          which includes cole slaw, choice of potato and bread.
 Sophia’s Kitchen $2,974.00                                                          Children’s meals of corndogs, fried cod, or shrimp are
                                                                                     available for $5.00.
      ADA GOAL………………………….. $57,549.00
      PLEDGED………………………..........$17,577.00                                           ADORATION Eucharistic Adoration every Friday at the
      ACTUAL RECEIVED TO DATE ….. $13,652.00                                         Cathedral St. Thomas More Chapel following 7am Mass
                                                                                     and concluding with Benediction at 5pm.
 ADA UPDATE Current ADA amounts are in each of the
                                                                                                      HEART OF PEORIA
 parishes’ weekly support box on this page. If you
                                                                                                    CONFESSION SCHEDULE
 have not already sent in your card, please do so,
 whether you are giving to the ADA or not. Any amount                                Saturday - 7:00am-7:25am - Sacred Heart
 is appreciated, so please help us meet our goals.                                   Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 11:00am-noon at
 Amounts over our goals are returned to the parish.                                  Sacred Heart
 For those who have given, we thank you.                                             Saturday - 3:00-3:45pm - St. Joseph

2                                     Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
January 30, 2022 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
Sophia’s Kitchen News                                   Feast Day & Groundhog Day
              This bitter cold weather has been tough on
              everyone, and especially on our homeless         St. Blaise | February 3
              guests. The men often arrive with no                                            You may be familiar with
              gloves or mittens. Donations of men's size                                      the annual “blessing of
              gloves or mittens are very much needed!                                         throats” that man y
They don't need to be expensive. Work gloves, & knitted                                       parishes in the United
mittens work well to prevent frostbite too. Most                                              States          use      to
important - they must be large sizes! The majority of our                                     commemorate the beloved
guests who come in this weather are men. We have                                              bishop and martyr. St.
plenty of small gloves. Donations can be dropped off at                                       Blaise lived in the fourth
Sophia's Kitchen any time. If we aren't open, they are                                        century in Turkey and
very welcome in the Little Free Pantry.                                                       Armenia. Due to religious
                                                                                              persecution, he was forced
     Community & Area News                                                                    to flee and hide in a cave
                                                                                              in the back country in
                The "HOLY HOUR FOR THE RIGHTS OF                                              order to save his life.
                THE UNBORN" will be held at Saint Mark's                                      History has it that one day
                Church, 1113 W. Bradley Avenue, in                                            a group of hunters
                Peoria. It will be held at the usual time of                                  stumbled upon where St.
                7:00 P.M., on the first Monday of the                                         Blaise was living. They
                month on February 7th, 2022. It consists                                      found the bishop kneeling
of Benediction, the Rosary, and other prayers. Please join     in prayer, surrounded by wolves, lions, and bears that he
us in praying to God for the protection of these innocent      had tamed. The legend has it that as the hunters
lives and the restoration of their Constitutional rights.      dragged Blaise off to prison, a mother came with her
                                                               young son who had a fish bone lodged in his throat. At
           Marriage Mass & Date Night                          Blaise’s command, the child was able to cough up the
                                                               bone and thus lived.
                   Saturday, February 12, 2022 –
                                                               Today we remember the saint on his feast day by taking
                   Marriage Mass & Date Night.
                                                               two candles, crossing them against the throat, and
                   Join Bishop Louis Tylka for the             saying the following prayer:
                   Marriage Mass at 4pm at St.                 Through the intercession of St. Blaise, bishop and
                   Mary’s Cathedral. After the                 martyr, may God deliver you from ailments of the throat
                   Mass there will be a date night             and from every other evil. In the name of the Father, and
 and special dinner at the Spalding Center. There              of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
 will also be live music by the Water Street
 Stompers from 6pm to 8pm. Wear your dancing
 shoes! Any questions contact Julie Enzenberger at
 Jenzenberger@cdop.org or to sign up go to:
                                                                                                         HOG DAY
 One good thing about being wrong is the joy it
                brings others.

