Christ Church Rock Spring Parish - Serving Harford County Since 1805

Page created by Felix Woods
Christ Church Rock Spring Parish - Serving Harford County Since 1805
Christ Church                                                       Rock Spring Parish
         Serving Harford County Since 1805

                             January 2021

                            Christmas Eve at Christ Church 12/24/2020

Christ Church Rock Spring Parish                  Priest-In-Charge: Fr. Kirk Kubicek
2100 Rock Spring Road                             Parish Administrator: Marianne Kidd
P.O. Box 215                                      Sexton: John Tipton
Forest Hill, MD 21050                             Vestry Officers: Molly Neal, Senior Warden
Phone: 410-838-6606                                                Leslie Amtmann, Treasurer
Email:                                       Dave Martell, Junior Warden
Website:           Music Team Leaders:
                                                                  Marianne Kidd—Choir Director
Office Hours: Tues—Thurs 10am-2pm                                 Lyn Edmunds—Song Leader
Other Hours by Appointment                                        Robert Hitz—Music Consultant
Christ Church Rock Spring Parish - Serving Harford County Since 1805
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
       Thanks to the hard work of the people of Christ Church Forest Hill, Rock Spring Parish, we had
a meaningful and joyful Christmas celebration of our Lord’s birth. For all of us, it will long remain the
most unusual Christmas in our lifetimes. And yet, for the first time in our parish history we had
people joining us for worship from across the country and around the world! Week by week,
between our Monday through Friday Noonday prayer and our Sunday service, we are sharing the
Good News of Jesus Christ with more people per week than we ever did prior to the restrictions that
the Pandemic has imposed upon us. And people can view our worship seven days a week any time
of day or night as best fits their schedules. God in Christ is doing new things almost every day, and
we are part of these new ways of “being Church.” And for the first time since I have been at Christ
Church, we have people from all over the country making financial contributions to sustain the
ministries of our historic congregation.
       As to the Pandemic, as I am writing to you the State of Maryland has endured its fourth con-
secutive day of Three Thousand-plus cases – something that’s never been seen since the Pandemic
began. We also have a record number of hospitalizations: nearly 2,000 coronavirus patients. Until
the numbers significantly come down, we are still restricted from in-church worship as per our
Covenant agreement with all the parishes in the Diocese of Maryland. The Reverend Canon Scott
Slater will let us know when the numbers will allow those of us in Harford County to resume
admitting a limited number of people into church.
       In the meantime, there are two things we can all do: 1) Regularly attend or view our
Live-Stream services weekly and Monday through Friday as a way to “Stay Church” and deepen your
experience of the living God, and 2) Take a moment right now, if you have not already, to make your
Financial Pledge to Christ Church for 2021, remembering to send you offerings to our Post Office Box
weekly or monthly as is your personal practice. [Christ Church Forest Hill, PO Box 215, Forest Hill, MD
21050] For there to be a Christ Church when we are cleared to return to in-church worship we need
the support of everyone who makes Rock Spring Parish their church home. A deep and heartfelt to
those who have already made their pledges for 2021.
       Finally, on a personal note, I thank each and every one of you who contributed to the
generous Christmas Gift I was presented by our Senior Warden on Christmas Eve. It is humbling to
be your Priest-in-Charge, and it is my joy to provide Live Stream Worship six days a week. It has been
exciting to be able to pray, study the Bible and read texts about the Christian Life together with
other people Monday through Friday. It is as nourishing and supportive for me as I trust it is for all
who attend online on a regular basis. Stay Calm. Stay Connected. Stay Church. And Stay Safe!
Together we can follow all the recommended protocols to bring this Pandemic to an end: wear a
mask, practice social distancing, wash you hands. In the meantime, we can still deepen our
experience of the Living Christ in new and exciting ways. The Good News of Jesus Christ the Son of
God is still very very Good News!
       Yours in Christ,
      Fr. Kirk Kubicek
