Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach - Our Lady of ...

Page created by Larry Cummings
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach - Our Lady of ...
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
       Hermosa Beach
  Pastor Rev. Paul Gawlowski, OFM Conv

 Associate Rev. Carlos Morales, OFM Conv
           Phone: 310-372-7077

         Phone Operator Hours
       Tuesday-Friday 11 AM - 4 PM
          Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM

           Holiday Office Hours
     The office will be close for business
     December 24-28 and Dec 31-Jan 4

      Parish Staff Contact Information

 Watch Livestream of Devotions and Masses
     Register to attend Mass in person
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach - Our Lady of ...
New Year's Eve Mass - Dec 31
                  The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
                                  5 PM English

                  New Year's Day Mass - Jan 1
                  The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
                                 10 AM Bilingual

The above Masses are outdoor in the Church parking lot and require registration. To
attend Mass in person, please register in advance on our website. We will also offer
a live-stream of these Masses on the OLG website, Youtube, and Facebook page.

            New Mass Schedule In 2021

                  Beginning January 2 our Mass schedule will be:

                              Saturday Vigil Masses
                                  5 PM English
                                  7 PM Spanish

                             7 AM English (in church)
                                 8 AM Spanish
                                 10 AM English*
                                 12 PM English*

        We will continue to offer a Daily Mass at 8 AM Monday - Saturday

*Note these times are the only changes. With this new schedule, the 10:30 and
12:30 Mass times will be changed to 10 and 12.

Mass Indoors or Outdoors?
As you may have already read, because of Supreme Court rulings in similar cases,
LA county will no longer attempt to prevent Religious Services from being indoors;
however, it is highly recommended that Churches continue to worship outdoors.
Additionally, our Archbishop has given the same directive, namely that it is best if
we continue outdoors for now. Currently, we have moved the 8 AM Daily Mass and
7 AM Sunday Mass indoors to the church as the number of persons attending these
Masses are small. For now, we will continue all other Masses outside in the church
parking lot. We are continuing to evaluate the situations with our staff, volunteers,
and the Bishops, and will let you know as our plans change.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach - Our Lady of ...
January 3, 2021                            January 10, 2021
First Reading: Rise up in splendor,        First Reading: Behold my servant with
Jerusalem! The Lord shines upon you        whom I am pleased; he shall bring forth
and the glory of the Lord appears over     justice to the nations
you (Isaiah 60:1-6).                       (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 55:1-11
Psalm: Lord, every nation on earth will    Psalm: The Lord will bless his people
adore you (Psalm 72).                      with peace (Psalm 29) or Isaiah 12:2-6.
Second Reading: The Gentiles are           Second Reading: God anointed him
coheirs, copartners in the promise in      with the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:34-38) or 1
Christ Jesus through the gospel            John 5:1-9.
(Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6).                   Gospel: You are my beloved Son, with
Gospel: Magi from the east arrived,        you I am well pleased (Mark 1:7-11).
looking for the newborn king of the
Jews (Matthew 2:1-12).

                             Sat. Jan. 2 - Saint Basil the Great
                             Sun. Jan. 3 - Most Holy Name of Jesus
                             Mon. Jan. 4 - Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
                             Tues. Jan. 5 - Saint John Neumann
                             Wed. Jan. 6 - Saint André Bessette
                             Thur. Jan. 7 - Saint Raymond of Peñafort
                             Fri. Jan. 8 - Saint Angela of Foligno

                             To view the Franciscan Saint calendar, click here.

                                       The Solemnity of
                                  Mary Mother of God - Jan. 1
                             It is fitting as we begin a new year that we should seek
                             the aid of our Mother Mary to look after and be
                             mindful of the needs of the Church. As one who is the
                             model of discipleship for all of us, she reminds us over
                             and over again of our calling to blessedness in the
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach - Our Lady of ...
Imagine the hope in the hearts of those evening watch
shepherds in Bethlehem. Shepherds often were
people who live on the fringe, whose expectations
were rarely lifted up. They hoped to survive, yet this
day they were given the privilege to begin insiders.
They were the first to receive the Gospel proclamation
tidings of great joy for all people of the earth.

On this solemnity of the Mother of God, as we utter
the name of Jesus in praise, let us remember who we
are, brothers and sisters of the Lord Jesus, who honor
His Mother as our own.

Join us for Mass on Thursday, December 31 at 5:00
PM or Friday, January 1st at 10:00 AM Bilingual.
Please register in advance on our website. We will
also offer a live-stream of these Masses on the OLG
website, Youtube, and Facebook page.

