SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 - Holy Infant Catholic Church

Page created by Tyler Ruiz
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 - Holy Infant Catholic Church
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME                               FEBRUARY 16, 2020

                                                 Saturdays at 3:30 p.m. or by
                                                 appointment (636) 227-7440

                                February 28 - April 3 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 - Holy Infant Catholic Church
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME                                                                     FEBRUARY 16, 2020
WELCOME TO HOLY INFANT PARISH Welcome to all who have come to pray with us today! Whether you’re just hav-
ing a look, or are searching for a place to worship, we’re happy to have you here. We trust that our worship will be joyful
   and encouraging to all and hope that you find a warm, welcoming community here at Holy Infant Catholic Church.
Please call us at the parish office, (636) 227-7440, if we can be of help to you. If you would like to register for the parish,
                             visit our website at or call the parish office.

                  SUNDAY EUCHARIST                                Baptisms are the second and fourth Sundays after Noon
           Saturday: 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.                      Mass. Baptism classes are the third Monday of the moth.
       Sunday: 7:00, 8:30,10:15 a.m. and 12 Noon                  Please call the parish office at (636) 227-7440 to schedule
                   WEEKDAY MASSES                                 a Baptism or Baptism class.
        Monday - Friday: 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.                                       RECONCILIATION
                  Saturday: 8:00 a.m.                             Saturday at 3:30 p.m. until all are heard or by appointment
                                                                  at (636) 227-7440.

        Hometown Lent                                   Thursdays of Lent at 5:30 p.m.

For the past few years during Lent, we have offered Mass before Supper on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Thursdays at 5:30pm. This year, I have invited some of our former priests to return to their Holy Infant
home and preside at the Thursday Lenten Masses. They were all very recep ve and are excited to return.
Please join me in welcoming back our cherished former pastors and associates. Here is the schedule:
           •        February 27: Fr. Tim Foy                      •       March 19: Fr. Mark Ebert
           •        March 5: Fr. Chris Dunlap                     •       March 26: Fr. Don Anstoe er
           •        March 12: Msgr. Tom Dempsey                   •       April 2: Msgr. Jerome Buchheit

