Mary of the Visitation Catholic Church -

Page created by Bonnie Guzman
Mary of the Visitation Catholic Church -
Becker                                 Big Lake
                     Mary of the Visitation
                       Catholic Church
  Mailing Address: PO Box 100 • Big Lake, MN 55309-0100
   Phone: 763-447-3339 • Fax: 763-263-3187 (Big Lake)
               Fax: 763-275-0246 (Becker)

 MISSION STATEMENT — We, the people of Mary of the Visitation parish, are a                Parish Cell Phone: 763-250-0233
 Catholic community bound together by the Word of God, sacramental worship, and            Call this number if you have a pastoral emergency.
 the call to service.
 VISION STATEMENT — Through the proclamation of the Word of God and                        Pastoral Visit for the Sick — Call Father Mike at
 embraced by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we seek to be welcoming, to grow spiritually,   763-447-3339 to request a pastoral visit, Holy
 to see Christ’s presence in others, and to offer our care and service to all.             Communion, Reconciliation, or Anointing of the
                                                                                           Sick, at home, at the hospital, or at another care
                                                                                           facility, for you or for a family member.
 MOTTO — “See Christ In Others; Be Christ For Others!”
                                                                                           Weekend Mass Schedule
                                                                                           Saturday - 5:00 pm
                                                                                           Sunday - 8:30 & 10:30 am
                                                                                           Weekend Mass Location Schedule
                                                                                           Becker Location
                                                                                           (12100 Sherburne Ave.)
                                                                                           1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month
                                                                                           Big Lake Location
                                                                                           (440 Lake St. N.)
                                                                                           2nd and 4th Sundays of the month
                                                                                           Weekday Masses — Please see Weekly Calendar
                                                                                           of Events on Page 8 for day, time, and location or
                                                                                           check the parish calendar at
                                                                                           Sacrament of Reconciliation
                                                                                            Saturday, 3:45—4:15 pm (follows the Weekend
                                                                                              Mass Location Schedule)
                                                                                            By appointment (please contact Father Mike at
                                                                                           Sacrament of Baptism — Baptisms (during Mass)
                                                                                           have resumed. The next Baptism weekend is July
                                                                                           2/3 (Becker location). Membership with a Catholic
                                                                                           parish is required. A baptism prep class is required
                                                                                           for the first child baptized. Please begin
                                                                                           arrangements at least 4 weeks in advance. Contact
                                                                                           Danette for additional details.
                                                                                           Sacrament of Marriage — Arrangements must be
                                                                                           made with Father Mike a minimum of 6 months in
                                                                                           Welcome! — We would like to welcome all those
                                                                                           visiting with us today. If you are interested in
                                                                                           becoming a member, please plan to attend a New
                                                                                           Member Orientation session (the next session is
                                                                                           scheduled for Wed., August 10 / 6:30 pm / Becker).
                                                                                           To register for class, visit the parish website (select
                                                                                           Join the Parish under Quick Links) or call the office
                                                                                           for more details.

