The Pastor's Pen... April 2023 - Up from the Ground They Arose!

Page created by Heather Frazier
The Pastor's Pen... April 2023 - Up from the Ground They Arose!
The Pastor’s Pen...
                                      April 2023
                        Up from the Ground They Arose!
Flowers whither and pass away
Regressing to their hole in the ground
A shell of what they once were
Spending months
In darkness, no light
Prepared but waiting;
Waiting til the moment they are called to light
To break through the ground
Bursting forth into new life
Up from the ground flowers rise
A triumph over cold winter months
A victor of the dark depths of the earth
To live again a new life!

Spring and the bursting forth of flowers brings the reminder every year of new life. The blossoming of
flowers after a cold, hard winter brings color and joy. However, the flowers wouldn’t be as strong if they
didn’t have the time in the ground. The joy wouldn’t be as meaningful if we didn’t have the time
without. When Jesus died, he went into the tomb for three days. He could have risen immediately, at
anytime after his death, but he waited three days. Three days for people to mourn. Three days until God
called him to new life. We don’t know where his spirit was for those three days, but his body stayed in
the darkness of the cave, a shell of what once was, waiting.

If Jesus hadn’t waited and people hadn’t mourned, would they have felt what was truly lost? Would the
joy have been as powerful? Or would his resurrection have been just another miracle like the many he
had previously performed? By waiting three days, people could feel what had been lost, and Jesus
showed he had the power to conquer death without question. Do we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus
with more joy than we celebrate the rebirth of our flowers? Can we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus
with the same joy as those who witnessed his resurrection almost 2000 years ago?

                        He arose! He arose! Hallelujah Christ Arose!
Pastor Ali
The Pastor's Pen... April 2023 - Up from the Ground They Arose!
Hygiene Kits

The Helping Hands Circle will be assembling Hygiene Kits for Cumberland Valley Relief
Center, 4225 Molly Pitcher Hwy, Chambersburg. Donations of the following items would
be greatly appreciated. Items may be placed in the boxes in the Narthex and BLC by
Sunday, April 16th.

                                     New Items Only
   •   Hand Towel (medium weight, dark or bright colors; approx. 16 in. x 26 in)
   •   One wide-toothed comb (6-8 in)
   •   Nail Clipper (good quality)
   •   Large Bar Bath Soap (leave in wrapper)
   •   Adult-sized toothbrush (in manufacturer’s packaging)
                             Thank You!
The Pastor's Pen... April 2023 - Up from the Ground They Arose!
 he BLC lobby.
APR 2023

  SPRING IS HERE! Over the next few weeks, the weather will begin to shift, the flowers will start
  to bloom and our busiest season gets underway. This month’s newsletter is filled with upcoming
  events and activities. Please pay close attention to details and deadlines. We don’t want you to
  miss a thing.
  Youth Leadership would like to give a huge shoutout to some All-Star Youth Group
  Achievements. First, to all the students who’ve been participating in worship during Youth Group,
  we see you! Great Job! A special congratulations to Jacob Fritz for his recent art contest win, to
  Jacob Shaffer for his recent photography advancements, to Paige and Ana in their performances,
  to Devin on his honor society induction and to Garrett on his new role as Tech Coordinator here
  at the church. What an outstanding group of youth and young adults we have to celebrate. If you
  have a special award or accomplishment in your life, please let us know so we can celebrate you!
  It seems crazy to think we only have a handful of Youth Groups left in this semester. We will
  work hard to make each one the very best we can! See you there!

