St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday August 22, 2021 - JOHN 6:68

Page created by Harvey Chambers
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday August 22, 2021 - JOHN 6:68
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church ~Sunday August 22, 2021

                           JOHN 6:68
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday August 22, 2021 - JOHN 6:68
ST. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church                                                                       Advent
                                                           SCRIP FOR SALE AFTER MASS
Mass Intentions August 21st - August 29nd                 NEXT WEEKEND THE 28TH & 29TH.

Sat.    4:00—4:45 PM ~ Confessions ~ In Reconciliation Room
                                                                                 ♬♪ MUSICAL HELP WANTED
Sat.    5:00 PM Pro Populo
Sun.    8:00 AM † Riley Klee by Jim & Sharon Klee & Family                                AND NEEDED!♪♬
       10:00 AM † Richard Haeusler by Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Beauchamp
                                                                             Our Parish is in need of musical help! If you
Mon. NO MASS                                                                 play the guitar, piano or organ, we need you!!
Tues. 8:00 AM † Wayne Miller by Jim & Carol Quist                             A stipend is paid for playing and providing
                                                                                music for weekend Masses, funerals, etc.
        Parish Council Meeting 6PM—St. George Conference Room
                                                                              We could us some volunteer cantors to sing
Wed. 8:00 AM † Bonnie Peterson by Friends
                                                                                  the Responsorial Psalm and Alleluia
                  Fatima Rosary and Prayers after Mass                                  for these Masses as well!
Thurs. 8:00 AM † Father Marion Douglas by Richard & Marilyn Douglas            Along with these, we are hoping to have a
Friday 8:00 AM † Bob Reiffers by Kathy Perron                                    choir for Christmas this year. So please
                                                                             consider offering your talents and your voice
Sat.    4:00—4:45 PM ~ Confessions ~ In Reconciliation Room                    to help keep our Masses filled with music!
Sat.    5:00 PM † Gerald Cappaert by Lynn Hansen                               If you can help in any way, please contact
Sun.    8:00 AM ProPopulo                                                          either Colleen Knauf or Fr. Darryl
       10:00 AM † Kristi M. Wolf by Brian & Kelley VanLanen                                as soon as possible!
                                                                                      Thanks and God Bless you!

