Talking PRE-ELECTION REPORT - Tararua District Council
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3 stimulate public What is a The PER was added to Local Government Act 2002 (LGA) as one of the “Transparency, Accountability and Financial Management” package of reforms discussion Pre-election in 2010 and has one very clear objective… Get everybody talking! Report (PER)? More specifically, the purpose of a PER is to “stimulate informed debate about council funding and expenditure issues during local election campaigns”. Tararua District The purpose of a pre-election report is to provide information to promote public discussion about the issues facing the local authority. SECTION 99A(4), LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2002 Welcome and Chief Executives Message The purpose of this Pre-Election priority. We also have a significant Report is to provide information programme of work planned for Beyond this, we are actively pursuing to stimulate public discussion our wastewater network, including a range of opportunities that have Firstly, the LGA requires all NZ councils, namely the about the issues facing the Tararua District in the lead up to the local obtaining resource consent renewals for a number of our towns. arisen as a result of the Provincial Growth Fund that was established by Why is Tararua Chief Executive of all councils, to prepare a PER in the lead up to a local election (and the next local election government elections on 12 October 2019. The Local Government Improving the resilience of our Central Government in 2018. Council has already secured funding for two District Council is on 12 October 2019). preparing a PER? roading network to better cope Secondly, as a council, we need to engage with our Act 2002 requires me as Chief major projects and is investigating with the effects of climate change communities in order to achieve the best results for Executive to prepare this report further potential projects to submit. continues to require increased the district. The PER enables us to demonstrate our independently of the Mayor and We have also provided letters of resources. This is particularly true performance over the last three years, share plans for the Councillors. support for applications by other in the area of emergency works next three years and discuss issues facing the district. parties. Key dates for the The intention of this report is to following severe weather events – summarise Councils financial an occurrence that is continuing Another important focus for Council 2019 local elections Finally, it is hoped that better engaged communities will impact on voter participation in local elections. statements and forecast rates to increase in both frequency and continues to be the deepening of our Enrolment update packs sent to increases, as well as provide intensity. relationships with both Rangitane and 1 July all enrolled voters. information on key projects planned. Ngati Kahungunu. The opportunity for Earthquake-prone buildings is On the whole, Tararua District Council another area that Council will need us all to further collaborate for the Enrolment closes for printed roll. Pre-election reports make it is on track to deliver on the projects to increasingly focus on over the next benefit of all that call Tararua home is People must enrol by this day easier for people to vote for and programmes outlined in our few years. As well as addressing our vital to our future as a district. to receive voting papers in the candidates whose priorities 2018-2028 Long Term Plan (LTP). own earthquake-prone buildings, It is my hope that this report 16 August mail. People who enrol after this align with their own.” HON RODNEY HIDE day will have to request special Many of our projects are in response we will begin profiling commercial will stimulate the discussion it is voting papers from their local to factors we have little or no properties in the district to identify designed to do and I encourage council electoral officer. control over, i.e. increasing regulatory those that are potentially earthquake- you to seek further detail from our pressures, mitigating the impacts of prone. documents such as our Long Term Voting documents sent by climate change or building resilience Plan, Annual Plan, and Annual Report. 20-25 September In our 2018-2028 LTP, we committed councils to all enrolled voters. in both our roading and three waters to promoting and facilitating (wastewater, storm water and Voters are encouraged to have economic development and we drinking water) networks. 5 October their completed voting papers in remain committed to this strategy. the post by Saturday 5 October. Kinge We are making progress on our We are investing in activities that will programme to upgrade our urban water networks, including the attract visitors to Tararua, and assist business owners and entrepreneurs Blaf ir Executiv Midday Saturday Voting closes at midday. k Enrol to vote, checat Chie 12 October or update your info sourcing, storage and treatment of to either grow their existing business water, with Pahiatua a particular or establish new ones. z AL ELECTIONS FOR ON ON THE 2019 LOC FOR MORE INFORMATI PLEASE CONTACT OUR ELECTORAL ARU A DISTRICT, THE TAR 4080 OR 06 376 0110 OFFICER ON 06 374
