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ANNUNCIATION CHURCH "As the father sent me, so I send you." 1307 East Longden Ave., Arcadia CA 91006 Parish Office: 2707 Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 447-6202 / Fax (626) 447-9834 Website: T he readings from Leviticus and from the Gospel of Mark today speak of healing and hope. Leviticus outlines proce- plays of power—over illness, over evil spir- its, over nature—eventually lead him to the “powerlessness” of the cross. dures to prevent the spread of leprosy, a The experience of Jesus guides us in our skin disease understood to be a great dan- own efforts to be of service. Surrendering ger to the community. Those with the dis- control is often very difficult. To be a ser- ease were isolated and ritually impure. Ab- vant is to engage with others, where fre- sent some cure from God, they were con- quently we lose some control over our sidered beyond hope. Their lives were like freedoms, time, and energies. Often there a living death, and likely they saw no future is a cross or two to bear. As Jesus let go of hope in their lives. Jesus’ healing of a control in his life, he also placed his trust in leper was thus a profound sign of the his Father. He invites us to do the same. promised reign of God, which Jesus had earlier announced. The healing was like raising the leper up from death, and thus a FOR THE GLORY OF GOD hint of Jesus’ resurrection. Where are In today’s passage from First Corinthians, there “lepers” today, those isolated or out- Paul concludes his extensive reflections on cast from our communities? Who are those a variety of issues in Christian life, summa- our society considers beyond hope, or rizing with “whatever you do, do everything deems not worth the trouble to offer hope? for the glory of God.” Beyond the specific How can we imitate Jesus in offering a problems he addresses, Paul invites his healing touch to them? listeners deeper, to consider the primary orientation of life in Christ. We live “for the glory of God” when we organize our lives SURRENDERING CONTROL around God’s values and purposes. We The Gospel today concludes the first chap- find our identity within God’s story as de- ter of Mark, which traces the rapid expan- scribed in the scriptures. We are called to sion of Jesus’ ministry. Excitement about join God’s work in care for others. Just like Jesus grows so much that he can’t enter a Paul, we wrestle with many difficult prob- town without being besieged. His healing lems emerging from the messiness of daily of a leper results in a reversal: the leper, living. As Lent approaches, we might claim who had been isolated from the commu- some time to reflect upon how life’s messi- nity, is now free to speak with everyone. ness connects with our identity and calling. Jesus, who before could speak freely, now must isolate himself from the crowds. By Today’s Readings: Lv 13:1–2, 44–46; Ps 32:1–2, 5, 11; 1 Cor serving others, Jesus lost some control 10:31 — 11:1; Mk 1:40–45 over his ministry. This is the first hint of what happens later in Mark. Jesus’ dis-
Annunciation Church Masses for This Week Saturday, Feb. 13th 5:00 p.m. Msgr. O’Connell RIP Jennifer Santo Domingo Sunday, Feb. 14th Ash Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. Fr. Chua We have prepared individual, sealable baggies that will contain blessed ashes. RIP Junior Marquez, Irena Attached to this baggie will be instructions regarding how to properly anoint Paradowska and John Nguyen yourself and others, how to dispose of them, and some catechetical information S.I. Clara Nguyen on what Ash Wednesday signifies in the Catholic Church. For those who at- 10:00 a.m. VIETNAMESE Fr. Nguyen tend Mass this weekend, one baggie will be handed out as you leave the park- 12:00 p.m. SPANISH Fr. de la Vega ing lot following the conclusion of Mass. On Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17th, we S.I. The Parishioners of Annunciation will offer the pre-bagged ashes on a drive-thru basis. Volunteers will be in our Monday, Feb. 15th parking lot from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Please 8:30 a.m. Fr. Chua enter the parking lot on the East side—from Peck Road. You will be di- S.I. Gina Wells rected to one of two lines to pick up your ashes. There will be a pre-recorded Tuesday, Feb. 16th