Kindred Spirit Connection - The Wesley-Knox - Wesley-Knox United Church

Page created by Grace Mendez
Kindred Spirit Connection - The Wesley-Knox - Wesley-Knox United Church
The Wesley-Knox
                   Kindred Spirit Connection
                               Moving in the Spirit

                                        Fall 2019

                         Letter From the           wonderful new administration assistant,
                         Editor                    Arlene, is taking over the job of getting
                                                   Wesley-Knox’s news out, and I’m sure
                            Hello everyone,        that she will make a smash success of
                            and welcome            it.
                            back to another        It would be amiss if I left without saying
                            amazing year at        some very important thank-yous. To
Wesley-Knox! After a lively summer,                Carl Hearn, who saw something in me
filled with some very monumental                   that he wanted on the KSC, thank you.
changes, we are back in the pews this              To my amazing proof-readers for these
fall, with hearts ready to learn and grow          last few editions, thank you. To my
right alongside our church in this                 amazing Reaching Out committee, who
upcoming year.                                     supported me even when my crazy
We have said some hard goodbyes, but               schedule kept me from them, thank you.
along with any goodbye comes a great               I also would like to acknowledge Deb
hello. I feel the possibility in the air at        Lediet and Heather Westbrook, without
Wesley-Knox, and I know that with the              whom the last two editions would not
safe hands that we are in, the world is            have been possible, thank you both.
our oyster right now.                              I am stepping down as editor, but you
Personally, my busy summer has                     can absolutely still expect to see my
transitioned smoothly into an equally              smiling face around on Sunday
busy fall, as I have juggled three jobs,           mornings (on less hectic weeks). As
have found and moved into my dream                 always, I hope that any and all of you
apartment, and continue to be a part of            feel free to reach out, I so treasure the
a very busy, very loving family.                   relationships that I have with my fellow
This busyness brings with it some sad              Wesley-Knoxers.
news, as I am no longer able to continue           With Love,
editing the Kindred Spirit Connection.             Maggie Walker
This is my last edition behind the
keyboard, but certainly not the end of
my growth with Wesley-Knox. Our