5 What's in this Council's The economy, technology and the way Council delivers services are likely to be very different in the future. Council aims to provide report? Strategic leadership and affordable services that help to build strong and resilient communities. Direction Council’s vision and strategic focus for the district, as disclosed in our Long Term Plan, is: How we've WE’LL TALK ABOUT COUNCIL’S FINANCIAL STATUS, AS WELL AS CONFIRMING COMPLIANCE WITH OUR performed FINANCE STRATEGY. Our Vision: “ A growing and prosperous district providing a wide range of employment opportunities that is underpinned by highly efficient, capable and affordable infrastructure.” our major WE’LL PROVIDE YOU WITH DETAILS ON THE MAJOR PROJECTS THAT WE HAVE SCHEDULED IN projects THE NEXT THREE YEARS. Council outcomes: major issues WE’LL ALSO DISCUSS SOME OF THE KEY ISSUES THAT WE FACE AS A DISTRICT AND HOW WE INTEND The Outcomes are the link between the Vision and the 2. PROSPEROUS ECONOMY A strong, growing, prosperous local 4. GREAT LIFESTYLE Recreation facilities, heritage and facing the district TO RESPOND TO THESE NOW, AND IN THE FUTURE. Council activities, providing the economy that attracts, welcomes public amenities that support an focus for the groups of activities and retains businesses and outstanding lifestyle. and performance measures in the residents. A district with a clear 5. SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT Long Term Plan. identity that promotes its lifestyle. The district has a natural 1. EFFICIENT INFRASTRUCTURE 3. COLLABORATIVE COUNCIL environment that is protected, Highly efficient, fit for purpose A council seen as a leader in preserved and enhanced for and affordable rural and urban community partnerships and present and future generations. What The Local Government Act 2002 (LGA) sets out the minimum requirements for content (or “disclosures”) of the Pre-Election Report (PER). infrastructure. collaboration to ensure services are delivered in the most effective and must be However, LGA allows reduced disclosures for chief executives of a local authority that has an ordinarily resident population of fewer than 20,000 people. Tararua affordable way. in this District has an estimated 17,300 residents and has applied the reduced disclosures. Strategic focus: report? The disclosures required in the 2019 Pre-Election Report for Tararua District are summarised as follows: Council’s strategy is to continue the focus on core infrastructure, key reserves and recreational facilities to aid economic development. against the 2015–2025 Long Term Plan strategies. economic development, and This is seen as critical to the future Progress against the amended financial prudence. prosperity of the district. strategies in the 2018–2028 Long Information Information Information The 2018–2028 Long Term Plan expanded the strategic priorities This strategic focus is summarised in the table below. Term Plan will be reported in the 2018/19 Annual Report due out 28 Based on audited Based on Annual Based on audited to include building a resilient and Refer to pages 14 to 25 of the 2017/18 August 2019. Annual Reports plans long term plan connected community, and develop Annual Report for the progress FUNDING IMPACT STATEMENTS FUNDING IMPACT STATEMENTS FUNDING IMPACT STATEMENTS 2016/17 2018/19* 2021/22 STRATEGY 1: STRATEGY 2: STRATEGY 3: Continued investment in Promoting and continued financial viability SUMMARY STATEMENT OF SUMMARY STATEMENT OF SUMMARY STATEMENT OF core infrastructure to: facilitating economic through sustainable growth FINANCIAL POSITION FINANCIAL POSITION FINANCIAL POSITION development through: and investment, including: increase public safety on 2017/18 2019/20+ 2022/23 Council roads, footpaths, supporting and facilitating ensuring affordability; recreation facilities, and in growth in local business; RATES, RATE INCREASES AND RATES, RATE INCREASES AND MAJOR PROJECTS public buildings; BORROWING WITH QUANTIFIED LIMITS BORROWING WITH QUANTIFIED LIMITS reducing financial and building district identity; build resilience in water, business risk; 2023/24 wastewater, stormwater, promoting the district by and roading networks; telling our story; financial sustainability * The 2018/19 year is Year 1 of the 2018-2028 Long Term Plan that has been audited. + This is Year 2 of the Long Term Plan and, due to changes in the Local Government Act, the Annual Plan is not required to be audited. support efficient transport (long-term financial access and digital providing business friendly health); connectivity within the and welcoming support district and regionally; for new residents and cost control. businesses; improve our environment and meet our commitments facilitate the development to the Manawatu River of key reserves and Leaders’ Accord; recreational facilities to attract (and retain) meet legally required residents and visitors. performance standards.
7 WHERE DO WE $ 1.34 $ 2.62 $ 1.20 SPEND YOUR 1.33 RESOURCE STRATEGY & MANAGEMENT SERVICE CENTRES POLICY $ PUBLIC RATES? CONVENIENCES 2.11 ery This summary shows where ev $ t on $100 of your rates will be spen Council services for the 2019/20 financial year. 11.15 $ WASTEWATER $5.96 SUPPORT ACTIVITIES $ 2.68 $ 1.70 PARKS & STORMWATER & RESERVES DRAINAGE COMMUNITY SUPPORT $ 1.04 CEMETERIES $ 5.16 $ 2.81 3.34 LIBRARY $ 11.48 SWIMMING -69C $ 24.18 POOLS $ 82C HEALTH & SAFETY TREASURY WATER ROADING SUPPLIES EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT $ 3.44 COMMUNITY $ 5.96 5.27 BUILDINGS 39C $ REPRESENTATION $ 2.47 ANIMAL NOTE: 4.22 CONTROL SOLID WASTE Figures are based on a calculation of the total $ MANAGEMENT FOOTPATHS amount of rates collected for each service. Figures DISTRICT PROMOTION may differ for individual ratepayers according to their & DEVELOPMENT property type and values. compare this to everyday items: Average rates per day for a ratepayer in the district 7.27 $ $1.12 $4.50 $3.50 $2.20 $6.13 DAILY $2.20 LOAF OF CUP OF 2 LITRES LITRE OF HOUSEHOLD NEWSPAPER BREAD COFFEE MILK PETROL ELECTRICITY The targeted rate per day for Water is 83c and for Wastewater is 81c.
