Page created by Curtis Elliott


        FINISH                     IT’S OUR TIME                      BAPTIST
       STRONG                                    Page 6-7          BUILD 2020
            Page 5                                                         Page 8-9
News and Notes
        Membership Update                                                                                           In This Issue
                                                                                                                    Born Again and Again .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  3
    In Memoriam
    Beverly Lake, September 12                                                                                      Children’s Worship  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
    Rev. Charles Thomas (Tom) Bokin, September 21
    Dot Hellwig, September 24                                                                                       Finish Strong  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  5
    Craig Bowers, October 12
                                                                                                                    It’s Our Time  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6-7
    Lawson Ray                                                                                                      Baptist Build  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8-9
    Taylor Ray
    Doug Wilson                                                                                                     Dates to Remember .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .10
    Sandy Wilson
                                                                                                                    HBBC Spotlight .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  11
    Dorsey Ramey
    Aaron Byrd

                                  OUR CHURCH STAFF
Dr. David Hailey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                    About this issue
Rev. Kristen Muse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               Time is a limited and valuable resource. This issue reminds us
Senior Associate Pastor                                                                                             all of the importance of what we do with our time matters. The
Rev. Ward Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              holidays and beginning of a new year are great times to invite
Associate Pastor/Youth and Outreach                                                                                 others to join us. Whether telling the stories of our faith, declaring
Rev. Sarah Mears. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               God’s love time again and again through our actions, or helping
Minister to Children and Families                                                                                   leave a legacy for the future, it’s our time to finish strong.
Dr. Larry Dickens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Minister of Music
Lisa Moxley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                                                                                                                    Cover Image
Music Associate/Accompanist
Tyler Ingram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Assistant Minister of Music
David Keel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    Sundays at 11:00 AM is a sacred time of worship at Hayes Barton.
Family Life Center Director                                                                                         All ages gather together to sing, pray, and declare their faith. It is
Melinda Sawyer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                one of the high points of the week for believers of all ages.
Communications Director
Scott Arbutina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Maintenance Director
JoAnn Rey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Director of Food Services
Born again and again          and told him the same thing. I’ve been     Baptist so this decision was especially
Susan Shinn Turner                             attending for the past two and a half      meaningful for her.
                                               years, so we were not strangers, but       Becky, one of the members of the Baptism
In November 2016, my beloved asked me          friends. He honored the fact that I’d
four questions: would I marry him, would                                                  Committee, met me and took me upstairs
                                               already been baptized, and he told me      to help me put on a robe and wait with
I move to Raleigh, would I change my           something else. “You have to be born
name, and would I be baptized?                                                            me until it was time for the ordinance of
                                               again, and again, and again.”              baptism. She had been Baptist, married
To the first two questions, I said “yes”       That made sense to me.                     an Episcopal and enjoyed the rituals of
right away. I hesitated about changing my                                                 that denomination. But when her husband
                                               “So when would you like to be baptized?”
name, because let me tell you, I changed                                                  died, she returned to the Baptist church. A
                                               he asked, like the good Baptist preacher
it once before, then I had to change it                                                   lovely person.
                                               he is.
back, and boy, was it a pain in the neck.
                                               We started looking at dates. “How about    In just a few minutes, Dr. Hailey motioned
But then he looked at me and said, “I                                                     me into the water.
                                               August 11?” he asked. That was my
would really like you to change your
                                               grandmother’s birthday, so that seemed     I wondered what was in that water. I
name.” And being all in love and googly-
                                               like a good date to me.                    wondered what I would find there. I
eyed, I said, “OK.” Then I spent three hours
at the Social Security office and two at theHe presented me to the congregation           wondered if I would feel changed.
DMV I’ll never get back. Just sayin’.       on August 4, and I received lots of hugs      Water is so important to our lives. We
                                            and handshakes and warm wishes after          need it every day to survive. We drink it,
To the last question, the answer was a
                                            the service that day. The congregation        we wash with it, we cook with it. And we
solid NO. “I’ve already been baptized,” I
                                            reminds me a lot of my home church in         use it in the church as part of the ritual of
said. I may have had a tiny little meltdown
                                            Salisbury, St. John’s — folks just fall all   baptism — no matter how much we use.
after that.
                                            over themselves to greet you and make
I can explain. I was Lutheran and my        you feel welcome.                             Dr. Hailey asked me these questions: “Do
husband was a member of a Cooperative                                                     you reaffirm your belief that Jesus Christ
                                            St. John’s senior pastor, Rhodes Woolly,      is the Son of God and the Savior of the
Baptist Fellowship congregation. The        calls it “extravagant hospitality.” It is.
Lutherans sprinkle. The Baptists immerse.                                                 World?” “Do you now also reaffirm your
I didn’t see any need to repeat the         August 11 came. I went to church early        desire to follow Christ as the Lord of your
process. I felt God and I were on the same to meet with Hayes Barton’s senior             life, and give loyal devotion to his church?”
page with this.                             pastor, Dr. David Hailey. He just walked
                                                                                          To each I responded, “I do.”
                                            me through what would happen. I’d walk
Fast forward to 2019. Since January, I      into the baptismal pool, turn around and      Then he said, “I baptize you, my sister, in
have been struggling with overwhelming face the way I’d come. He’d ask me a few           the name of the Father, the Son and the
depression and anxiety. My husband          questions, send me under the water, and       Holy Spirit.” I made the sign of the cross,
watched over me when I slept for days       that would be it. Since I’d already been      which is my personal tradition, and he
at a time. He did the laundry, went to the baptized, this would be a reaffirmation of     gently sent me under the water.
grocery store, fed me. It was bad, but      my baptism. He framed the questions as
with the help of my family and friends,                                                   It was only for a moment, but it was for an
                                            such, which I appreciated.                    eternity. I was connected with Christians
my counselor and psychiatrist — and the
correct medications at the correct dosage My parents were unable to make the              around the world, and I was connected
— I’ve finally dug out the past couple of   trip, but they joined via livestream, and     with Jesus, who went down not only went
weeks.                                      the church’s associate pastor, Kristen        into the water but up onto the cross.
                                            Muse, acknowledged them during                I came up out of the water. I was changed,
And I started thinking. Maybe I should      the announcements. They followed
commit to my husband the way he                                                           I was refreshed, I was renewed.
                                            the service and participated at home.
committed to me.                            They very much felt a part of it, Mother      “Amen,” Dr. Hailey said. “God Bless You.”
I met with the pastor of his church         said afterward. She was raised a good         Amen.

