Page created by Randall Mclaughlin
        Rev. William A. With, Pastor
  Rev. Michael C. Gribbon, Parochial Vicar
  Mrs. Margaret Foti, Director of Faith Formation
      Mr. Jake Montagnino, Director of Music
  Ms. Kaitlyn Hardy, Resurrection Sports Association
 Also Ministered by The Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood
   2331 Gerritsen Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11229
    Phone: 718-743-7234 Fax: 718-743-0152
       Website:                              S        S            12:
Masses                                                     T        -F         S           O           T
Weekday: 8:30 a.m.                                         Saturday 5:00 p.m. - Lucy Fishman
Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 p.m.                                                      (20 year Anniversary)
Sunday: 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.                              Sunday 9:00 a.m. - The People of the Parish
Confession                                                          11:00 a.m. - Those enrolled in the
Saturday: 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.                           Purgatorial Society, especially Edward French,
(in crying room in the vestibule of Church)                      Pasqualino & Dorothy Lombardi, &
Other times: By arrangement with Priest.                                   Dorothy Gabbett
Rectory Office Hours                                                  M        ,S             13:
Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon                            S      J       C
                     1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.                        8:30 a.m. - Robert Cartmel, Jr.
             Closed Saturday & Sunday                                     (26th Anniversary)
Administrative Assistant: Kaitlyn Hardy
ACA & Bulletin Editor: Mary Jane Young                               T          ,S            14:
                                                               T E                        H     C
Resurrection Office of Faith Formation
                                                              8:30 a.m. - Michael Johnson (Anniversary)
Phone: 718-891-0888 Fax: 347-875-1175
Mrs. Margaret Foti, Director                                       W              ,S            15:
Mrs. Teresa Zwosta, Secretary                                          O    L         S
                                                            8:30 a.m. - Florence McCarthy (Anniversary)
Good Shepherd Catholic Academy
1943 Brown Street, Brooklyn, NY 11229                               T            ,S            16:
Phone: 718-339-2745 Fax: 718-645-4513                              S       C               C
Parish Membership:                                          8:30 a.m. - Mae & Richard Brandon & Family
Every parishioner should be formally registered. Like-                      (Anniversary)
wise, parishioners are encouraged to use the Sunday                    F      ,S             17:
collection envelopes. We invite you to register at the
Rectory or complete a registration form, found in                   S      R          B
Church, and drop off at the Rectory or register online.         8:30 a.m.- Thomas Grogan (Birthday)
Baptisms:                                                            S           ,S            18:
Usually, on the second Sunday of the month at 12:15                     B          V      M
p.m. Parents wishing to have their child baptized must           8:30 a.m. - Billy Gleason (Birthday)
attend a class prior to the Baptism. Classes are usually
held the first Saturday of the month at 10:30 a.m..                    Sunday, September 19:
Please call the Rectory to register.                            Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Marriages:                                                 Saturday 5:00 pm- Pasqualino & Dorothy Lombardi
Arrangements must be made with the Priest at least 6       Sunday 9:00 am- People of the Parish
months prior to the wedding. One party should be a                11:00 a.m. - Mary Ellen Krems,
parishioner.                                               Joe Mignosi (Anniv), Marie Sheridan (Bday Remb)
For Pre-Cana visit:
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):
For those wishing to become Catholic or wish to receive    The Eucharistic Gifts of Wine & Altar Breads for
1st Communion or Confirmation, please call the Rectory.     the Weekend Liturgies have been offered for:
Anointing of the Sick:                                                Anna Claire Girardot
Anyone scheduled to enter the hospital or is sick should
be anointed. The anointing of the sick is held every
                                                                  Requested by: Nancy Cianflone
Saturday after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Just ask the Priest
and he will pray with you and administer the Sacrament
of the Sick.
The Miraculous Medal Novena & Rosary are recited           The Eucharistic Gifts of Wine & Altar Breads for
after the 8:30 a.m. Mass every Monday. The Rosary is        the Weekday Liturgies have been offered for:
recited everyday after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
                                                                        Robert Cartmel, Jr.
R. C. Diocese of Brooklyn Catholic Cemeteries:
Please contact 718-894-4888 for more information.                   Requested by: Carol Cartmel
Twenty-fourth Sunday
                                                                                  in Ordinary Time
                        Laurence Bazar                                          September 12, 2021
                                                                              The Lord G        is my
                                                                              help, therefore I am not
                                                                                         — Isaiah 50:7
               The Sick of Our Parish
                  Aniya Ardon, Efrain (Al) Arroyo,
                 Lyndon Balter, Lilianna Biscone,
               Carol Cartmel, Marisol CharemSook,                      Faith or Works?
     Jacob Chung, Charles Comi, Patricia Cox,         Sometimes we think the argument of faith vs. works
    Gail Cruz, Carissa D’Alba, Danielle DelDuca,      started with the Reformation. But the second
     Lori DeMario, Claire Denver, Laura Durant,       reading shows that it was already being debated in
 Justine Erikson, Natalie Ferber, Riley Ferguson,     New Testament times. The simplified version of the
            Teresa Ferrier, Judy French,              debate has the Reformers saying that faith alone is
      Bernadette Gallagher, Christopher Gari,         all we need to be saved, while the Catholic side
      Gerard Gribbon, Joan Hope, Mary Hose,           says we have to do good to be saved. Actually,
Janet Jemec, Kevin Michael Kelly, David Kennedy,      they are both right.
  Ilene Klein, Sr. Helen Kearney, Kristie Klegges,    The idea of works being necessary for salvation
 Geraldine Kopp, Patricia Kopp, Stacey Lakiotes,      probably goes back to the Old Covenant emphasis
  Nancy Lawrence, Vivian Levesi, Lisa LoBosco,        on the law and the commandments. They believed
         Kim Loccissano, Patricia Lombardi,           that their religious practices set them apart from the
    Michael Thomas Loughran, Basha Mahajan,           pagans around them.
Andrea Martin, Salvatore Mauro, Edward McCarthy       Then Jesus came to show that only God is Holy.
     Kevin McDonough, Lauretta McDonough,             Our holiness comes from loving God and loving
         Patty McDonough, Tom McQuillen,              others. Because Jesus is the Son of God, he is the
 Carmen Delia Mejia, Marilyn Meyer, Celia Mikos,      best way to know God. So believing in Jesus is not
   John E. Mueller, David Muncie, Helen Murray,       just believing that he exists. We believe in a Person
     Carmela Naimoli, Diane Ng, Cathy O’Brien,        who loves us and showed us that God is our
 Laura O’Brien, John O’Connor, Kimberly Palmo,        Father. He gives us life and protects us; he
    Caridad Del Pozo, Jose Ramirez, Ela Reyes,        supports us and also lets us learn from our
    Nicholas Rodick, Evan Romano, Jane Romo,          mistakes. Then he forgives us, showing that he
         Charles Sabatino, Robert Sansone,            loves us even when we turn away from him.
         Rosa Maria Santos, Moira Sharkey,            So if we truly believe in Jesus we follow his
   Anthony Siconolfi, William Smith, Angel Soto,      commandment of love, because we love him so
 Barbara Stilp, baby Vivian, Joseph Wernersbach,      much we want to be just like him. We help others,
                  Stephen Wiegand                     not to make us look good, but to show them how
   Kindly notify the Rectory with any updates.        good God is. So you cannot truly believe in Jesus
                                                      without wanting to help others to know and love him
                                                      too. Jesus’ way of saying that in today’s gospel was
             Jesus, Savior of the world, sanctify
                                                      to take up our cross and follow him. That is truly a
              Thy Priests and Sacred Ministers.       work of faith.
                       Please pray for:                                    Tom Schmidt, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Sun. Sept. 12: Rev. Ikenna Okagbue
                 Seminarian Cairo Lopez III
Mon. Sept. 13: Rev. Uririoghen Okrokoto                          READINGS FOR THE WEEK
                  Seminarian Callistus Ibeh           Monday:   1 Tm 2:1-8; Ps 28:2, 7-9; Lk 7:1-10
Tues. Sept. 14: Rev. Robinson Olivares                Tuesday:  Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-38;
                  Seminarian David Rodriguez                    Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17
Wed. Sept. 15: Rev. Edwin Ortiz                       Wednesday: 1 Tm 3:14-16; Ps 111:1-6; Jn 19:25-
                  Seminarian Diego Padilla                         27 or Lk 2:33-35
Thurs. Sept. 16: Pray for All Priests & Seminarians   Thursday: 1 Tm 4:12-16; Ps 111:7-10; Lk 7:36-50
                                                      Friday:   1 Tm 6:2c-12; Ps 49:6-10, 17-20;
Fri. Sept. 17:    Rev. Ambiorix Osorio                          Lk 8:1-3
                  Seminarian Elvis Toribro            Saturday: 1 Tm 6:13-16; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 8:4-15
Sat. Sept. 18:    Rev. Pedro Ossa                     Sunday:   Wis 2:12, 17-20; Ps 54:3-8; Jas 3:16 —
                  Seminarian Erik Winkelmann                    4:3; Mk 9:30-37
                                    ANNUAL MASS
                     MOST REVEREND FRANK J. CAGGIANO
                       Bishop of Bridgeport, CT. - Celebrant
                      “Join Us As We Celebrate Life”
                          THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14TH, 2021
                              Resurrection Church
                  2331 Gerritsen Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11229
                         Gerritsen Ave & Whitney Ave
               Parking Available - Church is wheelchair accessible
     The Rosary begins at 7:00 pm followed by the Mass at 7:30 pm
         Investiture in the Brown Scapular following the Mass
2021 Honourees
Rev. Msgr. Robert E. Welsh award to
         Father Michael Panicali
Rev. Msgr. Perfecto Vazquez award to
         Patti Ann McDonald
           Masks must be worn and social
              Distancing maintained
Rosary For Life Inc. 718-377-6920