Christ Church Rock Spring Parish - Serving Harford County Since 1805
Christ Church Rock Spring Parish - Serving Harford County Since 1805
Christ Church Rock Spring Parish - Serving Harford County Since 1805
As a member of the vestry, I have been asked to share some highlights from days past. My life began
as a telephone brat. That means that our family moved every few years as my father was promoted
withing the NY Telephone Company. My dad was an outstanding athlete in his day. He participated
in football, basketball and track both in High School and at Colgate University and Dartmouth
College. I guess you could say I was an artistic spirit born into a sport minded family. I have always
had a love of the arts. I majored in theater and modern dance at Northwestern University, CAL Arts,
and Douglass College and pursued a career in NYC as part of a small modern dance troupe, acting,
waiting tables and teaching creative movement and exercise classes. After meeting my dear
photographer husband, we decided to get married and move to Rumson, NJ where we could pursue
his enthusiasm for boating. I then went back to school to study computer programming, graduating
with honors from the Chubb Institute. It was during my first IT job at Prudential Insurance that we
decided to expand our family, adopting our son and daughter, Slava and Nadia in 2002. We had an
instant family, learning some Russian along the way and a crash course in parenting. I then became
a contractor to the Dept. of the Army doing Configuration Management for communication systems,
in my spare time, pursuing my artistic dreams in community theater. The BRAC move brought us to
Bel Air, MD and happily to Christ Church where we have grown in faith and fellowship. As we begin
our next chapter in Flat Rock, NC, we send our love and best wishes to everyone at Christ Church.
Come and see us when it is safer to travel!!!
Christ Church Rock Spring Parish - Serving Harford County Since 1805
Christ Church Vestry Minutes
                                            October 7, 2020
                                      [Virtual meeting via Zoom]
Attendance: Fr. Kirk, Lyn Edmunds, Molly Neal, Laurie Morris, Leslie Amtmann, Marianne Kidd, Lloyd
Merriam and Kate Davis.
The meeting began at 7:03 PM with contemplative prayer.
The vestry minutes from our last meeting on September 16th were approved.
Treasurer’s report – not available until next bank statements arrive. Next year’s diocesan assessment will
be $741/month.
Cemetery Committee report – no activity to report, at this time.
Rector’s report – the Episcopal church guidelines remain stricter than those for the state and county. We
are currently still in orange phase, where there is no indoor or outdoor singing permitted. Once we get to
the yellow phase (there must be an effective vaccine, positivity rate of 3% or less, low hospitalization rate),
ensembles of 4 or fewer will be allowed. Masks must still be worn, there would still be no distribution of
communion from the railing, and no coffee hour. The green phase is when a vaccine is available to 70% of
the population, at which point masks would be optional.
8% of churches are live-streaming and/or doing live services. It seems to be working, as it’s better to be ex-
tra safe. If we start getting more people than we can hold in the church for live services, we could use app,
such as Sign-Up Genius, and open sign-up the Friday before a live service.
The diocese is offering grants up to $2,000 for ideas on how we might spread the good news, during this
The current guidance about indoor worship during colder months is that windows should be kept open
while people are inside together. This would need to be communicated to all outside groups who use the
Parish Hall, as well. It was also suggested that we determine if certain types of masks are recommended.
Molly will follow-up with Scott Slater of the diocese for his guidance.
First Class Mechanical will be coming to change over the church and Parish Hall from cool to heat setting
and they will make sure everything is working properly with the program settings.
Sr. Warden’s report – the aerobics group started back last night. Procedures for ushers have been estab-
lished and it will be added that they should open windows before service, as well as close them after every-
one has left.
We concluded that deep cleaning/disinfection of pews, etc. is no longer necessary based on latest guidance
that surfaces naturally become disinfected after 3 days. Marianne will ask John Tipton (sexton) to disinfect
surfaces he touches before leaving and wear a mask while inside church building.
David, Ed and Molly have changed lights/ballasts that needed replacing in the Annex building.
