Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish-Shrine - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Parish of Our Lady of ...
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Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish-Shrine Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, January 15th, 2017 The Italian National Parish of the Archdiocese of Chicago Served by The Missionaries of Saint Charles – Scalabrinians 1101 N 23rd Ave - Melrose Park - IL– 60160 P (708) 344 4140 — F (708)344 0902 Staff Office Hours Sunday Mass Schedule Pastor 5:30pm - Sat. Vigil Mass -Fr. Miguel Alvarez, C.S. 7:45am - English Sunday 9:00am - Español -8:00am—3:00pm Associate Pastors 10:30am - Italiano -Fr. Augusto Feccia, C.S. 12:00pm - English -Fr. Juan F. Aguiar C.S. Tuesday– Friday 1:30pm - Español -8:30am—8:30pm 5:00pm - Español Parish Deacons -John Battisto Saturday Weekly Mass Schedule -Giulio Camerini -8:30am — 1:00pm English -Jose Ramon Arenas -2:00pm—5:30pm -Monday - Saturday at 7:45am Secretaries Español Monday -Martes y Jueves a las 6:30pm - Nancy Diaz - We’re Closed - Daniel Michel Italiano -Sotto richiesta
JANUARY 15, 2017 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THE SCALABRINIAN MISSIONARIES AT MOUNT CARMEL SINCE 1905 Our Lady of Mt Carmel, is served by the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles – Scalabrinians – . We are an community of Catholic religious serving migrants and refugees of different cultures, religions and ethnicities in 32 countries. The Congregation was founded in Italy on November 28, 1887, by Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini (1839-1905), bishop of Piacenza (Italy). Our missionary focus is to be migrants with the migrants and to be in mission with people on the move, with a special priority for the poorest And neediest migrants. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL —MISSION STATEMENT We are a faith community bound by the Grace of God the Father who adopted us all as beloved children through Baptism. We journey as brothers and sisters inspired in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, nourished with the Eucharist and strengthened by the love of the Holy Spirit. Encouraged in the practice of our Catholic Tradition, we experience and honor the maternal protection of Our Lady of Mount Carmel while joyfully celebrating the religious practices of our ancestors in Faith. Heartened by the zealous ministry of the Missionaries of St. Charles (Scalabrinians), we strive to create a welcoming space were justice for all and the wellbeing of God’s people become the inspiration in our efforts to build God’s Kingdom. +++ NUESTRA SENORA DEL MONTE CARMEL — VISIÓN Somos una comunidad de fe vinculada por la Gracia de Dios Padre, que nos ha adoptado como hijos amados por el Bautismo. Caminamos como hermanos y hermanas inspirados en el Evangelio de Jesucristo, nutridos con la Eucaristı́a y fortalecidos por el amor del Espı́ritu Santo. Alentados en la prá ctica de nuestra Tradició n Cató lica, experimentamos y honramos a la protecció n materna de Nuestra Señ ora del Monte Carmelo, celebrando alegremente las prá cticas religiosas de nuestros ancestros en la Fe. Animados por el celo ministerial de los Misioneros de San Carlos (Scalabrinianos), nos esforzamos por crear un espacio de bienvenida donde la justicia para todos y el bienestar del pueblo de Dios nos inspiran en nuestros esfuerzos para construir el Reino de Dios.
