WINTER 2021 - Camp Deerpark

Page created by James Juarez
WINTER 2021 - Camp Deerpark
Camp Deerpark Owner Churches                Promise Circle
Believers Mennonite Garifuna Ministries     You are the person the future of Camp Deerpark needs. In researching the history
 Pastor Andrew Nuñez                        book, Forever God is Faithful, we saw that most of the folks involved in the founding of
Evangelical Garifuna Church                 Camp Deerpark in 1969 were in their 20’s and 30’s. They were committed to creating a
 Pastor Celso Jaime                         place where God’s people could experience the peace of open space. Their energy and
Evangelical Garifuna Church of Brooklyn     vision was the driving force that made Camp Deerpark a reality.
 Pastor Martin Alvarez
                                            Leon Yost was in his mid-20’s and made one of the largest financial gifts in the first year.
Evangelical Garifuna Church of Manhattan
                                            He writes:
 Pastor Margarito Martinez
                                                                                                                    I have been a
Friendship Community Church                  I’m originally from Lancaster County but in the 1960s during
 Pastor Kenneth L. Thompson                  the Vietnam War, I was doing alternative service as a respira-
                                                                                                                     recipient of
Grace and Peace Mennonite Church             tory therapist in New York City. One Saturday morning Dale              the blessing
 Pastor Anita Castle                         Stoltzfus and John Buckwalter invited me to ride with them                of having
Iglesia Evangelical Menonita Eben-Ezer       to the recently purchased piece of land in the Catskills that
  Pastors Julio and Ana Damaso               they envisioned as a camp for city kids. It turned out to be the      Camp Deerpark
Immanuel Community Church
                                             side of a mountain with forest trails, open fields and a cluster       available and
                                             of buildings–the perfect antidote for noisy city life! It soon
 Pastor Mark Perri
                                             became a regular trip to help with projects, turning the place        I want to pass
Infinity Mennonite Church
  Pastor Albert Taylor
                                             into what is now Camp Deerpark. It was fun.                                that on.
King of Glory Tabernacle                    You may be asking, “Why me?” Like Leon fifty years ago, you believe in Camp Deerpark.
 Pastor Hyacinth Stevens                    This place has touched your life and you want it to touch others. Camp has always been
Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship              a community of people of all colors, languages, and ages working together. On Sep-
 Pastor Jason Storbakken                    tember 4, 2004 it was more than thirty youth from United Revival, Bronx Garifuna and
                                            Forest Hills that pitched in to clean up after the flood. (see page 110 of Forever God is
Mennonite Bible Fellowship, CT              Faithful.)
 Pastor Cedric Smith
Mennonite Evangelistic Tabernacle           As we look to the next fifty years of ministry, it will take a team effort. A team that
 Pastor Nestalis DeLeon                     includes you. We need youth, young adults, parents of campers, former campers, and
North Bronx Mennonite Church                grandparents to join the circle and experience the joy of a monthly gift.
                                                                                                                        Continued on page 2
 Pastor Ruth Wenger
United Revival Mennonite Church
 Bishop Nicolas Angustia
Valley of Jesus Mennonite Church
 Pastors Bernardo & Linda Rodriguez

The newsletter is published four times a
year and is distributed without charge to
members and friends.

Editor: Ken Bontrager
WINTER 2021 - Camp Deerpark
Continued from page 1

Acts 2:39 says, “For the promise is to you and to your children and to all that are far off, every one whom the Lord   Giving monthly
our God calls to him.” God’s promises to his children has been a central theme here at Camp Deerpark, which
is why the children’s camp village is named Promise Woods. We believe that God has been lovingly faithful to            makes it easy
the children, youth, and families of New York City for the past fifty-one years. We believe that God wants to            to set aside
use you in being faithful to that promise. We want you to experience the blessing of giving and step into the
circle of promise for our children.                                                                                    the amount you
                                                                                                                       plan to give for
Fifty years from now they will be telling stories of how people like Ashley, Marleyna, Clyde, Jynnelle, and Em-
manuel stepped into the circle at a critical time and helped make Camp Deerpark possible.                                  the year.
In this issue of the newsletter we have listed the folks who have committed to give to Camp Deerpark every month. They are the
original Promise Circle, but there is plenty of room for you. As always this list is not to glorify any person, but rather to follow the
teaching of Jesus in Matthew 5:16. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is
in heaven.”  