The ECW has decided to meet in person, every 2 months. The rummage sale is still on hold, but ECW mem-
bers will be organizing donated items in the Parish Hall basement, in the meantime.
We need to start thinking about time for Christmas service and whether we should have a Thanksgiving Day
service or a special Noon Day prayer that day.
The next meeting will be on 10/21.
At 8:15pm, the meeting ended with a closing prayer.
Blessings, Kate Davis
Christ Church Rock Spring Parish - Serving Harford County Since 1805
Christ Church Vestry Minutes
                                            October 21, 2020
                                       [Virtual meeting via Zoom]
Attendance: Fr. Kirk, Lyn Edmunds, Laurie Morris, Leslie Amtmann, and Lloyd Merriam.
The meeting began at 7:00 PM. Fr. Kirk read a Stewardship Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer
The Treasurer’s Report was approved. There is $10,180 in the account, but $6,900 is reserved for expenses.
There is $3,000 available. Our pledge income from the previous Sunday was $510, while our expenses were
$1284. We are well into our reserve to pay our weekly bills.
Rector’s report – Fr. Kirk talked to First Class Mechanical regarding the best strategy for heating the church.
It is best to stay at a steady 67 degrees rather than turn the thermostat up and down. Fr. Kirk will continue
to emphasize giving and stewardship in his messages to the congregation in church and online. The
anticipated fuel cost is about $1,000 @ month in the winter which raises some concern.
There was a meeting with the Bishop and Scott Slater this morning. They shared important information
regarding COVID 19 virus and how it may affect how we plan for our Christmas services, as well as other
•   There is a new requirement to fill out paperwork if Christ Church has ever sponsored a Boy Scout Troop
    in the past. This is related to the lawsuit against the BSA filed by 28,000 victims of sexual assault. We will
    follow up with members of the church to verify whether or not Christ Church has ever sponsored a
•   On Monday, Nov 2nd, the Cathedral is broadcasting a Season of All Souls Service where the names of
    victims of the COVID-19 virus will be read aloud. We are allowed to send in names.
•   There are increases in COVID cases in all the contiguous states. This may be due in part to all the health
    care workers in our area.
•   It has been discerned that 9% of infection comes from droplets rather than aerosols. Masks have been
    found scientifically to be the best preventative along with hand washing. As far as heating season, this
    means that the windows may be kept closed, and fans remain off.
•   Future vaccines will go first to the medical community and then to older more vulnerable population.
    The vaccines will need to be transported while well chilled.
•   Current lower mortality rates are due to wearing masks, younger folks getting less severe symptoms and
    basic herd immunity.
•   We are expecting increases in the number of victims 2 weeks after Thanksgiving. It was suggested to
    discourage large gatherings with family members not in your household, unless spread out over
    appropriate social distance and wearing masks.
•   We need to review our plans for Christmas services based on this information. For instance, reservations
    will need to be made for Christmas Eve service. How do we restrict people who may have had contact
    with others outside their immediate household? There will be no caroling in church, but carolers may
    gather outdoors before or after the service, using social distancing, for no more than one verse per
    carol. Be prepared to hold only Live-stream service if there is an unusually high spike in cases in Harford
•   Continue sign in lists for all services with either e-mail or phone numbers in case someone in attendance
    gets sick afterwards.
•   Be aware and on the lookout for a new e-mail SCAM using Bishop Sutton’s name and requesting money
    and or gift cards for some fake emergency. It uses an incorrect e-mail address.
Christ Church Rock Spring Parish - Serving Harford County Since 1805
The new tentative plan for holidays is as follows:
Thanksgiving Day – noonday prayer online only
11/8 – Communion
11/22 – Communion
11/29 – Live stream only
12/13 – Communion
12/24 – Communion (5:00 pm Christmas Eve Service)
12/27 Live stream only
Fr. Kirk will e-mail the Vestry members with these recommendations for their approval.
At 8:30pm, the meeting ended with a couple more Stewardship Prayers from the Book of Common Prayer.
Next meeting is scheduled for November 18th, 2020.
Laurie Morris

