The value creation journey A survey of JSE Top-40 companies' integrated reports - An analysis of company reporting in terms of the IIRC's ...

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The value creation journey A survey of JSE Top-40 companies' integrated reports - An analysis of company reporting in terms of the IIRC's ...
An analysis of company reporting in terms
of the IIRC’s Consultation Draft of the
International  Framework.
August 2013

The value creation journey
A survey of JSE Top-40
companies’ integrated reports

The value creation journey A survey of JSE Top-40 companies' integrated reports - An analysis of company reporting in terms of the IIRC's ...
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The value creation journey A survey of JSE Top-40 companies' integrated reports - An analysis of company reporting in terms of the IIRC's ...

           Foreword                                                   4
           Executive summary                                          6
              Introduction                                            7
              Research methodology                                    7
              Overview of findings                                    8
              Emerging themes                                         8
           Communicating value in the 21st century                   10
              Developments in integrated reporting                   11
           Findings                                                  14
              Organisational overview and external environment       15
              Governance                                             18
              Opportunities and risks                               21
              Strategy and resource allocation                      23
              Business model                                        25
              Performance                                           29
              Future outlook                                        34
           Appendix 1: Companies surveyed                           38
           Contacts                                                 40

                                                                 PwC | 3
The value creation journey A survey of JSE Top-40 companies' integrated reports - An analysis of company reporting in terms of the IIRC's ...

4 | The value creation journey
The value creation journey A survey of JSE Top-40 companies' integrated reports - An analysis of company reporting in terms of the IIRC's ...
The creation of value is at the heart of     But what of the outcome of its product?
integrated thinking with the outcome         In this regard, if it is alleged that the
being the annual integrated report. The      beverage causes obesity the amelioration
process is known as integrated reporting.    or eradication of such an outcome
                                             should be included in the long-term
The integrated reporting process consists    strategy of the company.
of integrated thinking which embraces:
the resources used by the company;           This is an example of how integrated
its ongoing relationships with its key       thinking must be from the input of the
stakeholders; its business model; its        resources used by the company, the
output being its products or services; and   relationships with its stakeholders, and
the impact that its products or services     the outcomes of its products. It also
have on society, the environment and         illustrates the interconnectedness and
its key stakeholders, such as customer       interdependency of the resources used
satisfaction.                                by the company and its relationships
                                             with its stakeholders with regard to its
This interconnection and                     functions and operations.
interdependency between the resources
used by a company and its relationships      This survey by PwC on value creation
with its stakeholders, is critical in        illustrates how the concept of value has
developing strategy.                         changed in the 21st century. It has to be
                                             accepted that corporate reporting as we
At the beginning of the 21st century it      have known it for years is no longer fit
was appreciated that some 80% of the         for purpose because it does not deal with
value of companies was not represented       the total value of a company.
by additives in a balance sheet according
to international financial reporting         Integrated thinking deals with value
standards. To understand value,              creation short, medium and long term
therefore, there had to be a shift in        and the integrated report tells the story
thinking from a focus in value being seen    of this value creation in clear, concise
in the context of future cash flows. Value   and understandable language.
embraces the impact of the financial
aspects on the non-financial aspects and     This survey will be extremely helpful
vice versa and how a board has applied       to managers and directors in applying
its collective mind to the material          integrated thinking and in preparing an
sustainability issues of a company in its    integrated report.
long-term strategy.

For example, a beverage manufacturer
would have, as its long-term strategy,
reducing, reusing, replenishing and
recycling water, being the scarcest
natural asset. By embedding this
conservation of water into its strategy,
the company shows the investor that it       Mervyn King SC
has a long-term plan to create value.        Chairman of the International Integrated
                                             Reporting Council

                                               Integrated thinking deals with value creation
                                               short, medium and long term and the
                                               integrated report tells the story of this value
                                               creation in clear, concise and understandable

                                                                                           PwC | 5
The value creation journey A survey of JSE Top-40 companies' integrated reports - An analysis of company reporting in terms of the IIRC's ...
Executive summary

6 | The value creation journey
The value creation journey A survey of JSE Top-40 companies' integrated reports - An analysis of company reporting in terms of the IIRC's ...
PwC’s model for integrated reporting

                                                                  dri                                                                                                           St
Corporate reporting is an ever-evolving                         l                                                                                                                 r


field as companies continually strive to                                                                                                    Governance

improve their communication with their                                Technological

stakeholders.                                                    Societal          Economic

                                                                                                                                                        Strategy &
One of the most important ways of doing                                                                                                                 objectives
so is through the annual integrated                           Geopolitical         Competitive
report, which seeks to align relevant                                 Environmental                                            Remuneration                                     Risk

information about an organisation’s
strategy, governance systems,
performance and future prospects

in a way that reflects the economic,                                  contribution                                                                         KPIs
environmental and social impact it has
                                                                Consumption                                                                           -financial reso

                                                                                                 Value drivers
on the environment in which it operates.

                                                                Social contribution


                                                                                                                                    fin a n ci al r e
For over a decade, we have invested

                                                                                                                                                                           hip s

                                                                 Wealth creation
significant resources in understanding:

                                                                                                                                                  ou                     ti o
                                                                                                                                                        rc e s

                                                                                                                                                                 r ela


• The information needs of preparers

  and users;                                                 an

                                                                                                                                                                                   n   d
• The economic benefits of
  transparency; and
                                                                                                                                     r                           ce
• Up-to-date reporting and best                                                                                                Resou
  practices from around the world in
  order to provide practical insights into
  the critical building blocks of effective   Source: PwC
  corporate reporting.
Our focus has been on aligning the
interests of those who report on              Research methodology
performance with those who use the
information to make critical investment
                                              The mission of the IIRC is to create a                                           The questions were based on the Content
                                              globally accepted integrated reporting                                           Elements for an integrated report
                                              framework that assists organisations                                             presented in the IIRC’s Consultation
Our model has been developed following        to recognise and present material                                                Draft of the International 
extensive stakeholder research and is         information about their strategy,                                                Framework.
closely aligned with the International        governance, performance and prospects
Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)           in a clear, concise and comparable                                               Each assessment was reviewed by an
Framework.                                    format.                                                                          experienced reviewer before being
                                                                                                                               approved for inclusion in the overall
                                              We conducted our survey on the Top                                               survey results.
                                              40 companies listed on the FTSE/JSE
                                              as at February 2013. For each of the
                                              companies comprising the Top 40 (see
                                              Appendix A), a detailed assessment of
                                              110 questions was performed.

