February 27, 2022 - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page created by Jared Hill
February 27, 2022 - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 27, 2022 - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                         WILL THIS LENT OPEN THE EYES OF OUR HEARTS?

                This coming week, starting with Ash Wednesday, we begin the season of
                Lent. This is a time for us to reflect on our faith journey and rededicate
                ourselves using prayer, almsgiving and fasting during this Lenten season.
                The ancient practice of Ash Wednesday reminds us that we are mortal.
                Receiving ashes causes us to pause and look at our lives—remember
                what we are made of, remember where we are going. Lent encourages us
                to fully immerse ourselves and use this season to enhance and deepen
                our faith.

Our reading from Genesis reminds us that our lives on this earth are transitory. We are a finite people who possess
hope in the infinite, that which is beyond ourselves. Bearing ashes that we receive on Ash Wednesday throughout
the day is a visible mark to others of the message contained in the Genesis passage. We become living witnesses
of that truth as we enter the Lenten season.

In the Gospel today, we hear Jesus talking about blindness and sight. Jesus asks if a blind person can guide anoth-
er blind person? Jesus, in this question, is not necessarily talking about physical blindness. He is asking a larger
question: Are we “opening the eyes of our hearts”? Are we allowing ourselves to see and be open to the spirit of
God working in our lives, are we attentive to the pull of God in our lives? We cannot lead others or be an exam-
ple unless we first recognize our own blindness and seek to open our eyes and deepen our faith. Lent means re-
fraining from saying empty and meaningless words, words of harsh and hasty criticism, of simplistic analyses that
fail to grasp the complexity of problems, especially the problems of those who suffer the most. Let us strive for
openness as we seek to deepen our faith through prayer, almsgiving and fasting.

                               “Lent is the time to say no to the asphyxia of a prayer that soothes our conscience,
                               of an almsgiving that leaves us self-satisfied, of a fasting that makes us feel good.
                               Lent is the time to say no to the asphyxia born of relationships that exclude, that try
                               to find God while avoiding the wounds of Christ present in the wounds of his broth-
                               ers and sisters: in a word, all those forms of spirituality that reduce the faith to a
                               ghetto culture, a culture of exclusion.”    Pope Francis, Homily, 1st March 2017

Deacon Duncan
Pastoral Associate, St. Joseph’s Church       585-586-8089 x113       Duncan.Harris@sjcpenfield.com
Co-Director, Penfield Hope                    585-586-5139            penfieldhope@gmail.com

                                     Holy Spirit 9:00 AM and 5:30PM
                                St. Joseph’s 9:00AM, 5:30PM and 7:30PM
February 27, 2022 - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Stewardship: Time, Talent and Treasure


Next weekend, Meg’s Gift is generously sponsoring a
special paper goods collection for Penfield Hope in
addition to the monthly Phillip the Van food
collection. Meg’s Gift was founded by the family and
friends of Megan Garbach, daughter of Deacon Ray
and Kathy, to positively impact mental health care in
the Rochester community. Their vision is for a more
loving community that better understands, accepts,
and helps individuals suffering with mental illness,
especially those who are currently underserved and
most in need. How can you help? At both parishes,
Meg’s Gift will be collecting paper towels and toilet
paper for Penfield Hope; and this month Phillip the
Van needs: pancake mix and syrup, condiments
(ketchup, mustard, mayo), and cereal. Thank you!

        Weekly Collection Report                            THANK YOU!

February 27, 2022 - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                           March 6, 2022
Holy Spirit Church:                                                     First Sunday of Lent
Weekday: Monday - Friday 9:00am                                                    Lk 4:1-13
Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm
Sunday: 8:30am & 11:00am                                     Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the
Reconciliation: Saturday 2:30pm                              Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the desert for
                                                             forty days, to be tempted by the devil. He ate nothing
St. Joseph’s Church:                                         during those days, and when they were over he was
Weekday: Monday - Saturday 9:00am                            hungry. The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of
Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm                                       God, command this stone to become bread.” Jesus
Sunday: 8am, 9:30am, 11am & 5:00pm                           answered him, “It is written, One does not live on
Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30pm                              bread alone.” Then he took him up and showed him
                                                             all the kingdoms of the world in a single instant. The
         NEXT MASS WITH                                      devil said to him, “I shall give to you all this power
      ANOINTING OF THE SICK:                                 and glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I
         at St. Joseph’s Church                              may give it to whomever I wish. All this will be
      Wednesday, March 16, 11:00am                           yours, if you worship me.” Jesus said to him in reply,
                                                             “It is written “You shall worship the Lord, your God,
                                                             and him alone shall you serve.” Then he led him to
                                                             Jerusalem, made him stand on the parapet of the
                                                             temple, and said to him, “If you are the Son of God,
Live-stream St. Joseph’s Masses :
                                                             throw yourself down from here, for it is written: He
                                                             will command his angels concerning you, to guard
                                                             you, and: With their hands they will support you, lest
•On   Facebook, “LIKE” St. Joseph’s Penfield
                                                             you dash your foot against a stone.” Jesus said to him
                                                             in reply, “It also says, You shall not put the Lord,
•YouTube  - subscribe to Saint Joseph Church Penfield.
                                                             your God, to the test.” When the devil had finished
Recorded Mass videos are available all day on the
                                                             every temptation, he departed from him for a time.
website and YouTube

