Program Implementation Document - Asian Development Bank

Program Implementation Document

Project Number: 49056
November 2016

PAK: Access to Clean Energy Investment Program

I.      Program Description                                                                1

II.     Results and Disbursement                                                           2

A.      The RBL Program’s Overall Results including Disbursement Linked Indicators is in
               Table 2 and 3 below.                                                         2
B.      Disbursement Allocation and Status                                                 12

III.    Expenditure Framework and Financing                                                14
A.      Expenditure Framework                                                              14

IV.     Program Systems and Implementation Arrangements                                    14
A.      MHP Implementation Business Model                                                  14
B.      Monitoring and Evaluation System                                                   17
C.      Fiduciary Systems                                                                  20
D.      Satisfying Procurement Member Country Eligibility Restrictions                     22
E.      Safeguard Systems                                                                  22
F.      Suggested Guiding Principles for Voluntary Land Donations                          23
G.      Gender and Social Dimensions                                                       23
H.      Communication and Information Disclosure Arrangements                              23
I.      Development Coordination                                                           24

V.      Integrated Risks and Mitigating Measures                                           24

VI.     Program Action Plan                                                                24

VII.    Technical Assistance                                                               24
A.      Summary                                                                            24
B.      Consulting Service Requirement                                                     25

VIII.   Monitoring of Key Program Covenants                                                25

IX.     Summary of Key Outstanding Issues                                                  25

X.      Accountability Mechanism                                                           25

XI.     Program Organizational Structure and Focal Staff                                   25
A.      Organizational Structure                                                           25
B.      Program Officers and Focal Persons                                                 26

1. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is wholly responsible for implementing the program supported by
   results-based lending. The Asian Development Bank staff support the results based lending
   program design and implementation.

   The program implementation document (PID) consolidates the essential program implementation
   information. The PID is a management tool which supports effective program implementation,
   monitoring, and reporting. It is developed throughout the program processing, and should be
   discussed with the developing member country at loan negotiations. It is a living document that
   should be refined and kept up to date during program implementation.

ACE     -   Anti-Corruption Establishment
ADB     -   Asian Development Bank
AFD     -   Agence Française de Développement
BPEEL   -   best-practice energy efficiency legislation
AGP     -   Auditor General of Pakistan
APFS    -   audited program financial statement
DC      -   development contractor
DDO     -   Drawing and Disbursement Office
DMF     -   design and monitoring framework
DLI     -   disbursement-linked indicator
EA      -   executing agency
EAD     -   Economic Affairs Division
EDP     -   Energy Department of Punjab
EIA         environmental impact assessment
ERC     -   Energy Resource Center
FD      -   Finance Department
FABS    -   Financial Accounting and Budgeting System
FS          feasibility study
IA      -   implementing agency
ICT     -   Information Communication Technology
IEE         initial environmental examination
KPEPA       Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Environmental Protection Agency
KPP     -   Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province
M&E     -   monitoring and evaluation
MHP     -   micro-hydropower plant
MW      -   megawatt
NAB     -   National Accountability Bureau
NAM     -   New Accounting Model
NBP     -   National Bank of Pakistan
OCR     -   ordinary capital resources
O&M     -   operations and maintenance
PAP     -   program action plan
P&D     -   Planning and Development
PEC     -   Pakistan Engineering Council
PEDO    -   Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization
PEECA   -   Punjab Energy Efficiency and Conservation Agency
PHC     -   primary healthcare facility
PID     -   program implementation document
PMU     -   program management unit
PbPR    -   Punjab procurement rules
PMC     -   program management consultant
PPMS    -   program performance monitoring system
PPR     -   program progress report
PPRA   -   Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
PPTA       project preparatory technical assistance
PSSA   -   program safeguards system assessment
RBL    -   results-based lending
RRP    -   report and recommendation of the president
SBD    -   standard bidding document
SBP    -   State Bank of Pakistan
TA     -   technical assistance
WA     -   withdrawal application
Access to Clean Energy Investment Program (RRP PAK 49056)

                                           I.        Program Description

1.      The results-based lending (RBL) program will support the Government of Pakistan’s
national and provincial goals of providing uninterrupted access to affordable and clean energy
by financing a slice of the provincial power sector plans in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (KPP)
and Punjab. The program scope, defined by community-based renewable energy initiatives and
public sector energy efficiency programs, is summarized in Table 1. The RBL program will
exclude activities that would be classified as category A in the Safeguard Policy Statement
(2009),1 and activities that would involve procurement of works, goods, and services under
contracts whose estimated value exceeds specified monetary amounts.2

                                                Table 1: Program Scope
                                                 (As of November 2016)
Item                      Broader Government Programs                            Results-Based Lending Program
Outcome              Uninterrupted access to affordable and             Increased access to sustainable and more
                     clean energy for all sections of the               reliable electricity services, particularly for
                     population.                                        vulnerable communities in KPP and Punjab.
Key outputs          (i) Expanded generation capacity, (ii)             (i) Renewable energy-based power plants are
                     increased electrification rates, (iii) increased   installed, (ii) increased opportunity for women
                     renewable energy generation, and (iv)              and girls to obtain energy services and benefits,
                     increased private sector investment in             (iii) enhanced institutional capacity to foster
                     energy sector development.                         sustainability, and (iii) public sector energy
                                                                        efficiency is promoted.
Activity types       (i) Development of renewable and thermal           (i) Installation of micro-hydropower plants in rural
                     energy resources, (ii) development and             KPP, (ii) introduction of sustainable business
                     enforcement of policies and regulations, (iii)     models for off-grid power, (iii) implementation of
                     (iv) provision of reliable electricity to all      off-grid decentralized solar solutions for
                     population,       and       (v)    demand-side     education and primary health care facilities in
                     management          and     energy    efficiency   KPP and Punjab, and (iv) support to energy
                     initiatives.                                       efficient initiatives in Punjab.
Program              $26 billion:                                       $ 454.3 million
expenditure                     $10 billion for KPP                                $ 330.3 million for KPP
                                $16 billion for Punjab                             $ 124.0 million for Punjab
Main financiers      Provincial government $25.3 billion                Provincial government $ 40.8 million (9%)
and respective       Community $30 million                              Community $9.9 million (2.2%)
financing            ADB $ 325 million                                  ADB $ 325 million (71.5%), OCR Funding
amounts              AFD $ 78.6 million                                 AFD $ 78.6 million (17.3%)
Geographic           KPP and Punjab                                     KPP and Punjab
Implementation    20172021                                 20172021
ADB = Asian Development Bank, AFD = Agence Française de Développement, KPP = Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
province, OCR = ordinary capital resources.
Source: Asian Development Bank, Energy Department, KPP and Punjab

    Asian Development Bank, 2009. Safeguard Policy Statement. Manila.
    The amounts are currently $50 million for works, turnkey and supply, and installation contracts; $30 million for
    goods; $20 million for information technology systems and non-consulting services; and $15 million for consulting
    services. ADB, 2013. Piloting Results-Based Lending for Programs. Paragraph 66. Manila.