We asked some members of the Promise Circle to share why they give. Listen to the thoughtful generosity in their hearts.

    We give to Camp Deerpark to participate in what God is doing through camp. We believe in the ministry; to teach children, train
    leaders and provide a place to see God. For us, it’s an investment in people and the work of reconciliation. We want to support
    the dedicated staff and volunteers. Giving monthly makes it easy to set aside the amount you plan to give for the year. Since ex-
    penses happen year-round, monthly contributions help with cash flow. Camp Deerpark has made a promise to be there for us. Why
    wouldn’t we want to be part of the Promise Circle and be there for Camp Deerpark all year?

    I have stored in me so many fond and cheerful memories from being at Camp Deerpark that I want to enhance the possibility of
    that happening for others. I believe that we are blessed to be a blessing and if contributing to Camp Deerpark’s mission allows me
    to do that, I am fortunate to do so. So the bottom line for me is, it’s personal. I have been a recipient of the blessing of having Camp
    Deerpark available and I want to pass that baton in this, our relay race of faith. This does not happen by chance, it happens when we
    intentionally do our part and choose to leave a legacy, an inheritance for our children beyond the corruptible things of life.

A monthly gift is convenient for you and, especially during the uncertainty of the past year, is a huge blessing to the ministry of Camp
Deerpark. The Promise Circle is always expanding and there is room for you. No one is too young or too old. No gift is too small or
too large.

To get started text Ken at 845-283-8669 or email Nancy at We will walk you through the details
and get you in the circle.

WINTER 2021 - Camp Deerpark
We can see the finish line. We are currently projecting that the Promise Center will be completed by June 15, however, we will need
your help.

Please look over the following list of projects to see if you are able to help: landscaping, concrete sidewalks, installing stone fireplace,
polyurethane trim in meeting room (This is a good job for one or two people over a three day period rather than 8 people for one
day), kitchen equipment purchased and installed, plumbing fixtures installed, carpet squares installed, cabinets and counter tops installed,
CNC router for making building signs, furniture, final cleaning.

We still need approximately $44,000 to complete the Promise Center.

The Promise Center is more critical now than ever. As we return to hosting church retreat groups the Promise Center will allow us
to host two groups with very little exposure to each other. Please pray about how you can help complete the Promise Center for
children, youth, and families this summer.

  2021 SUMMER CAMP SCHEDULE                                                    2021 FAMILY CAMP DATES
   SESSIONS                        DATES             COSTS                SESSIONS                       DATES
   Children’s Camp Session 1       June 27-July 2    $200-300*            Friday - Monday                May 28-31 (Memorial Wknd)
   Children’s Camp Session 2       July 4-9          $200-300*            Monday - Thursday              August 9-12
    & Teen Discipleship A                                                 Monday - Thursday              August 16-19
   Children’s Camp Session 3       July 11-16        $200-300*
                                                                          Monday - Thursday              August 23-26
    & Teen Discipleship B
   Children’s Camp Session 4       July 18-23        $200-300*            Monday - Thursday              August 30-September 2
    & Teen Discipleship C                                                 Friday - Monday                September 3-6 (Labor Wknd)
   Children’s Camp Session 5       July 25-30        $200-300*            Meals: On Memorial Day & Labor Day weekends: Eight (8)
   Teen Camp & L.E.A.D #1          August 1-6        $200-300*            meals from Saturday breakfast to Monday lunch.
                                                      & $150              On August dates: Eight (8) meals from Monday dinner to
                                                                          Thursday breakfast.
   Summer Camp Discounts (This does not include L.E.A.D.)
                                                                          Cost:                    One room - max cost $600
                                                                          $200 adult               Two rooms - max cost $1000
   *Based on when registration and payment are received in the
                                                                          $100 child               Three rooms - max cost $1400
                                                                          $0 infants ages 0-4      Large cabin - max cost $1400
   - $200/week if received in March or April
   - $250/week if received in May
                                                                          Family package price
   - $300/week if received in June.
                                                                          • Price includes activities such as hayride, bikes, swimming, and
                                                                          wood or art craft for $5 per person, evening campfire, and one
   Register online at or call                        organized activity per day.
   the office for a paper registration.                                   • 50% deposit required to reserve space
                                                                          • All meals are served family style