  Feast Of The Epiphany - Jan. 3
The feast marking the end of Christmas is called

The word epiphany means “manifestation.” In terms of
the Church’s celebration, the Epiphany refers to this
immense, universal revelation: “The manifestation of
Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Savior of
the world” (CCC, 528).

The Feast of the Epiphany celebrates Christ becoming
manifest to our world. Through the gifts brought by
the three worldly Kings, our world became aware of
the destiny of Jesus Christ. The gift of gold recognizes
Christ is a King. The gift of frankincense recognizes
that He is a prophet. The gift of myrrh recognizes that
He will die as a priest offering sacrifice for our

Through your Baptism, you are called to continue to
make Christ manifest in our world. We make Christ
known and present in our world through our gathering
and the sharing of the Eucharist. You make Christ
present and active in the world through your practice
of Peace, Justice, and Forgiveness with all those with
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach - Our Lady of ...
whom we live and associate with. Christ is made real
                              to our world through you.

                              May the parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe make
                              manifest to the South Bay, the presence of Christ in
                              our lives. May Our Blessed Mother, who gave birth to
                              Christ, be honored, through our dedication to the
                              mission of Christ in our world.

             Epiphany Home Blessing / Ephfanía

Below is a special traditional Epiphany blessing that every family can do together.

The family gathers to ask God’s blessing on their home and on those who live in or
visit the home. It is an invitation for Jesus to be a daily guest in our home, our
comings, and goings, our conversations, our work and play, our joys and sorrows.

A traditional way of doing this is to use chalk to write above the home’s entrance,
20 + C + M + B + 21. The letters C, M, B have two meanings. They are the initials of
the traditional names of the three magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. They also
abbreviate the Latin words Christus mansionem benedicat, “May Christ bless the
house.” The “+” signs represent the cross and 2021 is the year.

Blessing the Chalk

V. Our help is the name of the Lord:
R. The maker of heaven and earth.
V. The Lord shall watch over your going out and your coming in:
R. From this time forth for evermore. Let us pray.

Loving God, bless this chalk which you have created, that it may be helpful to your
people; and grant that through the invocation of your most Holy Name that we who
use it in faith to write upon the door of our home the names of your holy ones
Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar, may receive health of body and protection of soul
for all who dwell in or visit our home; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Instructions for Blessing the Home

Using the blessed chalk mark the lintel of your front door (or front porch step) as
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach - Our Lady of ...
follows: 20 + C + M + B + 21 while saying:

The three Wise Men, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar followed the star of God’s Son
who became human two thousand and fifteen years ago. May Christ bless our home
and remain with us throughout the new year. Amen.

Then offer the following prayer:

Visit, O blessed Lord, this home with the gladness of your presence. Bless all who
live or visit here with the gift of your love; and grant that we may manifest your love
to each other and to all whose lives we touch. May we grow in grace and in the
knowledge and love of you; guide, comfort, and strengthen us in peace, O Jesus
Christ, now and forever. Amen

“Chalking the door” is a way to celebrate and literally mark the occasion of the
Epiphany and God’s blessing of our lives and home. With time the chalk will fade.
As it does we let the meaning of the symbols written sink into the depths of our
heart and be manifest in our words and actions the Latin words, Christus
mansionem benedictat, “May Christ bless the house.

                   Epifanía Bendición del Hogar
A continuación una muestra de una bendición especial de la Epifanía tradicional
que cada familia puede hacer junta.

La familia se reúne para pedir la bendición de Dios sobre su hogar y sobre aquellos
que viven o visitan el hogar. Es una invitación para que Jesús sea un invitado diario
en nuestro hogar, nuestras idas y venidas, nuestras conversaciones, nuestro trabajo
y nuestros juegos, nuestras alegrías y tristezas.

Una forma tradicional de hacer esto es usar tiza para escribir sobre la entrada de la
casa, 20 + G + M + B + 21. Las letras G, M, B tienen dos significados. Son las
iniciales de los nombres tradicionales de los tres magos: Gaspar, Melchor y
Baltazar. También abrevian las palabras latinas Christus mansionem benedicat,
"Que Cristo bendiga la casa". Los signos "+" representan la cruz y 2021 es el año.

Bendiciendo la tiza

V. Nuestro auxilio es el nombre del Señor:
R. Que hizo el cielo y la tierra.
V. El Señor velará por tu salida y tu entrada:
R. Desde ahora y para siempre. Dejanos rezar.

