Second Sunday of Lent Missal: Year C Pg: 740 -
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Second Sunday of Lent Missal: Year C Pg: 740 565 W. Ke ering St., Lancaster, CA 93534 · 661.942.7122 · March 13, 2022 Pastor: Fr. Hiếu Trần · Associate Pastor: Fr. Eder Tamara · Associate Pastor: Fr. Jean Ta egrain Deacons: Dc. Fermin Herrera, Dc. Dale Reynolds, Dc. Ron Routolo, Dc. Jason Schalow, Dc. Alex Aguilar, Dc. Miguel Zamora Sunday Masses Daily Masses Bap sms Saturday Vigil (English): 5:30PM Monday-Saturday: 8:00AM and 5:30pm Third Saturday of the Month-12:00PM Sunday (English): 8:00AM Civic Holidays: 8:00AM Only Call ORE: 661.948-3011 9:30AM,11:00am, 5:30pm Holy Days/Dias Santos Bau smos Sunday (Spanish): 12:30PM,2:00PM (Days of Obliga on) El Primer Sabado de Cada Mes-12:00PM Confessions English (Vigil): 5:30PM Llame a ORE: 661.948-3011 Weekdays: 7:30AM and 5:00pm English: 8:00AM, 12:00PM, 5:30PM (20 minutes before Mass) Anoin ng of the Sick Spanish: 7:30PM Saturday: 4:00PM - 5:30PM For those seriously ill or preparing for major surgery, call the Parish Office at Funerals Weddings 661.942.7122 to make arrangements to Call the Parish Office 661.942.7122 By appointment, six-month no ce be anointed with the Oil of the Sick. Call the Parish Office: 661.942.7122 Our Parish Website Online offering/tithe El sitio Web de nuestra parroquia En linea/diezmos y ofrendas
Page 2 Fr. Eder’s Message Second Sunday of Lent We continue on the path of Lent where the word of the Lord continues to invite us to the conversation for a change in our lives. When Peter, James and John accompanied Jesus on Mount Tabor or after the transfiguration something spe- cial happened, a voice came out of the cloud saying "This is my Son, my chosen one, listen to him". This same voice continues telling the world to listen to the voice of the Lord who continues to call each one of us to a change of life to build a better world without hatred and without wars, beginning with ourselves and of course in our families and where the Lord He led us to sow the seed of the word so that after bearing fruit in abundance, we continue this Lent listening to the voice of the Lord in his word in our hearts so that he may transform us and fill us with his blessings. God bless, Fr. Eder Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma Seguimos en el camino de la cuaresma donde la palabra del Señor nos sigue invitando a la conversación a un cambio en nuestras vidas. Cuando Pedro, Santiago y Juan acompañaron a Jesús en el monte Tabor o de la transfiguración sucede algo especial salió una voz de la nube que decía “Este es mi Hijo mi escogido, escúchenlo”. Esta misma voz conti- núa diciendo al mundo escuchen la voz del Señor que sigue llamando a cada uno de nosotros a un cambio de vida para construir un mundo mejor sin odio y sin guerras, empezando con nosotros mismos y desde luego en nuestras familias y a donde el Señor nos llevé a sembrar la semilla de la palabra para que luego de frutos en abundancia, sigamos en esta cuaresma escuchando la voz del Señor en su palabra en nuestros corazones para que nos transforme y nos llene con su bendiciones. Dios los bendiga, P.Eder Sunday Collec on Weekly Collec on for Sunday 3/6/2022 Plate $ 8,596.31 Envelopes $ 8,258.16 Endowment $ 2,807.00
Page33 The Happenings Page Friday Schedule for Stations of the Cross Every Friday at 7:00pm in the Church Presider Schedule for The Stations of the Cross 7:00pm Date in the Church March 11th Dc. Jason & Dc. Miguel—Bilingual March 18th Youth Ministry Office of Religious Education March 25th April 1st Dc. Miguel Z.—Español April 8th SH School God always waits for us. Life is a journey back to God. Occasionally we get lost along the way. Sometimes we run from activity to activity and forget about spending time with him. Sometimes we don’t do the right thing and that hurts our relationship with him. But God always waits for us. During the 40 days of Lent, we’re invited to slow down and focus on our journey and how we can follow Christ’s will more faithfully. We do this through the three pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Through prayer we seek and connect with the Lord and ask him to intercede for the needs of our glob- al family. We grow in our relationship with him and unite with our sisters and brothers around the world. When we fast, we experience a little bit of the hunger that many experience daily. We make room for the needs of others—and room for God’s Holy Spirit to work within us. Finally, through a recognition of the world’s needs and a personal commitment to help others, we give alms. This year, with these pillars as our guide, CRS Rice Bowl will introduce us to our neighbors in Guatema- la, Bangladesh and Rwanda. We’ll learn how the dreams of our sisters and brothers are inspiring them to overcome challenges that impact their daily life. To dream bigger. To help their families and com- munities succeed. El Señor siempre nos espera. La vida es un viaje de regreso a Dios. De vez en cuando nos perdemos en el camino. Pasamos haciendo una cosa tras otra, y nos olvidamos de pasar tiempo con él. A