Upcoming Events:
Nov 3 - Mass Choir                            Nov 23 - KSS Concert
Dec 7 - Christmas Concert                     Dec 15 - Singing Sunday and Pageant
Kindred Spirit Connection - The Wesley-Knox - Wesley-Knox United Church
Kindred Spirit Connection
                     Group and Committee Reports
Music Report - Karen Schuessler                  Where else can this happen? There are so
                                                 few places these days where everything is
                                                 ranked and rated and judged and qualified,
                      Well, we’re off and        often with the view of an economic return at
                      running for another        some point in the future.
                      great year of music at     This is doing God’s work in the world. This
                      Wesley-Knox. All the       is sowing seeds of love to grow over a
                      choirs have begun and      lifetime. God bless this congregation for
                      the energy is palpable!    continually saying the great “Yes” and
We are happy to be together, singing our         trusting the dream!
faith and celebrating God’s love.                The “All Choirs Sunday”—where all the
The buzz of excitement extends even              choirs sing together—will be on November
beyond our walls. The Children and Youth         3. Always a thrill, this is a great service to
Community Choirs of Wesley-Knox signed           bring your friends and neighbours to.
up many dozens of children on September          And, lastly, mark your calendars now for this
12, with more to come. This is due to            year’s Christmas Concert with our choirs
the generosity and goodwill of you, our          and Denise Pelley on Saturday, December
congregation, as well as to the grace-filled     7, at 8:00 pm!
work of Primary director, Mallory Brennan,       Well, as usual, it’s pretty dull in the music
and assistants, Mary Bee Haworth and             department here at Wesley-Knox! Ha! Not!
Maggie Logan. The gifts of this program will     See you in church!
reach far beyond our church and into the         Karen
wider world for many years to come. That’s
the way the Spirit works.
One of the miracles of this program is that it
is a “choir” program, and, as such, raises
the self-esteem of everyone in it. In a choir,
each person is welcomed and accepted with
their gift of song regardless of how big or
small it is, and regardless of how they look
or what they eat or their school marks or
their background or who their parents are.
They come and by joining their voice with all
the others, are wrapped in beauty, which is
an attribute of God. The congregation
reciprocates and sends the loving message,
“Way to go”, “Great job”, “Thank you”. A live
feed-back loop of the highest order!
Kindred Spirit Connection - The Wesley-Knox - Wesley-Knox United Church
Kindred Spirit Connection
                     Group and Committee Reports
Adventures in Ministry at Wesley-                Church’s “Church Hub” website along with a
Knox - Tony Haworth                              position description. It will then be matched
On Sunday, August 18 during worship, we          with profiles of ministers who are seeking a
said goodbye to our minister of seven years,     church home. If you think this sounds like
Tracy Crick-Butler. We also give thanks for      online dating, you’re not alone!
Heather Westbrook who is retiring as our         We don’t know when our new minister will
office administrator, Lisa Morris who            arrive. A representative of our Regional
stepped down as our pastoral care                Council (effectively what we used to call
coordinator and Chris Nichols who was our        “Presbytery”) recently suggested that this
custodian. They have all made significant        may not happen until mid-2020, but it could
contributions to the life and work of Wesley-    happen a bit sooner. Either way, we need
Knox.                                            someone to fill-in for the short term.
We now need a new minister. You may              Leadership Council was blessed to have
realize that the search process has recently     simultaneous offers of support from Glen
changed. Instead of undertaking a Joint          Pearson and former Wesley-Knox minister
Needs Assessment we must now produce a           Rev. Tom Hiscock. Glen offered to preach
Community of Faith Profile. While the name       on a regular basis and Tom offered to
may have changed, the purpose is pretty          provide worship leadership and perform
similar. The profile needs to summarize the      other duties of a minister as needed. The
unique characteristics of Wesley-Knox and        plan was to engage them until the end of
its people and describe the path we are on       the year. Unfortunately, at the last moment
as a community of faith. By the way, the         we learned that Tom was not eligible for a
United Church now routinely uses                 temporary appointment. As a retired
“community of faith” in place of the word        minister, some of Tom’s credentials are out-
“congregation”.                                  of-date and he is required to complete two
The key element of developing a Faith            online courses before he can get a green
Profile is getting input from our community      light from Regional Council. We’re still
of faith. To this end, the Faith Profile Team    hoping Tom can step-in after completing
launched a survey throughout September.          these courses in late October. Meanwhile,
This team includes Sheila Carson, Dave           we have Glen providing strong leadership
Cooper, Tony Haworth, Jacob Horak, David         from the pulpit as well as a variety of lay
Knoppert, Ron Olson, Jen Paterson, Brad          and ordained leadership, including our own
Prentice and Alex Walker. The team is            beloved Rev. Dr. Doug Ross. Many thanks
reviewing the survey responses to craft the
Faith Profile. On completion, the profile will
be presented to our faith community and, if
approved, will be posted on the United
Kindred Spirit Connection
                     Group and Committee Reports
Adventures in Ministry Cont’d                    Community Life - Debbi Jarvis
to the Spiritual Life committee for their hard
work to keep our ship afloat! We will very       Thanks to all, both human and canine, that
likely need another supply minister in the       helped man our Photo Booth display in June
                                                 at the Gathering on the Green. A great time
New Year, until our new minister arrives.
                                                 was had by all.
Leadership Council is working on a plan for
this contingency. We have been assured by
Regional Council that there are viable
While this period of change can be
unsettling, it is also an exciting advent time
of rebirth. If you have any questions or
concerns please chat with a member of the
Leadership Council. As sisters and brothers,
let’s continue to build a relationship with
God, make a difference in the world and
create a welcoming place for all who find us
Leadership Council received, on behalf of
the congregation, a heartfelt
thank you card from Rev Tracy, expressing
her gratitude for the beautiful
stole and monetary gift presented to her at
the wonderful celebration held
during worship on Aug 18th.

