29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario - October 17, 2021 17 octubre 2021

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario - October 17, 2021 17 octubre 2021
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time~ Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
                       October 17, 2021 ~ 17 octubre 2021
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario - October 17, 2021 17 octubre 2021
THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH                                  PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK
                October 17, 2021                                        AND INFIRM OF
                                                                       ALL SOULS PARISH
                                            Mass Intentions
Sunday, October 17                                                 Bob Billman        John Johnston
 7:30am      Holy Mass-Español               People of All Souls
 8:30am      Rosary                                                Sally Boeger       Ganon W. Jones
                                                                   Al & Be Brockmeyer Richard Magill
 9:00am      Holy Mass-English Vincent & Filipa de la Cruz ϯ
                                      Ancestors & Descendants      Jack Crosby        Becky Ochoa
10am-Noon Confession                                               Dawn Eisenbeis Betty Palmer
10:15am      SVDP Mtg. - Hall                                      Agnes Faron        Mary Reed
11:00am      Misa Santa-Español Por las Almas del Purgatorio ϯ     Greg Gibson        Joe Renda
                       Vargas, Escanilla & Contreras Families      Pat Hall           Jean Richardson
Monday, October 18                                                 Vera Hanneken      Charles Seng
 7:30am      Holy Mass - English             Catherine Klump ϯ     Re Henke           Joan Schneider
                       Vargas, Escanilla & Contreras Families      Marge Heidbrink Patricia Siterlet
 9:00am      Quilters                                              Pat Hespen         Mary Ann Walsh
 6:30pm      PSR - School                                          Mary Isbell        Glenda Winship
Tuesday, October 19
 7:30am      Holy Mass                             Bea Cretin ϯ
                       Vargas, Escanilla & Contreras Families
10:00am      Elderberries - Hall
  5:30pm     Confessions till 7:30pm
 6:30pm      Misa Santa Español                  Eduardo Perez
 7:00pm      Coro Español - Church
Wednesday, October 20
 6:30pm      Christian Action Group Mtg. - Hall
Thursday, October 21
 7:30am      Holy Mass - English               Albin Winschel ϯ
                       Vargas, Escanilla & Contreras Families
 9:00am      Quilters/Minute Men
 6:00pm      Quilters
 6:00pm      Adult Catechist Class - Hall
 6:30pm      Venture Crew - School
 6:30pm      Choir Practice - English
 7:00pm      Boy Scout Troop Mtg. - School
 7:30pm      Catecismo para Adultos - Hall
Friday, October 22                                                      WEEKLY OFFERING
 7:30am      Holy Mass                  Tom (ϯ) & Betty Halley
                       Vargas, Escanilla & Contreras Families
                                                                          October 10, 2021
 6:00pm      Quinceanera Rehearsal                                 General Fund      $7,778.00
 7:00pm      Reunion Couples - Hall
Saturday, October 23
                                                                   St. Joseph Fund      287.00
 7:30am      Misa Santa-Español                   John Masek ϯ     SVDP/CAG             165.00
 1:00pm      Sherlyn Torres Quinceanera                            World Mission        100.00
 4:00pm      Rosary
 4:30pm      Holy Mass - English              Jerome Koerber ϯ     Permanent Deacon 190.00
Sunday, October 24                                                 Catholic Univ.         2.00
 7:30am      Holy Mass - Español            People of All Souls    Black/Native Mission 20.00
 8:30am      Rosary
 9:00am      Holy Mass - English                Beth Zumwalt ϯ     Retired Religious     20.00
10:15am      All Souls Novena Begins - Church                      Total             $8,562.00
10am-Noon Confession
11:00am      Misa Santa-Español Por las Almas del Purgatorio ϯ        THANK YOU ~ GRACIAS!
FEAST OF ALL SOULS ~ NOV. 2, 2021                                FIESTA DE TODAS LAS ALMAS
          ROSARY NOVENA                                         NOV. 2, 2021 ~ ROSARIO NOVENA
      October 24th - November 1st                                  24 de octubre - 1 de noviembre
                                                              Únase a nosotros como el Padre Ochoa nos con-
Please join us as Fr. Ochoa leads us in a Bilin-              duce en una Novena del Rosario Bilingüe, nueve
gual Rosary Novena, nine consecutive days,                    días consecutivos, en honor a la Fiesta de Todas
in honor of the Feast of All Souls.                                              las Almas.
     Sunday, October 24th & 31st                                   Domingo 24 y 31 de octubre
       Following the 9am Mass                                    Después de la misa de las 9 a. M.
  Weekdays, Oct. 25th - 29th - 7:15pm                             De lunes a viernes, del 25 al 29
       Saturday, October 30th                                        de octubre a las 7:15 pm
     Following the 4:30pm Mass                                         Sábado 30 de octubre
   If you cannot join us in person at church,                    Después de la misa de las 4:30 pm
       please join us in spirit at home or                     Si no puede unirse a nosotros en persona en la iglesia,
               live on Facebook                               únase a nosotros en espíritu en casa o vivir en Facebook

