St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -

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St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
St. Augustine
                        Catholic Church & School
                       Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition

3850 Jasmine Ave, Culver City   (310) 838 -2477        
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
August 22, 2021                                                       Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                            The Community that Gathers
        John’s Bread of Life Discourse is a profound meditation on the nature and person of Jesus. Ultimately, the
Discourse leads us to the Eucharist, to the absolute necessity of gathering regularly as a people to celebrate what
Jesus has done for us, to receive him under the appearances of bread and wine, and to be reminded of who we are
and what we are called to do in Jesus’ name. These themes are also prefigured and expanded upon in the excerpts
we hear from Joshua and Ephesians.
         What formed Israel as one people was its experience in the desert, traveling together with a common pur-
pose and destination, insulated from pagan idols and values. Once the Israelites left the desert and dispersed
throughout the Promised Land, however, they encountered pagan idols and value systems opposed to Israel’s cove-
nantal relationship with God. They were tempted to abandon the commandments God had given them, and their
sacred vows of fidelity to the covenant. Now the divided tribes were exposed to the worship of the idols of the dif-
ferent peoples they encountered, to human sacrifice and to practices that would destroy their unity as the Chosen
People of God. Instead of being a covenantal sign to the nations of God’s presence, instead of bringing these na-
tions to the worship of the one true God, the Israelites faced the real possibility that the nations would seduce them
to the practice of idolatry, immorality, and the oppression of the poor and powerless. To avoid this possibility,
Joshua, who like Moses prefigures Christ, assembled the Israelites to remind them of all that God had done for
them in the desert and to recall for them the promises they had made to God at Mt. Sinai. Decide whom you will
serve, challenges Joshua. Decide whom you will be – the chosen and free people of the one true God, or the slaves
of the gods of the pagans. The people’s response – We will serve the Lord – was made possible only because they
gathered in the name of the Lord. Regularly assembling kept the Chosen People united and faithful to their cove-
nantal vows and committed to their mission to be God’s light to the nations.
         Coming together frequently as a community not only keeps us one in Christ and faithful to his mission, but
also keeps us in right relationship with God and each other. Ephesians makes this clear. Be subordinate to one an-
other out of reverence for Christ. The culture, customs and gender roles of Paul’s time were very different from
ours, and the mutual subordination in Christ took a particular form, especially in the family. Nevertheless, Paul did
not speak of the domination of one sex over the other but described the mutual duties each owed the other out of
love. Today, being subordinate to one another takes a different form than in Paul’s time, but mutual respect, love,
sacrifice, and cooperation remain the duties we owe to each other out of reverence for Christ. Two thousand years
later, our faithful compliance with these obligations is no easier and is still threatened by a culture that worships
itself, money, power, sex, and control. For that reason, we must continue to gather regularly as the Christian com-
munity to remember and reinforce our commitments to each other out of reverence for Christ.
         Every Eucharistic gathering of God’s people also presents challenges. John discusses these challenges in
simple but stark terms. Jesus’ statements, that his flesh is true food and his blood true drink and that anyone who
eats his flesh and drinks his blood will have everlasting life, forced his disciples – and compel us – to make a
choice. Will we follow Jesus? Do we trust that the God who gave us his only Son on the cross for our salvation can
and will give us himself – his Body and Blood – to make us one people in him, to strengthen us for the mission to
transform the world in his name? Do we trust that he can and will bring us safely through the difficulties of life
and guide us, at last, to eternal life and joy? Or will we follow those disciples who failed to trust Jesus, complain-
ing that this saying is too hard; who can accept it? Like the Israelites and the Ephesians, the danger we constantly
face is not to trust in God’s love and mercy for us and in the covenant he makes with us through Jesus Christ,
whose Body and Blood are the proof of his fidelity. The Eucharistic assembly also gives us the opportunity to re-
commit ourselves to Jesus. As with Peter, Jesus asks us do you also want to leave? Let our response be that of
Peter – Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.
        Gathering on the Lord’s Day to celebrate the Eucharist and receive the Body and Blood of Jesus is not just
an empty ritual that we do out of obligation. It is an act of faith without which we cannot live. It keeps us united as
a community on our journey of faith. It keeps us faithful to God’s covenant with us through baptism and to the
mission on which he sends us – to proclaim the good news of his love to the all the world. The faithful celebration
of the Eucharist maintains us in right relationship with God and each other – out of reverence for Christ. It
strengthens us, in times of doubt, weakness, and temptation, to be faithful to our Christian values -- not the world’s
-- and to trust that God will get us through the tough times and bring us safely home to him. The Eucharist always
presents us with a choice to make – freely and without coercion – to succumb to the way of the world and return to
our former lives of sin, or to follow Jesus, the holy One of God, and in so choosing to taste and see the goodness of
the Lord.
                                                        Blessings, Fr. Chris                                         2
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
                                                                                  COVID-19 Prayer of Solidarity
                          First Reading —Joshua                           For all who have contracted coronavirus,
                          challenges the Israelites to                          we pray for care and healing.
                          serve either the Lord or other
                                                                          For those who are par cularly vulnerable,
                          gods. They choose the Lord
                          (Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b).                         we pray for safety and protec on.
                                                                          For all who experience fear or anxiety,
                          Psalm — Taste and see the                             we pray for peace of mind and spirit.
                          goodness of the Lord                            For affected families who are facing difficult
                          (Psalm 34).                                     decisions between food on the table or public
Second Reading —Paul reflects on how husbands                             safety,
and wives should reverence and love each other                                  we pray for policies that recognize their plight.
(Ephesians 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]).                                          For those who do not have adequate health
Gospel — Master, to whom shall we go? You
have the words of eternal life (John 6:60-69).                                  we pray that no family will face financial
                                                                          burdens alone.
The English transla on of the Psalm Responses from Lec onary for Mass ©   For those who are afraid to access care due to
1969, 1981, 1997, Interna onal Commission on English in the Liturgy       immigra on status,
Corpora on. All rights reserved.
                                                                                we pray for recogni on of the God-given
                                                                          dignity of all.
                St. Augus ne Mass Schedule                                For our brothers and sisters around the world,
Sunday Mass (in the Church)                                                     we pray for shared solidarity.
       Mass in English on Sunday @ 10am                                  For public officials and decisionmakers,
       Mass in Spanish on Sunday @ 12:30pm
                                                                                we pray for wisdom and guidance.
Sunday Mass (in the Parking Lot)                                          Father, during this me may your Church be a sign
                                                                          of hope, comfort and love to all. Grant peace. Grant
       Mass in English on Sunday @ 5:00pm
                                                                          comfort. Grant healing. Be with us, Lord. Amen.
Weekday Mass (in the Church)
         Mass in English on Tuesday & Friday @ 5:30 pm
         Mass in English on Wednesday @ 8:00 am                              St Augustine Parish Mission Statement
Sacrament of Reconcilia on
                                                                          In following the teachings of Jesus Christ, St
(Held in the St. Ambrose & Our Lady of Guadalupe
                                                                          Augus ne Parish lives and radiates the love of God
Rooms in the Parish Center, not in the Church)
                                                                          through prayer and ac on. We strive to
         4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, Mondays and Wednesdays,                      accomplish this mission by fostering our Catholic
         3:30 PM to 4:30 PM, Saturdays.                                   iden ty, joyfully celebra ng the sacraments
For informa on about Bap sms, Weddings, Funerals,                         together as a diverse community, and recognizing
Quinceaneras and other celebra ons, please contact the                    and promo ng social jus ce.
Parish Office (310) 838-2477.