We hope that you will make these Hometown Masses part of your Lenten ac vi es and give a warm re-
cep on to these beloved former spiritual leaders of our parish. They are taking me from their busy
schedules and parish du es to be here to celebrate the Eucharist with us, so I hope we can show them our
apprecia on by a ending these Masses.
God’s blessings to you and your family.
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 - Holy Infant Catholic Church
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME                                                                             FEBRUARY 16, 2020
                   PARISH CALENDAR                                                           STEWARDSHIP
Monday, February 17                                                               Through January 26, 2020 (Week 30)
-Parish Office Closed; No Holy Infant School or PSR
                                                                                                            Weekly Year-to-Date
-Quilters, 9:30 a.m., Front Lower Cafeteria
-10:15 Choir Practice, 7 p.m., Church                                Offertory Received                      16,356         524,534
-Baptism Prep Class (call 227-7440 to register) 7 p.m.,              Offertory Received-Electronic              -           564,499
Holy Infant Room                                                     Special Donations                          -            41,770
Tuesday, February 18
                                                                     Parishioner Bequests                       -               -
-Financial Accountants, Team 2
-Men and Women’s Bible Study, 9:30 p.m., Holy Infant Room            Holy Day Collections                        27          12,929
-First Eucharist Family Night, 6:30 p.m., Church                     End of the Year                             10          34,115
-St. Vincent de Paul Meeting, 7 p.m., Holy Infant Room               Building Repair Fund                       355          26,001
Wednesday, February 19
-MOPS, 9 a.m., Holy Infant Room                                      Endowment Fund                             -             1,076
-Msgr. Mike Bible Study, 1 p.m., Holy Infant Room                    PSR Program                                -             1,596
-10:15 Choir Practice, 7 p.m., Church                                School Annual Fund                         500          14,990
-Welcome Women’s 1, 7 p.m., Holy Infant Room                         Tuition Assistance Fund                      10          9,610
-RCIA, 7 p.m., Adult Ed Room
Thursday, February 20                                                Youth Ministry Program                      25           3,351
-Women’s Bible Study, 8:30 a.m., Holy Infant Room                    Special Collection                           902             86,764
-HIS Board Meeting, 10 a.m., Holy Infant Room
-Book Club, 1 p.m., Holy Infant Room                                 Other                                        305
-Joyful Noise Choir Practice, 7 p.m., Church                         St. Louis Review                             597
-Msgr. Mike’s Bible Study, 7 p.m., Holy Infant Room
-K of C Ladies, 7 p.m., Front Lower Cafeteria                        Number of Families Enrolled in Faith Direct: 574
-Stephen Ministry Supervision, 7 p.m., Upper Cafeteria
Friday, February 21                                                  3% Stewardship Tithe for the Poor    Quarter 1/1/20 through 3/31/20
-Legion of Mary, 9:30 a.m., Holy Infant Room                                                                       491             32,671
-Welcome Men Agape Service, 7 p.m., Church
Saturday, February 22                                                                         FAITH DIRECT
-Px90, 7 a.m., Upper Cafeteria
-Welcome Men’s Weekend                                               Holy Infant relies on the support of everyone in our par-
Sunday, February 23                                                  ish family to help us further our mission. Enrolling in
-Baptisms, (call 227-7440 to register), 1:15 p.m.                    online giving will simplify your monthly budgeting while
-Venturing Crew, 1 p.m., Upper Cafeteria                             also providing Holy Infant with consistent, reliable sup-
                                                                     port for our parish family. If you haven’t signed up yet,
                                                                     don’t worry, it’s easy to get started! Visit
                 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL                                 MO31 or call 1-866-507-8757.Thank you for your contin-
                                                                     ued support of our parish family.
In the Gospel Jesus says: “Whoever fulfills and teaches these
commands shall be great in the kingdom of God.”                                            Living God’s Word
By your gi to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, you indeed
put your faith into ac on as you fulfill the commands of Jesus.      “For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of
If you are in need of help or know someone in need, please           the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the king-
call (314) 289-6101, mailbox 2265. Leave a message and one           dom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:20) The scribes and Phari-
                                                                     sees lived according to the letter of the law, and they
of the volunteers will return your call. If you would like to sup-
                                                                     used this to elevate themselves above the other people.
port the work of St. Vincent de Paul, please make your check
                                                                     Jesus is clear – it’s the love that you have in your heart
payable to St. Vincent de Paul Society and drop it in the collec-    that will get you to heaven. Simply following church rules
  on basket. Thank you for your support!                             out of obligation, not love, does not put you on the path to
                                                                     heaven. Attending Mass on Sunday and then gossiping
