Spiritus january 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa

Page created by Bernard Goodwin
Spiritus january 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
Spiritus                                                                  january 2019

                   Edna Stevens and Santa at the Gingerbread Craft Show

Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
Spiritus january 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT STAFF                                     WORSHIP
 The Rev. Kathryn Andonian, Rector                                   Regular Sunday Worship Hours
 The Rev. Johnine Byrer, Deacon                                      September 9, 2018 - June 9, 2019
 Ms. Sue Ellen Echard, Director of Music                             Holy Eucharist at 8:00 AM (spoken)
 Ms. Dawn Hunsdorfer, Communications Coordinator                     Holy Eucharist at 10:15 AM (with music)
 Ms. Karen Work, Administrative Coordinator                          Child Care is available in the Nursery
 Mrs. Angela Shelly, Coordinator of Children's, Youth, and
 Family Ministries and Choral Assistant
 Seth Trumbore, Assistant Musician
 Mr. Barry Norris, Verger                                           OFFICE HOURS
 Mr. Ken Patrick and Mrs. Tina Michener, Vergers                    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
 Ms. Megan Sloss, Nursery Staff                                     Wednesday: 9 AM - 5:00 PM
 Mr. Steve Thacker, Sexton                                          Friday and Sunday - by appointment only
 Spiritus is an online magazine in glorious technicolor and with interactive elements! Wherever you see blue text
 that is underlined, simply click on the text and it will either open up an email so you can send an email to that
 person, or take you to the website that is mentioned.
 Spiritus is an extension of the material found on the COHS website, but contains longer stories and articles to
 enhance your understanding of life at Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville. For anyone viewing this as a print
 magazine, please go to www.churchoftheholyspirit.us/spiritus/ to view the interactive edition.
 Spiritus is the monthly magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, PA. If you wish to reproduce an article,
 please first email Dawn Hunsdorfer. All content © 2019 Church of the Holy Spirit.
 Please submit Spiritus articles via this link: https://goo.gl/forms/bsAfz8rjwFotTbdj2

 HAPPY NEW YEAR                                                    MUSIC AT COHS
 3. An Advent Prayer For Peace                                     7. Concert - Michaela Hilling, Soprano
                                                                   8. Concert - Broadway by Request, Concert - Jameson Sisters
 3-4. The Season of Epiphany, Special Worship in January and       SERVING OUR NEIGHBORS IN
                                                                   THE COMMUNITY
 CHILDREN, YOUTH,                                                  8. Keystone Opportunity Center Update

 AND FAMILY MINISTRIES                                             VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
 4. Spruce Lake Annual Retreat, Sunday School Updates              9. ENCORE Coordinator Needed
 5. Upcoming Dates for Youth Ministry
                                                                   AROUND THE CHURCH
 ADULT CHRISTIAN FORMATION                                         9. Yoga, Having an Event or Fundraiser?
 5. Adult Forum, COHS Centering Prayer, Al-Anon Meeting
 6. Bible Study and Discussion & Brown Bag Lunch, ENCORE,          COHS PHOTO ROUNDUP
 Spiritual Friends Meditation Group, Men's Spiritual Growth        10-11. Edgett-Miller Wedding, Gingerbread Craft Show,
 Group                                                             Newcomers, Greening of the Church
 7. First Friday Adult Faith Forum, New Testament Study
 Resumes                                                           ONGOING EVENTS & LINKS
                                                                   28. Links for COHS information & Weekly Events

Many thanks to all of our photographers who submitted photos, especially Marc Andonian.
Spiritus january 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
                                                     “I HAVE COME TO BRING YOU PEACE”
                                                     I have come to bring you peace.
                                                     Not the peace of the season, for it is too fleeting,
                                                     Not the peace of the carol, for it is too nostalgic,
                                                     Not the peace of the greeting card, for it is too slick,
                                                     Not the peace of the crib, for it is too wistful.
                                                     Rather, I have come to bring you peace,
                                                     Peace of the ordinary, the daily, the homely,
                                                     Peace for the worker, the driver, the student,
                                                     Peace in the office, the kitchen, the farm.
                                                     I have come to bring you peace,
                                                     The peace of accepting your self as I fashioned you,
                                                     The peace of knowing yourself as I know you,
                                                     The peace of loving yourself as I love you,
                                                     The peace of being yourself as I am who I am.
                                                     I have come to bring you peace,
                                                     The peace that warms you at the completion of a task,
                                                     The peace that invades you at the close of the day,
                                                     The peace that sustains you at the beginning of the day,
                                                     The peace that reinforces you when you are reconciled
                                                     with one another,
                                                     The peace that touches you when your family is in order.
                                                     Without peace, my coming is unfulfilled.
                                                     Without peace, my birth is forgettable.
                                                     Without peace, Christmas is a contradiction.
                                                     I have come to bring you peace.
Author is unknown.
Source: www.catholicdoors.com/misc/peaceprayer.htm, Catholic Doors Ministry