HAYES BARTON BAPTIST CHURCH                                   NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019                                                      3
Children’s worship                                                                          Bible Study,
On the first and third Sundays of the
month during the school year, children
leave following the children’s sermon
to participate in Children’s Worship: a
time of worship,
Bible Study, and
play that is designed
specifically for them.
Although we believe
there is much to be
gained from having
children present
and involved in our       Sarah Mears
wider congregational
worship services, there
is something special about a time of
worship that is planned and prepared
for with children in mind. It is a bit
louder and rowdier than what you might       helped us understand more about who
typically find in the Sanctuary, but it is   God is and his work in the world from
just as sacred.                              the very beginning. But our current
                                             series might be my favorite one yet:
One of my favorite things about              Wonder Women of the Bible. This fall,
Children’s Worship is the opportunity        each lesson is focused on a different
to explore different topics with the kids.   woman from the Bible whose story is
We write our own curriculum, so each         worth telling and who did something
semester we get to decide who and            incredible for God. We’re studying
what we want to study. Last spring we        some of the matriarchs of the faith
spent each week learning about different     like Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah. We’re
prophets and discovered what each one        learning the stories of courageous
had to teach us about God. Kids had the      heroes, like Deborah, and mothers, like   for children. These stories of “wonder
chance to hear about Ezekiel’s valley        Elizabeth, who trusted God and followed   women” remind us that God can and
of dry bones, Jeremiah’s lamentations,       his path even when it was scary. And      does use all people to do his work in the
and Isaiah’s message of hope about the       we’re learning about women like Mary      world. From the very beginning, God has
Messiah who was to come. We’ve also          Magdalene, one of the first proclaimers   called on both men and women, both
delved deep into the lives of biblical       of the gospel, and Lydia, who followed    young and old, both rich and poor, people
characters like Moses, Joshua, and Jonah     Jesus’ example in baptism, and finding    from all backgrounds and races and
— we’ve learned why their stories matter     that we can share the good news of        nationalities, to make a difference in his
to the story of God and how they connect     Jesus’ love with those around us, too.    story. The women we are learning about
to our stories, too.                                                                   each week in Children’s Worship did
                                             These stories matter to all of us, but    amazing things for God, and the kids in
All of these series were a lot of fun and    I think they are especially important     our church can do amazing things, too.