                                                                    II.     Results and Disbursement

          A.       The RBL Program’s Overall Results including Disbursement Linked Indicators is in Table 2 and 3 below.

                                                          Table 2: RBL Program Results Framework
                                                                    (As of November 2016)
                                                  Yes/    Baseline
Results Indicators                                 no      value      Year              2017                   2018            2019           2020        2021
Outcome: Access to sustainable and more reliable electricity services increased, particularly for vulnerable communities in KPP and Punjab
1. By 2021, access to electricity is provided to  Yes  0             2016        40,000 households            80,000          120,000        180,000     240,000
an additional 240,000 households and 2.6                                                                   households       households     households   households
million students in unelectrified and poorly      DLI  0                         500,000 students          1,100,000        1,600,000      2,100,000    2,600,000
electrified areas:                                1                                                         students         students       students     students
    KPP: households (cumulative)                       0                               40,000                 80,000          120,000        180,000     240,000
    KPP: total students (cumulative)                   0                              160,000               320,000          480,000        640,000      800,000
    Punjab: total students (cumulative)                0                              340,000               780,000         1,120,000      1,460,000    1,800,000
2. In previously electrified areas, the number of No   13,000        2016         10,400 schools              7,800       5,200 schools       2,600     0 schools
targeted schools and PHFs affected by load             schools, 1900                1,520 PHFs               schools        760 PHFs        schools      0 PHFs
shedding is reduced to zero by 2021:                   PHFs                                               1,140 PHFs                       380 PHFs
   KPP (cumulative)                                 3,000 schools                2,400 schools             1,800        1,200 schools        600        0 schools
                                                    120 PHFs                        96 PHFs               schools          48 PHFs         schools        0 PHF
                                                                                                          72 PHFs                          24 PHFs
   Punjab (cumulative)                              10,000                       8,000 schools             6,000        4,000 schools       2,000       0 schools
                                                    schools                       1,424 PHFs              schools         712 PHFs         schools        0 PHF
                                                    1,780 PHF                                           1,068 PHFs                        356 PHFs
Output 1 Renewable energy-based power plants installed
3. By 2021, power generation capacity from Yes    0 MW              2016             36 MW                73 MW            109 MW          146 MW       182 MW
clean energy sources is increased by an    DLI
additional amount of 182 MW:               2
    153 MW in KPP (MHP and solar)                 0 MW                               31 MW                61 MW            92 MW           123 MW       153 MW
    29 MW in Punjab (solar) (cumulative)          0 MW                               5 MW                 12 MW            17 MW            23 MW        29 MW
4. By 2021, at least 26,587 sites have     Yes       0 installed     2016            5,317                10,635           15,952           21,270       26,587
renewable energy-based power plants        DLI
installed, of which:                         3
    KPP: 1,000 MHPs installed (cumulative)                                             200                  400              600             800          1,000

   KPP: 8,187 solar plants installed                                                  1,637                3,275            4,912           6,550         8,187

                                                Yes/        Baseline
Results Indicators                               no           value      Year             2017                  2018             2019           2020              2021
    Punjab: 17,400 solar plants installed                                                3,480                 6,960            10,440         13,920           17,400
Output 2. Opportunity for women and girls to obtain energy services and benefits increased
5. By 2021, at least 30% of schools with solar   Yes     0%; no school  2016
plant installed are girls schools:               DLI     connected to
                                                                                           6%                   12%              18%            24%               30%
    KPP (cumulative)                             4       solar plant                       6%                   12%              18%            24%               30%
    Punjab(cumulative)                                                                     6%                   12%              18%            24%               30%
6. By 2021, at least 7% of target households     Yes     0 %; no newly  2016               2%                    4%               5%             6%                7%
newly connected to electricity are women-        DLI     connected
headed households (cumulative, KPP)              5       households
7. By 2021, 500 PHFs used by women for           No      0 PHFs         2016  50 PHFs                      150 PHFs         275 PHFs         400 PHFs       500 PHFs
delivery or antenatal care (ANC) are equipped            equipped with
with solar plants.                                       solar plants
    KPP (cumulative)                                                          10 PHFs                      30 PHFs          50 PHFs          60 PHFs        70 PHFs
    Punjab (cumulative)                                                       40 PHFs                      120 PHFs         225 PHFs         340 PHFs       430 PHFs
8. By 2021 3000 women are trained to equip       No      2016: 0        2016  500 trained                  1500 trained     2000 trained     2500 trained   3000 trained
them in using energy benefits.                           women trained
    KPP (cumulative)                                                          500 trained                  1500 trained     2000 trained     2500 trained   3000 trained
Output 3. Institutional capacity to foster sustainability enhanced.
9. By 2021, governance, financial                Yes                    2016
management and procurement functions are         DLI
improved.                                        6                             Corporate governance
KPP energy department (PEDO)                             No procure-             implemented,              First internal                                   PEDO internal
                                                         ment unit, no           including dedicated       audit report                                     performance
                                                         internal audit          procurement unit          approved by                                      audit report on
                                                                               Internal audit             PEDO board                                       the program
                                                                                 department                                                                 produced
                                                                                 established and
                                                                               Procurement manual
                                                                               Business model
                                                                                 adopted for micro-
                                                                                 hydroelectricity plants
                                                                               Program management
                                                                                 unit strengthened.

              Women-headed households mean any household headed by: (i) a single woman living on her own, (ii) a widow, or woman separated from her husband for any
              reason, including migration, with or without children.

                                               Yes/      Baseline
Results Indicators                              no         value       Year               2017              2018              2019            2020              2021
   Energy department of Punjab (EDP)                  No procure-              Dedicated procurement   EDP internal                                      EDP internal
                                                      ment unit, no           unit established.         audit report                                      performance
                                                      internal audit           Internal audit          produced                                          audit report on
                                                                              department established                                                      the program
                                                                              and operationalized                                                         produced
                                                                               Procurement manual
                                                                               Program management
                                                                              unit strengthened.
10. By 2021, 100% of identified energy and     No     0% trained       2016   20 % staff trained        40 % staff       60 % staff       80 % staff      100 % staff
finance department staff of both provinces                                                              trained          trained          trained         trained
trained on technical issues, gender, project
management, financial management, contract
management, and environmental and social
    KPP (cumulative)                                                          20 % staff trained        40 % staff       60 % staff       80 % staff      100 % staff
                                                                                                        trained          trained          trained         trained
   Punjab (cumulative)                                                        20 % staff trained        40 % staff       60 % staff       80 % staff      100 % staff
                                                                                                        trained          trained          trained         trained
11. From 2017, ICT-driven program              Yes    No PPMS          2016
performance monitoring system (PPMS) is        DLI
operationalized to produce annual              7
performance monitoring reports on all
indicators and PAP actions.
    KPP                                                                       PPMS set up, 2017         2018 report      2019 report      2020 report     2021 report
                                                                              report issued             issued on all    issued on all    issued on all   issued on all
                                                                                                        indicators and   indicators and   indicators      indicators and
                                                                                                        PAP actions      PAP actions      and PAP         PAP actions
   Punjab                                                                     PPMS set up, 2017         2018 report      2019 report      2020 report     2021 report
                                                                              report issued             issued on all    issued on all    issued on all   issued on all
                                                                                                        indicators and   indicators and   indicators      indicators and
                                                                                                        PAP actions      PAP actions      and PAP         PAP actions
Output 4. Public sector energy efficiency promoted in Punjab

                                                   Yes/      Baseline
Results Indicators                                  no         value        Year              2017                   2018         2019         2020             2021
12. By 2019, energy audits are conducted on        Yes    No energy        2016     30% of identified public    100% have  Methodology
100% of identified public sector buildings and a   DLI    audits, no               sector buildings have         conducted developed and
model net zero building is constructed.            8      model net zero           conducted energy audits                 approved for
                                                                                                                 energy audits
                                                          building                  Construction of model                 follow-up on
                                                                                   net zero building initiated             energy audit
                                                                                                                            Construction of
                                                                                                                           model net zero
                                                                                                                           completed and
                                                                                                                           standards and
                                                                                                                           design for net
                                                                                                                           zero buildings
ADB = Asian Development Bank, DLI = disbursement-linked indicator, EDP = Energy Department of Punjab, ICT = Information and Communication Technology, IVA = independent
verification agent, KPP = Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, MHP = micro-hydropower plant, MW = megawatt, PEDO = Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization, PPMS =
program performance monitoring system, RBL = results-based lending.
Sources: Asian Development Bank, Energy Department of Punjab, and Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization.

