Saint Mark's Messenger - Beaver Dam
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Saint Mark's Messenger Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Joann Ellis, Editor April 2019 Walking Together Since the moment that we wake up early in the morning till the time that we go back to bed, our lives are filled with choices. Simple choices such as, what do I wear today? Difficult choices such as, do I love others even though I might get hurt? Lent is a time that reminds us of this simple reality of life. Historically speaking, Lent was the time when new converts to the faith, took this time to prepare themselves for baptism through prayer, self- reflection and study of the scripture. At the end of Lent, during the celebration of Easter new converts would take the powerful choice to be baptized, to become members of the faith and commit to center their lives in God by resisting evil, by respecting the dignity of every human and by turning back to God whenever they would fall into sin. As we take this time during lent to reflect on God’s powerful choice to create us and love us, what powerful choices do you need to embrace in your life to center yourself in God’s love? What powerful choice will you take today? Please join us during this Lent to reflect on the life and ministry of Christ and his powerful choice of love that transformed the world! Stations of the Cross 12 Hour Prayer Vigil Wednesdays 6 pm Vigil begins at 8:00 pm Thursday (March 13th - April 17th) through 8:00 a.m. Good Friday Palm Sunday Good Friday Sunday April 14th - 9:00 am Friday April 19th - 12 pm Ecumenical Service 6:30 p.m. - Beaver Maundy Thursday Dam High School Washing of the Feet & Seder Meal Easter Vigil Thursday April 18th - 6:00 pm Saturday April 20th - 6:00 pm Easter Sunday Sunday April 21st - 9:00 am Yours in Christ, Rev. Oscar Rozo 1
Dates of meetings: Vision - Mission - March 24th-done Values - March 31st-this week Rule of Life - April 7th-next week Spring is finally in the air and with it brings thoughts of...... bedding plants, paint, lumber and lawn decorations. Spring weather also includes new clothes, picnics and fishing. Did you know we have scrip for all of these activities? So, as you make your shopping lists how about remembering to take scrip with you. Having some scrip cards in your purse or wallet before you head out helps our church meet our scrip pledge and sometimes other nonprofits if we can sell enough to make extra profit. Stop at the scrip table and purchase whatever you need. Scrip Profit for the Month of FEB 2019 is: $ 180.52 Treasurer’s update ~ Fred Ellis ~ February 28, 2019: Total Income: $12,181.57 Total Expenses: $15,205.56 Deficit -$ 3,023.99 PRAY FOR OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN THE SERVICE Dennis Adams, James Brink, Barry Hilbert, Joshua Kent, Karl Krueger, Brian Lampert, Christopher Schoebel, Steven Strubbe, and Trevor who just joined the Army. Lord, keep our servicemen and women safe, whether they serve at home or overseas. Hold them in your loving hands and protect them as they protect us. Amen. (If you have updates to this listing of our service men and women, please give me any additions, corrections or persons to remove because their service time has ended.) 2
Stations of the Cross ~~ Looking for a way to practice a Lenten Displine? Why not consider joining us for Stations of the Cross on Wednesdays through April 17th @ 6:00 pm. This is a short 30 minute or so time to sing a couple of Taize hymns, walk, take turns telling and listening to the story of the various cross stations and pray with our Lord. Plan to join us on Wednesdays during Lent. Lent Reflection We are told to “pray as if everything depends on God; act as if everything depends on you.” Prayer and action are both needed for “tikkun olam” (Hebrew for “world repair”), to mend the world. Let us read the following prayer together: We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to end war; end disease; For we know that You have made the For You have already given us great world in such a way minds That we must find our own path to peace With which to search out cures and Within ourselves and with our neighbors. healings, If we would only use them