The Riverside Church in the City of New York - SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 2015 TENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST

Page created by Jaime Robbins
The Riverside Church in the City of New York - SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 2015 TENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST
The Riverside Church
          in the City of New York

      S U N D AY, A U G U S T 2 , 2 0 1 5

The Riverside Church in the City of New York - SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 2015 TENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST
Riverside                                at         Worship
                         Tenth Sunday After Pentecost                       •    10:45 A.M.

            Please enjoy this time of quiet meditation in the Nave, and remember, silence all electronic devices.

           If you brought offerings for the Food Pantry, please place them on the table at the front of the Nave.
                    You may also leave financial offerings for the Food Pantry in the basket provided.

                             Following today’s service of worship, healing prayer is available.
                  Please go to the front of the Nave following the postlude to pray with one of the clergy.

         If you have a pastoral need, a desire to be added to the pastoral prayer list, or need pastoral counseling,
                                 please contact the Parish Care Office at 212.870.6703.

Pastor Amy is traveling this summer, taking time for Sabbath and vacation with her family, as well as to write and
plan for the year ahead. In the coming weeks, Riverside’s pulpit will be filled by our other clergy and a number of
wonderful guest preachers. Pastor Amy will return to worship leadership in late August.

Pardon Our Dust
The Riverside Church is in the process of doing important work on our historic building, including restoring our
beautiful windows in the Nave and repairing our roof. During the duration of this project, scheduled to be completed
in 2016, scaffolding will remain in the Nave Chancel and on the sidewalk outside. Stay tuned for updates as the
project progresses. Thank you for your understanding as we seek to be good stewards of the resources that have
been entrusted to us.

                                             Talk With the Preacher
      Entries from Pastor Amy's blog,, are printed and available in the Visitors Center.
        Every week when Pastor Amy is here in town, she holds several appointments for church members
                           who would like to visit her office and have a conversation.
         Please contact Rich Glassey at or 212.870.6775 to arrange an appointment.

                             Sermons may be found online at
                     Large print bulletins are available from the ushers.
        Preludium in B 		                                  		            			                               Jef Denyn

           Jerusalem, My Happy Home 			                                    			                   arr. George Shearing
           When In Our Music God is Glorified 			                          			                      McNeil Robinson

LIFE OF THE COMMUNITY 					                                                          The Rev. Michael E. Livingston

  All who are able please stand.
             Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah                			                        		             CWM Rhondda

CALL TO WORSHIP				                                                                         Mr. Theron David Cook
 Please remain standing.

           Leader: The earth and all that is in it belongs to God,
           People:	For God has made the sea its foundation and made it firm upon the
                    rivers of the deep.

           Leader: So let us rejoice in God and in all creation.
           People: We shall rejoice in the God of Hosts, the God of Glory!

           All:	Lift up your heads, O Gates! Lift them high, O everlasting doors! For
                 the God of Glory is with us and among us!

  Please remain standing.

           There Is a Balm in Gilead     			                                               Spiritual, arr. Mark Hayes

           There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole; there is a balm in Gilead to heal the sinsick
           soul. Sometimes I feel discouraged, and think my work’s in vain; but then the Holy Spirit revives my
           soul again. If you can preach like Peter, if you can pray like Paul, go home and tell your neighbor,
           “He died to save us all.”
                                                      Jonathan Keeley, baritone
HEBREW SCRIPTURE LESSON                    					                        Mrs. Lisa Hinds Salmon
 Please remain seated.
         2 Samuel 11:26–12:13
         (page 285 in the Old Testament)
         Leader:  The Word of God for the People of God.
         People: T   hanks be to God.

EPISTLE LESSON           					                                             Mr. Stacey Robinson
         Ephesians 4:1–16
         (page 193 in the New Testament)
         Leader:  The Word of God for the People of God.
         People: T   hanks be to God.

HYMN 316
 All who are able please stand.
         Breathe on Me, Breath of God       					                   		                 Trentham

GOSPEL LESSON 					                                               		        Mrs. Hinds Salmon
 Please remain standing for the reading of the Gospel.
         John 6:24–35
         (page 98 in the New Testament)
         Leader:  This is the Gospel of Christ.
         People: T   hanks be to God.

SERMON 				                                                                 Ms. Christian Peele

CONFESSION 			                                       		            The Rev. Dr. April Stace Vega

         All:	Holy God, You have called us to live in faith and freedom, but we often
               choose to live in chains. You have called us to move in a new direction,
               but we cling to the path we know. You have called us to reach outward in
               love, but we draw inward for protection. You have called us to live with
               abandon, in trust, but we live carefully, in fear. God, forgive us.