                                                    Table 3: Disbursement-Linked Indicator Verification Protocols
                                                                       (As of November 2016)
                                                                                                                               Source and             Verification Agency and
Disbursement-Linked Indicator                      Definition and Description of Achievement and Verification                 Time Frame                     Procedure
DLI 1. By 2021, access to electricity is provided to an additional 240,000 households and 2,600,000 students in un-electrified and poorly electrified areas.
2016 baseline: 0                          Definition:                                                                       KPP:              PEDO or EDP prepares an
All targets are cumulative and provide    For MHP, the DLI refers to the total households connected to the MHP grids        PEDO reports      attestation that the DLI is met and
the minimum threshold for                 provided by the RBL program. For solar sources, the DLI refers to the total       drawn from its    attaches the relevant report. The
disbursement without prejudice to the     number of students in schools provided with solar electricity by the RBL          PPMS.             IVA will verify the results each year
arrangements for partial disbursement.    program, to be obtained from education authorities.                                                 first, from the administrative
Disbursement targets for KPP:                                                                                               Punjab:           records. These will be the number
Households:                               Conditions for disbursement are met when (i) the total number of households       EDP reports       of consumers per site and
 2017: 40,000                            provided with electricity by the program from MHPs equals or exceeds the          drawn from its    schoolchildren in connected schools
 2018: 80,000                            annual cumulative target specified, and (ii) when the total number of students in PPMS.             in KPP and the number of
 2019:120,000                            beneficiary schools is equal to or exceeds the annual cumulative target           Frequency for     schoolchildren in connected schools
 2020: 180,000                           specified. In KPP, MHP    component   counts for 80% of full disbursement and     reporting will be in Punjab. Second, the IVA will back
 2021: 240,000                           solar sources component counts for 20% of full disbursement. For example, if      annual.           this up with random spot checks of
Students:                                 all the household targets are achieved but student targets are not, then 80% of                     communities, and schools in field
                                          the target amount allocated for KPP for that year will be disbursed.                                visits. Field trips may be combined

                                                                                                                                  Source and         Verification Agency and
Disbursement-Linked Indicator                       Definition and Description of Achievement and Verification                    Time Frame                Procedure
 2017: 160,000                            Partial disbursement: The DLI is scalable and partial disbursement is allowed                        as appropriate for DLIs 1 to 5, with
 2018: 320,000                            for each of the above components. If the target is not fully achieved, then                          checking of different elements for
 2019: 480,000                            disbursement is proportional to the increase made from the previous period’s                         each DLI on the same field trip.
 2020: 640,000                            targeted achievement for that component. The following formula will be applied:
 2021: 800,000                            Partial DLI disbursement = planned DLI disbursement for the period  (actual                         Within three weeks of receiving the
                                           achievement of the current period – targeted achievement of the previous                             independent verification report,
Disbursement targets for Punjab            period) / (targeted achievement of the current period – targeted achievement of                      ADB confirms that the target is met
Students:                                  the previous period).                                                                                and initiates the process of
 2017: 340,000                            Disbursements are allowed for early or late achievement of the DLI. This means                       disbursement.
 2018: 780,000                            that the planned disbursement amount for a given year can be released when
 2019: 1,120,000                          the set target is fully achieved, even if the achievement is a year or more late,
                                           as long as this is within the loan period. If the target achievement is early, early
 2020: 1,460,000
                                           disbursement can be made.
 2021: 1,800,000
DLI 2. By 2021, power generation capacity from clean energy sources is increased by an additional amount of 182 MW.
2016 baseline: 0                       Definition:                                                                          KPP:                PEDO or EDP prepares an
All targets are cumulative and provide Clean energy sources mean MHPs and solar plants installed by the RBL                 PEDO reports        attestation that the DLI is met and
the minimum threshold for              program in KPP, and solar plants installed by the RBL program in schools in          drawn from its      attaches the relevant report. The
disbursement without prejudice to the  Punjab, and the University of Bahawalpur. For each province, installed power         PPMS.               IVA will verify the results each year
arrangements for partial disbursement. generation capacity will be added up. There is no need to disaggregate by type                           through (i) a review of program
Disbursement targets for KPP:          of renewable sources.                                                                Punjab:             records on delivery, installation and
 2017: 31 MW                                                                                                               EDP reports         capacity of power source and (ii)
 2018: 61 MW                          Conditions for disbursement are met for each province when the total                 drawn from its      backed up by field spot checks. The
 2019: 92 MW                          installed capacity from the above sources reach or exceed the megawatts              PPMS.               verification process will take into
 2020: 122 MW                         specified in the annual target for that province.                                    Frequency for       account the different capacities of
 2021: 153 MW                                                                                                              reporting will be   each source. Field trips may be
Disbursement targets for Punjab:       Partial  disbursement:      The DLI is scalable and partial disbursement is allowed. annual.             combined as appropriate for DLIs 1
 2017: 6 MW                           If the target is not fully achieved, then disbursement is proportional to the                            to 5, with checking of different
 2018: 12 MW                          increase made from the previous period’s targeted achievement. The following                             elements for each DLI on the same
                                       formula will be applied:                                                                                 field trip.
 2019: 17 MW
                                       Partial DLI disbursement = planned DLI disbursement for the period  (actual                             Within three weeks of receiving the
 2020: 23 MW
                                       achievement of the current period – targeted achievement of the previous                                 independent verification report,
 2021: 29 MW
                                       period) / (targeted achievement of the current period – targeted achievement of                          ADB confirms that the target is met
                                       the previous period).                                                                                    and initiates the process of
                                       Disbursements are allowed for early or late achievement of the DLI. This means                           disbursement.
                                       that the planned disbursement amount for a given year can be released when

               For each year, the baseline (representing 0% disbursement) is taken from the previous period’s planned target, while the current year’s target (representing
               100% disbursement) is taken from the current year’s planned target.
               For each year, the baseline (representing 0% disbursement) is taken from the previous period’s planned target, while the current year’s target (representing
               100% disbursement) is taken from the current year’s planned target.