Mass available for your viewing at your convenience that day. You are encour- 8:30 a.m. Msgr. O’Connell aged to view Mass prior to your anointing. S.I. Marta Paradowska-Lopez Wednesday, Feb. 17th Rain Policy: 8:30 a.m. Fr. Herbert We have developed a policy that will be followed in the event that rain affects our RIP John Nguyen weekend Masses. If it is raining at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, and rain is in the fore- Thursday, Feb. 18th cast for the remainder of that day, our Vigil Mass and Confessions will be can- 8:30 a.m. Fr. Herbert celled. If it is raining at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday and rain is in the forecast for the re- RIP Severino and Encarnacion de Leon mainder of the morning, our Sunday Masses will be cancelled. This information will Friday, Feb. 19th be posted on our website ( and our Facebook page 8:30 a.m. Fr. Chua (Annunciation Catholic Church. If you are unsure about the celebration of Mass, RIP Irena Paradowska please check those sources for information. Lenten Discipline: By Divine Law, as recorded in Sacred Scripture, the life of a Christian must be a life of penance. To encourage this ideal, the Church has set forth these rules and Masses for Next Week regulations for the observance of Lent: Saturday, Feb. 20th A. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. 5:00 p.m. Fr. Eugene B. All Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence only. RIP Teresa Marquez Church Law binds as follows: Sunday, Feb. 21st A. The Law of Abstinence (not eating meat) obliges those who have 8:00 a.m. Msgr. O’Connell completed their 14th year. S.I. Clara Nguyen, Karel Van Tilborg B. The law of Fast (only one full meal each day, the other two meals to- and Armando Rami9rez gether being less than one full meal, with nothing between meals) RIP Theresa Vui Tran and the Carlton obliges those who have completed their 21st year until the beginning of Family their 60th year. 10:00 a.m. VIETNAMESE Fr. Nguyen C. Grave inconvenience excuses from the laws of fast and abstinence. 12:00 p.m. SPANISH Fr. Chua S.I. The Parishioners of Annunciation Outdoor Masses: Monday, Feb. 22nd † The Vigil Mass will be celebrated at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, the Vietnamese 8:30 a.m. Msgr. O’Connell Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, and the Spanish Mass will be S.I. The Ruiz Family celebrated at 12:00 p.m. on Sunday. The 8:00 a.m. English Mass is the same. Tuesday, Feb. 23rd † If you wish to bring your own chair(s) and sit outside your car during Mass, 8:30 a.m. Fr. Herbert you are welcome to do so. To ensure everyone’s safety, chairs must be placed S.I. The Parishioners of Annunciation in front of your car only, in order to maintain appropriate social distancing from Wednesday, Feb. 24th the cars around you. Personal-sized only umbrellas are allowed so as to not 8:30 a.m. Fr. Chua block the view of attendees who might be seated behind you. RIP John Nguyen † Masks are required when you enter the parking lot, if you remain in your car Thursday, Feb. 25th with any of the windows rolled down, or if you choose to sit outside your car 8:30 a.m. Fr. Herbert during Mass. They are optional if you choose to remain in your car with the S.I. Francine Moore windows rolled up. We are trying to maximize the parking spaces for those Friday, Feb. 26th attending Mass and ask that all support volunteers (ushers, Eucharistic Minis- 8:30 a.m. Fr. Chua ters, Lectors, music ministers, etc.) park inside the gate area just outside the RIP John Nguyen Parish Hall. Daily Mass streams at 11:00 a.m., Sunday Mass in English at 11:00 a.m., and Spanish Mass at 2:00 p.m.. You can access these Masses on our website (, Facebook (Annunciation Catholic Church), or YouTube (Annunciation Catholic Church Arcadia).