            CONFESSIONS                                                      On March 6th,
                                                               Father Sadhanala is preaching at St. Joseph’s
Every Saturday at 2:30pm at Holy Spirit                       Father Jim Schwartz is preaching at Holy Spirit
in the Youth Room and 3:30pm in the
Blessed Sacrament Chapel at                                        GOSPEL QUESTION OF THE WEEK
St. Joseph’s or by appointment.
                                                              Jesus says, "It is written: You shall worship the
                                                              Lord, your God, and him alone shall you serve.”
Fr. Jim: 585-586-8089X 112
                                                              Let us take this command to pray courageously and
                                                                   with humility during this Season of Lent.

                                                             Even if it is uncomfortable let us ask ourselves, where
Fr. Sadhanala 585-586-8089X 123 or                              are those places in my life where I am not fully
fr.sriram.sadhanala@dor.org                                   serving the Lord? What do I need to let go of this
                                                               Lent to make room for the sacrifice asked of me?

   The Legion of Mary Invites You to Pray The                           Have a Blessed Lenten Season!
     Rosary with Them during the Pandemic
                                                                    Daily readings are always available at
   Tuesday Afternoons at 3:00 pm                                       www.usccb.org/bible/readings
       at St. Joseph’s Church                                        For the weekly parish email contact
                                                              cathy.kamp@sjcpenfield.com with the subject line:
           All are Welcome!                                     Add me to the question of the week email list!

February 27, 2022 - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prayers and Mass Intentions
Monday February 28th                                       Friday March 4th St. Casimir
9:00 am                                                    9:00 am
† Joseph Chip Bach by Leann & Harshad Patel (SJ)           † Carmine Vanni by Mary & Jack Skvorak (SJ)
† Ann Tiberio by Patty and Joe Janiak (HS)                 † Irene and Dan Calendo by Joe and Anne Sakmyster (HS)
To St. Anthony for Special Intentions by Joan Aloi (HS)    Saturday March 5th
                                                           9:00 am
Tuesday March 1st                                          † Albert Brown by Marleen and Family (SJ)
9:00 am
† Margaret Mary Shimkus by Jeremiah Segrue (SJ)            Saturday March 5th 1st Sunday of Lent
† Christopher Paul McGlynn by Loving Family (SJ)           4:00 pm Holy Spirit
Special Intention for Patrick Crowley by Beth              † John & Catherine Lennox by Elizabeth Lewis (HS)
Hoagland (HS)                                              † Vito Slapelis by Grace and Al Sandusky (HS)
† Antonio Mancuso by Patrizia Mancuso (HS)
                                                           4:30 pm St. Joseph’s
Wednesday March 2 Ash Wednesday                            † Thomas Kearney by Matthew & Mary Jo Korona (SJ)
         St. Joseph’s                                      † Donald LaBarge by James Romano (SJ)
9:00 am                                                    Sunday March 6th 1st Sunday of Lent
† Carmine Vanni & Domenico G. & Maria Rosa Iannopollo              St. Joseph’s
by Immaculata & Patricia Vanni (SJ)                        8:00 am
10:00 am St. Joseph School Mass                            † Genevieve & Frank Palermo by The Family (SJ)
† Suzzane King, Birthday Remembrance by Michael, Erin      † Craig Jensen by Joe & Mariann Consiglio (SJ)
& Bridget & Families (SJ)
5:30 pm                                                    9:30 am
For St. Joseph’s Parishioners by Fr. James Schwartz (SJ)   † Anita Abdoo by Pat and Tom Wallace (SJ)
7:00 pm
For St. Joseph’s Parishioners by Fr. James Schwartz (SJ)11:00 am
                                                        † Michael Tenebruso by Patrick Sloan & Kristine
Holy Spirit                                             Tenebruso & Girls (SJ)
9:00 am                                                 † Souls of Rosa Ferrara, Cologero Mellia, Mr. & Mrs.
† Joan Grout by Knights of Columbus Council #16411 (HS) Salvatore Viavattene by Their family (SJ)
† Marianne Schonning by The Prayer Shawl Ministry (HS) 5:00 pm (Church)
5:30 pm                                                 † Rita Lore by Her Mother (SJ)
† John Kearney by The Church of the Holy Spirit (HS)

