WPT1 Deliverable 1.1.2 Report on preparation of the on-line database - UL Team: Naja Marot, Špela Kolarič, Barbara Černič Mali Inframe: Jernej ...
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WPT1 Deliverable 1.1.2 Report on preparation of the on-line database UL Team: Naja Marot, Špela Kolarič, Barbara Černič Mali Inframe: Jernej Klanšek
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database Authors: Naja Marot, Špela Kolarič, Barbara Černič Mali Department of Landscape Architecture, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana Ljubljana, December 2016 External expertise: Author: Jernej Klanšek Inframe, spletni studio. URL: https://www.inframe.si/ Trbovlje, December 2016 European Regional Development Fund 2
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database Index 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 5 2 SELECTION AND COLLECTION OF THE DATA/DOCUMENTS .................................. 6 2.1 Instructions for the preparation of the list ....................................................... 6 2.2 Feedback on the preparation of the list ............................................................ 7 2.3 Collection of the documents .............................................................................. 9 2.4 Preparation of the basic/detailed profiles of the documents ......................... 9 3 TECHNICAL SOLUTION ............................................................................................. 11 4 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF THE DATABASE ................................................. 12 5 STRENGHTS AND WEAKNESSES OF THE DATABASE ............................................. 15 Appendices Appendix 1: List of the documents in the database (by country and by sector) 17 Appendix 2: Form A + Form B 32 European Regional Development Fund 3
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database European Regional Development Fund 4
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database 1 INTRODUCTION The Deliverable 1.1.2 is a part of the first output in the WPT1 A.T1.1 Database of the existing strategies. As stated in the AF, the purpose of the database “will consist of general/sector specific SGI strategies (macro-regional, national, regional and intercommunal level). It will provide basic data on strategies and be a necessity for further work in WPT2 and WPT3.” It is one of the strategic elements project will develop to improve the framework conditions for innovation, in this case for the better and more efficient provision of the SGI. It is the major important input for the think-tank platform since it will provide the ground for the bench marking for different stakeholders, relevant for the provision of the SGI in the Alpine Space. These stakeholders are able to learn about provision’s approaches from different countries through browsing the basic/detailed profiles of the documents (strategies, policies, regulation), and they can also download them/browse them in the web. The database is publically available on the link: http://intesi.at/about/work-package-t1/ as the result of the WPT1. To provide durability, the database will be later moved to the think-thank platform. Among the major potential users are: _ local/regional/national public authorities, _ sectoral agencies, _ infrastructure and (public) service providers. Additional, the database could be also useful to the European Commission, since it contains the major regulation on SGI for all five participating Alpine countries. The database includes 257 documents (Appendix 1) of the examined SGI sectors (general, regional development, basic goods, social care, education, health, infrastructure, transport), which are of strategic (strategies, guidelines, plans) and legal (legislative acts) importance for the delivery of SGI. Austria participated 36 documents in the database, France 59, Italy 59, Slovenia 45, and Switzerland 58. When making the selection, the countries also tried to aim for a balanced representation of the documents at all administrative levels (national, regional, local). The input for the database was according to the partners contributed by: _ AT – Tirol: Josef Danner, Jakob Egg, Daniela Kern, Michaela Perktold, Riedel Manfred, Günter Salchner, Eva-Maria Schiestl, Johannes Schöch, Walter Ernestine (AT – Tyrol); _ AT – Carinthia: Jörg Putzl, Hans Schuschnig _ France: Tania Hoogteiling, Adrien Devos, Guillaume Doukhan, Jean Horgues-Debat / Francois Trusson, Nicolas Sizaret; _ IT – Lombardy: Cristina Pellegrino, Daniela Brioschi; _ IT – Bolzano: Clare Guliani, Christian Hoffman; _ SI: Špela Kolarič, Barbara Černič Mali, Vlasta Damjanovič; _ CH: Peter Niederer, Thomas Egger. European Regional Development Fund 5