Pentecost Sunday / June 5, 2022
Mary of the Visitation Catholic Church -
PARISH STAFF                                                                             PRAYER MINISTRY
Pastor .........................................................................Fr. Mike Kellogg   Prayer is a powerful gift from God. Prayer can be used to give ................................. 763-273-8406                    praise, in thanksgiving, for forgiveness, for guidance or when in
                                                                                                   need. Listed below are ways we are able to offer prayers for
Director of Faith Formation ............................................. Barb Olson               others: 763-273-8411
                                                                                                      If you have an immediate prayer request, please contact Fr. Mike at
Director of Youth Ministry ........................................ Doug Watercott                      763-250-0233. He will forward the request to the Prayer Team. 320-241-3827
                                                                                                      As a parish, we have been asked to pray for the following people. If
Director of Music / Liturgy........................................... Gretchen Roe                     you would like a name included on this list, please send a request to ............ 763-273-8864 or 763-262-7388                         or contact Danette at
                                                                                                        763-447-3339. Out of respect, we ask that the person being listed
Bookkeeper / Parish Census.............................................. Patti Kroll                    has given permission to be added to the bulletin. Names will remain 763-447-3339                      on the list for 4 weeks unless other arrangements have been made.
Volunteer Coordinator / Communications .................... Sue Willing 763-447-3339 or 763-273-8410                                            Dick Adams                  Doug & Wanda Paumen
                                                                                                               Bobb Anderson                     Pete Schmidt
Secretary ................................................................... Danette Toenies
                                                                                                               Vincent Benassi                  Jason Van Dyke 763-447-3339 or 763-273-8408
                                                                                                                 Judy Brandt                       Dale Vogl
Housekeeping .............................................................. Teresa Riebel                        Dan Brekke                  Woody & Bonnie Wodrich
                                                                                                                   Bob Colin                      Sheila Yarke
Office Staff available by Phone: Monday through Thursday: 8:00 am
                                                                                                              Marek Dombroske
to 2:30 pm; Staff is not available on Friday. Please call ahead if you
need to get into the building to make sure someone is available.                                               Elliana Haugen
                                                                                                              Elizabeth Miesen
Physical Addresses                                                                                             Celeste Mohler
(Post Office does NOT deliver to these addresses)
                                                                                                                 Terry Myers
12100 Sherburne Avenue, Becker, MN 55308
440 Lake Street North, Big Lake, MN 55309                                                                     Dennis Nagorski
Please send mail to: PO Box 100, Big Lake, MN 55309                                                               Mitch Otto

Bulletin Deadline — Please have articles submitted to Danette two
weeks prior to bulletin date.

                                                                                                                Please pray for those active in Military Service

                          PASTORAL COUNCIL                                                                 Noah Arrigoni          Tyler Jensen          Nick Malikowski
                                                                                                         Andrew Berglund         David Johnson          Anthony Mohler
3 year term (ending 6/30/2022)                                                                           Nicholas Caouette        Matt Johnson        Nicholas Robertson
James Adelman ............................................................. 320-249-4775                  Joshua Ginther         Brittney Kostek         Jacob Smith
Greg Scherber ............................................................... 763-237-2692                  Alex Heinen           Alex Lumley          Jeremy TenEyck
3 year term (ending 6/30/2023)                                                                              Matt Howell           Kelli Lumley
Melissa Dumonceaux ..................................................... 320-293-5957
Jeff Howell ....................................................................... 763-313-1722
Geary Keppel ................................................................. 763-263-2769
3 year term (ending 6/30/2024)                                                                          The Serra Club of St. Cloud asks that we pray for priests and
Bonnie DeZelar ................................................................ 763-263-3746                 seminarians of the diocese throughout the year.
Brenda Ewing ................................................................. 612-219-4071
Trustee                                                                                                     Sunday, June 5          Rev. Roger Klassen, OSB
Sandi Ferris .................................................................... 763-263-5599              Monday, June 6          Rev. LeRoy Maus
Clay Wilfahrt ................................................................... 763-688-4150              Tuesday, June 7         Rev. Timothy Wenzel
                                                                                                            Wednesday, June 8       Rev. Stephen Beauclair, OSB
Minutes from Pastoral Council meetings can be found on our website at                                       Thursday, June 9        Rev. Vincent Lieser If you do not                                            Friday, June 10         Rev. Stanley Wieser
have access to the website, a copy of the most recent minutes can be                                        Saturday, June 11       Rev. Cletus Connors, OSB
found in the scheduling area at either location.

Pentecost Sunday / June 5, 2022                                                                                                                                       Page 2
Mary of the Visitation Catholic Church -
Eucharistic Adoration
Mondays / 5 am—11 pm / Becker
Adoration is a time to rest with our Lord, to spend quiet time with him through His Blessed Sacrament on the altar. You can spend your quiet
time in prayer or reading the resources available at the sign-in desk by the side door of the church. You may come for a short time or as long as
you’d like. You may enter the main doors during office hours or knock on the side door and someone will open it. Please come and find peace. If
you have questions regarding Eucharistic Adoration, please contact Theresa Slominski (763-227-0654) or Julie Haecherl (612-219-3337).