             Leader: The peace of the Lord be with you.
             People: And also with you.

HYMN 322
 All who are able please stand.
             Spirit of the Living God      					                                         		                 Living God

INVITATION TO GIVE AND SERVE 			                                                                 Dr. Marcus D. Tillery
  Please be seated.

             Ich folge dir (St. John Passion, BWV 245)               			                         Johann Sebastian Bach

             I follow you, likewise, with joyful steps, and will not forsake you, my life, my light. Lead me on my
             way, and do not cease to draw, push, and urge me on. (sung in German)
                                                         Emily Moore, soprano

  The congregation rises row by row as ushers pass.

             Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
             Praise God, all creatures here below;
             Praise God above, you heavenly hosts;
             Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLEI					 		                                                                         Rev. Livingston
  Please be seated. 							                                                                                  Dr. Vega
  									                                                                                                 Ms. Peele
             							                                                                                         Mr. Cook
             Almighty God, You have promised to hear when we pray in the name                    		         Dr. Tillery
             of your Son. Therefore in confidence and trust we pray for the Church:
             Mother God, enliven the Church for its mission,
             That we may be salt of the earth and light to the world.

             Breathe fresh life into Your people.
             Give us power to reveal Christ in word and action.
We pray for the world:
        Creator of all, lead us and every people into ways of justice and peace,
        That we may respect one another in freedom and truth.

        Awaken in us a sense of wonder for the earth and all that is in it.
        Teach us to care creatively for its resources.
        We pray for the community.
        God of truth, inspire with Your wisdom those whose decisions affect the lives of others,
        That all may act with integrity and courage.
        Give grace to all whose lives are linked with ours.
        May we serve Christ in one another, and love as He loves us.
        We pray for those in need:
        God of hope, comfort and restore all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit.
        May they know the power of Your healing love.
        Make us willing agents of Your compassion.
        Strengthen us as we share in making people whole.
        We remember those who have died and those who mourn:
        We remember with thanksgiving those who have died in the faith of Christ, and those whose
        faith is known to You alone.
        Father, into Your hands we commend them.
        Give comfort to those who mourn.
        Bring them peace in their time of loss.
        We praise You for all Your saints who have entered Your eternal glory.
        May their example inspire and encourage us.
        Now to God who is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or conceive, by the
        power which is at work among us, be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus, who lived among
        us and taught us to pray:

        Pray in the language or version of your heart.


INVITATION TO THE TABLE									                                                          Rev. Livingston

GREAT PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING 		                           				                                     Dr. Vega

        Leader: The Lord be with you.
        People: And with your spirit.
        Leader: Lift up your hearts.
        People: We lift them up unto the Lord.

        Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
        People: It is right to give God thanks and praise.

WORDS OF INSTITUTION 									                                                                              Rev. Livingston


CALL TO SUPPER										                                                                                          Dr. Vega

            Leader: The body of Christ, broken for you.
            People: Thanks be to God for the bread of life!
            Leader: The blood of Christ, poured out for you.
            People: Thanks be to God for the cup of blessing!

 Today we celebrate the Lord’s Supper by intinction. We invite you to come forward as you are directed by our ushers.
 When you come forward, take a piece of bread, and then dip it in the cup. If you need the bread and cup brought to
 you, please signal an usher.


 Prayer						                                                                                    		             René Vierne
 Bread of Life						                                                                                          Robert Hebble

HYMN 329
 Break Thou the Bread of Life 						                                                             		            Bread of Life
PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION 					                                                          		             Rev. Livingston
  All who are able please stand.

               Leader:     Most loving God, Creator and Redeemer,
                            we give You thanks for this foretaste of Your glory.
               People: T
                        hrough Christ, and with all Your saints, we offer ourselves and our lives
                       to Your service. Send us out in the power of Your Spirit, to stand with
                       You in Your world.

               Leader:     We ask this through Jesus Christ, the servant, our friend and brother. Amen.

        There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy 						                                                          In Babilone

BLESSING AND SENDING							                                                                          Rev. Livingston
										                                                                                                Dr. Tillery
										                                                                                                 Mr. Cook

INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP							                                                                    Rev. Livingston


  Please be seated for a time of quiet reflection.
              Toccata in G Major                         			                  		                     Théodore Dubois

The Riverside Deaf Ministry provides sign language interpretation at the first Sunday service of each month and every
Wednesday at our Space for Grace service, as well as at significant special services throughout the year.