                                            SHARON SIEFKER
                                             MIKE SEITHEL
                                            ROGELIO CRUZ y
                                     TERESA de JESUS GONZALEZ
                                      Luz, Jonathan, Rogelio y Ariana

                               MAXIMILIANO CALDERON SANCHEZ
                                   Hijo de: Cesar Calderon Corona y Ana Sanchez Tena
                                    DALARY CALDERON SANCHEZ
                            Hija de: Antonia Calderon Corona y Yaxiri Sanchez Tena
                                                SOPHIA OCHOA
                                       Hija de: Edward and Victoria Ochoa
                                    NOAH STRICKLAND VAZQUEZ
                                         Hijo de: Arlette Vazquea Carbajal
                             GEORGE EARL JR. y ZURIANNA BAKER
                                  Ninos de: George Earl Sr. and Zulema Vazquez
                                           TADEO MEDINA RICO
                                          Hijo de: Guadalupe Rico Media

                                                Wedding Banns
                Publicamos la amonestación del compromiso matrimonial para los siguientes
For the Third time/Por Tercera Vez:
Please inform the Pastor if you know of any just and valid reason why this couple may not be lawfully joined together in
                                      holy matrimony. Kindly keep them in prayer.
Por favor, informe al Párroco si conoce alguna razón justa y válida por la cual esta pareja no pueda unirse legalmente en
                                 el santo matrimonio. Por favor manténgalos en oración.
ALL SOULS REMEMBRANCE                                            TODAS LAS ALMAS RECUERDO
                                                               "El Libro de los Muertos" se puede en-
“The Book of the Dead” can be found in
                                                               contrar en la parte trasera de la iglesia,
back of church, please enter the names
                                                               por favor ingrese los nombres de sus
of your
                                                               seres queridos fallecidos. Serán record-
deceased loved ones.
                                                               ados colectivamente durante nuestra No-
They will be remembered collectively
                                                               vena del Rosario de Todos los Santos y
during our All Souls Rosary Novena and
                                                               durante nuestras Misas en el Día de To-
during our Masses on All Souls Day, No-
                                                               dos los Santos, el 2 de noviembre.
vember 2nd.

  RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE                                        CRUZ ROJA DONACIÓN DE SAN-
 Sun., Nov. 7th ~ 9am-1pm - Hall                                            GRE
Please consider donating for this life-                         7 de noviembre 9am-1pm - Salón
saving effort. Type O is especially                            Considere hacer una donación para este
needed.                                                        esfuerzo que salva vidas. El tipo O es es-
                                                               pecialmente necesario.
Sign up sheets will be in the back of
                                                               Las hojas de registro estarán en la parte
church or schedule your appointment
                                                               de atrás de la iglesia o programe su cita
on line at redcrossblood.org using                             en línea en redcrossblood.org usando el
sponsor code: allsoulscc.                                      código de patrocinador: allsoulscc.