constructively. We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to end starvation; Therefore, we pray to You instead, O For You have already given us the God, resources For strength, determination and will With which to feed the entire world, power If only we would use them wisely. To do instead of just to pray, To become instead of merely to wish. We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to root our prejudice; For Your sake and for ours, For You have already given us the eyes Speedily and soon, With which to see the good in all people, That our Land may be safe and just, If we could only use them rightly. And our lives may be blessed. We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to - Arthur Waskow end despair; For You have already given us the power You are not required to complete the To clear away slums and to give hope, work, If we would only use our power justly. but neither are you free to desist from it. 3
This year @ St. Mark’s for the Lenten Season We have a Prayers Answered/Thanksgiving Tree Have you taken a good look at the Lenten cross at the front of the church? Can you tell it is made from the two trunks of our Christmas trees? Jesus's birth and death are both represented in the cross. Why do we display it? It is a symbol of our Lenten journey. Do you make a Lenten journey toward Easter? Why should you? Easter is the most important celebration in the Christian faith. It is made even more glorious after forty days of self-reflection, study and Holy Week Services. This year, instead of writing our prayer requests and concerns and tacking them to the cross, we will think about our prayers answered by God and tack them on the cross instead. How have you been involved in answering someone’s prayer? Write it down and tack it on the cross. Lent isn't all penitence. Let’s celebrate each other’s goodness toward one another as we journey together towards Easter. Linda Zamzow Easter Flowers ~ Easter, one of the two great festivals of the church year, should show forth in a setting of beauty. As, usual, we would like to fill the church with Easter lilies and a variety of other flowers through the contributions of those who wish to give in memory of loved ones or in recognition of a special event in their life. Any amount, large or small, will be gratefully received. If you wish to participate, please fill out the form below and place in the offering plate or leave at the church office. I wish to give $________ toward the purchase of flowers for Easter. In memory of: __________________________________________ In thanksgiving for: _______________________________________ Your name: ______________________________________________ At Easter we buy red azaleas, yellow mums and white lilies for the altar to glorify Jesus. Is it enough color? Tulips would be a happy plant to add but we don't buy them because they aren't cost effective with their short blooming life. If anyone would like to add to the beauty of the church with a tulip or hydrangea or a hyacinth plant for the day and then take them home again, you can bring them to church on Holy Saturday, April 20. This is a beautiful service where we bless the new fire and water and tell the Old Testament stories. After service, we stay and decorate the church. Be with us to set the scene for the resurrection service on Sunday. ~ Linda Zamzow 4
ALL NIGHT PRAYER VIGIL It has been a tradition here at St. Mark’s for several years to hold an all-night long Prayer Vigil from 8:00 pm Maundy Thursday Evening until 8:00 am Good Friday Morning. You are invited to sign up for however much time you would like to be at the Prayer Vigil. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex during Holy Week. When Jesus took his disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray with Him he asked them to “Sit here while I pray” Then he took Peter, James, and John along with him, …He said “stay here and keep watch”…going a little farther he fell to the ground and prayed…Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Simon, he said to Peter, are you asleep? Excerpt from Mark 14:32-38 Could you not keep watch for one hour?” EARTH DAY CELEBRATION!! ~ April 22 is Earth day. It is also Easter week so we will celebrate it on Sunday April 28. How? Do you have an idea of how to honor our green space? If so, talk to Fr. Rozo, a vestry member or a junior warden so we can get something set up. ~ Linda Zamzow P. S. This is a Messy Church Sunday On the first Sunday of each month, please bring a non- perishable food item with you to church. (Of course donations are welcome anytime.) Thank you! Pantry Donations accepted: • Non-perishable food items, with current "best buy" dates • household and personal care items, such as: o cleaning products o deodorant o toilet paper o shampoo o paper towels o laundry soap o toothpaste Donations are accepted anytime during normal store hours. 5