WORSHIP                                                      of all people. Epiphany offers us the opportunity to
THE SEASON OF EPIPHANY                                       more intentionally seek and see Christ in the world
January 6 - March 6, 2019                                    around us, and in our own ministries that serve God
                                                             in the church and in our communities.
The title Epiphany is from the Greek word for “show-
ing forth” or “manifestation.” The day of Epiphany           SPECIAL WORSHIP IN
(January 6) and the season which follows, celebrate          JANUARY AND FEBRUARY
the events by which Jesus was shown forth as the             Celebration of Epiphany
Son of God. The coming of the Wise Men at his birth          Sunday, January 6, 2019
reflects the recognition of him by the Gentiles. Thus,       With the Journey of the Three Kings
he is the Savior of all people, not only of his own          8 and 10:15 AM Services
people. We celebrate not only an event in Jesus’ life,       Join us for this much-anticipated service that fol-
but also - and more importantly - the manifestation          lows the journey of the Three Kings (or magi) to see
of Christ in our lives. He is shown forth in Word and        the “newborn king” Jesus with dramatic readings of
Sacrament in our liturgical celebrations, and through        Scripture and hymns.
our lives he is shown forth to the world as the Savior
Spiritus january 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
Taizé                                                        camp near Canadensis in the Poconos. We will return
Thursday, January 24 - 7:30 PM                               around 3:30-4 PM on Sunday, January 6. (The youth
Preceded by a Potluck Supper at 6:30 PM                      will call their parents when we are approximately 30
Join us for a meditative service of sung prayers,            minutes away from the church.) And, just a reminder,
Scripture readings, intercessions and silence with           no one may leave the church until the bus is emptied,
themes that anticipate the beginning of the season           cleaned, and all extra food and supplies are cleaned
of Advent. Healing prayers and the laying-on-of              up.
hands will be offered. Child care is available.              This year, our theme will be “Telling Our Stories”.
Candlemas:                                                   Each youth and chaperone are asked to bring a copy
The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ                    of their favorite (or one of their favorites) book. We
Sunday, February 3                                           will talk about what makes a good story, interesting
8 and 10:15 AM services                                      characters, an engaging plot and then share our own
Candlemas is a traditional Christian festival that           stories, the stories of our faith, and how our stories
commemorates the presentation of the infant                  are part of a larger story with God. We will think
Jesus in the temple and the ritual purification of his       about and find ways to describe and tell our stories.
mother, Mary, forty days after the birth of her son in       As always, we will be collecting food which will be
accordance with Jewish law. The feast is celebrated          prepared by the chaperones and youth at our main
about forty days after Christmas. Christians were            cabin. Please sign up to bring food items and encour-
observing Candlemas in Jerusalem as early as the             age others to do so!
4th century A.D. By the middle of the 5th century,
candles were lit on this day to symbolize that Jesus         The youth retreat is a wonderful opportunity for
Christ was the light, the truth and the way. We will         our young people to explore their faith, begin their
bless the candles that will be lighted at our worship        preparations for Confirmation (the older youth), form
                                                             new friendships, and benefit from the support of
services in 2019.
                                                             strong mentors.
Submitted by Rev. Kathy Andonian
                                                             The cost this year remains at $95 per youth (payable
CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILY                                   to Church of the Holy Spirit). The cost for families
FAMILY MINISTRIES                                            with more than one youth is $95 for the first youth
                                                             and $80 for each additional youth. This covers the
SPRUCE LAKE ANNUAL RETREAT                                   cost of transportation, accommodations, and any
JANUARY 4 – 6, 2019                                          extras such as skate rentals, plus our deposit for
Our Annual Winter Youth Retreat will be held on              2020!
January 4-6, 2019. This is a much-anticipated event
                                                             If you have any questions, please contact Angela
for our youth in Grades 6-12. We will meet at the
                                                             Shelly, Children, Youth and Family Ministries Coor-
church on Friday, January 4 at 5 PM, share pizza, load
                                                             dinator, Karin Schwabe, parent volunteer and trip
the bus, and travel up to Spruce Lake, which is a
                                                             coordinator, or Rev. Kathy.
                                                             We look forward to sharing this weekend in worship,
                                                             faith formation, and fun with your youth!
                                                             UPDATES FROM SUNDAY SCHOOL –
                                                             THANK YOU!
                                                             Many thanks to all who participated in or supported
                                                             the youth in our annual Christmas Pageant in De-
                                                             cember and will in our annual Spruce Lake Retreat
                                                             in early January! Our youth are growing and learning
                                                             with a wonderful community of love and support
                                                             surrounding them at COHS.

