Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
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Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine Pastor: Father Michal Osuch,C.R. (Congregation of the Resurrection) Deacon: Mike Juback, Secretary/Bookkeeper: Kelly Salbato Directors of Religious Education: Gigi Horan/ Shauna Smith Parish Office (909) 337-2333 | Office Fax (909) 337-5041 Mailing Address: PO Box 1929, Lake Arrowhead, CA, 92352 27627 Rim of the World Drive, Lake Arrowhead, California Office Hours Monday-Friday 9 am-3 pm Website: www.olllakearrowhead.org Email: ollakelakearrowhead@sbdiocese.org Find us on Facebook Mission Statement: As parishioners of Our Lady of the Lake, and as members of the Body of Christ, we will seek to love God with all our hearts, souls, and minds, through the liturgy and tradition of our Church, through fellow-ship with each other, and through communal and individual prayer. Out of this love for God we will seek to love others by searching out and responding to the spiritual, emotional, and material needs of the members of our Parish and the community at large. We will offer a warm welcome to every parishioner. We will encourage each member to share his or her God-given gifts and talents with the rest of our Parish Family. MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Saturday: 6:00 p.m. (English) 7:30 p.m. (Español) Sunday: 9:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Family Mass (LIFE TEEN band) Weekdays Mon.-Fri.: 8:00 a.m. Rosary following 8:00 a.m. Mass Reconciliation/Confession Mon.–Fri.: after 8:00 a.m. Mass. Saturday: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Holy Days See the bulletin for Mass times
January 3, 2021| The Epiphany of the Lord RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND ATTENTION! SACRAMENT INFORMATION Our Lady of the Lake will be celebrating RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Kinder - 5th grade: Scheduled 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays from 10am- Mass as follows starting January 2, 2021: 11:15am in the hall. Shauna Smith Saturday, 6 pm—English YOUTH MINISTRY Saturday, 7:30 pm—Spanish High School B.A.S.I.C. (Grades 9-12): meet on 1st, 2nd & 3rd Wednesday from 5:30-7:00pm in the YC/Hall Sunday, 9 am—English Middle School G.A.P. (Grades 6-8): meet on 1st, 2nd & 3rd Thursday Sunday, 11:30 am—English from 5:30-7:00 pm Gigi Horan SACRAMENTS ****** St. Anne’s***** First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation: This is a two-year program. The first year is consistent attendance in our Religious Edu- Saturday, 4 pm-English cation (RE) program. The second year is continued attendance in RE program and enrollment in the Sacramental Preparation Program (SP). Confirmation: The Diocese of San Bernardino requires a two-year 75th Anniversary Growing Tree Fundraiser program and active membership in the RE program. Through your faithful contributions to the Baptisms: Please call the parish office for information and scheduling. DDF, the sale of one of our cabins, private Godparents must be Confirmed and practicing Catholics. Baptisms in English are celebrated on the last Sunday of the month during the donations, and the Growing Tree Fundraiser, 11:30am Mass. we have been able to replace the roof on Clases Prebautismales: Para más informacion llame a la oficina. three of our buildings; the rectory, youth center, the Los Bautismos en espanol se celebrarán el último sábado de cada church, the hall, classrooms, and a cabin. Don’t miss out mes durante la Misa en español. on having the chance to have your family legacy forever Marriage: Arrangements should be made with Fr. Michal at least six months before the marriage date. At least one must be an active mem- acknowledged on a leaf on Our Lady of the Lakes Grow- ber of the Catholic Church. Our church is available for other Catholics ing Tree. Donations of $1,000 or more, which can be ar- from other parishes. ranged in payments, will gratefully be acknowledged Quinceañera: Las Quinceañeras se celebrarán el 1er sábado de cada with your family name or that of someone living or de- mes a las 11am solamente. Existe la posibilidad de quinceañeras en grupo. ceased that you would like to honor. If you can partici- pate in this fundraiser, please use the envelopes and pledge sheets that can be found under the Growing Tree or call the office for more information. 