               PUMPKIN PIES                                          PASTELES DE CALABAZA
The St. Anne Sodality will bake pumpkin pies to be sold         St. Anne Sodality horneará pasteles de calabaza que se
for Thanksgiving.                                                          venderán en Acción de Gracias.
       Regular or Sugar Free $8 per pie                             Regular o sin azúcar $ 8 por pastel
   Pies must be ordered by November 15 by                         Las tartas deben pedirse antes del 15 de
        calling Justine at: 429-7756 or                          noviembre llamando a Justine: 429-7756 o
                 Mary Ann at:                                               Mary Ann: 428-1869.
                   428-1869.                                   Las tartas deben recogerse el lunes 22 de noviembre an-
Pies must be picked up on Monday, November 22nd by             tes de las 3pm o se pueden concertar horarios especiales
3pm or special pick up times can be arranged.                                        de recogida.

         WORLD MISSION SUNDAY                             DOMINGO MUNDIAL de las MISIONES
October 23-24 we will celebrate World Mission Sun-        23 y 24 de octubre celebraremos el Domingo Mun-
day. Pope Francis invites the entire church to sup-       dial de las Misiones. El Papa Francisco invita a
port mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Is-    toda la Iglesia a apoyar a las diócesis en Africa,
land, and parts of Latin America and Europe, where        Asia, las Islas del Pacifico y partes de America Lati-
priests, religious and lay leaders serve the world’s      na y Europa, donde sacerdotes, líderes religiosos y
most vulnerable communities. Please keep the              líderes laicos sirven a las comunidades más vulnera-
Pope’s missions in your prayers and be generous in        bles del mundo. Por favor sigan orando por las
the collection for the Society for the Propagation of     misiones del Papa y sean generosas en la colecta
the Faith.                                                para la Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe.
                             CHRISTMAS BASKETS NEEDS
Each year the members of the Christian Action Group and SVDP Society along with the
efforts and generosity of All Souls Parishioners, provide food and gifts to our neighbors
who have been marginalized due to poverty, neglect, illness and again this year, Covid-19.
Below is a list of suggested non-perishable, non-glass/non-breakable items needed for the
food baskets. Gifts ideas will be listed later this month.
            Please leave your donations in the boxes in the Church Vestibule.
     If you can not get out or have no time to shop, gifts cards are always welcome!
                                 Contact: Charlie Wurm at 314-920-1904
Apple Sauce                        Flour/ Baking Soda/Powder        Sugar
Beans                              Gravy                            Bath Tissue
Bread Crumbs                       Instant potatoes                 Bath Soap
Cake Mix                           Jams/Jelly                       Brushes/Combs
Canned: Fruits, Vegetables,        Jello/Pudding                    Hand/Body Lotion
Meats & Meals, i.e.: Chili,        Juice Boxes                      Hand sanitizers
Stews, Pastas, Tuna, Chicken,      Mac‘n Cheese                     Hand Soap
Carrots, Corn, Green Beans,        Oatmeal                          Kleenex
Mushrooms, Peas, Potatoes,         Pancake Mix/Syrup                Laundry Soap
Spinach, Tomatoes, Peaches,        Pasta Sauces                     Mouth Wash
Pears, Mixed Fruit, etc….          Peanut Butter                    Napkins
Cereals                            Pork & Beans                     Paper Towels
Condiments: Ketchup, Mayo,         Rices                            Sanitizing wipes
Mustard, Hot Sauce, etc…           Salt, Pepper, Spices, etc...     Shampoo/Conditioner
Cookies                            Stuffing                         Tooth Paste/Brushes/Floss
Crackers/Snack Crackers/Treats     Soups

                                     FESTIVAL UPDATE
Many thanks go out to Festival Chair, Kevin Faron, Ad Book Chairs, Rich & Carol
Kilzer, Raffle Chairs, Charlie and Mary Ellen Wurm, St. Anne Sodality Quilters,
cooks and kitchen help and all volunteers who worked tirelessly to make our Festi-
val Dinner a wonderful success! Over 250 dinner were served, Ad Books were dis-
tributed and Raffle Prizes were won!
           Many thanks too to all who supported the Festival with your
             donations, ticket sales and prayers! See you all next year!
Quilt Raffle Winners                            Grand Raffle Winners
Queen Quilt:    Tom Ney                             $3000       Ed LaFaver
Baby Quilt:     Rich Bader                          $1000       Michael Hynes
Table Runner: Rick Spier                            $ 500       Mel Klump
                                                               Jacob McGillicuddy
                                                    $ 250       Al Navo
                                                                Marian Westcott
                                                                Elsie & Abi Crane
                                                               Humberto Gonzalez
Immaculate Conception of Dardenne
                                                                           QUILT SOCIAL
                                                            Sat., Oct. 23 door at 11am ~ Bingo at 12pm
                                                                       Food - Friends - Bingo!
                                                                    Lunch available for purchase
                                                            Hand Made Queen Size and Baby Quilt Raffle

