Emerging from the political crisis in Belarus: with or without the intervention of external actors? - La Fondation Robert Schuman


                 European issues
                                        n°573     Emerging from the political crisis
                   6 October 2020
                                                  in Belarus:
                                                  with or without the intervention of
                                                  external actors?

                                      The protests against Belarusian President Alyaksandr      The elimination of potential opposition candidates,
                                      Lukashenka, which have continued beyond the August        blogger Siarhei Tsihanouski, banker Viktar Babaryka,
                                      9 presidential election, have been surprising in terms    both arrested, and the former manager of the Minsk
                                      of their scale and level of politicization. The protest   high tech park, Valery Tsapkala, whose signatures,
                                      promises to be long-lasting bringing together people      collected to stand as a candidate, were invalidated
                                      of all ages and professions, but the authorities are      by the Central Electoral Commission, led to the
                                      refusing to recognize it and are not satisfying any of    unification   of   the   electorate   around   Sviatlana
                                      its demands: to organize new this time democratic         Tsihanouskaya - a 37-year-old housewife and trained
                                      elections, to stop repression, to release detainees and   English teacher, who decided to run for president
                                      political prisoners, to investigate crimes committed      instead of her husband after his arrest. She was
                                      by the representatives of law enforcement agencies.       able to register her candidacy, which did not seem
                                      Quite the opposite is happening: the crackdown            threatening for the incumbent president, who declared
                                      orchestrated by Lukashenka’s regime, after a certain      that "the presidential post is not made for a woman".
                                      lull between August 12 and 16, is intensifying with       Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sviatlana
                                      hundreds of arrests per day, the repression against       Tsihanouskaya not only proved herself capable of
                                      the emerging leaders and journalists (from the private    speaking in front of the crowds during the agitation
                                      media) who report the facts. What are the scenarios       rallies,[1] but also of taking strategic decisions like
                                      of the development of this crisis which seems to          forming a feminine trio by joining forces with Maryya
                                      have reached an impasse? Can Belarus emerge from          Kalesnikava and Veranika Tsapkala - one representing
                                      it without resorting to foreign mediation? What role      the election camp of Viktar Babaryka and the other
                                      could the European Union play?                            the wife of Valery Tsapkala.

                                                                                                Repression of all opposition voices has been consistent
                                      THE BELARUSIAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION                      since the start of the election[2] with the limitation or
                                      AS A CATALYST FOR THE POLITICISATION OF                   prohibition of rallies, the arrests of members of the
                                      THE POPULATION                                            teams of the opposition candidates, of journalists
                                                                                                from private media broadcasting the images of public
                                      To the surprise of the Belarusian authorities and the     gatherings in favour of alternative candidates. These
                                      international community, the presidential election of     events have largely contributed to strengthening
                                      August 9, 2020 did not end as planned. Although it        the feeling of indignation among the population.
  [1]Ekaterina Pierson-Lyzhina,
« Bélarus : après la mobilisation,    took place during the holidays and in the context of      The authorities, apparently aware of Alyaksandr
       qu’attendre du lendemain
                                      the coronavirus pandemic, it revealed and amplified       Lukashenka's declining popularity, organised only
électoral ? », Regard sur l’Est, 9
                    August 2020.      an unprecedented politicisation of the Belarusian         a few rallies in his favour and mostly relied on the
  [2]Ekaterina Pierson-Lyzhina,
                                      population, which rallied around the idea of voting       support of the security forces. Alyaksandr Lukashenka
      « Bélarus : une campagne
    présidentielle pas comme les      "for anyone else but Alyaksandr Lukashenka", who          thus met with several law enforcement units in order
   autres », Regard sur l’Est, 22
                      June 2020.
                                      has been in power for 26 years.                           to ascertain their loyalty.

                                     FONDATION ROBERT SCHUMAN / EUROPEAN ISSUES N°573 / 6TH OCTOBER 2020
Emerging from the political crisis in Belarus:
                                      with or without the intervention of external actors?