HAYES BARTON BAPTIST CHURCH                                 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019                                              4
Finish Strong
           These are exciting days at Hayes Barton Baptist
           Church. Our fellowship is strong, our worship is
           inspiring, and our ministry in the community and
           beyond is as vibrant as ever. God has been good to             The perfect ending to any day, race or
           us and we are grateful.                                            project is to FINISH STRONG!

           One of the great blessings our congregation
           has enjoyed through the years is our beautiful
           church campus. In recent years, however, we’ve                             — Gary Ryan Blair
           noticed a number of areas
           that needed attention. So we
           put our minds together and                                and many others as we step up to this challenge.
           got to work. Bathrooms have                               We need your prayers. We need your participation.
           been upgraded, corridors and                              And yes, we need your financial support. Will you
           stairwells refreshed, classrooms                          prayerfully consider making an impactful gift to our
           expanded and renovated, and                               It’s Our Time Capital Campaign? Your sacrificial gift
           our broadcast booth completely
                                                David Hailey         or pledge will provide a strong Foundation for the
           transformed. We’re grateful for                           Future at Hayes Barton Baptist Church.
           all these improvements, but
           we’re not finished yet! A new entrance and parking        If you haven’t already seen it, I encourage you
           lot still need to be developed, a new elevator added,     to read our campaign brochure. It will tell you all
           a kitchen and chancel expanded, and a Sanctuary           about our planned improvements and why we need
           and Fellowship Hall renovated.                            them. The FAQ document also provides valuable
           A great deal of prayer, planning, and preparation has
           already been done. But we won’t be able to complete       We launched our capital campaign in April of this
           these transformations to our facilities without your      year. Now it’s time to complete it. Let’s put a perfect
           help. That’s why I am writing to invite you to join me    ending on this campaign. Let’s finish strong.