Dios amoroso, bendice esta tiza que has creado, para que pueda ser útil para tu
pueblo; y conceda que a través de la invocación de su Santísimo Nombre, nosotros,
que la usamos con fe, escribamos en la puerta de nuestro hogar los nombres de
sus santos Gaspar, Melchor y Baltazar, puedan recibir salud del cuerpo y protección
del alma para todos. que habitan o visitan nuestra casa; a través de Jesucristo
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach - Our Lady of ...
nuestro Señor. Amén.

Instrucciones para bendecir el hogar

Usando la tiza bendecida, marque el dintel de la puerta de su casa (o el paso del
porche delantero) de la siguiente manera: 20 + G + M + B + 21 mientras dice:

Los tres Reyes Magos, Gaspar, Melchor y Baltazar siguieron a la estrella del Hijo de
Dios que Se convirtió en humano hace dos mil quince años. Que Cristo bendiga
nuestro hogar y permanezca con nosotros durante todo el año nuevo. Amén.

Luego ofrezca la siguiente oración: Visita, oh bendito Señor, este hogar con la
alegría de tu presencia. Bendice a todos los que viven o visitan aquí con el regalo
de tu amor; y concédenos que podamos manifestar tu amor unos a otros y a todas
las vidas a quienes tocamos. Que crezcamos en la gracia y en el conocimiento y
amor de ti. guíanos, consuélanos y fortalécenos en paz, oh Jesucristo, ahora y por
siempre. Amén

"Marcando la puerta" es una forma de celebrar y marcar literalmente la ocasión de
la Epifanía y la bendición de Dios de nuestras vidas y de nuestro hogar. Con el
tiempo la tiza se desvanecerá. Al hacerlo, dejamos que el significado de los
símbolos escritos se hunda en lo más profundo de nuestro corazón y se manifieste
en nuestras palabras y acciones las palabras en latín, Christus mansionem
benedictat, "Que Cristo bendiga la casa".

             Un mensaje del p. Carlos

Seguimos Celebrando Navidad
Hermanos y hermanas, que la Paz de Dios este con ustedes y que este nuevo año
civil y de la liturgia lo llenemos de muchas cosas buenas y positivas para todos. En
este año 2021 propongámonos conectarnos más con la iglesia, con Dios, con la
familia con los hermanos hermanas vecinos compañeros con todos aquellos que
nos rodea, así será nuestro año 2021 agradeciendo por la vida de todos. Dios les
bendiga en todas sus acciones durante este nuevo año y mismo que El mismo
Espíritu de Jesús niño continúe bendiciéndoles en todas sus decisiones y acciones.
Santifiquemos el año, a eso estamos llamados.

La maternidad de María. Para los cristianos, en la maternidad de María está la
causa y el origen de todos los demás privilegios que la virgen tuvo. En este sentido,
me gusta más pensar en María como madre, que en María como virgen. Porque
María fue la madre de Jesús, nuestro hermano, es por lo que nosotros podemos y
debemos pensar que María es también madre nuestra. Madre, en la tierra, sólo
tenemos una, y madre en el cielo también siempre tendremos una: la madre María.
En la tierra y en el cielo podemos tener muchos intercesores y abogados que
aboguen por nosotros, pero en la tierra nunca podremos tener más de una madre, y
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach - Our Lady of ...
en el cielo la madre y abogada nuestra por excelencia será siempre María. Todos,
por muy viejos que seamos, necesitamos sentir cerca el aliento materno; por eso,
cuando nuestros padres mueren, el aliento maternal de María, madre de Jesús y
madre nuestra, es un aliento que puede consolarnos y fortalecernos. Acudamos
hoy a María como madre de Jesús y madre nuestra.

También celebramos la Epifanía, que es una celebración más de la navidad, se
enfatiza en la revelación o manifestación de Dios a todos los pueblos. En algunos
lugares se le conoce como la fiesta de los Reyes Magos pero en realidad podemos
decir que es una prolongación de la navidad y claro los magos, fueran o
No Reyes se hacen presente para reconocer en El Niño del pesebre al Dios y
salvador del mundo, el mismo Dios que se manifiesta al mundo Dios by que se
hace luz para todos.