Spiritus january 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
UPCOMING DATES FOR YOUTH                                     cism: The Unpredictable Rise of Rome” - from the
MINISTRIES                                                   DVD, “A History of Christianity: The First Three
January 20, 9 AM: Pilgrim Confirmation classes               Thousand Years” by Diarmaid MacCulloch.
begin!                                                       Submitted by Barbara Broadbent
January 27, 6-8 PM: Diocese of PA Youth Dinner               WEEKLY/BI-WEEKLY GROUPS
Church                                                       COHS CENTERING PRAYER
February 24, 6-8 PM: COHS will host DioPAYouth               When: Wednesdays
Dinner Church!                                               Time: 4:00 – 5:30 PM
Submitted by Angela Shelly                                   Where: Eric Frankhouser’s home
                                                             Now (re)Forming – The COHS Centering Prayer
ADULT CHRISTIAN FORMATION                                    Group! Centering Prayer is called many things,
ADULT FORUM                                                  such as The Prayer of Listening; The Quiet Prayer;
When: Sunday mornings                                        Contemplative Prayer; The Prayer of Relationship;
Time: 9:00 - 10:00 AM                                        The Healing Prayer, among others. Are you
Where: Parish Hall                                           interested in Centering Prayer? Are you practicing
JANUARY                                                      Centering Prayer? Do you have no idea what
                                                             Centering Prayer is and want to find out? Then join
 6      COHS Visioning Update and Q&A                        us as we explore a centuries old method, rooted in
The COHS Visioning team will be presenting some              Christian tradition, of deepening our relationship
of the slides from the December 2 presentation,              with God, both in our prayer life and into our
discussing the conceptual design, and will be                everyday life!
available to answer questions regarding the design
and next steps.                                              We gather weekly on Wednesdays, from 4:00-5:30
                                                             PM. Our gatherings will continue through Decem-
13      Healing and Hope for Suicide Survivors –             ber and January, and will include Centering Prayer
Guest Presenter: Dave Eckert                                 sessions, videos related to Centering Prayer, and
The rising suicide epidemic impacts not only those           surely lively discussion. Participation is not a weekly
who’ve died, but people left behind. Suicide survivors       commitment; come as you are able. The only prereq-
(the family and friends of those completing a suicide)       uisite is a desire to explore or share Centering Prayer
often struggle to cope with the tragic loss of loved         in community. Due to logistical space challenges at
ones. The unfortunate reality of stigma compounds            COHS (hopefully resolved in the near future with our
the problem by making it difficult for survivors to          facility improvement project!), we will gather at the
reach out for help and talk about their experience.          home of Eric Frankhouser, Certified Centering Prayer
This workshop will explore what healing looks like           Presenter. Questions or to sign up, please contact
for survivors as well as the hope available to those         Eric @ 267-261-3512 or frankgen6@gmail.com.
working to make a more suicide-safe community.
This workshop will be presented by Dave Eckert from          Submitted by Eric Frankhouser
Access Services. Dave is both a mental health pro-           AL-ANON
fessional and pastor and regularly offers trainings on       When: Fridays
suicide intervention.                                        Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
20     In Case of Emergency: COHS Emergency                  Where: COHS Meeting Room
Preparedness                                                 If you have, or have had, a family member, friend,
Led by our Parish Nursing team and Vergers, we will          fellow workers, or anyone close to you whose
discuss the protocols that COHS has in place for             drinking or drug use is affecting or troubling you,
health situations and other emergencies. We hope             Al-Anon Family Group, Path to Peace, meets every
that by sharing information, answering questions,            Friday, 10 - 11 AM. Come in the front door. Al-Anon
and hearing concerns we will make any emergencies            is a 12-step program for people affected by someone
go safely and smoothly.                                      else’s drinking or drug use and gives hope even if the
                                                             drinker still drinks or the addict still uses. We find we
27     “A History of Christianity: The First Three
                                                             are not alone. As we work the steps together, our
Thousand Years” by Diarmaid MacCulloch
                                                             focus on the addiction loses its power to take over
We will present the second installment - “Catholi-
                                                             our minds and our lives. We learn how to regain a
Spiritus january 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
healthier, wiser, more serene life. Al-Anon shows us a          musical and theatre selections, for example, 12th
Path to Peace.                                                  Night Festivals, Bucks County Choral Society con-
Your questions are welcome. Contact: Judy Morice,               certs, COHS Lessons and Carols, musicals and the-
jemorice@gmail.com, call or text 267-733-7431.                  atre at the Labuda Center of DeSales University, and
                                                                in other local venues. The programs have expanded
Submitted by Judy Morice                                        our horizons, caused us to laugh until we couldn’t
BIBLE STUDY AND DISCUSSION AND BROWN                            catch our breath, to pause and reflect on the mean-
BAG LUNCH                                                       ing of the performance, and/or shed tears – quite an
When: Second and Fourth of Tues. Every Month                    impact.
Time: 12:00 – 1:30 PM                                           Jack, we thank you, we’ll miss you, and wish you
Where: COHS Parish Hall                                         every happiness and joy as you embark on this next
Brown Bag Bible Study will now meet on the sec-                 “stage” of your life.
ond and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Gatherings
provide the opportunity to explore and discuss the              Submitted by Louise Beebe
appointed Scripture readings for the upcoming Sun-              SPIRITUAL FRIENDS MEDITATION GROUP
day services.                                                   When: Monday, January 7, 2019
Submitted by Jan Bogess                                         Time: 7:00 PM
                                                                Where: Hobie’s Home Cottage
MONTHLY GROUPS                                                  All our welcome to attend! No previous experience is
ENCORE (ENCOURAGING NEW CORRIDORS                               necessary. Leave refreshed and relaxed.
                                                                We will listen to a mediation (topic to be deter-
Effective January 1, Jack Anderson has announced                mined), afterwards spend time in silent reflection,
                                   he is retiring from          and then share our experience as The Spirit leads.
                                   leading ENCORE, a            All are welcome. If you have any questions, please
                                   theatre and musical          contact Hobie Simms.
                                   arts recreation/ed-
                                                                Submitted by Hobart Simms
                                   ucation ministry for
                                   COHS parishioners            MEN’S SPIRITUAL GROWTH GROUP
                                   and friends ages             When: Thursday, January 3, 2019
                                   55+. This is in prepa-       Time:       7:00 PM
                                   ration for retiring          Where: Eric Frankhouser’s place
                                   from his position            Once a month, men of all ages gather to share our
                                   as Student Support           journeys and explore ways to grow ever deeper in
                                   Counselor at Butler          our relationship with God as found in community,
                                   Elementary School            personally, and through any aspect of our lives. We
           Jack Anderson         in Chalfont (Central           do this by reflecting on and sharing any part of our
    Photo permission granted by                                 lives that has our attention, from the sorrowful to
                                 Bucks School District)