Offertory Informa on during me of limited Masses:
We thank you for the many calls of apprecia on that we can s ll gather together as a parish community as best we can. We are
grateful for your willingness to support St. Augus ne financially during these challenging mes. As we transi on back into the
church, our mass schedule will s ll be limited and we will con nue with our opera onal expenses. With this in mind, let me
offer you a few of op ons on what to do with your offertory envelopes:
1. You may mail your offertory envelopes into St Augus ne Church. The address appears at the bo om of this bulle n. Or you
may drop off your envelopes at the Parish Office.
2. If you feel comfortable, you may move to Online Giving. This may be done on a regular basis by crea ng an on-line account,
or you may do a one me “quick give”. Please visit our parish website or go to: h ps://st-augus
Thank you for your support!
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
Parish Contacts                            Mass Intentions
                                                                                               August 21
Pastor:                                                                                           to
  Rev. Christopher Fagan                                                                      August 29
       (310) 838-2477 x203
                                                    Saturday, August 21
Associate Pastor:                                    8:00 AM -
  Rev. Esteban Marquez                             Sunday, August 22
       (310) 838-2477 x204                           10:00 AM - Joe Vella †
In Residence                                          12:30 PM - Rosa Frausto †
  Bishop Thomas J. Curry                              5:00 PM - Ramon Francisco, Vincent Fruto, Greg Rich
       (310) 838-2477                               Monday, August 23
  Rev. Lawrence Shelton                             5:30 PM - Kathleen Opada †, Casiano Opada †, Rufina Opada †
       (310) 838-2477                               Tuesday, August 24
                                                     5:30 PM - Julita Alonzo †, Valeriano Alonzo †
Deacon & Business Manager
                                                    Wednesday, August 25
  Rev. Mr. Sonal Seneviratne
                                                     8:00 AM - Sophia Rael †, Scotty Johnsen †, Marie Johnsen †
       (310) 838-2477 x206                           5:30 PM - NenitaYap              Thursday, August 26
Business Office                                       5:30 PM - Pilar Alonzo †           Friday, August 27
Reception/Front desk:                                 5:30 PM - Raymond De Sablet †
       (310) 838-2477 x201                          Saturday, August 28
School Principal:                                     8:00 AM -
  Dr. Beate Nguyen,                                Sunday, August 29
                                                      10:00 AM - Abundio Opada †, Corazon Opada †
       (310) 838-3144
                                                     12:30 PM - Roman Medina
Faith Formation:
       (310) 838-2477 x209                            5:00 PM - Valentin Babanto
S.A.V.E.S.:                                         Please remember the following in your prayers:
  Marie Brown                                      For those who have asked for prayers, for themselves, or for
                                                    others, especially: Erlinda Diel, Joan Cowan Foley, Ana Dow,
       (310) 838-2702                               Susan Miramontes, Raymond Elias, Alma Santiago, Rio Villamar,
Knights of Columbus                                 Bertha Soleto, Mark Keefer, Jose Moreno Garcia, Nishantha
  John Harrison                                    Seneviratne, Wilfred Jayasuriya, Jessica Aguilar, Teresa Lopez,
       (619) 917-0909 /        Francisco Grambilla, Carlos Velazquez, Trinidad Cabarillo,
                                                    Francisco Velasquez, Emilio Romo, Luis Garcia, Alberto
Bereavement Ministry
                                                    Miranda, Guillermo Navarro, Tomasin Lee, Ramon Reyes,
       (310) 838-2477
Society of St. Vincent de Paul                      For those who have died, that God will raise them on the last day,
       (424) 209-2050                               especially: Eleanor D. Litonjua, Carlos H. Moreno, Arturo
Wedding & Quinceañera Coordinator                   Zamora, Max Reynoza, Armond Booth, Loribelle Achacoso,
                                                    Brenda Palomo, Rosie Palafox, Delfino Rodriguez, Aboud
      (310) 838-2477                                Zeyadeh, Lili Papenguth, Robert Collins, Xóchitl Hortencia
                                                    Coronado de Muñoz , Carlos Alvarez, Antonia Martin, Maria Luz
                                                    Casares Neira, Jenny Palafox Ramirez, Raymond & Eleanor
                                                    Palafox, Eulogio Felipe, Prince Adesoji Adesida, JoAnn Childers,
 WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE:                             Renee Espiritu, Arthur Porter
 Weekday masses will be in the church as follows:
       Tuesday @ 5:30pm
                                                                        WE NEED YOUR HELP!
       Wednesday @ 8:00am
                                                    We thank God that we are able to return to our Church
       Friday @ 5:30pm                             building for Mass, but we still need your help. We hope that
                                                    our return is permanent. Regardless of where we celebrate
 Please visit our website for more information:     Mass, we need to be safe and we will have expenses for this                        purpose. Any financial help you can provide will be greatly
                                                    appreciated. Thank you!                                      4
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
The Maryknoll Fathers and
                                                                         Brothers minister in 22 countries
                                                                         in Asia, Central and South
                                                                         America, and Africa. Maryknoll’s
                                                                         task is to share God’s Word
                                                                         throughout the world, especially
to the Least of our brothers and sisters. Maryknollers share the Gospel through evangeliza on and
through the ac ons of the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. We are grateful to you for your help in
suppor ng today’s Missionary Coopera ve Appeal through your generosity in the second collec on for
the mission ministry of the Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers

To learn more about the mission ministries of the Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers please view the mission
of Fr John Barth, MM at h ps://
Please visit: h p:// to learn more about the Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers and

STEWARDSHIP CORNER                  Reflec ons on Sunday readings in the context of Stewardship.

“If it does not please you to serve the Lord, decide today whom you will serve…As for
me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” JOSHUA 24:15

When we commit to serve the Lord, we must be willing to become a disciple in the work
of the Lord. A disciple is a person who spends me in prayer every day, joyfully
par cipates in charitable works and generously supports their local parish and Church
mission. If we say we serve God, we must actually do something and not merely talk
about it!

                                                                                          Donations Needed for our
                                                                                            picnic are as follows:
                                                                                               Monetary Donations
                                                                                        Smart & Final / Costco/ Target
                                                                                                        Cases of Bottled
                                                                                                      Soda Can– Cases of
                                                                                                    Coke/ Diet Coke/ Fanta
                                                                                                   Orange/ Sprite or 7-up/
                                                                                                     Pepsi / Diet Pepsi/
Please reserve your free ckets now by using the link below . If you do not have computer access, you may call the Parish
Office @ 310-838-2477 and one of our staff members will take your informa on.

St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
El 22 de Agosto de 2021                                 El Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
                                                La comunidad que se reúne
        El Discurso del Pan de Vida de Juan es una meditación profunda sobre la naturaleza y la persona de Jesús. En
última instancia, el Discurso nos lleva a la Eucaristía, a la necesidad absoluta de reunirse regularmente como pueblo
para celebrar lo que Jesús ha hecho por nosotros, para recibirlo bajo las apariencias de pan y vino, y para recordar
quiénes somos y lo que estamos llamados a hacer en el nombre de Jesús. Estos temas también se prefiguran y amplían
en los extractos que escuchamos de Josué y Efesios.
         Lo que formó a Israel como un solo pueblo fue su experiencia en el desierto, viajando juntos con un propósito y
destino común, aislados de los ídolos y valores paganos. Una vez que los israelitas dejaron el desierto y se dispersaron
por toda la Tierra Prometida, sin embargo, se encontraron con ídolos paganos y sistemas de valores opuestos a la alianza
que Dios hizo con Israel. Fueron tentados a abandonar los mandamientos que Dios les había dado, y sus sagrados votos
de fidelidad a la alianza. Ahora las tribus divididas estaban expuestas a la adoración de los ídolos de los diferentes
pueblos que encontraron, al sacrificio humano y a prácticas que destruirían su unidad como el pueblo elegido de Dios.
En lugar de ser una señal de la alianza para las naciones de la presencia de Dios, en lugar de llevar a estas naciones a la
adoración del único Dios verdadero, los israelitas enfrentaron la posibilidad real de que las naciones los seducirían a la
práctica de la idolatría, la inmoralidad y la opresión de los pobres e impotentes. Para evitar esta posibilidad, Josué, que
como Moisés prefigura a Cristo, reunió a los israelitas para recordarles todo lo que Dios había hecho por ellos en el
desierto y recordarles las promesas que le habían hecho a Dios en el Monte Sinaí. Digan aquí y ahora a quién quieren
servir, los desafía Josué. Decide quién será – el pueblo elegido y libre del único Dios verdadero, o el esclavo de los
dioses de los paganos. La respuesta del pueblo – nosotros serviremos al Señor – fue posible solo porque se reunió en el
nombre del Señor. La reunión regular mantuvo al pueblo elegido unido y fiel a sus votos de la alianza y comprometido