HAYES BARTON BAPTIST CHURCH                                  NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019                                            5
The many varied missions and ministry        the spread of polio. In 1947, Pastor
Larry High                                   of Hayes Barton Baptist Church require       Carl Townsend died when he fell
                                             adequate physical facilities to carry        from a ladder in his back yard. Yet,
Time is a fascinating topic.                 forth the Good News. Across the past         notwithstanding the Great Depression
                                             93 years, members have stepped up to         and World War II, the congregation’s
Often it seems to go by hurriedly. Wow,
                                             meet that need.                              debt was retired in 1944.
there goes another week, a whole
month. Someone rightly has said there         In just 80 working hours, our first         And despite delays during the Korean
are times that move with the speed of a      building — the “Tabernacle” — was            War, the education building we use
snail. Seems like when we want time to       constructed, on the present church           today with classrooms and a 140-seat
pass quickly, it drags. When we want it      building site, at a cost of $3,336.11. The   Chapel was dedicated on June 28, 1953.
to slow down, it’s next week already.        first service was held in the wooden         Major renovations to the sanctuary
                                             structure, heated by a potbelly stove, on    portion of the church were completed in
A week of vacation passes faster than a
                                             Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 1926.         September 1956.
week on a diet. Right? A child says the
school year seemed as if it would never      As the congregation increased in number      Then, on September 5, 1962, a
end. The parent says where did another       and witness, a permanent building,           devastating fire destroyed the sanctuary
year go?                                     including classrooms, kitchen, office        and the entire portion of the 1928
                                             space and an 850-seat sanctuary, was         church building. The education building
The writer of Ecclesiastes 3:1 has it
                                             constructed and occupied in June 1928.       suffered extensive smoke and water
correct — ”For everything there is a
                                                                                          damage. Sarah Williamson, long-time
season, and a time for every matter          Eloise (Harrington) Stephens, now            church member and historian, wrote,
under the heaven.” (NRSV)                    deceased, was a charter member of the        “That night, in a special called session,
                                             church. She recalled riding her bicycle
It’s Our Time.                                                                            the Deacons voted to rebuild, as did
                                             with a basket on the front filled with       the church congregation at its Sunday
Our congregation has been blessed by         quart jars of Brunswick stew. Women of       worship service at the Colony Theater,
those who seized their time to fulfill the   the church were making the stew and          now the Rialto.”
purposes of heaven. We have a worthy         selling it as a fundraiser to pay down the
heritage to embrace.                         congregation’s debt. They sold the stew      “Although there were major delays in the
                                             for 50 cents a quart.                        rebuilding program, ground was broken
                                                                                          for the new building, Colonial Georgian
                                             The 1930s and ‘40s were difficult years      in style, on January 3, 1965. The church
                                             for the congregation. Bible School had to    membership entered the Education
                                             be halted because of a potential for         Building facilities on August 28, 1966,
                                                                                          and the first service of worship was
                                                                                          held in the sanctuary on Thanksgiving
                                                                                          Day, November 24, 1966, exactly 40
                                                                                          years after that first service in the little
                                                                                          wooden ‘Tabernacle.’”

HAYES BARTON BAPTIST CHURCH                                 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019                                                   6
accessibility, added convenience from
                                                                                        the new parking area, and enhanced
                                                                                        opportunities for use of the Chapel and
                                                                                        The kitchen remodel, expansion and
                                                                                        Fellowship Hall enhancement will
                                                                                        provide an additional 400 square-feet
                                                                                        of space to one of the most used areas
                                                                                        of the church, provide for compliance
                                                                                        to health safety codes, updates
                                                                                        equipment that currently requires
                                                                                        frequent maintenance, improves
In 1999, the congregation began to          It’s Our Time. Foundation for the Future.   technology use in the Fellowship Hall
envision construction of a Family Life                                                  and updates the area’s appearance.
Center to “enhance and expand our           The Long-Range Planning Committee
many Christ-centered programs and           and Steering Committee have                 An expanded Chancel area will
ministries,” according to Arthur James,     presented, and the congregation             eliminate the need for temporary
architecture committee chairman.            has approved, a capital campaign            platform additions, while providing
Following much prayer, discussion,          for several key improvements to             enhanced flexibility for special
and a capital campaign, construction        the current church facility. The            celebrations and services.
started in September 2006.                  improvements are designed to provide        Improvements will also provide
                                            for present and future needs of the         sanctuary enrichments such as paint,
For the first time in more than 40 years,   church family and community.                carpet, pew cushions, new window
the congregation dedicated and opened                                                   shutters, etc.
a new facility on November 4, 2007.         The proposal, subject to the
The FLC includes a covered portico          congregation’s approval, provides           Today, we are supported by a 93-year
entrance, classrooms, gymnasium, and        a covered drop-off area with closer         legacy of providing the best facilities
welcome center. The Cashwell Corridor,      access to the nursery, sanctuary,           for reaching out to our neighborhood,
named in memory of long-time pastor         Chapel and education building,              state, nation, and world. Now It’s
T.L. Cashwell, Jr., was dedicated in        additional parking for 45 spaces,           Our Time. Foundation for
September of the same year.                 including handicap parking, and             the Future.
                                            retains three church-owned houses for
In 2016, the Memorial Garden with           affordable housing.
Columbarium was dedicated and
upgrades to the television broadcast        A new elevator in the Chapel
area, restrooms, classrooms, corridors,     building will provide
and parlor improvements have since          handicap                                But I trust in you, O Lord; I
been completed.                                                                     say, “You are my God.” My
                                                                                    times are in your hand
                                                                                    — Psalm 31:14-15a NSRV