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database 2 SELECTION AND COLLECTION OF THE DATA/DOCUMENTS The preparation of the on-line database was done in these steps: 1. Preparation of the preliminary list of the strategies to be included into the database (by PPs) 2. Discussion and negotiation about the list of the strategies and open questions (each of the PPs with UL) -> formation of the final list (.doc) with the basic data (.xls) 3. Preparation of the basic/detailed profiles (by PPs) 4. Review of the prepared profiles and feedback to the partners (UL) 5. Update of the profiles -> final .xls document as an input for the database 6. Preparation of the technical solution 7. Publishing of the database on-line 2.1 Instructions for the preparation of the list The list was done by the partners in the .xls form. The file was divided into the sheets of which each represented one sector. The list should have included documents from the following sectors: General (not specific to any sector) / Regional Development / Transport / Telecommunication / Basic goods (shops) / Health / Social care / Education. If all sectors were not included, PPs explained this in the accompanying .doc document. Each sheet had 7 columns in which PPs inserted: _ name of the document in the original language _ (translated) name of the document in English _ administrative level of the document _ type of the document _ year of adoption _ (foreseen) duration _ comments PPs got the following instructions for filling in the table: For filling in the table, please use only the categories specified for each element below. If you have some troubles doing so, please explain this in the extra column titled Comment. The categories for the elements are: _ Name of the document in the original language: insert the name of the document in the original language. _ (Translated) name of the document in English: insert the name of the document in English (if there is an original translation) or translate the name of the document by yourself. We need this to arrange the documents according to the content and to enable their general understanding across the Alpine space. _ Administrative level: federal or national / state or province / regional / intercommunal / municipal In the case where your country is federal, please use “state” for the “Länder” level. European Regional Development Fund 6
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database _ Type of the document: legislation / strategy / programme / guideline / action plan / spatial plan / other Please, use one of the categories if possible. If not, specify why and which one you suggest in the “comment” section. _ Year of adoption: Insert the year when the document was adopted and became valid. In the official legal registries, you may find several dates. In the case of legislation use the year in which the legislation has become valid and in use. Strategies and policy documents usually have just one date/year of adoption, so this should not be a problem. _ Duration: In regards to duration, there can be several options. The duration period can already be found in the name of the document, e.g. Energy policy 2014-2020, or it can be described in the document’s introduction with words like “until 2020”. The document can also have unlimited time duration. In this case, insert ‘unlimited’. If the document was planned to last only until a certain year, which is in the past already but is now still valid and it is being used, insert the official duration and add ‘prolonged’. 2.2 Feedback on the preparation of the list Until May 15th UL collected lists of the strategies from Austrian, French, Italian and Slovene partners; the list for the Swiss partners was still missing. We performed a check- up of the extent and content of the lists. The documents suggested for the final list and inclusion into the database were coloured green. Figure 1: Pyramid of documents to be inserted into the database. (Author: Š. Kolarič) European Regional Development Fund 7
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database The criteria for the final selection of the documents were in line with the material sent in to the partners in advance. The following characteristics were recognized as important: 1. A document is of strategic importance (federal, national, regional, inter- municipal level) or it represents a major law. 2. A documents concerns one of the following sectors: general, e.g. development strategies, a constitution), regional development, basic goods, social care, education, health, infrastructure, transport. In case documents were submitted concerning other sectors or policy fields, e.g. climate change, tourism, energy, they were not marked in the list in green colour and will not be taken into account in the future analyses. 