Holy Trinity Catholic Parish - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | July 22, 2018

Page created by Franklin Hughes
Holy Trinity Catholic Parish - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | July 22, 2018
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | July 22, 2018

             Holy Trinity Catholic Parish
25 E. Richmond St. Westmont, IL 60559 | 630-968-1366 | www.holytrinitywestmont.org
   Under the Administration of the Congregation of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Holy Trinity Catholic Parish - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | July 22, 2018
Mass Intentions                                               Prayer List
Masses are offered for the individuals listed below.
                                                              Please remember in your prayers...
+Denotes in memory of
                                                                Rick Christy                          Gustavo David Fernandez
Saturday, July 21 | Fi!eenth Week in Ordinary Time
  8:15am +Thomas Baczewski                                      Samuel Siu                            Frank Randolph
  4:30pm +Gordon Botha                                          Carlos Siu
Sunday, July 22 | Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time           To request to be added or removed from this list, please contact the
  7:30am People of the Parish                                 Parish office. Names will be removed automatically after four weeks.
  9:30am +Dave Zi!
            +Maria Bochnak                                    In Loving Remembrance
  11:30am +Edwin Nasby                                        Those who have died, in the hope of Resurrec"on:
            +Karen Zi!
                                                                +Jeanette Capra
  7:00pm No Mass
                                                                +Dianne Shanabruch
Monday, July 23 | Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time
 8:15am +Rita Schwarzkopf                                       +Father Thomas Sularz

Tuesday, July 24 | Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time
  8:15am Tom & Stacia Garro
Wednesday, July 25 | Feast of Saint James, Apostle
                                                              Flames of Faith
 8:15am +Jun Na"vidad                                         In the Sacred Heart Chapel of Eucharistic Adoration, six candles
                                                              burn on the altar. To request an intention for one of these
Thursday, July 26 | Memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne       candles, fill out an envelope in the back of the Adoration Chapel.
  8:15am Gregory Garro
Friday, July 27 | Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time
                                                              This week’s intentions are for:
  8:15am +Gerald Korzenecki                                     +Gordon Owen

Saturday, July 28 | Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time             Peace and prosperity in our families
  8:15am Ava Alexandra Lenard                                   Those who suffer chronic illnesses
  4:30pm +Ann Mastro
                                                                Those with mental illness and their families
Sunday, July 29 | Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                The safety and dignity of the unborn and elderly
  7:30am +Robert & Dorothy Czerwinski
  9:30am People of the Parish                                   Greater reverence during Mass
  11:30am +Jun Na"vidad
            +William Zoller
  7:00pm No Mass                                              Weddings
Last week’s altar flowers intentions were:                    Congratulations to our newly
  In Memory of +Jeanette Capra                                married couple...
                                                                Sheila Perez & Nick Zallis
This week’s altar flowers intentions are:                       Friday, July 20, 2018 at Holy Trinity Church

  In Memory of +Edwin Nasby                                   Marriage Banns
                                                                First Call: Denise Vigilia & Adrian Cabrera
“With God, every moment is the                                  First Call: Brianne Wedoff & Eric Tomko