HAYES BARTON BAPTIST CHURCH                               NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019                                                  7
Baptist Build 2020
Joanne McDaniel

Baptist Build 2020 is on the horizon, and
Hayes Barton Baptist Church will be part
of the effort. By the time you read this,
planning for Baptist Build 2020 will be
underway. On October 23, 2019, Habitat
for Humanity of Wake County, which
serves Wake and Johnston Counties,
hosted a luncheon for representatives
from many area Baptist churches. These
representatives make up the Baptist Build
Coalition. HBBC, along with our ministry
partner Grace Church for All Nations, is
part of the Coalition in 2020.
According to Rick Beech, VP for Faith
Relations of Habitat Wake, the luncheon      projects, some of the more interesting            • Those future homeowners perform
marked the beginning of “another             facts about them can be found on the                hundreds of hours of sweat equity,
inspirational and meaningful Baptist         website For example:                   which can take many forms: building
Build journey.” Why is such a journey                                                            their home or a home for another
“inspirational and meaningful”? Perhaps         • The idea that became Habitat grew
                                                   from the fertile soil of Koinonia Farm,       family, build-site clean-up, working
because, “Seeking to put God’s love into
                                                   a community outside Americus,                 in a Habitat ReStore, assisting in
action, Habitat for Humanity brings people
together to build homes, communities,              Georgia, founded by farmer and                administrative duties, or countless
and hope.” According to Habitat                    biblical scholar Clarence Jordan. It          other ways of helping out. Children
information, its “vision is a world where          was there that Jordan and Millard             sometimes also can contribute by
everyone has a decent place to live.”              and Linda Fuller develop the concept          earning good grades in school.
Another way to look at Habitat projects            of partnership housing.                     • Because the words of Millard Fuller
is the way former U.S. President Jimmy          • The Fullers went to the African                still ring true today: “A house is to a
Carter looks at them. Carter, who has been         country of Zaire, now Democratic              family what soil is to a plant. A plant
involved in Habitat projects for several           Republic of the Congo, to test their          needs to be rooted. A family is like
decades, said recently that “One of the best       idea. “Within three years, we had             that. If a family is not rooted, it will
ways to practice my faith as a Christian is                                                      not flourish. But once a family is
                                                   built more than 120 houses,” Linda
to participate in Habitat every year.”                                                           well-rooted, all kinds of wonderful
                                                   says. “That’s when we decided
Like former President Carter, many of              that this idea would work most                things will begin to happen.”
you have participated in Habitat projects          everywhere in the world.” The           According to Grace Church for All Nations
and have experienced for yourselves                Fullers started Habitat in 1976.
the impact of serving others alongside                                                     Pastor Dyna Ngama, “This will be our
others. Such impact breaks down barriers        • Future Habitat homeowners are            second experience partnering with HBBC
and builds up communities. According               selected locally, with the criteria     in a Habitat project. It is a wonderful
to Habitat Wake, the impact of working             centering   on their need  for decent   program because it gives a life of stability
together is that “statistics become faces          housing, their ability to repay an      and community connection.” The first
with names, stereotypes are broken and             affordable mortgage and their           partnering experience “led one of the
everyone has the opportunity both to give          willingness to partner with Habitat     Grace Church family to home ownership.”
and to receive.”                                   to build or improve a place they can Pastor Ngama shared that he is “so
For those of you less familiar with Habitat        call home.                              grateful for this mission opportunity