Con estos días de celebración litúrgica, la Iglesia nos llama a profundizar, en el
misterio de la Encarnación, en Jesucristo como luz para todos los pueblos,
Jesucristo manifestado y presenciado por todas las razas, luz que alumbra todas
las oscuridades. La navidad es un tiempo lleno de humanidad, sigamos su ritmo de
hacernos presentes ahí donde más nos necesiten. Bendiciones para todos. Amén

                 Building Project Update

Our building project recently appeared in the Easy Reader. In case you missed it,
here is a link to the article.

If you have plans to attend an outdoor Mass please keep the following in mind due
to the building construction:

Those coming to Mass as a walk-in will enter the parking lot from the Massey
Street gate. Walk-ins now sit at the south-end of the parking lot near the Parish Hall
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach - Our Lady of ...
Those coming to Mass in your car now enter the gate on 5th Street (previously
known as our Exit gate) and exit the Massey Street gate (previously known as
our Entrance Gate). In case you forget, we will have volunteers directing cars and

Beware of Sidewalk Videographers
While this has never happened yet to my knowledge at our Parish, here is some
good advice to keep in mind. We have been warned by the Archdiocese that when
coming to Mass we may run into people attempting to provoke a negative response
from churchgoers and video it to put on social media. This type of behavior I would
guess might happen in many contexts, but in general, the best advice is don’t
engage in any way with such antagonism. It is only an attempt to get something
negative on video to use against us (and likely a short segment that is out of
context). Do what Jesus would do; bless them, wish them well, and pray for them!
~Fr. Paul

Adults Seeking Sacraments
For adults who would like to receive Baptism, Eucharist, or Confirmation or just
want to learn more about the Catholic faith, please register for the Rite of Christian
Initiation for Adults (RCIA) click here.

Preparation for Infant Baptism
It is a cause of great joy and celebration to help you baptize your child (or children)
into the Catholic Church, especially here at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Taking
this step is an integral part of your faith, the beginning of your promise to raise your
child in the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. During these COVID times,
we offer virtual classes via Zoom for infant baptisms (ages birth to 5 years old) on
the second Wednesday of each month from 7-8:30 PM in English. Please contact
our team at baptism@olgmail.org for a registration form and more information, also
on the parish website at this page. If your child is over 5 years old, our team will
provide you with additional information on the baptismal preparation process.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach - Our Lady of ...
Join A Ministry!

     The Livestream Production Team trains volunteers to operate our livestream
     system at the Masses. Contact Christine Ruiloba at audiovisual@olgmail.org.
     Young Adults Bible Study Groups meet via Zoom. Contact Natalie Mejia at
     nataliemadonnamejia@gmail.com or Jason Matteo at
     Scripture Faith Sharing Group meets from 7-8 PM every Tuesday. All adults
     are welcome. For information or the Zoom meeting ID, contact Carlos Diaz at
     The Social Justice Ministry raising awareness, fostering dialog for
     understanding, and working together to help make a difference. Learn more

Our monthly Hand 'n' Hand Food Drive is the third Sunday of every month.

If you are in need of food, please contact Tom Baumann at the parish office at 310-

                                        Open for Enrollment
                            Our Lady of Guadalupe Preschool is a year-round
                            program that provides services for children ages 3-5
                            years old.

                            We provide children opportunities to grow
                            intellectually, socially, emotionally, physically, and
                            spiritually in a warm, loving Christian environment.

                            For more information, contact:
                            Mrs. Maritza Corleto, Preschool Director
                            (310) 372-7486 Ext. 399 Or visit

                            Considering applying to Our Lady
                            of Guadalupe School for the
                            2021-22 school year?
Join us for our January 19th TK/Kinder Virtual
Information Sessions at either 10 AM or 5 PM.

Parents are highly encouraged to attend the session
of their choice to learn about our program offerings,
receive applications, and sign up for Campus Tours
and Readiness Screening appointments. Prospective
students in Gr1-8: please call the school office to
schedule a meeting with OLG principal, Mrs. April
Beuder (310) 372-7486.