3. We have taken care that there is a balance between the presence among different types of documents and different levels on which the documents were adopted and are implemented, e.g. in case of prevalence of local documents, we have pre-selected the most relevant for you. 4. In case when the same document occurred in the tables of two partners, we have marked the document for one partner and for the other “delete” it. This was done in a way that there is a balance between the partners. According to these instructions PPs themselves reported (in the D2.2.2 Transnational workshop) the following criteria for the selection of the documents: administrative level (IT), focus on territorial impact (IT), validity of documents (SI, CH), indication of sectors (IT), coverage of different sectors (IT), availability of the documents (AT), e.g. nothing on basic goods (CH, SI), type of documents – laws, ordinances, regulation (AT, CH), presence of the integration approach (AT, CH) and number of the strategies available (SI, CH). In the overview deficiencies were marked which PPs needed to address before the documents could have become part of the database. The cells to be rechecked were coloured yellow. In the most cases, PPS were provided with the tasks in the Comments section. One of the following corrections were necessary (according to the columns) as the following instructions were given to the PPs: _ (Translated) name of the document in English: Check if the translation of the document is official or was provided by you. Especially, in the second case, the translation should be professional and corresponding to the title of the document. _ Administrative level: Due to the mix of federal and non-federal countries, there is a difficulty of how to diversify between different administrative levels. According to the country, the use of the categories (federal or national / state or province or cantonal or departmental / regional / intercommunal / municipal) should be following: Austria: federal / state / regional / intercommunal / municipal France: national / departmental / regional / intercommunal / municipal Italy: national / provincial / regional / intercommunal /municipal European Regional Development Fund 8
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database Slovenia: national / regional / intercommunal / municipal Switzerland: federal /cantonal /regional / intercommunal / municipal Please, recheck if your use of categories applies to this. _ Duration: Recheck if you used the appropriate categories. In regards to duration, there can be several options. The duration period can already be found in the name of the document, e.g. Energy policy 2014-2020, or it can be described in the document’s introduction with words like “until 2020”. The document can also have unlimited time duration. In this case, insert ‘unlimited’. If the document was planned to last only until a certain year, which is in the past already but is now still valid and it is being used, insert the official duration and add ‘prolonged’. 2.3 Collection of the documents After the initial list was prepared and basic data was provided, PPs as part of the Deliverable 1.1.1 Regional collection of the strategies, provided the files of these documents. Documents were collected as .doc/.docx/.pdf formats. To ease, the later work, each of the (strategy) documents was saved with the following name: Countryabbreviationconsequentnumber_NUTS code_major words from the title_yearofadoption.doc/.docx/.pdf. Example would be SI01_NUTS1_Nationalspatial development strategy_2004.pdf. Country abbreviations are the following: AT – Austria, CH – Switzerland, DE – Germany, FR – France, IT – Italy, SI – Slovenia. Partners were provided both, with the list of NUTS and the list of LAUs in the co- operating countries. More on the collection in the D 1.1.1. Regional collections of strategies. 2.4 Preparation of the basic/detailed profiles of the documents According to the tasks of the WPT1 UL needed to collect also more detailed information on the strategic documents. PPs could have gathered in the following ways: By reading and analysing the document and its content. By reading and analysing the supporting documents, e.g. explanatory documents, regulation etc. By gathering the data through the interviews. The data to be inserted in by the PPs was visible from the provided columns in the .xls Tables_EXTENSION.xls. First PPs inserted one row at the top of the table, then copy- paste these columns into the final version of table – with cleaned list of the documents. Initial data cells were extended on the basis of the Form A and B (Appendix 2). The categories and detailed explanations for the elements are: _Legally binding/non-binding: Please, choose one of these two options for the analysed documents. European Regional Development Fund 9