                                    Christ Church Vestry Minutes
                                         November 18, 2020
                                     [Virtual meeting via Zoom]
Attendance: Fr. Kirk, Lyn Edmunds, Leslie Amtmann, Molly Neal, Lois Tidey, Laurie Morris, Marianne Kidd,
Lloyd Merriam, and Kate Davis.
The meeting began at 7:07 PM with contemplative prayer.
The vestry minutes from our last two meetings on October 7 th and 21st were approved.
Treasurer’s report – the balance in our checking account is currently $6,776 of which $6,931 is reserved.
The pledge income was less than half what we usually receive, in October (about $3,000 for the whole
month). Our Warm Hearts Cool Worship loan is now 67% paid off (at 18 months into loan).
Cemetery Committee report – we have paid the bill for summer lawn cuttings. Chad LaFleur has put in a re-
quest to do some metal detecting on church grounds. We agreed that the cemetery should be off limits, but
the corn field and old drop-off circle at the top of the hill would be okay.
Rector’s report – update from clergy meeting is that Maryland is currently in the red phase. The positive
case rate needs to be less than 10 per 100,000, but it is now 28 per 100,000. Indoor worship continues to
be suspended until at least early December. We will start getting weekly updates from the diocese.
For groups that use the Parish Hall, crowd size must be limited to 10 at one time. Fr. Kirk suggested we con-
tinue to have communion for priest to celebrate on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, even though we
will not have anyone attending in-person (only priest host and wine need to be setup). He will update Mar-
yJane on this, so the Altar Guild is aware. The other suggestion he had was to do morning prayer format on
weeks 1,3 and 5. This way, if Fr. Kirk ever needs to be off, we can have a layperson lead the morning prayer.
Some feedback from vestry about recent live stream services: the sound of the piano has been a bit
muffled. Marianne will check on volume setting of the keyboard. Also, the link from the website was not
working for some, so Fr. Kirk will look into that.
Sr. Warden’s report – the donated items in the Parish Hall basement will be sold at auction, rather than
Christ Church Rock Spring Parish - Serving Harford County Since 1805
wait until possible rummage sale. Groups that use the Parish Hall were told to suspend indoor meetings,
until further updates. During this time, the heat has been turned down in the building to help keep costs
down. Since Peace Makers group has less than 10 who meet on Tuesday, they should be fine to resume
meeting based on latest guidance from diocese. We will hold off on other groups that use the indoor space,
until further guidance from the diocese regarding gatherings of more than 10 people. Windows need to be
kept open, even during colder months. Since the average heating cost is $800-$900/month, it would be cost
prohibitive to have heat on. When AA groups can’t meet in person, the backup is to have Zoom meetings.
Molly let us know that Anna Humphreys has moved to a nursing home in Pittsburgh. The ECW is now able to
use the church Zoom account for virtual meetings. And the Altar Guild is welcome to use it, as well, if the
need to have any meetings. The annual giving program will be collecting donations to purchase gifts for two
families from Harford Family House. Donations for gifts should be made to ECW and sent to the church by
11/25, as ECW members will be doing shopping and preparing gifts to be donated by 12/4.
We discussed possible Annual Meeting plans, how to address the 3 outgoing vestry members (Lois,
Marianne, and Leslie), and if it’s even feasible to recruit new vestry members during this time. Fr. Kirk will
check with Scott Slater on whether we might postpone standard annual meeting and keep existing
members, during the pandemic.
Fr. Kirk knows someone who is a poet and has offered to read poetry over Zoom meetings during Advent. It
would be nice to have some inclusive events for our parishioners. Perhaps we could have small group
meetings over Zoom as a social gathering or virtual coffee hour around an event (Christmas carols?) with a
discussion afterward. We could start by reaching out and checking in with parishioners through the phone
tree. Lyn has volunteered to use our church Zoom account to test out hosting a virtual coffee hour.
The plan for upcoming holidays/virtual services is as follows:
November 26th (Thanksgiving) – there will be a special Noon day prayer (live stream)
December 13th – communion will be celebrated by priest (live stream)
December 24th at 5:00pm (Christmas Eve)- communion will be celebrated by priest (live stream).
After December, communion will be celebrated by the priest during the live stream service on the 2 nd and
4th Sundays of the month, and the format for the live stream service on the 1 st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the
month will be morning prayer.
The next meeting will be on 12/2 at 7:00pm.
At 9:15pm, the meeting ended with a closing prayer by John Philip Newell.
Kate Davis
Christ Church Rock Spring Parish - Serving Harford County Since 1805
A special message from the Sr. Warden….
                                     The year 2020 has been so challenging for all of us. Despite our
                                     being physically separated, we are so very blessed to have such a
                                     faithful and dedicated family here at Christ Church. It is because
                                     of each of you that Christ Church remains a small and mighty
                                     church wrapped in God’s loving embrace.
The following are just some of the well-deserved THANK YOU’s …..
   To Fr. Kirk Kubicek for your unwavering dedication to bring the word of God into our homes and
    our hearts. Your inspirational messaging of the love of God, through Jesus Christ continues to
    sustain us.
   To Marianne, Robert Hitz and Fr. Kirk for the beautiful and inspiring music you share with us each
    week. Your shared talents fill our ears and our hearts with joy. And, to the choir for the insightful
    recordings of your music and dance that enhance our worship.
   To our Altar Guild, under the leadership of Mary Jane Parish, thank you all for making our altar
    and church reflect the beauty and respectful devotion to our lovely worship-space week upon
   To our ECW, under the leadership of Colleen Murphy, thank you. This group of dedicated women
    continues to lovingly collaborate ways to show love and support to our church, our congregation
    and the greater community.
   To our Vestry, a special group indeed! You remain dedicated to keeping connected and current
    about the safety within our walls, the issues of the greater diocese, the importance of keeping
    our congregation, the community and the world held up in support, love and prayer.
   To Leslie Amtmann, our Treasurer, for her dedication to consistent and accurate accounting, and
    so much more.
   To David Martell, our Jr. Warden who painstakingly tends to the beauty and organization of our
   To Marianne Kidd, our Office Administrator who does so much to keep the “wheels on this bus”.
   To the Piecemakers Quilting Group whose artful talents spread love and care to so many.
   To the Lane Family for their faithful commitment to clearing our parking lot when the winter
    weather turns to snow. And, for their faithful recognition of the military graves in our cemetery.
   To Tyler and Justin Davis for clearing the ice and snow from the walkways.
   To the many of you who have so generously contributed to the material and the financial
    support of our various efforts to run the operations of the church, assure the fresh flowers,
    support our fundraisers and outreach. We couldn’t do this without you.
                  Thank you and Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.