                                                                                                                                   Source and             Verification Agency and
Disbursement-Linked Indicator                        Definition and Description of Achievement and Verification                    Time Frame                    Procedure
                                          the set target is fully achieved, even if the achievement is a year or more late,
                                          as long as this is within the loan period. If the target achievement is early, early
                                          disbursement can be made.
DLI 3: By 2021, at least 26,587 sites have renewable energy-based power plants installed.
2016 baseline: 0                          Definition:                                                                            KPP:                PEDO or EDP prepares an
All targets are cumulative and provide    Renewable energy sources mean MHPs in KPP, and solar plants in schools                 PEDO reports        attestation that the DLI is met and
the minimum threshold for                 and PHFs in both KPP and Punjab. These are considered installed when the               drawn from its      attaches the relevant report. The
disbursement without prejudice to the     plant is operational and producing electricity. Whatever the installed capacity of     PPMS.               IVA will verify the results each year,
arrangements for partial disbursement.    the MHP or solar plants, each plant is counted as an entity.                                               in the same process as for DLIs 1 to
Disbursement targets for KPP:                                                                                                    Punjab:             5 (review of records backed up by
Total MHPs installed:                     Conditions for full disbursement are met for each province when the total              EDP reports         field spot checks). For DLI 3, field
 2017 : 200                              number of installations (MHPs and solar plants in KPP and solar plants in              drawn from its      checks will focus on the installation
 2018 : 400                              Punjab) is equal to or exceed the annual target for that province. For KPP, the        PPMS.               and operationalization of plants.
 2019 : 600                              MHPs account for 80% and solar plants for 20% of full disbursement. For                Frequency for       Field trips may be combined as
 2020 : 800                              example, if all the MHP installation targets are achieved but not the solar plant      reporting will be   appropriate for DLIs 1 to 5, with
 2021 : 1,000                            targets are achieved, then from the target amount allocated for DLI 3 for KPP          annual.             checking of different elements for
Solar plants installed:                   for that year, 80% disbursement will be made for the full achievement of MHP                               each DLI on the same field trip.
 2017: 1,637                             installation.                                                                                              Within three weeks of receiving the
 2018: 3,275                                                                                                                                        independent verification report,
                                          Partial disbursement: The DLI is scalable and partial disbursement is allowed                              ADB confirms that the target is met
 2019: 4,912
                                          for each component. If the target is not fully achieved, then disbursement is                              and initiates the process of
 2020: 6,550
                                          proportional to the increase made from the previous period’s targeted                                      disbursement.
 2021: 8,187                             achievement for that component. The following formula will be applied:
Disbursement targets for Punjab:
                                          Partial DLI disbursement = planned DLI disbursement for the period  (actual
Solar plants installed:
                                          achievement of the current period – targeted achievement of the previous
 2017: 3,480                             period) / (targeted achievement of the current period – targeted achievement of
 2018: 6,960                             the previous period).
 2019: 10,440                            Disbursements are allowed for early or late achievement of the DLI. This means
 2020: 13,920                            that the planned disbursement amount for a given year can be released when
 2021: 17,400                            the set target is fully achieved, even if the achievement is a year or more late,
                                          as long as this is within the loan period. If the target achievement is early, early
                                          disbursement can be made.
DLI 4: By 2021, at least 30% of schools with solar plant installed are girls’ schools.
2016 baseline: No school connected to     Definition: The numerator for this indicator is the number of girls-only schools       KPP:                PEDO or EDP prepares an
solar plant.                              (“girls’ schools”) connected to a solar plant. The denominator is the total number     PEDO reports        attestation that the DLI is met and
All targets are cumulative and provide    of schools connected to a solar plant. Each year, the numerator and                    drawn from its      attaches the relevant report. The
the minimum threshold for                 denominator are measured on a cumulative basis.                                        PPMS.               IVA will verify the results each year,
disbursement without prejudice to the                                                                                                                in the same two stage process as

               For each year, the baseline (representing 0% disbursement) is taken from the previous period’s planned target, while the current year’s target (representing
               100% disbursement) is taken from the current year’s planned target.

                                                                                                                                   Source and             Verification Agency and
Disbursement-Linked Indicator                      Definition and Description of Achievement and Verification                     Time Frame                      Procedure
arrangements for partial disbursement.     Conditions for disbursement are met for each province when the percentage            Punjab:             for DLIs 1 to 5 (first, review of
Disbursement targets (Share of girls       share of girls’ schools equals or exceeds the annual percentage target for that      EDP reports         program and school records;
schools within the total number of         province.                                                                            drawn from its      second, random spot checks
schools having received solar plants):                                                                                          PPMS.               conducted in the field).
for KPP:                                 Partial disbursement: The DLI is scalable and partial disbursement is allowed.         Frequency for       Field trips may be combined as
 2017: 6%                               If the target is not fully achieved, then disbursement is proportional to the          reporting will be   appropriate for DLIs 1 to 5, with
 2018: 12%                              increase made from the previous period’s targeted achievement. The following           annual.             checking of different elements for
 2019: 18%                              formula will be applied:                                                                                   each DLI on the same field trip.
 2020: 24%                              Partial DLI disbursement = planned DLI disbursement for the period  (actual                               Within three week of receiving the
 2021: 30%                              achievement of the current period – targeted achievement of the previous                                   independent verification report,
for Punjab:                              period) / (targeted achievement of the current period – targeted achievement of                            ADB confirms that the target is met
 2017: 6%                               the previous period).                                                                                      and initiates the process of
 2018: 12%                              Disbursements are allowed for early or late achievement of the DLI. This means                             disbursement.
 2019: 18%                              that the planned disbursement amount for a given year can be released when
                                         the set target is fully achieved, even if the achievement is a year or more late,
 2020: 24%
                                         as long as this is within the loan period. If the target achievement is early, early
 2021: 30%
                                         disbursement can be made.
DLI 5: By 2021, at least 7% of target households newly connected to electricity are women-headed households.
2016 baseline: 0                         Definition:                                                                            KPP:                PEDO or EDP prepares an
All targets are cumulative               The denominator for this indicator, the “target households”, means the                 PEDO reports        attestation that the DLI is met and
Disbursement targets for KPP:            households in the communities selected by the RBL program that have received           drawn from its      attaches the relevant report. The
All targets are cumulative and provide   electricity generated from MHPs. The numerator is the number of women-                 PPMS.               IVA will verify the results each year,
the minimum threshold for                headed households provided with electricity from MHPs under the RBL                                        in the same two stage process as
disbursement without prejudice to the    program. Women-headed households mean any household headed by: (i) a                   Punjab:             for DLIs 1 to 5 (first, review of
arrangements for partial disbursement.   single woman living on her own, with or without children, or (ii) a widow, or          EDP reports         program records, and second,
Share of women-headed households         woman separated from her husband for any reason, including migration, with or          drawn from its      random spot checks conducted in
within the total number of households in without children.                                                                      PPMS.               the field). Checks for this DLI will
KPP having received electricity                                                                                                 Frequency for       focus on the number of women-
generated from MHPs:                     Conditions for disbursement are met when the percentage share of women-                reporting will be   headed households in MHP
 2017: 2%                               headed households equals or exceeds the annual cumulative target for KPP.              annual.             beneficiary communities. Field trips
 2018: 4%                                                                                                                                          may be combined as appropriate for
 2019: 5%                               Partial disbursement: The DLI is scalable and partial disbursement is allowed.                             DLIs 1 to 5, with checking of
 2020: 6%                               If the target is not fully achieved, then disbursement is proportional to the                              different elements for each DLI on
 2021: 7%                               increase made from the previous period’s targeted achievement. The following                               the same field trip.
                                         formula will be applied:                                                                                   Within three week of receiving the
                                         Partial DLI disbursement = planned DLI disbursement for the period  (actual                               independent verification report,
                                         achievement of the current period – targeted achievement of the previous                                   ADB confirms that the target is met
                                                                                                                                                    and initiates the process of

               For each year, the baseline (representing 0% disbursement) is taken from the previous period’s planned target, while the current year’s target (representing
               100% disbursement) is taken from the current year’s planned target.