 MAY THE SOULS OF THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED                              about a fellow parishioner on the parking lot is an exam-
             REST IN PEACE                                           ple of a modern day Pharisee.
                                                                                             EUCHARISTIC ADORATION
                  Joan Calcagno
                                                                                The Lord alone is God: God alone do we worship
       Kenneth Lurkins Jr., Father of Tina Hill                                  and adore! Worship and adore God during Eu-
     Charles Nortman, Brother of John Nortman                                   charistic Adoration! To become a permanent or
       Dorothy Smith, Mother of Peggy Lewis                                      substitute adorer, contact Tessie or Ricardo at
                                                                                       (636) 391-1997 or (314) 520-7088.
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 - Holy Infant Catholic Church
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME                                                             FEBRUARY 16, 2020
 LECTORS, SERVERS, GIFT BEARERS AND CLOW                                      MASS INTENTIONS
LECTORS:                                                   Monday, February 17
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22                                      The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
4:00 P.M.     Kent Wood               Terri Wood           Jas 1:1-11; Ps 119:67-68, 71-72, 75-76; Mk 8:11-13
5:30 P.M.     Linda Pourchot          Don Runyon           6:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Carol Weber
                                                           8:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Scott Render
7:00 A.M.     Sandra McGrath          Susan Doering
8:30 A.M.     Monica Vaccaro          Teresa Colletti      Tuesday, February 18
10:15 A.M.    Linda Hoffey            Mike Hoffey          Jas 1:12-18; Ps 94:12-13a; 14-15, 18-19; Mk 8:14-21
NOON          Christian Bustillo      Anna Esserman        6:00 a.m. Marianne Brudek
SERVERS:                                                   8:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Ellie Bednarek
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22                                      Wednesday, February 19
4:00 P.M.     Jimmy Adolphson         Joey Adolphson       Jas 1:19-27; Ps 15:2-4ab, 5; Mk 8:22-26
              Abby Gansler            Anna Gansler         6:00 a.m. Purgatorial Society
5:30 P.M.     Caitlin Dunne           Kaitlyn Gomez        8:00 a.m. Allison Mispagel
              Natalie Klein           Charlie Nacke        Thursday, February 20
7:00 A.M.     Anna Christ             Sophia Kolumbus
                                                           Jas 2:1-9; Ps 34:2-7; Mk 8:27-33
              Mia Mendoza                                  6:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Audrey Dischert
8:30 A.M.     Mya Kopfensteiner       Isaiah Valdeabella   8:00 a.m. Joseph Trovato
              Daniel Villhard         Julia Villhard       Friday, February 21
10:15 A.M.    Gracie Kozlowski        Maria McAdamis       St. Peter Damian
              Andrew Rebholz          Veronica Wolf        Jas 2:14-24, 26; Ps 112:1-6; Mk 8:34 — 9:1
NOON          Brendan Ash             Jacob Frame          6:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Alois Holman
              Lexi Ritter             Josie Wunderlich     8:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Genny Davis
GIFT BEARERS:                                              Saturday, February 22
4:00 P.M.     Jeff and Colleen Gratzer                     The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle
5:30 P.M.     Jim and Pam Miller                           1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23                                        8:00 a.m. Repose of the Soul of William Stader III
7:00 A.M.     Pauline Nocifora                             4:00 p.m. Repose of the Soul of Ken Schwein
8:30 A.M.     Mary Jane Bahr                               5:30 p.m. Holy Infant Parishioners
10:15 A.M.    Tom and Rose Wardenburg                      Sunday, February 23
CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD:                            Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
FEBRUARY 22                                                Lv 19:1-2, 17-18; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10, 12-13; 1 Cor 3:16-23;
4:00 P.M.      Sarah Moore            Nicki Larch
                                                           Mt 5:38-48
8:30 A.M.      Johanna Villhard         Alisa Kelley       7:00 a.m. Claire Mispagel
10:15 A.M.     Lori Carroll/Jenny Heissinger M. Kroupa     8:30 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Dave Wagner
NOON           Cathy Gilmore            L. Shueppert       10:15 a.m. Repose of the Soul of Jim Nickels
                                                           12:00 p.m. Repose of the Soul of Terry Salomone
                BAPTIZED IN CHRIST
               Genevieve Kate Bozada
                Jude Thomas Bozada                                                          There are baskets
        Children of Thomas and Mary Bozada                                                  in the ves bule to
    Ethan Oscar Flynn, Son of Kyle and Molly Flynn                                          recycle your palms.
                Nichole Leigh Lammers                                                       These will be
                Brynn Avery Lammers                                                         burned on
              Camden Joseph Lammers
               Hudson Carter Lammers                                                        February 25 at
      Children of Ma hias and Nichole Lammers                                               8:45 a.m. on the
                  Nola James Sco ,                                                          church steps.
      Daughter of Alexander and Katherine Sco
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 - Holy Infant Catholic Church
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME                                                   FEBRUARY 16, 2020