HAYES BARTON BAPTIST CHURCH                                   NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019                                                    8
Be Inspired! Find Meaning!
And Practice Your Faith!

partnering with HBBC once again for a      mass choir comprising choir members        Ridge subdivision in Raleigh will be the
Habitat build 2020.”                       from participating churches,” Beech        location for the build. A construction
“Hayes Barton Baptist Church was           shared. “Then on MLK Day, we will          schedule is being finalized with dates
involved in the first Baptist Build with   build and raise walls on the homes         in February and March targeted for
the churches in the Raleigh Baptist        and have an exciting celebration on        HBBC/Grace’s construction dates.
Association (RBA),” Beech said. “Since     the construction sites at the end of the   Related activities, including a children’s
then, the Wake Missionary Baptist          workday.”                                  baffle project, are being planned.
Association has joined forces with the     Of the participation of both HBBC and      Several HBBC members have already
RBA generating enough participants                                                    volunteered to lead our effort. The
                                           Grace Church for All Nations, Beach
now to build two homes together. This                                                 question at hand now is whether
                                           said, “We are particularly thrilled
makes the Baptist Build even more                                                     you will consider volunteering to be
powerful with Black and White Baptist      that Grace Church for All Nations is
                                                                                      involved. As you think about 2020
churches strengthening relationships       partnering with Hayes Barton Baptist
                                                                                      on the horizon, are you thinking that
while serving families together in need    in Baptist Build 2020. Having both
                                                                                      the new year will be a year to be
of affordable housing.”                    churches involved makes the Baptist
                                                                                      inspired? To find meaning? And, most
                                           Build even stronger while enhancing
Baptist Build 2020 will kick off on                                                   importantly, to practice your faith? The
                                           the relationship between the two           Baptist Build 2020 offers you all three!
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January
20, 2020). “On the Sunday afternoon        churches.”                                 Watch for more information about how
before MLK Day, an inspiring joint         Additional details about Baptist Build     to get involved with one of the best
worship service will be held with a        2020 are being decided now. Abington       ways to practice your faith.

HAYES BARTON BAPTIST CHURCH                              NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019                                                  9
December 1 • First Sunday of Advent
December 8 • Second Sunday of Advent                                                 manger
                                                                      Love MARY nativity
Hanging of the Greens • 5:00 PM
                                                          Good News
Cookie Fellowship to follow
December 11
Christmas Dinner and Intergenerational
Missions Night • 5:00 PM
                                                                                                        star   King
December 14
Kids Christmas Party • 9:00 AM
(ages 3 and up)                                    COMFORT JOY
                                                        and Lord
December 15 • Third Sunday of Advent             God Is With Us
                                                   Sing babyPEACE                                       JOY
Comfort and Joy (Orchestra and Chancel Choir)
                                                 son      JESUS

Incarnation Celebration:

                                                                          f raid
Youth Ministry Christmas Party • 6:00 PM
December 22 • Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 22-24
                                                    G loria! JOSEPH
Living Nativity • 7:00-9:00 PM
December 24                                                   inn
Family Christmas Eve • 4:00 PM
Communion Service • 6:00 PM
Living Nativity; Private Communion in the Sanctuary • 7:00-9:00 PM
December 29
Family Sunday School

                                                   January 5                  Deacon Ordination at 3:00 PM
                                                   January 8                  Family Night Resumes

                                                   January 18-19              Youth Ski Retreat

                                                   January 19                 Joint Habitat Worship Service at 3:00 PM
                                                   January 20                 Habitat Build Kicks off
                                                   January 25                 Women’s Prayer and Service Day

