2021 Proxy
        Voting Policy
Table of

Proxy Voting Approach                                         3

      Achieving positive change through engagement & voting   3
      Scope of voting activities                              3
      Our commitments                                         3
      Oversight of voting activities                          3
      Company dialogues                                       4
      Service providers & transparency of voting activities   4
      Share blocking                                          4
      Securities lending                                      5
      Conflicts of interest                                   5

2021 Voting Guidelines                                        6

Accountability and transparency                                6
Board structure, tenure and independence                       7
Remuneration                                                   9
Capital structure                                             12
Organizational restructuring, mergers and acquisitions        12
Shareholder rights                                            13
Votes on shareholder resolutions                              13
       Workplace practices and other social matters           14
       Discrimination in employment                           14
       Operations in zones of conflict                        14
       Payments to governments & political contributions      14
       Environment                                            15

                                 Kempen Proxy Voting Policy
Proxy Voting Approach
Achieving positive change through engagement & voting

Being a long-term active and responsible investor,     of working closely across investment teams and
we at Kempen Capital Management (Kempen)               strategies. Exercising voting rights is an important
believe that our engagement with investee              instrument of engagement and is central to a well-
companies contributes to positive change. Hence,       functioning governance system. This policy is
Portfolio Managers and the Responsible                 reviewed      annually.     It    provides     non-
Investment team collectively engage on a wide          comprehensive guidelines for voting, which we
array of strategic, financial, environmental, social   complement with our own in-depth assessment of
and governance (ESG) topics to mitigate ESG            the meetings’ agenda items. Proposals on issues
related risks and unlock ESG related                   not covered in this policy are assessed on a case-
opportunities. We aim for an integrated approach       by-case basis.

Scope of voting activities

Kempen votes at annual and extraordinary               ensure that the exercise of voting rights is in
meetings at investee companies globally for all        accordance with the investment objectives and
investment funds and discretionary mandates (if        policy of the relevant investment fund or – where
instructed by the client to vote), unless voting is    applicable – in accordance with the requirements
not feasible or not in the best interest of our        pursuant to the respective discretionary client
clients. Owing a fiduciary duty to our clients, we     mandates.

Our commitments

Kempen is a signatory to the Dutch Stewardship         the principles of the United Nations Global
Code (2018) and the UK Stewardship Code (2020)         Compact (UNGC), the OECD Principles of
and adheres to the Dutch Corporate Governance          Corporate Governance, the OECD Guidelines for
Code (2016), and the UK Corporate Governance           Multinational Enterprises,       the International
Code (2018). We are a signatory to the Principles      Corporate      Governance       Network     (ICGN)
for Responsible Investment (PRI) and adhere to the     Governance Principles, and the United Nations
principles, including Principle 2, which states that   Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
“we will be active owners and incorporate              (UNGP). We proactively participate in the
environmental, social and governance issues in         development and updating of the various codes
our ownership policies and practices”. Kempen          and international guidance documents.
also fulfils its fiduciary role under the OECD         In addition to this Proxy Voting Policy, we have a
Corporate Governance Principle III. We actively        periodically reviewed Exclusion, Avoidance, and
encourage all investee companies to adhere to          Stewardship Policies in place.

Oversight of voting activities

The ESG Council has ultimate responsibility for the    right to vote, and aims to represent the interests
drafting and implementation of the responsible         of internal and external stakeholder groups. The
investment policies, and is Kempen’s most senior       ESG Council is chaired by a member of the
advisory body on ESG-related matters. The ESG          Kempen Management Team, and all its voting
Council has seven members, all of whom have the        members are proposed or appointed by the

                                                                  Kempen Proxy Voting Policy 3
Kempen Management Team. Its current members              of Client Solutions, a representative of the
include the Chief Investment Officer, the Director       Operations Department, and a senior
Impact & Sustainable Investment, a senior                representative from the Sales Team.
representative of the Multi-Management Team, a
Senior Portfolio Manager, a senior representative

The ESG Council and the Sustainability & Impact          Sustainability Investment Advisors and ESG-
Team ensure that responsible investment-related          Specialists work closely with Portfolio Managers
policies are implemented in a consistent manner          on the implementation and development of the
across all business units, investment strategies         voting policy. Should views differ on a particular
and client mandates.                                     vote internally, the case is brought to the ESG
                                                         Council, who has the ultimate vote.