                                            Molly Neal
How Can                                                             We Help?
Over the last several years Christ                                         Church has been a part of the
Emergency Roving Shelter. The ERS is a program led by a local, multi-service group of agencies (Hope for the
Homeless Alliance) who coordinate assistance for safe housing, food and emotional support for homeless
individuals during the coldest three months of the year (Jan-Mar). The Alliance welcomes participation by
area churches to make this a successful and robust mission.
In previous years we have prepared and served meals in partnership with our neighboring parishes,
Victorious Faith and Centre Methodist. This year the pandemic has changed how the program will operate.
Housing is being offered in a local hotel, meals are being delivered by Meals on Wheels, and one-on-one
support and encouragement are being coordinated through a Love in Action Program*. Local churches are
invited to participate by supplementing the meals with snacks/drinks/fruit. This is where we at Christ Church
can help these brothers and sisters in need.
We will be partnering with Victorious Faith to commit to providing food items of snack/drink/fruit on a
specified date(s) for 30 people. Our first date to provide will be, February 8, 2021.
            Can you help by donating just a few items toward this goal?
Someone will be at the Christ Church office in the days leading up to our donation date. We are asking our
congregation to purchase and drop off any of the following so we be a part of this worthwhile mission to
help our neighbors in need. If a financial donation is your preference we will do the shopping for you.
   Snacks: Individual sized items    Drinks: Soft drinks (cans or       Fresh Fruit: Bananas, grapes,
   like pre-packaged snack foods            plastic bottles),                  oranges/tangerines (no
   such as cheese/peanut butter             fruit drinks, cases of             apples or pears). If you
   crackers, cereal bars, chips,            bottled water.                     are purchasing fresh fruit
   pretzels, nuts, etc. Home baked          Individual size only.              please plan this purchase
   goods could be 2-3 cookies/bag                                              and drop off for the
   or 1 brownie/bag.                                                           Saturday or Sunday
                                                                               before to assure the
                                                                               fruit’s freshness.