                      What’s Happening Around the Diocese
    There is NO religious exemption for Catholics as the Vatican has determined that the
                        COVID-19 vaccines are all morally acceptable.
We continue to pray for the cause of canonization for Msgr. Bernard J. Quinn here in the Diocese
of Brooklyn. We must also continue to keep his cause alive, which includes financial contributions.
An Electronic Giving page has been established to help support the Msgr. Bernard J. Quinn Guild
and his cause for canonization. Please go to if you are interested in donating.
Regis High School, an all-scholarship Jesuit secondary school for Catholic Boys is having an
Open House on Columbus Day, Monday, October 11th from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. For additional
information, please write, e-mail or call: Eric DiMichele, Director of Admissions, Regis High School,
55 E. 84 St, NY, NY 10028. Phone: 212-288-1100, Ext. 2057 E-mail:
Saint Columba Church Ladies Guild presents Raffle Night plus Pot-of-Gold Drawing on
Friday, October 29, 2021 (Doors open at 6:30pm) Monsignor Jolley Hall - 2245 Kimball Street
(between Ave. U & V) Donation $30.00 per person (includes snacks, soda, coffee, tea) NO ONE
              For Reservations call: Rose 718-627-4247 or Mary 718-339-0692
Resurrection Parish Mission Statement
            PARISH NEWS                                We, the Body of Christ of Resurrection
                                                       Parish in Gerritsen Beach, Brooklyn,
                                                       proclaim our service to God, our Church,
                                                       and our Community. We celebrate the
                                                       sacramental life of the Church to serve the
                                                       needs of our parishioners and neighbors
                                                       always with faith, hope and charity to grow
  ARE YOU BEING CALLED TO SERVE?                       in love and service to God and one another.
 Resurrection Parish is in need of parishioners to     As a community of believers we will build
serve at Mass as Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers      up our parish as Jesus proclaimed that He
 of Holy Communion, and Ushers. (Extraordinary         is “The Resurrection and the Life.”
 Ministers are also greatly needed to serve at the       I am the Resurrection and the Life
Nursing Home once COVID restrictions are lifted.)
   THE NEXT TRAINING WORKSHOPS ARE:                                2021 PARISH SUPPORT PROGRAM
      October 2021 in Fresh Meadows &                              All parishioners are asked to use the
        December 2021 in Brooklyn, NY                              weekly offertory envelopes. Please
All workshops are held from 9:00 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.                           register at the rectory.
    To register, please contact Fr. With                      September 12    Weekly Offering
  You will need a current Baptismal certificate               September 12    Catholic University
   with Communion and Confirmation date,
                                                              September 19    Weekly Offering
       and Marriage date (if applicable)
                                                              September 19    St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