JANUARY 15, 2017 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Church Services For the Month of JANUARY We encourage all to register Jan 28 Sat/Sab at the Parish-Shrine. Health Fair / Feria de Salud 9:00am + + + Les invitamos a registrarse en el Santuario Parroquial. Support Staff Jan 30 Mon/Lun Misa Por la Paz 7:30pm Business Manager Alexander Sanchez 708.345.3632 Religious Education Modesta Martinez 708.344.4140 Activities Coordinator Miguel Aldana 708-345-3632 I will make you a light to the Music Coordinator Ann Marie Nabor 708.579.5373 nations, Community Center Site Director Pablo Cruz 708.345.3632 that my salvation may reach Sacramental Life Confessions Confesiones Saturdays—Sábados to the ends of the earth. 4:00pm—5:30pm or by appointment/ o con cita. Baptisms Bautizos — Isaiah 49:6b Come to the parish office. Pase a la oficina parroquial. Weddings Bodas Contact the priest at least six months in advance. Contactar al sacerdote seis meses antes de la ceremonia Quinceañera Contactar a la secretaria cuatro meses antes de la ceremonia. Presentaciones Contactar la Secretaria al menos dos semanas antes Religious Services Recitation of the Holy Rosary Mon—Sat at 7:00am Adoration Adoración al Stmo. Sacramento Wednesdays 6:00pm—8:00pm Novena & Benediction Wednesday/Miércoles 7:30pm Grupo de Oración Carismática Martes a las 7:00pm Grupo de Estudio Bíblico Miércoles a las 7:00pm Other Services Gift Shop Hours Venta de Artículos Religiosos During the regular office hours. Durante las horas de oficina Community Center Centro Comunitario Social outreach Servicios a la comunidad (708) 345 - 3632 Weekly Offering Food Pantry Despensa de comida Wednesdays 4:00pm—6:00pm January 7 – January 8, 2017 Religious Education—Catecismo Regular Sunday Collection: $5,653.00 Saturday - Sábados 3:30pm — 6:30pm Children: $445.00 Sunday - Domingos 10:00am—1:00pm - Mass Included—Incluye la Misa
JANUARY 15, 2017 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME From the Pastor’s Desk The cheer of the holydays is over. Christmas came and filled our hearts with the certainty of God’s love for humanity; the tenderness of baby Jesus lying on the manger, became a point of attraction for believers, and most of us, moved to imi- tate the generosity of the Father in Heaven, we exchanged gifts and good wishes with those near and those afar. As I look back at the jolly season, a deep sense of gratitude fills my heart. Many where the generous members of our community who devoted time and talent to make out of our celebrations a true Spiritual experience. Liturgical ministers, choir members, volunteers who decorated the Church, people of good will ready to step in and help… Each one of you made it possible for us to undertake the Christmas journey as a very uplifting event. To all, and each one of you: Thank you very much, and may the good Lord reward your generosity. There is one issue -however-, that I see necessary to address: While experi- encing gratefulness for the time and talent of those devoted to serve in our church, I must also express the need we have as a Faith Family, to make our Parish-Shrine a part of our Christmas planning when it comes to preparing the list for Christmas gifts. Most of the Parishes I know, depend on their Christmas collection to create a healthy financial stability. When preparing their annual budgets, pastors rely heavily on people’s generosity during Christmas and Easter and the plentiful response of committed parishioner make it possible for them to reach the end of the year with a positive balance. Sadly, this is not our case. Except for a few members of our community whose generosity in our Christmas collection I applaud, the large majority sees the Christmas collection (and the Easter one) as just another regular second collection. Last year I tried sending a Christmas newsletter with a special appeal, that did not work either, so here I am, inviting you all to take the time and reflect on the importance of gifting Our Lady of Mount Carmel with a little extra generosity during these two occasions. As we begin our journey on the ordinary time, let us be faithful to our Christian call and become com- mitted stewards, for it is each one’s commitment what will make it possible for us to build a strong community of Faith where the values of the Gospel are promoted and lived out while acknowledging the intercession of our Blessed Mother in all our endeavors. Adsum, Event: Family Health Fair · Date and time: Saturday, January 28th, – from 9:00AM to 12PM · Location: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish - Gymnasium · Health screenings offered: Glucose, Cholesterol , Prostate Cancer, Blood pressure, and Bone Density. (fasting is preferred but not necessary) · We will have a staff person from the West Cook YMCA for a 20 minutes fitness session around 10:00 am
JANUARY 15, 2017 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OPEN HOUSE Sacred Heart School 815 N 16th Ave Melrose Park, IL 60160 Date: Sunday, January 29th, 2017 Time: 10a.m.-Noon • Join us at our Family Mass at 9:00 a.m. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION • Come meet the teachers As soon as Christmas ends, people begin • Gather information on how to apply for planning for Easter! Originally, the source of our scholarships for grades K-8th students • All day preschool for 3&4 years old Paschal Triduum was but a single liturgy extending • Extended Care (Before & After School) from Saturday sundown to sunrise on Easter • Call the office if you have any questions Sunday. The two days leading up to the liturgy were or would like to take a personal tour days of fast, not only for the elect, but for the church preparing to baptize them. A fifth- For more information please contact : century pope explained that the church imitated the Juanita Guerra apostles, who were in hiding with their grief from SHS Bilingual Marketing Coordinator the arrest of Jesus, and therefore sacraments, even Phone 708 681-0240 penance, were forbidden. Inevitably, though, people wanted to come “We Believe -We Achieve -We Succeed” together, and so eventually a Liturgy of the Word developed for Good Friday. This was the first step toward today’s shape of the Triduum, and gradually new ideas were embraced, including the veneration of the cross and a simple Communion service. Interestingly, the Word remained central, since we know that in those days the pope did not receive Communion at this liturgy, even though the faithful had that option. In the other churches of Rome, priests and people received Communion under both species. Although the custom of Communion on Good Friday took hold, it did not endure past the Middle Ages. The central liturgies of the year slowly unraveled and disappeared from parish life. Remember that there were no seminaries in those days, and books were a rare luxury. Most priests could only manage to celebrate a simple “low” Mass, and few parishes could afford the ritual books that would guide a priest through the complex forms. Holy Week remained important in private devotion, but for a time the liturgies virtually disappeared.