Company dialogues

We entrust the responsibility for the management         companies to influence their governance and to
of the companies we invest in to the companies’          trigger change from within to the benefit of
boards and senior executives and expect these to         shareholders and stakeholders alike. Our
be fully accountable for their behaviour and take        Stewardship Policy provides more detail on this.
decisions to benefit all stakeholders.
                                                         In line with the Dutch Stewardship Code, we
As continued best practice of our actively               consult with management before exercising our
managed funds, we aim to start a dialogue with           right to submit a request for convening an
companies at whose meeting we decide to vote             extraordinary general meeting or tabling a
against management. Such dialogues start with            shareholder resolution. Furthermore, if we
notifications about our voting intentions via email      propose a resolution that is put on the agenda of
or phone and a request for clarification on the          a general meeting of a Dutch listed investee
respective agenda items. If the clarification does       company, we will be present or represented at
not lead to a change of decision, we vote against        that meeting in order to explain this resolution
management, which could become the first step in         and, if necessary, answer questions about it.
a longer-term engagement. We engage with

Service providers & transparency of voting activities

We use the electronic voting platform of                 All our voting records are available on the
Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. (ISS), who      Kempen Voting Dashboard, which is up to date
provides custom research and voting                      and provides a detailed overview of how we voted
recommendations according to our voting policy.          on each agenda item at each meeting.
We thoroughly review company meetings
individually and assess each agenda item.

Share blocking

Our voting guidelines are applied with a level of        investment process. We work together with our
flexibility regarding market and firm specific           custodian banks and the provider of the proxy
situations, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution.   voting platform to ensure we vote at as many
Trading in shares is hindered due to share               meetings as possible.
blocking in certain markets (for instance in             Unless there is a clear plan to trade in shares due
Norway) and is potentially impacting our                 to compliance or performance reasons, we accept

                                                                     Kempen Proxy Voting Policy 4
that shares will be blocked. We may opt to refrain
from voting if we deem that the benefits do not
outweigh the constraints, e.g. when share
blocking interferes with liquidity needs.

Securities lending

Securities lending programs can reduce the level        the time of a shareholders meeting. Kempen does
of voting activity as the exercise of voting rights     not engage in securities lending.
may be hampered when securities are on loan at

Conflicts of interest

Voting can potentially lead to conflicts of interest.   committed to ensuring that they are effectively
Kempen has policies and procedures in place to          and fairly managed to prevent these conflicts from
manage potential conflicts in a way that                damaging the interests of our clients. For
safeguards the interests of all clients. Where          additional information please refer to our Conflict
potential conflicts are identified, we are              of Interest Policy.

                                                                    Kempen Proxy Voting Policy 5
2021 Voting Guidelines
Voting decisions are made with our client’s best        Kempen encourages corporate governance
interest in mind. We support the resolutions that       structures    that    facilitate   accountability,
contribute to long-term value creation through our      stewardship & transparency. Our guiding principle
investee companies worldwide. The following             is corporate governance excellence, which is
voting principles serve as guidelines for informed      sometimes contextual and cannot be always fully
and consistent voting at the meetings of Kempen’s       captured in a rule-based voting policy.
investee companies across all investment teams.

         Accountability and transparency

Kempen calls for transparency and the adequate          system, auditors have an important public role to
and timely disclosure of material information by        fulfil, namely to ensure that companies
its portfolio companies, to allow informed              communicate with their stakeholders in a
decision-making. We believe that the board              transparent manner about their activities. We
should have high standards of ethics and integrity      believe that auditors must be independent and
and consider the interests of key stakeholders in       that payments should not compromise auditor’s
their decisions. The board should be accountable        objectivity.
for the implementation of ambitious policies and
procedures to mitigate all material risks, including    We consider voting AGAINST the approval of
those of climate change and other relevant ESG          financial statements, director reports and audit
issues, bribery, corruption and other misconduct,       reports if:
while upholding confidential mechanisms where           •      Statements have not been approved by the
stakeholders can raise issues of concern.               auditor
                                                        •      There are concerns about data presented
We promote effectiveness of shareholder                 or audit procedures applied
participation and we encourage our investee
companies to have an open dialogue with their           We consider voting AGAINST the ratification of the
investors. We encourage an integrated approach          auditor if:
to reporting that allows investors to put historical    •      Companies do not re- tender their audit
performance into context, understand future risks       contract in line with market best practice or after
and opportunities and the company’s strategic           10 years
objectives . For investors to obtain a picture of the   •      The auditors are being changed without
whole company, information around risks and             explanation
opportunities associated with environmental             •      The auditors have previously served the
social and governance matters should be                 company in an executive capacity or are
appropriately integrated and the oversight role of      otherwise affiliated with the company
the board should be explained. We expect                •      The lead audit partner(s) has been linked
investee companies’ management to be                    with a significant auditing controversy
responsive to shareholders’ requests for                •      There is reason to believe that the auditor
information and clarification.                          has rendered an opinion which is neither accurate
                                                        nor indicative of the company's financial position.
While the board must ensure the integrity of the
company’s accounting and financial reporting