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Feb. 14, 2021 ¿Sabia Que? Please Pray For: the Stadler family, La mayoría de los adolescentes están ansiosos por tener citas de novi- Augie Herrera, Eddie Herrera, and all azgo, al contrario de los padres de familia, quienes pueden estar menos who are ill. ansiosos porque llegue ese momento. Su propia preparación y la de su hijo or hija adolescente para tener citas inteligentes y seguras es clave. Como familia, establezca reglas y hágalas cumplir. Discuta a quién pueden ver sus hijos, qué actividades están permitidas o prohibidadas, qué tan tarde pueden quedarse fuera. Asegúrese de que su hijo o hija adolescente tenga claro cómo manejarse en situaciones difíciles y que tenga una “salida” si necesita apoyarse en usted o en otro adulto de confi- Calendar of Events: anza. La honestidad y la especificidad harán que estas conversaciones Sunday, Feb. 14th tengan más impacto y que sea más probable que queden grabadas en la mente de su hijo adolescente. Para obtener más consejos sobre cómo Monday, Feb. 15th manejar las citas de noviazgo entre adolescentes, lea el articulo de VIR- Presidents’ Day TUS “Preparándose para el dia en que su adolescente comience a tener Offices Closed citas de noviazgo” en Tuesday, Feb. 16th Wednesday, Feb. 17th Weekday Mass Schedule: Ash Wednesday Mass is celebrated at 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday in the Parish Hall. Socially distanced seating, and masks are required. Please enter Thursday, Feb. 18th the hall through the south door (which faces the parking lot). Friday, Feb. 19th Online Carmelite Retreat: The Discalced Carmelite friars invite you to join them in an online Saturday, Feb. 20th Lenten Retreat. The theme of this retreat is “Journey From Dwelling Place to Dwelling Place With St. Teresa of Avila” and was inspired by her book, Inte- Lord, Protect Them Joseph Villamayor Air Force rior Castle. You can register using the Elizabeth Villamayor Air Force form on the following website: www.retreat Robert James Logan IV Army There is no charge for Adrian Mc Nally Army Ronnel Resurrecion Navy this retreat. Daniel Smith Marines Patrick Thompson Navy Catherine Holdren Coast Guard Virtual Bereavement Sessions: Robert Wrischnik Marines St. Luke Church in Temple City is offering a Brandon Tennis Navy virtual 8-week Bereavement Support Pro- Rafael Hernandez, Jr. Marines Mario Monoz Marines gram for those who have suffered a loss. It is Emma Larenas Navy open to all faiths, non-threatening, caring and Gabriel Jimenez Air Force very loving. Sessions will be held virtually at Brian Griffiths Marines John B. Goss Marines 7:00 p.m. on Zoom Thursday, Feb. 4th Noe Villanueva Army through Mar. 25th. The only cost involved is Stephen Cain Marines $12.00 for the workbook. Please call the Preston Ellis Air Force Matthew Aldrete Army Pastoral Office at (626) 291-5900 to register. Patrick Parra Army Please provide your e-mail address and Justin R. Lozano Marines phone number. Reservations are required Vianca Medina Army Carlos Casillas Army in order to participate. Alex Quesada-Bocanegra Marines Carlos Rodriguez Army Jacob Davis Navy Shannon S. Everitt Air Force Liezl Sarte Air Force Last Week’s Offertory Collections Mariel Constantino Air Force Christopher Moss Marines Jan. 31, 2021: $ 7,413.00 Nicholas GoddardApril 7, 2002 Army Last Year : $ 7,294.00 David Aguilera Army Jason Smith Marines Online Giving: $ 1,870.00 Offering Brandon CollectionNavy Patanjo $9,310.50 Together in Mission—2020 Michael Stanton Army Goal Amount: $ 54,834.00 Alex Ascanio Marines Amount Pledged: $ 70,000.00 ThankMartinez Matthew you and GodArmy bless you. Osvaldo Santillan Air Force Amount Paid: $ 68,067.57 Lazarus Fuentes Marines Difference OVER Amount Paid: Cristian Jesus Garcia Army Marco Andres Garcia Army $13,233.57 Michael Beltran Navy
Chính Chúa là nơi con ẩn náu, khắp bốn bề trổi vang những khúc ca mừng con được giải thoát. Bài đọc 1 Lv 13,1-2.44-46 Người mắc bệnh phong hủi, phải ở riêng ra bên ngoài trại. Bài đọc 2 1 Cr 10,13--11,1 Anh em hãy bắt chước tôi, như tôi bắt chước Đức Ki-tô. Tin Mừng Mc 1,40-45 Chứng phong hủi biến khỏi anh, và anh được sạch. Suy Niệm Bài Phúc âm hôm nay, thánh Marcô cũng tường thuật lại một cử chỉ đẹp mà Chúa Giêsu đã dành cho người bệnh phong hủi nan y. Ngài đưa tay chạm vào thân thể lở loét của anh. Một thân thể hôi hám và dơ bẩn mà người đời đã xa tránh. Hành động này không chỉ nhằm mục đích chữa bệnh cho anh mà còn xoa dịu nỗi đau trong lòng của anh. Anh bị người đời khinh chê. Anh bị xã hội loại trừ. Người đời xếp anh vào hàng tội nhân bị Thiên Chúa giáng hoạ. Khi chạm đến thân thể anh, Chúa Giêsu cũng chạm đến tâm hồn anh. Anh được chữa lành cả hồn lẫn xác. Tâm hồn anh cũng bình an và tươi vui. Từ nay anh không bị người đời xa lánh, khinh chê. Từ nay anh không còn tủi hổ vì phận số bất hạnh của