                                                     LOOKING FORWARD YOUTH GROUP
March has been an exciting month of lessons as             APRIL INTENTIONS
we traveled through time. We visited several
                                                     In April we will study a four-week program
different decades in our games and had great
                                                     called “At the Table.” The table is a place of
discussions about how we would use a time            meeting. When we are at the table, we can get
machine. Most important, we examined the             to know someone, share our stories, and
mission Jesus came to Earth to complete. A           enjoy fellowship. This series teaches that
mission to set us free, to restore what has been     Jesus comes to meet us at the table, lives are
destroyed, how he calls us to do justice, how he     changed, and everyone is invited.
calls us to remember. Both our lessons and
small group time have been filled with
discussions on how to make a positive impact in             SUNDAY SCHOOL RECAP
the world in areas that matter to us. We’ve                            MARCH
looked at the lives we live and the role we play     The Believers class joined with the youth
in helping spread Jesus’s mission to others.         this month to create new bonds and learn
                                                     from each other. We stuck to our SELLF
LOOKING FORWARD SUNDAY SCHOOL                        model so the youth got educated and did
     APRIL & MAY INTENTIONS                          some educating! This was time well spent.
                                                     All students should be able to share their
   Our very own Board Director and                   experiences with you at home. Please ask
 seasoned educator, Larry Bricker will               them about it. Students who attended all
   bring a series on Jesus’ Miracles.                four Sunday School classes will attend a
                                                     special event at Sky Zone. The date and
YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS!                         time of the event is to be determined.
The Pastor's Pen... April 2023 - Up from the Ground They Arose!
     APRIL – “AT THE TABLE”           April 1st – Easter Parade 10AM to 11AM
         5th, 12th, 19th, 26th        Youth are encouraged to help at this event. Please
   MAY – “BROTHERS & SISTERS”         plan to arrive at 9:30 AM.
      May 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th
                                      April 2nd – Love Feast & Communion
     YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL              Youth are highly encouraged to attend this sacred
       The Miracles of Jesus          service and time of fellowship. I have been
        April 16th, 23rd, 30th        pushing all of you to step deeper into your own
          May 14th, 28th              life ministry. This is a great place to start. Let me
                                      know you’re coming, and I’ll save you a seat!
       April 2nd Palm Sunday          April 23rd – Camp Eder Day
  May 7th Youth Sunday Celebration    This is a great day to learn about the amazing
      May 21st Away at Retreat        opportunities available at Camp Eder this
    June 4th Graduation Sunday        Summer. Remember our church has an awesome
             Celebration              scholarship program. If you are interested in a
                                      camp, please let me know!

  Friday, April 7th at 6:30 PM        APPRECIATION DAY

                                      Please mark your calendars NOW!! EVERY
                                      STUDENT who can read will have a part. That
  Bring your family, bring your       means all of you! We did a great job last year and
    friends!! Join us for some        have BIG shoes to fill. Rehearsal information will
   popcorn and a good movie.          be coming soon. Get excited… it’s your day!
    Everyone is welcome. And
  volunteers are appreciated. If      May 10th – PRESCHOOL SPAGHETTI ICE
 you’d like to help, let me know!!    If you are a home schooled or virtual student and
                                      can be available from Noon to 2pm for set up and
                                      service, please let me know. Our preschoolers
                                      love this day, and you will too!
            WE NEED YOU!              May 19th to 21st – YOUTH/YOUTH LEADER
 PRESCHOOL, THE TODDLER ROOM, THE     Our weekend away is less than two months out
KITCHEN, A COMMISSION, HANDING OUT    and we’re already getting excited. Students and
FLYERS, AT AN EVENT, ON SUNDAYS, ON   leaders will be leaving on Friday and returning on
 WEDNESDAYS, ON MONDAYS, DURING       Sunday at noon. Thank you to those who have
   THE DAY OR DURING THE EVENING,     already confirmed their seat. Registration sheets,
  PROPERTIES, WORSHIP AND MUSIC,      waivers, agendas, and more information will be
  CHRISTIAN ED, MISSION & SERVICES,   available the first week of April. Both
FELLOWSHIP AND RECRECATION, THERE     paperwork and payment need to be turned in
IS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. CHOOSE     no later than Sunday, May 7th. If you have lost
  SOMETHING YOU LIKE AND GIVE IT A    your invitation and need a new one. Please let me
                SHOT!                 know. I am planning an amazing trip for you all!
                                      June 4th – GRADUATION SUNDAY
                                      We’ll be celebrating some of you on this day!
                                      More information to come!
The Pastor's Pen... April 2023 - Up from the Ground They Arose!