9 Significant Capital Here’s a brief update on some of the Wastewater Water supply Wastewater Investment major projects and programmes for the financial years 2019/20 to 2023/24: consent leak detection and water renewals programme supply Council has been working to The team at Tararua Alliance network programme to systematically survey renewals upgrade the wastewater networks have commenced a multi-year in towns across the district as part of our commitment to the the water reticulation network of A significant percentage of the Emergency Pahiatua water Pahiatua Manawatu River Leaders’ Accord and in order to meet consent the district. The programme will highlight leaks in the network and water and wastewater reticulation network in Tararua was built over roading works upgrade Main Street conditions set by Horizons Regional Council. The various consent schedule a programme for repair. This programme will help conserve 50 years ago and is coming towards Tararua District, like the rest of New Zealand, is experiencing significant Now that the water storage project in Pahiatua is complete, Council’s upgrade renewals are: our precious water and, when the end of its useful life. In order to minimise the risk of future outages • Pahiatua – moving through a combined with our water storage across the network a programme changes in weather patterns due focus turns to improving water This project, aiming to revitalise mediation process and treatment projects, provide of renewals has been developed. to climate change. As a result of quality. Pahiatua water is currently the Pahiatua Main Street, has improved resilience in water supply Council is investing additional increased frequency and intensity drawn from both a bore and the progressed significantly over the • Eketahuna – consent currently for residents. resources in this programme of these weather events we are Mangatainoka River as the bore is last year. We have consulted with under appeal with the the community on three separate environment court that will see old cast iron and/or having to undertake increasing insufficient to meet demand. The asbestos cement pipes replaced amounts of emergency works to water drawn from the river poses occasions to hear what they • Woodville – being publicly want for the future of their town. with modern alternatives. keep roads operating following each quality challenges for Council and is notified storm event. Not only does this what is causing current odour, taste During this consultation period • Norsewood – commencing divert staff from other planned road and discolouration issues. we developed a series of possible application process works, it also adds additional cost options for consideration and As a result Council will need to collected feedback on each one. We • Pongaroa – commencing to the total roading budget. Where invest in more sophisticated were delighted with both the level application process Many of our projects are in possible we are undertaking work to minimise the impact of these treatment equipment to deal with of engagement from the community A key feature of wastewater response to factors we have storm events, such as removing these issues. It is important we get and the overall satisfaction consent renewals is the little or no control over… the right treatment option and this expressed for the proposed design requirement to adhere to increased roadside trees that become hazards means taking the time and making features. The community feedback standards, thereby improving the during severe events. We are also the investment to get it right. We is now being used to develop a quality of treated discharge into constantly working to improve the anticipate the work to build the new final detailed design in order to our environment. design of our roads to lessen the treatment plant will be completed commence construction. Once impact of these events. While we during this Annual Plan period. completed, the centre of Pahiatua can mitigate the impact of these events to some extent, we are will be a gathering space for locals forecasting ever increasing capital and an attraction to encourage and operating costs in this area. visitors to stop. Wastewater there are a number of leaks and areas impacted by overflowing Network stormwater systems in periods of wet weather. Given Council Infiltration is undertaking a number of Strategy wastewater treatment upgrades it is important we ensure they are Council has been undertaking designed to manage the appropriate CCTV camera inspections of the volumes. Repairing leaks and wastewater network across the stormwater overflows will reduce district to better understand the the capital cost of the upgrades condition and performance. This by reducing the volumes requiring investigation has highlighted treatment. that, while the network is in reasonable overall condition,