mình. Qua Chúa Giêsu, anh được cộng đồng đón nhận. Nhờ Chúa Giêsu, anh được xã hội nhìn nhận. Giờ đây anh có thể sống tươi vui như bao con người khác trong xã hội. Anh không còn mặc cảm về bệnh tật. Anh không còn mặc cảm bị khinh chê. Chúng ta không ngạc nhiên khi một người phong hủi đi tìm kiếm và đến gặp Đức Giêsu. Anh ta nài xin Ngài giúp anh ta trở lại hòa nhập với cộng đồng. Qùy gối trước mặt Đức Giêsu, anh ta khẩn xin tha thiết với một ước muốn giản đơn, “Nếu Ngài muốn, Ngài có thể làm cho tôi được sạch”. Mặc dù bệnh nhân không nài ép Chúa với một cung điệu ai oán và trang trọng, nhưng anh ta bày tỏ mong ước với một động thái xác quyết và tin tưởng, vì “Ngài có thể làm việc này”. Đây là một thái độ biểu tỏ đức tin. Anh ta tin tưởng tuyệt đối vào quyền năng của Đức Giêsu và tín thác nơi lòng trắc ẩn của Ngài. Người mắc bệnh phong cùi là hình ảnh tượng trưng cho tâm hồn tội lỗi, vì tội lỗi cũng chính là thứ phong cùi thiêng liêng, làm cho tâm hồn chúng ta trở nên hôi thối và chết dần chết mòn. Bời đó, với một lòng tin tưởng, chúng ta hãy chạy đến với Chúa Giêsu, để được chữa lành, để được tha thứ, nhờ đó, chúng ta được liên kết với Thiên Chúa và với anh em, sợi dây liên kết này vốn đã đứt đoạn do tội lỗi của chúng ta. “Một lời nói hay - không bằng một cử chỉ đẹp”. Cuộc sống sẽ hạnh phúc hơn khi mỗi người biết làm đẹp lòng nhau. Cuộc sống sẽ bớt đi những tủi hờn, những cô đơn và thất vọng nếu chúng ta biết sống đẹp với nhau. Đừng chơi xấu, đừng loại trừ nhau, nhưng hãy đón nhận nhau. Mỗi người chúng ta hãy can đảm loại bỏ những hành vi thô lỗ, cộc cằn từ chính gia đình chúng ta. Mỗi thành viên trong gia đình hãy biết dâng tặng cho nhau những cử chỉ đẹp như: sự quan tâm, sự khiêm tốn, ôn hoà và hiền hậu với nhau. Chúng ta không thể sống trọn vẹn đức ái Kitô giáo nếu chúng ta không yêu mến gia đình chúng ta. Đức ái luôn mời gọi chúng ta phục vụ nhau một cách quảng đại, hy sinh và quên mình. Đức ái mời gọi chúng ta sống khiêm nhu, hiền lành và nhẫn nại với nhau. Đức ái bao hàm sự bao dung và đón nhận nhau trong yêu thương và tha thứ. Đức ái mời gọi chúng ta dâng tặng cho nhau những nghĩa cử yêu thương làm đẹp lòng nhau.
C on el Evangelio de hoy se termina el primer capítulo de Marcos, el cual sigue la expansión rápida del ministerio de Jesús. El entusiasmo por PARA LA GLORIA DE DIOS En el pasaje de la primera carta a los corintios, Pablo concluye sus reflexiones extensas sobre una Jesús aumenta tanto que él no puede entrar a un variedad de temas de la vida cristiana, resumiendo pueblo sin que sea asediado. La curación del leproso con “todo lo que hagan, háganlo todo para la gloria resultó en un cambio, el leproso, que se había aislado de Dios”. Más allá de los problemas específicos que de la comunidad, tiene ahora la libertad de hablar con él presenta, Pablo invita a sus oyentes a profundizar, quien quiera. Jesús que antes podría hablar libre- a considerar la orientación primaria de la vida en mente, ahora debe aislarse de las multitudes. Al ser- Cristo. Vivimos “para la gloria de Dios” cuando or- vir a los demás, Jesús perdió el control sobre su min- ganizamos nuestra vida alrededor de los valores y isterio. Esta es la primera indicación de lo que pasará propósitos de Dios. Encontramos nuestra identidad después en Marcos. La manifestación del poder de dentro de la historia de Dios como se describe en las Jesús sobre las enfermedades, los espíritus inmun- Escrituras. Estamos llamados a unirnos a la obra de dos y la naturaleza; con el tiempo lo llevarán a la Dios en el cuidado de los demás. Al igual que Pablo, “impotencia” de la cruz. luchamos con muchos problemas difíciles que surgen La experiencia de Jesús nos guía en nuestro propio del desorden de la vida diaria. Al acercarse la esfuerzo por servir. Entregar el control a menudo es Cuaresma, podríamos solicitar tiempo para reflex- muy difícil. Ser un siervo es comprometerse con los ionar en cómo el desorden de nuestra vida se demás, donde frecuentemente perdemos algún con- conecta con nuestra identidad y vocación. trol sobre nuestras libertades, tiempo y energías. A Lecturas de hoy: Lv 13:1–2, 44–46; Sal 32:1–2, 5, 11; 1 Cor 10:31 — 11:1; Mc menudo hay una o dos cruces que tenemos que car- 1:40–45 gar. Mientras Jesús dejaba el control de su vida, él también depositaba su confianza en su Padre. Él nos invita a hacer lo mismo.