                                                                                                                                                                                               PwC | 7
The value creation journey A survey of JSE Top-40 companies' integrated reports - An analysis of company reporting in terms of the IIRC's ...
Overview of findings
          Survey findings by content element

                       Future outlook          23%                                      64%    13%
                                                                                                      Emerging themes
                        Performance     13%                                                  81% 6%   Storytelling through
                      Business model 6%                                    59%                 35%
                                                                                                      Companies showed a definite willingness
                                                                                                      to tell their value creation stories in
      Strategy and resource allocation 3%                                              81%     16%
                                                                                                      non-traditional ways. Use of information
                                                                                                      graphics and images that combined
               Opportunities and risks 3%                                  65%                 32%    words and pictures were common
                                                                                                      throughout the reports.
                         Governance                      39%                             58% 3%
                                                                                                      Governance in action
onal overview and external environment 6%                                        71%           23%
                                                                                                      There was a definite tendency toward
                                                                                                      ‘constrained’ governance reporting.
                                          Effective communication                                     Companies seemed more comfortable
                                                                                                      reporting on board charters and terms
                                          Potential to develop reporting
                                                                                                      of reference, rather than the actual
                                          Clear opportunities to develop reporting                    activities undertaken by the board and
                                                                                                      committees during the year.
          Source: PwC analysis
                                                                                                      Avoiding the ‘crystal ball’
                                                                                                      Historical reporting remains the focus,
          Findings were grouped by Content               The most effective communication             with companies shying away from
          Element and then evaluated according to        was found in reporting on strategy and       broaching the topic of what the future
          three broad categories:                        resource allocation, as well as reporting    may hold for them.
                                                         on business models.
          • Clear opportunities to develop
            reporting;                                   Reporting on governance activities           ‘Silo’ reporting
                                                         showed the greatest room for                 It is evident that many companies
          • Potential to develop reporting; and
                                                         improvement.                                 are still taking their first steps on the
          • Effective communication.                                                                  integrated reporting journey. Stand-
                                                                                                      alone sections of reporting often
                                                                                                      provide excellent communication,
                                                                                                      but opportunities to connect this
                                                                                                      information to other areas in the report
                                                                                                      are often missed, especially in the
                                                                                                      segmental review.

         8 | The value creation journey
The value creation journey A survey of JSE Top-40 companies' integrated reports - An analysis of company reporting in terms of the IIRC's ...
Identify one or        Report priorities         Report their        Integrate their risks
more material          for their non-financial   principal risks     into other areas of
capitals               capitals                                      their reporting

            55%                    52%                      97%                  52%
Explicitly identify    Average number of         Discuss future      Link market
their key              measures                  market trends       discussion to
                                  22%                                strategic choices

                       Align measures with
           84%                     35%                      90%                  61%
Make reference to      Integrate the             Include strategic   Base reporting on
their business model   business model into       priorities          strategic themes
                       other areas of their
                       reporting                                                 21%
                                                                     Embed sustainability
                                                                     in strategy
            71%                   60%                       77%                 29%

                                                                                       PwC | 9
The value creation journey A survey of JSE Top-40 companies' integrated reports - An analysis of company reporting in terms of the IIRC's ...
Communicating value in
the 21st century

10 | The value creation journey
Framework finalisation process

                                                         1st half 2012          2nd half 2012         1st half 2013         2nd half 2013

                                                      • Discussion                •   Prototype      16 April – 15 July:      December:
Developments in                                         Paper
                                                                                                                              version 1 launch
integrated reporting                                  • Framework outline         •   Topics

Integrated reporting has been a
buzzword in recent years, but never
                                                      Pilot Programme (extended into 2014): Companies and investors
more so than in the first half of 2013.
The International Integrated Reporting
Council (IIRC) launched the eagerly-
anticipated Consultation Draft of the                 Engagement with regulators and other stakeholders
International  Framework in April,
with 15 launch events held around the
globe.                                             Source: Adapted from the Consultation Draft of the International  Framework

The comment period for the
Consultation Draft closed in July 2013
and the IIRC is currently reviewing                What’s the big deal?                              What are the benefits
comment letters in preparation for
the launch of the first version of the             The world is changing at a rapid                  for businesses?
Framework in December 2013.                        pace and the global context in which
                                                                                                     The organisations participating in the
                                                   businesses operate is changing along
                                                                                                     Business Network have already begun
                                                   with it. The economic crisis was a sharp
What is the IIRC?                                  reminder that financial measurement
                                                                                                     to see the benefits of applying the
                                                                                                     principles of integrated reporting in
The IIRC brings together leaders from all          alone cannot provide sufficient insight
                                                                                                     their businesses. Organisations have
the major international standard-setting           into business performance.
                                                                                                     benefitted from improving their ability
and regulatory bodies with companies,                                                                to tell their own stories and define what
investors and other key representatives            Investors and other stakeholders are              the business is trying to do through
to develop an internationally accepted             now demanding that management teams               management’s eyes.
integrated reporting framework.                    provide clear, unambiguous information
                                                   about issues such as external drivers
                                                                                                     The application of integrated thinking
The IIRC’s mission is “to create the               affecting their business, their approach
                                                                                                     inside organisations has been a
globally accepted International                    to governance and managing risk, and
                                                                                                     significant benefit for many businesses,
 Framework that elicits from                   how their business model really works.
                                                                                                     challenging them to question their own
organisations material information                                                                   internal decision-making processes
about their strategy, governance,                  This paradigm shift is necessitating              and break down silos within their
performance and prospects in a clear,              businesses and other organisations to             organisations.
concise and comparable format.”1                   consider more than just the traditional
                                                   financial focus of thinking and reporting.
Since October 2011 the IIRC’s Pilot                                                                  Why stakeholders like it
Programme Business Network,
comprising more than 90 businesses
                                                   What is integrated                                The Consultation Draft of the
                                                                                                     International  Framework
from 24 countries has been putting the             reporting?                                        identified investors, or ‘providers
principles of integrated reporting into                                                              of financial capital’, as the primary
                                                   Integrated reporting is “a process that
practice.                                                                                            audience for an integrated report, but
                                                   results in communication, most visibly a
                                                   periodic integrated report, about value           emphasised that other communications
The Business Network has been                      creation over time. An integrated report          resulting from integrated reporting
supported by more than 30 investor                 is a concise communication about how              would be of benefit to all stakeholders
organisations that comprise the Pilot              an organisation’s strategy, governance,           interested in an organisation’s ability to
Programme Investor Network.                        performance and prospects lead to the             create value over time.
                                                   creation of value over the short, medium
                                                   and long term.”2                                  The Pilot Programme Investor Network
                                                                                                     has told the IIRC what they want: They
                                                   Integrated reporting is not just about            want to see how companies perform
                                                   producing an integrated report; it is             against their strategy and how strategic
                                                   about the journey that an organisation            objectives actually support the long-term
                                                   has embarked on to create value.                  creation of value.