JANUARY 15, 2017 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Mensaje del Párroco Termino la estación festiva… las Navidades son ahora, tan solo, un recuerdo en nuestro corazón. Al iniciar nuestro peregrinar en el Tiempo Ordinario, quiero aprovechar para agradecer a quienes generosamente colaboraron con su tiempo, talento y esfuerzo para que nuestras celebraciones Navideñas fueran una verda- dera experiencia espiritual. Ministros litúrgicos, miembros del Coro, voluntarios para decorar el templo, gente de buena voluntad dispuesta a darnos una mano cuando se necesitó; a cada uno de ustedes: Gracias y que Dios les pague con cre- ces su dedicación a nuestro Santuario Parroquial. Fueron muchos los que se sa- crificaron durante estos días Gracias porque esa dedicación hizo posible que la época Navideña fuera una autentica experiencia espiritual para todos. Mientras expreso mi gratitud por la generosidad de quienes están com- prometidos con su tiempo y su talento, me gustaría hacer un comentario que es- pero llegue al corazón de todos aquellos que hacen parte de esta gran familia es- piritual aquí en el Monte Carmelo. Desde mi llegada a la Parroquia me he dado cuenta que la colecta que se hace el día de Navidad, queda muy por debajo de la cantidad que otras parroquias logran juntar en esa ocasión. Desafortunadamente no nos hemos dado cuenta que los gastos extras de estas fechas la mayoría de las veces son más exagerados que el resto del año, y no logramos hacer a nuestra Parroquia parte de esa lista de regalos con los que expresa- mos a los demás cuanto les queremos. La mayoría de los Párrocos cuenta con la generosidad de los parroquia- nos tanto en Navidad como en Pascua para lograr un balance adecuado en los gastos, desafortunadamente aquí en el Carmen, no logramos ver esas dos colectas como algo especial. Excepto por unos cuantos, a quinees agradezco profundamente que manifestaran su devoción generosamente en la segunda colecta de Navidad, la mayoría no logra ver esta ocasión como una oportunidad para manifestar su gratitud a la Parroquia. Al continuar avanzando con Cristo el Señor en nuestras celebraciones dominicales, al volver a nuestros grupos y actividades parroquiales después de la estación festiva, hagámoslo con la conciencia de quien se sien- te llamado a colaborar también en el mantenimiento de una Parroquia donde estamos llamados a sentirnos en casa. Adsum, FERIA DE SALUD Evento: Feria de Salud · Fecha-Hora: Sábado, Enero 28, – de 9:00AM a 12:00PM · Locación: Gimnasio de Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo · Exámenes Médicos: Glucosa (Diabetes), Colesterol, Revisión de la Presión Arterial, Cáncer de próstata, Densidad ósea (Huesos) (Se recomienda venir en Ayunas) Los exámenes son para cuidado preventivo! Tendremos una demostración de ejerci- cios prácticos en casa de parte de YMCA.