veces no hacemos lo correcto y dañamos nuestra relación con él. Pero Dios siempre nos espera. Durante los 40 días de Cuaresma, se nos invita a ir más despacio, a enfocarnos en nuestro caminar y a seguir la voluntad de Cristo más fielmente. Hacemos esto mediante los pilares de la oración, el ayuno y ofrenda. A través de la oración nos encontramos con el Señor y le pedimos que interceda por las necesidades de nuestra familia humana. Crecemos en nuestra relación con él y nos unimos con nuestros hermanos de todo el mundo. Cuando ayunamos, experimentamos un poco el hambre que muchos viven a diario. Hacemos espacio para las necesidades de ellos y para que el Espíritu Santo obre en nosotros. Al reconocer las necesidades del mundo y comprometernos de manera personal a ayudar a los de- más, damos ofrenda. Este año, usando estos pilares como guía y por medio de Plato de Arroz de CRS, conoceremos a her- manos nuestros en Guatemala, Bangladesh y Ruanda. Aprenderemos cómo sus sueños los alientan a superar los desafíos que se presentan en sus vidas. A soñar en grande. A ayudar a sus familias y co- munidades a salir adelante.
Page 4 Ministry News Welcome to the Confirming Disciples Confirmation process. At Sacred Heart, we strive to provide you and your child with a welcoming, quality program. As a quote from David Calavitta states: “Ministry should always be quality over quantity. A few warm hearts fill a room better than a ton of cold bodies. Souls, not certificates”. Following this as our guide, we look forward to sharing our faith together and serving your family. Faith Days 1st Year: March 13th, 2022 Faith Day Teens must attend 11:00am mass then class after from 12:00pm- 1:30pm (If you are NOT attending Mass you are marked as missing the whole class) 2nd Year: Sunday, March 13th, 2022 meet at Kennedy @3:30pm and will end with 5:30pm Mass Email us at Check our website and follow us on our Instagram @ciaym for more information and updates.
Ministry Ministry NewsNews Page 5 SACRED HEART SCHOOL SHSAV.ORG Monday March 14 CJSF - Pi Day Wednesday March 16 Student council Pay for-Free-Dress-$1.00 Thursday March 17 Teacher CUE conference NO School Friday March 18 Religious ED. Congress and Teacher CUE conference NO School *2022-2023 applica ons for new students available or the school secretary at One of the crucial things we do in a Catholic school is to help develop our student's capacity for excellence in their spirituality, academics, social skills, and emo ons. All of these moments happen when we call them to- ward heir best effort, goodness, and what leads them to grow into wonderful people. Catholics schools lead all other educa onal school programs by having the best prepared students entering high schools and col- leges. Please consider your child receiving a Catholic educa on and contact the school for a tour. Did you know? The importance La importancia de los límites en el of boundaries in ministry ministerio Good ministry occurs when a person El buen ministerio ocurre cuando una perso- establishes and respects healthy na establece y respeta límites saludables con boundaries with the people he or she las personas a las que está tratando de ser- is trying to serve. Those who work in vir. Quienes trabajan en el ministerio deben ministry have to be aware of healthy ser conscientes de los límites saludables y boundaries and what is and is not ap- de lo que es y no es apropiado para estos propriate for these scenarios, because escenarios, porque el riesgo de violación the risk of violation can cause serious puede causar daños graves. Los buenos lími- harm. Good boundaries yield healthy tes producen relaciones saludables. Para ob- relationships. For more on how to es- tener más información sobre cómo estable- tablish boundaries in ministry, request cer límites en el ministerio, solicite una copia a copy of the VIRTUS® article del artículo de VIRTUS® en inglés, “Preserving boundaries in ministry” “Preserving boundaries in minis- at try” (Preservando los límites en el ministerio) en
Page 6 Ministry News Faith Formation Classes- Clases de Formación de Fe (Catesismo) RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA) w/ Sponsors and RITO de INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA DE ADULTOS (RICA) w/ Sponsors Ms. Mary Jo’s class with Sponsors Ms. Stephanie Jones’ class with Sponsors March 20, 2022 – Sunday, 11:00 am Mass - FIRST SCRUTINY The scrutinies are meant to uncover and then heal all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the heart of the elect; to strengthen all that is upright, strong and good. We welcome and pray for our sisters and brothers whom God, through Sacred Heart Church were chosen in their desire to follow Christ with Greater kindness and compassion and for our sisters and brothers who Have developed a deeper understanding of their baptism, advancing in a Missionary life of love and service to others. We are looking forward for your full communion in Church. Rite of Sending Last weekend we had the Rite of Sending Congratulations to our Catechumens and sponsors who were presented to the Archbishop at the Cathedral.