      “Consultation Draft of the International  Framework”, IIRC,
      Draft-of-the-InternationalIRFramework.pdf (accessed August 2013)

                                                                                                                                        PwC | 11
Organisational capital

                                                    Financial capital                                           Manufactured capital
                                                    Includes cash, debt and equity that                         Includes physical objects such
                                                    enable an organisation to produce                           as buildings, equipment and
Only approximately 20% of the market                goods or provide services.                                  infrastructure.
value of a company today relates to
its tangible assets and investors want
businesses to account for the 80%
intangible value as well.
                                                    Intellectual capital                                                     Human capital
What does the                                       Includes knowledge-
                                                    based intangibles of
                                                                                                Financial                    Includes people’s
                                                                                                                             competencies and
Framework say?                                      an organisation.                                                         capabilities.

Fundamental concepts                                                                            Manufactured
The Draft Framework focuses on                                                      Intellectual              Human
the various forms of capital that an                                                  capital                 capital
                                                                                                  Social and
organisation uses and affects, the                                                               relationship
organisation’s business model and the                                                               capital
creation of value over time.
The business model is the vehicle                                                                capital
through which an organisation uses its
capital to create value.
                                                    Social and relationship capital                             Natural capital
                                                    Includes the relationships between                          Includes all renewable and
Value in the context of  is not                 an organisation and communities                             non-renewable environmental
limited to monetary or financial value,             and other stakeholders.                                     resources.
or a set time frame. Value can be tangible
or intangible, it can be created over the
short, medium and long term, and is not
                                                   Source: Adapted from the Consultation Draft of the International  Framework3
limited to the organisation but can be
created for others as well. It is important
to acknowledge that value creation is              Guiding Principles and                              The Framework provides the following
                                                                                                       Content Elements:
complex and arises from the interaction            Content Elements
between a wide range of factors.
                                                   While the purpose of the Framework is               • Organisational overview and external
                                                   to assist organisations with the process              environment
                                                   of integrated reporting, the requirements
                                                   of the Framework are principles                     • Governance
                                                   based and do not focus on rules for                 • Opportunities and risks
                                                   measurement or disclosure of individual
                                                   matters or the identification of specific           • Strategy and resource allocation
                                                   key performance indicators.                         • Business model

                                                   The Framework puts forward Guiding                  • Performance
                                                   Principles and Content Elements to give             • Future outlook
                                                   direction to the content of an integrated
                                                   report. The Guiding Principles inform               These elements are not intended to
                                                   the content of the report as well as how            appear as independent sections of
                                                   the information is presented.                       the report. Rather, the purpose of the
                                                                                                       report is to integrate these elements
                                                   The Content Elements outline the                    in a meaningful way by answering the
                                                   categories of information required                  question posed by each element.
                                                   to be in an integrated report in order
                                                   to communicate the organisation’s
                                                   particular value creation story.

    Copyright © April 2013 by the International Integrated Reporting Council. All rights reserved. Used with permission of the International
    Integrated Reporting Council. Permission is granted to make copies of this work to achieve maximum exposure and feedback.

12 | The value creation journey
Guiding Principles and Content Elements

       The information in an                         An  should provide                 An  should show a
        should be                                insight into the                       comprehensive value
       presented on a basis                          organisation’s strategy                creation story, the
       that is consistent over                       and how that relates to                combination,
       time and in a way that                        its ability to create                  inter-relatedness and
       enables comparison with                       value in the short,                    dependencies between
       other organisations to                        medium and long term.                  the components that
       the extent it is material to                                                         are material to the
       the organisation’s own                                                               organisation’s ability to
       value creation story                                                                 create value over time.

                                              Strategic focus and future orientation





                                               overview and



                                                                                                     f in




                                                                                   Strategy and
                            Opportunities                 Business model            resource
                             and risks









                                               Performance            Future outlook



                                                   Materiality and Conciseness

       An  should                                                                  An  should provide
       include all material                                                            insight into the quality of the
       matters, both                                                                   organization’s relationships
                                             An  should provide
       positive and                                                                    with its key stakeholders
                                             concise information that
       negative, in a                                                                  and how and to what extent
                                             is material to assessing
       balanced way and                                                                the organisation
                                             the organisation’s ability
       without material                                                                understands, takes into
                                             to create value in the
       error.                                                                          account and responds to
                                             short, medium and long
                                                                                       their legitimate needs,
                                                                                       interests and expectations.

    Source: Adapted from the Consultation Draft of the International  Framework4

    Copyright © April 2013 by the International Integrated Reporting Council. All rights reserved. Used with permission of the International
    Integrated Reporting Council. Permission is granted to make copies of this work to achieve maximum exposure and feedback.

                                                                                                                                               PwC | 13

14 | The value creation journey
Organisational overview and external environment

                                              What it means
  An integrated report                        Communicating the context within
  should answer the                           which an organisation operates is often
                                              the first step in enabling stakeholders
  question:                                   to understand how that organisation
                                              creates and sustains value.                 of companies linked
  What does the                               An integrated report should therefore       strategic choices to
  organisation do                             communicate information to enable
                                              stakeholders to understand the markets      external drivers
  and what are the                            the organisation competes in, why it
                                              has chosen to compete in that market,
  circumstances under                         and the impact of trends that are
  which it operates?                          driving strategic choices. This involves    Reporting on organisational overview
                                              communicating about the general             and external environment
  Source: Consultation Draft of the           market environment including the key
  International  Framework para           markets and environments that an
  4.6                                         organisation operates in, key underlying
                                              drivers of market growth historically
                                              and in the future, and the organisation’s
                                              competitive landscape. An organisation           23%
                                              should recognise the opportunities and
                                              risks presented by the external market
                                              that, through its strategic choices, the
                                              organisation is adapting itself to meet.

                                              The majority of companies surveyed
                                              displayed potential to develop their
                                              reporting further.