Tony Haworth, on behalf of Leadership
Council and the Faith Profile Team
Kindred Spirit Connection
                   Group and Committee Reports

Children’s Ministry - Kim Stark

                     Welcome Back Everyone! I hope everyone had a terrific summer
                     and that back to school went off without a hitch! It was a crazy
                     awesome summer here at Wesley-Knox! On July 1st we welcomed a
                     great team of 4 summer students funded by the Canada Summer
                     Jobs Grant Program! With their help, we ran 6 weeks of Creative Arts
                     Summer Day Camps and one week of Adventure Camp (VBS).
                     This year, Adventure Camp participants went back in time to Ancient
Egypt and the land of Canaan to free Joseph (son of Jacob) from unfair imprisonment
and help him find a way to forgive his brothers. Through role plays, songs, games and
daily trainings, campers got a taste of what life in Ancient Egypt might have been like.
They made ink from berries and nib pens from straws and learned to write in
hieroglyphics and hieratics. They sculpted scarab pendants, grilled and baked
flatbreads and even mummified an ancient Pharaoh (for real!).
At our Creative Arts Camps, campers learned the art of storytelling, built models of Da
Vinci’s Bridge, learned to paint in oil and acrylic, carved adorable animals out of soap
and cast flowers and hearts in chocolate! They also baked and decorated so many
cakes that I never need to see or eat cake again! It was a very busy and active summer
and we were all sorry when it ended.
But, not to fret! The Fall line-up of programming in Children’s Worship is better than
ever! As usual, babies and toddlers receive loving, compassionate care from our
nursery volunteers as they get comfortable with the routine of coming to church and
heading up to the Children’s Worship rooms while their parents listen to the service. In
the JK-Grade 5 classroom we are embarking on an ambitious adventure! We are taking
our storytelling curriculum to the next level, with new stories and handmade materials
adapted from the Godly Play Curriculum. We have rearranged the three smaller
Children’s Worship classrooms into: the Art Room, the Creative Response Room, and
the Story Room. In case you are not familiar with it, the Godly Play curriculum uses a
storytelling model with manipulatives (little characters and props we lovingly call Bible
Guys) followed by a creative response time. It is based on the Montessori Method. This
year we have upgraded from one creative response activity per week to a choice of
three or four activities per week. The options include watercolour painting, clay
sculpture, sketchbook journaling, the
Kindred Spirit Connection
                   Group and Committee Reports
building centre, the “invitation to play” centre (based on Reggio Emilia methods of
Emergent Education) and the Story Center. We are always happy to see new faces so
consider bringing a friend for this great Children’s Worship experience!
The Grade 6-8 class will be using a brand new curriculum this year called Teen Text. It
is a monthly program created by the Educational Centre and is “where God’s story and
Teen stories connect”. Teen Text is a lectionary-based high school resource that helps
older youth connect the text on the page with events in their daily lives. These
resources guide students into the text, and through a series of open-ended, text-related
questions, they begin to see the Bible as a vital, dynamic relevant resource–one that
can inform them throughout their lives. It encourages thoughtful and creative dialogue
and we are excited to be using it!
Youth Quest (high school) continues with the excellent leadership of Karen Pincombe,
Brad Prentice and Susan Ackland with help from Jane Roy. Jane tells me they are
going great guns already so consider bringing a friend to this wonderful program with
facilitators who really connect with the group.
But wait! That is not all! We have some fun family events coming up as well as our
annual Christmas Pageant and Holiday Bazaar so keep checking the calendar because
things are definitely hopping at Wesley-Knox!