909337-2333 In order to meet our financial obligations, we need to collect $7,150.00 each week. This past weekend we received. As Catholics, we are raised to be good stewards. We want to be good examples to our children so they can be good stewards as well. Our Lady of the Lake and Fati- ma Shrine depends on your consistent contribu- tions. During this past winter due to inclement weather attendance was down, yet our church had to be maintained. The money you contribute to our parish each week makes ministry happen. Your donations help pay for utilities, equipment, maintenance, and ma- terials. Programs and services which benefit all members of our parish family come from your generosity. An alternate means of support for our parish is the WeShare program. This program col- lects monthly contributions straight from your checking, savings, or credit card account. WeShare allows you to plan your giving in the same way you budget your other financial commitments. You no longer have to be concerned about catching up on missed offerto- ry donations when you might miss Mass because of illness, in- clement weather, on vacation, etc. Please consider secure elec- tronic giving through WeShare for your donations. Olllakearrow-
January 3, 2021| The Epiphany of the Lord Welcome to Our Lady of the Lake Parish faith community and Fatima Shrine. Bishop Gerald Barnes announced July 13 the immediate suspension of public indoor Masses in the Diocese of San Bernardino, along with a series of other directives. Our Lady of the Lake would like to inform you that we are taking all the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of germs by implementing the sanitation protocol issued by the Diocese of San Bernardino and by the California Department of Public Health. In order for our churches to open, all masses will be held outside, no more then 100 people on church property, every parishioner 2 years and older to wear a mask, social distancing of no less than 6 feet, Holy Communion will not be distributed on the tongue at this time, and parishioners 65 and older and those that are immune compromised are encouraged to stay home and watch Sunday Mass on our website. The dispensation from the Bishop is still in effect. Please visit our website olllakearrowhead.org for updates. We thank you for understanding these regulations so we can celebrate the Holy Eucharist together again. START YOUR DAY WITH JESUS Our Lady of the Lake Please join Father Mike and other parishioners before daily Mass at would like to wish you a 7:40 am for morning prayers. Mass at 8 am Happy New Year filled with many Rosary after Mass Monday-Friday New Year blessings!! Come Let Us Worship! For those who can not attend Mass. Join Father Mike as LOL! Ladies of Our Lady of the Lake, have you (Ladies of the felt a desire to increase your knowledge of he celebrates Mass online. Sunday mornings at 11:00 am Lake) WOMEN’S sacred scripture and our Catholic faith? We would like to thank Glenn, Grace, and Christopher Would you like to spend more time in fellow- Kozuma for their dedication every weekend to make Mass BIBLE STUDY ship with Catholic ladies just like you? accessible to those at home. Tune in to olllakearrow- Then, perhaps the Holy Spirit is calling you to join Our Lady of head.org to view the Mass with Father Mike. the Lake’s new women’s bible study, LOL! (Ladies of the Lake). Please join us on Wednesday’s at 9:30 am on Zoom as we study The BibleTimeline: The Story of Salvation. Act of Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to A gift for you from our parish! You. Never permit me to separated from You. Amen Watch - Study - Listen - Read Content for all ages! FORMED provides unlimited access to the best Catholic audio talks, movies, ebooks, and video- Winter will be here before we know it. Do you want to cozy based studies right at your fingertips! The content is from up next to a nice warm fire but are in need of firewood? trusted providers like the Augustine Institute, Ignatius Press, Truck load of wood for $150.00 Please call Paul Corona for Catholic Answers, Sophia Institute Press, and St. Paul Center. your firewood needs. 714-742-4700 hƩps://formed.org/signup Looking for Catholic Women 18 yrs. and ATTENTION STATER BROS. SHOPPERS! older to become a member of an The Knights of Columbus will be selling Stater Bros. Scrip international organization called the cards after all the weekend Masses. Columbiettes. We are an auxiliary of the Please make check payable to Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus. The primary purpose of the Council 7950. All proceeds are shared with our mountain community Columbiettes is to work with the Knights in their parishes. Thank you! spiritual and social activities. The secondary purpose of the auxiliary is to provide for the spiritual, social, and charitable welfare of its members. The spiritual St. Anne in the Mountains patronesses of the Columbiettes are the Blessed Virgin Family Food Assistance Program Mary, St Therese of the Little Flower, and St Joan of Arc. 3rd Thursday of the Month from 4:00pm-5:30pm. For more information call 909-867-2832 Mountain residence please. Please call the office for more information.