Thursday March 3rd                                                 Holy Spirit
9:00 am                                                    8:30 am
† Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeRosa by Frank DeRosa (SJ)           † Dan Calendo by Kelly & Rob Rosselot (HS)
† John Kane by Theresa Sheba (HS)
                                                           11:00 am
                                                           † Joan Grout by The Chancel Choir (HS)

       The Sanctuary Candle at Holy Spirit burns
               this week in memory of:
                                                                 Lorenzo Amico (SJ)
             Deceased Members of the Parish
                                                                  Joan Schimpf (SJ)
              by Fr. James Schwartz (HS)
                                                                  William Zink (SJ)

       The Sanctuary Candle at St. Joseph’s burns
                 this week in honor of:
             Living Members of the Parish                                   IN REMEMBRANCE
              by Fr. James Schwartz (SJ)
                                                               St. Joseph’s In Remembrance column is now online
                                                                with bios of parishioners who recently celebrated
      Low Gluten Hosts are available at both Parishes                        funerals at St. Joseph’s:
                     upon request                               https://holyspirit-saintjoseph.org/in-remembrance

February 27, 2022 - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Joseph School

                       ENROLLMENT FOR THE
                       SPRING SEMESTER AND
                       ACADEMIC YEAR OPEN
                        For more than 60 years St. Joseph
                        has offered a safe, respectful, nur-
                        turing environment which shapes
                        both the mind and heart of each
                        and every student -- academically,
                        emotionally, socially, and spiritual-
ly. At the heart of it all, St. Joseph School encourages
students to be faith-centered while creating a strong and
confident foundation for success in school and life.


 Academic excellence
 Value-based education supporting your child’s char-
  acter development
 State-certified teachers and support staff who put
  your children first
 After school care until 6pm
 Academic Intervention Services (AIS)
 Community Service Projects


The Preschool program is designed for 3 and 4
year-olds whose birthdays are
prior to Dec. 1st and after
school care is available for our
elementary students with a
wraparound program offered for
our preschool students.

Please contact Amy Johnson at
 585-586-6968 ext 302
to arrange for a tour.

February 27, 2022 - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 27, 2022 - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

     God always waits for us.
     Life is a journey back to God.
     Occasionally we get lost along the
     way. Sometimes we run from
     activity to activity and forget about
     spending time with him. Some-
     times we don’t do the right thing
     and that hurts our          relation-
     ship with him. But God always
     waits for us.

     During the 40 days of Lent, we’re invited to slow down
     and focus on our journey and how we can follow
     Christ’s will more faithfully. We do this through the
     three pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

     Through prayer we seek and connect with the Lord
     and ask him to intercede for the needs of our global
     family. We grow in our relationship with him and unite
     with our sisters and brothers around the world.

     When we fast, we experience a little bit of the hunger
     that many experience daily. We make room for the
     needs of others—and room for God’s Holy Spirit to
     work within us.

     Finally, through a recognition of the world’s needs and
     a personal commitment to help others, we give alms.
     This year, with these pillars as our guide, CRS Rice
     Bowl will introduce us to our neighbors in Guatemala,
     Bangladesh and Rwanda. We’ll learn how the dreams
     of our sisters and brothers are inspiring them to
     overcome challenges that impact their daily life. To
     dream bigger. To help their families and communities
     succeed. Take a Rice Bowl on Ash Wednesday, return
     it on Palm Sunday!