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database _Types of services of general interest covered: insert which services of general interests are covered. Insert abbreviations: SGI – services of general interest (general coverages), SGEI – services of general economic interest, NSGI – non-economic services of general interest, SSGI – social services of general interest. _ Integration as a concept for delivery of services: a) Integration mentioned: Insert Yes or No. b) Insert X to the governance elements that are mentioned for the integration. Actors Policies Administrative Financial Others levels sources x X Insert. c) Provide a short description how. Here describe shortly how integration is mentioned (objectives, measures). You can also insert the quotes from the documents. _ Major objectives, defined in the strategy in regards to the delivery of SGI: Please, list the major objectives of the document related to the SGI. In [] write the number of objectives, connected to the SGI / sum of all objectives that are listed in the document. E.g. [3/6] _ Short summary: Please, insert short summary in ENG of the documents. The summary should be up to 500 to 750 words. _ Governance models, foreseen by the strategy for the delivery of SGI. From the documents, please, elaborate a) whether the strategy predicts centralized or decentralized delivery of the services. Insert the right combination: centralised / decentralised / centralised, decentralised. b) Select which models are foreseen for the delivery of SGI and mark it with ‘x’. Under Other you can also write other models mentioned in the document. Public service Concession Public-private Co-operative Others partnership _ Measures of the strategy, adopted for the delivery SGI: Shortly list that are mentioned in the document for the delivery of SGI. Separate them with ‘/’. _ Type of finances, available for the delivery of strategy (public/private, ratio): Select (mark with X) which if any financial sources are available for the delivery of the strategy and whether these sources are private or public. Again, mark with X. a) Administrative level of available financial resources EU Federal/national State/cantonal/provincial Regional Local No sources available. b) Source of the finance: Private Public European Regional Development Fund 10
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database _ Stakeholders, responsible for the implementation of the SGI delivery according to the strategy: under each of the administrative levels, please, list the stakeholders who are responsible for the implementation of the SGI. Administrative level List of actors Federal/national State/provincial/departmental Regional Inter-communal Local 3 TECHNICAL SOLUTION The database is using MySQL as a database server, which is required for easier importing, access to data, filtering and other data manipulation. All administration of the database is done through the XLSX file (MS Excel or other compatible software) which is then converted to CSV and imported into MySQL. Importing of the data into the database is done through a special import program which first creates a list of columns, creates a table with those columns and then inserts the data into the created table. This is done because of the possibility of adding or removing columns at a later time. All frontend is coded in HTML and Javascript, while the logic behind filtering results, creating and downloading PDFs and other aspects of the database, is written in PHP scripting language, which is commonly used in web development. Everything was designed with speed in mind, so users are never more than one click away from the profiles; also there are quick links to attached PDF documents and URL in the list. Filtering is smart and done on-the-fly, which means that results are updated as soon as an item in a filter is selected, and all the values of other filters get updated with the updated results too. Users can view multiple profiles at once, and create PDF of that profiles, which is generated on the server, and then shown to users, which can then print or save the PDF. European Regional Development Fund 11
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database 4 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF THE DATABASE The database has a cover page (information about the database, browser) and a subpage, on which the detailed information for each documents are shown upon clicking on the document. Below the information about the database (objectives, preparation) a browser in a form of pull-down menus enables the search. The following elements can be chosen: _ Country (Austria (Tirol), Austria (Carinthia), France, Slovenia, Switzerland, Italy (Lombardy), Italy (Bolzano)), _ Sector (general, transport, regional development, basic goods, health, social care, education, telecommunication), _ Type of the document (strategy, guideline, legislation, programme, EU programme, resolution, report, agreement, operational programme), _ Integration as a concept (yes/no) _ Legally binding (yes/no). Figure 2: Print screen of the cover page European Regional Development Fund 12