Rosary                                                Book Club Meeting
Thursdays / 8:30 am / Big Lake                        Thurs., June 16 / 10:00 am / Becker
                                                      The book being read/discussed in June is The Madness of Crowds by
Contribution envelopes are available for
                                                      Louise Penny. New members are welcome to join at any time! If you
Children, Youth and Guests at both locations. The
                                                      have questions, please contact Kelly Ciernia at 763-263-7577.
envelopes can be found in the narthex and
annex. Please feel free to take what you need.
                                                      Baptism Preparation Class
Religious items—Rosaries, prayer cards,               Tues., July 5 / 6:30 pm / Big Lake
medals, etc., are available in the narthex and        If you have not taken the class and are expecting a baby, please plan to attend.
annex. Feel free to take what you need, either for    You can register online at (select Sacraments tab) or
yourself or someone else.                             call Danette at 763-447-3339.

Donation Containers—We continue to take               Red Cross Community Blood Drive / Hosted by: Knights of Columbus
donations on behalf of the below organizations.       Mon., July 18 / Noon until 6:00pm / Mary of the Visitation (Big Lake)
Containers for these items are available at both      Schedule an appointment online at or call 1-800-RED
locations.                                            CROSS. You may also contact Norb Vossen at 763-263-1814.
 Lions Recycle For Sight—Used eyeglasses/
   sunglasses/hearing aids can be recycled to         Vacation Bible School (VBS)
   provide aid to those in need in our                Mon. through Fri., Aug. 1—5 / 9—11:30am / Big Lake
   communities.                                       Registration is now open for this summer’s Vacation Bible School. VBS is for
 Soles 4 Souls—Used/old shoes become                children ages 4 through children entering 5th grade in 2022-23. Registration forms
   valuable to those in poorer countries where        are located at each location; plus, this year you may register online! (Visit our
   they are repaired (thus providing employment       website to access this form.) Registrations are due by July 15. See the Faith
   for the local residents in those countries) and    Formation column, page 4, for more details.
   then put to good use. Please be sure that the
   footwear is attached in pairs and somewhat
                                                      New Member Orientation
                                                      Wed., August 10 / 6:30 pm / Becker
Mass Intentions—It is the custom of the
                                                      Become part of our parish! You can register for the orientation session online at
Catholic Church that priests remember specific (select Join the Parish under Quick Links) or call
intentions at the celebration of the Eucharist.       Danette at 763-447-3339.
Normally, an offering (customarily $10 in the
Diocese of St. Cloud) is given for a Mass             Adopt-a-Spot / Becker and Big Lake
intention. (Can. 946--The Christian faithful who      It’s that time again when help is needed to keep the grounds around the properties
give an offering to apply the Mass for their          manicured and maintained (there are many areas available to adopt!). Duties
intention contribute to the good of the Church and    include weeding and general sprucing up of your area prior to weekend Masses.
by that offering share its concern to support its     The grounds that require attention have been divided into sections. If you are
ministers and works.)                                 interested in seeing what spots are still available for adoption, please check the
                                                      parish website at (clink on the link located towards the
Anyone can request a particular intention for         bottom of the main page) or contact Sue Willing at 763-447-3339 or
which a Mass can be offered (for a living or
deceased person, or for a special intention--in
thanksgiving, for peace, healing, etc.). For the                           Please take me home! If you have provided a salad or dessert
month of July there are 9 openings; for the month                          for any of the past several funerals—THANK YOU! Your
of August there are 16 openings. If you are                                donation is greatly appreciated! There are empty dishes
interested in scheduling a Mass Intention, please                          remaining at the Becker and Big Lake locations that are
contact Danette at 763-447-3339.                                           anxiously waiting to go home!!