                                                                   Kempen Proxy Voting Policy 6
Board structure, tenure and independence

We believe that board decision-making should be                          ethnicity. The board should draw up a diversity
guided by a culture that promotes sustainable and                        policy for its composition, targets related to
long-term value creation. Every company should                           diversity and other diversity aspects relevant to
be overseen by an effective board which is                               the company in question6,7. Companies should
collectively responsible for the success of the                          report on current diversity in the board and at
                                                                         senior management levels, measurable targets
company. As a guiding principle, Kempen
                                                                         and progress made in achieving those targets
supports independence of directors to ensure
                                                                         (including reference to how diversity is achieved
objectivity and countervailing powers.                                   through appropriate succession planning in the
                                                                         executive board levels)8. Gender diversity is taken
The board should be comprised of at least 50%                            into account in non-quota markets.
directors which are considered independent1
according to the ICGN definition of director                             We vote for the discharge of the board unless
independence (ICGN Principle 2.6). The 50%                               there are clear concerns about the performance
threshold holds for both 1-tier and 2-tier board                         of the board and the management in the period
structures. A director serving on a board for more                       under review. We also take into consideration
than 12 years is not considered independent.                             concerns about board members acting in favour or
Ideally, directors’ board membership should not                          personal or management’s interests.
exceed 12 years without a clear and compelling
justification.                                                           We expect active involvement and attendance of
                                                                         directors at board meetings and we do not support
Generally, we do not support excessive                                   overboarding of directors. We encourage the
agglomeration of power with the CEO and are not                          boards of our investee companies to have both a
in favour of a combined CEO/Chairman positions,                          succession9 and retirement plan10.
unless we are provided with an adequate
explanation thereof or the lead director is in                           Furthermore, we support the introduction (and
position to counterbalance to the CEO/Chairman                           strategic alignment of) committee structures
position. The division of responsibilities between                       (‘audit’, ‘nomination’, ‘remuneration’) as we
the chairman and Chief Executive should be                               believe that they increase board efficacy and
clearly established, set out in writing and agreed                       accountability11,12. The Chair of a committee must
by the board. A strong CEO should be                                     be considered independent and we are
counterbalanced by a strong independent Chair2,3                         increasingly        holding    committee     Chairs
or majority independent board4. We generally do                          responsible for shortcomings in their respective
not favour a retiring CEO to stay on the board as                        issue areas (lack of board independence,
a director, especially not if the retiring CEO should                    negligence of climate risks, or recurring concerns
take a role in a committee or even be considered                         over executive pay). Overall, we recommend that
as a Chair5.                                                             100% of committee members are independent13.
                                                                         There should be a formal and transparent
Kempen encourages diversity in the board room                            procedure for developing policy on executive
in terms of director’s competencies, expertise,                          remuneration and for fixing the remuneration
experience, background, gender, age and
                                                                         packages of individual directors. No director
  ICGN Global Governance Principles, provision 2.5, Provision 2.1.8 of   6
                                                                            Provision 2.1.5 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code
the Dutch Corporate Governance Code                                      7
                                                                            ICGN Global Governance Principles, provision 3.1
   ICGN Global Governance Principles, provision 2.1                      8
                                                                            ICGN Global Governance Principles, provision 3.1
   Provision 2.1.9 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code                9
                                                                            ICGN Global Governance Principles, provision 1.1.f
  We recognize that this may not be achievable or standards market       10
                                                                             Provision 2.2.4 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code
practice in some regions (e.g. emerging markets, South Korea or Japan)   11
                                                                            Provision 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code
yet. In that case, we look for a minimum of a one-third independent      12
                                                                             ICGN Global Governance Principles, provision 1.6
directors.                                                               13
                                                                             Provision 2.3.4 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code
    ICGN Global Governance Principles, provision 2.3