RECALL NOTICE The Maker of all human beings (GOD) us recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart. This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units’ code-named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units. This defect has been technically termed “Sub-sequential Internal Non-Morality”, or more commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily expressed. Some of the symptoms include: 1. Loss of direction 6. Depression or confusion in the 2. Foul vocal emissions mental component 3. Amnesia of origin 7. Fearfulness 4. Lack of peace and joy 8. Idolatry 5. Selfish or violent behavior 9. Rebellion The Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory- authorized repair and service free of charge to correct this defect. The Repair Technician, JESUS, has most generously offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs. There is no additional fee required. The number to call for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y-E-R. Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure. Next, download ATONEMENT from the Repair Technician, JESUS, into the heart component. No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, JESUS will replace it with: 1. Love 6. Goodness 2. Joy 7. Faithfulness 3. Peace 8. Gentleness 4. Patience 9. Self-Control 5. Kindness Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) for further details on the use of these fixes. WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being unit without correction voids any manufacturer warranties, exposing the unit to dangers and problems too numerous to list and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded. For free emergency service, call on JESUS. DANGER: The human being units not responding to this recall action will hve to be scrapped in the furnace. The SIN defect will not be permitted to enter Heaven so as to prevent contamination of that facility. Thank you for your attention! GOD P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this important recall notice, and you may contact the Father any time by ‘Knee Mail’ 6
St. Mark”s Annual Rummage Sale Date: May 17-18, 2019 (Friday, Saturday) Time: Friday 8 Am-Noon Saturday 8 Am-Noon There will be plants, baked goods, clothing, books, household items and seasonal decorations as well as furniture if available. We welcome gently used items. For clothing, this means clean with no holes, rips, stains or pet hair. Electronic household items should be clean and in working order. Other household items (sheets, blankets, decorations, dishes, etc.) should be clean as well. Furniture should be in good repair, clean, and no odors. We ask that you do not bring tube TVs as there is a cost to St. Mark’s to dispose of them if they do not sell. In the past we have experienced items being donated that have been dirty, torn, stained, had excessive pet hair, or smelled musty or smoky. Workers setting up for the sale have attempted to clean the items which takes additional time and effort; with some items unable to be cleaned. Items unable to be cleaned or have an odor or excessive pet hair will be discarded. As you know we no longer have a dumpster and therefore cannot dispose of items here. This will mean extra garbage for church members to take home. Items not sold during the sale will be given to area nonprofits. The above guidelines are based on those used by local nonprofits in deciding what they resell. Please package and mark baked goods before bringing. See Linda Zamzow if you have plants that you are willing to donate. Hopefully the weather will cooperate this year by not delaying our sale