          Contact: Mary Beirne: 636-253-6721
                Oct. 18, 2021
                                                              ALL SOULS PARISH
Monday: St. Luke, Evangelist                             IGLESIA DE TODAS LAS ALMAS
2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk       Pastor
Tuesday: St. John de Brebeuf & Isaac         Fr. Anthony Ochoa                                            ext. 110
Jogues, Priests & Companions, Martyrs        Fatheranthonyochoa@gmail.com
Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; Ps 40:7-10,    Deacon/Diácono
17; Lk 12:35-38
Wednesday: St. Paul of the Cross, Priest     Samuel Lee
Rom 6:12-18; Ps 124:1b-8; Lk 12:39-48        samuelhlee@mindspring.com
Thursday: Rom 6:19-23; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk
12:49-53                                     Pastoral Associate - Asistente Pastoral
Friday: St. John Paul II, Pope               Ruth Reimer ~ dismasldy@sbcglobal.net                         ext. 104
Rom 7:18-25a; Ps 119:66, 68, 76-77, 93-94;   Coordinator Of Hispanic Ministry - Director del Ministerio Hispano
Lk 12:54-59
Saturday: St. John of Capistrano, Priest     Dr. Lorenzo Castro ~ hisminta@gmail.com                       ext. 105
Rom 8:1-11; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 13:1-9     Office Assistant - Ayudante de Oficina
Sunday: 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Jer 31:7-9; Ps 126:1-6; Heb 5:1-6; Mk        Neyra Nunez ~ nntodaslasalmas@gmail.com                       ext. 101
10:46-52                                     Business Manager - Contadora
                                             Susan Shelton ~ smmshelton89@gmail.com                        ext. 106
              18 octubre 2021                Wednesday and Thursday ~ Miércoles y Jueves
Lunes: San Lucas, evangelista                Parish Secretary - Secretaria
2 Tim 4:10-17b; Sal 145 (144):10-13, 17-
18; Lc 10:1-9                                Mimi Minner ~ mminner311@gmail.com                            ext. 108
Martes: Santos Juan de Brebeuf e Isaac       Monday, Tuesday, Friday ~ Lunes, Martes y Viernes
Jogues, Presbítero y compañeros, már-
tires Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; Sal 40   Baptism - Bautizos
(39):7-10, 17; Lc 12:35-38                   Call the Pastor for arrangements/Llamar al padre para programar el
Miércoles: San Pablo de la Cruz,             bautismo
Presbítero Rom 6:12-18; Sal 124 (123):1b     Matrimony/Matrimonios
-8; Lc 12:39-48
Jueves: Rom 6:19-23; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc        Call the Pastor for arrangements at least six months in advance
12:49-53                                     Llamar al Padre por lo menos seis meses de anticipación
Viernes: San Juan Pablo II, Papa             Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions
Rom 7:18-25a; Sal 119 (118):66, 68, 76-77,
93-94; Lc 12:54-59                           Devoción de Nuestra Madre del Perpetuo Socorro
Sábado: San Juan de Capistrano,              Tues. following Holy Mass - Martes - Después de la Misa de 7:30am
Presbítero Rom 8:1-11; Sal 24 (23):1b-       Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament / Adoración del Santísimo
4ab, 5-6; Lc 13:1-9
Domingo: Trigésimo domingo del tiempo                Thursdays following Holy Mass until 9am/Benediction
Ordinario J er 31:7-9; Sal 126 (125):1-6;           Jueves - Después de la Misa de 7:30am hasta las 9:00am
Heb 5:1-6; Mc 10:46-52
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