                                                                                             Effective communication
     Principle in practice                                                                   Potential to develop reporting
                                                                                             Clear opportunities to develop reporting
     Good reporting should provide insight into:
                                                                                          Source: PwC analysis
   • The organisation’s:
     –– culture, ethics and values;                                                       Some of the most important information
     –– ownership and operating structure;                                                lacking in this area is comprehensive
     –– principal activities, markets, products and services;
                                                                                          quantification of data such as expected
                                                                                          market trends or rates of market growth.
     –– competitive landscape and market positioning (considering factors such            This indicates that while companies
        as the threat of new competition and substitute products or services,             explain how markets have changed and
        the bargaining power of customers and suppliers, and the intensity of             grown historically, often only limited
        competitive rivalry);                                                             information is provided on the key
   • Key quantitative information (e.g. the number of employees, revenue and              factors that will impact them in the
     number of countries in which the organisation operates), highlighting, in            future.
     particular, significant changes from prior periods; and
   • Significant factors affecting the external environment.

Source: Consultation Draft of the International  Framework para 4.7

                                                                                                                              PwC | 15
The competitive landscape is explained

                             39%                                42%         20% 6%

    Not accomplished         To some extent           Accomplished          Exemplary

Source: PwC analysis

Competitive advantage                         What good reporting looks like
A tendency to avoid comprehensive
discussion of companies’ competitive
landscape was also identified. Less than      Example 1: Discovery
a quarter (19%) of companies surveyed
succeeded in explaining market share,                                                       Operating structure, principal
                                                 Company culture is demonstrated            activities, products and services are
positioning within key markets and
                                                 by explaining core values.                 illustrated in one graphic.
barriers to entry in specific markets.
Many companies shied away from
identifying key competitors.

Most companies surveyed did, however,
provide valuable information on how
strategic choices are directly linked to
external drivers and trends.

How reporting can be
While it is often difficult to identify
forward-looking information and
quantify industry trends, this
information is crucial to investors in
assessing an organisation’s ability to
create value over the medium and long
term, as opposed to providing short-term
returns. Companies can therefore seize
the opportunity by including robust
reporting on the factors that may impact
on their ability to create value in the
longer term, as well as being specific
about the competitive landscape.

                                                 Key quantitative information.

                                                                                            Ownership percentage is disclosed
                                                                                            for each business unit.

                                              Source: Discovery Integrated Annual Report 2012

16 | The value creation journey
Example 2: Aspen Pharmacare

 Identity of competitors.

                                                           Market position

                                                       Comparison to peers

Source: Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Annual Report 2012

                                                                             PwC | 17

                                                  What it means
    Integrated reports                            “An organisation’s ability to create and
    should answer the                             sustain value is determined inter alia by
                                                  how it’s led and its governance.”5
                                                  Governance reporting provides the nexus
                                                  between the social, environmental,
                                                                                                    of companies showed
    “How does the                                 economic and financial issues that                clear opportunities to
    organisation’s                                impact on the organisation’s business
                                                  and the development of strategy.                  develop governance
    governance structure
    support its ability to                        Effective communication about                     reporting
                                                  the governance of an organisation
    create value in the                           is therefore integral to the user’s
                                                  appreciation of how those charged with
    short, medium and                             governance are creating value.                    Reporting on governance
    long term?”
                                                  Findings                                                              3%
    Source: Consultation Draft of the
    International  Framework para             In analysing our overall results, the
    4.10                                          governance element emerged as an area
                                                  where reporters did not provide much
                                                  insight into their governance practices.              58%

                                                  The overall finding was that the majority
                                                  of reporters provide ‘boiler plate’
                                                  disclosures of their corporate governance                                               39%
                                                  practices, which do not reflect what
                                                  those charged with governance have
                                                  actually done in adding value to the
of companies describe                             company.

the actual activities                             Companies assessed are comfortable
                                                  reporting on board charters and terms                  Effective communication
of the board and                                  of reference. There is an opportunity to
                                                                                                         Potential to develop reporting
                                                  integrate the reporting of the actions
committees                                        and responsibilities of those charged                  Clear opportunities to develop reporting
                                                  with governance with the operations and
                                                  strategies of the company to provide a            Source: PwC analysis
                                                  holistic view of governance.
                                                                                                    How integrated is the
      Principle in practice                                                                         governance reporting?
      Good reporting should provide insight into:                                                   The integration of governance reporting
                                                                                                    within the integrated reports was
                                                                                                    assessed. Our research found that just
    • An organisation’s leadership structure, including the diversity and skills of
                                                                                                    more than half (55%) of integrated
      those charged with governance;
                                                                                                    reports were assessed to have not
    • Specific processes used to make strategic decisions and to establish and                      accomplished integration as there was
      monitor the culture of the organisation;                                                      minimal linkage between the narrative of
    • Particular actions those charged with governance have taken to influence and                  the integrated report and the governance
      monitor the strategic direction and risk management approach;                                 reporting.
    • How the organisation’s culture, ethics and values are reflected in its use of
      and effect on the various forms of capital, including its relationships with key              The balance of the reports were
      stakeholders; and                                                                             assessed to be linked to some extent
                                                                                                    as cross references were provided to
    • How remuneration and incentives are linked to value creation.
                                                                                                    other aspects of the integrated report,
                                                                                                    including risk management and strategy.
Source: Consultation Draft of the International  Framework para 4.11

     “Consultation draft of the international  Framework”, IIRC,
     Draft-of-the-InternationalIRFramework.pdf (accessed August 2013)