February 27, 2022 - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Participate in the Synod!                                Children’s Liturgy of the Word

                                                                LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN
                                                                      Beginning Sunday, March 6

                                                              At St. Joseph’s Church:
                                                              1st Sunday of the Month
                                                              9:30 AM Mass
How to pray for the synod.                                    Please register under the “Learning” tab on our
Pope Francis asks that as an individual and as a parish       website https://holyspirit-saintjoseph.org
that we pray for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit for this
synod process. What is the Holy Spirit asking of us?          At Holy Spirit:
Pray in your own words or use the Synod Prayer found          Held weekly
on the Parish Synod Hub. Listen for what the Holy             11:00 AM Sunday Mass
Spirit places in your heart.                                  No registration required

How can we share our thoughts? As people on a
journey, filled with the Holy Spirit, we move forward,        Adult and Teen Volunteers welcome!
together.                                                     For more information, please reach out to Jeanne
                                                              Mooney at jeanne.mooney@sjcpenfield.com
Gathering for all, and we ask those who are no longer
connected to the Church to be with us. We wish to
listen to why the Church no longer speaks to their
spiritual journey. Invite a family member or friend            For children in Kindergarten to
and come with them:                                                       Grade 4
                Mon., March 7 at 7:00
              at St. Joseph’s (In person)                      Provides a focused environment
                                                              for children to become “conscious
            REGISTRATION REQUIRED                                  and active” listeners and
                        GO TO:                                    responders to God’s Word.

              Camp Stella Maris                                                     Rosary

February 27, 2022 - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
General Parish Information
  To contribute an article or photos to the bulletin       LADIES AUXILIARY—KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
       about current activity at either parish,            Eleanor Czarnecki, President - St. Joseph’s
                please email or call:                                                sjpladiesauxkofc@gmail.com
     Maria.Crowe@dor.org, 585-586-8089 x110                Pat Schichler, President - Holy Spirit
 SUBMISSIONS DUE FRIDAY ONE WEEK PRIOR                                                     pschichler@yahoo.com
PASTORAL MINISTRY                                          OFFICE MANAGEMENT
Fr. James Schwartz, Pastor                                 Patrick Vogt, Finance Director/Maintenance
             Schwartz@dor.org 585-586-8089 ext. 112                 Patrick.Vogt@dor.org 585-586-8089 ext. 119
Fr. Sriram Sadhanala, Parochial Vicar,                     Kathy Best, St. Joseph’s Church Secretary
Youth Ministry & Confirmation                              Kathleen.Best@sjcpenfield.com 585-586-8089 ext. 120
    fr.sadhanala.sriram@dor.org 585-586-8089 ext.123       Maria Crowe, St. Joseph’s Church, Secretary
Fr. Bob Kreckel, In Residence                                       Maria.Crowe@dor.org 585-586-8089 ext. 110
              Fr.Robert.Kreckel@dor.org 585-899-0098       Marc Magagnoli, Network Systems Administrator:
Deacon Ray Garbach, Pastoral Associate, Holy Spirit                      Marc.Magagnoli@dor.org 585-671-5525
                  Ray.Garbach@dor.org 585-671-5525         Kathy Zink, School Business Administrator
Deacon Duncan Harris, Pastoral Associate,                          Kathleen.Zink@dor.org 585-586-8089 ext. 111
                 St. Joseph’s, Penfield Hope Co-Director
                                                           SCHOOL OFFICE
                                   585-586-8089 ext.113         Open Monday to Friday from 7:30am to 3pm
Deacon Roger DeBell,             Roger.DeBell@dor.org                      www.sjspenfield.com
                                                                     585-586-6968 Fax 585-586-4619
Susan Gividen, Director of Music, St. Joseph’s,            Amy Johnson, Principal 585-586-6968 ext. 302
      Susan.E.Gividen@dor.org 585-586-8089                      Amy.Johnson@dor.org
      ext.125                                              Colleen Giallanza, Lisa Lynd, School Secretaries
Cathy Kamp, Pastoral Associate, St. Joseph’s,
                             Penfield Hope Co-Director                      Contact Us, Follow Us!
                                 585-586-8089 ext. 115         Holy Spirit: 1355 Hatch Road, Webster, NY 14580
Gabriel Pellegrino, Director of Music, Holy Spirit,
             Gabriel.Pellegrino@dor.org 585-671-5520           Phone:         585-671-5520; Fax: 585-671-7262
Nancy Veronesi, Director of Worship, St. Joseph’s              Email:         pholyspi@dor.org
                      Nancy.Veronesi@sjcpenfield.com           Website:       www.holyspirit-saintjoseph.org
                                 585-586-8089 ext. 124         Facebook:      ChurchofHolySpiritWebster