We encourage you to take notes as you reflect on this week readings / homily:
ANNUNCIATION CHURCH 1307 East Longden Avenue, Arcadia CA ~ Pastor: Liturgy Rev. Freddie Chua Francine Moore (626) 930-0448 In Residence: Eucharistic Ministers Rev. Eugene Herbert Linda Gutierrez (626) 446-7837 Pastor Emeritus Lectors Msgr. Timothy O’Connell Christine Hunt (626) 422-3934 Sacristans Kathy Trinaystich (626) 359-6553 LITURGIES Altar Servers Saturday Evening Vigil Frances Luna (626) 327-6147 5:30 PM Ushers Sunday Raul Arias (626) 357-6465 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Music Ministry 12:00 Noon (Español) Joella Merten, Dir. (626) 821-0264 3:00 p.m. (Vietnamese) Joe Adamski (626) 437-5921 4:45 p.m.—Liturgy of the Hours Francine Moore (626) 930-0448 Carlos Orozco (626) 371-6438 Weekday Mass Schedule Deidre Stadler (626) 357-1433 8;30 a.m. Mon. Tue. Thurs. Friday Wed. [Marian Devotion] PARISH ORGANIZATIONS with O.L.O.P.H. Devotion Pastoral Council 7:00 P.M. Rosary OFFICE: David Gutkind (626) 622-5024 7:30 P.M. Mass of the B.V.M. 2701 Peck Road Couples/Singles for Christ Monrovia, CA 91016 First Friday Schedule Perry Rivera (909) 594-6475 Telephone: (626) 447-6202 7:45 A.M. Reconciliation Bereavement Fax: (626) 447-9834 8:30 A.M. Mass & Exposition Gary Cooper (626) 482-5041 Monday – Friday 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. All Day Adoration Finance Council (Closed for lunch from 12:00—1:00 P.M.) 7:30 P.M. Benediction Jerry Gutierrez (626) 446-7837 Office Manager Perpetual Adoration/Nite Adoration Ms. Christine Hunt Ext. 11 Fatima First Saturday Devotion Leticia Carbajal (626) 277-9429 Receptionist 7:00 P.M. Adoration Rosary Prayer Group Mrs. Kathleen Trinaystich Ext. 10 8:00 P.M. Mass Gary Miller Meditation Group Holy Days Pat Arkosy (626) 444-9355 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Vigil: 5:30 P.M. Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick 2701 South Peck Road 8:30 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. Marie Nimmrich (626) 448-3304 Monrovia, CA 91016 Telephone: (626) 446-1625 Christian Service Reconciliation Temporarily Closed Monday & Wednesday 5:00—8:00 P.M. Saturday: 3:30 to 5:00 P.M. Tuesday & Thursday 2:00—8:00 P.M Grupo de Oracíón or by appointment Teresa Villareal (626) 236-0374 Closed on Fridays Director Safeguard the Children Matrimony Arcie Reza Dianne Logan (626) 303-6299 Six months notice required. Please Office Staff: Alexandra Dixon and Encuentro Matrimonial: contact the Parish Office to schedule Jessica Tang Ramiro y Mirna Cabrera (626) 376-1079 an appointment with the Pastor. Confirmation/Youth Ministry Fatima First Saturday Devotion: Arcie Reza Baptism Jo DeLa Torre (310) 663-1955 Please stop by the Parish Office to Divine Mercy Prayer Group pick up the necessary paperwork Lupe Sheets (626) 716-1714 R.C.I.A. (Adults Only) Sandra Rivera (626) 506-9068 and to be given the name and phone Women’s Ministry number of the Baptism Catechist to Joella Merten (626) 821-0264 contact and pre-register for your BLD Prayer Community R.C.I.A. for Children/F.I.R.E. Kathy Dela Paz (626) 629-0788 classes. Children’s Liturgy Intercession Ministry Esther and Susan (626) 446-1625 Child Abuse Hotline Gloria Murillo (626) 316-0628 Reporting Sexual Abuse: Justice & Peace Ministry (800) 355-2545 Mark Mc Cormick Heather T. Banis (213) 637-7650 Prayer Chain Ministry Ph.D Marie Nimmrich (626) 448-3304
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