                                                                Our Father …..
                                      God of love, you sent us your only Son as
                                      the gift of life. Reawaken in us the gifts of
                                        faith, hope, and love, that we may bear
                                       faithful witness to the truth of the Gospel
                                       and the power of your Word, through the
                                             same Christ our Lord. Amen.
         This Week’s Readings                                       Thank You to all of our Bulletin Advertisers
August 23           August 25                August 28
1 THES 1:1-5,       1 THES 2:9-13            1 THES 4:9-11
   8B-10            PS 139:7-12B             PS 98:1, 7-9                   Where Beautiful Blooms Begin!
PS 149: 1B-6A, 9B   MT 23:27-32              MT 25:14-30
MT 23:13-22
                    August 26                August 29
August 24           1 THES 3:7-13            DT 4:1-2, 6-8
RV 21:9B-14         PS 90:3-5A, 12-14, 17    PS 15:2-5
                    MT 24:42-51
PS 145: 10-13,
                                             JAS 1:17-18,
                                                21B-22, 27
                                                                               Annuals, Perennials,
JN 1:45-51          August 27                MK 7:1-8, 14-15,                   Vegetables, Herbs ,
                    1 THES 4:1-8                21-23               Planters, & Big, Beautiful Hanging Baskets
                    PS 97:1-2B, 5-6, 10-12                                    (906)-466-5302
                    MT 25:1-13
                                                                         3920 D Road, Bark River MI
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday August 22, 2021 - JOHN 6:68
CHOOSE LIFE: He said to His mother,                                          Saints Who Were Leaders
          “Woman, behold your son.” Then He said
           to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.”.                                              Saint Moses
                            –JN 19:26-27                                                     Prophet (†c. 13th century B.C.)
 REFLECTION: Today we observe the Queenship of
   Mary, acknowledging that the highest place that any                                  An Israelite child saved from the
  creature holds in heaven is occupied by a woman and a                                  waters of the Nile and raised by
 mother. To be pro-life is to be pro-woman, and Mary the                                Pharaoh’s daughter, Moses grew
      Mother of God is an inspiration for all women about                              to manhood among the Egyptians,
      how to embrace the vocation of motherhood, facing                                  who were enslaving his people.
                                                                                      After he had killed one of them for
          the unexpected with faith, courage, and joy.                                 beating a fellow Israelite, he fled to the land of Midian,
PRAYER: Blessed Virgin Mother, on this day of                                             where he herded sheep for forty years. There in the
  joy we honor you. Pray for us and for the                                            wilderness he encountered God in the burning bush and
           victory of life. Amen.                                                           heard his command to lead the Israelite people to
                                                                                        freedom. A dialogue ensued between Moses and God,
                Phil Arnt, Gladys Bittner, Maryann Brayak, Tommy                      culminating in God’s mysterious revelation of his name:
                DeGrave, Gene Draze, Marilee DMars, Carol Derocher,                                   I am who I am (see Ex 3:14).
                Kathy Derocher, Rick DeSalvo, Mary Fisk, Terry &                           With the help of his brother Aaron, Moses went to
                Debby Frossard, Terri Fulton, Abe Getzloff, Sue(Smith)
                Gorzinski, Mandi Guenette, Barbara Jean Hodgins,                             Pharaoh to plead for the Israelites’ release from
                Jerilyn Houle, Dan Johnson, Pat Johnson, Patti                             bondage. Only after ten plagues were visited upon
                Johnson, Henry & Shirley Kleiman, Ev Kleiman, Bill                    Egypt did Pharaoh relent and permit the entire people to
                Kwarciany, Lily Kwarciany, Dan LaFave, Kevin LeBoeuf,                 leave. Moses led them through the Red Sea and into the
                Audrey Maule, Brandy Mendicino, Gwen Meyers,                             desert, where he received the Ten Commandments on
Bobby Mileski, Kim Mileski-Niquette, Betty Morris, Hank Mroczkow-                        the Holy Mountain of Sinai. “The encounter of God
ski, Tom Neuens, Terry Otradovec, Caz Palmgren, Janet Pirlot,                               and Moses on this mountain,” Saint John Paul II
Debbie Renken, Nancy Robinette, Greg Rouse, Daniel Sagataw, Jackie                         taught, “enshrines at the heart of our religion the
Sagataw, John Sheski, Jerry Shiverski, Brock Smith, Jonas St.Germain,                               mystery of liberating obedience.”
Joan Stevenson, John Strahl, Sandy Strahl, Harry (Bud) Strem, Heather
Teal , David & Charlene Teeple, Bill Themel, Kelly Sue Tourangeau,                    Moses died after leading and interceding for the Hebrew
Wennell & Donna Tourangeau, Katie Correll-Vandermissen, Frank                         people for about four decades. According to Gregory of
Wandahsega, Ethan Whitney, & Pamela Zell. New names will be in BOLD!                   Nyssa, who wrote an entire commentary on Moses’ life
 PRAY FOR THOSE IN NURSING HOMES/ASSISTED LIVING:                                         as an exemplar of the spiritual journey toward God,
JoAnn Good, Ray Mott & Sharon Melin,                                                          Moses’ outstanding virtue was his meekness.
parishioners’ family members are serving Our Nation in the Armed
Forces: Nathan Anzalone, Hal Burton, Paul Cappaert, Josh
                                                                                                        Father of mercies ,
Chaney, Jacob Cmejla, Nick Cox, Austin Demeuse, Jared
Demeuse, Tommy Fitzpatrick, John Gendron, Michael                                                  through the intercession of
Gereau, Dustin Hall, Shawna Johnson, Adam Kleikamp, Alan
Luchay, Terry Mercier, Hunter Messersmith, Dave Mott,                                                      Saint Moses,
Jacqueline Mott, Rachel Mott, Travis Mott, Kadin Mustafa,
Grace Peterson, Chelsi Peterson, Adam Rausch, Nicholas                                            make me obedient to your law,
Sagataw, Jerry Stinnett, Joshua Strahl, McKenna Thibeault,
Brady & Casey Tighe, Andy Vandermissen, Jordan & Dallas
                                                                                                  docile before your commands.
Pray for the souls of the 4,815 U.S. & Coalition Troops and the                                               Amen.
186,957+ total Iraqi deaths since Mar. ‘03.