    C and C photo Studios        in the Fall of 2019.           the joyful, the exciting to the peaceful, the simple to
                                 However, in June,              the magnificent. This sharing is often done through
Jack, Ted and Siamese cats, Annie Therese and Lucie             story-telling of our journey, as well as through book
Marie, will be relocating to Millsboro, Delaware                and related study, and how the topics are pertinent
where they have built a new home. A lot of change               to our life and therefore to our relationship with
in one year!                                                    God. Our next gathering will be Thursday, January
                                                                3, 7 PM, at the home of Eric Frankhouser, where we
Jack, on behalf of the ENCORE group, we want to
                                                                will discuss our current book of interest “Jesus, Heal-
give you a standing ovation and express our appreci-
                                                                er of our Inner World” by Jack Walters, and explore
ation for your superb leadership since January, 2014
                                                                whatever else comes our way! Come join us! Contact
in identifying enjoyable and memorable programs,
                                                                Eric (frankgen6@gmail.com, 267-261-3512) for more
coordinating arrangements to enjoy fellowship
                                                                information or to RSVP.
together at a restaurant followed by attending the
event – almost every month over the past 5 years.               Submitted by Eric Frankhouser
Our lives have been enriched and inspired by your
Spiritus january 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
FIRST FRIDAY ADULT FAITH FORUM                                       of Luke! We will be using a comparative process in
Gender Fluidity - Transgenderism                                     which we will look at the events in the Gospels –
When: Friday, January 4, 2019                                        through the eyes of each of the writers.
Time: 6 PM pot luck dinner                                           How did Mark see Jesus’ time on earth? Matthew?
          6:30 PM Movie                                              Luke? John? Did they agree? Or not? Why did each
Where: COHS Parish Hall                                              writer approach the story from a particular perspec-
                                   More people seem                  tive? To whom was each Gospel written? Why did it
                                   to be experiencing                matter?
                                   a family member
                                   or friend who                     Join us at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, February 5, for the
                                   are identifying as                first session. The series will last for eight sessions,
                                   “transgender”. It is              concluding on April 9. The third Tuesday of each
                                   estimated that 1.4                month is Vestry meeting, so we will not meet on
                                   million people in                 those weeks in February and March.
                                   the U.S. identify                 If you are interested, contact Rev. Marge Dean at
                                   as transgender                    revexmarge@gmail.com.
                                   - 10,000 are in                   Submitted by Rev. Marge Dean
                                   the U.S. military.
                                   Transitioning                     MUSIC AT COHS
                                   includes                          Free will offering and reception will follow each
                                   agonizing stages                  event. The funds collected are used to pay the art-
                                   of questioning,                   ists so we suggest a donation of $15.
                                   identity crisis, and              CONCERT – MICHAELA HILLING,
                                 acceptance.   Lately,
          Image Source                                               SOPRANO
                                 politicians have again
                                                                     When: Saturday, January 12
placed transgenderism in the middle of political
                                                                     Time: 7:00 PM
discourse creating a hostile environment. Lisa Ling
                                                                     Where: COHS
of CNN has interviewed several people in transition
                                                                     Freewill offering and reception to follow
in a documentary titled “Gender Fluidity”. Yvonne
                                                                     Michaela grew up in Harleysville, Pennsylvania where
Caputo has graciously offered to share her personal
                                                                     she became involved in music at a young age. Mi-
story relating to this concern. Join us to view Lisa
                                                                                                        chaela became a
Ling’s documentary and to hear Yvonne’s story.
                                                                                                        part of her first
Submitted by Hobart Simms                                                                               professional choir in
PROGRAMS                                                                                                second grade when
NEW TESTAMENT STUDY RESUMES                                                                             she joined The Bel
When: Tuesday, February 5, 2019                                                                         Canto Children’s
Time: 6:00 PM                                                                                           Choir under Dr.
Where: Church of the Holy Spirit                                                                        Joy Hirokowa. She
Bible scholars!!! The Study of the New Testament                                                        has been a mem-
                                will resume on Febru-                                                   ber of many choirs
                                ary 5. You do not need                                                  throughout her edu-
                                to have attended the                                                    cation including Bel
                                first series to jump                                                    Canto, the youth
                                into this one.                                                          choir at Church
                                                                                                        of the Holy Spir-
                                       Our study will focus                                             it, the Souderton
                                       on the Gospels – all at                                          Area High School
                                       the same time, fol-           Advanced Choir, the Philadelphia Singers in collab-
                                       lowed by a quick run          oration with the Philadelphia Orchestra, and Ameri-
Marge Dean - Permission granted by     through Acts, which           can Music Abroad. She has performed in 9 countries
   Universal Church Directories      is really the second half       including Italy, Ireland, Canada, Germany, Austria,
Spiritus january 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, and England. Michaela         of the proceeds is always given to local charitable
currently attends Westminster Choir College where             organizations.
she is a senior studying for her Bachelor of Music in         Beverages will be sponsored by: Speakeasy Coffee
Music Education. She is a member of the Westmin-              Company and Weyerbacher Brewing.
ster Williamson Voices, a grammy-nominated choir
under the direction of Dr. James Jordan and a mem-            CONCERT - THE JAMESON SISTERS
ber of the Westminster Symphonic Choir under the              When: Friday, March 15, 2019
Direction of Dr. Joe Miller. Michaela has recorded            Time: 7:30 PM
one album with Williamson Voices to be released this          Where: COHS
upcoming year and will record with them again this            Ellen Tepper, harp & Terry Kane, singer and instru-
January. This summer she will travel with Williamson          mentalist. More information to follow.
Voices to Oxford, England to attend the Oxford Cho-           Submitted by Sue Ellen Echard
ral Institute for the third year.
                                                              SERVING OUR NEIGHBORS IN
RETURNS!                                                      THE COMMUNITY
When: Saturday, February 23, 2019                             KEYSTONE OPPORTUNITY CENTER
Time: 6:30 PM                                                 UPDATE
Where: Church of the Holy Spirit
Tickets: No tickets required to attend / Suggested
donation: $15