The month of April is one of my very favorites for the simple fact that April showers, bring
May flowers. I remember growing up and how exciting Easter morning was as it
represented so many things. We started the day well before dawn. Up and at it into a new
church dress and shoes for our Sunrise Easter Service at 6:00 a.m. It was the only new
dress and shoes you got all year and you wore it for everything! Sunrise service was
followed by a huge church breakfast, Sunday School, and our regular service. We’d enjoy a
hot meal for lunch at Gramma’s after church and again for dinner. I loved the Easter egg
hunts and the Easter basket my Momma always had for us. Easter was a big deal.
But outside all the flair and fancy there was nothing like the stillness and peace in that
sanctuary or parking lot at 6 a.m. The quiet, humble service really allowed you to feel what
that morning may have been like when they found that empty tomb. I remember thinking
of it when I first opened my eyes, the feeling of wetness on the grass as we walked and
imagining their dirty wet feet, and the awe of it all. I thought they must have had a chill
walking in the crisp morning air, we always did. I deeply remember my awe.. Jesus had
risen from the dead.
It was a big, big deal. Yet, the highlight, the number one standout memory for me, was a
song I was always asked to sing as a teenager, “He’s Alive,” by Don Francisco. To this day
that song gives me chills merely at the thought of it. The last verses always made my heart
skip a beat, and goosebumps climb everywhere. I could see it and feel it. Can you?
“But suddenly the air was filled                  Then He raised me to my feet
With a strange and sweet perfume                  And as I looked into His eyes
Light that came from everywhere                   The love was shining out from Him
Drove the shadows from the room                   Like sunlight from the skies
And Jesus stood before me                         Guilt in my confusion
With his arms held open wide                      Disappeared in sweet release
And I fell down on my knees                       And every fear I'd ever had
And I just clung to Him and cried                 Just melted into peace”
Wow! What a feeling of celebration. A Savior worthy of worship and praise.
Our verses for the month of April are about this very topic. God loves to be worshipped and
praised, and as we learned in youth group last year, there are many ways to do this. We can
praise God in song and dance, we can worship with others or alone. We can read the Word,
and practice prayer and thanksgiving. And what a great month to celebrate. With Easter’s
reminder of Jesus’s amazing sacrifice for us we can take every fear we have and let them
melt away into peace.
Join me in April to celebrate every day in worship and praise for the wonderful gift Jesus
gave to us all.

In Great Love,
Pastor Gretchen
The Pastor's Pen... April 2023 - Up from the Ground They Arose!
Our new classroom assignments have been going very well. If you haven’t tried a Sunday School
class, this is a great time to pop in and check one out. There is something for everyone. Our class
schedule and classrooms are listed here.
Class                      Room                           Teacher
Challengers                Classroom 7                    Determined by Class
Searchers                  Classroom 8 (old K-5)          Determined by Class
Believers                  Mini Fellowship Hall           Determined by Class
Achievers (Young Adults)   BH – Main Floor                Discussion Based
Youth                      BH – Youth Room                Determined by Christian Ed
K-5                        BH – Top Floor                 Determined by Christian Ed
Our classes have been enjoying some interesting studying over the last month as we work as a
church to create a vision for the future. Every class in the church has or will be given a chance
to share their ideas and intentions going forward. This curriculum has been both fun and
informative and everyone’s ideas have been embraced and will continue to be. We are stronger
For the month of March, the Believers class combined with our Youth Group students to share
in a time of learning together. Following our SELLF model, Service, Education, Leadership, Love
and Fun we have bonded together in ways we didn’t expect. In our first week, we shared service
ideas and opportunities with one another. The youth enjoyed learning about the things they too
can get involved in. In week 2 our Believer class educated our Youth on the importance of their
relationship with both God and the church. Believers shared ways Youth could get and stay
involved. They also shared their favorite bible verses and stories of their relationship with God.
In our third week, the Youth presented a short class to the Believers to help them understand
how to better build relationships and a church that allows the Youth a place at the table. Our
final week combined both love and fun with a Bible version Family Feud game and a hug line.
This time together turned into much more than Sunday School as each student had a chance to
truly bond with an elder of the church. We are overjoyed by both the bonds made and
enthusiasm generated for the future!
We would encourage all families to invite friends and join us for a Movie Night Out on Friday,
April 7th starting at 6:30 p.m. This is a great chance to network with people from the community
and invite them to other church events. Consider bringing your family and friends for some
popcorn and our first movie showing, Encanto.