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database The user can either select just one category or choose a combination of different selection criteria, e.g. Sector, Type of document. After selection the list of the relevant documents appears underneath. The basic contains the following elements: name of the country, sector, type of the document, name of the document (English), document in .pdf (download option) and a link to the webpage, where one can find the document. On the cover page it is also possible to choose the next steps: 1. Save list as .pdf: list, shown on the screen can be saved on the user’s hard disk for the further use/work. 2. Detailed profiles of selected documents can be shown (open in a new window). The detailed profiles of selected documents are either basic or detailed (more in-depth information on the integration elements). Again, it is possible to either look at the profiles on-line or save them as a .pdf on the user’s hard disk. The link underneath the title of the documents also enabled looking at the individual policy document (and saving it). The basic profile consists of the following information: _ Country _ Name of the document (original) _ Name of the document (English) _ Administrative level _ Type of the document _ Year of adoption _ Foreseen duration _ Comments _ Review _ Territorial unit (NUTS/LAU) _ Authority _ URL _ Availability in English _ Legally binding _ SGI coverage _ Integration as a concept: Yes/no _ Integration – governance elements: Actors / Policies / Adm. Levels / Fin. Sources / Others _ Description _ Major objectives _ Short Summary The detailed profiles provide also the following information: _ Governance models: Centralised/decentralised _ Governance models: Public services / Concession / Public-private partnership / Co- operative / Others / Comments European Regional Development Fund 13
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database _ Measures _ Type of finances: EU / Federal/national / State/cantonal/provincial / Regional / Local / No sources available. _ Source of finance: private/public _ Stakeholders' list: Federal/national / State/provincial/departmental / Regional / Inter-communal / Local _ Stakeholders' comments Figure 3: Print screen of a detailed profile European Regional Development Fund 14
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database 5 STRENGHTS AND WEAKNESSES OF THE DATABASE Since the preparation process of the database was complex and long, at the end of it one can state both, strengths and weaknesses. Among the strengths we can list: _ The database represents a comprehensive view over the documents, relevant in the ASP area. _ The content of the documents (not always available in English language) is summarized into English (from German, Italian, French, Slovene) which enables the transnational comparison of the content (important for the ASP goals). _ The database presents a good ground for work in the frame of the Macroalpine strategy. _ The database was besides researchers prepared also by the policy makers (national/regional public authorities’ representatives) which increases its relevancy. _ The database include the active links to the webpages on which documents are available on-line which increases its durability (in case the government’s webpages/registers do not change the on-line addresses. As weaknesses need to be mentioned: _ The selection of the documents was done in co-operation between each of the PPs and UL on the bases of the lists PPs provided. Therefore the database and selection of the documents rely on the individual PPs and their knowledge of the existing policies and regulation in the countries, regions, states. In the D2.2.2 Transnational workshop PPs also reported the obstacles regarding the preparation of the content for the database. Among the obstacles for the collection of the documents discussed with the UL were a low quantity of the documents translated in English (in Carinthia most of the documents are only available in German), ever changing documents (Austria, Switzerland), the ratio between private and public (issue was raised by Italians), and a lack of specific strategies for each sector (also an Italian issue). The Slovenians also mentioned a large quantity of the documents, and the language problem which, together with the inflexible administration, impedes the entrance of the foreign services providers on the Slovenian market, especially in the cross-border areas. The Swiss raised an issue that the quantity of the documents to be collected was too large (in case the collection was conducted for all of the sectors and all of the cantons in the country). _ The database contains 256 documents and for each of them a lot of data was gathered. Since the documents are in different languages and amount of the documents is big, the PPs are responsible for the content of the national profiles. UL could not have checked all the profiles properly content-wise, therefore some errors might appear. _ The database presents an overview in a moment of time (year 2016). We spanned the period of the documents’ collection, so that some changes in the regulation that happened last year could be taken into account. However, the database will not be updated after January 2017 in case of documents’ changes, since the WPT1 will finish and funds for the database in the frame of the project will run out. European Regional Development Fund 15