FAITH FOR LIFE                                                 St. Joseph’s, 43 Gebhardt Rd, Penfield, NY 14526
Jeanne Mooney, Faith for Life Director (K-7)                   Joint Parish Office Hours:
Jeanne.Mooney@sjcpenfield.com                                  Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm
                               585-586-8089 ext. 116           Phone:         585-586-8089; Fax: 585-586-0674
PASTORAL CARE & SOCIAL OUTREACH                                Email:         info@sjcpenfield.com
Confidential Lines                                             Website:       www.holyspirit-saintjoseph.org
Stephen Ministry               585-586-8089 ext. 130           Facebook:      SJCPenfield, hopepenfield
Penfield HOPE                           585- 586-5139          Instagram:     @sjcpenfield, @penfieldhope,
       penfieldhope@gmail.com                                                 @st.joes_yg
       41 Gebhardt Rd. in Pastoral Offices                     Twitter:       @SJCpenfield, @HopePenfield,
Anthony Gramza, Pastoral Council Chair -Holy Spirit                                   A reminder to all ministers/
Ned Sayegh, Pastoral Council Chair - St. Joseph’s                                     volunteers in any area of
      Parishcouncil@sjcpenfield.com                                                   parish life at Holy Spirit and
James Hopper, Finance Chair - St. Joseph’s                                            St. Joseph’s that we need to
Brian Weaver, Finance Chair - Holy Spirit                                             complete online training.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS GRAND KNIGHT                           LINK: C.A.S.E. Training.
Ross Giardino - St. Joseph’s rossgiardino@gmail.com            https://holyspirit-saintjoseph.org/creating-a-safe-environment
John Veloski - Holy Spirit jveloski@frontier.com
February 27, 2022 - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We Hold in Prayer this week all those who are ill....
Mayra Anastasi (SJ)                                    Heidi Liebert-Fine (SJ)                Jim Lovelock (SJ)                   Nancy Pelletier (SJ)
Debbie A (SJ)                                          Mary Joan Gleason (SJ)                 Amelia Maley (SJ)                   Rob Perialas (SJ)
Declan Beaton (SJ)                                     Adam Greenly (SJ)                      Marian & Michael (SJ)               Deanna Peters (HS)
Sharon Brognia (SJ)                                    Pat Hammell (HS)                       Mary A (HS)                         Sandra Piccolo (SJ)
Courtney (SJ)                                          Gary Hosenfeld (HS)                    Maryann B (HS)                      James Rutigliano (HS)
Olivia Caines (SJ)                                     Martin Hosenfeld Jr. (HS)              Victor & Jean Mastrandea (SJ)       Angie S (HS)
Steven Colon (HS)                                      Jim Hynes (SJ)                         Barbara Meleo (SJ)                  Joyce Shood (SJ)
Tim Crowley (SJ)                                       Joseph B (HS)                          Michael R. (HS)                     Sharman Steltenpohl (SJ)
Julia D’Anza (SJ)                                      Julie (HS)                             Evelyn M (SJ)                       Susan (HS)
David D (HS)                                           Katie (SJ)                             Todd Manina (SJ)                    Beverly Stutzman (SJ)
Patricia David (SJ)                                    Kathy (SJ)                             Donald Mongeon (SJ)                 Gail Trabalzi (SJ)
Ethan DiIulio (SJ)                                     Kelly (HS)                             Carla Myers (SJ)                    Jo Vigianni (SJ)
Wayne Drummond (SJ)                                    Karen Kelly (SJ)                       Deb Nau (HS)                        Valerie (HS)
Eleanor (SJ)                                           Christopher Knight (SJ)                Kevin P. (SJ)                       Cori Vincent (HS)
Steven Elinsky (HS)                                    Domenic Lamb (HS)                      Frank Palermo III (SJ)              Dan Wiles (SJ)
Ethan (HS)                                             Andrew B. Lane (SJ)                    Kim Paterson (SJ)
Frank (HS)                                             Barb Leibenguth (SJ)                   Patty P (SJ)

  Please call either St Joseph’s Church (586-8089) or Holy Spirit (671-5520) to have a name placed on this list.
                           We Hold in                             DO YOU NEED PRAYERS?
                           Prayer this week    A Prayer Ministry Phone Line is available at St. Joseph’s. For
                           all those who are   many years a group of parishioners have been praying daily
                           serving in the      individually and weekly as a group for special intentions. They
military including: Kyle Bachman (SJ),         would like to include you by name with your need in their daily
Peter Lajoie (SJ), Ian McLellan (SJ), Holton and weekly prayer. Call the Confidential Phone Line
Pratt (SJ), John Siniscalco (SJ), Liam         585-586-0674 X130. Leave your name as the person requesting
Osborn (SJ).                                   prayers (it can be only your first name) and the specific reason for
Please call either St Joseph’s Church          the prayer request for yourself or another. You may wish to leave
(586-8089) or Holy Spirit (671-5520) to        a name and number if you wish someone to call back to pray with
have a name placed on this list.               you individually.

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