Pentecost Sunday / June 5, 2022                                                                                                           Page 3
Mary of the Visitation Catholic Church -
FAITH FORMATION                                              Youth for Truth / U-JAM / Kids for Christ
                                         REGISTRATION IS                            MOTV YOUTH MINISTRY MISSION STATEMENT
                                            NOW OPEN                                          To inspire Youth to develop
                                                                                          their relationship with Jesus Christ
                                         For Vacation Bible
                                                                                                        — and —
                                              School                                         empower discipleship through
                                                                                            prayer, service and community.
Send your kids on a desert adventure! Registration is now                            YOUTH GROUPS FOR 2021-2022 School Year
open for this summer’s Vacation Bible School, the week of
August 1-5 in Big Lake. VBS is for children ages 4 through                  Kids for Christ—Grades 3-5
children entering 5th grade in 2022-23.                                     6-7 meetings a year from 3:00–5:00 @ Youth Center in Becker
Registration forms are located at each location; plus, this                                     from 2:30–4:30 @ Youth House in Big Lake
year we have added an online registration form! Visit our
website to access this form. Registrations are due by July                  U-JAM—Grades 6-8
15.                                                                         Meetings on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 on dates in which there
                                                                            is no Journey of Faith. Meetings will rotate between Becker and
At Monumental Totally Catholic VBS, kids celebrate God’s                    Big Lake.
greatness! Monumental is filled with awesome Bible-
learning experiences kids see, hear, and touch! Sciency-                    Youth for Truth—Grades 9-12
Fun Gizmos™, team-building games, unforgettable Bible                       Meetings will be every Wednesday from 8:00-9:30. Meetings will
songs, Catholic Saints, and tasty treats are just a few of
                                                                            rotate between Becker and Big Lake.
the standout activities that help faith flow into real life.
Plus, we ’ll help kids discover how to see evidence of God                  Youth Leadership Team—Grades 11-12
in everyday life—something we call God Sightings®. Get                      For Youth desiring more leadership opportunities in the parish
ready to hear that phrase a lot!
                                                                            and diocese. Meets monthly.
We are in need of older youth and adults for small
group leaders. Please contact Barb if you are willing                                         THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK
to help, or if you have any questions.
                                                                                                BE GOOD TO PEOPLE!
                                                                                   You will be remembered more for your kindness
                                                                                 than any level of success you could possibly attain!!
                                                                                         UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS
                                                                               Tue. June 7—Confirmation trip to Sharing & Caring Hands
              Sharing & Caring Hands Service Experience
Confirmation candidates, if you have not already signed up for a                     Bus will leave Becker at 7:15am and Big Lake at 7:30am
Sharing & Caring Hands trip, please do so as soon as possible.                       We will return around 2:30pm
Remember to turn in your Consent Form before the trip. The sign-ups            Mon. June 13—Valleyfair Trip
and forms are available on our website. Our first trip is this week, June            Pease return money and permission form by June 5.
7. This trip is full; candidates not signed up yet will need to choose a             Bus will leave Becker at 8:45am and Big Lake at 9:00.
different date (June 21, July 12, July 26).                                          We will return around 7:00pm.
                                                                               Tue. June 21—Confirmation trip to Sharing & Caring Hands
                 Journey of Faith Registration                                       Bus will leave Becker at 7:15am and Big Lake at 7:30am
                            REGISTRATION for Journey of Faith                        We will return around 2:30pm
                            2022-23 will open on July 1. Registration          Tue. July 12—Confirmation trip to Sharing & Caring Hands
                            information is sent to all parish families by            Bus will leave Becker at 7:15am and Big Lake at 7:30am
                            email, and includes a personalized link for              We will return around 2:30pm
                            online registration. Information and forms         July 17-22—Middle School Mission Trip to Duluth
                            will also be available at both locations.                We will be leaving on Sunday, July 17th at 1:00pm.
Our parent / adult sessions this year will feature an exploration of the             We will return on Friday, July 22 around 5:30pm.
New Testament. All adults in the parish are invited to join us for these       Tue. July 26—Confirmation trip to Sharing & Caring Hands
sessions!                                                                            Bus will leave Becker at 7:15am and Big Lake at 7:30am
                                                                                     We will return around 2:30pm
                         Like us on Facebook - search for:
                        Mary of the Visitation Faith Formation
                                                                            Christ’s Peace to All,
         Faith Formation Office is at the Becker Location
                                                                                                                   Doug Watercott

Pentecost Sunday / June 5, 2022                                                                                                        Page 4
Mary of the Visitation Catholic Church -
MUSIC & LITURGY NOTES                                                          LITURGICAL MINISTERS