Click here to register for the OLG TK/Kinder Virtual
Information Sessions, January 19, 2021

How the ADLA can help victim-survivors heal

When the Vatican released the McCarrick Report late
last year, many victim-survivors of sexual abuse may
have been triggered by the revelations in the report
and the repeated mention of it in the news and on
social media. In the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the
Office of Victims Assistance Ministry was created to
provide a safe and compassionate environment for
victim-survivors who need to report abuse to be able
to do so, and to receive assistance for healing. For
more information about these resources, visit

Cómo puede la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles
ayudar a sanar a las víctimas-sobrevivientes

Cuando el Vaticano publicó el Informe McCarrick a
fines del año pasado, muchas víctimas-sobrevivientes
de abuso sexual pudieron haber sido nuevamente
afectadas por las revelaciones en el informe y la
mención repetida de este en las noticias y en las
redes sociales. En la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, se
creó la Oficina del Ministerio de Asistencia a las
Víctimas para proporcionar un entorno seguro y
compasivo para que las víctimas-sobrevivientes que
necesitan denunciar el abuso puedan hacerlo, y para
recibir asistencia para su sanación. Para obtener más
información sobre estos recursos, visite
Collection Total
                                               December 20, 2020
"Abundance isn’t God’s provision for me        Mail-in: $2,098.00
to live in luxury. It’s his provision for me   Cash & Check: $2,461.00
to help others live. God entrusts me with      WeShare: $8,540.38
his money not to build my kingdom on
earth, but to build his kingdom in             Total - $13,099.38
                                               December 27, 2020
                                               (Giving totals will be posted next week)
Please remember to put both your
first and last name on envelopes to
receive credit for your charitable tax
donation. Thank you!

                                We have reached our Goal!
                                Thanks to all for your generosity. What we have
                                accomplished so far is amazing! Thanks be to God,
                                and thanks to all who have helped.

                                There is still an opportunity to join in if you have not
                                already. Remember a donation of $2,000 over up to 5
                                years will allow us to put your name on our donor wall.
                                Although we’ve reached our goal there is need for
                                additional funds for furniture, equipment, etc.

                                Be part of this historic project…
                                To make a Donation, click here.
                                To make a NEW PLEDGE, click here.
                                To extend or increase your current pledge, click here.
                                For more information and description of the project,
                                click here.
Please remember to pray for the sick
                                          and the homebound of our parish who
                                          cannot celebrate the liturgies with us.
8 AM +Mildred Watson (Tom Baumann)        We pray that God's tender mercy be
                                          upon those we love, especially:
SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 2021                 Jannett Grey, Arturo Veiga, Oscar Pena,
8 AM Int of our Parishioners              Augusto Camacho, Ana Maria Rocha,
5 PM +Billy Driver (Brandee Aguirre)      Victor Guerrero, Juan Flores, Andrew
                                          Faris, Carmen Santiyan, Vickie Lopez,
SUNDAY, JANUARY 3, 2021                   Maria Enriquez, Jimmy Arena, Vanessa
7 AM +Simon Agazaryan (Dixie Gerard)      Quinteros, Julian Zawlocki, Christian
8 AM Int of our Parishioners              Nagasugi, Arianna Carrione, Ramon
10 AM +Billy Driver (Brandee Aguirre)     Ortiz, Kenneth Hahn, Matt West, Tony
12 PM Int of our Parishioners             De Castro,Dolores Mansanto, Bobby
6:30 PM +Lusik Agazaryan (Dixie Girard)   Burt, Anne Harris, Odilia Alvizures,
                                          Yvonne Dahle, Barbara Malina, Marie
MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2021                   Hoffman, Blaine Price, Jerry Fox, Ruth &
8 AM +Billy Driver (Brandee Aguirre)           Hector Minera, Shirley Erickson, Angie
                                               Hegedus, Martha Zavala, Andre Farias,
TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2021                       Rosario Ruiz, Del & Christine Orozco,
8 AM +Billy Driver (Brandee Aguirre)           George Tumanjon, Mary Ann Hayden,
                                               Mary Cueto, Bernardo Rosero, Nieves
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2021                     Gonzales, Paige Garnica, Jenny
8 AM +Billy Driver (Brandee Aguirre)           Garnica, Elvira Orellana, Michael
                                               Villatoro, Barbara Silviera, Linda
THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2021                      Newton, Jeff Beck, Susan Hein, Brian
8 AM +Billy Driver (Brandee Aguirre)           Syjut, Ed Perne, Steve Black, Pat Little,
                                               Lisa Brianna Atteo, Robin Leslie, Mary
FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 2021                        Pandey, Sonia Ramos, Dick Wise, John
8 AM +Billy Driver (Brandee Aguirre)           Duda, Teri Thomas, Chad Johnson,
                                               George Anderson, Stephanie Solomon,
SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 2021                      Carmen Corona, David and Irma Mann,
8 AM +Billy Driver (Brandee Aguirre)           Sharon Schelegerif, Bill Hallett, Michael
5 PM + Lula Rivera (Mike Dahlhausen)           Motta, Robert Marshall, Alice Ramirez,
                                               Lisa Krantz, Jake Ruehl, Luz Hernandez,
                                               Joe Hastings, David Preletz, John Ives,
Sunday Mass Intentions listed here             Joseph Wharton, Deacon Scott, Rita
include pre-COVID Mass times. Our              Hess, Bonnie Louvet, Senaido Vargas,
current schedule of Masses is here on          John Feingold, Betty Hacker, Joel
the parish website.                            Massa, Maggie Baumann, Charlie
                                               Baumann, Grace Garcia, Karen