Liturgical   resources for today

i		 Prayers of the People adapted from A New Zealand Prayer Book Form 1.

Our lay readers for this week are Stacey Robinson and Lisa Hinds Salmon. Worship leaders Theron David Cook and
Dr. Marcus D. Tillery have served as interns at The Riverside Church this summer.
Calendar of Events This Week

8:30 a.m.        	Morning Light, Christ Chapel
     An intimate gathering for meditation, Scripture, homily, discussion, and communion.
     Led by the Rev. Kevin Wright

9:00 a.m. 		Biblical Hebrew: Introduction, 318 MLK
     Enhance your biblical knowledge and experience the powerful insights and joy gained from reading the Old
     Testament of the Bible in its original written language, biblical Hebrew. Learn how to pronounce Hebrew
     words; read common Hebrew narratives, blessings, and prayers, and deepen your spiritual experience in this
     fun and exciting class.
     Instructor: 		     Laura Harris
     Required Texts: 	Pratico, Gary D. and Van Pelt, Miles V., Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar (Zondervan,
                        2nd Edition, 2007). Hardcover $25
     			                Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Paperback $15

9:30 a.m. 	 Open Bible Study: Road to One Riverside, 411 MLK

10:45 a.m. Worship Celebration, Nave
     Ms. Christian Peele, preaching

12:45 p.m. Lunch is available for purchase in the Riverside Café, South Hall Lobby

1:00 p.m.         The Way, Meditation Chapel
     "The Way" is a group of young adults (ages 18–39) who strive to be close to Jesus Christ and close to each
      other through Bible study and friendship. New members are always invited! For more information, please
      contact Jacqueline Hopkins at or 212.946.1189.

1:30 p.m.        Biblical Hebrew: Intermediate
                 A Close Reading of the Biblical Book of Ruth, 419 MLK
     (See class description for "Biblical Hebrew: Introduction" at 9:00 a.m.)
     This is an advanced class that requires prior knowledge.
     Instructor: 		     Laura Harris
     Required Texts: 	Pratico, Gary D. and Van Pelt, Miles V., Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar (Zondervan,
                       2nd Edition, 2007). Hardcover $25
     			                Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Paperback $15

3:00 p.m.        Chinese Christian Service, Chapel of the Cross

Room assignments are subject to change. Please confirm room assignments at the Security desk.
Room abbreviations: “MLK” – a room in the Martin Luther King Wing. “T” – a room in the Tower of the church.

6:00 p.m.     Weeknight Prayer, Meditation Chapel

7:00 p.m.     Alcoholics Anonymous, 7C


6:45 p.m.     Mindful Meditation, 13T

7:00 p.m.     Narcotics Anonymous, 7C


7:00 p.m.      S
                pace for Grace, Assembly Hall
    An informal celebration of praise, Scripture, and prayer


12:15 p.m. 		Tower League Bible Study with Rev. Jeff Pettis (Bibles available), 9T-Library

6:00 p.m. 		Weeknight Prayer, Meditation Chapel



8:30 a.m.     Yoga (All Levels), 630 MLK

10:15 a.m. Beginner Yoga, 630 MLK

1:00 p.m. 	 Theatre of the Oppressed Uptown, Multipurpose Room
    I n the Theatre of the Oppressed, "spectator" is a bad word. Be a spectator who acts (spect-actor) and become
     fluent in the human language of theatre. Theatre of the Oppressed Uptown meets every Saturday at 1:00 p.m.
     Contact Jeremiah Kyle Drake at

8:30 a.m.       	Morning Light, Christ Chapel
    An intimate gathering for meditation, Scripture, homily, discussion, and communion.
    Led by Ms. Christian Peele

9:00 a.m. 		Biblical Hebrew: Introduction, 318 MLK
    Enhance your biblical knowledge and experience the powerful insights and joy gained from reading the Old
    Testament of the Bible in its original written language, biblical Hebrew. Learn how to pronounce Hebrew
    words; read common Hebrew narratives, blessings, and prayers, and deepen your spiritual experience in this
    fun and exciting class.
    Instructor: 		     Laura Harris
    Required Texts: 	Pratico, Gary D. and Van Pelt, Miles V., Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar (Zondervan,
                      2nd Edition, 2007). Hardcover $25
    			                Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Paperback $15

9:30 a.m. 	 Open Bible Study: Road to One Riverside, 411 MLK

10:45 a.m. Worship Celebration, Nave
    The Rev. Kevin Wright, preaching

12:45 p.m. Lunch is available for purchase in the Riverside Café, South Hall Lobby

1:00 p.m.        The Way, Meditation Chapel
    "The Way" is a group of young adults (ages 18–39) who strive to be close to Jesus Christ and close to each
     other through Bible study and friendship. New members are always invited! For more information, please
     contact Jacqueline Hopkins at or 212.946.1189.