Be blessed,
Pastor Gretchen on behalf of The Christian Education Department
The Pastor's Pen... April 2023 - Up from the Ground They Arose!

March has been a very active month for us. We had Dr. Seuss month and
enjoyed parents/grandparents coming in to read to us. We had different
themes throughout the week. Friday most of us dressed as our favorite
Dr. Seuss character. We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day on Wednesday,
March 15th. The children and their families made leprechaun traps to try
catch a leprechaun. Unfortunately, the leprechauns messed up our classroom and could not be
caught. The students had fun checking their traps and helping us clean up the mess.

On March 20th, we began a program called “Eat Well Play Hard” with Well Span hospital. We had our
first lesson about trying new foods. The students got to try different types of crackers, carrots, and red
and green peppers. Most of them really liked trying the new foods.

For the month of April, we have fun activities planned, and we have a class trip scheduled. We will be
planting flowers, learning about butterflies and bugs, spending time outside, and having theme
                                    Upcoming April Events

                      April 1st – Drive Thru Easter Parade
                      April 5th- Easter Party/Egg Hunt
                      April 7th- 10th- Easter Break
                      April 14th- Superhero Day- Dress as your favorite superhero
                      April 20th- Earth Day
                      April 21st- Field Trip to Wilson College Horse Stables
                      April 26th- Field Trip to Pine Hill Park for a Preschool Wonder Walk
                      April 28th- Pajama Day- Wear your favorite PJ’s to school
The Pastor's Pen... April 2023 - Up from the Ground They Arose!
We would like to thank the many of you
                                                  who have held us up in prayer these last
                                                  couple months. A special thank you goes
                                                  to Liz for her visits, Larry for his calls, and
                                                  to Kim Frazer and the Challengers SS
                                                  Class for the wonderful gift of foods. This
                                                  church family has been more kind and
                                                  supportive than any other church we have
                                                  ever been a part of. Thank You!
                                                  -----Bob and Laura Shank