date. Items may be brought to church and placed within the taped-off area in the main room upstairs. We will need sorters, price markers, people willing to pick up items from members’ homes, people to set up and workers on the days of the sale and for clean-up and pack-up on Saturday at the close of the sale. A sign-up sheet will go up in April for those interested in helping out. Please sign up if you can! If you have questions you can contact either Jody Langfeldt at (920) 948-2743 or or Debbie Kuenzi at (920)344-6473 or Plant Sale We changed the date of the Rummage/Plant and Bake Sale to May 17 and 18 in hopes that spring will be here and we can dig peoples excess outside plants to sell. Although labor intensive, they add a lot of money to our coffers. If you have plants that have become thick or overgrown please consider donating them. If you cannot dig them yourself I would be happy to come and do it. If there is anyone who is able and would like to help with this project please talk to Linda Zamzow. I look forward to seeing the first plants peek out of the soil. If you have houseplants that need to be separated, they sell well too. FYI, the Big Sky Greenhouse has been sold and will no longer sell plants of any kind. We will also have our Bake Sale along with the plants and rummage sale. Let’s help make this a BIG SUCCESS. ~ Linda Zamzow call (920) 885-6407 or email: 7
2019 Stocking Orders We already have ten orders and looking for about 10 more orders. The cost to you for a personalized handmade decorated Christmas stocking is $55.00 plus shipping. Next year the price will increase to $60.00 To order call Linda Zamzow @ 885-6407 LET’S CELEBRATE APRIL BIRTHDAY, BAPTISMAL ANNIVERSARIES AND WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES If your Birthday, Baptismal Anniversary or Wedding Anniversary is not listed, please fill out an update form and turn into the office. The form is located on the Narthex Table. Please do come for blessing on the Sunday even if your birthday is not listed. Birthdays Baptismal Anniversaries 1 – Kevin Panzer 1-Holly Streiff 3 – Alexis Mienke 10-Emily Harmon 5- Ernie DeZarn 17-Ron Neste 9- Dustin Streiff 19-Jenna Clark 9- Kathy Wiegert 27-Deb Kuenzi 19-Emily Von Ruden 27-Deb Kuenzi Wedding Anniversaries 28-David Drexler 14-Don & Mary Jane Drews 29-Bill Panzer 30-Betsy Lampert VOLUNTEER HOURS AND DONATIONS: Each year Fr. Rozo has to submit a Parochial Report to the Diocese of Milwaukee. Report includes the number of parishioners we have, how many took communion last year, births, deaths, marriages, etc. and how much money it took to run the church. We are charged an annual apportionment by the Diocese each year to help pay for the running of the Milwaukee Diocesean Office. The money we spend ourselves works like a deduction on your income tax. We are now asking you to keep track of the hours and money you spend. There are volunteer sheets available to record your hours and any money spent by you. Anything from dish soap to toilets to lawn fertilizer should be included. So many of us bring things that are needed and consider it a donation, and would never consider being paid back. This however hurts us. If you would record your cost and turn in your receipts we can use the numbers on the parochial eport and lower our apportionment. Linda Zamzow 8
Phyllis J Ecklor ~ Age 86 Tuesday, November 15, 1932 - Wednesday, March 6, 2019 Phyllis June (Schiellack) Ecklor 86 went home to her Lord on March 6th, 2019 surrounded by her loving family. Born November 15th 1932 to George and Clara Schiellack. After graduation from Heartland High she moved to Kenosha, WI where she met her true love Fred William Ecklor. They wed on September 5th 1952. Fred went home May 6th 2012. Together they raised 3 children, Laura (Tim) Kavalauskas, Mary (Paul) Chappa and William. They were blessed with 7 grandchildren, Tim (Libby), Amanda (Wayne), Kathleen (Derik), Leah (James), Daniel, Elizabeth and Budd. They also have 5 great- grandchildren. Phyllis is also survived by her brothers, Don, Robert and Paul, and two sisters, Shirley and Rosanne. Phyllis was proceeded in death by her loving husband, her parents, sisters Betty Bryant and Donna Bryant, and son-in-law Tim Soens. Phyllis enjoyed