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database European Regional Development Fund 16
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database Appendix 1: List of the documents in the database (by country and sector) The documents marked with red are presented with the detailed profiles. AUSTRIA TIROL (BLT) 15 strategies to analyse in the form B, 24 altogether in the database. General: Österreichisches Raumentwicklungskonzept ÖREK 2011 / Austrian Spatial Development Concept Tiroler Raumordnungsgesetz TROG 2011 / Tyrolean Spatial Planning Law ZukunftsRaum Tirol_2011 / Future Space Tyrol Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie Tirol TNHS 2012 / Sustainability Strategy Tyrol Tiroler Gemeindeordnung / Tyrolean Municipality Organization Law Tiroler Dienstleistungsgesetz TDG / Tyrolean Law on Services Regional development Österreichisches Programm für ländliche Entwicklung 2014 – 2020 / Austria - Rural Development Programme Lokale Entwicklungsstrategie Außerfern 2014 – 2020 / Local Strategy - Rural Development Außerfern LAG Regionsmangement Osttirol / Local Action Group Regional Development Osttirol Regionalwirtschaftliches Entwicklungsprogramm für die Naturparkregion Lechtal-Reutte / Regional Economy Development Program for Nature Park Region Lech – Außerfern Transport: Tiroler Straßengesetz / Tyrolean Road Law Fernpass Strategie / Strategy for Fernpass Telecommunication: Telekommunikationsgesetz 2003 - TKG 2003 / Austrian Telecommunication Law Breitbandstrategie Austria 2020 / Austrian Broadband Strategy Breitband-Masterplan für Tirol / Broadband Masterplan for the Tyrol Basic goods: Tiroler Einkaufszentrenprogramm / Tyrolean shopping centre program Health: Österreichischer Strukturplan Gesundheit ÖSG 2012/ Austrian structural health plan European Regional Development Fund 17
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database Tiroler Krankenanstaltenplan 2009 / Tyrolean hospital plan Regionaler Strukturplan Gesundheit RSG Tirol - ambulantes Modul / Regional structural plan health of the Tyrol - ambualnt module Österreichische Demenzstrategie Abschlussbericht / Austrian dementia strategy final report Social care Strukturplan-Pflege 2012-2022 - Land Tirol / Structure plan Care for the State of Tyrol Soziales Leitbild Außerfern / Social Concept Außerfern Education: Tiroler Schulorganisationsgesetz 1991 / Tyrolean Schoolorganization Law Tiroler Kinderbildungs- und Kinderbetreuungsgesetz / Tyrolean Childhood Education and Care Law CARINTHIA 12 strategies to analyse in the form B, 12 altogether in the database. Regional development: Lokale Entwicklungsstrategie derLAG Nockregion-Oberkärnten 2014-2020 / Local development strategy for Nockregion Kärntner Raumordnungsgesetz / Carinthian Spatial Planning Law Kärntner Gemeindeplanungsgesetz / Carinhtian Municipality Planning Law Strategische Landesentwichlung Kärnten / Strategic development Carinthia Demografrische Wandel - Trends und Perspektiven / Demographic change - trends and perspective Transport: Kärntner Straßengesetz / Carinthian Road Law Regionalverkehrsplan / Regional traffic plan Mobilitätsmasterplan Kärnten / Mobiltiy master plan Carinthia Telecomunication: Breitbandmasterplan für Kärnten / Broadband masterplan for Carinthia Basic goods: Kärntner Einkaufszentrenverordnung / Carinthian shopping centre program Health: Regionaler Strukturplan Gesundheit Kärnten 2020 / Regional Health Care Structure Plan Carinthia 2020 European Regional Development Fund 18
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database Social care: Pflegekonzept / Care concept FRANCE (ADRETS on behalf of French partners) 31 documents for a detailed analysis, 59 altogether in the database. General: Loi NOTRe (Nouvelle organisation territoriale de la République) 7 août 2015 / « NOTRe » Act of August 7th 2015 (New territorial organisation of the Republic) Loi Montagne 9 janvier 1985 / Mountain Act [document is in the renewal process] LOI n° 2014-58 du 27 janvier 2014 de modernisation de l'action publique territoriale et d'affirmation des métropoles (1) / The law for Modernisation of Territorial Public Action and Affirmation of the Metropolis (known as the MAPAM law) January 27th 2014 Schéma départemental de Coopération intercommunale de