WINTER 2021 - Camp Deerpark
Adelphian Sunday School       Jesus & Miriam Cruz

                                                                                2020 CAMP DEE
  Class                       Ingrid & Robert
Donaidy Alvarez                 Cullquipuma
Nicolas & Carolina Angustia   Harold Davenport
Liliana & Jose Arce           Reuel & Sara Detweiler
Peter & Karen Armstrong       Deutsche Bank                 John Hostetler                Cliff & Joyce Martin
Rhoda Atzeff                  Steve & Jennifer Drake        Carter Hurst                  Elwood & Nancy Martin
Gary Avery                    Matthew & Katrina Eberly      Chad & Coleen Hurst           Mary Martin
Maria Ballasteos              Virginia Ebersole             Iglesia Evangelica Menonita   Nancy Martin
Evelyn Bare                   Dan & Mary Enck                  Ebenezer                   Sonja Martin
John & Ruth Bare              Leon & Melba Eshleman         Immanuel Community            Carmen Martinez
Bob & Rita Bear               Evangelical Garifuna Church      Church                     Digna Martinez
Newton & Elsie Mae Beiler     Everence - MyNeighbor         J. A. Horst & Sons            Irvin Martinez
Clarke Bell & Suzanne Kreps     Credit Cards                The Hyde Watson               Steve & Magaly Martinez
Luke & Sara Berg              Nimia Flores                     Foundation                 Pam Mast Stoner & Barry
Ancelema Bermudez             Forest Hills Mennonite        Curtis Jantzi                   Stoner
Curtis & Linda Berry            Church                      Lowell & Ruth Jantzi          Dean & Gloria McConaghay
Charles Blair                 David & Linda Frey            Lissette Jimenez-Cano         Sean & Kim McConaghay
Susan Blessing                Kenneth & Joyce Frey          Herb & Barbara Keener         Hyacinth Meade
Errol & Coletta Bontrager     Richard Frey & Janet          Jerry & Leonor Kennell        Mellinger Mennonite
Ethel Bontrager                 Landis-Frey                 Brian & Krista Kielty           Church Circle of Love
Ken & Deborah Bontrager       Frances & Norman              Edwin & Debra Kilheffer         Class
Maxine Bontrager & Joe          Gallagher                   Ulli & Theda Klemm            Carl & Marian Metzler
  Hooley                      Dale & Phyllis Gamber         Vyacheslav Kovalenko          Lem & Alta Metzler
Norman & Ruth Bontrager       Jesse & Joanne Gehman         Harold & Doris Kready         Joyce Millen
Gene & Ellen Bormann          Samuel Gehman                 Barry & Erika Kreider         Ann Miller
Geert Bosch                   Karla Gingerich & Scott       John & Margaret Kreider       Ed & Carol Miller
Lynn & Ruth Brenneman           Stevens                     John Kreider                  Ed & Sue Stamm Miller
Mark & Sue Brenneman          Victor & Megan Gingerich      Tim & Barb Kyler              Grace Miller
Jay & Diane Brubaker          Dean & Jeanie Glick           Gladys Landis                 Ken & Christine Miller
David & Marian Buckwalter     Gary & Ruth Glick             James & Carolyne Landis       Leon & Joy Miller
John & Miriam Buckwalter      Stanley & Susan Godshall      James & Elaine Landis         Marlin Miller
Rick Buckwalter & Ann Rutt    Donald & Linda Good           Mary Jane Landis              Merle & Loris Miller
Timothy Buckwalter &          Isaac & Barb Grable           Erma Leaman                   Sarah Miller
  Andrea Brown                Grace Fellowship Youth        Toby & Lonnie Leaman          Sarah Miller
Laura & Mike Burkholder         Group                       Nancy Leatherman              Lanny & Debbie Millette
Ruth Burkholder               Don & Theresa Gunden          Minerva Lebron                Les & Jane Mininger
Josue Carreno                 Marilyn Gunden                Keith & Ernestine Lehman      Mercedes Mitchell
Andres Carrion                Victor Gutierrez              Lehman Insurance Agency,      Patsie Moore
Brenda Carrion                Stephanie Harris                 Inc                        Betsy & Phillip Moyer
Sonni & Andres Carrion        Floyd & Charlene Helmuth      James & Margaret Leonard      James & Irene Moyer
Lee & Leenie Charles          Dale & Amy Herr               Edwin Lopez                   Dennis & Diane Myers
Robert Charles                Dale & Karen Hertzler         Nancy Lopez-Cottrell          Dan & Mary Ellen Ness
Church Communities            Don Hertzler & Ruth Shenk     Iris Mack                     New Holland Family
  International                 Hertzler                    Edris Malcolm                   Restaurant
Church of Park Slope          Mark Hickson                  Nancy Maldonado               Mahlon & Mary Ella
Denise Civardi                Jayne Holsinger & Hugh        Manhattan Mennonite             Newswanger
Clark Associates Companies      Seidman                        Fellowship                 Wes Newswanger & Janet
  Charitable Foundation       Herbert Hoover                Manor Fuels, Inc                Breneman
Rosa & Junior Colon           Leon & Lois Hoover            Shayna & Michael Mark         Eddy & Joanie Nietzschmann
Community Mennonite           Chester & Helen Horst         Charlie & Joyce Martin        Violet Noll
  Church of Lancaster         Earl & Lorene Horst           Chester & Ruth Ann Martin     Rebecca Nolt
Nancy & Ken Craul             Lloyd & Barbara Horst         Chester & Jane Martin         The Norman Family
WINTER 2021 - Camp Deerpark
Duane & Marilyn Yoder       PROMISE CIRCLE