                                      "MY VOTE HAS BEEN STOLEN”                                    gathered peacefully in the centres of many Belarusian
                                                                                                   cities, the situation quickly degenerated. From August
                                      The widespread politicisation during the election            9 to 11, police, special brigades and military units

      2                               campaign resulted in a high voter turnout, brought to
                                      light by very long queues leading to polling stations.
                                                                                                   violently dispersed the protestors with water cannons,
                                                                                                   sound grenades, tear gas and rubber bullets, causing
                                      When the results were posted, many citizens felt             severe injuries, at least four deaths and six people
                                      like their vote "has been stolen". When it comes to          disappearing.[8] According to the UN, among the 6,000
                                      falsifications, the rate of early voting was higher than     people arrested, at least 450 detainees were tortured

    [3]“‘Sumlennyia lyudzi’ iauka     during previous presidential elections - more than           in temporary detention centres[9] with, according to
   na daterminovae galasavan’ne
                                      41.7% of the population. The actual turnout was about        some testimonies, the aim of “showing who they had
   zavychanaïa prykladna udvaïa”
   (According to “Honest People”,     half as high, according to the independent observation       to vote for”.
 the real turnout during the early
                                      initiative "Sumlennyia lyudzi" (Honest people)[3]. As
    vote was about twice as low),
Radie Svaboda (Radio Liberty), 10     a result, on the election day, some polling stations         These events deeply shocked the population. On
                     August 2020.
       [4]Meeting of the analytic
                                      accused    shortages   of   ballots.   While   thousands     August 12, women dressed in white with flowers in
         club of experts “Electoral   of citizens volunteered as electoral observers[4]            their hands took to the streets to protest against police
observation-2020: new limitations
      et opportunities”, the online   from existing[5] or newly created[6] independent             violence. Following August 16, dubbed the "Freedom
  magazine “Nashe Mnenie” (Our
                                      observation initiatives, the authorities limited the         Day”[10], during which half a million Belarusians took
  opinion), Belarusian Institute of
 Strategic Studies (BISS), Belarus    observation to three people during the five days of          part in rallies all over the country, repression resumed.
        Press Club, 30 July 2020.
                                      early voting and to five people on the election day,         Every day about 100s of people are arrested, State
         [5]The independent and
     non-partisan "Human Rights       stating the epidemiological situation. Furthermore,          factory workers who express their intention to strike
     Defenders for Free Elections"
       observation campaign, the
                                      independent observers could not count on the presence        are   dismissed,     journalists   of   independent   media
 "Prava vybaru" (Right to choose)     of the observation mission by the OSCE, which was            are detained under the pretext of identity checks,
     observation campaign linked
    to the centre-right opposition    invited too late by the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign       and many foreign journalists had their accreditation
                                      Affairs.                                                     revoked by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Nobody is
      [6]The online parallel vote-
   counting platform "Golas" (The                                                                  spared: Sviatlana Alexievich, winner of the Nobel Prize
   Voice), the community monitor
     "Sumlennyia lyudzi" (Honest
                                      Due to such limited observation, it is impossible            in literature, was questioned by the Commission of
   People), the Zubr platform, the    to confirm the victory of Sviatlana Tsihanouskaya.           Inquiry; Aliaksandr Mrochek, a famous cardiologist at
     observation campaign by the
      movement "Tell the Truth!”.
                                      Moreover, exit polls, as well as independent surveys         the head of a major hospital, was dismissed in front
      [7]Term used, for example,
                                      are forbidden in Belarus. However, according to              of his colleagues; the head of the Catholic Church,
    by Ethan S. Burger and Victar
 Minchuk to refer to Lukashenka's     independent observation campaigns, including the             Tadeusz Kondrusevich, a Belarusian citizen, was unable
    score in the 2001 presidential
                                      "Golas" (The Voice) platform, which received photos          to return to Belarus after a trip abroad.
           elections. “Alyaksandr’
    Lukashenka’s Consolidation of     of the ballots of more than a million voters, the count
     Power” in Jörg Forbrig, David
  R. Marples, Pavol Demes, (ed.),
                                      was fraudulent in at least one out of three polling          Despite the repression, the protest movement has
      Prospects for Democracy in      stations, therefore, the official election results should    not weakened. During the work days, numerous
    Belarus, The German Marshall
 Fund of the United States, 2006,     be invalidated.                                              solidarity actions are organised as well as rallies
                            p. 31.
                                                                                                   by various professions (doctors, teachers, railway
   [8]Presentation by the Special
  rapporteur on the situation with    THE POINT OF NO RETURN                                       workers, workers from the new technologies sector,
   human rights in Belarus, Anaïs
                                                                                                   actors from the Yanka Kupala theatre, students,
 Marin, at the informal conference
     of the UN Security Council, 4    The announcement of yet another “elegant victory”[7] by      etc.). Every Saturday, women's marches take place.
                 September 2020.
    [9]UN human rights experts:
                                      Alyaksandr Lukashenka with over 80% of the votes led to      And every Sunday, hundreds of thousands of people
      Belarus must stop torturing     many people gathering outside of their polling stations in   unite in marches in the centre of Minsk and in several
  protesters and prevent enforced
    disappearances, 1 September       order to protest against the results. In few places where    Belarusian cities.
                                      the count appeared to be fair, members of the polling
  [10]Ekaterina Pierson-Lyzhina,
« Conséquences de la r-EVA-lution     stations were greeted with applause, while in other,         The Coordination Council, formed to represent the
    bélarusse : de la contestation
                                      presumably tarnished by fraud, in many cases members         interests of the protest movement with the approval
    politique à la formation d’une
   nation ? », Regard sur l’Est, 31   were accompanied home by anti-riot police. When people       of Sviatlana Tsihanouskaya and including respected
                     August 2020.