1:30 p.m.       Biblical Hebrew: Intermediate
                A Close Reading of the Biblical Book of Ruth, 419 MLK
    (See class description for "Biblical Hebrew: Introduction" at 9:00 a.m.)
    This is an advanced class that requires prior knowledge.
    Instructor: 		     Laura Harris
    Required Texts: 	Pratico, Gary D. and Van Pelt, Miles V., Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar (Zondervan,
                      2nd Edition, 2007). Hardcover $25
    			                Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Paperback $15

3:00 p.m.       Chinese Christian Service, Chapel of the Cross
News & Events
Church Leadership Meetings
     Our Church Commissions meet on the second Monday of every month. The Church Council meets on every
     fourth Monday. Please keep them in your prayers, to help them lead The Riverside Church.

Parents, Please Update Your Contact Information
     As part of the effort of lay leaders and staff at The Riverside Church to build a dynamic ministry for children
     and youth, we are requesting that parents with children and youth under the age of 18 provide us with updated
     contact information. It is vital for us to be able to share information with parents and guardians of children and
     youth quickly and efficiently in order to provide the safest and most nurturing ministry possible.
     Please visit to submit your information today.

English Conversation Partners Program
     Riverside Church's English Conversation Partners Program continues its volunteer global ministry to graduate
     students new to the city. One-to-one tutor/student conversations are to be seen meeting throughout the church
     daily. The ECPP office currently has a desk in Room 427 MLK, and is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
     afternoons for information, registration, tutor training, and conversations. International students are welcome
     to come to the Cloister Lounge today following Worship to talk with the folks at the ECPP table about the
     program, which connects students with tutors for weekly conversations.
     Contact ECPP at

Consider Having Your Wedding at The Riverside Church
     Looking for the perfect venue for your wedding and reception? Call the Weddings Office at 212.870.6762 for details.

Keep Up with Riverside News and Worship Services
     If you would like to receive the weekly eNewsletter from The Riverside Church, visit to sign up.
     This Sunday's Worship service will be broadcast next Sunday on 106.7 Lite FM at 5:00 a.m. You can also listen
     online anytime at

Employment at Riverside
     Interested in employment opportunities at The Riverside Church? Please visit our website: for a complete listing of Riverside’s current job postings.

Bring Your Food Pantry Donations to Worship on Sundays and Wednesdays
     One in five New Yorkers lives in a home that is food insecure. At the same time, over the last few years, a number
     of pantries have been forced to close their doors, and while we have managed to serve the increased number of
     guests visiting our pantry, the strain has been tremendous. Food collections are taken every Sunday at Worship,
     and Wednesday at Space for Grace. Please bring food items and cash donations to support the Food Pantry.

The Riverside Book Club
  Saturday, September 12, at 11:00 a.m. in Room 240 MLK
     The Riverside Book Club will meet on Saturday, September 12, to discuss selected poems and stories by the
     greatest poetic voice of the Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes. Members of the group will choose the
     poems and lead the discussions, but everyone will have a chance to contribute. Free copies will be available in
     the Visitors Center. Please join us! All are welcome, and you needn't be a poetry "expert" to understand and
     love Hughes. For more information, contact facilitator Mary Biggs at or 718.796.8915.
     Feel free to bring a brown-bag lunch and a snack to share.
Welcome                   to     The Riverside Church
We are glad you are here this morning and hope you will return often.

The Riverside Church is an interdenominational, interracial, and international Christian congregation, which
wholeheartedly seeks to be open, welcoming, and affirming. We strive to be broadly inclusive. We welcome persons
from different backgrounds, races, economic classes, religions, cultures, ethnicities, genders, ages, and sexual
orientations. The Riverside Church is a member of the American Baptist Churches, U.S.A. and the United Church
of Christ.

                                   If   this is your first visit:

Complete a Welcome card and place it in the offering plate as it passes.

Join us for Fellowship Hour in the Cloister Lounge directly after Worship. You can meet members of this
congregation and learn about our ministries. As you leave the Nave, take the stairs on your left down one level. Take a
right, and an immediate left into the Cloister Lounge. You may also take the elevators in the Narthex to the “C” Level.