                           Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                                           3
January 30, 2022 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
Community & Area News
              Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat
               February 25-27, 2022
Has the abortion experience that has left you feeling
empty and alone? Rachel's Vineyard Retreat is
available in our diocese for any man or woman who has
struggled with the emotional and spiritual pain of
abortion. This healing weekend is for singles or married                       Presents
couples, mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings or                      “Love is in the Air”
anyone suffering the effects of an abortion loss. If you      A Valentine Tea for Older Adults (50 yrs +)
are searching for peace and inner healing from an
abortion experience, this retreat is for you. Register now   Date:     Thursday, February 10th, 2022
for the February 25-27, 2022: retreat by calling 309-
                                                             Time:     10 am to 11:30 am
264-1489 or e-mailing rvrpeoria@gmail.com. All
communications are strictly confidential. For more           Location: East Bluff Community Center
information please visit https://cdop.org/offices/                      Combs Gym
respect-life/rl-programs-resources/rachels-vineyard/ or                 512 E Kansas St., Peoria, Il 61603
the national Rachel’s Vineyard website at https://           Enter the main gym doors on New York Street
www.rachelsvineyard.org/                                     What: Graceland Center volunteers invite you to a fun
                                                             event and to learn about what we are creating for
                                                             Peoria! No cost to attend.

                                                                            Let’s spice up our February with some
                                                                            Valentine treats, coffee and tea and a
                                                                            Jeopardy Game to “Name that Couple”
                                                                            from oldie’s movies, music, and other
                                                                            challenging categories.

                                                             We will follow COVID protection guidelines with wearing
                                                             masks, distance seating, and provide hand sanitizer for
                                                             your convenience.

                                                             Come learn about Graceland Center, have some fun,
                                                             maybe win a prize, and get to know some new
     2022 PND Gala Saturday, March 19, 2022                  neighbors!
    Peoria Notre Dame High School Commons                    In case of bad weather, a notice of cancellation will be
                                                             put on the East Bluff Community Center calendar and
Please join us for the 39th annual Blue and Green            Facebook page and the Graceland Center Facebook
Gala! This year's theme is the Heart of PND County           page also.
Fair. At this event, we will celebrate the families and
faculty that comprise our PND community. A county            Questions: Call 833-503-7773
fair is an event that draws people together to
celebrate local people, food, businesses and
entertainment. This exciting event will include food,
fun, and fundraising in an effort to support all that an
authentic Catholic education at Peoria Notre Dame
offers. To purchase your tickets visit https://

4                        Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
January 30, 2022 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
Everyday Stewardship                                        Catholic Schools Prayer
EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP - RECOGNIZE GOD IN YOUR                   A Catholic Schools Prayer:
                                                               God of knowledge and faith,
First Corinthians and the Stewardship of Social Media          thank you for the opportunity to go to a Catholic
“Love is patient, love is kind …” As familiar as these         school.
words are, they never seem to stray into the territory of      When I go to Mass, I hear that knowledge is so
becoming trite or silly. At their core they communicate a      important.
truth about us and about our Creator that never fails to       Thank you for my parents and grandparents
                                                               who have built our school and supported it throughout
But despite the fact that you’ve probably heard it at          the years.
many weddings over time, First Corinthians isn’t just for      Help me to be a good student
newlyweds. It wasn’t written for married folks. It’s for       and to become a good supporter of my parish, city,
every single one of us, in every state of life and every
                                                               and country.
social situation, in every country and culture and
language across the globe.                                     Please bless all those men and women
                                                               who have spent their lives teaching in our Catholic
Which means that First Corinthians is even for the online      schools.
world. It’s for Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and
                                                               Please bless my friends and teachers I learn with
all the other platforms I’m forgetting (there seems to be
a new one every day, doesn’t there?).                          every day.
                                                               I ask for all these blessings in the name of God's Son,
A sense of division — whether rooted in politics, culture      Jesus. Amen.
or anything else — is growing in our world, and it’s never
more obvious than when we observe interactions online.
It is far easier, after all, to remember what love is when a
human being of flesh and blood stands before us. When
all we see is an avatar or a profile picture on a screen —
especially accompanied by an opinion with which we
vehemently disagree — even the most loving Christians
can throw First Corinthians out the window.
As everyday stewards we know that we are charged to
be not only gracious but grateful. We receive others but
we also give thanks for what they bring to us — even if
that’s an opportunity to “strive eagerly for the greatest
spiritual gifts.”
So before the next time you post anything online, I
suggest giving First Corinthians a read — and remember,
love never fails.
— Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

Snickers and Giggles - Confession
En route to church to make his first confession, my
nervous seven-year-old grandson asked me what he
could expect.
"Confession is where you tell all the bad things you’ve
done to the priest," I told him. He looked relieved.
Good. I haven’t done anything bad to the