                                                               Source of logo:

                                                              THE INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK IS
                                                              ON INDEFINITE HOLD
                                                              In past years, COHS has participated in the Interfaith
                                                              Hospitality Network (IHN) the last two weeks of
Purchase your favorite Broadway song to be
                                                              February. Arlene E. Daily, the Executive Director of
performed live at our concert on February 23! We
                                                              Keystone Opportunity Center*, made the following
are taking up to 15 song requests. You may buy more
                                                              announcement about the status of IHN in the No-
than one song, first come first served!
                                                              vember, 2018 Interfaith Collaborations Newsletter
Cost:                                                         (Volume 2):
• $50 to request one song - we choose someone to
                                                              “The Interfaith Hospitality Network emergency
   sing it.
                                                              shelter program is on indefinite hold.
• $75 to request one song and YOU choose the
   singer.                                                    The building that was our Day Center will not be
                                                              available to us, and we are going to take the time
All requests are first come first served. (The respons-
                                                              while on hold to build a program that we hope will
es will be time stamped). There are order forms in
                                                              be better on fragile families, and on your congrega-
the Narthex, or click here to order online.
                                                              tions. I would love to continue meeting representa-
The DEADLINE for buying a song will be February 3,            tives of congregations to hear your ideas for ways to
2019 or sooner if our 15 song limit is met before this        make the program easier for you to manage, or the
date.                                                         dreams about what you think it can turn into. Let’s
The evening will also feature a silent auction, festive       brainstorm!
appetizers, desserts, and beverages throughout the            Rest assured that Keystone has numerous other
evening. Proceeds from this concert benefit the Mu-           programs that also help people get off the streets
sic Fund for scholarships and choir trips. A portion
Spiritus january 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
and into secure housing, like Your Way Home Mont-            HAVING AN EVENT OR FUNDRAISER?
gomery County Rapid Rehousing, the Sprout Initia-            BE SURE TO SCHEDULE TIME ON THE COHS
tive, Homelessness Diversion, Permanent Affordable           CALENDAR AND COMPLETE THE FACILITIES
Housing, Permanent Supported Housing, Single                 USE REQUEST FORM
Room Occupancy Housing, and Bucks County Rapid
When we are ready for the next iteration of IHN we
will let you know. But there are many other ways to
fight homelessness that you can help us with right
now. Please join us in this important work! Please
feel free to reach out to me about ways we can serve
the homeless together.”
Submitted by Lynn Bingaman
* executivedirector@keystoneopp.org,