                                                                                         Kempen Proxy Voting Policy 7
should be involved in deciding his or her own
                                                                                            disregard of governance-related
Kempen expects the board to regularly carry out                                             market-best-practices
evaluations to appraise their performance and                                         •     There have been questionable
assess whether they possess the right mix of                                                transactions with conflict of interest
background and competences, as well as                                                •     Level of attendance of individual
transparency regarding the evaluation outcomes .                                            director at re-election is below 75%,
We encourage board members to keep their                                                    unless a valid explanation is
knowledge and skills up to date and to spend                                                provided
sufficient time on their duties and responsibilities .                                •     The individual director is over
We expect the board to be responsive towards its                                            boarding (when already holding 4
stakeholders, environmental issues, labour                                                  non-executive directorships, less, if
interests, human rights, or supplier code of                                                executive responsibilities are held,
conduct and ensure that the management applies                                              or if the individual in question is the
a do no harm principle in company policies.                                                 Chairman of the board or the CEO)18
                                                                                      •     If the company is at risk of material
Accountability mechanisms may require individual                                            ESG failures and there is no
directors to stand for election on an annual basis,                                         adequate ESG risk mitigation policy
which we recognize as best practice. Furthermore,                                           in place or the policy is not
we advocate boards to focus on international                                                implemented effectively and there is
best-practices if their domestic governing legal                                            lack of disclosure on the risks,
and governance systems are lagging.                                                         impacts and their mitigation.
                                                                                      •     There are concerns with regards to
      We generally vote FOR nominated individual                                            the commitment and allocation of
      directors, unless:                                                                    time or attendance of meetings
           • There are general concerns about
               the composition of the board                            We will consider voting against the election of the
           • In the case of widely held                                Chair of the Nomination/ Governance Committee
               companies, the nominated director                       if there are no women on the board and at the
               is non-independent and joining a                        same time, the Committee has not recommended
               board which, after election, is less                    female candidates over a prolonged period of
               than 50% independent15                                  time (depending on the market) or if there are
           • The nominated director is non-                            other concerns related to the diversity of the
               independent and is joining the audit                    board. If there is no Nomination / Governance
               committee, nomination committee                         Committee, we may consider voting against the
               or the remuneration committee16                         Chair of the Board.
           • The Chairperson is on the board
               longer than 9 years (only in the UK)17                  We will vote against article amendment proposals
           • There are concerns about the                              to extend board membership tenure.
               expertise of the director
           • There are concerns about the                              Employee representatives are considered non-
               individuals’    history     including                   independent.         However,           employee
               criminal wrongdoing, related party                      representatives are not taken into account when
               transactions, breach of fiduciary                       determining the independence of the board, or a
               duty, also including social and                         committee, for the purpose of director elections.
               environmental        concerns,     or

  Section D:Remuneration of the UK Governance Code                     16
                                                                         we may deviate if local best practices call for lower independence
  we may deviate if local best practices call for lower independence   thresholds and take into account size and ownership factors
thresholds and take into account size and ownership factors                 UK Governance Code, provision 3.18
                                                                            ICGN Global Governance Principles, provision 1.4

                                                                                          Kempen Proxy Voting Policy 8
We generally vote FOR employee                                                       criminal wrongdoing or breach of
        representatives, unless:                                                             fiduciary responsibilities
            • There are general concerns about                                         •     There have been questionable
                the composition of the board                                                 transactions with conflict of interest
            • There are concerns about the                                             •     There are concerns about the
                individual’s     history  including                                          director’s potential conflict with
                                                                                             (minority) shareholder interests.


The design and implementation of remuneration                            companies’ workforce, business operations,
policies should adequately attract, retain and                           supply chains and beyond may call for voluntarily
motivate management, align the interests of the                          reducing total realized executive compensation,
managers with the interests of stakeholder, while                        especially in cases where governmental support
ensuring shareholder return. The supervisory                             was provided to the company. Such a downward
board (non-executive board) is responsible for the                       adjustment can be implemented through the
drafting of the remuneration policy for the                              adjustments of the variable / shares based part of
management board (executive board) which is                              the remuneration and should be put to vote at the
adopted by the general meeting of shareholders.                          next AGM.23
Schemes in form of shares or rights to shares
should be submitted to the general meeting                               Schemes should include provisions that would
separately. We generally strive for an annual                            enable the company to recover sums paid or
advisory vote on remuneration reports19 and an                           withhold the payment of any sum, and specify the
annual binding vote on executive remuneration                            circumstances in which it would be appropriate to
policies.                                                                do so.