     St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church                                            Our Faith Formation
                                                 P.O. Box 187                             Team needs a
 If you have information for
                                          Bark River, MI 49807
                                                                                       Snack Coordinator!
  the bulletin, please submit                                                         If you can be available                  Sunday, August 15, 2021
 it by the Tuesday preceding         Rev. Darryl J. Pepin, Pastor                     each Wednesday from                      Offering ………..… 2,902.50
    the upcoming weekend                                   2:30-3:30 to set out                   Loose Offering…..     251.00
                             Parent Provided snacks
     edition of publication.                                                            for our grade school                   Donation…………...       131.00
                                      Cynthia DeFiore ~ Parish Secretary              CCD students and also                    Candles …………….         36.50
                                       Bonnie Cowell ~ Bookkeeper                         do light clean-up
                                        Kelley VanLanen ~ Religious Ed.                                                        Stipends……….……         10.00
                                        Ray Viau ~ Maintenance                        afterwards, please call
                                Call the Parish Office at 906-466-9938                Kelley VanLanen at the                   CCD……...………..…         30.00
                                                                                           Parish Office at                    Diocesan Collection. 116.00
                              Colleen Knauf ~ Organist ~ 466-2872                            466-9938.
                            Ruth VanEnkevort ~ Musician ~ 280-1422                                                             Utilities …………….. 379.00
                                                                                                                                          Total    3,856.00
                                St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
                                     St. Vincent de Paul Conference:
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday August 22, 2021 - JOHN 6:68
I was at th e p layground with my seven -year old son th e oth er d ay, watching h im p lay and (than k goodn ess) bu rn off
some energy so I could read a few chapters of a book. Sudd en ly, h e came runn in g up to me          grinnin g ear to ear .
“Mom my,” he said, “I m ade a n ew fr iend! His name is Evan and he likes Min ecr aft ju st like I do! ” He scamp ered
off to go swing and talk about all th e “ Min ecrafty” th in gs with h is n ew friend. It mad e me smile b ecau se this is so
like him. He’s th e kid wh o will make a n ew friend no matter where we go. He is vuln erab le, h on est, and genu in ely
wants to get to know th e oth er p erson. It ’s a joy to watch.

As I sat on th e b en ch, eager to go back to my book, a thou gh t crossed my mind. Kid s have n o p reconceived n otion s
wh en th ey interact with oth er kid s. They have a simplicity an d a sin cerity in the way th ey approach n ew situation s
and p eople —something that many of u s, my self includ ed, have lost.

We tend to sp end time with peop le who valid ate our beliefs. And it seems that th e longer we are committed
Ch ristian s, the fewer n on -Ch ristian friend s we have. Enjoying a solid faith commu nity of frien d s is e ss e nti a l, but
wh at is th e con sequ en ce of th is in terms of th e n eed for u s to share ou r faith with oth ers? Faith is “cau ght ” more
than “tau ght,” and that requires startin g with th e strong found ation of a relation ship.

Jesu s has chosen to d ep end on Ch ristian s to carry forth His mission of salvation, to b e th e “salt of the ear th ” and
“light o f the wor ld . ” “Through baptism and the Eucharist, he gives us his own divine life; through the teaching of
the Church he fills us with his truth; and he is counting on us not to hoard these treasures, nor let them go to
waste.” We simply cann ot d o th is if we remain comfortable in ou r Christian bub bles. It req uires a degree of vu ln er-
ability an d tru st in th e Lord as we seek to reach out to those around u s and share th e treasure we h ave received .

Th is may req uire a certain level of d iscomfort. In ord er to reach oth ers for Christ, we have to earn th e right to
be heard , an d th at often takes time throu gh bu ildin g relation ship s, listen ing well, and b ein g au th en tic. Being
uncomfortab le for th e sake of an oth er is something that every Ch ristian encou nters sooner or later in th eir faith
journey. As Dorothy Day once said : “An act o f lo ve, a volu ntary takin g on oneself of some of th e p ain of the
wor ld , incr eases the cou rage and lo ve and hop e of all. ”

Th is d oesn ’t (n ecessarily ) mean you n eed to walk up to a stranger at a playground and ask th em about Jesu s . Bu t
you can step out of you r bubb le i n yo ur da il y lif e a s a pa re n t, gr a nd p ar e nt, st u de n t, p rof es s io na l, vo l u nt ee r, or n e ig h bo r.
I encourage you to ask y ourself th ese q uestion s as you con sider h ow Jesus has called you to b e salt and light to
the world : How m uch ti me do I sp end with n on -Chr isti an s?