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES                                      COHS is a vibrant, thriving community whose avail-
ENCORE (ENCOURAGING NEW                                      able spaces are in high demand seven days a week.
CORRIDORS OF RECREATION/                                     To avoid confusion and conflicts, please reserve
EDUCATION                                                    space for your event as soon as possible.
COORDINATOR OR CO-COORDINATORS                               ***IMPORTANT*** To request space for an event
                                                             or to have a fundraising event at COHS, there are
ENCORE is a theatre and musical arts recreation/ed-
                                                             three steps you must complete below. Your event is
ucation ministry for COHS parishioners and friends
                                                             NOT confirmed until you hear back from our Admin-
ages 55+. The ENCORE group enjoys fellowship eat-
                                                             istrator, Karen Work (215.234.8020).
ing at restaurants followed by attending theatre and
musical programs within an easy commute of COHS              1. Check the church main calendar to be sure some-
(e.g., up to a 20-mile radius). These events enrich,            thing isn’t already scheduled or that there would
inspire, and expand horizons.                                   be an inconvenient overlap of programs (http://
The Coordinator(s) needs to have an interest in
theatre and the musical arts, effective organizational       2. Use the Facilities Use request form to submit
skills, the ability to identify reasonably priced and           your event for review and have it added to the
interesting programs throughout the year, coordinate            calendar. If your event is a Fundraiser, be sure to
arrangements to obtain advance tickets, attendee                download and read the Fund Raising Guide and
payments, make restaurant reservations (Dutch                   also fill out our fundraising application form.
treat) and communicate offerings via email, Spiritus         3. Finally, fill out the LITC articles and Thank You’s
and LITC. Please contact Rev. Kathy if interested.              form so that your event will be listed in LITC.
Submitted by Louise Beebe                                       This submission must be 65 words or less.
                                                     OPTIONAL – If you would like your event to go into
AROUND THE CHURCH                                    the monthly Spiritus newsletter, please go to our
YOGA                                                 Spiritus Submissions Form and enter your informa-
Due to the holidays, there will be no Yoga on Decem- tion in there. You may expand using more than 65
ber 24 and 31. It will resume on January 7.          words for this submission.
Brenda Shea will be teaching Yoga Monday nights at Follow this pathway to reach the forms for numbers
7 PM during January and February. If you have any    2-4: COHS Home Page – COHS Links – Spiritus,
questions, please contact Brenda directly at (cell)  Events and Forms – scroll down below the issues of
484-994-1173. We look forward to seeing you again    Spiritus. Thank you!
after the holidays! Namaste.
                                                     Submitted by Karen Work
Submitted by Lili Waters