l'Isère 2011 / Isere departmental plan for intercommunal Cooperation (2011) Schéma départemental de Coopération intercommunale de Savoie / Savoie departmental plan for intercommunal Cooperation (2011) SDCI Schéma départemental de Coopération Intercommunale 2011 Alpes de Hte-Provence / Alpes de Haute Provence departmental plan for intercommunal Cooperation (2011) Regional development: Loi n° 2005-157 du 23 février 2005 relative au développement des territoires ruraux / February 23th Act about rural areas development LOI no 99-533 du 25 juin 1999 d'orientation pour l'aménagement et le développement durable du territoire / Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Act of June 25th 1999 PDR PACA (Programme de développement rural régional) 2014-2020 / Rural development programme (Regional)- PACA 2014-2020 Contrat de plan Etat Région PACA 2015-2020 / PACA Project contract State-Region 2015- 2020 PACA SRADDT Schéma régional d'aménagement et de développement durable du territoire à 2030 / PACA Regional Spatial Planning and Development Blueprint 2030 Convention interégionale de massif des Alps 2015/2020 / Interregional agreement for Alpine massif 2015/2020 CTS Pays de Maurienne 2012-2017 / Rhône Alps sustainable development contract (2012-2017) CRET Contrat Régional d’Equilibre Territorial Asses-Verdon-Vaïre-Var / Pays A3V Regional territorial balance Contract (2015) Schéma de services Pays de Maurienne / Pays de Maurienne Public service plan (2016) ScoT de la région grenobloise (Trièves partenaire) / Grenoble Territorial Cohesion blueprint Scot de l'Oisans / Oisans Territorial Cohesion blueprint Scot Pays de Maurienne / Pays de Maurienne territorial Cohesion blueprint European Regional Development Fund 19
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database Charte de développement Pays de Maurienne / Pays de Maurienne Development Charter (2004) Charte de Pays A3v (Volet Stratégie de développement des services) 2003 / Pays A3V Charter (2003) Leader 2014-2020 « Le Verdon réinvente sa ruralité : Conforter la transition économique, sociale et / VERDON LEADER 2014-2020 (“Verdon reinvents its rurality: écologique du Verdon Enhancing the economic, social and ecological transition of the territory”) Leader Alpes Sud Isère 2014-2020 Accompagner le territoire vers de nouvelles opportunités de développement économique / Alpes Sud Isère LEADER (Supporting territory towards new economic development opportunities) 2014-2020 Transport: LOTI n°82-1153 du 30 décembre 1982 sur les transports intérieurs / The act of December 30th 1982 about domestic transport Schéma régional des transports PACA 2006 / PACA Regional Transportation Plan 2006 Schéma régional des services de transport (SRST) 2013/2020 Auvergne Rhône Alpes / Auvergne Rhône Alps regional transport service scheme 2013 -2020 Contrat de Plan Etat Région (CPER) Rhône Alpes2015 – 2020 / State / Region planning contract 2015-2020 Délibération 28 mars 2013 : Politique de développement de l'écomobilité / Regional political framework for ecomobility 28/3/2013 Délibération décembre 2010 : "Adaptation du dispositif des Comités de Ligne" / Regional political framework for improving local transport commissions between service providers and customers / passengers Délibération juin 2014 : "Plan d'action Services aux voyageurs / Regional political framework concerning new services offered in railway stations Telecommunication: SCORAN (Stratégie de Cohérence Régionale d’Aménagement Numérique ) PACA / PACA Regional Cohesion strategy for Digital planning (2011) Rhône Alpes Numérique / Digital Rhône –Alpes Act Schéma Directeur Territorial d’Aménagement Numérique de la Savoie 2012 / Territorial outline plan for digital development in Savoie 2012 Schéma Directeur Territorial d’Aménagement Numérique du département de l’Isère 2011 / Territorial outline plan for digital planning in Isère 2011 Schéma directeur territorial de l’aménagement numérique 2012 Alpes de Haute provence / Alpes de Haute Provence Territorial outline plan for digital development (2012) Health: Loi n° 2009-879 du 21 juillet 2009 portant réforme de l'hôpital et relative aux patients, à la santé et aux territoires / July 21st 2009 Act about Hospital, patients, health and territories (known as HPST Act) European Regional Development Fund 20