Holy Infant St. Patrick’s Day Celebration

             SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 2020                            1 P.M. TO 7 P.M.
                  Come join us for a great parish celebration!
                 Volunteers Needed Before and During the Event! How Can You Help?
    To Volunteer, Contact Jen at (314) 713-1259 or
• Silent Auc on: Solicit donors, organize and as-   •   Games: Coordinate games, run a game for the
  semble baskets and auc on packages                    day or volunteer an hour or two; Fun for a fami-
• Basket Raffle: Solicit dona ons and assemble            ly or organiza on
  baskets                                           •   Ticket Sales: Sell ckets before and a er Mass-
• Food: Food prepara on and food sales during           es and the week before the event and the day
  events                                                of the event
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 - Holy Infant Catholic Church
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 - Holy Infant Catholic Church
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME                                                               FEBRUARY 16, 2020

                                 Mother-Daughter and Father-Son Programs
You are invited to an event that provides an atmosphere of love and learning to discuss fertility and to promote commu-
nication between parent and child. The programs are presented by a parent, a physician and a teen panel for questions
and answers. The programs emphasize respect, understanding and appreciation for God’s gift of sexuality, as well as age-
appropriate information on the function of the male or female reproductive system.
• 2/23/20 10-12 year old girls and their mothers/guardians
• 3/29/20 13-17 year old girls and their mothers/guardians
• 3/15/20 11-12 year old boys and their fathers/guardians
• ( 13-17 year old boys and their fathers/guardians will be held in the Fall of 2020)
All of the programs run from 1:00PM to 3:30PM at the von Gontard Conference Center, 621 N. New Ballas Road, St. Lou-
is, MO 63141. Cost is $50 per family. Reservations are required. Go to: to register.
Questions: 314.991.0327 or

                                            20th Annual Birthright Trivia Night
                                                       Saturday, February 29th, 2020
                                                  Doors open: 6:30 p.m., Start Time: 7 p.m.

                                             Holy Infant Upper Cafeteria         627 Dennison Dr, Ballwin
                                   $20 per person, 8 people at a table: Includes Water, beer, and soda.
                                   Childcare provided: $5.00 per child. (Children must be po y trained.)
                                             Silent Auc on, Raffle, and other fun prize games.
                                                 Pizza available to order at an extra charge.
                                                    For more info and to R.S.V.P. contact:
                                     Maria Cummins (636) 394-1681 or
                                                        or Peggy Lewis (636)256.2406
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 - Holy Infant Catholic Church
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME                                                                  FEBRUARY 16, 2020

      WE OFFER PRAYERS FOR OUR SICK                               Peter & Paul Men's Homeless Shelter
                                                                Are you looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity? A
   Maha Alkhori         Blanche Flynn        Adrienne Read      great opportunity to involve your family, friends, neighbors
  Larry Ambrose          Sheila Gilliam    Kristen Rickermann   or co-workers?
  Ginnie Arends          Nancy Gillies       Carrie Ruzicka     Please consider volunteering at Peter and Paul Men’s
 Colton Armengol         Sharon Girth          Joe Schibig      Homeless Shelter. People/Organizations prepare, deliver
    Betty Block        Brandon Hippen-         David Schilli    and serve dinner at their shelter in Soulard, two nights per
 Mildred Brenner              steel           Francey Schilli   month. Future dates that are open are:
  Richard Brown         Brandon Huels       Alexander Shatto           Feb. 19th                June 25th
 Mariann Brudek             Ian Ives        Margaret St. John          Apr. 23rd                July
    Mike Bryan          Shirley Koetting      Gene Steffens            May                      15th
  Eileen Buehrle       Carolyn Kraichely      Dorothy Smith            20th                     August 19th
                                                                       May 28th                 August 27th
  Greg Bussman          Reza Lashgari          Sam Taylor
                                                                       June 17th
 Sharon Clemens            Julian Majl       Joseph Trovato
 Kristen Crawford         Joan Morelli         Mark Travers     To request a date, please email or
    Ken Daues            Janet Mueller         Patty Walsh      to request more information, call Gene, (636) 527-5385.
 Don Dinkelkamp          Ruth Murphy          Mary Weman
    Jan Dollus           Hiep Nguyen         Elmer Williams
  Manuel Fabros            Joey Paez           John Wilson
 Candy Fitzgerald        Eileen Peters          Jim Yettke
  Ellie Fitzgerald       Teresa Power       Mary Jane Zust
                                                                 Keep up to date on current events as seen through a
  “Come to me all who are weary…and I will refresh you.”
                                                                 Catholic lens. Listen to Catholic Connec on with Teresa
                        Mt 11:28                                 Tomeo. Opportuni es abound to pray along with the
                                                                 Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Holy
                      FORMED                                     Mass. Par cipate in live call-in shows such as More 2
Watch, listen and read. Anywhere, anytime. Get your
                                                                 Life, Open Line and Catholic Answers Live. Tune in for a
              FREE membership today.
    Register at:                    tune up: AM 1460 KHOJ, download the free Covenant
                                                                 Network App or listen on