THANK YOU, ADULT CHOIR! This weekend marks the end of                            Please remember that you are responsible for your ministry
the season for the Adult Choir as we break for the summer. We are                   when scheduled. You are asked to find a replacement
truly blessed as a parish to have so many dedicated musicians who                    for your ministry when you are unavailable to serve.
are willing to step out and serve in music ministry. I want to personally
thank all of our singers and instrumentalists for their dedication, humor                       BIG LAKE LOCATION
and fellowship—and most of all, for their love of and passion for
praising God in song. Your ministry is a powerful witness to the great
                                                                               Saturday, June 11 / 5:00 pm Mass
things God can accomplish when we unite ourselves in common
purpose. It is a privilege to work and worship with you and I pray the         Sacristan(s):   Vicki Cote
summer months find you enjoying peaceful rest and relaxation!                  Greeters:       Gretta and Jill Laudenbach, Volunteer (1)
Thanks again and blessings to you all!                                         Ushers:         Ron Dietl, Tom Lee, David Martin
                                                                               Server(s):      Lauren Laudenbach, Taya Olson
Considering Ministry?                Summer is a great time to take            Lector(s):      Kathy Hanson, Terry Perman
advantage of more relaxed schedules to explore new things. If you’ve           Euch. Min.:     Colleen Corrigan, Vicki Cote, Kim Johnson
ever thought about joining liturgical ministry, this is the time to check it
out. Training can be scheduled at any time throughout the year, and if
you’re not sure what’s involved or which ministry might be the best fit        Sunday, June 12 / 8:30 am Mass
for you, simply call and set up a time to discuss the options. At this         Sacristan:     Trish Gingras
time, we are especially in need of additional Eucharistic Ministers and        Greeters:      Josh, Mason and Shari Villeneuve
Ushers. As we return to the season of Ordinary Time, let’s take the            Ushers:        Les Hinrichs, Mason and Samantha Lumley
command to “go into the world” to heart—to be Easter people all year           Server(s):     Bella and Tanner Villeneuve
long—and find new ways to share our gifts as we seek to grow in faith          Lector(s):     Steve Gingras, Juanita Johnson
and discipleship.                                                              Euch. Min.:    Bruce Kuechle, Bill Lyons, Dennis Nagorski
Ministry Substitutes:           We know plans can change suddenly
during the summer months. Please remember to check the Ministry                Sunday, June 12 / 10:30 am Mass
Schedule carefully and to find a substitute if you find you are unable to      Sacristan:     Deb Goenner
serve when you are scheduled. Please also be as flexible as you                Greeters:      Teresa Devine, Rick and Tracy Johnson
can in helping each other out with substitutions! If you arrive early          Ushers:        Charlie, Gabriella and Samuel Dumonceaux
for Mass and are willing to help out, please let the sacristan know you        Server(s):     Evedson Johnson
are available in case any positions need to be filled. Thank you for           Lector(s):     Ben Dumonceaux, Pam Eichen
being attentive and responsible to these very important ministries!            Euch. Min.:    Erik and Melissa Dumonceaux, Deb Goenner
Rehearsal Reminders: Rehearsal on WEDNESDAY in BIG
LAKE this week:                                                                   If you are able to assist at any of the Masses listed below,
  Wed., June 8—Cantor Practice, 6-7 pm                                                    please contact Danette at 763-447-3339 or
                                                                                Thank you!
                                            In Christ, Gretchen       Roe      Date    Mass      Liturgical Minister(s)
                                                                               June 11 5:00      Greeter (1)
                                                                               June 19 10:30     Ushers (3)
                                                                               June 25 5:00      Greeters (1 or 2), Altar Servers (1 or 2)
                  PRAYER OF THE WEEK                                           June 26 8:30      Altar Servers (1 or 2)
                                                                               June 26 10:30     Ushers (3), Altar Servers (1 or 2)
Pentecost Sunday
O God, who by the mystery of today’s great feast
sanctify your whole Church in every people and nation,
pour out, we pray, the gifts of the Holy Spirit
                                                                                            BAPTISM ANNOUNCEMENT
across the face of the earth
and, with the divine grace that was at work                                                       Welcomed through the Waters of Baptism
when the Gospel was first proclaimed,
fill now once more the hearts of believers.                                                                Ramsey Thomas Orrock
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
                                                                                                    Son of Grant & Kendra (Hubbard) Orrock
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.                                                                                           June 5, 2022