                                               And for those who have died

                                                 Charles Hoover
                                                Carlos Huante Jr.
                                           Cpl USMC Aaron Nieraeth
                                                   Alex Avila
                                         LCpl Jacob C. Slade, USMC
                                         Cpl Joshua Kai Climaco, USMC
   Welcome home!
                              Sgt. Terrence E. Ryan-Cole, US ARMY 160TH SOAR
 SFC David Dougherty
US Army Special Forces       Do you have a family member currently serving in the military? Please
                             forward their names, rank, and branch of service to
                             bulletin@olgmail.org or call during parish phone hours at 310-372-7077.

                                               God who traveled before and behind the
                                               Israelites in their journey from slavery to
                                               freedom, surround and support the men
                                               and women working in your healing
                                               ministry today. Never leave them,
                                               comfort them, and keep them well. Give
                                               them the strength to care for those who
                                               are sick and dying as well as the
Please pray for all who are working on                      strength to receive help from others. Be
the front lines of this pandemic. Doctors,                  with their families of all who serve. Send
nurses, all who are in the healthcare                       your peace for their anxieties, joy for
profession, first responders, and all                       their fears, hope for their despair, and
essential workers:                                          light for their darkness. We pray in the
                                                            confidence of your love. Amen.
          Elizabeth Hernández-Ball
              Fernando Magaña
          Linnea Larson-Hernandez
              Chuck Anderson                                Dios que viajó antes y detrás de los
                 Jenny Sisson                               israelitas en su viaje de la esclavitud a la
                 Julia Bacskai                              libertad, rodea y apoya a los hombres y
                Philip Warner                               mujeres que trabajan en tu ministerio de
                   Jon Scully                               sanidad hoy. nunca los deje, consuélelos
                  Ian Nichols                               y manténgalos bien. Dales la fuerza para
                Mike Connor                                 cuidar a los enfermos y moribundos, así
                Kristen Juarez                              como la fuerza para recibir ayuda de
                 Amy Marchi                                 otros. Estar con sus familias de todos los
                 Tim Nieblas                                que sirven. Envía tu paz por sus
                Cathy DeMar                                 ansiedades, alegría por sus miedos,
              Dr. Victoria Orton                            esperanza por su desesperación y luz
            Amanda San Clement                              por su oscuridad. Oramos en la
            Dr. Maureen O’Neill                             confianza de tu amor. Amén.
                Tana Sherrick
                   Jen Guevara
                   Brian Papia

If you have a loved one that you would like to pray for
during this difficult time, please send their name to
bulletin@olgmail.org or call during parish phone hours at

                                 In Our Community

Canned/Dry Food Drive
During the Pandemic our client’s needs have increased and so we have been
visiting the nonperishable food pantry often; it's time to stock up and you can help.

Support the Lawndale House of Yahweh Canned/Dry Food Drive on Saturday,
January 16th. Drop off donations between 9 AM - 1 PM to the House of Yahweh,
4046 Marine Ave., Lawndale.

Questions? Visit our website at www.hoy-southbay.org or call 310-675-1384. Cash,
check, or credit card donations are also accepted in lieu of food; please mark your
donations for “Food Drive”; more information at https://www.hoy-


OneLife LA 2021 invites people to join us for a procession through the streets of
downtown LA on Saturday, January 23. We will also offer an online event for those
who choose not to join in person. And, EVERYONE, whether you attend in person
or watch online, will be challenged to bring the joy of life to people you encounter in
big and small ways.

We invite you to join us to share the joy! Help us share the message of OneLife LA
and celebrate the beauty and dignity of every human life! Together we can
overcome the polarization created by our politics and the division created by racial
injustice. We can welcome every new child and help every family to thrive! We can
share the gifts that we have, even if all we have is a smile and a kind word.

Click here to register for OneLife LA 2021

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                  244 Prospect Ave, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 • ourladyofguadalupechurch.org
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