Ministry News Page 7 Celebrate Life – 30 Years! Women’s Clinic of the Antelope Valley (WCAV) th 30 Fundraising Gala April 9, 2022 Live Auc on and drawings Social 5:00 pm Dinner and Program 6:30pm – 9:00pm Tickets are $65/person or $650/ per table of ten (Advanced sales only) The Hellenic Center 43404 30th Str. West, Lancaster RSVP by March 24, 2022 to Stacy Ralston, WCAV Execu ve DirectorWCAV office at (661) 947- 0400 or director@womensclinicav.comDona ons of auc on and/ or raffle items please contact: Janet Berard (661) 206-8276 or Donors go to and enter sponsor code: sacredheartlancaster or the zip code: 93534 Virtus Training is scheduled at Sacred Heart on Saturday, March 26, 2022 9:00am-12noon Initial Certification - Protecting God’s Children (English) Kesterson/protejiendo a los niños de Dios (Español)Kennedy 1:30pm– 3:00pmRe-Certification - Keeping the Promise Alive (English Kesterson. Manteniendo la promesa viva (Español) Kennedy. Please call the Parish Office 661-942-7122 to register for this class. Favor de hablar a la oficina Parroquial para registracion. Virtus Training is a requirement for staff and volunteers who work and serve at the church and school.
Page 6 Page 8 Our Parish Family Tile Pledge Our Donor Wall is getting close to completion! If you want to have a memorial tile of a loved one, living or deceased, or furnishing for the new church, pew or chairs please call us at 661-942-7122 ¡Nuestra pared de azulejos está casi terminada! Si desea tener un azulejo en honor de un ser querido, vivo o fallecido, o muebles para la nueva Iglesia, banca o sillas, llame al 661-942-7122 Hardcover Bilingual Missals are Something good is coming......... available for purchase at the weekend Mass- es or call the Parish Office at 661-942-7122. Jesus said “You are the ROCK on which to build our church” AND NOW IT’S OUR TIME......... Los Misales bilingües de cobertura dura están disponibles para su compra durante las Misas May God bless our Campaign del fin de semana o hable a la oficina de la Parroquia 661-942-7122 Grow Your Business Advertise with us Your ad will be seen in the bulletin and our web page Free professional ad design & help Email: ramirezm@jspaluch,com Thank You for your Support! May God Bless your Business PRAYER OF THE WEEK LET NOTHING DISTURB YOU Second Sunday of Lent Let nothing disturb you, O God, who have commanded us Nothing frighten you. to listen to your beloved Son, All things are passing. be pleased, we pray, to nourish us inwardly by your word, God never changes. that, with spiritual sight made pure, Patient endurance attains all things. we may rejoice to behold your glory. Whoever possesses God lacks Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, nothing, who lives and reigns with you God alone is sufficient. in the unity of the Holy Spirit, —St. Teresa of Ávila God, for ever and ever. INSPIRED SCRIPTURE Reflection question: The study of inspired scripture is the chief way of finding our duty. How can I be more attentive to God’s word? —St. Basil the Great
Masses for the Week Please remember in your prayers the sick of our Page 9 March 12– March 18, 2022 parish: Katie Trejo, Clazel Marahan, Valentin Ong Jr, Saturday Mar 12 Hector Espino, Valentin Rivera, Angela Teafue, 8:00am All Souls in Purgatory Rest in Peace: Bertha Leticia, Espinoza Hernandez, Alredo Gonzalez RIP Maria Sanchez, Orfelina Ramirez, Sam Mijangos, 5:30pm Rosario Olague RIP Antonio Suatengo Sunday Mar 13 Second Sunday of Lent 8:00am All Souls in Purgatory 9:30am Sherri Gibbs RIP, Bernal Family LIV Parish Informa on 11:00am Martino Vuong Chanh RIP Deaconate Formation Priesthood Formation Maria de la Luz Lopez RIP St. John’s Seminar 12:30pm Antonio Rangel RIP Rafael Avina Eusebia Guevarra RIP Robert Nemila David Zamora Rafael Cerna LIV 2:00pm Richard Carranza RIP Parish Office - (661) 942-7122 Bertha Leticia Espinoza Herdez RIP Fax: (661) 945-4255 5:30pm Rosario Olague RIP Email: Facebook: Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Lancaster-CA Monday Mar 14 Hours: Mon - Fri: 10:00AM - 5:00PM (Closed 12:00pm - 1:00PM) Avelino & Florentina