                                      FONDATION ROBERT SCHUMAN / EUROPEAN ISSUES N°573 / 6TH OCTOBER 2020
Emerging from the political crisis in Belarus:
                                                              with or without the intervention of external actors?

personalities of the Belarusian society, is not recognised   protest movement forcing many people to immigrate.
by the authorities as a legitimate interlocutor. On the      However, this type of regime, described by Linz and
contrary, many of its members have been detained or          Chehabi as one that can be easily overthrown by a coup
forced to leave the country, and a criminal investigation
has been opened against the council. However, the
                                                             d'etat,[12] cannot be sustained over a long period of
                                                             time in a State such as Belarus, which is poor in natural
European    Parliament    considers   the   Coordination     resources and has an unreformed economy, unless
Council as the "provisional representative of the            financial support comes from abroad, according to the
people demanding democratic change". Despite the             researcher Andrei Kazakevich.[13] The establishment
announcement of the constitutional reform, Alyaksandr        of such a regime would lead to a decrease in foreign
Lukashenka repeated several times in an interview            investment, the departure of foreign companies and
with Russian journalists on August 9 that only his           especially information technology companies, one of
death could put an end to his presidency.                    the most dynamic sectors in the country, causing a
                                                             further deterioration of the economic situation.[14]
Within the Belarusian State, there are no institutional
arrangements that could serve as a framework for             Recent      appointments      show       that   Alyaksandr    [11] These are authoritarian
                                                                                                                           regimes based on personal
dialogue between the authorities and the opposition.         Lukashenka is increasingly surrounding himself with           ideology and favours in order