                           Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                                         5
January 30, 2022 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
“Yo les aseguro que nadie es profeta en su tierra”
                                                Jesús llegó a Nazaret acompañado de sus discípulos. El carpintero de antes, el
                                                trabajador de los campos, el muchacho bueno y amigo de todos, viene ahora como
                                                una persona importante, pues su enseñanza, sus milagros, su fama por toda
                                                Palestina hacen de Él un personaje fuera de serie. Jesús, sin embargo, sigue tan
                                                humilde y sencillo como antes.
                                                Al llegar el sábado se presenta en la sinagoga como lo había hecho siempre.
                                                Aunque ahora lo hace no para escuchar, sino para tomar la palabra y enseñar. Y lo
                                                hace tan bien, con tanta gracia y sabiduría, que todos se quedan pasmados.
                                                Vienen entonces los comentarios obligados.
Para unos, este Jesús es algo extraordinario: - ¿De dónde tanto conocimiento? ¡Pero, cómo domina la Escritura! Y esos milagros
que dicen ha hecho en Cafarnaúm y en otras partes... Dios está seguramente con Él. Otros, sin embargo, se escandalizan y
siembran la cizaña entre el auditorio: - Pero, ¿no es éste el carpintero, el hijo de María? ¿Y no están entre nosotros todos sus
parientes? ¿Cómo le vamos a hacer caso? Jesús se ve aquí como un signo de contradicción. Unos que sí, otros que no... Y con
cara triste les asegura a sus paisanos: - Un profeta no es despreciado sino en su patria, entre sus parientes y en su propia casa.
Así y todo, aún se dignó imponer la mano sobre algunos enfermos y curarlos, porque el corazón le traicionaba siempre. Pero
también manifestó sus sentimientos íntimos: - Me maravilla vuestra incredulidad. Quisiera haberos ayudado más, pero no puedo
ante vuestra falta de fe… Y no tuvo Jesús más remedio que asumir semejante fracaso y marcharse a predicar por los otros
pueblos y aldeas. Al leer este pasaje del Evangelio nos topamos con el problema de la incredulidad y del rechazo de Dios, que es
un pecado tan frecuentemente denunciado en la Biblia.
Ahora va a ser peor. Ahora rechazan a Dios que se les presenta en Jesucristo. A pesar de los milagros que hace, a pesar de su
enseñanza tan bella, a pesar de todo, no creen en Jesús, se escandalizan de Él, y se lo echan bien lejos…
Todo esto, por sus apariencias humildes. Venían de decirse: Que venga un Cristo fulgurante, y le haremos caso.
Que detenga el sol como Josué, y creeremos en Él. Que eche bien lejos a los romanos, y lo aceptaremos. Que someta las naciones
de los gentiles a Israel, y entonces sabremos que es el Mesías, el que queremos y esperamos…
Esto pensaban y esto querían los dirigentes del pueblo.
Pero como Jesús no hacía nada de esto, y aseguraba que el Reino de Dios tan esperado era una cosa tan diferente, se vio
rechazado como Mesías. Hasta que pudo decir Él mismo sobre la Jerusalén incrédula: - ¡Jerusalén, Jerusalén, que matas a los
profetas y apedreas a los que son enviados a ti! ¡Cuántas veces he querido reunir a tus hijos como la gallina a sus polluelos bajos
las alas, y tú no has querido!...
Esta podría ser nuestra situación, como pueblos y como personas. Pero Dios no quiera que nos suceda algo semejante. Podremos
tener nuestras debilidades, colectivas como personales, pero eso de rechazar a Jesucristo, ¡no!...
La fe en Jesucristo y en su Iglesia no la perderemos. A veces se nos presentarán con apariencias humildes y exigentes, cuando
nos hablen de puntos de la Ley de Dios que el mundo rechaza. Nosotros, con la gracia de Dios, queremos permanecer fieles y
seremos dóciles al Magisterio de nuestros Pastores, que vienen y nos enseñan como enviados del mismo Dios. (Catholic.net)

Dios te Bendiga. Padre Julio. “Página de Facebook, Instagran y Canal de Youtube: Padre Julio Faes. Teléfono: 309-294-1365.