moment of beginning again.”                                   If anyone knows of an exis"ng impediment which would prevent these
                                                              marriages, please let Father Rafal know as soon as possible.
-Catherine Doherty
Holy Trinity Catholic Parish - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | July 22, 2018
Adoration Chapel
                                                                               Through the Eucharist, God
Gospel Meditation                                                              changes us. He builds up a
                                                                               Eucharis!c culture to replace
July 22, 2018 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                               the culture of death.
"Now what?" It's a difficult thing to hear, isn't it? The train
comes late, a child unexpectedly cries, and the latest public                  Think globally.
policy debate flares up in the news. Life throws us curveballs,
and we have no choice but to adapt. Jesus and the Apostles find                Act Eucharis!cally.
themselves in that exact situation in today's Gospel.
                                                                               It's the sacrament that renews the earth.
The Apostles have returned from their two-by-two missionary
                                                                               We are always in need of more adorers.
journey. As Jesus hears all of their stories, he knows they need
time to recover and refresh. "Come away by yourselves to a                     For more informa!on, please contact Joe or Maureen Garro
deserted place and rest a while." Their wilderness retreat is                  at 630-968-3855 or mojo.garro@gmail.com.
short-lived, however, as eager crowds discover their location.
Jesus is well aware of the needs of his disciples. Still, as he looks
out at the crowd, "His heart was moved with pity for them, for
they were like sheep without a shepherd." The rest break is
                                                                               What’s Happening?
over. "He began to teach them many things."                                    This weekend at Holy Trinity…
For those of us who have experienced a taste of much-needed                    July 21-22
relaxation only to have it taken away abruptly, perhaps we                     Reminder about Baptisms at Holy Trinity
surmise what the Apostles might have been feeling in that                      Baptisms are held on the second and fourth Sundays of the
moment. But Jesus isn't being inconsiderate of the Apostles                    month after the 11:30am Mass. Parents and Godparents are
needs. He offers them - and us - a lived lesson. St. John Paul II              required to attend the Baptism Prep Class before a child is
wrote, "The whole of Christ's life was a continual teaching: his               baptized. Classes are held on the first Tuesday of the month.
silences, his miracles, his gestures, his prayer, his love for                 Please call the Religious Education Office at 630-968-5978 for
people, his special affection for the little and the poor, his                 information and to register.
acceptance of the total sacrifice on the Cross for the redemption
of the world" (On Catechesis in Our Time, 9). In Jesus' choice to
teach, we see all of these things: sacrificial love, concern for the
marginalized, and priority of people's needs over personal
preference. These aren't abstract ideals. They're lived realities as
we strive to live and love like Jesus. When a new obstacle
                                                                               Congrega!on of the Resurrec!on Gala
confronts you in your life, how do you respond?                                The Congrega!on of the Resurrec!on 21st
                                                                               Annual Gala will be held on Sunday, September
                                                                               23 at Café La Cave in Des Plaines. Reserva!ons
                                                                               can be made by contac!ng Brother Bill Hallas,
Mass Readings                                                                  C.R. at whallascr@gmail.com or 773-463-7506.
Sunday:       Jer 23:1-6/Ps 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6 [1]/Eph 2:13-18/Mk 6:30-34       The cost of the dinner is $80 per person.
                                                                               Fr. Rafal will be honored this year at the Gala.
Monday:       Mi 6:1-4, 6-8/Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23 [23b]/Mt
Tuesday:      Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Ps 85:2-4, 5-6, 7-8 [8a]/Mt 12:46-50           2019 Mass Inten!on Book Now Open
Wednesday:    2 Cor 4:7-15/Ps 126:1bc-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6 [5]/Mt 20:20-         Holy Trinity’s Mass Inten!on Book for 2019 is open. Please
                                                                               remember our Mass inten!on policy of six Masses per visit, with
Thursday:     Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13/Ps 36:6-7ab, 8-9, 10-11 [10a]/Mt           a maximum of three Sunday or Holy Day Masses.
Friday:       Jer 3:14-17/Jer 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13 [cf. 10d]/Mt 13:18-
              23                                                               Westmont Cruisin' Nights & Street Fair
Saturday:     Jer 7:1-11/Ps 84:3, 4, 5-6a and 8a, 11 [2]/Mt 13:24-30           Every Thursday evening in June, July, and August, from 5-9pm,
                                                                               Westmont closes down 3 blocks of downtown Cass Ave for
Next Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:42-44/Ps 145:10-11, 15-16, 17-18 [cf. 16]/Eph 4:1-
                                                                               classic car parking and more. For more informa!on, visit
             6/Jn 6:1-15
Holy Trinity Catholic Parish - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | July 22, 2018
Religious Education                                                      Young Adult Ministry
Register Now for FCFF                                                    Theology on Tap is Here
Family Centered Faith Forma!on begins with                               Join our Young Adult Ministry as we host four sessions of
a Parent Orienta!on mee!ng on Monday,                                    Theology on Tap, with speakers, fellowship plus food and drink.
August 27th at 7 PM in Holy Family Hall.                                 We will once again be hos!ng at the Knights of Columbus Hall
If you have not yet registered your family for                           at 25 N. Cass in Westmont on Monday evenings, July 2 - July 23,
the 2018-19 program year, please complete and return your                from 7-9pm. Suggested cover charge is $5 to help offset the
family’s registra!on form as soon as possible. Registra!on               cost of food per session. It would be greatly appreciated.
forms are available in the RE office and on the parish website.            Come check it out!
If you are new to the parish, or have a child star!ng 1st grade,         For more informa!on, please contact Chris Simon at
we welcome you and invite you to call the Religious Educa!on             csimon@holytrinitywestmont.org or visit us on Facebook at
office at 630.968.5978 to ask about Family Centered Faith                  Holy Trinity Catholic Parish: Young Adult Ministry.
Forma!on, which begins again in the fall. You may also find
informa!on on the Holy Trinity Church website – just click on
the Religious Educa!on tab. Please keep in mind that the Joliet          Theology on Tap
Diocese requires two years of religious instruc!on before your           Around the Diocese
child receives a sacrament.
                                                                         In addi!on to our Holy Trinity
Thank you to all who have volunteered to teach or help in any            Theology on Tap, join the Young
way with the 2018-19 FCFF classes. We are in need of hall                Adult Ministry of the Diocese of
monitors and babysi$ers. The commitment is for one evening a             Joliet for their annual Theology on Tap series.
month in addi!on to the night your own family a$ends. If you
are able to help out, please call the RE office. God bless you!            They have various speakers throughout the diocese during July
                                                                         and August. Check out the schedule today.
During the summer, the Religious Educa!on office will be open
from 8:45 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Thursday, and 8:45                For more info email yam@dioceseo(oliet.org. Check out
am -1 pm on Fridays.                                                     speakers, topics, and all event details at www.yamjoliet.org