18 | The value creation journey
Are boards reporting on what
                                             Governance reporting integrated into other reporting
they’re actually doing?
An emphasis has been placed on
reporting on the actual activities                                                  55%                                    45%
undertaken by management and the
                                                 Not accomplished         To some extent           Accomplished         Exemplary
board in discharging its responsibilities
rather than reporting on the
responsibilities, terms of reference and
charters of the board and its committees.
                                             Source: PwC analysis
Thirty-five percent of reports disclosed
only the responsibilities of the board and   Targets for gender diversity on the board are discussed
its committees and terms of reference
and therefore did not accomplish
effective reporting of governance                                                48%                              39%       13%
                                                 Not accomplished         To some extent           Accomplished         Exemplary
Some description of the actual activities
undertaken by the board was provided         Source: PwC analysis
by 48% of reporters, while 16% of
reports were assessed as having
accomplished good reporting practice
by reporting the actual activities of the
board and providing examples or case
studies of these activities.
                                             A word on gender diversity                    How reporting can be
In terms of providing more than basic        Gender and race are important factors to      developed
disclosures about the board effectiveness    consider in achieving board diversity. In     Organisations that integrate governance
review, 16% of reports were assessed as      assessing the organisation’s leadership       reporting into their integrated report
having accomplished good reporting.          structure, we reviewed integrated             provide a more holistic view of the
These reports included disclosure on         reports to determine if policies and          importance of governance to a business.
the logistics and process undertaken in      targets for gender diversity have been
assessing the effectiveness of the board     disclosed.                                    Reporting on actual activities
as well as extensive disclosure of the                                                     undertaken by the board and the
outcomes of the review.                      No mention of a policy or a target for        outcomes of these activities is more
                                             gender diversity could be found in 48%        insightful than simply providing
Brief mention of the logistics and the       of reports, while 39% of reports provided     information about committee agendas
process of assessment of the board’s         brief reference to supporting policies on     and charters.
effectiveness was made by 32% of             gender diversity.
reporters, while the remaining 52%
of reporters were assessed as not            Reporting assessed as accomplished
accomplished and provided a description      in this area provided insight into the
of logistics, the process and a limited      company’s policy, evidence of actions
discussion of the outcomes of the review.    taken and targets set to achieve gender
                                             diversity. This was demonstrated in13%
                                             of the reports.

                                                                                                                         PwC | 19
What good reporting looks like

Example 3: British American Tobacco

  Summary terms of reference of the
  board committee are provided and
  are supplemented with details of the
  actual activities of the board.

                                                  Board committees undergo an              Actual activities undertaken by the
                                                  effectiveness review and the results     board committee during the year
                                                  of the review are disclosed.             have been disclosed.

                                                  Action points that have emerged
                                                  from the committee effectiveness
                                                  review have been provided.

Source: British American Tobacco Annual Integrated Report 2012

Example 4: FirstRand

                                                                                         An integrated approach to
                                                                                         governance of financial and non-
                                                                                         financial capitals is demonstrated

Source: FirstRand Annual Integrated Report 2012

20 | The value creation journey
Opportunities and risks

                                              What it means
  An integrated report                        Value creation is significantly affected
  should answer the                           by an organisation’s ability to embrace
                                              opportunities and effectively manage
  question:                                   risk. An integrated report should
                                              identify these opportunities and risks,
                                              and explain the strategic direction the
                                                                                           of companies integrated
  What are the specific                       organisation has chosen and the actions      risks into other aspects
                                              it has undertaken to manage these.
  opportunities and                                                                        of the report
  risks that affect the                       Effective communication in this area
                                              includes providing insight into the risk
  organisation’s ability                      identification and management process        Reporting on opportunities and risks
                                              of an organisation, the specificity of the
  to create value over                        risks identified to the organisation and
  the short, medium and                       clear discussion of the implications of                16%
                                              the identified risks on the organisation’s
  long term, and how                          ability to create value.
  is the organisation
  dealing with them?                          Findings
                                              The vast majority of companies surveyed
  Source: Consultation Draft of the           showed potential to develop their
  International  Framework para
                                              integrated reporting further.


     Principle in practice
     Good reporting should provide insight into:                                              Effective communication
                                                                                              Potential to develop reporting
  • The specific source of opportunities and risks, which may be internal, external           Clear opportunities to develop reporting
    or, commonly, a mix of the two;
  • The organisation’s assessment of the likelihood that the opportunity or risk           Source: PwC analysis
    will come to fruition and the magnitude of its effect if it does. This includes
    consideration of the specific circumstances that would cause the opportunity           While most companies included
    or risk to come to fruition; and                                                       narrative information about identified
  • The specific steps being taken to create value from key opportunities and to           risks specific to the company, only 10%
    mitigate or manage key risks, including the identification of the associated           supported the discussion with quantified
    strategic objectives, strategies, policies, targets and performance indicators.        information, such as through key
                                                                                           performance indicators (KPIs).

Source: Consultation Draft of the International  Framework para 4.15                   Risk dynamics
                                                                                           A mere 13% of companies provided good
                                                                                           insights into the dynamics of their risk
Insights into the dynamics of the risk profile are provided
                                                                                           profiles by including information about
                                                                                           the impact and probability of identified
                                                                                           risks, as well as how risk profiles may
                                                          74%        13%        13%
                                                                                           change over time.
  Not accomplished           To some extent           Accomplished         Exemplary

Source: PwC analysis

                                                                                                                           PwC | 21
How reporting can be
Opportunities and risks are fundamental     Companies that include information
and pervasive to organisations’ value       about the potential impact and
creation activities. It is therefore        probability of risks occurring provide
paramount to integrate discussions          stakeholders with valuable information        of companies make
relating to opportunities and risks         about those risks that may influence the
throughout the integrated report and        company’s ability to create value over        specific reference to risk
avoid limiting risk reporting to a stand-   the short, medium and long term. This
alone section.                              could also include linking risks to KPIs or   appetite
                                            quantifying risks in a meaningful way.

What good reporting looks like

Example 5: SABMiller

  Source of the risk is explained               Risks specific to the company are           Risks are linked to strategic
                                                identified                                  priorities

                                                Impact on the business is identified        Actions taken to mitigate the risks
                                                                                            are explained

Source: SABMiller Annual Report 2012

                                            Example 6: Gold Fields

  Risks are specific to the company

  Risks are plotted based on severity
  and probability

  Only most material risks are

                                            Source: Gold Fields Limited Integrated Annual Review 2012

22 | The value creation journey
Strategy and resource allocation

                                             What it means
  An integrated report                       The importance of an organisation’s
  should answer the                          strategy is highlighted by the fact that
                                             strategic focus is one of the guiding
  question:                                  principles of the  Framework, as
                                             well as a Content Element.
                                                                                              of companies discussed
  Where does the                             A good strategy is the frame of reference        targeted time frames for
                                             for all the value creation decisions and
  organisation want                          activities that an organisation may              implementing strategic
  to go and how does it                      engage in. An organisation should
                                             communicate what it is trying to achieve,        objectives
  intend to get there?                       where it is trying to compete, how it will
                                             achieve its goals and how it will measure
  Source: Consultation Draft of the          progress.
  International  Framework para

                                                  Principle in practice
                                                  Good reporting should provide insight into:
Nearly half of companies surveyed               • The organisation’s short, medium and long-term strategic objectives;
demonstrated effective communication            • The strategies it has in place, or intends to implement, to achieve those
relating to strategy and resource                 strategic objectives;
                                                • The resource allocation plans it has in place, or intends to put in place, to
                                                  implement its strategy; and
Reporting on strategy and resource
allocation                                      • How it will measure achievements and target outcomes for the short, medium
                                                  and long term.