First Reading: Isaiah 60: 1-6 Second Reading: Ephesian 3: 2-3, 5-6 Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come, Brothers and sisters: the glory of the Lord shines upon you. You have heard of the stewardship of God's grace that was See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the given to me for your benefit, namely, that the mystery was peoples; but upon you the LORD shines, and over you ap- made known to me by revelation. It was not made known to pears his glory. people in other generations as it has now been revealed to Nations shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit: that the Gentiles radiance. are coheirs, members of the same body, and copartners in Raise your eyes and look about; they all gather and come to the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel. you: your sons come from afar, and your daughters in the Gospel: Matthew 2: 1-2 arms of their nurses. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Then you shall be radiant at what you see, your heart shall King Herod, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, throb and overflow, for the riches of the sea shall be emptied saying, out before you, the wealth of nations shall be brought to you. "Where is the newborn king of the Jews? Caravans of camels shall fill you, dromedaries from Midian We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him hom- and Ephah; all from Sheba shall come bearing gold and age." When King Herod heard this, he was greatly troubled, frankincense, and all Jerusalem with him. Assembling all the chief priests and proclaiming the praises of the LORD. and the scribes of the people, He inquired of them where the Responsorial Psalm 72: 1-2, 7-8, 10-13 Christ was to be born. R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you. They said to him, "In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it has O God, with your judgment endow the king, and with your been written through the prophet: justice, the king's son; He shall govern your people with jus- And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, are by no means least tice among the rulers of Judah; since from you shall come a ruler, and your afflicted ones with judgment. who is to shepherd my people Israel." R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you. Then Herod called the magi secretly and ascertained from Justice shall flower in his days, and profound peace, till the them the time of the star's appearance. moon be no more. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, "Go and search dili- May he rule from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends gently for the child. When you have found him, bring me of the earth. word, that I too may go and do him homage." R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you. After their audience with the king they set out. The kings of Tarshish and the Isles shall offer gifts; And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded the kings of Arabia and Seba shall bring tribute. them, until it came and stopped over the place where the All kings shall pay him homage, all nations shall serve him. child was. They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you. entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. For he shall rescue the poor when he cries out, and the af- They prostrated themselves and did him homage. flicted when he has no one to help him. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of He shall have pity for the lowly and the poor; the lives of the gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a poor he shall save. dream not to return to Herod, they departed for their country R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you. by another way.