                                                           Monroe Yoder                Lois Arnold
                                                           Naomi Yoder                 Allan & Maria Arzu
                                                           Dick & Nancy Yoder          Marvin & Esma Arzu
                                                           Pearl Zehr                  Michael & Dorothy Barth
Ana Nunez                    Gary & Grace Smith            Marija Zeremski-Seferovic   Yahaira & Yony Bermudez
Kevin & Diane Oberholzer     Sharon Smith                  Melvin Zimmerman            Eudina & Michael Boodie
Kenneth & Chauntwanette      Lloyd & Sue Smoker            Jeryl Zimmerman             Zonidia Buelto
  Okantey                    John & Irene Smucker          Zoe Dawn Shop               Zuleika Caballero
James O’Neal                 Leon & Nancy Stauffer         Anonymous                   George & Yvonne Cleland
John & Barbara O’Neil        Edgar Stoesz                  Anonymous                   Phyllis DePaul
Isolina Ordonez              Marcia Stoesz                 Anonymous                   Evangelistic Missionary
Edgar & Wanda Ortiz          Stoesz Family Fund            Anonymous                     Movement
Ralph & Carmen Ortiz         Vonetta Storbakken            Anonymous                   Antonio & Doralina
Richard Paterson             Sunnyside Mennonite           Anonymous                     Fernandez
Ron & Evelyn Pauls             Church                      Anonymous                   Sis Attley Frances Jackson
Marty & Joyce Peifer         Cathy Sutter                                              Friends for Al Taylor
Ralph & Loyda Perez          Tabernáculo Evanjelistico                                 Victor Gomez Bernardez
Doris Perkins                Alfred Taylor                                             Grace Fellowship Church
Karen Perry-Taylor           Jordan Tetteh                                             Jim & Judi Hewell
Chuck Peters & Elysa         Isaac & Thelma Thomas                                     John & Linda Horst
  Hammond                    Charles & Ruth Ann Torielli                               Celso & Zulma Jaime
Jaime & Nancy Pinero         Carolyn Torres                                            Vernon & Yvonne Kauffman
Jay Poe
Joseph Predoti & Anna
  Kuhns Predoti
                             Andy & Joan Torres
                             Torres Family
                             Elba Torres-Duca
                                                              THE NUMBERS              Krista LaRuffa
                                                                                       Nancy LaRuffa
                                                                                       Kevin & Danica Lefever
Ben Rader & Elke Lehmann     Bill & Ann Troyer
                                                              In 2020 due to           Jay & Carol Lefever
Heber & Cheryl Ramer         Steve & Kathy Troyer           COVID-19 related           Evelyn & Ivan Lopez
Scott & Nancy Reichert       Donald & Carole Tuttle            changes, Camp           Carmen Lora
Anthony & Valerie Robinson   United Revival Mennonite         Deerpark’s usual         Victor & Lourdes Mendez
Angelica Rodriguez             Church                       group retreats and         Tom & Janice Mortenson
Rick & Maritza Rodriguez     Valley of Jesus Mennonite         summer camps            Randy Owen & Tioluwa
Zoe Rohrer                     Church                       were not the same.           Olokunde-Owen
Charles & Tasha Rose         Steve & Irene Villanueva       The numbers below          Richard Pannell
Linda Rubbo-Padilla & Jose   Andrea Waitt                    reflect the change:       Beth Pilof
                                                                                       Steve & Judy Ponchot
Tami Rygus
                             Carolyn Wakefield-Shank
                             Hillary Watson                     146 retreat            Adrienne Scales Smith
Evelyn Sauder                Barry & Barbara                  groups/families          Clyde and Kayla Smith
Clair & Nancy Sauder          Weatherholtz                                             Jynelle Smith
                                                               for a total of          Benjamin & Hyacinth
Phil Sauder                  Anna Mae Weaver
Vernon & Mary Schroeder      Glenn & Anne Weaver             3496.5 retreat              Stevens
                                                                                       Eliezer Torres
Harold & Miriam Seybert      John & Mae Weaver                     days.               Eubaldo Torres
Shalom Mennonite
                             Mark & Barbara Weaver
                             Marvin & Miriam Weaver            0 sessions of           Alexie Torres-Fleming
Leonard & Leanne Shank       Ron & Lois Weaver                summer camp              Marcelo Trigueno
                                                             with a total of 0
Darla Sharp                  Nelson & Grace Weber                                      Bill & Mei-Yee Wang
Denise Sharp                 Tim & Dottie Weber                                        Dale & Deborah Weaver
Dennis & Ruth Sharp          Joyce Wenger                      camper days.            Earl & Heather Weekes
Flossie Shaw                 Ruth Wenger                     225 volunteers            Anonymous