                                             Source: Consultation Draft of the International  Framework para 4.19

 35%                                         Almost all companies (97%) surveyed              More than half (64%) of companies
                                             made some kind of statement relating             surveyed reported on the outcomes of
                                             to overall ambition, and nearly three            strategic activities and clearly set out
                                             quarters (74%) of companies surveyed             performance measures that management
                                   59%       had comprehensive discussion                     use to monitor whether these are being
                                             surrounding how strategic priorities are         achieved.
                                             aligned to overall goals.

                                             Outcomes of strategic priorities are reported on

  Effective communication
  Potential to develop reporting                         19%             17%            16%                                       48%

  Clear opportunities to develop reporting       Not accomplished           To some extent            Accomplished         Exemplary

Source: PwC analysis
                                             Source: PwC analysis

                                                                                                                            PwC | 23
What good reporting looks like

                                            Example 7: British American Tobacco

How reporting can be                         Performance measure is linked to            Medium and long-term goals are
developed                                    strategic objective of “Responsibility”     communicated
Incorporating strategic priorities as a
common theme throughout a report
demonstrates how integrated strategy is
in a company’s value creation journey.

Including time frames and targets
for achieving strategic priorities also
enables stakeholders to assess whether
companies are making progress towards
achieving their ambitions.

of companies reported
on specific actions                          Measure and rationale for use is
                                                                                         Current year measure as well as
                                                                                         comparison to past
taken to achieve
strategic priorities                        Source: British American Tobacco Annual Report 2012

                                            Example 8: Standard Bank Group

  Strategic objectives are clearly

  Outcomes of specific actions taken in
  the current year

  Specific actions planned for the future

                                            Source: Standard Bank Group Annual Integrated Report 2012

24 | The value creation journey
Business model

                                                   What it means
    An integrated report                           The business model is at the heart of
    should answer the                              an organisation and draws from the
                                                   different capitals as inputs and converts
    question:                                      them into outputs by means of the
                                                   organisation’s business activities.                of companies identify
    What is the                                    This process leads to outcomes that in             and describe material
                                                   turn impact on the capitals, which are
    organisation’s business                        not necessarily identical to those used in         capital imputs into the
    model and to what                              the input phase.
                                                                                                      business model
    extent is it resilient?                        This complex interconnection between
                                                   an organisation and its environment is             An organisation should explain the
    Source: Consultation Draft of the              the core of value creation.                        resources and relationships that it relies
    International  Framework para                                                                 on to deliver its strategy, how dependent
    4.21                                                                                              it is on them, how it manages them and
                                                                                                      how it monitors success.

The value creation process

Source: Consultation Draft of the International  Framework6

    Copyright © April 2013 by the International Integrated Reporting Council. All rights reserved. Used with permission of the International
    Integrated Reporting Council. Permission is granted to make copies of this work to achieve maximum exposure and feedback.

                                                                                                                                          PwC | 25
Principle in practice
                                                   Good reporting should provide insight into:

                                                 • Key inputs and how they relate to the capitals from which they are derived;
Findings                                         • Key business activities, considering such factors as:
Most companies accomplished effective              –– How the organisation differentiates itself in the market place;
reporting at some level. While the                 –– The extent to which the business model relies on revenue generation after
majority still have potential to develop,             the initial point of sale;
a large number of companies clearly                –– How the organisation approaches the need to innovate;
demonstrated effective communication.
                                                   –– How the business model has been designed to adapt to change;
Reporting on the business model                  • Key outputs, explaining the products and services that the organisation places
                                                   in the market, and material by-products and waste;
                                                 • Key outcomes in terms of the capitals, including both internal outcomes and
                    3%                             external outcomes.

                                              Source: Consultation Draft of the International  Framework para 4.22

                                              Insights given into dependency on certain resources and relationships

                                                           23%                                       58%            19%

                                                  Not accomplished           To some extent           Accomplished        Exemplary

                                              Source: PwC analysis
   Effective communication
   Potential to develop reporting
   Clear opportunities to develop reporting
                                              Thoughts on dependency                        Many organisations neglect to discuss
                                                                                            the role of the corporate centre in the
Source: PwC analysis                          Less than a quarter (19%) of companies        delivery of strategy. How an organisation
                                              gave insight into their dependency on         functions on a central level may provide
Many companies (55%) identified               certain resources and relationships           insights into how the different elements
material capital inputs into the business     inherent in the business model. More          of the business model are managed
model, as well as the differentiators         than 90% of companies integrated their        and monitored, as the corporate
and value-adding activities within the        discussion of the business model with         centre is often the main driver of the
business model used to execute strategy       other elements of the report.                 different value-creating activities of an
and implement priorities.                                                                   organisation.
                                              How reporting can be
                                              Given the complexity of organisations’

                                              relationships with the external
                                              environment, resources and
                                              relationships, organisations should
                                              carefully consider the communication
                                              of this complexity to stakeholders. This
                                              is especially true where organisations
                                              are dependent on scarce resources or
of companies integrated                       significant relationships to create value.

discussion of their
business model with
other elements of the

26 | The value creation journey
Key inputs into the
                                                                   Material capital inputs      business model are    Processes and outputs                                Key outcomes are identified
                                                                   are addressed                described             are explained                                                                      Example 9: Kumba Iron Ore
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     What good reporting looks like

           Source: Kumba Iron Ore Limited Integrated Report 2012
                                                                   How the company differentiates itself in
                                                                   the market place                                                           Future plans are discussed

PwC | 27
Example 10: Massmart

                                                                             Role of the corporate centre is

                                                                             Inputs and outputs are identified

 Products that the company places into   Clear description of the business
 the market are identified               activities of the company

                                                                                       Explanation of how the company
                                                                                       differentiates itself in the marketplace

Source: Massmart Annual Report 2012

28 | The value creation journey

                                                  What it means
   Integrated reports                             Underpinning the focus on integrated
   should answer the                              reporting is a strong appreciation
                                                  that the success of organisations
   question:                                      is inextricably linked to three
                                                  interdependent factors: society, the
                                                  environment and the global economy.
                                                                                            of companies provide
   “To what extent has                                                                      clear alignment
                                                  Performance reporting has similarly
   the organisation                               evolved from reporting on financial       between KPIs and
   achieved its strategic                         measures of success to a more holistic
                                                  approach that includes reporting on       remuneration policies
   objectives and what are                        social and environmental performance.
   its outcomes in terms
                                                  Findings                                  Reporting on performance
   of the effects on the
                                                  The overall results indicate that
   capitals?”                                     with only 6% of reporters effectively                     6%
                                                  communicating their holistic
   Source: Consultation Draft of the              performance to users, there is great
   International  Framework para              potential to improve performance
   4.27                                           reporting in integrated reports.