The remuneration committee should be composed                            We support performance related compensation
of independent (non-executive) directors only and                        that focuses on long-term value creation to
is responsible for ensuring that remuneration is                         prevent earnings management and value
reasonable in both structure and quantum. The                            fluctuations; and like to see adequate translation
structures of compensation packages should be                            of the company’s long-term strategy into sensible
simple to understand and should be transparent                           KPIs (financial and sustainability related ones)24.
to shareholders. We encourage boards to provide                          The ratio between variable and fixed
clear justifications of their executive’s levels of                      remuneration components should be sensible25.
pay20 and to support initiatives to disclose internal                    Performance-related elements should be
pay ratios21. The remuneration committee should                          transparent, stretching, set upfront26, and
have some discretionary power to adjust the level                        rigorously applied27.       Ideally, performance
and/or outcome of the variable remuneration                              measures should not only be stock-market
components to be granted in order to achieve a                           related, such as Total Shareholder Return28. In our
reasonable remuneration. This authority looks                            view, a company should have a target for its
primarily at the ability of the supervisory board to                     invested capital base over time. Simultaneously,
make downward adjustments to the size of the                             incrementally added capital should not generate
variable, unvested, remuneration elements22.                             a lower return compared to what the company is
Unforeseen circumstances, like the Covid-19,                             generating today. Therefore, the return on
which had a significant impact on many                                   invested capital should at least be stable over the
     ICGN Governance Principles provision 6.7                            25
                                                                              Provision 3.1.2v of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code
      Provision 3.2.2 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code                Eumedion principles for a sound remuneration policy for members of
     Provision 3.1.2ii of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code            the management board of Dutch listed companies, Principle 6
    Eumedion principles for a sound remuneration policy for members of   27
                                                                           Provision D of the UK Corporate Governance Code
the management board of Dutch listed companies, Principle 9              28
                                                                           Red Line provision G22 (linked to UK Corporate Governance Code
   https://www.icgn.org/covid-19-and-executive-remuneration              section D)
     Provision 3.1.2i of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code

                                                                                           Kempen Proxy Voting Policy 9
same 3-5 year time frame on an ideally higher                            board member. These events are therefore not
capital base.                                                            eligible for the grant of an - additional - variable
                                                                         compensation30. In the event of a takeover bid,
We strongly encourage disclosure around the                              merger or demerger any conditionally granted
composition of the peer group. Long-term                                 shares and / or rights to shares are settled in
incentives, which are tied to peer-group                                 proportion to the elapsed performance period
performance, should not be vested below median                           (‘pro rata’)31. If change of control provisions are not
performance. If shares or share options are                              in line with market best practices we may vote
awarded, the vesting period of shares should be                          against golden handshakes/ parachutes in an
at least 5 years (UK, Netherlands), while the                            acquisition, merger, consolidation or proposed
options should only be exercised after a period of                       sale.
3 years (UK, Netherlands)29.
                                                                         We generally vote FOR the election of the
Companies are recommended to also base the                               chairman of the remuneration committee, unless:
granting of variable remuneration elements on                                    • The proposed Chairman of the
environmental, social and/or governance goals.                                        remuneration committee is not
All goals should be clear, clearly quantifiable and                                   considered independent32
measurable, stretching, time-bound and, have a                                   • After election, the remuneration
direct relation with the company’s strategy and                                       committee will not consist of a
the operational performance. Any short- or long-                                      majority of independent directors33
term compensation component must include an                                      • After election, the remuneration
absolute award limit.                                                                 committee consists of less than
                                                                                      three, or in the case of smaller
Overall, directors are encouraged to buy a                                            companies       less  than     two,
meaningful number of shares and hold them after                                       independent          non-executive
their departure from the company to incentivize                                       directors34,
long-term strategic decision making (assessed for                                • The company chairman is proposed
the UK only). Also, LTIPs should vest pro rata for                                    to be appointed as the chairman of
departing directors, based on the time elapsed                                        the remuneration committee35.
since the inception of the LTIP and the tenure of
the director.                                                                  We generally vote FOR remuneration policy
                                                                               proposals and/or remuneration reports,
In case a remuneration advisor has been                                        unless the proposal is not in line with market
consulted, the name of the external remuneration                               best practices or reflects (a combination of)
advisor should be disclosed in the company’s                                   below listed criteria:
annual report and remuneration report                                              • There is a lack of clarity,
respectively. Furthermore, we encourage our                                        • There is a lack of transparency,
investee companies to explain the mechanisms                                       • The pay ratio between the highest
that deal with remuneration packages in case of                                         paid individual and the median pay
large organizational changes, such as mergers                                           of employees (where appropriate,
and acquisitions, as we want to understand the                                          differentiated among geographical
motivations of parties involved. The assessment                                         regions) is unreasonable (assessed
of any public or private bid, a legal merger or                                         where sufficient disclosure exists,
demerger or a major acquisition or divestment is                                        such as the US)36 and where
part of the regular activities of a management                                          concerns about granting of living