11 Earthquake Digital External funding strengthening network In order to maximise outcomes for • Central Energy Trust • Tourism and Trails Strategy – of Council Council provided a commitment ratepayers while reducing costs as much as possible, Council has $165,000 towards upgrading the under-veranda lighting in this project will explore high level opportunities to grow the buildings to support the community led group Connect Tararua in their explored opportunities to seek the Pahiatua town centre. This district’s visitor market and external funding to leverage existing, funding will enhance the safety develop a clear cycleway and Council owns a number of efforts to improve the mobile and or attract new, investment. Council of Pahiatua for residents at night, walkway strategy. properties that currently do digital connectivity in the district. has recently been successful in and aligns well with the wider not meet the requirements of Connect Tararua has lobbied hard • Application support – in attracting the following funding for Pahiatua Main Street Upgrade the Building Act. Engineering to improve the cell phone and addition to our own successful projects in the period ahead: project. applications, Council has assessments are being ordered digital connectivity for Tararua • Tourism Infrastructure Fund • Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) provided letters of support to: for each of these buildings. As District. Their efforts appear to $102,404 to install toilets at the Council has been successful in buildings are assessed Council will have resulted in an increase in the Mangatainoka Reserve, which securing funding for two projects • CEDA – for an application to develop plans to undertake any number of planned cell towers from has seen a significant increase from the PGF: undertake a tourism study remedial action required on a case one to ten, which is a significant in freedom campers. The into Te Apiti Manawatu Gorge • Land Use Optimisation – this tourism opportunities. by case basis. improvement. The group remain funding also included installing project will investigate the committed to ensuring the most solar compacting rubbish • Environment Network opportunities to grow and effective coverage possible from bins at Mangatainoka Reserve, Manawatu (Source to Sea) – develop markets for four Urban utilities the investment being made. Waihi Falls and Akitio beach. Solar compacting rubbish horticulture crops in Tararua for an application to explore social enterprise opportunities expansion Council continues to support this project to provide what is now bins can reduce operating costs significantly by requiring District. A key consideration for each of the crops being in the area of biodiversity along researched is how they might the Manawatu River. In the 2018–2028 Long Term Plan considered basic infrastructure in emptying less. a modern world. Improving digital support farmers to meet the We are continuing to explore Council made provision to extend • Energy Efficiency and requirements of the Horizons opportunities to attract external the utilities network by 10 sections connectivity will be a huge enabler Conservation Authority (EECA) One Plan in order to gain funding to leverage the investments per annum to provide for population for Tararua residents. $50,000 towards two electric resource consents. The crops made by Council as this reduces growth. Council is currently vehicle charging stations in being researched are feijoas, funding required from ratepayers. undertaking a project to review the Pahiatua town centre as part of hazelnuts, berries and cider urban boundaries and infrastructure the Main Street upgrade project. apples. requirements of Woodville, Dannevirke and Pahiatua to provide for anticipated population growth. Waste services Council adopted a new Waste recycled thereby reducing waste to ratepayers. Council also intends Management and Minimisation landfill. Council has also altered undertaking education around Plan 2017–2023 in December 2017. the fees and charges relating to waste minimisation to reduce the Since then, Council has invested solid waste to ensure a user pays overall level of waste ending up in in new glass collection containers philosophy applies rather than landfill. that provide for glass to be fully this service being subsidised by CAPITAL INVESTMENT - Roading & footpaths, 3 Waters and Other $25,000 $20,000 2,158 3,293 2,951 2,673 $15,000 2,780 3,791 5,394 4,656 3,140 2,415 6,723 6,049 5,088 3,459 $10,000 12,268 12,585 13,709 $5,000 9,437 9,947 9,580 8,136 $0 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Roading & footpaths 3 Waters Other
13 Financial Performance Financial Infrastructure Basis of There is no requirement for the Pre- Key challenges: financial policy limits: Preparation: Accuracy Election Report to be separately audited. As part of each 10 year Long Term RATES However, the majority of information in This Pre-Election Report brings of this report has already been audited, Plan, Council is required to develop two key strategies - Financial Council has set limits on rates and rates increases to Local together information previously Information either as part of the 2018–2028 Long Strategy and an Infrastructure Government Cost Index Inflation plus 2%. published in Council’s Long Term The following graph details the rates increases (actual and proposed) Term Plan, or Annual Reports. Strategy. Plan, Annual Plans, Annual Reports compared to the rates limits. Council continues to focus on and associated summaries. It The Financial and Infrastructure delivering services in partnership and collaboration to maximise value reflects the policies and strategies Strategies provide a framework to from rates. contained in the 2018–2028 guide Council as it makes financial Long Term Plan and service level and infrastructure investment decisions of the current council at Funding Impact Statements decisions aligned to prudent, that time. affordable and inter-generational ANNUAL RATES INCREASE The Local Government (Rating) • The sources of funding to be equity principles. 