                                                                                                                                  Source and             Verification Agency and
Disbursement-Linked Indicator                     Definition and Description of Achievement and Verification                      Time Frame                    Procedure
                                         period) / (targeted achievement of the current period – targeted achievement of                            disbursement.
                                         the previous period).
                                         Disbursements are allowed for early or late achievement of the DLI. This means
                                         that the planned disbursement amount for a given year can be released when
                                         the set target is fully achieved, even if the achievement is a year or more late,
                                         as long as this is within the loan period. If the target achievement is early, early
                                         disbursement can be made.
DLI 6: By 2021, governance, financial management and procurement functions are improved.
2016 baseline: No procurement unit, no   Definition:                                                                            KPP:                PEDO or EDP prepares an
internal audit department.               The actions under DLI 6 in terms of institutional strengthening are measured by        PEDO reports        attestation that the DLI is met and
Disbursement targets for KPP:            the results produced, as follows:                                                                          attaches the relevant reportand the
 2017: (i) Corporate governance         a) An internal audit department must meets the following criteria. The                 Punjab:             following as applicable:.
  structure implemented, including       department (i) independently assesses the organization's risk management,              EDP reports         (a) for the implementation of the
  dedicated procurement unit, (ii)       governance and internal control system, (ii) reports regularly on these to the         Frequency for       corporate governance structure: a
  Internal audit department established  highest level in the organization (e.g., head of the organization, management          reporting will be   copy of the new corporate
  and operationalized, (iii) procurement and the audit committee), and (iii) is made up of qualified and skilled people         annual.             governance structure in place, with
  manual adopted (iv) business model     able to work in accordance with the requirements contained within the                                      an indication of the names of the
  adopted for micro-hydroelectricity     International Professional Practices Framework. Most importantly, the internal                             staff occupying the various
  plants, (v) program management unit    audit report (2018) and performance audit report (2021) produced by the                                    positions reflected in the structure,
  strengthened.                          internal audit department must meet the standards set by the Auditor-General of                            and a copy of the document which
 2018: First internal audit report      Pakistan.                                                                                                  describes the functions and
  approved by PEDO board.                b) A dedicated procurement unit must meets the following criteria: (i) it is                               responsibilities of each unit and
 2021: PEDO internal performance        established as a permanent unit of the organization with supplementary                                     position in the structure;
  audit report on the program produced.  procurement staff in the Program Management Unit, (ii) its functions are                                   (b) for the establishment of the
                                         procurement planning, procurement process, contract management and                                         dedicated procurement unit or
Disbursement targets for Punjab:         procurement monitoring and reporting, and (iii) the roles and accountabilities are                         internal audit department: a
 2017: (i) Dedicated procurement unit   clearly defined within the unit as well as with the rest of the organization.                              certification from the appropriate
  established, (ii) Internal audit       c) The procurement manual must be able to guide all PEDO/EDP activities in                                 officer of PEDO or EDP confirming
  department established and             procurement and contracting practices and must meet provincial regulatory                                  that the procurement unit or internal
  operationalized, (iii) Procurement     requirements in the procurement of all goods, services and works, as well as in                            audit department has been
  manual adopted, (iv) Program           the internal controls and standards of conduct for all personnel involved in the                           established and operationalized
  management unit strengthened.          procurement process.                                                                                       with a copy of the document which
 2018: EDP internal audit report        d) The business model adopted for MHPs means the KPP government has to                                     describes the functions and
  produced.                              review, select and adopt one of a number of business models developed as part                              responsibilities of the unit or
 2021: EDP internal performance audit   of the due diligence report under ADB’s TA 9047 PAK.                                                       department and a list of the names
  report on the program produced.        e) A strengthened program management unit means a unit that has been                                       of the staff occupying each position
                                         established and staffed in line with the organogram in the PPTA report, which                              in the unit or department;
                                         means having the operational strength to implement PAP.                                                    (c) for the adoption of the

               For each year, the baseline (representing 0% disbursement) is taken from the previous period’s planned target, while the current year’s target (representing
               100% disbursement) is taken from the current year’s planned target.

                                                                                                                            Source and            Verification Agency and
Disbursement-Linked Indicator                    Definition and Description of Achievement and Verification                 Time Frame                   Procedure
                                                                                                                                           procurement manual or business
                                        Conditions for disbursement are met for each province when the institutional                       model: a copy of the notification or
                                        action(s) specified for that year has been completed and the entities or products                  other order of the appropriate body
                                        set up or produced meet the criteria set out in (a) to (d) above. For 2017, each                   or officer in PEDO or EDP adopting
                                        of the 5 actions required of the KPP government accounts for 20% of the full                       the procurement manual or
                                        disbursement allocation for that year, while for Punjab, each of the 4 actions                     business model, and a copy of the
                                        required accounts for 25% of the full disbursement allocation for that year. That                  manual or model;
                                        is, if Punjab completes only the action on internal audit and no other in 2017,                    (d) for the strengthening of the
                                        then it will receive only 25% of the full allocation for that year.                                program management unit: a
                                                                                                                                           certification of the appropriate
                                        Partial disbursement is not allowed: The DLI is not scalable. The action has                       officer in PEDO or EDP listing the
                                        to be completed before any disbursement. Disbursements are not allowed for                         actions that were completed in
                                        late achievement of the DLI. This means that all actions and reports must be                       order to strengthen the program
                                        completed on time. Early payment against an earlier than scheduled completion                      management unit, with an indication
                                        date is allowed.                                                                                   of the dates of completion and other
                                                                                                                                           supporting details.

                                                                                                                                          The IVA will verify the results in
                                                                                                                                          2017, 2018 and 2021 on the basis
                                                                                                                                          of the required reports.
                                                                                                                                          Within three week of receiving the
                                                                                                                                          independent verification report,
                                                                                                                                          ADB confirms that the target is met
                                                                                                                                          and initiates the process of
DLI 7: From 2017, ICT-driven program performance monitoring system (PPMS) is operationalized, to produce annual performance monitoring reports on all indicators and
PAP actions.
2016 baseline: No PPMS                Definition:                                                                       KPP:              PEDO or EDP prepares an
Disbursement targets for KPP:         Operationalization of PPMS means the establishment of the PPMS in EDP and         PEDO reports      attestation that the DLI is met and
 2017: PPMS set up in PEDO, 2017     PEDO, with the required software and capacity in place to (i) conduct             drawn from its    attaches the relevant report.
  report issued                       performance monitoring of all DMF indicators as well as additional indicators, as PPMS.             The IVA will verify the results each
 20182021: annual performance       required, for the procurement, installation and functioning of MHP and solar                        year on the basis of the
  monitoring report issued on all     plants, and (ii) to implement all the PAP actions as agreed. The PPMS should      Punjab:           performance monitoring reports.
  indicators and PAP actions.         be a web-based monitoring system, to allow for data transmission and collection EDP reports         Within three week of receiving the
                                      from remote locations. “All indicators” mean all the indicators agreed on by all  drawn from its    independent verification report,
Disbursement targets for Punjab:      stakeholders in the early part of 2017.                                           PPMS.             ADB confirms that the target is met
 2017: PPMS set up in EDP, 2017                                                                                        Frequency  for    and initiates the process of
  report issued                       Conditions for disbursement are met for each province when the actions            reporting will be disbursement.
 20182021: annual performance       specified for that year are met. For 2017, full disbursement requires (a) PPMS    annual.
  monitoring report issued on all     to be set up (50% of full disbursement allocation for that year) and (b) a 2017
  indicators and PAP actions.         report to be produced on all indicators (50% of full disbursement allocation for

                                                                                                                                     Source and              Verification Agency and
Disbursement-Linked Indicator                        Definition and Description of Achievement and Verification                      Time Frame                     Procedure
                                            that year).