Dear Church Family and Friends,                   My sister, Martha Beverage and I would
                                                  like to thank those who sent cards, phone
We wish to thank everyone for the prayers,        calls, and prayers during the illness and
calls, cards, meals, and visits. Also to Carol,   sudden death of her husband Larry
Liz and Ian. We are truly blessed.                Beverage. Thank you!
It has been a whirlwind of health for me.         ---Linda Steck
The end of 2022 and beginning of 2023 has
been rough, but God is still in control. Bob’s    A huge thank you to everyone who
sight is worse. He is legally blind;              supported the annual church yard sale!
Parkinson’s is still showing itself by limiting   As of Monday, March 20th we raised
his movements. His hearing is very bad. He        $7,241.19 for our Smart Cookies Preschool
gets down easily and heart doctor said he is      program.
now in heart failure. He is ready when God
calls.                                            Church of the Brethren,
My sister, Terry, lives in our upstairs, and is   Thank you for the generous donation of the
an CNA. She retired December 16th.Thank           dresser from your yard sale this past
God because on December 17th I felt               weekend. We are in the process of getting
confused. Her and my son John called 911.         a rental started for traveling nurses in our
I didn’t even remember going to the hospital.
                                                  area. This donation is perfect for the
I was admitted and taken to surgery for
                                                  rental and is very much appreciated.
stones again. The first 3-4 days I could not
                                                  Thank you!
have told you my name or Birthday. I had a
severe UTI, stones in left and right kidneys      --- Brooke (Gable) and Nate Richards
and was septic. Had stents put in both
kidneys – they did not remove stones
because of infection. I had a yeast infection
in my blood stream. Had a heart attack. I
was in the hospital from 12/17 to 12/28
and then went home, went to the hospital
daily for infusion shots until 1/17. Returned
1/19 for them to remove stones and
returned to remove stents on the 30th.
My arthritis is worse, and I have dizziness
and am weak. So poor sister Terry retired
                                                  Our Sympathy to:
12/16th and 17th became Bob’s caregiver
and mine 24/7. She has been such a
blessing. Doctors said I came very close to       Linda Steck and Family following the
dying. But God is still in control and is         death of her Brother-in-Law, Larry Dale
loving and caring. He knows our needs             Beverage on Monday, February 27, 2023.
before we do. And I met so many wonderful
people. Very good care. We miss our church        Brian and Lori Stoner and Family
family and friends, and we pray for you all       following the death of Brian’s uncle,
every day. We love you all.                       John R. Stoner on Monday, March 20,
---Love, Bob & Gail Appenzellar                   2023.
The Pastor's Pen... April 2023 - Up from the Ground They Arose!
Additions to the Library for April……           Take your family to camp for a weekend of
                                               fun activities. The Camp Eder Retreat for
The Four Winds by Kristin Hanna explores the   families is April 28-30. For schedule and
effects of the Dust Bowl on a Family in        lodging information see flyer in this
Texas Panhandle as they are forced to          newsletter. Contact the church office if you
move west to where they are not welcomed.      want a registration form.
How do you survive when there are ten-day
dust storms. How do you live and support       Volunteers Needed…Spend a week at camp
your children when you work 10 hours for       this summer and enjoy the great outdoors.
40 cents?                                      Camp Eder needs volunteer pastors,
                                               nurses, and cleanup people.
   The Fifth Avenue Story Society by Rachael   Pastors and nurses spend a week at camp.
Hauck  - Five New Yorkers receive              Cleanup help is needed usually on
an invitation to attend the Fifth Avenue       Saturdays to prepare the Camp for the
Society which they never heard of. Is this a   following week of campers. Contact
joke? Each decides to go just to see what or call
it's about. Read what they learn and how it    (717) 642-8256.
plays out in their lives.
                                               Need a summer job? Consider working at
    In an Instant by Suzanne Redfearn-         Camp Eder as a camp counselor. Both
A devastating auto accident involves eleven    female and male counselors are needed.
people, including an overprotected teen.       To apply download the application at
How does love work in such times?     or call
                                               (717) 642-8256.
     Holiness: The Heart God Purifies
by Nancy Leight DeMoss-
                     how to experience
the fullness of God.

        Finances at a Glance

  Poor Stewardship amounts to nothing
less than withholding from the Lord that
              which is His.

             *********                                    Deadline for May
  Actual Income through 2/28/23…                            Pastor’s Pen
              $35,608.00                                Sunday, April 23, 2023
 Actual Expenses through 2/28/23…
              $42,771.00                            Please submit all information
  Net as of 2/28/23…($7,163.00)                         to the church office.
The Pastor's Pen... April 2023 - Up from the Ground They Arose!
WHAT: Mid-Week to Go……

                                                WHEN: Wednesday, May 3rd
                                                      5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.

                                                WHERE: Chambersburg COB

                                                    Meal delivered to your car!
District Women’s Spring Luncheon
                                                   First come-first served basis.
The 2023 District Women’s Spring Luncheon
will be held on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at               260 South Fourth Street
9:00 a.m. at York First Church of the                      Chambersburg, PA 17201
Brethren, 2710 Kingston Road, York, PA

This year’s theme is Planting Seeds: Mission     Mid-Week Connection’s purpose is connecting our
Work in China.                                  Brethren family to the community through fellowship
                                                                     and service.
The featured speaker is Ruoxia Li who was
born and grew up in Shouyangm the location
of another past Brethren mission post in
Shanxi Province, China.

She and her husband, Eric serve as Co-
Executive Directors of Global Mission for the
Church of the Brethren. She is a member of
York First Church of the Brethren.

Cost per person is $23.00 and registration
deadline is April 15, 2023. Brochures with
more information are available in the BLC
Lobby and Narthex.

           Mark your Calendar!

     74th Annual Southern PA District
             Women’s Camp
           Camp Eder, Fairfield
            June 5th & 6th, 2023
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