   Provision 3.1.2vii of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. We         33
                                                                            Red Line provision G16 (linked to UK Corporate Governance Code
recognize that in the US a staged vesting (a third every 12 months) is   section D.2.1)
the common market practice                                               34
                                                                            Provision D.2.1. of the UK Corporate Governance Code
   Eumedion principles for a sound remuneration policy for members of    35
                                                                            Red Line provision G16 (linked to UK Corporate Governance Code
the management board of Dutch listed companies, Principle 6              section D.2.1)
   Eumedion principles for a sound remuneration policy for members of    36
                                                                           The transparency of the calculation methodology and the changes in
the management board of Dutch listed companies, Principle 9              value over time will be taken into account.
     Provision D.2.1. of the UK Corporate Governance Code

                                                                                       Kempen Proxy Voting Policy 10
wage to all employees are present                             •      If long-term incentives are overly
                 (UK, NL);                                                            focusing on metrics such as Total
           •     The remuneration policy fails to                                     Shareholder Return (TSR) or
                 align pay with performance and is                                    Earnings Per Share (EPS) instead
                 not formulated with corporate                                        metrics such as long-term revenue
                 strategy implementation and long-                                    growth, EBITDA, sustainable value
                 term value creation in mind37                                        creation, resource allocation,
           •     The policy contains stimuli that may                                 (return on) invested capital / (return
                 be detrimental to the long-term                                      on) capital employed measures, or
                 interests of the company                                             productivity metrics relating to the
           •     The remuneration policy is not                                       company’s business activity
                 reviewed periodically in line with                            •      The term for granting unconditional
                 market best practice                                                 long-term variable remuneration is
           •     The level and composition of                                         shorter than 5 years
                 executive remuneration is not                                 •      If shares are awarded, the minimum
                 consistent with the company’s                                        holding period is less than five
                 general                 remuneration                                 years, or there are concerns about
                 policy/structure                                                     the terms and conditions governing
           •     There is over-reliance on matching                                   this
                 schemes, bonus banking schemes                                •      The variable component exceeds
                 or other similar measures                                            100% of base salary for financial
           •     The       variable      remuneration                                 issuers40
                 component is not adequately linked                            •      There are payments of transaction
                 to a set of measurable performance                                   bonuses (at completion of a given
                 criteria, which is set in advance, is                                transaction)
                 quantifiable, and predominantly                               •      Change of control provisions are not
                 long-term focused38                                                  in line with market best practices
           •     The remuneration report does not                              •      There are no provisions that enable
                 describe the performance targets                                     the company to withhold the
                 and how these have been met ex-                                      payment of any sum (‘malus’), or
                 post in markets where it is                                          recover any sum paid (‘clawback’)41
                 established best practice                                     •      There are no provisions for
           •     The       variable      remuneration                                 withholding benefits on cessation of
                 component does not take into                                         employment42
                 account          the        economic                          •      Severance payments are not in line
                 circumstances in which the company                                   with market best practices, or
                 operates and the development of                                      exceed one year salary
                 market prices of shares39                                     •      Pension       arrangements       show
           •     If long-term incentives are tied to a                                significant disparity with pension
                 peer group, the remuneration policy                                  provisions for the general workforce
                 does not disclose the composition of                                 (UK)
                 the peer group and rationale for the
                 selection of companies                                  We generally vote FOR remuneration policy
           •     CEO compensation is unreasonable                        proposals for the supervisory board members
                 compared to peers and company                           and non-executive directors in one-tier
                 performance                                             boards, unless:

   Provision 3.1.2i of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, OECD   41
                                                                      ICGN Governance Principles provision 6.3, Provision D1.1 & D.1.2 of
Principle VI.D.4                                                   the UK Corporate Governance Code, we only vote in markets where
   Provision 3.1.2v of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code         disclosure is common practice.
   Provision 3.1.2iv of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code        42
                                                                       UK Corporate Governance Code section D.1.4, Red Line provision
   CRD IV Directive                                                G17

                                                                                   Kempen Proxy Voting Policy 11
•     There is concern related to the time                          widespread practice in the local
                    and responsibility provisions linked                          market
                    to remuneration4344                                     •     Proposals introduce additional
              •     The amounts are excessive by                                  benefits, such as retirement benefits
                    country or industry standards                                 for non-executive directors
              •     Members of the supervisory board
                    are awarded shares options or any         A significant voting opposition (i.e > 20%) to
                    other form of variable / performance      remunerations proposals should not be ignored
                    based pay as part of their                and the management should publish an
                    remuneration45, unless it is a            explanation of the dissent and explain what the
                                                              board is doing to address concerns.