    How man y friend s do I h ave that d o not sh are my faith ?
    Wou ld oth ers say I am a good listen er?
    Am I th e same p erson with my Ch ristian friend s as with my n on -Christian friend s?
    Have I ever felt p romp ted by the Holy Sp irit to sp eak to someone I wou ld n ’t n ormally talk to?
    Do I p ray for non -Ch ristian s by name?
    Wou ld a comp lete stran ger b e ab le to tell I am a Ch ristian after ob servin g me for a few min utes?
    Am I confident en ou gh in my faith to alway s b e read y to give a reason for th e h op e th at is in me?
If th e Holy Spirit tu gs at your h eart after readin g one of th ese, take it to p rayer. Ask Jesu s how He wants you to
brin g oth ers to Him. And rememb er that He will “fu lly supp ly whatever you need , in accord with his glor iou s
rich es in Chr ist Jesu s ” (P h i l ip p i a n s 4 : 1 9 ).

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday August 22, 2021 - JOHN 6:68
St. Joseph Mission Church                                          Rosary is
                                                            W2332 Cemetery Rd. Hwy. M-69
                                                            Foster City, Michigan 49834                                        Sunday at
                                                            Rev. Darryl J. Pepin, Pastor                                       10:35am!
                                                            Mass Schedule: Sunday, 11:00 AM CT
Pastoral Council: Nancy Basile, Bonnie Dennocenzo, Alex Graham & Maureen Charlevoix
Finance Council: Terry Murray, Carl Steinbrecher,
                    Dan Steinbrecher, Joe Depotie                Pray for the Sick: New Names will be in BOLD.
                                                                    Nancy Broeders, Ted Broeders, Jr., Tara Cajacob, Ted Carpenter,
11 AM Sunday Mass Intention, August 22nd                            Ruth Depotie, Karen Dias, Bryant Gagnon, Tiffany Galik,
† Alex & Troy McDermott                                             Rosalie Gates, Cory Groeneveld, Faye Heimerl, Rita Johnson,
                                                                    Andrea Lubejko (Bianco), Keslie Johnson, David Mattson,
      by Richard & Louise McDermott                                 Tricia Mattson, Toots Miller, Pat Milligan, Dan Murray Sr.,
                                                                    Jean Murray, Dan Nurmi, Janet Sanders, Erin (Connor) Schmidt,
  Lector: Steve Dennocenzo                                          Geno Schinderle, Stewart Sundholm, Vicky Webb, Alice Webber,
                                                                    Michael Welnitz, & Rod Woodward.
Parish Council Meeting after Mass
                                                                    Pray for our Nursing Home Parishioners:
                                                                    Athena Agasi
11 AM Sunday Mass Intention, August 29th
                                                                      PRAY FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN
 † Nancy Gucky (B) by Tom & Jeanne Murray
                                                                      Fr. Brandon Oman
  Lector: Tony Cousineau
                                                                                              Church Signs
         “A Minute in the Church” Teaching                             A MAN IS NEVER IN WORSE COMPANY
                   Gus Lloyd’s “One-Minute
                    Catholic Apologetics”                               THAN WHEN HE FLIES INTO A RAGE
                 WOMEN’S ORDINATION                                         AND IS BESIDE HIMSELF.
Why doesn’t the catholic Church ordain women as priests?                          He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly...
The Church has always recognized and affirmed the digni-                                     Proverbs 14:17a
 ty of women as spiritual leaders and teachers. In fact, the
Church recognizes three women as Doctors of the Church:                        OUR AUGUST CLEANERS ARE
       St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux and
St. Catherine of Siena. And who is more beloved by Christ                    BECKY & MARILYN STEINBRECHER
              and the Church than His mother?
                 So why no women priests?
At the Last Supper, when Christ instituted the priesthood,
he certainly could have had women there. But he only had                           Contact Lynn Oman at:
    the Twelve, men, to stand in persona Christi and be                         906-246-3286 or 906-239-9984
              “fathers” to the family of faith.
 Pope John Paul II clarified the issue in his 1994 apostolic                                     Don’t forget to visit our
     letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (On Ordination to the
                                                                                                     Church Library!
                                                                                                  Located in the lower
   Priesthood). In the Catechism of the Catholic Church,                                                level next
 number 1577, it says, “The Church recognizes herself to
  be bound by this choice made by the Lord himself. For
                                                                                                to our Conference Room!
   this reason the ordination of women is not possible.”
 The Catechism also says that no one has a right to receive
  the Sacrament of Holy Orders. But the magisterium has
       the duty to carry on the ministry of Christ in the
                  manner that he appointed.                                                        Sunday, August 15, 2021
                                                                                                  Offering…………..      520.00
                        For Further Study:
                                                                                                  Loose………………           97.00
                          CCC 1577-1578                                                         Assumption of Mary 114.00
     Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (On Ordination to the Priesthood)                                     Candles………...….        7.00
                                                                                                  Hall Rental……………..    75.00
                                                                                                            Total      813.00
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday August 22, 2021 - JOHN 6:68
                                               BIBLE CROSSWORD PUZZLE