Adult Faith Formation                                                    From the Diocese
Biblical Ins!tute Preview Night                                          Catholic Chari!es Golf Ou!ng
Biblical Ins!tute of the Diocese of Joliet held its preview night        Catholic Chari!es is hos!ng A Swing and a Prayer
this past Wednesday at Holy Trinity. If you were unable to               golf ou!ng on August 23, 2018 with a shotgun start at 1:00 PM
a$end and are interested in finding out more about the Biblical           at the Joliet Country Club. Tickets are available by calling
Ins!tute, catch the next preview night at Our Lady of Mount              815-724-1140 or online at catholicchari!esjoliet.org.
Carmel Parish in Darien on Wednesday, July 25, from 7-8:30pm.
                                                                         Back to School Fair
The Biblical Ins!tute offers in-depth study of the Bible, from the
Catholic point of view, presented by trained and experienced             The DuPage County Back to School Fair, coordinated by Catholic
Catholic teachers.                                                       Chari!es, Diocese of Joliet will be held on Wednesday, August 1,
                                                                         from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at St. Francis High School in
Register for classes this fall at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish in       Wheaton. To learn more, visit catholicchari!esjoliet.org.
Darien. For informa!on, go to: www.dioceseo(oliet.org/reo and
click on Biblical Ins!tute or call: 815-221-6147.                        Job Openings
                                                                         St. Scholas!ca Parish in Woodridge is ac!vely looking for a full-
                                                                         !me benefited Director of Liturgy and Music.
Youth Ministry                                                           St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Naperville is seeking a full-!me
                                                                         experienced Director of Liturgy and Music Ministries.
Youth Room Open Hours
                                                                         St. Joan of Arc Parish in Lisle is seeking a Physical Plant
Open Hours are every Wednesday, from 7-9pm,                              Coordinator responsible for supervising Maintenance Technician
un!l August 8. For more informa!on, visit our                            and direc!ng all Contracted Maintenance Services.
Youth Ministry webpage or email Jen Bartley at
youthministry@holytrinitywestmont.org.                                   For more informa!on and job opportuni!es, please visit