                                       Domingo 30 de enero. IV durante el año. Lc 4, 21-30

En aquel tiempo, después de que Jesús leyó en la sinagoga un pasaje del libro de Isaías, dijo: “Hoy mismo se ha cumplido este
pasaje de la Escritura que acaban de oír”. Todos le daban su aprobación y admiraban la sabiduría de las palabras que salían de
sus labios, y se preguntaban: “¿No es éste el hijo de José?”
Jesús les dijo: “Seguramente me dirán aquel refrán: ‘Médico, cúrate a ti mismo’ y haz aquí, en tu propia tierra, todos esos
prodigios que hemos oído que has hecho en Cafarnaúm”. Y añadió: “Yo les aseguro que nadie es profeta en su tierra. Había
ciertamente en Israel muchas viudas en los tiempos de Elías, cuando faltó la lluvia durante tres años y medio, y hubo un hambre
terrible en todo el país; sin embargo, a ninguna de ellas fue enviado Elías, sino a una viuda que vivía en Sarepta, ciudad de Sidón.
Había muchos leprosos en Israel, en tiempos del profeta Eliseo; sin embargo, ninguno de ellos fue curado, sino Naamán, que era
de Siria”.
Al oír esto, todos los que estaban en la sinagoga se llenaron de ira, y levantándose, lo sacaron de la ciudad y lo llevaron hasta una
saliente del monte, sobre el que estaba construida la ciudad, para despeñarlo. Pero él, pasando por en medio de ellos, se alejó de

6                            Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
January 30, 2022 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
Cristo Reina. Hagamos una experiencia de Fe desde
                             la Adoración Eucarística animada con canto y
                          oraciones. Dios siempre tiene grandes sorpresas
                                            para nosotros.

Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                       7
January 30, 2022 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
Se informa que la Misa diaria en español vuelve a la Iglesia San
 José de Martes a Viernes a partir del Martes 08 de Febrero a la
misma hora. El Padre julio ya celebrará las misas del fin de sema-
na del 06 de febrero y con estas actividades todas las actividades
del la comunidad del Corazón de Peoria volverán a la normalidad.

                                                                     ¿Quieres tener el Cáliz? debes comunicarte con Mirna
                                                                     Quintero al 309- 338-0502 o Mariela Quintero al 309-
                                                                          253-2869. Ellas te asignarán una Semana.

        Oración de Consagración al Sagrado Corazón.
El primer viernes de mes es el dedicado al sagrado Corazón,
   reza la oración que se encuentra arriba y conságrate tu
    mismo, tu familia y el mundo al Sagrado Corazón para             “En tu palabra he puesto mi esperanza, y solo en ella
      gustar de las gracias que El tiene para regalarnos.               confiaré para dejarme guiar en el camino de la

8                        Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
January 30, 2022 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community   9
January 30, 2022 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
Readings and Staff Information
                                                               Heart of Peoria Community Staff
       Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time
              January 30, 2022                          Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, Bishop of Peoria
First Reading:                                          Most Reverend Louis Tylka, Coadjutor Bishop of Peoria
The word of the LORD came to me, saying:                Monsignor Paul Showalter, PA, In residence-St. Bernard
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I dedicated you,                   Fr. Bill Miller, Rector/Pastor
a prophet to the nations I appointed you. (Jer 1:4-5)   Fr. Eric Bolek, Parochial Vicar
I will sing of your salvation. (Ps 71)                  Fr. Julio Faes, Parochial Vicar, Diocesan Office of
Second Reading:                                                                 Hispanic Ministry
So faith, hope, love remain, these three;
                                                        Toby Tyler, Deacon
but the greatest of these is love. (1 Cor 13:13)
Gospel:                                                 Jenny Caughey, St. Mary’s Cathedral/St. Bernard /
And he said, “Amen, I say to you,                                    Sacred Heart/St. Joseph Secretary
no prophet is accepted in his own native place.” (Lk
4:24)                                                   Elizabeth Ruiz Becerra, Hispanic Ministry Secretary
                                                        Claire Crone, Director Sophia’s Kitchen, a mission of
                                                                             St. Joseph Church
              Readings for the Week                     Jo Ellen Lohnes, Sacred Heart/St. Joseph
               of January 30, 2022
                                                                             Finance Office
Sunday: Jer 1:4-5, 17-19/Ps 71:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 15-17
[cf. 15ab]/1 Cor 12:31—13:13 or 13:4-13/Lk 4:21-30      Matt Meads, Youth Director
Monday: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13/Ps 3:2-3, 4-5, 6-    Julie Enzenberger, Consecrated Virgin
7/Mk 5:1-20
Tuesday: 2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30—19:3/Ps          Beatrice Nava, Director of Religious Education
86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6/Mk 5:21-43                                             navabeatrice@yahoo.com
Wednesday: Mal 3:1-4/Ps 24:7, 8, 9, 10/Heb 2:14-18/     Weddings
Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32                                   Contact our wedding coordinator, Georgette Williams, at
Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12/1 Chr 29:10, 11ab, 11d-    least six months before desired date at:
12a, 12bcd/Mk 6:7-13                                    weddingsbygeorgette@gmail.com
Friday: Sir 47:2-11/Ps 18:31, 47 and 50, 51/Mk 6:14-
29                                                      Baptisms
Saturday: 1 Kgs 3:4-13/Ps 119:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14/    Contact parish office for formation programs and
Mk 6:30-34                                              scheduling
Next Sunday: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8/Ps 138:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 7-8
[1c]/1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11/Lk 5:1-11              Knights of Columbus
                                                        Clinton Coulter-Grand Knight
                                                                    Office phone number:
                                                                309-673-6317, fax 309-673-6330
                                                               Email: b.stbernards@comcast.net
                                                             Emergency after hours contact number:
                                                                        673-6317, Ext. 0
                                                          For email addresses and complete staff listing,
                                                               please visit www.CatholicPeoria.com
                                                                           Prayer Chain
                                                                       mcm86@mtco.com or
                                                               309-685-9103 (home), 648-0229 (cell)