Kim Stark
Director Children and Youth Ministries
Kindred Spirit Connection
                     Group and Committee Reports
                      Reaching Out Committee - Margo Bettger-Hahn
The Reaching Out Committee meets on the          your givings in the Minute for Mission from
second Monday of every month and we              the pulpit or in the bulletin.
kicked off the year with our September 9th       Check out our updated bulletin board
meeting. We have a number of areas of            outside the Centennial parlour! Diane
interest and focus, which includes               Knoppert, Jane Roy, Tony Haworth, Brian
communication of activities and action           Dalton, Mallory Brennan, Maggie Walker,
within the Church, to the congregation and       Leadership Council liaison Jen Cline, and I
the community. The Kindred Spirit                would love to have you join us in Reaching
Connection, the Church’s website and our         Out! A fun and focused team!
presence on Facebook are the avenues
used to do so. We promote environment
awareness and this year we will be
relevant tips in the bulletin weekly. We
hope that you will watch for and embrace
the information. Environmental Sunday in
the Spring is an important time to reflect on
our responsibilities to care for Mother Earth.
We support local outreach and social justice
initiatives, and this year are considering
                                                 Reaching Out Events
talks, including lunch and learns, to address    Month of October -Annual Food Drive!
loneliness, homelessness, and the                 Bring your food donations to any service in
Canadian Food Grains Bank, as some               October for the London Food Bank! Place your
examples.                                        donation in the grocery cart at the front of the
We are responsible for Mission Sunday in         sanctuary.
November and this year the Haworth family        November 3rd - 7:30 pm. - Sudan Concert
will be sharing their memories of their recent   Joining Denise Pelley is Saidat, Steve Holowitz
                                                 and the Jazz Trio, and the Choirs from Banting,
trip to Palestine. The annual Sudan concert
                                                 Medway and Victoria Schools.
on November 3rd, another initiative, brings
                                                 Cost? It's free, but all donations will be gladly
music and stories that remind us of the
                                                 accepted for development projects in South
realities of life in South Sudan, and gives us   Sudan! (doors open at 6pm)
the opportunity to support the people there      November 3rd - 6-7:15 pm - 100 Days of African
through the work of Canadian Aid for             Wildlife Art Show and Sale
Southern Sudan (C.A.S.S.) Reaching               All proceeds to South Sudan Development
Out stays connected with the hospitality         Projects! Before the Sudan Concert and during
team and also conducts a twice yearly food       Intermission, affordable original art
drive for the London Food Bank. Of course,       work by Jane Roy will be available for viewing
                                                 and for sale. (Piece pictured above)
Mission and Service work matters to us as
well, as we share stories of the benefit of
Kindred Spirit Connection
                      Group and Committee Reports
Pastoral Care Team - Brenda Smith                 Property Update Cont’d
During this time of change and transition in      insulation, steel studs, and about 1 1/2 feet
our church, be assured that love and care         of floor tiles along the end and side walls.
for one another continues. It is so important
                                                  The company are slated to do their work on
to talk to and listen to one another’s
                                                  Thursday and Friday, Sept. 19 and 20. There
concerns. There may be difficult times (such
as illness, bereavement, trauma) when we          will be lots of dust and noise as the trench is
would appreciate the presence of our              dug. The collection trough in the cement
minister. Please make contact through the         floor will be about a foot from the end and
church office where Arlene, our church            side walls. The trough in the floor will
administrator, will make the connection to        gradually tip downward toward the West
pastoral support. Confidential voicemail will
                                                  where water will collect in the sump in the
relay your concerns after regular hours.
Wesley-Knox is fortunate to have a team of        former shower area off the gym. From
trained individuals, the pastoral care team,      there a pump will expel any water to the
who are available to be present and listen to     Teresa Street side of the building. A
concerns when we need a friendly face and         membrane on the walls will lead any water
warm hand to help bring the assurance of          down into the
our faith to the difficulties and concerns that
                                                  trough. The trough will be covered by
confront us.
                                                  cement and will need a few days to cure.
                                                  Our subcontractor will install new steel
                                                  studs over the membrane, new styrofoam
                                                  insulation, and new cement board.
                                                  Following that the board will be taped,
                                                  "mudded" and painted, and the floor tiles