The parliament formed in 2019 is entirely loyal to           siloviki   (representatives   of   the    law-enforcement     to keep the autocrat in power,
                                                                                                                           with little ideological basis. H.E.
the president. Governors and mayors are not elected          agencies). In December 2019, Natallia Kachanava, a            Chehabi and Juan J. Linz (ed.),
                                                                                                                           Sultanistic Regimes: A Theory of
but appointed by Lukashenka himself. The example             specialist in social issues at the head of the presidential
                                                                                                                           Sultanism Sultanistic Regimes,
of the Hrodna region speaks for itself: in this region,      administration, was replaced by Ihar Sergeenka,               Baltimore and London, The John
                                                                                                                           Hopkins University Press, 1998,
demonstrators managed to obtain the release of the           deputy head of the KGB.[15] In June 2020, during              284 p; Juan J. Linz and Alfred

detainees and a permission to gather legally in the          the presidential campaign, Alyaksandr Lukashenka              Stepan., Problems of Democratic
                                                                                                                           Transition and Consolidation.
main square of the city of Hrodna. This success was          replaced the Prime Minister Serguei Rumas, a reform-          Southern Europe, South America,
                                                                                                                           and Post-Communist Europe,
cancelled by the replacement of the governor by              oriented economist, by Raman Galouchanka, former
                                                                                                                           Baltimore, Johns Hopkins
Uladzimir Karanik, loyal to Lukashenka and who has           chairman of the state military and industrial committee.      University Press, 1996, pp.
                                                                                                                           51 - 54, 70 - 71; Juan J. Linz
tarnished his reputation as the Minister of Health by        Lukashenka also recalled Dmitri Paulichenka, colonel of
                                                                                                                           “Totalitarian and Authoritarian
manipulating statistics on deaths from the coronavirus.      the special forces’ unit from the Ministry of the Interior,   Regimes”, in Fred I. Greenstein
                                                                                                                           et Nelson W. Polsby (ed.),
                                                             dismissed in March 2009. Paulichenka was banned               Handbook of Political Science, Vol.

COULD      ALYAKSANDR          LUKASHENKA          STAY      from entering the EU because of his alleged implication       3, Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley,
                                                                                                                           1975, p. 259.
IN     POWER        BY      TRANSFORMING             THE     in the disappearances of Belarusian political figures in      [12]H.E. Chehabi and Juan J.
                                                                                                                           Linz, op. cit. p. 19.
AUTHORITARIAN REGIME INTO A SULTANISTIC                      1999 - 2000. He was the one who led the dispersion of
                                                                                                                           [13]The opinion expressed by
REGIME?                                                      demonstrators in Minsk on August 10. At the beginning         Andrei Kazakevich, researcher at
                                                                                                                           the University Vytautas Magnus,
                                                             of September, while the mobilization started to prove
                                                                                                                           during the meeting of the club of
The most pessimistic scenario on which the Belarusian        itself as durable, the army representative Andrei             experts “Optimism vs pessimism
                                                                                                                           during the elections of 2020”,
authorities are counting on would be for Alyaksandr          Raukou was replaced at the post of the Secretary of           Nashe Mnenie (Our opinion),

Lukashenka to stay in power by means of definitely           the State Security Council by Valery Vakulchik, former        Belarusian Institute of Strategic
                                                                                                                           Studies (BISS), Belarus Press
transforming the authoritarian     regime into one that      KGB director.                                                 Club, 23 July 2020.
                                                                                                                           [14]According to the economist
Juan J. Linz, Alfred Stepan and Houchang E. Chehabi
                                                                                                                           Kateryna Bornukova, academic
define as sultanistic.[11] In this type of regime, the       PUTIN AT LUKASHENKA'S SIDE: IS BELARUSIAN                     director and researcher at the
                                                                                                                           BEROC economic research centre,
leader, who does not enjoy popular support, remains in       SOVEREIGNTY AND INDEPENDENCE AT STAKE?
                                                                                                                           growth in Belarusian GDP was

power by relying on repression and purges within his                                                                       weak in the years 2010 compared
                                                                                                                           to the 2000s. In 2019, it grew by
administrative and security apparatus.                       Raukou's dismissal is not surprising given his involvement    only 1.2%, the forecast for 2020