WHEN:        Monday, February 1          10:30am - 12:30pm           (Leslie Amtmann)
             Tuesday, February 2         10 am - 12 pm               (Lois Tidey)
             Saturday, February 6        10 am - 12 pm               (Kate Davis)
             Sunday, February 7          1 pm - 3 pm                 (Molly Neal)
      Drop off your donation to Christ Church on one of the above dates/times. Hand them off or deposit
      your donations into a labeled box that will be on the parish hall patio. We will coordinate with a
      delivery partner at Victorious Faith to assure delivery on Feb. 8th.
               *For more information about the Love in Action Program contact Molly Neal*
                             Or on our website:

WEEKDAYS                                               EVERY
MONDAY-                                               SUNDAY
 FRIDAY                                               9:45 am
   12 pm
    Prayers                                               Prayer
for the Socially     2nd & 4th Sundays                   Service
    Isolated              Live Streamed
                   Spiritual Communion Service

   There will be no In Person Services until further
        notice. Please stay tuned for updates.
 Live Stream still available every Sunday at 9:45 am.
January Feast Days                                                          January Anniversaries
1 The Holy Name of our Lord                                                 1 George Barnett & Danette Moss
        Numbers 6:22-27                                                     22 Mary Jane & Leonard Parrish
        Psalm 8
        Galatians 4:4-7
        Luke 2:15-21                                                                                    January
6 The Epiphany                                                                                         Birthdays
        Isaiah 60:1-6                                                                                3 Jennifer C.
        Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14                                                                          5 Hank S.
        Ephesians 3:1-12                                                                             9 Brendon R.
        Matthew 2:1-12                                                                               12 Fr. Larrie S.
10 The Baptism of our Lord                                                                           18 Terry H.
        Genesis 1:1-5                                                                                20 Sophia B.
        Psalm 29                                                                                     21 Stephen C.
        Acts 19:1-7                                                                                  22 Jacob L.
        Mark 1:4-11                                                                                  23 Bill M.
                                                                                                     23 Tony D.
18 Confession of St. Peter the Apostle Blessings Report:                                             28 Sierra L.
    Acts 4:8-13                                                                                      29 Ed N.
        Psalm 23                                               December 6:          $2,055           30 Leonard P.
        1 Peter 5:1-4                                          December 13:         $1,460
        Matthew 16:13-19                                       December 20:         $590
                                                               December 24:         $790
25 Confession of St. Paul the Apostle                          December 27:         $2,160
        Acts 26:9-21
        Psalm 67                                                                                Christ Church
                                                              Please remember to                 P.O. Box 215
        Galatians 1:11-24                                     mail your offering to:
        Matthew 10:16-22                                                                     Forest Hill, MD 21050

Please PRAY for those who are sick, or in any kind of need or difficulty, especially:
For the residents of Harford Family House;
For peace and understanding in Baltimore;
For all the victims of recent terror attacks throughout the world, especially Brussels, Nice, Syria, and Orlando;
For the refugees leaving Syria in desperation;
For those who suffer because of the extreme humanitarian crises in Central African Republic; Yemen;
Horn of Africa; Guinea; Sierra Leone; Liberia; Pacific
Islands; South Sudan; Middle East; Serbia; Macedonia; Greece; Burundi; Nigeria
For all the people in the Middle East, that they can experience peace and stability in their lands
For the victims of natural disasters such as Hurricanes Harvey and Irma
For the families affected by gang and cartel violence in Central America.
For the communities that have experienced Mass Shootings in the United States
For families struggling with the health and economic side effects of the Corona Virus