time with family, reading, Jeopardy and Scrabble. Funeral services will be held on Monday, March 11, 2019 at St Mark’s Episcopal Church 700 E Mill St, Beaver Dam, WI. The service will start at 12:00 and followed by a luncheon. Phyllis will lay in rest alongside her husband (Fred) at the church columbarium. Condolences may be sent to: Laura & Tim Kavalauskas Mary & Paul Chappa William Ecklor 2329 34th Ave W4377 Cty. Rd. E 2660 11th Pl, Unit 412 Kenosha, WI 53144 Berlin, WI 54923 Kenosha, WI 53140 OTHER PARISH UPDATES Address Updates The new Parish Directory is out, however there are some updates that need to be made already. Maryann Kenitz is correct in the directory. The reason she has two different addresses is because one is for mail to be sent to her in care of her son, one is sent to the Serenity Village mailing address and if you are going to visit MaryAnn in person. When you go to visit, you need to ring the door bell and someone will let you in. You also need to be let out by one of the staff persons as well. Son’s Address Physical Address Maryann Kenitz Maryann Kenitz %Scott Kenitz Serenity Villa Assisted Living, Bldg. 4 6003 Shagbark Lane 1727 American Eagle Dr., Apt. 8A Hartford, WI 53027 Slinger, WI. 53086 Addresses that need to be corrected in the new 2019 directory (the part that needs correction) is bolded below and highlighted the person’s name. Please review your directory and let Sue Hilbert know if there are other changes or corrections that need to be made: Barbara Conley Thomas Wiegert Brett McElvaney 212 E Industrial Dr. #14 875 Saturn Dr. W8737 Birdie Lane Beaver Dam, WI 53916 Chino Valley, AZ 86323 Beaver Dam, WI 53916 9
APRIL 2019 – YEAR C LITURGICAL MINISTRIES APRIL 14, 2019 APRIL 7, 2019 5th Week of Lent 4th Week of Lent Palm Sunday ACOLYTE LEAH HELMER ACOLYTE JAMES CLEARY ALTAR LINDA ZAMZOW ALTAR LIBBY KACUBA CHALICE FRED ELLIS CHALICE JIM MERRILL JOANN ELLIS/ JIM MERRILL/VANDA COUNTERS LINDA ZAMZOW COUNTERS WEIGERT INTERCESSOR SUE HILBERT INTERCESSOR DEB KUENZI DAVE DREXLER LINDSEY CLEARY Isaiah 43:16-21 The Liturgy of the Palms Philippians 3:4b-14 Luke 19:28-40 John 12:1-8 Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 Psalm 126 Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 31:9-16 READER READER Philippians 2:5-11 The Passion Story will be read by 8 different persons Joann Ellis, Dan Hilbert, Marie Frank, Linda Zamzow (we need 4 more) Luke 22:14-23:56 or Luke 23:1-49 USHER DAN & SUE HILBERT USHER DAVE & CORI DREXLER APRIL 18, 2019 APRIL 19, 2019 Maundy Thursday Good Friday ACOLYTE JAMES CLEARY ACOLYTE Joann Ellis ALTAR LIBBY KACUBA ALTAR Libbie Kacuba CHALICE JIM MERRILL CHALICE Breann Van Loo JIM MERRILL/ COUNTERS COUNTERS N/A VANDA WEIGERT INTERCESSOR DEB KUENZI INTERCESSOR Volunteer Needed Need 2 Readers LINDSEY CLEARY Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Exodus 12:1-4, (5-10), 11-14 Hebrews 10:16-25 READER 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 READER or Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 John 13:1-17, 31b-35 John 18:1-19:42 Psalm 116:1, 10-17 Psalm 22 USHER DAVE & CORI DREXLER USHER N/A 10
APRIL 2019 – YEAR C LITURGICAL MINISTRIES continued APRIL 20, 2019 APRIL 21, 2019 The Great Vigil of Easter Easter Sunday Fred Ellis ACOLYTE ACOLYTE JAMES MERRILL, JR. JOYCE DEZARN/SUE ALTAR N/A ALTAR HILBERT CHALICE Fred Ellis CHALICE JOANN ELLIS ANDY HARMON & JOANN COUNTERS N/A COUNTERS ELLIS Joann Ellis INTERCESSOR INTERCESSOR BOB ZAMZOW The Liturgy of the Word Joann Ellis Linda Zamzow JAMES CLEARY We need 7 More Readers Acts 10:34-43 Genesis 1:1—2:2 or Isaiah 65:17-25 READERS Genesis 7:1-5;11-18,8-16-18;9:8- 13 1 Corinthians 15:19-26 Genesis 22:1-18 or Acts 10:34-43 Exodus14:10--15:1 Isaiah 4:2-6 John 20:1-18 Isaiah 55:1-11 or Luke 24:1-12 Ezekiel 36:24-28 Ezekiel 37:1-14 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 Zephaniah 3:12-20 READER USHER N/A USHER BOB & LINDA ZAMZOW To laugh often and much; APRIL 28, 2019 nd To win the respect of intelligent 2 Sunday of Easter people and the affection of ACOLYTE JIM MERRILL children; GAYLE ELBERT/ To earn the appreciation of honest ALTAR BETSY LAMPERT critics and endure the betrayal CHALICE JAMES CLEARY of false friends; JODY LANGFELDT/ To appreciate beauty; COUNTERS VANDA WIEGERT To find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, INTERCESSOR KEN PETERS Whether by a healthy child, READER KIT MARCEIL a garden patch, or a redeemed Acts 5:27-32 social condition; Revelation 1:4-8 To know even one life has breathed John 20:19-31 easier because you live. This is to have succeeded! Psalm 118:14-29 Ralph Waldo Emerson or Psalm 150 SUBMITTED BY LINDA ZAMZOW USHER BOB & MARSHA HORNE 11