                                              Partial disbursement is not allowed: The DLI is not scalable. Disbursements
                                              are also not allowed for late achievement of the DLI.
DLI 8: By 2019, energy audits are conducted on 100% of identified public sector buildings and a model net zero building is constructed.
2016 baseline: No energy audits               Definition:                                                                              EDP reports       EDP prepares an attestation that
                                              “Identified public sector buildings” are all those in the list developed by EDP in       drawn from its    the DLI is met and attaches the
Disbursement targets for Punjab:              the first quarter of 2017 and acceptable to ADB. The number of buildings on this PPMS.                     relevant report. The IVA will verify
2017:                                         list constitutes the denominator for this indicator for 2017 and 2018. The               Frequency for     the results for energy audits in
 30% of identified public sector             numerator is the number of buildings from the list that have had energy audits           reporting will be 2017, 2018 and 2019 on the basis
  buildings have conducted energy             conducted. “Net zero building” means a 62% reduction from current average                annual.           of the energy audit reports
  audits                                      level for net emission.                                                                                    produced in 2017 and 2018, and
 Construction of model net zero                                                                                                                         the approval of follow up on energy
  building initiated                          Conditions for disbursement for the energy audits are met when the                                         audit recommendations in 2019.
2017:                                         percentage targets for 2017 and 2018 are achieved, and when the institutional                              For the construction and
 100% of identified buildings have           actions specified for each year have been completed. For the net-zero building,                            government standards on net zero
  conducted energy audits                     condition for disbursement for the 2017 target is met when civil works are                                 building, the IVA will conduct
2018:                                         started and target for 2019 is met when the building has been completed,                                   checks of the site and the
 Methodology developed and approved furnished, equipped and Energy Department staff shifted to the building. For                                        notification of standards.
  for follow-up on energy audit recom-        each   year,  the institutional actions relating to energy  audits are allocated  15% of                   Within three week of receiving the
  mendations                                  the full disbursement amount and institutional actions relating to net-zero                                independent verification report,
 Construction of model net zero              building are allocated 85% of the full disbursement amount for that year.                                  ADB confirms that the target is met
  building completed and government                                                                                                                      and initiates the process of
  standards and design for zero-net           Partial disbursement: For 2017 and 2018 energy audits percentage targets,                                  disbursement.
  buildings notified.                         the  DLI  is scalable  and  partial disbursement   is allowed. However,   partial
                                              disbursement is not allowed for the institutional actions. Disbursements are
                                              allowed for early or late achievement of the DLI. This means that the planned
                                              disbursement amount for a given year can be released when the set target is
                                              fully achieved, even if the achievement is a year or more late, as long as this is
                                              within the loan period. If the target achievement is early, early disbursement can
                                              be made.
            ADB = Asian Development Bank, DLI = disbursement-linked indicator, EDP = Energy Department of Punjab, ICT = Information and Communication Technology, KPP =
            Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, MHP = micro-hydropower plant, MW = megawatt, PEDO = Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization, PAP = program action plan,
            PHF = primary health care facility, PPMS = program performance monitoring system, RBL = results-based lending.
            Sources: Asian Development Bank, Energy Department of Punjab, and Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization.

B.       Disbursement Allocation and Status

                                          Table 4: Disbursement Schedule for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
                                                                 ($ million)
                                                                                          Share of
                                                                            Total ADB    total ADB
                                                                            Financing    financing
          Disbursement Linked Indicator                                     Allocation      (%)        2017     2018      2019      2020    2021
          By 2021, access to electricity is provided to an additional
 DLI 1    240,000 households and 800,000 students in un-electrified           44.65        20%         8.93      8.93      8.93     8.93    8.93
          and poorly electrified areas.

          By 2021, power generation capacity from clean energy
 DLI 2                                                                        55.85        25%         11.17    11.17     11.17     11.17   11.17
          sources is increased by an additional amount of 153 MW.

          By 2021, at least 9,187 sites have renewable energy-based
 DLI 3                                                                        44.65        20%         8.93      8.93      8.93     8.93    8.93
          power plants installed.
          By 2021, at least 30% of schools with solar plant installed are
 DLI 4                                                                        15.65         7%         3.13      3.13      3.13     3.13    3.13
          girls schools.
          By 2021, at least 7% of target households newly connected
 DLI 5                                                                        17.85         8%         3.57      3.57      3.57     3.57    3.57
          to electricity are women-headed households.
          By 2021, governance, financial management and
 DLI 6                                                                        22.34        10%         13.40     4.47      0.00     0.00    4.47
          procurement functions are improved.
          From 2017, ICT-driven program performance monitoring
          system (PPMS) is operationalized to produce annual
 DLI 7                                                                        22.32        10%         11.16     4.47      2.23     2.23    2.23
          performance monitoring reports on all indicators and PAP

          By 2019, 100% of identified public sector buildings have
 DLI 8    conducted energy audits and the methodology for follow-up           0.00          0%         0.00      0.00      0.00     0.00    0.00
          on energy audit recommendations has been approved.

          Subtotal                                                           223.31         100%        60.29     44.67   37.96     37.96   42.43
          Interest and Commitment Charges                                     14.00
          Total                                                              237.31
ADB = Asian Development Bank, DLI = disbursement-linked indicator, ICT = Information and Communication Technology, MW = megawatt.
Sources: Asian Development Bank and Energy Department of Punjab.