6% The financial information contained Act 2002 and the Local used. in this Pre-Election Report has been The key challenges facing 5% Government Act 2002, requires compiled from the following sources: • The amount of funds expected Council are: 4% each Council to prepare a to be produced from each 3% Funding Impact Statement • Vulnerability to natural hazards and • The financial information for the source. disclosing the revenue and climate change 2% 2016/17 and 2017/18 years has been financing mechanisms it • How the funds are to be 1% extracted from the respective • Impact of changing regulations intends to use. applied. 0% Annual Reports, which have been • Economic and population growth 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 audited by the Auditor General; This statement is prepared in a This information can give a Actual Planned Forecast different format to most of the quick overview of trends in rates • Changes to population • The financial information for the other financial statements and that are used to fund different demographics Rates increase Rates Cap BERL Index 2018/19 and 2020/21 to 2022/23 essentially sets out in a single activities. • The sources and levels of funding years has been extracted from the statement, the sources of both access The Funding Impact Statement 2018-2028 Long Term Plan, which the operating and capital funding should be read in conjunction • Maintaining affordability has been audited by the Auditor for the services that Council with Council’s Revenue and provides. The key funding challenge means General; and Financing Policy in Part 3 of the The format of this statement has 2015-2025 Long Term Plan, which the level of investment required to • The financial information for the address the strategic issues and been prescribed in the legislation sets out Council’s policies in year 2018/19 is extracted from the and does not have to meet opportunities has resulted in a need respect of each source of funding 2018/19 Annual Plan. the accounting requirements. of operating and capital expenses for sustained rates increases between The intention is that this new – i.e. the revenue and financing 3.8% and 4.3%. format will provide a more mechanisms to be used to cover understandable picture of what the expenses of the Council. The key infrastructure challenge Council is spending money on is balancing the need to build and how those expenditures are resilience and meet the increasing funded, namely: environmental, health and safety standards while maintaining affordability for ratepayers. The focu s for Coun cil in the The focus for Council in the coming comi ng year s will be deli veri ng years will be delivering services in k serv ices in an effic ient and an efficient and effective manner, Enrol to vote, chec effe ctiv e man ner, invo lving new at or update your info nz involving new and innovative and inno vati ve appr oach es approaches ensuring we maintain ensu ring we main tain affo rdab ility. affordability. AL ELECTIONS FOR ON ON THE 2019 LOC FOR MORE INFORMATI PLEASE CONTACT OUR ELECTORAL ARU A DISTRICT, 0110 THE TAR 374 4080 OR 06 376 OFFICER ON 06
Financial and 15 Infrastructure Strategies DEBT FINANCIAL RATIOS Council uses both external and internal borrowing to fund the The table below shows the financial investments in infrastructure assets. Council mainly borrows from prudence benchmark limits compared the Local Government Funding Agency (LGFA). to actual and proposed limits. In its 2018–2028 Long Term Plan, Council has planned to undertake a significant capital investment programme. As a result, Council’s debt is projected to increase significantly from $21 million to a peak of COMPARISON OF LIMITS AR 2016/17 AR 2017/18 LTP Yr 1 AP 2019/20 LTP Yr 3 LTP Yr 4 LTP Yr 5 $41 million during the course of the Plan, which is close to Council’s Limit 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 current policy limits. The graphs below details Council’s debt and cash investments positions and the corresponding interest cost and revenue. However, there are strategies available to Council to increase its debt RATES AFFORDABILITY BENCHMARK headroom. They are: • Re-prioritise planned projects to remain within the policy debt limits; - Income Limit ($000's) 22,546 23,046 23,215 23,868 24,875 25,713 26,726 • Extend the debt limits to the limits in the LGFA covenants. The - Actual or forecast Income ($000's) 21,838 22,309 22,884 23,879 24,674 25,612 26,611 limits in Council’s policy is well below the LGFA covenants. These - Increases Limit 4.45% 5.53% 4.06% 4.30% 4.17% 4.21% 4.35% self-imposed lower limits are a prudent means to ensure Council maintains capacity to respond to unforeseen events both in the near - Actual or forecast Increases 1.71% 2.30% 3.95% 4.20% 3.88% 3.83% 3.93% and long-term future. • To improve liquidity