              Boy Scout Troop 396 will be                      St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Fund
          resuming their meetings. For more            The revenue from this collection is used to
         information or if you are interested in       support Catholic Education in the Diocese.
          joining, please contact Scoutmaster
                   Andrew Sherman at                                     The Choir will resume on or Committee Chair                                    September 19th, 2021
    John Murphy at                                     Rehearsals will be held on
                                                                            Sundays at 10:15 a.m.
                                                        Choir will sing at the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass
                  ST. VINCENT de PAUL
                 Car Program Gives Back                 Interested in becoming part of our Music Ministry,
                                                         please see Jake, our Music Director, after Mass
    For every car, truck, or van (running or not)           or leave a message for him at the Rectory.
St. Vincent de Paul will give back to Resurrection
             $75 to $200 per vehicle.                                    R               - 1250 CLUB
Please call St. Vincent de Paul at 718-491-2525                                 next drawing for
     to donate your old or neglected vehicle.
                                                                              S           19, 2021
                                                                                         M        S    . 20
                                                                                 $10 D
            2021 Baptism Class Dates                     T
   st       nd
  (1 or 2        Saturday of the month at 10:30a.m.)
    October 2, November 6, December 4                                     Please pray for Vocations
     Please call the rectory to register                              “Whoever wishes to come after
                  2021 Baptism Dates                                  me must deny himself.” Do you
                                                                      want to bring others to life in
        (2nd Sunday of the month at 12:15p.m.)                        Christ as a priest, deacon,
  September 12, October 10, November 14                               religious sister or brother?
         At other times by arrangement with            Contact the Vocation Office at 718-827-2454 or
                 Fr. With or Fr. Mike                  email: vocations@diobrook. org.
Resurrection’s Goal: $40,196.00
    Donors: 160     Amount Pledged: $43,585.00        Already Paid: $39,465.85
   a/o 8/30/2021 we have exceeded our goal by $3,389.00, which will come back to
                Resurrection provided the amount pledged is fulfilled.
   Thank you for the overwhelming generosity of those who made a pledge!!!