10                        Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
Mass Intentions & Special Days of the Week
                       Saint Mary                                                  Sacred Heart
Sunday, January 30, 2022                                     Sunday, January 30, 2022
    10:30 am †        M. James Salmon                              10:00 am †         G. Raymond Becker
    12:15 pm          Spanish Mass                           Monday, January 31, 2022
Monday, January 31, 2022                                           12:05 pm †         Joseph Bolek
     7:00 am          Stange Family                          Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Tuesday, February 1, 2022                                          12:05 pm †         Joe & Mary Noirot
     7:00 am †        Virginia Ziegler                       Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
                                                                   12:05 pm †         Margaret Wikoff
     7:00 am          Health of Martin Banuelos Alonso
                                                                                      (Blessing of candles)
                      (Blessing of candles)
                                                             Thursday, February 3, 2022
Thursday, February 3, 2022
                                                                   12:05 pm †         Dorothy Nodlinski
     7:00 am †        Sr. M. Marie Punita
                      (Blessing of throats)                                           (Blessing of throats)
Friday, February 4, 2022                                     Friday, February 4, 2022
     7:00 am          Christine Pinheiro                           12:05 pm †         Jerry Klise
Sunday, February 6, 2022                                     Saturday, February 5, 2022
    10:30 am †        Glenn Duhs, William & Margaret Craig           7:30 am          Intentions, Benefactors & Friends
    12:15 pm          Spanish Mass                                                    of the Sheen Foundation
                                                             Sunday, February 6, 2022
                                                                   10:00 am †         Matthew Pastuszak
                     Saint Bernard
Sunday, January 30, 2022
       8:30 am †       Elizabeth Seiler                                            Saint Joseph
Sunday, February 6, 2022                                     Saturday (vigil), January 29, 2022
        8:30 am †       Arthur Gilinsky                              4:00 pm †          Russell McKinnie
                                                             Sunday, January 30, 2022
                                                                     7:30 am            All Parishioners
  Special Days for the Week of January 30, 2022              Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Sunday: 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time; Celebrate Catholic              6:00 pm            Spanish Mass
Schools Week                                                 Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Monday: St. John Bosco, Priest                                       6:00 pm            Spanish Mass
Wednesday: The Presentation of the Lord; World Day for       Thursday, February 3, 2022
Consecrated Life
                                                                     6:00 pm            Spanish Mass
Thursday: St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr; St. Ansgar,
                                                             Friday, February 4, 2022
                                                                     6:00 pm            Spanish Mass
Saturday: St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr
Next Sunday: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time; St. Paul Miki      Saturday (vigil), February 5, 2022
and Companions, Martyrs                                              4:00 pm            All Parishioners
                                                             Sunday, February 6, 2022
                                                                     7:30 am            Spanish Mass

                                                                                 † Denotes deceased.

                           Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                                              11
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