     Principle in practice                                                                                                   81%

     Good reporting should provide insight into:

   • Quantitative indicators with respect to targets, value drivers, and opportunities
     and risks, explaining their significance and implications and the methods and
     assumptions used in compiling them;                                                        Effective communication
   • The organisation’s effects (both positive and negative) on the capitals,                   Potential to develop reporting
     including material effects on capitals up and down the value chain; and
                                                                                                Clear opportunities to develop reporting
   • Linkage between past and current performance, and between current
     performance and future outlook.
                                                                                            Source: PwC analysis

Source: Consultation Draft of the International  Framework para 4.28                    Quantitative measurement
                                                                                            Quantitative indicators of performance
KPIs are explicitly identified                                                              such as KPIs can help increase
                                                                                            comparability and are particularly
                                                                                            helpful in expressing and reporting
          16%                                                                        84%    against targets.

    Not accomplished             To some extent           Accomplished          Exemplary
                                                                                            Our research found that 84% of
                                                                                            companies explicitly identified KPIs. On
Source: PwC analysis                                                                        average, companies reported 24 KPIs in
                                                                                            their integrated reports, of which eight
                                                                                            were financial KPIs, 10 were operational
                                                                                            and six related to sustainability.

                                                                                            KPIs: Quantity vs quality
                                                                                            While inclusion of quantitative KPIs may
                                                                                            create the impression that performance
                                                                                            has been well disclosed, it is important to
                                                                                            assess the usefulness and quality of the
                                                                                            KPIs identified.

                                                                                                                             PwC | 29
KPIs are aligned to strategic objectives

                                              6%                                 43%             16%                       35%

In providing a context for the KPIs            Not accomplished          To some extent           Accomplished        Exemplary
reported on, 81% of reports showed
room for improvement both in
                                           Source: PwC analysis
qualitatively defining the KPIs and
providing a rationale for their use. The
remaining 19% of reports defined their
KPIs and explained within the context of   Trend and comparable benchmark data          Our overall assessment of KPIs indicates
their business why they had been used.     is recognised as providing useful context    that while most organisations are
                                           for the results of the KPIs reported         explicitly identifying KPIs and disclosing
It is encouraging to note that almost      on. The majority of reports (84%)            a large number of KPIs, the KPIs reported
half of all KPIs reported are aligned      do provide trend data for their KPIs,        on are not communicated on in the
to strategic priorities(51% of reports     allowing users to make year-on-year          context of the business.
assessed) that reinforce the principle     comparisons.
of integrated thinking. Of these, three-                                                Linking performance and
quarters explicitly linked their KPIs      However, only 3% of the reports
to their strategic priorities and were     provided industry benchmark data
assessed as exemplary reporters.           against which users can assess the           A greater emphasis has been placed
                                           performance of the company.                  on aligning KPIs with remuneration
                                                                                        policies to enhance the transparency of

                                           In the majority of cases, where trends       management and board remuneration.
                                           have been established, information has
                                           not been provided regarding the reasons      KPIs should be aligned to strategic
                                           for movements from the prior year,           priorities, which in turn drive the
                                           particularly where targets have not been     remuneration policies of the company.

of KPIs are quantified                     Future targets for KPIs reported
                                           on enhance the accountability of
                                           management. An overwhelming majority
                                           of reports (90%) do not provide future
                                           targets for KPIs, or only partly provide
                                           future targets for KPIs. Just 10% of
                                           reports provide quantified future targets
                                           for all KPIs.

                                               Enhancing the quality of KPIs

                                             • Tailor KPIs to be relevant to the organisation;
                                             • Report KPIs that are consistent with measures used by those charged with
                                               governance in assessing the performance of the organisation;

                                             • Present KPIs with targets, forecasts or projections over the short and medium-
                                             • Present for past periods to establish a trend and with industry benchmarks;
                                             • Present against previously reported targets, forecasts or projections to
                                               enhance accountability;
                                             • Report consistently over periods;
of companies provide                         • Present measurement techniques and assumptions made with qualitative
                                               information; and
comparable benchmark                         • Report on reasons for significant variations from targets, trends or benchmarks
data for KPIs                                  and why they are or are not expected to reoccur.

30 | The value creation journey
How reporting can be
Alignment of KPIs with remuneration policies
                                                                                        Organisations can enhance the quality
                          35%                                 43%           16% 6%      and usefulness of KPIs reported by
                                                                                        making them specific to their business
    Not accomplished          To some extent          Accomplished          Exemplary
                                                                                        and providing clear targets and industry
                                                                                        benchmarks against which they can be
Source: PwC analysis                                                                    measured.

                                                                                        Where trends are provided to assist in
                                                                                        year-on-year analysis, management
An analysis of our findings found that         Clear alignment between KPIs and         commentary should accompany these
35% of integrated reports show no              remuneration policies was demonstrated   trends to enable users to understand the
meaningful alignment between KPIs              in only 16% of reports. However, only    movements in KPIs.
and remuneration policies, while 43%           6% of the reports assessed provided
demonstrate only some KPIs that align          progress reports on whether targets      Providing a clear link between KPIs
with remuneration policies.                    were actually achieved and if targets    and the organisation’s strategy and
                                               were not achieved, the reasons for the   remuneration policies will enhance
                                               underperformance.                        the quality of disclosure around

What good reporting looks like

Example 11: Gold Fields

 Integrates the strategic requirement,
 key stakeholders who would
 be affected, stakeholder risk or
 opportunity with performance,
 strategic actions to be undertaken in          The context of the KPI reported on is
 the following year and remuneration in         provided as well as its importance to    KPIs are explicitly identified and
 a format that is easy to follow.               the organisation.                        quantified.

 Reports on the key stakeholders                                                         Explains how the relative strength
 driving the prioritisation of each                                                      of its value-adding activities and
 strategic requirement.                                                                  measures of success are determined,
                                                                                         i.e. use of performance measures and
                                                                                         the quantification of these.