           Capital structure

We expect our investee companies to adequately                capital, and for the issuance authorities without
measure and monitor financial risks. Furthermore,             pre-emptive rights to a maximum of 10 percent (or
we expect an appropriate capital structure to be              a lower limit if local market best practice
in place. We encourage companies to formally                  recommendations provide) of currently issued
review their capital allocation decisions in their            capital. The authorization should not exceed 18
annual reports. For financing activities that                 months. We vote FOR non-specific proposals to
potentially have a large impact on the value of the           increase authorized capital up to 20% over the
company, the ultimate say should be with                      current authorization. We expect the proposal to
shareholders.                                                 contain a justification for divergence if the above
                                                              conditions are not met.
In case of a proposed issuance of shares we
investigate the merit of the proposal (e.g.                   We vote FOR repurchase and re-issuance plans
company rationale, possible financial distress,               proposals, unless the terms are unfavourable to
alternatives to a share issuance, need for finance,           shareholders, or there are other concerns around
alternative means of finance, foreseeable market              these measures.
reactions, level of shareholder support).

We vote FOR issuance authorities with pre-
emptive rights up to 20 percent of currently issued

           Organizational restructuring, mergers and

We vote on a case-by-case basis, taking into                  interests concerned, while avoiding conflict of
account the long-term impact of reorganizations               interest for board members46.
and restructurings. For mergers and acquisitions              In case of a proposed M&A or restructuring
we review the strategic rationale, potential impact           proposal we investigate the merit of the proposal
of a transaction on shareholder value, the offer              (e.g. company rationale, good governance,
premium, and potential market reactions. We                   possible financial distress, alternatives to the
expect the board to carefully weigh stakeholder               proposal, need for finance, alternative means of

     Provision 3.3.1 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code   45
                                                                    Provision 3.3.2 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code,
     Provision D1.3. of the UK Corporate Governance Code      Eumedion principles for a sound remuneration policy for members of the
                                                              management board of Dutch listed companies, Principle 12
                                                                   Provision 2.8 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code

                                                                                Kempen Proxy Voting Policy 12
finance, foreseeable market reactions, level of
shareholder support, and impact on shareholder
rights, i.e. voting rights, earnings distribution, etc).

         Shareholder rights

We believe that shareholders should have the                             and support the right of shareholders to make
right to vote on major decisions, including                              their own director nominations50. Furthermore,
appointment and removal of directors,                                    shareholders should have the right to call a
amendments to governing documents, such as                               shareholder meeting and place items on the
articles of association and by-laws, buybacks,                           agenda of general meetings, subject to
issuance of shares, shareholder rights plans                             reasonable thresholds51, and should generally be
(poison pills), proposals that change the voting                         enabled to work in collaboration52. Ordinary or
rights, or material transactions47. We review                            common shares should feature one vote for each
proposals around such major decisions on a case-                         share and dual class shares are discouraged53. We
by-case basis. We generally support amendments                           vote AGAINST increase of thresholds for
that provide an increase in shareholder rights, as                       shareholders to submit shareholder resolutions.
well as those improving governance standards.
We only support antitakeover proposals if they                           The board must give notice of a general meeting
are structured in a way that they give                                   in a timely manner (subject to listing rules and
shareholders the ultimate say on any offer. We do                        market best practices) and publish vote levels for
not support management proposals for which                               each resolution promptly after the meeting, while
information has not been disclosed.                                      also confirming to shareholders whether votes
                                                                         have been validly recorded54. We will vote
We expect the board to disclose processes for                            AGAINST proposals that reduce the 21-day notice
approving, reviewing and monitoring related party                        period in line with the EU Shareholder Rights
transactions48 and to ensure the protection of                           Directive, but will assess this on a case-by-case
minority shareholder interests49. We believe that                        basis for UK based issuers55.
investee companies should allow for proxy access

Votes on shareholder resolutions

As a long-term engaged shareholder, we consider                          rights. We promote active stakeholder
a shareholder resolution as a contribution to the                        engagement, as well as the inclusion of
long-term value creation of our investee                                 stakeholders in the assessments of risks, with the
companies. We expect our investee companies to                           aim to create long-term value. We believe that
be able to identify, monitor and manage                                  companies should strive to at least do no harm be
environmental and social risks and opportunities,                        transparent about environmental and social risks
including the safeguarding of labour and human                           and opportunities, as well as related policies and

   ICGN Governance Principles provision 8.2, OECD Principle II.B.1, 2,   55
                                                                            2007 EU Shareholder Rights Directive Art. 5, ‘Member States may
3, OECD Principle II.A.5                                                 provide that, where the company offers the facility for shareholders
   ICGN Governance Principles provision 8.4, OECD Principle II.A.3, 4,   to vote by electronic means accessible to all shareholders, the
V.A.5                                                                    general meeting of shareholders may decide that it shall issue the
   OECD Principle III.A.2                                                convocation of a general meeting which is not an annual general
    ICGN Governance Principles provision 3.4                             meeting in one of the manners specified in paragraph 2 of this Article
   ICGN Governance Principles provision 8.9, OECD Principle II.C.2       not later than on the 14th day before the day of the meeting. This
    ICGN Governance Principles provision 8.7, OECD Principle II.G        decision is to be taken by a majority of not less than two thirds of the
   ICGN Governance Principles provision 8.1                              votes attaching to the shares or the subscribed capital represented
   ICGN Governance Principles provision 8.13, 8.16, 8.17                 and for a duration not later than the next annual general meeting’. In
                                                                         the UK and Ireland we vote on this item on a case by case basis.