If you would like to know more or become a member, we would love to get to know you. Please call the
church during the week at 212.870.6786. If you would like information about baptism or baby dedication,
please contact The Education Ministry at 212.870.6833, or visit our website at

A church tour is offered each Sunday after Worship. Meet in the first balcony to learn more about Riverside’s
unique history, programs, and landmark Gothic building. There is no charge. Tours also take place on Wednesdays,
Thursdays, and Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. No reservations are necessary. For special tours by appointment,
call 212.870.6792. There is a small fee for these tours.

If your car is parked in the garage below the building, present this bulletin to the attendant before
6:00 p.m. and your parking spot will cost you only $4.00. On Wednesday evenings, have your parking ticket
stamped after service and receive the same discount.

Speak to an usher about the use of an assistive hearing device if you need one.

Unfortunately, we cannot allow the use of recording devices such as audio and video recorders or cameras
during any portion of the service. Please remember to silence all electronic devices upon entering the Nave.

Lunch is available for purchase at the Riverside Café in South Hall Lobby.

Summer weather is enjoyable and wonderful, but we should take caution too. As many know, older adults are
disproportionately affected by heat and should prepare for extreme temperatures. Most importantly, stay cool, out
of the sun, and drink plenty of water! The Riverside Church can serve as a safe, cool and comfortable space for those
who need relief from the heat.
There are also Cooling Centers available throughout the five boroughs. Call 311 or log on to to
find the nearest cooling center or contact the Social Services Ministry 212.870.6740/6741.
July 31, 2015

Dear Riverside Church Family,

I hope all of you are enjoying the summer! I miss seeing you these past weeks, but am so grateful for this time
of rest with my family. As many of you know, the kids and I have spent the last few weeks in Hawaii with my
family. In addition to enjoying some vacation time, I am also eagerly anticipating the coming year. In a few
weeks, I’ll join several close colleagues with whom I work every year for “Preacher Camp,” where I’ll plan out
worship and sermon themes for the year ahead. I look forward to being with you again soon, kicking off the
fall, and jumping into all the ways we will become One Riverside this year!

As you know, over these last months I have also been working closely with staff and lay leaders to fill important
positions on our staff. In May I announced the formation of an Advisory Search Committee to aid me in
reviewing candidates for the positions of Director of Children and Families and Director of Youth and Young
Adults and to give me thoughts and input as I made hiring decisions in these areas. I also invited the youth of
the church to share their perspectives with me as I tried to discern who might be the right fit for our church
in these areas. I am very grateful to lay leaders Emily Anderson, Brad Jones, Meghan Kirksey, Steven Jacobs,
and Charlene Wingate, as well as staff members Michael Livingston, Kevin Wright, Val Soto, and Jennifer
Grogan for serving in this capacity.

After careful review of almost two hundred applications, I am delighted to introduce these two new members
of The Riverside Church staff:

Director of Children and Families, Mandy Meisenheimer. Mandy comes to us from West End Collegiate
Church in Manhattan where she served as Director of Children and Youth. She has undergraduate degrees
in Spanish and Secondary Education from
Wheaton College and is studying for her
Master of Divinity at Union Theological
Seminary. Upon completion of her seminary
degree, Mandy plans to pursue ordination
in the United Church of Christ (UCC).
Mandy brings extensive experience in
building and running excellent programs for
children and families in large congregations
and has a passion for faith formation that
addresses children of all ages, needs,
and abilities as well as supporting their
families. As an educator and parent she
has been deeply invested in working with
all children, and specifically children with
special needs. In her own words, Mandy
feels “privileged and thrilled to have the
opportunity to walk alongside the children
and families of The Riverside Church,
exploring the amazing ways that children
connect to God: kinesthetically, musically,
contemplatively, artistically, playfully, loudly, softly.” Mandy and her husband Andy live in the Morningside
Heights neighborhood with their two children, Betsy (6) and Ralph (9).