MAY 2019 YEAR C LITURGICAL MINISTRIES 5-May 12-May 3rdSunday of Easter 4thSunday of Easter ACOLYTE Brianne Van Loo ACOLYTE John Harmon ALTAR ALTAR Linda Zamzow Libbie Kacuba CHALICE Joann Ellis CHALICE Fred Ellis COUNTERS Joann Ellis & Vanda COUNTERS Andy Harmon & Jodi Wiegert Langfeldt INTERCESSOR Bob Zamzow INTERCESSOR Joann Ellis READER Ken Peters READER Libbie Kacuba Acts 9:1-6, (7-20) Acts 9:36-43 Revelation 5:11-14 Revelation 7:9-17 John 21:1-19 John 10:22-30 Psalm 30 Psalm 23 USHER Bob & Linda Zamzow USHER Bob & Marsha Horne 19-May 26-May 5th Sunday of Easter 6th Sunday of Easter ACOLYTE Fred Ellis ACOLYTE Mike Weirough ALTAR Joyce Dezarn/ ALTAR Gayle Elbert/ Sue Hilbert Betsy Lampert CHALICE Jim Merrill CHALICE James Cleary COUNTERS Jim Merrill & Vanda COUNTERS Joann Ellis & Andy Wiegert Harmon INTERCESSOR James Cleary INTERCESSOR Deb Kuenzi READER READER Dave Drexler Dan Hilbert Acts 16:9-15 Acts 11:1-18 Revelation 21:10, Revelation 21:1-6 22-22:5 John 13:31-35 John 14:23-29 Psalm 148 or John 5:1-9 Psalm 67 USHER Dan & Sue Hilbert USHER Dave & Cori Drexler May 5th is coming and so is the Spring Ingathering for the U.T.O. Find your little Blue Box. May will be here before you know it and there are so many people that are in need, with fires, floods and cyclones. We have been so lucky and been so Blessed. Our boxes should be heavy. ~ Vanda Wiegert, UTO Coordinator 12
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Vestry Meeting Minutes February 17, 2019 Members present: Chris Merrill, Erin Weirough, Jody Langfeldt, Linda Zamzow, Joann Ellis Also present: Dave Drexler-Co-Jr. Warden, Fred Ellis-Treasurer, Fr. Oscar Rozo-Rector, Jim Merrill-Sr. Warden 1. Meeting called to order by Jim Merrill, Sr. Warden at 10:33 am. Jody L did the devotion. Jody L was asked to take the minutes of the first meeting. Motion by Linda Z and seconded by Joann E to have Jody L continue for this year as Clerk. Jody agreed. Motion carried. 2. Approval of January 6, 2019 meeting minutes – Motion by Joann E and seconded by Chris M to approve the minutes of the January 6th Vestry meeting with correction. Motion carried. 3. Treasurer’s Report – Fred E gave the treasurer’s report. Question raised about why line 544.4 was so over budgeted amount. Fred explained it is a one-time expense for the domain name and web site hosting. Motion by Linda Z and seconded by Joann E to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried. 4. Old Business – a. Termination letter for garbage disposal – Copies of letter distributed to Vestry members. We only need to pay for January and February 2019. The amount submitted was $1130.95 to terminate service. b. Donation policy – Policy was reviewed and discussed. Fr. Oscar will check with the Diocesan office and St. Paul’s Watertown on how they handle donations of time and talent. Item tabled until next month. c. Bagging meals – This was an idea put forth by Chris M and Meredith H. Chris explained the idea behind it and that they were hoping to start in November. The idea is to have simple recipes to prepare as a group for parishioners to freeze as needed. It now could be a Lenten project with a date in March. More details will be forth coming. d. PAVE (keys) – Fr. Oscar gave PAVE a key for their meetings every Thursday from 4:30 to 5:30 pm. e. Yoga Class – Fr. Oscar reported it is unsure if the classes will resume. f. Committee First Lutheran/St. Marks – Fr. Oscar reported that parishioners are overwhelmed and the interim pastor at First Lutheran is not always there. A request for volunteers will go in the newsletter. 5. New Business – a. Issues from Rev. Oscar, Sr. Warden: i. Welcome – Fr. Oscar welcomed the new Vestry members and thanked them for their willingness to serve. ii. Revisit Vestry format (Goal/Plan of Action/Evaluation) vs (Reports) – Rotate spiritual contributions. 13