Primera Lectura: Isaiah 60: 1-6 Evangelio: Matthew 2: 1-12 Levántate y resplandece, Jerusalén, Jesús nació en Belén de Judá, en tiempos del rey Herodes. porque ha llegado tu luz y la gloria del Señor alborea sobre ti. Unos magos de oriente llegaron entonces a Jerusalén y Mira: las tinieblas cubren la tierra y espesa niebla envuelve a los pueb- preguntaron: “¿Dónde está el rey de los judíos que acaba de los; pero sobre ti resplandece el Señor nacer? Porque vimos surgir su estrella y hemos venido a ador- y en ti se manifiesta su gloria. Caminarán los pueblos a tu luz y los reyes, al resplandor de tu aurora. arlo”. Levanta los ojos y mira alrededor: todos se reúnen y vienen a ti; Al enterarse de esto, el rey Herodes se sobresaltó y toda Jeru- tus hijos llegan de lejos, a tus hijas las traen en brazos. salén con él. Convocó entonces a los sumos sacerdotes y a los Entonces verás esto radiante de alegría; tu corazón se alegrará, y se ensanchará, cuando se vuelquen sobre ti los tesoros del mar escribas del pueblo y les preguntó dónde tenía que nacer el y te traigan las riquezas de los pueblos. Mesías. Ellos le contestaron: “En Belén de Judá, porque así lo Te inundará una multitud de camellos y dromedarios, ha escrito el profeta: Y tú, Belén, tierra de Judá, no eres en procedentes de Madián y de Efá. Vendrán todos los de Sabá manera alguna la menor entre las ciudades ilustres de Judá, trayendo incienso y oro y proclamando las alabanzas del Señor. pues de ti saldrá un jefe, que será el pastor de mi pueblo, Isra- el”. Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 72: 1-2, 7-8, 10-13 R. Se postráran ante ti, Señor, todos los pueblos de la tierra. Entonces Herodes llamó en secreto a los magos, para que le Dios mío, confía tu juicio al rey, tu justice al hijo de reyes, para que rija a tu precisaran el tiempo en que se les había aparecido la estrella y pueblo con justicia, a tus humildes con rectidud. los mandó a Belén, diciéndoles: “Vayan a averiguar cuidados- R. Se postráran ante ti, Señor, todos los pueblos de la tierra. Que en sus días florezca la justicia y la paz hasta que falte la luna; que amente qué hay de ese niño y, cuando lo encuentren, avísen- domine de mar a mar, del Gran Rio al confin de la tierra. me para que yo también vaya a adorarlo”. R. Se postráran ante ti, Señor, todos los pueblos de la tierra. Que los reyes de Tarsis y las islas le paguen tributo; que los reyes de Sabá y Después de oír al rey, los magos se pusieron en camino, y de de Arabia le ofrezcan sus dones, que se postren ante él todos reyes, y que pronto la estrella que habían visto surgir, comenzó a guiarlos, todos los pueblos le sirvan. hasta que se detuvo encima de donde estaba el niño. Al ver de R. Se postráran ante ti, Señor, todos los pueblos de la tierra. nuevo la estrella, se llenaron de inmensa alegría. Entraron en Porque el librara al pobre que clamaba, al afligido que no tenia protector; el se la casa y vieron al niño con María, su madre, y postrándose, lo apiadara del pobre y del indigente, y salvara la vida los pobres. adoraron. Después, abriendo sus cofres, le ofrecieron regalos: R. Se postráran ante ti, Señor, todos los pueblos de la tierra. oro, incienso y mirra. Advertidos durante el sueño de que no Segundo Lectura: Ephesians 3: 2-3, 5-6 volvieran a Herodes, regresaron a su tierra por otro camino., Hermanos: Han oído hablar de la distribución de la gracia de Dios, que se me ha confiado en favor de ustedes. Por revelación se me dio a conocer este misterio, que no había sido manifestado a los hombres en otros tiempos, pero que ha sido revelado ahora por el Espíritu a sus santos apóstoles y profetas: es decir, que por el Evangelio, también los paganos son coherederos de la misma herencia, miembros del mismo cuerpo y partícipes de la misma promesa en Jesucristo.