Director of Youth and Young Adults, Kevin Vandiver. Kevin is originally from Anderson, S.C. After graduating
with a B.A. in Music from Winthrop University in Rock Hill, S.C., he earned his M.Div. from Duke Divinity
School in 2014. Upon graduation, Kevin relocated to Charlotte where he served as a Development Coordinator
at Freedom School Partners, a program of The Children’s Defense Fund, and most recently was the Director
of Family Ministry at Christ Lutheran Church-Charlotte,
                                                 the largest Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Southeast.
                                                 Raised in the Pentecostal Church of God in Christ tradition,
                                                 Kevin is in the process of pursuing ordination in the
                                                 Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. He has extensive
                                                 experience working with youth of diverse backgrounds and
                                                 ages, including at-risk populations, helping them navigate
                                                 the transition into becoming thriving adults; additionally,
                                                 the challenge and opportunity of drawing together the
                                                 many young adults in our congregation and community is a
                                                 challenge he’s ready to enthusiastically embrace. Kevin feels
                                                 drawn by the Holy Spirit to The Riverside Church where he
                                                 hopes to help build a strong and vibrant community of youth
                                                 and young adults who are connected with each other and the
                                                 Riverside community at large through faith, love, and action.
                                                 (With Kevin’s addition to the education team, we’ll now have
                                                 two Kevins working in the ministry of education. I think
                                                 maybe our first order of business should be a church-wide
                                                 contest to decide how we will keep our two Kevins straight!)

                                                 Both Mandy and Kevin bring a deep devotion to aiding
                                                 the spiritual formation of children and their families,
                                                 youth, and young adults, and have tremendous skill sets
                                                 that will help The Riverside Church provide meaningful
                                                 faith formation opportunities to people of all ages. Mandy
                                                 and Kevin will start their work in the month of August,
                                                 working under the supervision of the Rev. Kevin Wright,
                                                 our Minister of Education.

                                                 I am most excited to welcome these two wonderful
                                                 professionals to our education team. Please join me in
                                                 extending them a warm welcome and take advantage of
                                                 upcoming opportunities to get to know them and the gifts
                                                 they bring to our children, families, youth, and young adults.

I look forward to seeing you very soon and continuing the exciting journey we’ve begun this year. I’m especially
anticipating the many ways I know that God’s Spirit will continue to draw us together into One Riverside,
a community where everyone feels they belong, where we keep learning more deeply what we believe, and
where together we become agents of transformation in this world.

God’s peace to you all,

Pastor Amy
Girl Scouts Coming to The Riverside Church
Beginning in the fall of 2015, The Riverside Church will be the sponsor of Girl Scout Troops for children in grades
Kindergarten through 12. The Girl Scouts are a fully inclusive group and we are delighted to be able to offer this
programming to our children and youth. For more information on the troops, registration, or volunteering, please
contact Shan Hicks at 917.288.4181, or email

Riverside Church 85th Anniversary Celebration
Celebrate with us as we mark 85 years of vibrant service and worship at The Riverside Church! Details about this
community celebration, taking place in the fall, are soon to come.
You can contribute your time and talent to the planning process by joining the 85th Anniversary Celebration
Planning Committee. To learn more, feel free to contact or 212.870.6856.

"The Road to One Riverside" Summer Study Series

Every Sunday through August 23, a member of our clergy or senior staff will be leading the Open Bible Study in
411 MLK from 9:30–10:30 a.m. This event, sponsored by the Education Ministry, invites all who are interested to
study Scripture together and engage the question of what it means to be a church that models Jesus’ vision for a
community of discipleship.

There is no need to RSVP. All are welcome to attend!

                 490 R iverside D rive · N ew Y ork , N.Y. 10027 · T elephone 212.870.6700
                    Interdenominational · Interracial · International · Open · Affirming · Welcoming

                                       The Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler, Senior Minister
                                    The Rev. Michael E. Livingston, Executive Minister
                                       Mr. Christopher Creaghan, Associate Organist
                                 Mr. Christopher Johnson, Director of Music and Organist
                     The Rev. Rachel Johnson, Director of External Communications and Public Witness
                                            Mr. Dionisio A. Lind, Carillonneur
                                   The Rev. Debra P. Northern, Minister of Parish Care
                                            Mr. Robert Pearson, Organ Curator
                           Ms. Christian Peele, MDiv, Director of Stewardship and Development
                     Mr. Brian Simpson, Director of Internal Communications, Digital and Print Media
                              The Rev. Dr. April Stace Vega, Minister of Worship and the Arts
                                       The Rev. Kevin Wright, Minister of Education
                                The Rev. Dr. James A. Forbes, Jr., Senior Minister Emeritus

The Riverside Church is a member of the American Baptist Churches, U.S.A. and the United Church of Christ and cooperates
with the Council of Churches in the City of New York, and with the New York State, National, and World Council of Churches.

                       Twitter: @RiversideNYC • Facebook: • Web:

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