Beado RIP Sacred Heart School - Principal: Mr. David Schatz 8:00am Maria de la Luz Garcia RIP Phone: (661) 948-3613 Espiridion Trafalgar Sr. RIP Hours: Mon - Thurs: 7:30AM - 3:30PM; Fri: 7:30AM - 2:00PM 5:30pm Rosario Olague RIP, Rosa Rivera LIV Tuesday Mar 15 Religious Education - Rose Anna Cruz (661) 948-3011; App: Sacred Heart ORE 8:00am Ismael Leon RIP Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 4:30PM (Closed 12:00 - 100PM) 5:30pm Rosario Olague RIP, Rosa Rivera LIV Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) - (661) 948-3011 Purim (Jewish Observance) begins at Deacon Ron Routolo & Deacon Jason Schalow Wednesday Mar 16 sunset Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos (RICA) 8:00am Josefina Sura RIP ORE (661) 948- 3011 5:30pm Jacobo Lara LIV Thursday Mar 17 St. Patrick Youth Ministries and Confirmation - (661) 9427122 Gloria Cuevas 8:00am For all the priest who have Left us Catholics in Action & Confirming Disciples (661) 942-7122 5:30pm Victoria Reyes RIP Filipino Ministry - Rommel De Paz (661)429-5265 Friday Mar 18 St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Abstinence Safeguard the Children– Anna Cruz (661)948-3011 8:00am All the aborted Babies, Rita Priestly RIP Building Campaign - (661) 942-7122 5:30pm Marco Castilla RIP Perpetual Adoration - Sunday 6PM to Saturday 7AM Readings for the week If you can serve, call The office (661) 942-7122 Novena - Tuesday evening in the Church after the 5:30PM Mass Monday: Dn 9:4b-10; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Lk 6:36-38 Legion of Mary - ( 661470-1447) Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 23:1-12 Liturgy of the Hours - Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16; Morning Prayer: 7:30AM; Evening Prayer : 5:00PM Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31 Gift Shop - Saturday: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-21; Sunday: 7:30AM - 5:30 PM (Closed during Masses) Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 St. Vincent de Paul Our Lady of Charity Conference - Saturday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or 45058 Trevor #B, Lancaster, CA 93534 (661) 942-3222 Lk 2:41-51a www:saint-vincent-de-paul-olc
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Building Our New Sacred Hea Church Dear Parishioners we are glad to communicate that we have reached the last step needed to start building our Church! We are very thankful for those families that have and con nue to help since the start of this campaign, may God con nue to bless you all. We would like to take this opportunity to inform you the en- re final step needed. There are about 7000 parishioners registered, if each family were to pledge $700 we will meet the final mark of the $ 3.9 million needed in our balance to start our building! Es mados feligreses, ¡nos complace comunicarles que hemos llegado al úl mo paso necesario para comen- zar a construir nuestra Iglesia! Estamos muy agradecidos por aquellas familias que han ayudado y con - núan ayudando desde el inicio de esta campaña, que Dios con núe bendiciéndolos a todos. Nos gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para informarle sobre el paso final necesario. Hay alrededor de 7000 feligre- ses registrados, si cada familia prome era $700, ¡alcanzaremos la marca final de los $3 millones necesarios en nuestro saldo para -— ---------------------------------------------------Cut Here--------------------------------------------------------— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If you would like to contribute please fill the por on below and send it or take to the Parish Office Check Payable to Sacred Heart Church One Payment of $700.00 Two Payments of $350.00 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name / Nombre Last Name / Apellido _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address/ Domicilio Apt Number / Unit - número de Apartamento/ Unidad _____________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone / Telefono Home /Casa Cell / Movil
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