                                                  will be laid. Some of the tiles have been
                                                  saved and some new ones will complete the
                                                  As you can appreciate this is a lengthy
                                                  process with volunteers pitching in
                                                  to speed things up and to reduce the cost.
                                                  Hopefully we will be able to get
Property Update - Neil Eadie
                                                  back in the gym early in October. Many
As of the publication date, the gym is in the
                                                  thanks to Ron Olson for his key part
midst of having the sump system installed
                                                  in this job. Thank you to the various groups
by Advanced Basement Systems. Our
                                                  who have been very accommodating in
subcontractor and a couple of volunteers
                                                  changing schedules and adjusting their
have cut 32 inches from the existing cement
board, an equal amount of styrofoam
Kindred Spirit Connection
                      Group and Committee Reports
Resources and Renewal - Sheila LeClair
The role of the Resources & Renewal Committee is an interesting one. It’s made up of a
number of teams of people, all of whom have different responsibilities for keeping things moving
forward at the church. Here are just a few of the things we do:
We look after the many demands of our church building.
    ● This fall’s big project is working on the gym to hopefully eliminate future flooding. The
         gym was out of commission this spring for a number of days because of significant
         amounts of water that had gotten into the space. This has been a HUGE project and any
         assistance you can give in helping with things will be greatly appreciated.
    ● Light bulbs in the sanctuary have been changed out to LED and we now have energy
         efficient lighting in our church sign out at the front of the building. The new bulbs, both
         inside and out, should last for a significant number of years.
All projects that are proposed for our building are looked at from 3 perspectives:
    1. Is it an immediate need or is it something we can plan for at a later time?
    2. How can we do it in the most financially responsible way possible?
    3. Are we being as “green” as we can be and will it make things as accessible as possible?
Renting out our facilities to community groups. This includes negotiating contracts and ensuring
that we are able to meet the groups’ needs. There are 2 major reasons why we want to rent our
    1. It’s a wonderful way to open our doors to the community and welcome new people into
         our church.
    2. It’s an important revenue generator.
Counting and depositing the money that comes into the church each Sunday. We have set up
teams to do this so no team needs to do it more than once a month.
Taking responsibility for the finances of the church. What does this include?
    ● Reviewing the financial statements prepared by our Treasurer on a regular basis.
    ● Developing a Stewardship plan. What is Stewardship? It’s ways of asking people to give
         to the church – not just financially, but also with our time and talents. Wesley-Knox
         needs all three of these things. As Winston Churchill said: We Make A Living By What
         We Get; We Make A Life By What We Give.
    ● Meeting with the Trustees and our Investment firm to review our investments and ensure
         our returns are meeting the Investment Policy approved by the congregation.
    ● Ensuring that adequate processes and controls are in place to protect the physical and
         monetary assets of Wesley-Knox.
This is just a quick overview of the work of this committee. We would love to add to our
numbers. There are always one-time projects that need doing. If you have an interest in helping
out in any area, please contact me at or talk to me after church. My
sincere gratitude goes out to each member of the Committee who has worked so tirelessly to
make Wesley-Knox a wonderful and safe place to be.
Sheila LeClair, Chair of Resources & Renewal
Kindred Spirit Connection
                       Group and Committee Reports
Website Update                                      Wonderful World of Handbells
We are looking to train an additional person        The Wesley-Knox Handbell Ringers are
in managing the website. This role is not           excited to commence their fall rehearsal
time-consuming, we are looking for an               session. 6 members of the group attended
additional person to provide support to our         the 3 day OGEHR Festival at Fanshawe
current webmaster (Mallory). The website is         College last June, where they joined 300
currently a WordPress site which means              other Ringers in massed performance. The
you do not need any working knowledge of            theme was Peace, and we will bring this
coding or computer programming. We have             theme forward in our fall performance on
a full manual which we can provide. If you          November 10. If you have an interest in
are interested, please contact the
                                                    learning about handbell ringing, please
communications team at
                                                    speak to Cathie. If there is enough interest,
                                                    perhaps we can set up a morning
                                                    workshop to investigate your skills.