                                                             working 2,311
Eugene & Martine Shelly      Byron & Johnette Wert
Maynard & Alice Shirk        Daniel & Miriam Wert
James & Carol Showalter      Michael & Sara Winnick          volunteer hours.
Jesse Slabaugh               Allison Yoder
WINTER 2021 - Camp Deerpark
TRIBUTES IN                           In Memory of Eulises            In Memory of Nelson                    In Honor of Dan &
MEMORY                                  Figueras, and Samuel            Martin                                 Marlene Miller
In Memory of                            Uranga                        Brent & Lorie Hershey                  Karon & Kendell Pease
  Aquilina Torres                     Natashua Uranga
Ray & Anna Pacheco                                                    The Ethel Miriam Zeager                In Honor of Kathy &
                                      In Memory of Hadassah             Pannell Memorial Fund                  Steve Anderson, and
In Memory of                            Bontrager                     Richard Pannell                          Kendell & Karon Pease
  Earl F Smoker                       Randy Owen & Tioluwa            Dwight Zeager                          Marlene Miller
Lawn Equipment Parts Co.               Olokunde-Owen
                                                                      TRIBUTES IN HONOR                      In Honor of Maria Morban
In Memory of Felipe                   In Memory of Lazaro             In Honor of Carl & Marian              Paul Ryneski
  & Lucia Lopez                         McBeatch, and In Honor          Metzler
Dale Lopez                              of Camp Deerpark              Anonymous
                                      Ignacio McBeatch