Holy Trinity Catholic Parish - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | July 22, 2018
Tigers represent HT at Spirit Hockey Camp
The Holy Trinity was well-represented at Spirit Hockey Camp held this week at the
Darien Sportsplex. Holy Trinity parishioners Max & Sebas!an Cerny, Nicholas & Ryan
Kois, Danny Kaiser, and Charlie Coissairt par!cipated in the week-long camp, which
included daily Mass, Rosary, Confessions, catechesis and virtues training in addi!on to
hockey condi!oning and learning new ice skills. Par!cipants also had the opportunity to
meet former Blackhawk and member of the 2010 Stanley Cup team Brian Campbell and
                                                                                                           Sebas!an and Max Cerny ge"ng a picture
Coach Joel Quenneville. What a blessing to combine sports and Faith in this way!                           with former Blackhawk, Brian Campbell.

Taste of Westmont
Holy Trinity would like to extend a hear#elt thank-you to all of the volunteers that
donated their !me at the Holy Trinity booth during the Taste of Westmont this year.
We would also like to thank Mrs. Anne Pohlman for coordina!ng the volunteers and
all of the booth ac!vi!es.

                                                                                                      Carol Gergits and Lauren Mlade volunteering
                                                                                                      at Holy Trinity’s Taste of Westmont booth.
Exploring the Planets

                                                                                                                             Holy Trinity summer
                                                                                                                             campers outside the
                                                                                                                             Adler Planetarium.

                                                     Holy Trinity PSO
                                                     Restaurant Fundraiser for Holy Trinity
                                                     Date: Wednesday, July 25, 2018
                                                     Time: 11am-9pm
                                                     Loca!on: WoodGrain Neapolitan Pizzeria, 19 West Ogden Avenue, Westmont
                                                     Come out and support Holy Trinity!
                                                     Men!on that you are there to support Holy Trinity, and 20% of your purchases*
                                                     made will come back to Holy Trinity.
                                                     *Any sort of discount cannot be used with this fundraiser. If you are purchasing alcohol it must be on
                                                     a separate receipt. If any alcohol is on your receipt, it cannot go towards this fundraiser.

Holy Trinity Catholic Parish - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | July 22, 2018
Devo ons & Sacraments
Business Corner                                                         Adora on Chapel
By Jeff Molenda, Holy Trinity Business Manager                          The Blessed Sacrament is accessible for adora!on 24 hours each
                                                                        day. The door is open from 5am - 10pm. Please contact Joe or
                                                                        Maureen Garro at 630-968-3855 or mojo.garro@gmail.com
Heart of Christ Fund                                                    to gain access during night hours.
Report for Fiscal Year
                                                                        Saint Peregrine Devo on
2017-2018                                                               Offered on the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm
To care for God’s Poor                                                  Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
                                                                        Exposi!on and Benedic!on of the Blessed Sacrament is offered
The fund collected $32,253 in fiscal year 2018 due to your
                                                                        on the first Friday of the month a$er the 8:15am Mass.
                                                                        Anoin ng of the Sick
Disbursements were made as follows:                                     Offered on the first Saturday of the month at the 8:15am Mass.
St. Vincent De Paul – $14,016                                           Bap sms
Offering person-to-person service to individuals in need, aid that       Bap!sms are held the second and fourth Sundays a$er the
may take the form of interven!on, consulta!on, or o$en                  11:30am Mass. Contact the Religious Educa!on office to arrange
through direct dollar or in-kind service.                               for parents and godparents to a&end the Bap!smal Prep Class
                                                                        held on the first Tuesday of each month.
People’s Resource Center – $4,286
People's Resource Center provides food, clothing, job skills            Weddings
programs and much more to help neighbors in need here in                Contact the Parish office and make arrangements at least six
DuPage County.                                                          months in advance.