                          ACROSS                               DOWN
                          2. The wisest king                   1. Lived 969 years
                          5. Name of the first woman           3. King that dreamed of a big statue
                          6. One of the 4 books of the Bible    4. Occupation of Abel
                            That begins with the letter “H”    7. Island where John was imprisoned
                          8. The ten __________________        9. Who defeated Goliath?
                          11. It was swallowed by a big fish   10. Saul of Tarsus
                          12. Mount where Jesus was crucified 11. Esau sold his birthright to
                          13. He was thrown into the lions den 14. He built an ark
                          15. Third son of Adam and Eve
                          16. The Mother of Jesus
                          17. River where Jesus was baptized

                                                                   PRAYER TO
                                                                 ST. MICHAEL
                                                            THE ARCHANGEL

                                   St. Michael, the Archangel,
                                       defend us in battle,
                                  be our protection against the
                               wickedness and snares of the devil.
                              May God rebuke him we humbly pray;
                                          And do Thou,
                                 O Prince of the Heavenly host,
                                      by the power of God,
                                       cast into hell Satan
                                      and all the evil spirits
                                   who prowl about the world
                                    seeking the ruin of souls.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday August 22, 2021 - JOHN 6:68
The U.P.                   St. John the
                             Evangelist Parish
                            325 South Pine St.
  Bible School                Ishpeming, MI

CBSM is a non-profit lay apostolate funded
through donation/tuition with a generous
“open arms” approach to meeting 100% of
financial aid requests. We suggest an
annual tuition of $580 with a 50% discount
for additional family members. Some give         St. Elizabeth Ann Seton will start on Sept. 15 at 6PM with a
more, some give less, and through God’s
provision, we’ve been able to welcome
                                                 Celebration Mass to start off the 2021-22 school year of Faith
every person who desires to know God             Formation! The first official in-person class date will be Sept. 22.
through His Word, regardless of financial        Please pick up your registration materials in the Gathering Area
AVAILABLE IIN THE GATHERING AREA!                and return them to the Parish Office as soon as possible!
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday August 22, 2021 - JOHN 6:68
Broasted Chicken, Hot & Cold Sandwiches, Salads, Homemade
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   Bark River, MI       (906)-466-5302—3920 D Road, Bark River MI

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                                                                          Ruth VanEnkevort                          Specializing in Whole Sale & Retail Sale of Maple Syrup
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                                                                                                                              Jeff Olson 906-789-0198
                                                                  For all your ‘Kettle Corn’ needs.                           Greg Olson 906-280-1656
                                                                                                                              Mark Olson 906-420-3244
                                                God is good all the time, all the time God is good!                        E-Mail:
                                              Owners Andy & Teri Jorasz
                                              5385 D Road
                                              Bark River, MI 49807
                                              Mobile: (906) 295-0588
                                              Mobile: (906) 280-5304
                                                 Angus Beef, Hereford & Duroc Pork,
                                              Freezer Meat, Butcher Steers & Hogs, Eggs
                                              Delivery available with $50 minimum order!


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                                                                               SOCIETY of
                             Directors:                                  ST. VINCENT de PAUL
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                         James D. Crawford                                  your faith into action!”                            Steve Charlevoix, Jr.
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  To join, call the parish office or              SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION · WATER & SEWER LINES · DEMOLITIONS
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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday August 22, 2021 - JOHN 6:68 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday August 22, 2021 - JOHN 6:68
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