For those on our prayer list:            For Sue Tressler, Lynn Klein, Kevin & Linda, Anna Humphreys, Phil Klein,
Betty Parker, Beverly Gomez, Tara Schatzel, Dan Moss, Charles Getscher, Ken Edmunds Jr, Robin, Keith Hamilton,
Sharon Selke, Sharon Slaugenhoup, Warren Flatt, Lois Flatt, Caroline, Donald Heddy, Karen Fulcomer, Art Smith,
Eliot, Rebecca, Louise, Carole, Becky, Ingrid Page, Lael, Jacqueline, Roland, Hollis, Mike Yates, Sue Sampson,
Hazel Borkowski.
For our Missionary: Jean M. Baumbach
For these parishioners who are unable to be with us every Sunday:
George Rigdon; Vera Dalby; Glassell & Betty Parker; Anna Humphreys; Beth Hauser; Lyndon
Christ Church Rock Spring Parish                                      Office Phone #: 410-838-6606

                In the Episcopal Diocese                                    Email:
                             of Maryland                                              Office Hours:
                 2100 Rock Spring Road                                            Tuesday—Thursday
                           P.O. Box 215                                                10 am-2pm
                  Forest Hill, MD 21050              2021                     Other times by Appointment

Sunday                   Monday            Tuesday   Wednesday      Thursday      Friday         Saturday
9am Bible Study          9:30am        10am Quilters 9:30am         7pm Aerobics 9:30am          9am AA
9am Choir Practice          Jazzercise 7pm Aerobics    Jazzercise   8:30pm AA      Jazzercise
10am Eucharist           7pm AA        8:30pm AA                                 7 pm AA

                                                                                  1              2

                                                                                    The Holy
                                                                                   Name of our
3    2nd Sunday          4                 5         6              7             8              9
     Of Christmas
      9:45 am Live
    Streamed Service
                                                     The Epiphany
     AG– Hazel B.
10 1st Sunday       11                     12        13             14            15             16
 After the Epiphany
      9:45 am Live
    Streamed Service
    AG– Melinda C.
17 2nd Sunday       18                     19        20             21            22             23
 After the Epiphany
      9:45 am Live
    Streamed Service     Confession                      7 pm
                         of St. Peter                 Zoom Vestry
     AG– Molly N.        the Apostle                    Meeting
24 3rd Sunday       25                     26        27             28            29             30
 After the Epiphany
      9:45 am Live       Conversion
    Streamed Service      of St. Paul
                         the Apostle
    AG– Mary Jane P.
31 4th Sunday
 After the Epiphany
      9:45 am Live
    Streamed Service
      AG– Kate D.
Christ Church Rock Spring Parish                                        Office Phone #: 410-838-6606
                  In the Episcopal Diocese
                               of Maryland
                   2100 Rock Spring Road
                             P.O. Box 215
                                             February                           Email:
                                                                                          Office Hours:
                                                                                           10 am-2pm
                    Forest Hill, MD 21050                2021                     Other times by Appointment

Sunday                Monday         Tuesday         Wednesday          Thursday       Friday          Saturday
9am Bible Study       9:30am        10am Quilters 9:30am                7pm Aerobics   9:30am          9am AA
9am Choir Practice       Jazzercise 7pm Aerobics    Jazzercise          8:30pm AA        Jazzercise
10am Eucharist        7pm AA        8:30pm AA                                          7 pm AA

                      1              2               3                  4              5               9

                                      of our Lord
7      5th Sunday     8              9               10                 11             12              13
     After Epiphany

  9:45 am Live
Streamed Service

    AG– Debbie S.
14    Last Sunday     15             16              17                 18             19              20
     After Epiphany

  9:45 am Live
Streamed Service                                     Live Streamed
     AG– Hazel B.
                                                     AG - Melinda
21 1st Sunday         22             23              24                 25             26              27
    In Lent

   9:45 am Live
 Streamed Service

    AG– Melinda C.                                       St. Matthias
                                                         the Apostle
28     2nd Sunday     28             29              30                 31
        In Lent

  9:45 am Live
Streamed Service

     AG– Kate D.
You can also read