3 de enero de 2021 | La Epifanía del Señor Bienvenido a la comunidad de fe de la parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Lago y al Santuario de Fátima. El obispo Gerald Barnes anunció el 13 de julio la suspensión inmediata de las misas públicas en interiores en la diócesis de San Bernardino, junto con una serie de otras directivas. Nuestra Señora del Lago desea informarle que estamos tomando todas las precauciones necesarias para prevenir la propagación de gérmenes mediante la implementación del protocolo de saneamiento emitido por la Diócesis de San Bernardino y por el Departamento de Salud Pública de California. Para que nuestras iglesias abran, todas las misas se llevarán a cabo afuera, no más de 100 personas en propiedad de la iglesia, cada feligrés de 2 años o más para usar una máscara, distancia social de no menos de 6 pies, la Sagrada Comunión no se distribuirá en este momento, y se alienta a los feligreses mayores de 65 años y aquellos que están inmunocomprometidos a quedarse en casa y ver la misa dominical en nuestro sitio web. La dispensación del obispo sigue vigente. Visite nuestro sitio web olllakearrowhead.org para obtener actualizaciones. Le agradecemos por entender estas regulaciones para que podamos celebrar la Sagrada Eucaristía juntos nuevamente. COMIENCE SU DÍA CON JESÚS Por favor, únase al Padre Mike y otros feligreses ¡Nuestra Señora del Lago antes de la Misa diaria a las 7:40 para las ora- ciones de la mañana.Misa a las 8 am, Rosario desea desearles un Feliz Año después de la misa de lunes a viernes. Nuevo lleno de muchas bendi- Acto de comunión spiritual Jesús mío, creo que estás presente en el Santísimo ciones de Año Nuevo! Sacramento. Te amo por encima de todas las cosas y deseo recibirte en mi alma. Como no puedo recibirte en este momento sacramentalmente, entra al menos espiritualmente en mi corazón. Te abrazo como si ya estuvieras allí y me uno completamente a ti. Nunca me ¡Un regalo para ti de nuestra parroquia! ¡ATENCIÓN! Mira - Estudia - Escucha - Lee Our Lady of the Lake celebrará la misa de la siguiente ¡Contenido para todas las edades! FORMED proporciona manera a partir del 2 de enero de 2021: acceso ilimitado a las mejores charlas de audio católicas, sábado, 6 pm — inglés sábado, 7:30 pm — español películas, libros electrónicos y estudios basados en video al alcance de su mano. El contenido es de proveedores confia- domingo, 9 am — inglés domingo, 11:30 am — inglés bles como el Instituto Agustín, Ignatius Press, Catholic An- ****** St. Anne's ***** swers, Sophia Institute Press y St. Paul Center. Sábado, 4 p. M., Inglés hƩps://formed.org/signup l invierno llegará antes de que nos demos cuen- Programa de Asistencia Alimentaria Familiar de Santa ta. ¿Quieres acurrucarte junto a un bonito fuego Ana en las Montañas 3er jueves del mes de 4:00 p.m. a caliente pero necesitas leña? Carga de leña por $ 5:30 p.m. Para más información llame a Llama a St. 150.00 Llame a Paul Corona para sus nece- Anne's al 909-867-2832 sidades de leña. 714-742-4700 Para cumplir con nuestras obligaciones financieras, debemos cobrar $7,150.00 Cada semana. La colección de esta semana fue de El total de la colleccion de esta semana fue Como católicos, somos educados para ser buenos administradores. Queremos ser buenos ejemplos para nuestros hijos para que ellos también puedan ser buenos administradores. Nuestra Señora del Lago y el Santuario de Fátima dependen de sus constantes contribuciones. Durante el invierno pasado, debido a las inclemencias del tiempo, la asisencia se redujo, pero nuestra iglesia tuvo que mantenerse. El dinero que usted con- tribuye a nuestra parroquia cada semana hace que el ministerio suceda. Sus donaciones ayudan a pagar los servicios públicos, el equipo, el mantenimiento y los materiales. Los programas y servicios que benefician a todos los miembros de nuestra familia parroquial provienen de su generosidad. Un medio alternativo de apoyo para nuestra parroquia es el programa WeShare. Este programa cobra contribuciones mensuales directamente de su cuenta de cheques, ahorros o tarjeta de crédito. We Share le permite planif- icar sus donaciones de la misma manera que presupuestó sus otros compromisos financieros. Ya no tiene que preocuparse por ponerse al día con las donaciones del ofertorio perdido, ya que podría perder la Misa debido a una enfermedad, tiempo inclemente, en vacaciones, etc. Por favor considere donaciones electrónicas seguras a través de We Share para sus donaciones. Puede registrarse en olllakearowhead.org