by increasing the bank standby facility. Council DEBT AFFORDABILITY: has a good relationships with its banks and can increase the facility on short notice. Net Debt as a percentage of total revenue Less than 100% 34.0% 42.0% 41.0% 72.5% 77.0% 80.0% 90.0% Net interest as a percentage of total revenue Less than 7% 0.9% 1.1% 1.7% 1.9% 2.7% 2.8% 2.8% DEBT & CASH INVESTMENT POSITION Net interest as a percentage of annual rates income Less than 10% 1.4% 1.9% 2.6% 3.8% 5.1% 5.5% 5.8% (debt secured under debenture) 50,000 40,000 Liquidity (External, term debt + committed loan Greater than 110% 175.0% 146.0% 155.0% 132.1% 128.0% 125.0% 124.0% ($)000’s facilities + available liquid investments to existing 30,000 external debt) 20,000 Balanced Budget Benchmark Greater than 100% 102.0% 103.0% 96.6% 100.5% 102.3% 104.4% 96.9%* 10,000 Essential Services Benchmark Greater than 100% 149.0% 163.0% 132.6% 144.2% 147.9% 140.7% 106.0% - 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Debt Servicing Benchmark Less than 10% 1.4% 1.6% 2.4% 2.1% 3.3% 3.6% 4.2% Total external debt Total cash & cash investments Limit of net external debt Net external debt * years in which Council is not compliant with limits. FINANCE INCOME & EXPENSE 500 - ($)000’s (500) (1,000) (1,500) 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 (2,000) Finance income Finance cost
Financial 17 Statement of Cashflows Summary Statement of Financial Position All amounts are in $,000’s 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 All amounts are in $,000’s 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES ASSETS Cash was provided from: Current Assets Rates 21,065 21,652 22,885 23,878 24,617 25,560 26,557 Financial Assets 10,309 12,110 10,471 8,286 7,227 7,341 7,587 Grants & Subsidies 9,285 11,576 9,548 11,386 12,424 13,383 10,866 Other Current Assets 116 68 115 68 115 115 115 Fees, Charges and other receipts (incl Donations) 2,130 2,933 2,743 3,105 2,894 2,955 3,000 Total Current Assets 10,424 12,178 10,586 8,354 7,342 7,457 7,702 Interest received 188 202 224 80 95 40 42 Dividends and subvention payments received - - - - - - - Other revenue 527 808 376 231 183 930 250 Non-Current Assets Total 33,195 37,171 35,776 38,680 40,213 42,868 40,715 Other Non-Current Assets 884,096 931,969 912,360 943,601 964,487 990,386 1,013,403 Cash was applied to: Financial Assets 279 375 278 375 278 278 278 Payments to staff & suppliers 21,222 22,314 23,137 24,564 24,117 25,256 25,726 Total Non-Current Assets 884,374 932,344 912,638 943,976 964,765 990,664 1,013,681 Interest paid 513 551 830 813 1,309 1,504 1,678 GST payments - - - - - - - Total 21,735 22,865 23,967 25,377 25,426 26,760 27,404 TOTAL ASSETS 894,798 944,522 923,223 952,329 972,108 998,122 1,021,384 Net cash inflow (outflow) form operating activities 11,460 14,306 11,810 13,303 14,786 16,107 13,310 LIABILITIES CASH FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Current Liabilities Cash was provided from: Other Current Liabilities 4,764 6,369 4,535 4,948 4,731 4,816 4,865 Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 191 - - - - - - Borrowings 3,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 - 2,000 1,000 Proceeds from investments realised 6,144 2,906 250 - - (2,000) (2,000) Total 6,513 2,906 250 - - (2,000) (2,000) Total Current Liabilities 7,765 10,369 6,535 6,948 4,731 6,816 5,865 Cash was applied to: Purchase of fixed assets 17,028 19,629 18,316 21,383 20,192 19,521 15,452 Non-Current Liabilities Purchase of investments 5,400 96 (2,184) (2,232) (1,706) (1,958) (1,788) Other non-current liabilities 977 1,068 1,145 1,190 1,151 1,154 1,156 Total 22,461 19,954 16,132 19,151 18,486 17,563 13,664 Borrowings 8,589 13,687 19,072 24,848 29,597 31,072 34,407 Net cash inflow (outflow) form investing activities (15,948) (17,048) (15,882) (19,151) (18,486) (19,563) (15,665) Total Non-Current Liabilities 9,567 14,755 20,217 26,038 30,748 32,226 35,563 CASH FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Cash was provided from: TOTAL LIABILITIES 17,332 25,123 26,752 32,986 35,479 39,042 41,428 Proceeds from borrowing 2,000 9,000 8,072 7,848 5,731 3,476 4,337 Tenant contributions received 89 - - - - - - EQUITY Total 2,089 9,000 8,072 7,848 5,731 3,476 4,337 Retained Earnings 348,461 344,809 342,466 327,476 346,048 349,663 350,131 Cash was applied to: Other Reserves 529,005 574,591 554,004 591,866 590,582 609,418 629,826 Repayment of borrowings - 3,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 - 2,000 TOTAL EQUITY 877,466 919,400 896,470 919,342 936,630 959,081 979,957 Total 86 3,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 - 2,000 Net cash inflow (outflow) form financing activities 2,003 6,000 4,072 5,848 3,731 3,476 2,337 Net increase (decrease) in cash held (2,485) 3,258 - - 31 20 (18) Total cash at start of the year 2,762 277 2,018 2,018 2,048 2,079 2,099 Total cash resources at end of the year 277 3,535 2,018 2,018 2,079 2,099 2,081