Pentecost Sunday / June 5, 2022                                                                                                              Page 5
Mary of the Visitation Catholic Church -
STEWARDSHIP of our FINANCES                                                HAPPENINGS in our AREA
                                                                     Fun, Food & Fund Day--”Take Jesus Home”
                        Adult Income Received                        Thurs., June 16 / St. Mary’s Parish / 755 Kraft Drive / Melrose, MN
                        May 23—29, 2022                 $ 5,639.00   Registration and Refreshments begin at 8:30 am
                                                                     Pre-registration is $15 by June 10; $20 at the door. Handicapped
                        Adult income                                 accessible. Send registration to Lora Knafla, 11719 16th Avenue NW, Rice,
                        budgeted per week:         $ 13,048.00       MN 56367. For more information, call: Caroline Jacobs, 320-267-2878;
                                                                     Arlene Roelike, 320-282-9941;; website:
                        (yearly budget of $678,500 ÷ 52 weeks)

            (Fiscal Year: July 1, 2021—June 30, 2022)                National Eucharistic Revival
                                                                     Sat., June 18 / 1 pm / St. Mary’s Cathedral / St. Cloud, MN
                                                                     Join us for the diocesan kickoff of the National Eucharistic Revival. The day
                                                                     includes keynoter Father Derek Wiechmann, witness speakers Deacon John
                                                                     Wocken, Michael Haney and Mary Jo Legare-Hoffman, small group activities
                                                                     and refreshments. Eucharistic adoration and confession will be available.
                                                                     The day concludes with 5 p.m. Mass with the bishop, including a Corpus
        $100 CALENDAR RAFFLE WINNERS                                 Christi procession. The event is FREE and all are welcome. To learn more
                                                                     about this national initiative, visit; and local efforts at
                     June 4, 2022—Denise Kerr                        with questions.

             June 5, 2022—Marge Riemenschneider                      Experience the Real Presence of Jesus!
                                                                     You are invited to spend some time in prayer with Jesus in the Blessed
                                                                     Sacrament during the 24-hour Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Vigil following
                                                                     the National Eucharistic Revival Kickoff on June 18. Adoration will take place
                                                                     at St. Mary’s Cathedral from 6:00 pm on June 18 and will conclude before
                                                                     the 6:00 pm Mass on June 19. We would love to have representatives and
                                                                     groups from across the diocese participate in this beautiful time of prayer.
                                                                     Please contact Tricia Walz to sign up for an adoration hour: 320-248-7358 or
                           COUNTERS                         Security will be provided during the overnight
                                                                     adoration hours.
                  June: Christa R., Kelly B., Jill M.
                                                                     Girls, God and Good Times, 3G, is a Benedictine summer camp,
                                                                     offered by the Sisters at Saint Benedict's Monastery. It will be offered
                   July: Andy L., Bill L., Paula H.                  June 20-22 for girls currently in 4th - 5th grade and July 25-27 for girls
                                                                     currently in grades 6th - 12th. It's an opportunity to grow in faith, make new
                                                                     friends, spend time with Sisters and have fun! For more information and to
                                                                     register visit:

                                                                     2022 Summer Vocation Events
                                                                     June 21-23: Avon Vocation Camp (7th–10th grade)
                ADVERTISER of the WEEK                               July 11-13: Bus Tour (7th–12th grade)
                                                                     August 13: Paschal Challenge, Sauk Centre (9th–12th grade)
                                                                     More information or to register:
            Our advertisers make our bulletin possible
                     at no cost to the parish.                       Stewardship as a Way of Life: “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the
                                                                     Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all
             Please let them know your appreciation!                 that I told you” (John 14:26).
                                                                     The materialism of our society lures us to concentrate more on what we want
                                                                     than on what God wants for us. The relativism of our world tells us that we
                                                                     should be tolerant of all things, that there is no absolute truth. Pray to the
                                                                     Holy Spirit to transform our lives and to guide our thoughts, words and
                                                                     actions. What you put in your head, heart and mind affects your actions. Put
                                                                     good things in and good things will come out.