                                                                                                                        PwC | 31
Example 11: Gold Fields (cont.)

 Trend data is provided for KPIs              Strategic actions to be undertaken              Explicit linkage is made between
 reported on.                                 in the following year have been                 achieving strategic priorities and KPIs
                                              disclosed.                                      and CEO remuneration

Source: Gold Fields Integrated Annual Report 2012

Example 12: Aspen Pharmacare

 KPIs are explicitly identified.               The implication of the actual performance as
                                               per the disclosed indicator on the business
                                               has been provided.

 The relevance of the performance indicator for          KPIs are quantified.             A trend has been provided for the KPIs
 the business has been discussed as well as an                                            with at least two previous years of
 explanation of what the KPI means.                                                       data reported on.

Source: Aspen Pharmacare Annual Integrated Report 2012

32 | The value creation journey
Example 13: Vodacom

                                                Progress reported on targets identified      As competitive performance is a
                                                with an explanation of why results           measure that may be subjectively
                                                were ahead of targets.                       calculated, the report states what
                                                                                             competitive performance is in the
                                                                                             context of the results.

                                                        Weighting of targets is explicitly

 Description         Financial targets used in
 of how              calculating remuneration,
 bonuses are         aligning strategic priorities
 calculated is       and remuneration are
 provided            explained

Source: Vodacom Annual Integrated Report 2012

                                                                                                                           PwC | 33
Future outlook

                                              What it means                                 of companies provided
   Integrated reports                         In developing the Framework, it               a comprehensive
   should answer the                          was recognised that much of what is
                                              currently reported tends to be backward-      discussion of strategy
   question:                                  looking and fails to provide stakeholders
                                              with sufficient information to make           and priorities to ensure
   What challenges and
                                              a meaningful assessment regarding
                                              the organisation’s ability to create and
                                                                                            the long-term viability
   uncertainties is the
                                              sustain value over the short, medium
                                              and long term.
                                                                                            of the business.
   organisation likely to                     Therefore, in addition to reporting
                                                                                            What is material?
   encounter and what                         on performance during the reporting           To provide a context for the future
                                              period, the integrated report should          viability of the organisation, it is
   are the potential                          include a forward-looking statement           important to understand the process
   implications for its                       concerning the organisation’s
                                              anticipated activities and performance
                                                                                            undertaken by management in
                                                                                            identifying material issues affecting its
   business model and                         objectives, informed by its assessment of     future viability.
                                              recent performance and understanding
   future performance?                        of trends in the external and internal        A fifth (23%) of reports analysed did
                                              environment, including stakeholder            not discuss how material issues were
   Source: Consultation Draft of the
                                              expectations.                                 identified, while 35% provided some
   International  Framework para
   4.33                                                                                     discussion of how material issues are
                                              Findings                                      identified.

                                              Our research found that 13% of reporters      The remaining 42% of reports provided
                                              provided effective communication              comprehensive reporting on identifying
                                              of their future outlook and how the           key issues such as descriptions of
                                              company plans to create and sustain           stakeholder engagement processes and
                                              value over the medium and long term,          outcomes.
                                              while 87% of reports have the potential
                                              to develop their reporting in this area.      Reporting on the future outlook

     Principle in practice                                                                              13%
     Good reporting should provide insight into:

   • Anticipated changes over time;
   • Information, built on sound and transparent analysis, about:
     –– The expectations of senior management and those charged with
        governance about the external environment the organisation is likely to face
        in the short, medium and long term;
     –– How that will affect the organisation; and
     –– How the organisation is currently equipped to respond to the critical                           64%
        challenges and uncertainties that may arise.

Source: Consultation Draft of the International  Framework para 4.34                       Effective communication
                                                                                               Potential to develop reporting
The process for identifying material issues that impact future viability is                    Clear opportunities to develop reporting
                                                                                            Source: PwC analysis
                23%                             35%                                 42%
                                                                                            The time frames of issues affecting future
     Not accomplished          To some extent          Accomplished             Exemplary   viability and targets that an organisation
                                                                                            should consider in its reporting will
                                                                                            vary depending on its business and
Source: PwC analysis                                                                        investment cycles, industry context,
                                                                                            strategies adopted and stakeholder

34 | The value creation journey
While 32% of reports provided time
frames that are unclear, 68% do attempt       Discussion of the future availability of material capital inputs
to identify the time frame in which future
viability has been considered, bearing
in mind the nature of the company’s               10%                                                            71%        13% 6%
business and industry.
                                                  Not accomplished          To some extent            Accomplished          Exemplary
Providing a future perspective
In assessing whether management               Source: PwC analysis
discusses the expected availability
and its future access to the material
non-financial capital inputs that the         The majority of reports assessed (71%)         How reporting can be
organisation relies on to create value,       provided only some or no information
only 6% of reports provided exceptional
                                              regarding specific strategic actions
disclosure and a comprehensive                required to address future availability of     The integrated report should provide
discussion of all material inputs             material capital inputs. The remaining         a clear and appropriate demonstration
supported with quantified data.               29% provided a comprehensive                   of the time frame over which future
                                              explanation of strategy and priorities         viability has been considered, in the
One fifth (19%) of reports provided a         to ensure the long-term viability of the       context of the nature of the company’s
discussion of all material inputs that the    business.                                      business and industry.
organisation is reliant on to create value,
while 71% of reporters provided limited       Overall, the results of the future outlook     Disclosing the specific strategic
or no discussion of the material inputs       assessment show that integrated reports        actions to be undertaken to address
and the availability of these, on which       currently tend to provide information          the availability of material non-
the organisation is reliant on to create      that is mostly backward looking and            financial capitals and provide future
value.                                        which is of limited relevance to users.        KPIs for strategic objectives identified
                                                                                             communicates the future prospects
                                                                                             and viability of an organisation to its

What good reporting looks like

Example 14: AngloGold Ashanti

 Where targets have not been reported on (social            Explicit targets against          The targets are aligned to strategy
 performance), an explanation has been provided             which KPIs are                    and cross-referenced to strategy
 as to why the target has not been reported on and          measured.                         disclosure.
 when reporting on these targets will commence.

 An explicit
 time frame has
 been provided
 for achieving
 the targets

 Focus areas address both financial                                                           KPIs related to each focus area are
 and non-financial strategic priorities.                                                      explicitly identified.

                                                                                                                              PwC | 35
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