Spiritus january 2019 - Monthly news magazine of Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, Pa
COHS Photo Round-Up
  The wedding of Debbie Edgett
        and Bob Miller on
       November 30, 2018.
   Congratulations and many
   blessings on your marriage!

                                 Gingerbread Craft Show -
                                 December 2. Proceeds benefit
                                 the breakfast program at St.
                                 Augustine of Hippo

Welcome newcomers Wendy Bretz (left)
   and Vera and Rose Ewing (below)

   Greening of the Church

 Ministers of the Liturgy Schedule                   Music Schedule
 Add an event or LITC 'Thank you'                    Fundraising Event Guidelines
 Add a Spiritus article                              Building Use Requests
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Yoga                                                    T’ai Chi Classes
Monday evenings 7:00 PM, Parish Hall                    Saturdays 8:30-10:00 AM (Intermediate)
Education for Ministry (September - June)               10:00-11:30 AM (Beginners)
(EfM, or Exploring Faith Matters)                       Parish Hall
Wednesdays at 9:30 AM                                   BI-WEEKLY
Thursdays 3:00 PM and 6:30 PM                           Bible Study and Discussion & Brown Bag Lunch
COHS +--Centering Prayer                                Second and Fourth Tuesdays 12:00-1:30 PM,
Wednesdays 4-5:00 PM                                    Parish Hall
Eric Frankhouser's Home
Choirs and Handbells (September - June)                 Spiritual Friends Meditation Group
Wednesdays                                              First Monday evenings: 7:00-9:00 PM
4:30-5:15 PM Cherub Choir Grades K-2                    Hobie Simm’s Office
4:30-5:30 PM St. Nicholas Choir, Grades 3-5
                                                        Men's Spiritual Growth Group
4:30-6:00 PM St. Cecilia Choir, Grades 6 & up
                                                        First Thursdays, 7:00 PM, Eric Frankhouser's home
6:00-7:00 PM Adult Handbell Choir
7:30-9:00 PM Adult Choir                                First Friday Adult Faith Forum
                                                        First Fridays, Pot Luck at 6:00 PM,
Girls' Friendly Society (September - June)
                                                        Movie at 6:30 PM, Parish Hall
Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 PM
Al-Anon Meetings
Fridays 10:00-11:00 AM

                                COHS MISSION STATEMENT
Church of the Holy Spirit strives to build a spiritual community that fosters welcome and seeks truth in
love. We are committed to acceptance, honesty, joy, and adventure as we follow Jesus Christ. Caring and
compassion run deep in this church. Through worship, shared ministries and prayer we strive to know and
express God’s message in Christ through the Holy Spirit in ourselves, our communities, and our world.

                              CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT
    2871 BARNDT ROAD, PO BOX 575, HARLEYSVILLE, PA 19438 • 215-234-8020

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