                                                             in the arrest at the end of July of 33 mercenaries from       is -4%.
                                                                                                                           [15]Andrei Yeliseyeu, “Belarus
The establishment of a repressive regime of this kind        the Russian private military company Wagner Group:            at a Crossroads: Political Regime
                                                                                                                           Transformation and Future
which systematically uses paramilitary forces to repress     Lukashenka’s regime has changed its strategy, hoping
                                                                                                                           Scenarios”, Belarus Digest, 1
the opposing voices, would lead to the weakening of the      that Vladimir Putin will come to its rescue.                  September 2020.

                                              FONDATION ROBERT SCHUMAN / EUROPEAN ISSUES N°573 / 6TH OCTOBER 2020
Emerging from the political crisis in Belarus:
    with or without the intervention of external actors?

    In the first days following the post-electoral violence,    United States, will sign the roadmaps for deepening
    Alyaksandr Lukashenka was already boasting of Russian       the integration in the framework of the Russia-Belarus
    support by declaring that Putin had promised to intervene   Union State which he refused to sign at the end of

4   militarily in accordance with the obligations undertaken
    by the two countries in the framework of the Collective
                                                                2019. According to a pessimistic scenario, the signing
                                                                of these documents would mean the end of Belarus
    Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO), whereas such           as an independent State or, in a more optimistic
    support is only foreseen in case of external military       scenario, the end of Belarusian economic autonomy.
    aggression. However, at the beginning of the crisis, the    However, deepening integration within the framework
    Russian authorities took a cautious stance. During this     of the State of the Union is not very popular neither
    period, Alyaksandr Lukashenka phoned Vladimir Putin         in Russia nor in Belarus. In the latter, only 24% of the
    several times, refusing, according to media reports, to     population want the creation of common supranational
    communicate with the leaders of European countries.         bodies (according to a survey carried out in June by
                                                                the Sociology Institute of the Academy of Sciences)
    Kremlin’s official support dates from August 21, when       and 61.6% are in favour of preserving the country's
    journalists from the TV channel "Russia Today" arrived      independence from Moscow. In Russia, according to a
    to Minsk to replace the journalists and technical crew      poll undertaken by the Russian Centre for the Study
    from the State news agency BelTA who had resigned.          of Public Opinion in August 2020, only 22% of those
    Since then, media coverage in Belarus by the State          interviewed supported the creation of a single State
    media   has   changed    considerably.   An   association   and 43% supported the maintaining of friendly relations
    between the Ukrainian Euromaidan of 2013-2014 and           between two independent countries.
    the Belarusian protest has been created, whereas the
    latter is essentially an anti-Lukashenka mobilisation       However, Russian support accorded to Lukashenka is
    devoid of any geopolitical claims. There has also           limited: only 1.5 billion was promised by Vladimir Putin
    been an attempt to provoke a confrontation between          in Sochi - this sum can, for instance, compensate for
    supporters and opponents of Lukashenka, by presenting       the 1.4 billion decrease in gold reserves in August 2020
    them as equal in size, stigmatising the protesters as       alone - and Kremlin’s declarations remain moderate.
    nationalist and russophobe. For example, since the          Its spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, for example, expressed
    arrival of Russian media consultants, the police has        concern about the disappearances in Belarus after the
    started covering Soviet monuments with barbed wire,         kidnapping of the opposition leader Maryya Kalesnikava
    insinuating that they are in danger, even though there      on September 9. He was also irritated by Alyaksandr
    were no cases of vandalism by Belarusian peaceful           Lukashenka's assertion that the protest movement in
    protesters before. The fact that the demonstrators took     Belarus would expand to Russia.
    shelter in a Catholic church in the centre of Minsk on
    August 26 as they fled from the anti-riot police, was       China   is    another   country     capable    of     financially
    also used by the government media to sow the seeds          supporting the current regime in Minsk and who
    of religious disaccord. So far, all these attempts have     congratulated Alyaksandr Lukashenka on his election.
    proved ineffective.                                         However,      given   the   political   instability    and   the
                                                                difficulties in Lukashenka’s relations with the European
    Vladimir Putin's support for Alyaksandr Lukashenka has      Union, Belarus is becoming less attractive to China
    so far only had the effect of provoking an increase in      than before. Moreover, it is worth recalling that, in
    anti-Kremlin moods among the protesters (manifested         most cases, Chinese credits to Belarus were destined
    by the appearance of banners to this effect starting the    to specific projects and aimed at increasing Chinese
    manifestation of September 6), although anti-Russian        exports, and that China has only once (in December
    feelings are uncommon among the Belarusian population.      2019) granted a half a million $ without attaching
    The latter fears in particular that Lukashenka, now         conditions.
    that he has again become a pariah in Europe and the