                                                           What are you doing to enrich
                                                                 your Marriage?

Donors Pledges a/o 8/24/21 Total Paid to Date                  Visit
                                                          Full of resources for engaged & married couples
 181      $588,040.00          $493,763.00
     We thank all our generous donors!                                        GREAT NEWS -
  If you are unable to fulfill your pledge or need to                       Worldwide Marriage
      reduce your original pledge, please notify                         Encounter has gone Virtual!
              Mary Jane at the rectory.                    To support married couples during this time of
      According to the Diocese, 38 Parishioners         social distancing, Worldwide Marriage Encounter is
are in delinquent status in the amount of $61,075.00         sponsoring a Virtual Marriage Experience
                                                                   (a program for good marriages)
          YOUR PLEDGES.                                    The weekend of September 24th - 26th, 2021
                                                          Couples will explore their individual personality
We have already received disbursements from the         styles, improve listening and communication skills,
    Diocese in the amount of $178,010.50. These         understand God’s plan for their marriage, and learn
  funds were put towards work already completed                how to keep their relationship a priority.
   (Rectory & Church Roofs, new Lighting around         Registration is limited-$100 application fee required
the Church property & new Church Sound System)
                                                                 For more information please contact
                                                            Chuck & Mary Jane Young at 718-646-4435
                                                         or to register visit our website at

         We would like to remind you that
Resurrection accepts online donations through                          What does RCIA mean?
                   Give Central.                        RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation for
       Visit to make                Adults. RCIA is the process through which non-
    paperless donations to our church. Type             baptized adults prepare for their Sacraments of
  Resurrection in the search box. Choose an             Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, & Eucharist), &
event, enter the amount of your donation, start         through which those baptized in other Christian
   date & frequency, then click Add to my Gift          faiths join into full communion with the Catholic
Basket. Checkout, hit continue, then complete
                                                        The Catholic Church warmly welcomes new
   profile. You can give using a credit or debit        members. We encourage you to meet with the
 card, or electronic checks, for either one-time        RCIA Coordinator to discuss your specific needs
              or recurring donations.                   and discern where you are on your individual
  Give Central is a secure, online system that          spiritual journey.
allows you to give whenever and however you                     For more information or for help call
like - from home or on the go with your phone.            Fr. Mike Gribbon at the Rectory 718-743-7234.
R               O
                    F     F
                    F : 347-875-1175
                   M .M           F

  Fill out the Registration form on our
     & pay through

      Classes will resume on
 Mon., Sept. 20th & Wed., Sept. 22nd

  If you were unable to attend the
 Parents Meeting on September 8th
 you must contact the office asap.

Catechists Needed - Contact Mrs. Foti
                                        Timothy P. Byrnes, Licensed Manager
                                                                         Mary Ellen P. Byrnes, Licensed Director
  2384 Gerritsen Ave.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (718) 743-1099
             Law Offices of Steven Smith                                                           WHY IS IT
                                                                                       A man wakes up after sleeping
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