Cold Weather is Coming!
Warm toques, large mitts and scarves are a
welcome gift to our Community Breakfast
and Out of the Cold meal programs at
Wesley-Knox over the colder months.
Starting in November we will have need of
donations to the Mitten Cane at the back of
the Sanctuary. There you will find donated
wool for you to take home to create a warm
article of clothing. I can just hear the knitting
needles now!!!
                                                    We Need You!
Choir Security                                      We have need of a small group who could
We can always use volunteers for Thursday           take on the task of being the custodial rep
night Community Choir practice security             when a funeral is scheduled in the daytime
patrol. Your hours? 4:40-6:05 at the side           hours. As mentioned prior, Bill is at school
parking lot door. Smiling faces greet you           during the day. If we were to have a funeral,
as the kids pile in to attend rehearsal and         we could use some assistance. If you could
parents are most appreciative of a warm             give a few hours on short notice, we would
Wesley-Knox hello! Feel free to add your            be interested in hearing from you. Please
name to the schedule posted on the bulletin         contact any member of M&P, Cathie Banks,
board outside the east door. Or call Cathie.        Chair
Kindred Spirit Connection
                      Group and Committee Reports
Some Warm Welcomes from M&P                      Inclusivity Report
An official welcome aboard to Bill Jacklin       As our ad-hoc committee has come to the
our custodian. No doubt you have seen            end of its one year timeline, we have sent
Bill around over the summer months when          forward our report to the leadership council,
activities were fairly quiet. Now we are in      leaving our future in their trustworthy hands.
full swing, activities are happening morning,    This past summer has been a busy one for
noon and night, almost everyday of the           our committee, as we continued to plan and
week. Bill is attending school now, as well      run events. During Pride Month Wesley-
as working at W-K. This means you may            Knox hosted an interactive art installation in
not see him so much anymore. He is putting       association with Iridesce, a body of the
in the required hours, but a lot are on          United Church of Canada that functions as
Saturdays, and late afternoons and               a ‘Living Apology’ as commissioned by the
evenings.                                        42nd General Council in reaction to the
And another official welcome to Arlene           Church’s history with LGBTQIA2+
Roberts our new Office Administrator.            communities. Iridesce’s Barb McGill came in
Arlene moved to London from Port Elgin in        to facilitate and organize the installation.
2018, where she was the Office                   Indigenous Solidarity Day was held on
Administrator at the United Church. She          Friday June 21st, at the YMCA grounds at
comes to us with very creative ideas,            Elmwood and Wortley. Several of our
technology efficiencies and a warm               committee members attended the 5:30 am
welcoming smile to boot! In the past she         Sunrise Service. It was a very entertaining
created and produced a weekly newsletter         and educational day. Wesley-Knox again
that would replace the bulletin insert, giving   took place in London’s annual Pride Parade,
room for detailed coverage of upcoming           and we had a very good attendance on
events. We are looking at how this might         such a hot day. This summer we also had
work for Wesley-Knox. Watch for some             the opportunity to bring Leroy Hibbarb in to
upcoming changes. Meanwhile, drop in and         preach for a Race and Culture Sunday.
meet Arlene. Office hours are Monday-            The committee thanks you all for your
Thursday, 8:30-2:30. (1 hour lunch). Friday      support, and we look forward to keeping WK
8:30-12:30.                                      an open and accepting place.
Films at Wesley-Knox                                                     Fall 2019

                          7:30 pm in the Centennial Parlour

          Runaway Bride October 4th
          Julia Roberts, Richard Gere
          Maggie Carpenter has a reputation
          for getting almost to the altar before
          fleeing from her weddings.

                                                   Hocus Pocus October 18th
                                         Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker
                                          A newcomer to Salem struggling to find
                                          his place, awakens a trio of witches that
                                           had been executed in the 17th century.

Rocketman November 1st
Taron Egerton, Jamie Bell
         Elton Johns early years as he
         grows and finds his way into
         the music that has become
         so famous.
                                                              Mystic Pizza November 15th
                                                            Annabeth Gish, Julia Roberts

                                                        A coming of age story set
                                                         in Mystic Connecticut. A
                                                    delightful movie as we follow
                                                              three teenage girls.
The Lion King November 29th
Donald Glover, Beyonce
          The Classic story re made
          with live action characters.

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