                                                   January 26                 Stewardship Celebration Sunday


HAYES BARTON BAPTIST CHURCH                                 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019                                       10
As part of the theme for this edition of                                                       Your daughter, Caroline, is also involved
Faith Points, we wanted to show that                                                           in various music and children’s ministry
it is our time to share the story of an                                                        opportunities at HBBC. How is this
individual who is a major part of the                                                          important to her spiritual formation?
                                                                                               u I place a lot of emphasis on music
music ministry at HBBC. Below you will
read a little about Stephanie Patton’s                                                           being a part of Caroline’s education.
faith journey and her connection to                                                              Not only is learning music terrific for
music. Additionally Stephanie shares                                                             brain development, it is nourishing for
about her passion for leading her                                                                the soul. Caroline loves to sing in the
daughter, Caroline, closer to God                                                                Cantate Choir and play in Alphabells.
through music.                                                                                   She enjoys learning new songs in
                                                                                                 Children’s Church and singing the old
                   nnn                                                                           standard hymns in worship. When
How did you first get involved in music?                                                         Caroline was 7, she was cast as an
u Music has been ingrained in me from                                                            angel in the musical, O Jonah! This took
  early childhood as I grew up in a                                                              her out of her comfort zone but I was
  musical family. My parents are both                           Stephnie and Caroline Patton     amazed at how well she overcame her
  accomplished musicians and now,                                                                fears and gained much confidence from
                                                undoubtedly the highlight of my year,
  almost into their eighties, they still                                                         this experience. I am so grateful to the
                                                and the piece still holds a very special
  perform regularly! I began taking piano                                                        music leaders at HBBC for encouraging
                                                place in my heart!
  lessons in the third grade and played                                                          her and helping her to uncover the
  the violin in my school orchestra. I also   What brought you to HBBC?                          many spiritual gifts she has to offer!
  sang in children’s choirs at church and     u I began attending HBBC with Rob about
                                                                                               What does it mean for her to see you
  learned handbells at a young age.             15 years ago before we were married.           lead in worship and other experiences?
                                                Rob wanted to make sure his daughter,          What lessons do you hope she learns
Were there any major formative musical          Emily, had a church she could grow             from her musical experiences at HBBC?
experiences you had growing up?                 up in and that we felt comfortable as          u I want Caroline to know that above
u There are almost too many to list! I
                                                well. Fast forward to today, and Emily           all, music is a gift from God. There are
  have so many fond memories of being           is finishing her Masters of Divinity             many ways to worship, and music
  in the school orchestra. We were a very       degree at Campbell, Rob is serving               is something we can do together.
  tight-knit group who always looked            as a deacon, and Caroline and I are              Emily and I sing together in the Adult
  forward to getting out of school to play      participating in the music ministry.             Ensemble which is one thing we can
  for the nursing homes at Christmas.           HBBC has been an instrumental part of            do in the midst of our busy lives. One
  I also remember my very refined               our family and we are so grateful to be          reason I enjoy singing is because my
  piano teacher who introduced me               able to serve the Lord in many different         parents sang in the choir (and still do!)
  to the classic composers and very             ways!                                            and taught me that music is one of the
  patiently taught me music theory. It                                                           most meaningful parts of the worship
  all came together during my senior          What ensembles are you involved in at              experience. I want to set the example
  year of high school. That year, I was       HBBC?                                              for Caroline in the same way it was
  awarded the Teresa Morrison Creative        u I sing in the Chancel Choir and Adult
                                                                                                 done for me. I look forward to seeing
  and Performing Arts Award for my              Ensemble, and I play in the handbell             the many ways she will continue our
  performance of Spanish Dance No.5             choir. I also serve on the Music Ministry        family tradition of making a joyful noise
  by Enrique Granados. That was                 Council.                                         unto the Lord!

HAYES BARTON BAPTIST CHURCH                                  NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019                                                      11
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