Congrega on of the Resurrec on – $1,040                                 Funerals
A small religious community of priests and brothers who live and        The Funeral Director will contact the Parish office regarding
work throughout the world and serve our parish.
School and Religious Educa on Tui on Support - $27,457
Holy Trinity families who had unexpected hardships during the           Parish Staff
school year.                                                            Call the Parish Office at 630-968-1366 then dial Ext. numbers...
Other - $1,619                                                          Father Rafal Wasilewski, C.R. Pastor .............................. Ext. 127
Dona!ons to other parishes and organiza!ons in need, including          Father Marion Wroblewski, C.R. Parochial Vicar ........... Ext. 130
Catholic Chari!es, Seminary & Ministry work, costs for meals            Deacon Patrick Blaney ............................................ 630-290-5328
provided to homeless by Young Adult Ministry, etc.                      Deacon Thomas Jagielo
Total – $48,418                                                         Deacon Anthony Lenard ......................................... 630-960-3627
                                                                        Deacon William Casey (Emeritus)
The current year deficit of $16,165 was planned due to a prior
year surplus. There remains $14,797 available for Fiscal Year           Dr. Pamela Simon School Principal .................................. Ext. 103
2018-19 although it is currently designated for School and              Jeffrey Molenda Business Manager ................................ Ext. 128
Religious Educa!on Support. Addi!onal funds collected in the            Kris n Vanevenhoven Director of Communica!ons ...... Ext. 120
current year will go primarily to SVDP, PRC and School tui!on           Ed Arenz Facility Manager ............................................... Ext. 106
support.                                                                Jonathon M. Toni Music Director .................................... Ext. 121
                                                                        Joanne Gregoire Director of Religious Educa!on ........... Ext. 111
Thank you for your con!nued support of the less fortunate here
in our community and elsewhere through your contribu!ons to             Kim LiCavoli RE Administra!ve Assistant ...................... Ext. 112
the Holy Trinity Heart of Christ Fund! Dona!ons may be made             Jen Bartley Director of Youth Ministry ........................... Ext. 107
through the bi-monthly purple envelopes, on-line or via the poor        Evelyn Serritella Adult Faith Forma!on Coordinator ..... Ext. 113
boxes located in the narthex.                                           Chris Simon Young Adult Ministry Coordinator ............. Ext. 126

                   Last Weekend’s Giving
July 14-15, 2018         E-Giving     Check & Cash          Total
SUNDAY                $7,301.00        $12,558.25    $19,859.25
PARISH CENTER         $2,867.58         $2,597.45     $5,465.03

Holy Trinity Catholic Parish - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | July 22, 2018
About Us                                                      Contact Us                                                                  Mass Times
Mission Statement: Commi!ed to living                         25 E. Richmond St. Westmont, IL 60559                                       Weekend Masses
out the endless love of the Trinity, we are a                                                                                             Saturday: 4:30pm
                                                              Website: www.holytrinitywestmont.org
welcoming, faith-sharing Catholic family of                                                                                               Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am
believers, centered on the Holy Eucharist                     Parish Office: 630-968-1366                                                   Sunday Evening: 7:00pm (Sept-May Only)
as the source of our life in Christ.                          Religious Educa"on Office: 630-968-5978
                                                                                                                                          Weekday Masses
                                                              School Office: 630-971-0184
New Parishioners: Please stop by the                                                                                                      Monday-Saturday: 8:15am
Parish office to fill out a registra$on form                                                                                                 Holy Days: 8:15am, 12:00pm, and 7:00pm
during office hours. Join us for our next
                                                              Office Hours
Welcome Sunday held on Sunday,                                Monday-Thursday: 8:45am - 4pm
                                                                                                                                          Saturday: 3:15 - 4:15pm
September 16 a%er the 9:30am Mass.                            Friday: 8:45am - 1pm

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Holy Trinity Catholic Parish - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | July 22, 2018

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Holy Trinity Catholic Parish - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | July 22, 2018 Holy Trinity Catholic Parish - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | July 22, 2018
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