                                                  Table 5: Disbursement Schedule for Punjab
                                                                   ($ million)
                                                                                         Share of
                                                                        Total ADB       total ADB
                                                                        financing       financing
          Disbursement Linked Indicator                                 allocation         (%)        2017     2018      2019       2020    2021
          By 2021, access to electricity is provided to an additional
 DLI 1    1,800,000 students in un-electrified and poorly electrified     16.75           20%         3.35      3.35      3.35      3.35    3.35
          By 2021, power generation capacity from clean energy
 DLI 2                                                                    20.90           25%         4.18      4.18      4.18      4.18    4.18
          sources is increased by an additional amount of 29 MW.
          By 2021, at least 17,400 sites have renewable energy-
 DLI 3                                                                    16.75           20%         3.35      3.35      3.35      3.35    3.35
          based power plants installed.
          By 2021, at least 30% of schools with solar plant installed
 DLI 4                                                                    6.70             8%         1.34      1.34      1.34      1.34    1.34
          are girls schools.
          By 2021, at least 7% of target households newly connected
 DLI 5                                                                    0.00             0%         0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00
          to electricity are women-headed households.
          By 2021, governance, financial management and
 DLI 6                                                                    8.36            10%         5.02      1.67      0.00      0.00    1.67
          procurement functions are improved.
          From 2017, ICT-driven program performance monitoring
          system (PPMS) is operationalized to produce annual
 DLI 7                                                                    7.54             9%         4.18      0.84      0.84      0.84    0.84
          performance monitoring reports on all indicators and PAP
          By 2019, 100% of identified public sector buildings have
 DLI 8    conducted energy audits and the methodology for follow-up       6.69             8%         1.67      2.51      2.51      0.00    0.00
          on energy audit recommendations has been approved.
          Subtotal                                                           83.69          100%        23.09   17.24    15.57      13.06   14.73
          Interest and Commitment Charges                                     4.00
          Total                                                              87.69
ADB = Asian Development Bank, DLI = disbursement-linked indicator, ICT = Information and Communication Technology, MW = megawatt.
Sources: Asian Development Bank, Energy Department of Punjab, and Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization.

                                    III.      Expenditure Framework and Financing

A.         Expenditure Framework

2.     Program expenditures. The broader government programs’ expenditures are estimated
to be $26,280 million from 2017 to 2021, of which the RBL program expenditures are estimated
to be $454.3 million.

3.     Program financing plan is summarized in Table 6. The co-financing from AFD will be
loan. The cofinancing will be joint and collaborative, and will not be administered by ADB.

                                           Table 6: Program Financing Plan
                                                                              KPP                  Share of Total
Source                                                         Punjab      ($ million)   Program        (%)
 Provincial government                                    13.8        26.9        40.8            9.0
Community contribution                                        -         9.9        9.9            2.2
Development partners
 Asian Development Bank
        Ordinary capital resources (loan)                 87.6       237.3      325.0            71.5
Agence Française de Développement                         22.4        56.2        78.6           17.3
Total                                                    124.0       330.3       454.3          100.0
KPP = Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Sources: Asian Development Bank estimates, Energy Department of Punjab, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

                      IV.      Program Systems and Implementation Arrangements

A.         MHP Implementation Business Model

4.      Under the RBL program, the MHPs will provide electricity to around 1.5 million people in
rural areas of KPP, and solar plants installed at schools will provide electricity to more than 2.6
million students, including 1.2 million girls. The MHP program will be implemented with the
assistance of NGOs, hired through a competitive procurement process serving as the lead
partner of the contractor, and responsible for site selection, conducting feasibility study and
community mobilization. The contractor team will together be responsible for construction of the
plant and training of the community team on operation and maintenance. The community
organizations will be responsible for operation and maintenance of the plant and collection of
cost recovery tariff to ensure sustainability. Four possible business models have been
developed by the project preparatory technical assistance consultant. In all possible business
models, the following essentials to ensure successful project implementation and a sustained
long term operation are to be address:
        (i)    Tariff: Application of proper tariff scheme covering all costs of direct expenses for
               operation and maintenance, financial contingency for unexpected events and the
               accumulation of funds for future renewal of the asset.
        (ii)   Licencing: All projects independent from the ownership has to ensure that they
               dispose all the necessary licences and approvals according to federal and
               provincial regulation.

    The interest and other charges during construction to be capitalized in the loan.

        (iii)          Fulfil provision for operation and maintenance: To ensure a safe and stable
                       operation and to enable a maximal lifetime of the micro-hydropower plant the
                       provisions for operation and maintenance are to fulfil.
        (iv)           Funds: The owners and the operators have to ensure – observed by PEDO –
                       that they allocate the dedicated shares of tariffs for contingency and renewal in
                       the foreseen accounts.
        (v)            Social and Environmental Safeguard: All provisions concerning social and
                       environmental safeguard are to fulfil.

5.      Based on the above essentials for sustainability, Table 7 shows different models.

                                  Table 7: Options to Structure the Business Model
  Model                 Development and Construction                   Asset Management and Operation
    No.          Project Owner        Project Developer            Asset Owner           Asset Operator
A.I             PEDO             Development Contractor         Community           Community
A.II            PEDO             Development Contractor         PEDO                Community
A.III           PEDO             Development Contractor         Community           O&M Provider
A.IV            PEDO             Development Contractor         PEDO                O&M Provider
B               PEDO             Development Contractor         Private             Private Investor/Operator
C               Private Investor       Private Investor         Private Investor    Private Investor/Operator

6.     Four different business models have been proposed by the PPTA consultants. Details
are as below:
      Business Model – Privatisation
       Figure 1: Business Model for Plants with Generation Capacity Up to 200 KWs

                 Development                    Operation

                                                             A. Funds out of Hydro Power Fund of
                       HDF                                      Government of KP are allocated to PEDO
                                                             B. PEDO selects the developer/Mobilizer to
                   A                                            perform the works.
                                            E                C. Development Contractor/Mobilizer shall
                       PEDO                        COMITY       direct interact with Community for social
                                                                mobilisation and project development
                                                             D. PEDO shall approve technical proposals,
                   B          D                                 ensure the process follows the rules and
                                                                receive the final works when
                Development                                     commissioned.
                 Contractor/                                 E. PEDO is transferring the asset to the
                                                                COMITY -in the form of COMITY- and
                                                                ultimate responsible of the Operation and
                              C                                 Maintenance as owner of the plant as all
                                                                liabilities* are transferred to COMITY
                 Community                                   *in case of full ownership transfer

COMITY=group of people nominated by a community, HDF= Hydel Development Fund, PEDO= Pakhtunkhwa
Energy Development Organization.
Source: Asian Development Bank project preparatory technical assistance (TA-9047) for the Access to Clean Energy
Investment Project consultants’ report.

     Figure        Model
            2: Business   – Privatisation
                        Model for Plants with Generation Capacity from 200 to 500 KWs
                                         (Option 1)

              Development                Operation
                                                            A. Funds out of Hydro Power Fund of
                   HDF                                         Government of KP are allocated to PEDO
                                                            B. PEDO selects the developer/Mobilizer to
                                                               perform the works.
                                                            C. Development Contractor/Mobilizer shall
                                                               direct interact with Community for social
                   PEDO                    COMITY              mobilisation and project development
                                                            D. PEDO shall approve technical proposals,
                                                               ensure the process follows the rules and
               B          D                       F            receive the final works when
             Development                  O&M Prov.         E. PEDO is transferring the asset to the
              Contractor/                                      COMITY -in the form of COMITY- and
               Mobilizer                                       ultimate responsible of the Operation and
                                                               Maintenance as owner of the plant as all
                          C                                    liabilities* are transferred to COMITY
                                                            F. COMITY is undertaking an operation &
             Community                                         maintenance agreement with an private
                                                               service provider

COMITY= group of people nominated by a community, HDF= Hydel Development Fund, KP= Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
O&M=operations and maintenance, PEDO= Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization.
Source: Asian Development Bank project preparatory technical assistance (TA-9047) for the Access to Clean Energy
Investment Project consultants’ report.