JANUARY 15, 2017 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PUERTAS ABIERTAS EN LA Escuela del Sagrado Corazón 815 N 16th Ave Melrose Park, IL 60160 Día: Domingo, 29th de Enero de 2017 Tiempo: 10a.m.-12:00pm • Acompáñenos a nuestra Misa Familiar a las 9:00 a.m. • Venga y conozca a los Maestros • Obtenga información en cómo aplicar para las becas de estudiantes de los grados de K-8th • Tenemos preescolar todo el día de 3&4 años de edad TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE • Cuidado de niños (Antes & Después de la Al escribir Tradiciones de nuestra fe me he escuela) encontrado con muchas fiestas patronales en • Llamar a la oficina si tiene alguna pregunta o si le gustaría hacer una visita España, Latinoamérica y Estados Unidos de personal América. Muchas de ellas mantienen su carácter religioso mientras que otras son simplemente una Para mas informacion contactar a: excusa para festejar, mejorar la economía local o Juanita Guerra hacer política, pero no por estas razones deben ser SHS Bilingual Marketing Coordinator descartadas. Phone 708 681-0240 Tomemos, por ejemplo, la fiesta de san “Creemos -Logramos –Tenemos Éxito” Sebastián de las Ovejas en la frontera entre Argentina y Chile. Esta fiesta es más vieja que ambas naciones y su peregrinación pisa los dos suelos. A lo largo del tiempo, esta fiesta ha sufrido por razones políticas entre ambas naciones, pero a partir de 1980 las autoridades eclesiásticas, civiles y gubernamentales han intentado revitalizar esta fiesta por varios motivos. Las autoridades eclesiásticas la usan para renovar el cristianismo añadiendo las enseñanzas y prácticas del Concilio Vaticano II a las tradiciones antiguas. Las autoridades civiles la utilizan para incrementar el comercio y el turismo en la región. Los gobiernos de Chile y Argentina la ven como un enlace benéfico entre ambas naciones. Las fiestas patronales buscan integrar todos los aspectos del ser humano, su política, economía, cultura, celebración y religión.
JANUARY 15, 2017 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Feccia’s Reflection Ecco l’Agnello di Dio che toglie il peccato del mondo. Fedele al suo ruolo di precursore, il Battista ha distolto dalla sua persona l’attenzione degli uomini inviati da Gerusalemme per indagare sul suo conto. «In mezzo a voi sta uno che voi non conoscete» (Giov. 1,26). Quanto a lui, Giovanni, non è che la «voce» della «Parola» a cui è chiamato a preparare la via. Secondo la tradizione giudaica, il messia doveva rimanere nascosto finché Elia non gli avesse conferito l’unzione e non lo avesse rivelato pubblicamente ad Israele. Prima di battezzare suo cugino, Giovanni stesso non sapeva che era il messia. Ma ora ha visto, e gli rende testimonianza. Ha visto lo Spirito scendere e fermarsi su Gesù ed ha intu- ito, alla luce delle Scritture, l’agnello della espiazione futura. Il servo scelto da Dio per battezzare nello Spiri- to: «È lui il Figlio di Dio!» (v.34) Presentando Gesù, il quarto vangelo annuncia fin dall’inizio il battesimo di morte che egli dovrà ricevere per togliere i peccati del mondo; il fuoco che è venuto a portare sulla terra (Lc 12,48-50). Ma suggerisce anche la sua incommensurabile superiorità, la preesistenza divina che il Battista gli riconosce:«Era prima di me» (v.30). Certi destini unici sono come fiumi di cui si scopre la potenza soltanto molto più a valle della sorgente. Ci sono due modi riduttivi di considerare Gesù Cristo, sottraendosi alla testimonianza che bisogna rendergli sulle orme di Giovanni. Si può relegarlo in cielo, proclamandolo Dio, ma un Dio inaccessibile, la cui salvezza riguarda soltanto l’eternità. E si può rinchiuderlo entro i confini della terra, non vedendo in lui altro che un uo- mo fra gli uomini, più vicino e più fraterno, ma orfano del Padre e staccato dallo Spirito. Non si può ridurre il Cristo, alla terra o al cielo. «In qualunque stato ci troviamo, mettiamo Gesù fra Dio e noi». Il nostro battesimo— Giovanni Battista compie un gesto che non era nuovo: il battesimo nell’acqua. Già prima di lui, molti altri ebrei si preparavano alla venuta del messia con bagni rituali. Ma egli vi apporta una dimen- sione nuova: l’annuncio che il vero battesimo non è quello dell’acqua, ma dello Spirito. Per essere fedeli al