    FROM THE DIRECTOR’S HEART        by Ken Bontrager

    “With what shall I come before the Lord,
        and bow myself before God on high?
    Shall I come before him with burnt offerings,
        with calves a year old?
    Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams,
        with ten thousands of rivers of oil?
    Shall I give my first-born for my transgression,
        the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?”
    He has showed you, O man, what is good;
        and what does the Lord require of you
    but to do justice, and to love kindness,
        and to walk humbly with your God?
    Micah 6:6-8

    Once per year we publish a special newsletter issue to thank
    everyone who has gifted Camp Deerpark with your time and
    treasure. I want you to know that we are extremely grateful
    for your gift. We offer your gift to God as an act of worship.
    Please indulge me in a short story. A few years ago we need-
    ed to borrow a piece of equipment to dig the foundation for
    our new maintenance building. Our neighbor agreed to bring
    his machine and do the work at no cost to us other than fuel.
    When I was thanking him for his donation of service he said,
    “Just make sure I get credit with the man upstairs.” While I
    pray for my neighbor on a regular basis, there is nothing I can
    do about that credit. According to God’s Word through the
    prophet Micah, what God requires from all of us is to do jus-
    tice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God. As camp
    staff and caretakers of this ministry it is our job to be good
    stewards of your gifts. Whether it is a $5 monthly gift or a
    $50,000 gift, we will do our best to honor God. As a giver of
                                                                           Volunteers this past year included a sheet rock crew from Evangelical
    time and talent you also are required to do justice, love kind-     Garifuna Church in Manhattan (above) and young adult carpenters from
    ness, and walk humbly with God.                                                           Forest Hills Mennonite Church in Leola, PA. (below)

    May God be honored in our gifts and in our lives.