PARISH MINISTRIES Pray for the return of good health for the fol- Altar Server Training: Tony Godlewski lowing: Parishioners and friends in immedi- Annulment Advocate: Kelly Salbato ate need: Elliotte Mumm, Jeanne Schroder, Baptism Preparation in English: Jan Stein Gene Corona, Kimberly Kopsho, Chad Baptism Preparation in Spanish: Raul Chairez, Smith, Rubia Luna, Terry Dyroff, Gaja Gor- Miguel Andrade, Arturo Sifuentes czynski, Lucy Gardynik, Rusty Miller, John & Bible Study: Deter Heuser, Kelly Salbato Dot Bernardi, Paulette Gilbert, Teresa Hill, Ross Willour, Bingo: Rick Gilbert, Tim Montgomery Owen Labou, Remmy Labou, Terry Miller, Elga Schulen- Cenacle: Penny Galuszka burg, Tina Guzik-Staros, Sheila Leahy, Ron Hittle, Sr. Kath- Church Environment: Shelley Smith leen Daly, Trevor Garus, Wyatt family, Alex Albao, Melanie Columbiettes: Helen Seagull Hopkins, Ricky Pesquera, Francine Coyne, Linda Taylor, Dynamic Catholic Ministry: Margaret Mueller Gabriel Garcia, Nancy & Bill Nolan, Philip Doan, Koa Pes- Eucharist Minister Training: quera, Jeff Jones, Kathleen Podhurst, Alan Reilly, Kent Fatima Shrine: Frank Hoeschler Jones, Laura Castillo, Hailey Sopko, Pat Peterson, Helen Funeral Hospitality: Gigi Horan, Shauna Smith Despart, Jeannette Dangleius, Linda Lee Elliott, Walda Pi- Gift Shop: Kathy Howe, Arlene Tymczyszyn card, Linda Ehe, Steve Fox, Artie Pesquera, Maurine Ger- Hispanic Liturgy: Jose Guadalupe Martinez rard, Vincent Ureno, Bill Witter, Sammy Miszklevitz, Sandy Knights of Columbus: Ron Wilhelm Ends, Fr. Paul Smith, Sarai Kiser, Adriane Hallek, Lu Library: Cheryl Gallagher Mastriano, Philip Tansey, Veda Godwin, Sebastia Sando- Life, Dignity and Justice: Shauna Smith val, Fr. Michal Osuch, Thanasi Miragias, Paul Corona, Car- Marriage Prep Spanish: Esteban & Joanna Huidor los Bacio, Kelly Johnson, Minnette Gregg, Ed Morey, Mary Marriage Prep English: Chris & Gian Vital Livingston, Ana Christina O’Connor, Reece Holzer, Bill Ministry to the Sick: Mary Jo Arndt Menegatti, Sr. Cathy White S.P., Lynette Carroll, Chunie Ministry Schedule: Gigi Horan Baca, Arturo Sifuentes, Kate Helfrich, Rose Roy, Ashley Hispanic Choir: Manuel Castillo Witter Music Minister: Steve Wilson In need of sustaining prayer (those with long term needs): LIFE TEEN Band: Mat Troy, Alex Pothier Carolyn Davisson, Katie Lawrence, Erin Ashdown, John, Our Lady of Guadalupe: Esteban Huidor Linda Budano, Barbara Yellen, Kurt Kauffman, Martin Parish Fundraising: Mary Kay Bachman, Margaret Mueller Parsons, Bob Buhrle, Michelle Alvarez, Matthew Smith, Jon Prayer List Outreach: Judith Reilly Parishioners and friends in Mountains Community extend- Preventative Maintenance: Greg Morones Prevencion y Rescate: Joanna Huidor Quinceañera: Maricela Moreno Restorative Justice: Tim Montgomery RCIA in Spanish: Arturo Sifuentes RCIA in English: Gigi Horan Saturday, January 2: Young Family Ministry: 6:00pm Dennis Kay PASTORAL COUNCIL 7:30pm OPEN Sunday, January 3: Chair: Bridgett Johnstone 9:00am OPEN Vice-Chair: Ben Lopez 11:30am OPEN Secretary: Maxine Beck Monday, January 4: 8:00am +Darryl Wright FINANCE COUNCIL: Gary Hastings Tuesday, January 5: 8:00am OPEN Wednesday, January 6: ATTENTION STATER BROS. SHOPPERS! 8:00am Heuser family The Knights of Columbus will be selling Stater Bros. Scrip cards after Thursday, January 7: all the weekend Masses. 8:00am OPEN Please make check payable to Knights of Columbus Council Friday, January 8: 7950. 11:30am OPEN All proceeds are shared with our mountain community parishes. Thank you!
Our Lady of the Lake 27627 Rim of the World dr. Lake Arrowhead, Ca. 92352 #011176 Shauna Smith 909-337-2333 ssmith@sbdiocese.org Transmission time: 11:00 pm PST Date of Publication: December 22, 2020 150 bulletins
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