                                                                                        Kempen Proxy Voting Policy 13
their implementation / mitigation / remediation        agreements provide useful standards. While we
measures.                                              vote on shareholder proposals on a case-by-case
                                                       basis, we use Kempen’s Responsible Investment
In evaluating voting issues concerning social and      Approach, including our Convention Library to
environmental issues, international law and            review the impact of shareholder proposals.

Workplace practices and other social matters

We vote FOR proposals that ask companies to            meaningful human rights risk oversight
report on the quality of their workplace practices     mechanism in place. Companies are expected to
and on their efforts to improve the quality of their   pay living wages, and have zero tolerance for
workplaces.                                            forced labour and modern slavery in their
We are in favour of ensuring that boards act on        operations and supply chains.
the social responsibility of companies and have a

Discrimination in employment

We vote FOR shareholder proposals that:                           workplace, as long as those plans do
      • Require companies to prohibit                             not set arbitrary or unreasonable
          discrimination      in     employment,                  goals. We will assess these proposals
          including proposals to expand or                        on an individual basis
          clarify anti-discrimination policies               •    Call for the disclosure of (gender) pay
      • Require companies to report on                            ratios.
          diversity in their workforce, except
          when those reports already exist and         We vote AGAINST proposals that would exclude
          are readily available to shareholders        any group of people from policies against
      • Require companies to improve                   employment discrimination.
          diversity and equality in the

Operations in zones of conflict

We vote FOR shareholder proposals that:                           provide      shareholders         with
      • Require companies operating in                            independently verified reports on their
          conflict zones to establish policies to                 adherence to those policies, including
          protect the rights of local communities                 how grievances are monitored and
          and to avoid exacerbating conflicts                     remediated
      • Require companies to monitor
          compliance with those policies, and to

Payments to governments & political contributions

We expect our investee companies to have a             proposals to disclose the amounts and recipients
policy on political engagement, covering lobbying      of any contributions companies make to political
and donations to political causes and candidates       parties.
where allowed under respective national law. The
benefits and risks should be monitored and             We typically support proposals that call for tax
evaluated in a transparent manner and should be        transparency and disclosure of payments to
regularly reviewed by the board56. We vote FOR         governments on a country-by-country basis.

     ICGN Governance Principles provision 4.3

                                                                 Kempen Proxy Voting Policy 14

We will vote on climate related agenda items in     Proposals calling for companies to implement
line with our climate change policy.                measures to reduce their greenhouse gas
                                                    emissions will be evaluated on a case-by-case
We consider voting FOR shareholder proposals        basis, taking into account companies’ current
that:                                               levels of emissions and the effectiveness of any
      • Address ESG risks and their mitigation      programs they have to reduce those emissions.
          (i.e. GHG reduction targets) except       The directors should confirm in the annual report
          when the company already has a            that they have carried out a robust assessment of
          satisfactory mechanism in place for       the principal risks facing the company.
      • Require companies to create an
          Environmental Committee of the
          Board where environmental risks are
          significant or to assign environmental
          responsibilities to an existing board
          committee in sectors where such risks
          are less significant
      • Require companies to provide reports
          on their environmental performance,
          including reports on environmental
          effects of specific aspects of their
          operations or specific products using
          international frameworks such as the
          Taskforce for Climate Related
          Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the UN
          Guiding Principles on Business and
          Human Rights (UNGP) or standards
          such as the GRI Sustainability
          Reporting Standards
      • Require companies to report on their
          greenhouse gas emissions, their
          financial exposure for damages
          associated with climate change, and
          the evaluation of various options to
          reduce their liabilities related to
          greenhouse gas emissions and/or
          climate change
      • Require companies to report to
          shareholders on the steps taken to
          manage risks related to potentially
          hazardous processes and products,
          including independent verification of
          audits and environmental impact
      • Call for tying remuneration / long-term
          incentive      plans     to    relevant
          environmental or social targets

                                                             Kempen Proxy Voting Policy 15
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