con su misión de ser la luz de Dios para las naciones.
        Unirnos frecuentemente como una comunidad no sólo nos mantiene uno en Cristo y fieles a su misión, sino que
también nos mantiene en una relación correcta con Dios y con los demás. Efesios lo aclara. Respétense unos a otros por
reverencia a Cristo. La cultura, las costumbres y los roles de género de la época de san Pablo eran muy diferentes a los
nuestros, y la subordinación mutua en Cristo tomó una forma particular, especialmente en la familia. Sin embargo, Pablo
no habló de la dominación de un sexo sobre el otro, sino que describió los deberes mutuos que cada uno debía al otro
por amor. Hoy en día, para respétense unos a otros toma una forma diferente de la época de san Pablo, pero el respeto
mutuo, el amor, el sacrificio y la cooperación siguen siendo los deberes que nos debemos unos a otros por reverencia a
Cristo. Dos mil años después, nuestro fiel cumplimiento de estas obligaciones no es más fácil y sigue amenazado por
una cultura que se adora a sí misma, al dinero, al poder, al sexo y al control. Por esa razón, debemos continuar
reuniéndonos regularmente como la comunidad cristiana para recordar y reforzar nuestros compromisos mutuos por
reverencia a Cristo.
         Cada reunión eucarística del pueblo de Dios también presenta desafíos. Juan analiza estos desafíos en términos
simples pero severos. Las declaraciones de Jesús, de que su carne es verdadera comida y su sangre es verdadera bebida y
que cualquiera que coma su carne y beba su sangre tendrá la vida eterna, obligaron a sus discípulos – y nos obligan – a
tomar una decisión. ¿Seguiremos a Jesús? ¿Confiamos en que el Dios, que nos dio a su único Hijo en la cruz para
nuestra salvación, nos dará a sí mismo – su Cuerpo y Sangre – para hacernos un solo pueblo en él, para fortalecernos
para la misión de transformar el mundo en su nombre? ¿Confiamos en que él nos traerá con seguridad a través de las
dificultades de la vida y nos guiará, por fin, a la vida y al gozo eternos? ¿O seguiremos a aquellos discípulos que no
confiaron en Jesús, quejándose de que este modo de hablar es intolerable, ¿quién puede admitir eso? Al igual que los
israelitas y los efesios, el peligro que enfrentamos constantemente es no confiar en el amor y la misericordia de Dios por
nosotros y en la alianza que hace con nosotros por medio de Jesucristo, cuyo Cuerpo y Sangre son la prueba de su
fidelidad. La asamblea eucarística también nos da la oportunidad de volver a comprometernos con Jesús. Al igual que
con san Pedro, Jesús nos pregunta ¿también ustedes quieren dejarme? Sea nuestra respuesta también la de san Pedro –
Señor, ¿a quién iremos? Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna.
         Reunirse en el Día del Señor para celebrar la Eucaristía y recibir el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Jesús no es sólo un
ritual vacío que hacemos por obligación. Es un acto de fe sin el cual no podemos vivir. Nos mantiene unidos como
comunidad en nuestro viaje de fe. Nos mantiene fieles a la alianza de Dios con nosotros a través del bautismo y a la
misión en la que él nos envía – para proclamar las buenas nuevas de su amor a todo el mundo. La celebración fiel de la
Eucaristía nos mantiene en la relación correcta con Dios y con los demás – por reverencia a Cristo. Nos fortalece, en
tiempos de duda, debilidad y tentación, de ser fieles a nuestros valores cristianos -- no la os del mundo -- y a confiar en
que Dios nos ayudará a superar los momentos difíciles y nos traerá a salvo a casa con él. La Eucaristía siempre nos
presenta una elección que tomar – libremente y sin coacción: sucumbir al camino del mundo y volver a nuestras vidas
anteriores de pecado, o seguir a Jesús, el Santo de Dios, y al elegir así gustar y ver qué bueno es el Señor.
        Bendiciones, P. Chris                                                                                                 9
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
Los Padres y Hermanos de Maryknoll ministran en 22
países de Asia, América Central y del Sur y África. La ta-
rea de Maryknoll es compartir la Palabra de Dios en to-
do el mundo, especialmente con los más pequeños de
nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Los Maryknollers com-
parten el Evangelio a través de la evangelización y a tra-
vés de las acciones de las Obras de Misericordia Espiri-
tuales y Corporales. Le agradecemos su ayuda para apo-
yar la Campaña Cooperativa Misionera de hoy a través
de su generosidad en la segunda colecta para el ministe-
rio misionero de los Padres y Hermanos de Maryknoll.