WINTER 2021 - Camp Deerpark
                                    UPCOMING EVENTS
Danae Agha            Antonio Fernandez   Danica Lefever       Sophia Rodriguez
Kilian Agha           Doralin Fernandez   Andrew Maendel       Wagner Rodriguez
Joel Amstutz          Ronaldo Fernandez   Amanda Martin        Ryan Sauder
Abraham Angustia      Cristobol Flores    Brayden Martin       Zach Sauder
Daniel Angustia       Lilian Flores       Brian Martin         Ale Sedillo
Esther Angustia       Noe Flores          Brock Martin         Juan Sedillo
Karen Angustia        Emily Frey          Chet Martin          Angel Serrano
Naomi Angustia        Cherry Gamboa       Dan Martin           Jordan Small
Daniel Angustia Jr.   Andi Gerber         Dominic Martin       Grace Smith
Roberto Anias II      Victor Gomez        Jan Martin           Jynnelle Smith
Jaime Aranda          Manuel Guzman       Jane Martin          Lucy Smith
Adalberto Arzu        Bren Haller         Kadenn Martin        Cora Southard
Wilson Arzu           Jordan Haller       Maggie Martin        Marcia Stoesz
Romulo Avila          Lauren Haller       Renee Martin         Chloe Sumnick
Kenton Baer           Jeff Hege           Shane Martin         Joshua Sumnick
Anne Becker           Katie Hege          Elvis Martinez       Steve Sumnick
Doug Becker           Omar Henriquez      Jose Martinez        Sean Swartley
Ken Becker            Daniel Hensley      Arnold Mejia         Leny Valentine
Carmen Benedith       Joel Hensley        Victor Mendez        Bill Wang
Luke Berg             Declan Hersh        Evan Meyers          Ian Wang
Yahira Bermudez       Izzy Hoffeditz      Lanny Millette       Mie-Yee Wang
Carlos Blanco         Herb Hoover         Les Mininger         Carson Wanner
Nemo Bontrager        Alyssa Horst        Brando Miranda       Derick Weaver
Brandon Boyer         Cole Horst          Edwin Morales        Dwight Weaver
Wyatt Boyer           Hope Horst          Jorge Morales        Hannah Weaver
Sierra Brubacher      John Horst          Juan Morales         Grace Weber
Joselino Casildo      Keenan Horst        Brian Murray         Nelson Weber
Lee Charles           Kristen Horst       Collin Musser        Jamila Witmer
Camden Clapper        Linda Horst         Emma Musser          Jesse Wise
Emily Clapper         Lindsey Horst       Savanna Musser       Jesse Yoder
George Cleland        Mitch Horst         Jon Noll             Ethan Yoder
Yvonne Cleland        Ryan Horst          Juan Norales         Michael Zahaykevich
Phyllis DePaul        Tyler Horst         Rachel Norris        Phillip Zahaykevich
Andrew Dewan          Wade Horst          Romulo Nunez         Sarah Zahaykevich
Collin Eberly         Ellen Hummel        Elvin Oliva          Irsi Zuniga
Jill Eberly           Zac Hummel          Ricardo Ordonez
Katrina Eberly        Camden Hurst        Tony Perez
Kyrie Eberly          Chad Hurst          Maggie Possinger
Matt Eberly           Cody Hurst          Seth Possinger
Samara Eberly         Carter Hurst        Ada Rausch
Bella Eby             Dylan Jantzen       Reuben Rausch
Cooper Eby            Tyler Jantzen       Carli Ringler
Omar Enrique          Eric Krause         Nicole Ringler
Angela Eshelman       Barb Kyler          Aiden Rodriguez
Leon Eshelman         Tim Kyler           Genesis Rodriguez
Melba Eshleman        Jim Landis          Isabella Rodriguez
Shane Eshleman        Krista LaRuffa      Jeffery Rodriguez
Edwin Espinal         Nancy LaRuffa       Nathan Rodriguez
     3/4” Drive Deep Impact            6 Gallon, 150 PSI Portable Electric
                                                                                  PLEASE NOTE:
                                                                                 In light of the ongoing
     Socket Set (SAE and               Pancake Air Compressor - $125
                                                                                pandemic concerns, the
     Metric) - $300
     200 Maple Syrup Spiles -
                                       Golf Cart with Bed - Used $4,000
                                                                                   PA Benefit Banquet
                                       Canon EOS Rebel SL2 Camera and            will be postponed until
     $500                              Canon Accessories for Summer
                                                                                        April 2022.
     Stuffed chair and roll            Camp - $599
     out ottoman for six (6)           1 to 3 Disc Golf Basket Targets
     Promise Woods motels -            ($250 each) and 5 Discs ($10 each)
     $360 each
                                                                             STAY CONNECTED!
    THANK YOU!                  To ALL of the 2020 volunteers and donors!               Follow us on Facebook!


                                                                             Churches of New York City.
                                                                             Camp Deerpark is owned by the Mennonite

                                                                                        (845) 754-8669
                                                                                        Westbrookville, NY 12785
                                                                                        P.O. Box 394

                                                                             to Leonard Mow and Katrina
                                                                             Maendel who were married on
                                                                             February 14th here at Camp
                                                                             Deerpark. Leonard and Katrina
                                                                             will continue working at camp.

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