capital 19 Financial funding impact statement All amounts are in $,000’s 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Major Capital Projects SOURCES OF OPERATING FUNDING The following table only lists the major projects Council has budgeted in the relevant years of the Long Term Plan General rates, uniform annual general charges, rates 7,034 7,491 7,963 8,290 8,958 8,954 9,547 and Annual Plan. penalties Targeted rates (other than a targeted rate for water 14,804 14,818 14,921 15,589 15,716 16,658 17,064 All amounts are in $,000’s Total 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 supply) GROWTH Subsidies and grants for operating purposes 5,084 5,266 4,181 4,424 4,231 4,586 4,746 Stormwater Fees, charges, and targeted rates for water supply 2,347 2,324 2,743 3,105 2,894 2,955 3,000 Urban reticulation network extensions 340 85 85 85 85 Interest and dividends from investments 216 192 224 80 95 40 42 Stormwater 340 85 85 85 85 Local authorities fuel tax, fines, infringement fees, and 527 753 376 231 183 930 250 other receipts Wastewater Total Operating Funding (A) 30,012 30,844 30,408 31,719 32,077 34,123 34,649 Wastewater reticulation network extensions 400 100 100 100 100 Wastewater 400 100 100 100 100 APPLICATIONS OF OPERATING FUNDING Water Supplies Payments to staff and suppliers 22,126 24,204 23,137 24,565 24,205 25,329 25,765 Water reticulation network extensions 280 70 70 70 70 Finance Costs 171 679 830 813 1,309 1,504 1,678 Water Supplies 280 70 70 70 70 Total applications of operating funding (B) 22,297 24,883 23,967 25,378 25,515 26,833 27,443 Growth Grand Total 1,020 255 255 255 255 Surplus (deficit) of operating funding (A-B) 7,715 5,961 6,442 6,341 6,561 7,290 7,206 LEVEL OF SERVICE SOURCES OF CAPITAL FUNDING Stormwater Subsidies and grants for capital expenditure 4,354 7,895 5,367 6,962 8,193 8,797 6,120 District Stormwater development 600 150 150 150 150 increase (decrease) in debt 1,665 (588) 4,072 5,848 3,731 3,475 2,336 Stormwater 600 150 150 150 150 Gross proceeds from sale of assets 368 - - - - - - Wastewater Other dedicated Capital funding - - - - - - - Sewerage Treatment discharge to the Manawatu 309 - - - 309 Total sources of capital funding (C) 6,387 7,307 9,439 12,810 11,924 12,272 8,456 Pahiatua Wetland Development 200 200 - - - Dannevirke Land Disposal consent 150 - - - 150 APPLICATIONS OF CAPITAL FUNDING Pongaroa Treatment Upgrade 140 140 - - - Capital expenditure Wastewater 799 340 - - 459 - to meet additional demand 63 - 80 355 387 352 282 - to improve the level of service 7,992 6,949 5,662 8,898 6,746 4,756 2,272 Water Supplies - to replace existing assets 8,908 12,851 12,574 12,130 13,058 14,413 12,898 Pahiatua Water Membrane treatment plant 2,700 2,700 - - - Increase (decrease) in reserves (2,861) (6,532) (2,184) (2,232) (1,707) (1,959) (1,789) Water Leakage Strategy and Implementation 600 300 200 100 - Increase (decrease) of investments - - (250) - - 2,000 2,000 Pongaroa Treatment Plant Stage 2 100 100 - - - Total applications of capital funding (D) 14,102 13,268 15,882 19,151 18,485 19,562 15,663 Water Supplies 3,400 3,100 200 100 - Roading & Footpaths Surplus (deficit) of capital funding (C-D) (7,715) (5,961) (6,442) (6,341) (6,561) (7,290) (7,206) Minor Safety Improvements 4,800 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Pahiatua Main Street Upgrade 1,325 1,325 - - - Funding Balance ((A-B)+(C-D)) - - - - - - - Roading & Footpaths 6,125 2,525 1,200 1,200 1,200 Communites and recreations Facilities Dannevirke Sports Centre development 250 - - 250 - Communites and recreations Facilities 250 - - 250 - Level of Service Grand Total 11,174 6,115 1,550 1,700 1,809
CAPITAL PROJECTS 21 handy Total 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 information: RENEWAL Wastewater NOMINATIONS OPEN IN JULY USEFUL LINKS Wastewater Reticulation renewals 1,800 400 400 500 500 Nominations for candidates for all available positions You can visit any of the below websites to learn more Infiltration Strategy and Implementation 1,155 885 270 - - (listed below) open on 19 July 2019 and close on 16 August about the 2019 Local Elections: Wastewater 2,955 1,285 670 500 500 2019. Voting papers will be sent out from 20 September Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) website: 2019 and must be received by the electoral officer by Water Supplies noon on Election Day, 12 October 2019. Reticulation Water Mains Renewals 2,550 600 650 650 650 Information for voters and candidates about the 2019 Dannevirke Intake pipeline - No2 reservoir 1,520 - 20 750 750 For further information on the 2019 Local Elections, visit Local Elections. or, or contact Water Supplies 4,070 600 670 1,400 1,400 Tararua District Council website: your local electoral officers: Roading & Footpaths Sandy Lowe Information for voters and candidates about the 2019 Drainage renewals 2,200 550 550 550 550 Electoral Officer Local Elections for the Tararua District - including Pavement Rehabilitation 7,385 1,625 1,800 1,980 1,980 06 374 4080 or 06 376 0110 elections resources, key dates and information about Sealed Roads Resurfacing 8,700 2,225 1,975 2250 2,250 standing as a candidate. Unsealed Road Metalling 3,520 880 880 880 880 Katrina Kerr Electoral Commission website: Emergency Reinstatement 2,550 900 550 550 550 Deputy Electoral Officer 06 374 4080 or 06 376 0110 Enrol to vote, check or update your enrolment details. Footpath renewals 1,375 325 300 375 375 Bridge renewals 1,000 250 250 250 250 Carpark renewals 907 157 164 305 281 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Structures Component