                                                                     Bishop’s Annual Appeal: Thank you to those who have already supported
                                                                     diocesan ministries through the Appeal. As of May 23, the Appeal raised
              Thank you for your support!                            $964,593 in gifts and pledges toward the goal of $1,400,000 with gifts from
                                                                     5,904 households. Every dollar raised goes directly to ministries that
             Interested in becoming a bulletin advertiser?           support our Catholic faith and is not used for any other purpose. Will
     Contact the bulletin publisher, JS Paluch, at 1-800-566-6170.   you help these ministries meet their funding needs? Visit

Pentecost Sunday / June 5, 2022                                                                                                                 Page 6
Mary of the Visitation Catholic Church -
Consider Remembering
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                                                                                                  Dr. Brandon
                                                                                                                                               Knights of Columbus
                                                                                                  Buesgens, D.C                                  Council #9140
                                                                                                                                                Becker/Big Lake
                                                                                                            Dr. Toni
                                                                                                      Buesgens, D.C
                                                                                                                                              Mary of the Visitation
                                                                                                                                                Catholic Church
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                                                                                                                                              Big Lake, MN 55309

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                                                                                                  763-262-5050                                           Lake Shopping Center
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Mary of the Visitation Catholic Church -
HAPPENINGS in our AREA (Cont’d)                                   WEEKLY CALENDAR of EVENTS
Diaconate Ordination                                              Monday, June 6—The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the
Sat., June 11 / 10:30 am / St. Mary’s Cathedral / St. Cloud, MN   Church
 Jesús Hernández Chávez                                         Gn 3:9-15, 20 or Acts 1:12-14; Ps 87:1-3, 5-7; Jn 19:25-34
 Mario Mancilla
                                                                  5 am—11 pm        Eucharistic Adoration               Becker
 Carlos Pesqueda Silva
 Lorenzo Sánchez Rodríguez
                                                                                    No Liturgy                          Becker
 Jorge Carrillo-Ambriz
                                                                                    No Liturgy                          Big Lake
                                                                  7:00 pm           Women’s Bible Study                 Becker
Perpetual Monastic Profession                                     7:00 pm           AA and Al Anon Meeting              Big Lake
Mon., July 11 / 10:30 am
Sacred Heart Chapel / St. Ben’s Monastery / St. Joseph, MN        Tuesday, June 7—Weekday
 Sister Bridgette Powers                                        1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16
 Sister Laura Suhr                                              5:00 pm          Mass (For Healing)                  Big Lake
For more information, please call 320-363-7100 or visit                                                  Wednesday, June 8—Weekday
                                                                  1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8, 11; Mt 5:17-19
                                                                  8:00 am          Mass († Darla Mrazek)                Becker
              GOD’S WORD for CHILDREN                             8:00 am          Word and Communion Service           Big Lake
                                                                  6:00 pm          Cantor Practice                      Big Lake

                                                                  Thursday, June 9—Weekday; St. Ephrem, Deacon and Doctor
                                                                  of the Church
                                                                  1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps 65:10-13; Mt 5:20-26
                                                                  8:00 am          Mass († Bob & Elda Weiand)   Becker
                                                                  8:00 am          Word and Communion Service   Big Lake
                                                                  8:30 am          Rosary                       Big Lake
                                                                  7:00 pm          Buildings and Grounds        Becker
                                                                  8:00 pm          AA Meeting                   Becker

                                                                  Friday, June 10—Weekday
                                                                  1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32
                                                                  8:00 am          Mass                               Big Lake
                                                                                   (For Deceased Members of the Midas Family)

                                                                  Saturday, June 11—St. Barnabas, Apostle
                                                                  Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-10; Mt 5:33-37
                                                                  3:45—4:15 pm Reconciliation                           Big Lake
                                                                  5:00 pm          Mass († George Pappenfus)            Big Lake

                                                                  Sunday, June 12—The Most Holy Trinity
                                                                  Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15
                                                                  8:30 am           Mass († Christine Colin)           Big Lake
                                                                  10:30 am          Mass (For the People)              Big Lake

                                                                             OPEN HOUSE ANNOUNCEMENT

                                                                                   Wini Herda is turning 90!
                                                                           Open House on Sunday, June 5 / 1—3 pm
                                                                         Parkview Center / 200 Park Lane / Buffalo, MN

Pentecost Sunday / June 5, 2022                                                                                            Page 8
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