                                                                 “Caring For Our Common Home”
                                              A study on environmental issues based on the encyclical “Laudato Si”
                                                    Sister Cheryl Kemner, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Help
                                                             When: February 20        Time: 7:00 pm
                                                  Where: St. Alban Roe, 2001 Shepard Road, Wildwood 63038
                                                            Mikesch Hall (Below and behind Church)
                                              We are called to respect, cherish and stop exploi ng our planet earth.
                                                    What are the environmental problems facing our planet?
                                                      What are some ways we can address and cure them?

        “Show Me Life" Pro-Life Action Day                      Missouri State Capitol March 10, 2020
Support legislation to save the lives of unborn children. Join pro-lifers from across Missouri in Jefferson City
on Tuesday, March 10th at the State Capitol. Registration begins at 10:00 am in the 1st floor rotunda and the
rally starts at noon. You can register for one of our buses at or
call or email your name, address, city, zip, phone, email address and pick-up location to 314-434-4900 or Registration deadline for bus transportation is March 2. Donations towards the
cost of buses can be made online or will be collected that day. Wear RED for Life!

                     Holy Infant First Wives Luncheon Join us Sunday, March 1 at 1:30 pm at Fallon’s Grill at
                     15850 Manchester, Ellisville . Please call Mary at (636) 391-0817 or Gerri at (636) 391-9177 to
                     RSVP or with questions.
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 - Holy Infant Catholic Church
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME                                                                 FEBRUARY 16, 2020

                                                        The following men will be attending the
                                                                Men's Welcome Retreat
                                                          next weekend on February 22 & 23
  •    Brad Argetsinger                    •    Tim Heit                             •   Wilfrid Sandoval
  •    David Floth                         •    Robert Morgan                        •   Andrew Schmitt
  •    Nick Gedda                          •    Luke Privett
                                              It's not too late to join them!
                  Come experience a life changing weekend that will fill you with energy and purpose.
                                      It's held right here at Holy Infant and it's free.
      For more information or to sign up, contact Chris Garrett at 314-973-5385 or .
                For the Women's Retreat on March 28 & 29, contact Kara O'Daniel at 314-973-5385.
If you cannot participate at this time, but would like us to pray for you during the weekends, place your prayer requests
                                       in the "Welcome" box in the back of church.
                Can you help us? Call Mandy Dickey 314-808-0811 to volunteer food or serving help.
              JUST A REMINDER! The Agape Service will be held on Friday, February 21 at 7:00 pm
                      ALL are invited to come and support Welcome Team 1 men in prayer.

                                                                                       BASKETS NEEDED FOR
                                                                                       THE ST. PATRICK’S DAY
                                                                                       CELEBRATION! Please
                                                                                       put your clean, gently
                                                                                       used baskets in the box
                                                                       marked “baskets” in the ves bule.

                                                                               Evening Book Club
                                                                       Next MeeƟng is Tuesday, February 25, 7
                                                                       pm in the back of the Lower Cafeteria.
                                                                       We will discuss “CourƟng Mr. Lincoln”
                                                                       and “LiƩle Women”.
                                                                       Hot tea and cookies provided.
                                                                       Mark your calendar for future dates:
                                                                       •   February 25
                                                                       •   March 31
                                                                       •   April 28
                                                                       •   May 26
                                                                       •   June 30
SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 - Holy Infant Catholic Church
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292950 Holy Infant Church (A)                                                                                                                                       For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-855-685-5703
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