     Business    Model Model
      Figure 3: Business – Lease-Out
                             for Plants with generation capacity from 200 to 500 KWs
                                                  (Option 2)

              Development                Operation         A. Funds out of Hydro Power Fund of
                                                              Government of KP are allocated to PEDO
                                                           B. PEDO selects the developer/Mobilizer to
                   HDF                                        perform the works.
                                                           C. Development Contractor/Mobilizer shall
               A                         O&M Prov.            direct interact with Community for social
                                                              mobilisation and project development
                   PEDO                                    D. PEDO shall approve technical proposals,
                                     E                        ensure the process follows the rules and
                                                              receive the final works when
               B          D                                   commissioned.
                                                           E. PEDO shall undertake a Lease Agreement
             Development                 Community            for operation and maintenance with a
              Contractor/                                     private sector O&M provider.
                                                           PEDO shall be ultimate responsible of the
                          C                                Operation and Maintenance as owner of the
                                                           Plant. Community is beneficiary of the
                                                           All liabilities are by PEDO.

HDF= Hydel Development Fund, O&M=operations and maintenance, PEDO= Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development
Source: Asian Development Bank project preparatory technical assistance (TA-9047) for the Access to Clean Energy
Investment Project consultants’ report.
       Business Model – Privatisation
     Figure 4: Business Model for Plants with Generation Capacity from 500 – 1000 KWs

             Development                Operation
                                                            A. Funds out of Hydro Power Fund of
                                                               Government of KP are allocated to PEDO
                   HDF                                      B. PEDO selects the developer/Mobilizer to
                                                               perform the works.
               A                                            C. Development Contractor/Mobilizer shall
                                                               direct interact with Community for social
                   PEDO                Private Investor        mobilisation and project development
                                                            D. PEDO shall approve technical proposals,
                                                               ensure the process follows the rules and
               B          D                       F            receive the final works when
             Development                                    E. PEDO is privatizing and transferring the
                                          O&M Prov.            asset to an private investor
               Mobilizer                                    F. Private investor is undertaking the
                                                               operation & maintenance by himself or he
                          C                                    is awarding an private service provider
                                                               with an operation & maintenance

HDF= Hydel Development Fund, KP= Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, O&M=operations and maintenance, PEDO=
Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization.
Source: Asian Development Bank project preparatory technical assistance (TA-9047) for the Access to Clean Energy
Investment Project consultants’ report.

B.      Monitoring and Evaluation System

7.      This section describes the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system that will apply to the
rest of the program period with RBL financing, and incorporates the recommendations of the
program M&E system assessment on ongoing M&E activities.

        1.         Summary of Monitoring and Evaluation System

8.      Institutional arrangements. Similar M&E systems to track program progress for KPP
and Punjab are managed in parallel and will report on program progress to ADB; and coordinate
with the relevant provincial departments. The M&E responsibilities are summarized in Table 8.

                              Table 8: M&E Responsibilities by Agency
 Agency                                                   Responsibilities
 PEDO, EDP, and           
                         Populate the web-based M&E system with field information.
 PEECA                    
                         Verify and confirm the field information.
                         Maintain the M&E system.
                         Issue and approve the quarterly reports.
                         Submit disbursement requests to ADB.
                         Coordinate with provincial finance, education, and health departments.
 ADB                      
                         Process disbursements based on fulfillment of DLIs.
                         Monitor the program status.
                         Periodically deploy TA consultants to validate PEDO and EDP’s reports on DLIs (see
                         para __).
 Provincial health,   Facilitate data collection of field information during the operations and maintenance
 finance and             stage for the solar program.
 education            Provide inputs on status of indicators in the solar-powered schools and primary
 departments             healthcare facilities.
ADB = Asian Development Bank, DLI = disbursement-linked indicator, DMF = design and monitoring framework, EDP
= Energy Department of Punjab, M&E = monitoring and evaluation, PEDO = Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development
Organization, PEECA = Punjab Energy Efficiency and Conservation Agency, TA = technical assistance.

9.      M&E indicators. The expanded M&E indicators for the rest of the program period, which

will be monitored by PEDO, EDP and PEECA. The agencies will update the status of the
program DMF, DLIs, and PAP; and compliance with the loan agreement. The key indicators are
in Table 9. The M&E systems will be web-based, where the data on indicators will be
aggregated in quarterly progress reports for the entire program, and for specific indicators.

10.       Organizational setup and information flow for M&E. Figure 5 illustrates this process.

11.     Data collection, analysis, and reporting with web-based M&E system. A web-based
M&E system is being designed,2 which will enable PEDO, EDP and PEECA to effectively
monitor the expanded M&E indicators. The system will allow large volumes of data to be
collated, analyzed and captured in the program progress reports to be submitted to (i) the
provincial energy, health and education department secretaries; and (ii) ADB bi-annually.

12.     Program evaluation. Within two years after RBL effectiveness, ADB will field a midterm
review to report on the progress against the program indicators, and agree on catch-up
measures for any delays. Within one year from RBL closing, the program EAs will submit
program completion reports to ADB and the Government on the results of the programs in KP
and Punjab. Within two years from RBL closing, ADB, in consultation with the EAs, will prepare
its own program completion report, and share the same with the Government.

                                       Table 9: Key M&E Indicators
                                                   Program     Responsible              Minimum Deliverable to
                                                   Indicator Monitoring Agency         Monitoring External Parties
Key Indicator                                      DMF DLI PEDO EDP PEECA DC           Frequency PPR        WA
Number of approved feasibility studies               *       *                          Quarterly    *
Energy produced                                      *       *    *                      Monthly     *
Commissioned capacity                                *    *  *    *                      Monthly     *       *
Beneficiary population                               *    *  *    *                      Monthly     *       *
Female population benefited                          *    *  *    *                      Monthly     *       *
Percentage of women-headed households                *    *  *                           Monthly     *       *
Number of women trained on using energy benefits     *    *                   *         Quarterly    *       *
Percentage of private operators                      *       *                          Quarterly    *
Number of jobs created                               *       *    *                      Yearly      *
GHG mitigation                                       *       *    *                      Monthly     *
Final capacity expected                              *       *    *                     Quarterly    *
Number of created utilities                          *    *  *    *                      Monthly     *       *
Aggregated cost                                      *       *    *                      Monthly     *
Percentage of annuity recovered                      *       *                          Quarterly    *
Global availability                                  *       *    *                     Quarterly    *
Number of complaints                                 *       *    *                     Quarterly    *
Percentage of girl schools                           *    *       *                      Monthly     *       *
Number of PHFs with delivery and antenatal care      *    *       *                      Monthly     *       *
Percentage of compliance with BPEELs                                     *               Yearly      *       *
Compliance with energy efficiency audits in public
                                                                               *          Yearly        *       *
building plan
Compliance with construction work plan for the ERC                             *        Quarterly       *       *
 BPEEL = best-practice energy efficiency legislation, DC = contractor, DLI = disbursement-linked indicator, DMF =
 design and monitoring framework, EDP = Energy Department of Punjab, ERC = Energy Resource Center, M&E =
 monitoring and evaluation, PEDO = Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization, PEECA = Punjab Energy
 Efficiency and Conservation Agency, PHF = primary healthcare facility, PPR = program progress report, WA =
 withdrawal application.

    The system is being developed by the project preparatory TA consultants under TA 9047-PAK: Access to Clean
    Energy Investment Project, and finalized with PEDO and EDP.
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