Replacements 800 200 200 200 200 AVAILABLE POSITIONS Tararua District Council 2018-2028 Long Term Plan: Roading & Footpaths 28,437 7,112 6,669 7,340 7,316 Tararua District Council • Mayor (1 mayor) Tararua District Council 2019/20 Annual Plan: Communites and recreations Facilities • Councillors - two wards Pahiatua pool replacement 500 - 500 - - North Tararua Ward (4 councillors) Dannevirke Sports Centre Stadium renewals 213 - 40 173 - Tararua District Council 2017/18 Annual Report: South Tararua Ward (4 councillors) Communites and recreations Facilities 713 - 540 173 - Community Board Members Tararua District Council Meetings and Agendas: Support • Dannevirke Community Board Pahiatua Service Centre Building 300 300 - - - (4 members) Support 300 300 - - - • Eketahuna Community Board (4 members) COUNCIL MEETINGS Renewal Grand Total 36,475 9,297 8,549 9,413 9,216 Horizons Regional Council Tararua Constituency (1 member) Tararua District Council 2019 Meetings Calendar: MidCentral District Health Board Members (7 members) SUMMARY OF TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURE Wellington Regional Council Wairarapa Constituency - part of the Tararua District only 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 (1 member) Growth 63 5 80 355 387 352 282 Masterton Community Trust Level of Service 8,018 6,238 5,662 7,478 6,747 4,757 2,273 – part of the Tararua District only (6 members) Renewal 8,884 13,577 12,574 12,130 13,058 14,413 12,899 16,965 19,820 18,316 19,963 20,192 19,522 15,454
23 glossary: ACTIVITY The operation of a facility or GENERAL RATE The general rate OPERATIONAL EXPENDITURE All the provision of a service. funds a range of services and is funding for providing services on a based on: day-to-day basis, excluding renewal ANNUAL PLAN (AP) The plan that · land value of the property; and capital expenditure. sets out what the council will be working to achieve in a financial · how the property is used OPERATING FUNDING Revenue – e.g. residential, business; year, how it will spend its money, the received as part of day-to-day · the location of the property level of service to be provided, and activities. Includes user charges and – e.g. urban, rural. the level of rates and other revenue rates but not capital revenue (such as required to fund that spending. SUBSIDIES AND GRANTS Revenue new loans). received from an external agency to ANNUAL REPORT (AR) The RATES A charge against the property help fund an activity or service that document that tracks the council’s to help fund services and assets that the council provides. yearly performance and reports the council provides. against the relevant annual plan. GROUPS OF ACTIVITIES Council’s TARGETED RATES A targeted rate services are divided into eight CAPITAL: LEVEL OF SERVICE Is the is used to fund activities where the groups of activities based on their creation of new assets or the addition local authority considers the cost relationship and the rationale for of new components to existing should be met by particular groups providing them. assets that extend any asset’s service of ratepayers, or that there is some potential. INFRASTRUCTURAL ASSETS other benefit in funding these outside Fixed utility systems that provide a the general rate. CAPITAL: RENEWAL Is the continuing service to the community replacement of existing assets when SERVICE LEVELS The defined that are not generally regarded as they have reached the end of their service parameters or requirements tradeable. These assets include useful life. for a particular activity or service North Island roads, water and sewerage services areas against which service CAPITAL: GROWTH Is the creation and stormwater systems. performance may be measured. of new assets to meet increased LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2002 Service levels usually relate to quality, demand. quantity, reliability, responsiveness, NEW ZEALAND (LGA 2002) Refers to the Local CCTV Closed circuit television. Government Act 2002 that defines environmental acceptability and cost. the powers and responsibilities of FUNDING IMPACT STATEMENT territorial local authorities such as (FIS) Written information that sets the council. out the funding mechanisms that a local authority will use, their level, LONG TERM PLAN (LTP) A plan, Norsewood and the reason for their selection in covering at least 10 years, adopted terms of the principles of financial under section 93 of the Local management. Government Act 2002, that describes Dannevirke the activities the local authority will engage in over the life of the plan, why the local authority plans to Woodville engage in those activities and how those activities will be funded. Pahiatua Herbertville Pongaroa Akitio Eketahuna Wellington
PAHATUA SERVICE EKETAHUNA SERVICE DANNEVIRKE SERVICE WOODVILLE SERVICE CENTRE & LIBRARY CENTRE & LIBRARY CENTRE CENTRE 31 Main Street, Eketahuna 136 Main Street, Pahiatua 45 Vogel St, Woodville Ph: 06 376 0219 (24 hours) 26 Gordon St, Dannevirke Ph: 06 376 0110 (24 hours) PO Box 115, Dannevirke 4942 Ph: 06 376 0200 (24 hours) Fax: 06 376 8181 Fax: 06 376 0113 Fax: 06 376 1025 Ph: 06 374 4080 (24 hours) Fax: 06 374 4137 INFO@TARARUADC.GOVT.NZ WWW.TARARUADC.GOVT.NZ
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