Para aprender más acerca de los ministerios misioneros            Grupo Guadalupano de San Agustin
de los Padres y Hermanos de Maryknoll, por favor vea la      El Propocito del Grupo Guadalupano es Continuar, con
misión del P. John Barth, MM en https://                     la Tradicion de Fe en Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe, En                          la Comunidad.

Por favor visite: para       Peregrinar la Imajen de la Virgen a las Casas, con el
aprender más acerca de los Padres y Hermanos de              Propocito de Resar el Santo Rosario en casa y como
Maryknoll y también para          Familias y Organizar la Celabracion en Diciembre 12,
aprender acerca de las vocaciones misioneras.                el Aniversario de Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe

                    LECTURAS DE HOY
                    Primera lectura — Josué urge a
                    los israelitas a que sirvan a Dios
                    o a los otros dioses (Josué 24:1-
                    2a, 15-17, 18b).
                    Salmo — Haz la prueba y verás
                    qué bueno es el Señor (Salmo
                    34 [33]).
 Segunda lectura — Pablo reflexiona cómo los
 esposos y esposas deberán darse amor y
 reverencia mutua (Efesios 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]).
 Evangelio — Después de hablar de dar su carne a
 comer, muchos de los discípulos de Jesús se
 alejaron. (Juan 6:60-69).
 Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano
 Dominical © 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado
 con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.
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