vangelo, non basta venire immersi nell’acqua battesimale, tanto meno quando ne siamo ancora incoscienti. Bisogna piuttosto lasciarsi invadere dalla novità e dal fuoco dello Spirito che, dopo il battesimo di Gesù, vuole posarsi su ogni uomo. Gesù, agnello liberatore Stando alla cronologia giovannea, Gesù fu messo a morte la vigilia della festa degli azzimi, vale a dire della Pasqua, nel pomeriggio, nell’ora stessa in cui, secondo le prescrizioni della legge si immolavano nel tempio gli agnelli. Dopo la morte non gli furono spezzate le gambe come agli altri condannati, ed in questo fatto l’evangelista vede la realizzazione di una prescrizione rituale concernente l’agnello pasquale (Gv 19,36; cf Es 12,46). In altre parole Gesù, il Cristo, è l’agnello della Nuova Pasqua che, con la sua morte, inaugura e suggella la liberazione del popolo di Dio. In questa luce va letta la prima lettura, che parla della missione del Servo di Iahvè. Molto presto la Chiesa primitiva ritroverà in Cristo i lineamenti di questo profeta descritto dal Secondo-Isaia. Il testo è un brano del secondo dei quattro carmi di Isaia che parlano del «Servo di Iahvè». Il Servo è una figura simbolica che incorpora in sé tutto il destino di un popolo, e che, mediante il suo compito storico, rivela Dio come salvatore e come liberatore. Il compito del Servo di Iahvè non riguarda solo il ritorno e la liberazione dei profughi ebrei da Babilonia, ma acquista una dimensione ecumenica, universale. La stessa liberazione storica di Israele diventa anticipazione e pegno di una salvezza e di una liberazione definitiva dalle dimensioni cosmiche «fino all’estremità della terra». Riconoscendo il Servo di Iahvè in Gesù «agnello di Dio che toglie il peccato dei mondo», la comunità primitiva esprime la propria fede in Cristo liberatore e salvatore del mondo.
PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS Mass Intentions WHO ARE ILL OR INFIRMED : SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 WEEKDAY Linda Bandy Luke Westrick 7:30 am † Art Conti Ann Yench 5:30 pm † Gloria Orfei Bradley by Family Antonela De Biasio Angela Williams SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Nico De Biasio Alexandra Vitali 7:45 am † Juan Antonio Montoya by Family Mary Donato Vicki Parisi 9:00 am † Judith Escamilla Ken Douglas 10:30 am † 12:00 pm † Haydee Rodriguez by Family Jacob Duda Michael Turso 1:30 pm † Kristie Goldi Anna Baffa 5:00 pm † Linna Goldi Jan Clark MONDAY, JANUARY 16 WEEKDAY Susan Humpf Sara Zonca 7:30 am † Carol Maioni Nancy Oshea TUESDAY, JANUARY 17 ST. ANTHONY, ABBOT Vandy Liala Madeline Vittori 7:30 am † Ethan Maidl Victor Mejia Jr. 6:30 pm † Joseph Pulido Tony Stellato WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18 WEEKDAY Lauren Rendi Nico Felice 7:30 am † Mario De Pirro by The Sagerians Bobby J. Villa 7:30 pm NOVENA THURSDAY, JANUARY 19 WEEKDAY 7:30 am † 6:30 pm † FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 WEEKDAY 7:30 am † SATURDAY, JANUARY 21 ST. AGNES 7:30 am † 5:30 pm For the Birthday of Kay Scavone by Sister Marie SUNDAY, JANUARY 22 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:45 am † 9:00 am † 10:30 am † Romolo De Biasio by Wife Arcangela, Son, & Daughter 12:00 pm † 1:30 pm † 5:00 pm † Rest In Peace † Ariana Escutia THIRD SUNDAY COMMUNAL MASS CELEBRATION: Jan. 2017 + MASSES REQUESTED DURING OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL 2016 FEAST + This Mass, requested during the Feast of OLMC, is celebrated for the benefit of the following persons: Questa Messa, richiesta durante la Festa della Madonna del Carmine, viene celebrata a beneficio delle seguenti persone: Saturday, January 14 Sunday, January 15 Sunday, January 15 Sunday, January 15 5:30 p.m. Mass 7:45 a.m. Mass 10:30 a.m. Mass 12:00 a.m. Mass George and Mary Tinucci Loreta Deligio Marie De Menna Anna Marie Tenuta Steve Sykora Virgilio Family Robert Laino Irvin and Marie Perri Family Nudo Family Len Laino Lewandowski Clause, and Kardy's Domenico e Maria Frances Demaria Family, and Friends Piscitelli Barbara and Lawrence Emilio Confori and Joe Ron Laino Seaman Jr. Consentino Tomas S Casico Seaman and Lindell Rocco and Lisa John Yakaitis Families Sangiacomo Olivia Chaidez Family
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