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Vestry Meeting Minutes February 17, 2019 (continued) b. Jr. Warden and Committee Reports: i. Building and Grounds – a. Dave D reported that painting of upstairs office is completed. Extra outlets will be needed. The funds will come out of line item 254.8. He also reported that K&B has not be contacted to cancel tree removal. b. Garbage termination – See letter. ii. Other Committee reports – None iii. Other New Business – a. Brat stand – It was decided to have another brat stand this year. It can be signed up for after March 1st. Bob & Linda Z will take care of this. b. Rummage sale date – It was decided there will be a bake and plant sale. Dates were looked at for this event. It was decided that May 17th and 18th would be better for the plants and give more time after Easter. Jody L will recruit help for the rummage part to include sorting. Advertising will also be needed. c. Easter flowers – We are having a problem getting palms due to amount required for an order. Linda will check with Wodill’s about the price of flowers. d. Messy church & Christian Ed. – Fr. Oscar explained what messy church is with the children doing the whole service. It will be the 4th Sunday of the month. While it is focused on children and families it is for everyone. The first one will be next Sunday. e. Pancake breakfast – It will be held on March 3rd. Discussion on opening it to the public. It was suggested we check on other places it is done. f. Wednesday gathering – Wednesday evenings a soup supper, games and Compline will be held. g. Stations of the Cross – Stations of the Cross will be held on Wednesdays during Lent beginning March 13th and ending April 17th. Stations will start at 6:00 pm and last about 20 -30 minutes. h. Coffee money – It was noted during the Annual meeting while reviewing the financial reports that there is about $1300 in the coffee money line. It is unsure if we are using the Singing Rooster coffee for coffee hour or not. The initial idea was to sell the coffee and use the profit as a donation to Haiti. It was suggested we look at a $500 donation to the Haiti project and figure out if we are using that coffee. i. Interviewing neighbors – was tabled until next month. iv. Fund Raising – Scrip profit for January is $146.06. The final total for the Souper Bowl collection was $369.00. 6. Next meeting – The next meeting will be March 17th after church. Joann E volunteered to do the devotion. Fr. Oscar did the closing prayer. 7. Motion to Adjourn – Motion by Joann E and seconded by Jody L to adjourn meeting. Meeting adjourned at 12:03. Respectfully submitted, Jody Langfeldt, Clerk 14
Save theDate April 2019 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday March 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 am Holy 6 pm Stations Eucharist of the Cross 10:30 am Values Discussion Fellowship Hall 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 am Holy 6 pm Stations Eucharist of the Cross 10:30 am 6:30 pm Rules of Life Vestry Discussion Meeting Fellowship Hall 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 am Palm 6 pm Stations 6 pm Maundy 8 am Prayer 6 pm The Sunday of the Cross Thursday Vigil ends Great Vigil of Washing of the 12 Noon Easter Service Feet/Seder Good Friday After service Meal Service Church Stripping of Decoration the Altar 8 pm Prayer Vigil til 8 am Good Friday 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 9 am Easter Sunday Holy Eucharist 28 29 30 9 am Earth Day Messy Church Sunday 15
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church P. O. Box 126 700 East Mill Street Beaver Dam, WI 53916 Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee Questions for Markie! ~~ Hi! I am Markie, St. Mark’s religious, spirituality, theology, church culture and church philosophy guide. I am here to answer all kinds of questions regarding faith, church and theology. I will soon be on the St. Mark’s Website and FaceBook page. Please submit your questions to Rev. Oscar Rozo @ New Questions for April 2019: Joseph of Arimathea took the body of Jesus and buried in his own grave. Who is Joseph of Arimathea and where is he buried? 16
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