Emerging from the political crisis in Belarus:
                                                              with or without the intervention of external actors?

WHAT CAN THE EUROPEAN UNION DO?                             The EU also announced an aid of €53 million, of which
                                                            €50 million will be granted to counter the consequences
The European Union’s response was both timid and            of the coronavirus pandemic, but may be used for other
slow. The European Union, Belarus’ second largest
trading partner, did not send a clear signal to the
                                                            purposes by the Belarusian authorities. Only €3 million
                                                            will go to the victims of repression and independent
Belarusian authorities about the red lines that they        media. The economic assistance plan presented by the
should not have crossed while the political repression      Lithuanian President, Gitanas Nauseda, prepared with
has been orchestrated since the early stages of the         Poland and Romania to help “democratic Belarus” is
election campaign debuting in May. However, while           also an encouraging sign for the demonstrators.
previous Belarusian elections had been qualified as
“having failed to satisfy the criteria to describe the      To go further, the EU could suspend cooperation with
for democratic elections”, the European Union went          State-controlled NGOs and projects with the public
further this time and did not recognize the results, or     sector financed through the EIB and EBRD and increase
Alyaksandr Lukashenka as president, despite him being       the support for the development of the civil society.
sworn into office. Lithuania went even further and
recognised Sviatlana Tsihanouskaya as the president.        While the Heads of State and Government of the
The French President Emmanuel Macron, after declaring       European Union decided on October 2 to adopt
that President Lukashenka had to leave, travelled to        targeted sanctions against 40 Belarusian officials (but
Lithuania on 29 September where he met Sviatlana            not against Alexander Lukashenka), everything should
Tsihanouskaya and reiterated his offer of mediation         be done to ensure that the Belarusian people are not
within the framework of the OSCE (Organisation              left alone in the face of repression and the authorities
for Security and Cooperation in Europe). While this         refusal to engage in dialogue.
event was described as "historic" by the independent
Belarusian media, during a telephone conversation,
Vladimir Putin told Emmanuel Macron that he considers                                   Ekaterina Pierson-Lyzhina
"all attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of a                     PhD candidate at Université libre de Bruxelles

sovereign state and external pressure on the legitimate
authorities unacceptable". Sviatlana Tsihanouskaya
said she would address the French Parliament on
October 7, and that a meeting with German Chancellor
Angela Merkel would take place on October 6. On
several occasions already Sviatlana Tsihanouskaya has
spoken to MEPs in Brussels.

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                                    Publishing Director : Pascale JOANNIN

THE FONDATION ROBERT SCHUMAN, created in 1991 and acknowledged by State decree in 1992, is the main
French research centre on Europe. It develops research on the European Union and its policies and promotes the content
of these in France , Europe and abroad. It encourages, enriches and stimulates European debate thanks to its research,
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                                              FONDATION ROBERT SCHUMAN / EUROPEAN ISSUES N°573 / 6TH OCTOBER 2020
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