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database LOI n° 2016-41 du 26 janvier 2016 de modernisation de notre système de santé (Loi Touraine) / January 26th 2016 about modernisation of health care system Reduction des inegalites d’acces a la sante des Rhonalpins / Reducing inequality of access to health services for regional citizens Schéma regional d’organisation des soins ARS 2012-2016 PACA / PACA Regional Health Program 2012-2016 Schéma régional d’organisation des soins 2012-2017 Rhône Alpes / Rhône Alpes regional Health programm/Plan Social care: LOI n° 2002-2 du 2 janvier 2002 rénovant l'action sociale et médico-sociale / The act of January 2nd 2002 reforming social and medico-social intervention Loi n° 2005-102 du 11 février 2005 pour l'égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées / The act of February 11th 2005 for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of disabled people Loi 14 décembre 2015 relative à l'adaptation de la société au vieillissement / Adaptation of society to the ageing of the population Act of December 28th 2015 Plan saisonnalité Rhône-Alpes/ Rhone-Alpes seasonality act Schéma régional d’organisation médico-social ARS PACA / PACA regional Social Care plan Schéma régional d’organisation médico-social ARS Rhône Alpes / Rhône Alpes regional Social Care plan Schéma départemental Personnes âgées 2011-2016 Savoie / Savoie Departmental plan for Ederly people 2011-2016 Schéma départemental Personnes handicapées 2014-2019 Savoie / Savoie Departmental Plan for Disabled people 2014-2019 Schéma départemental Enfance Famille Savoie 2012-2017 / Savoie Departmental plan 2012- 2017 for families and children Schéma départemental Cohésion Sociale 2014-2018 Savoie / Savoie Departmental Social Cohesion Plan 2014-2018 Schéma autonomie du département de l'Isère 2011-2015 / Isère Departmental plan for the Autonomy of disabled and elderly people 2011-2015 Schéma départemental en faveur des personnes âgées 2015-2017 Alpes de Haute-Provence / Alps de Haute-Provence Departmental plan for ederly people 2015-2017 Schéma enfance et famille 2016-2020 Alpes de Haute-Provence / Alps de Haute-Provence Departmental plan for children and families 2016-2020 Le programme départemental d’insertion en Isere 2012-2015 Isère / Departmental Integration plan 2012-2015 Education: Loi relative à la formation professionnelle, à l'emploi et à la démocratie sociale du 5 mars 2014 / Professional training, employment and social democracy Act of March 5th 2014 LOI n° 2013-660 du 22 juillet 2013 relative à l'enseignement supérieur et à la recherche (1) / Higher education and research Act of July 22nd 2013 European Regional Development Fund 21
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database LOI n° 2013-595 du 8 juillet 2013 d'orientation et de programmation pour la refondation de l'école de la République / July 8th 2013 Act reforming primary school Schéma régional de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche et de l'innovation 2014 PACA / PACA Regional Higher education and research and innovation plan (2014) Programme du Service Public Régional de Formation Permanente et d`Apprentissage 2015-2016 PACA / PACA Regional employment and apprenticeship program 2015-2016 Schéma rhônalpin de développement du service public régional de l'orientation / Rhône Alps development plan for the regional public service of orientation ITALY LOMBARDY REGION 20 for a detailed analysis, 24 altogether in the database. General: Costiutzione della Reppublica Italiana / Constitution of the Italian Republic (art. 44) TUEL (Testo Unico Enti Locali) - Dlgs 267/2000 / National Law for Municipality organization and competences Attuazione della direttiva 2006/123/CE relativa ai servizi nel mercato interno. Dlgs 59/2010 / Italian national law for European Directive 2006/123/EC transposition. Testo Unico sui servizi pubblici locali di interesse economico generale / National law (draft) about services of general economic interest (SGEI) Regional development: Interventi regionali in favore della popolazione dei territori montani - LR 25/2007 / Regional actions to support population living in mountain areas Misure di sostegno a favore dei piccoli comuni della Lombardia - LR 11/2004 / Regional funds to support Lombardy small municipalities Riordino delle Comunità montane della Lombardia, disciplina delle unioni di comuni - LR 19/2008 / Reorganization and legislation for Lombardy Mountain Communities and Municipalites Unions Riforma del sistema delle autonomie della Regione e disposizioni per il riconoscimento della specificità dei territori montani in attuazione della legge 7 aprile 2014, n. 56 (Disposizioni sulle città metropolitane, sulle province, sulle unioni e fusioni di comuni)- LR 19/2015 / Regional Law for re-organization of local institutions and their competences, and rules for the definition of mountain territories specificity Strategia Aree interne/Asse 6 POR FESR Lombardia 2014-2020 / Inner areas strategy - Axis 6 ERDF 2014-2020 Lombardy OP Indirizzi fondamentali per lo sviluppo del territorio montano (allegato DEFR 2015) / Guidelines for mountains areas development European Regional Development Fund 22
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database Transport: Disciplina del settore dei trasporti - LR n. 6/2012 / Law for transport sector Telecomunication: Strategia italiana per la banda ultralarga / Ultra broadband Italian strategy (Infrastructure) Strategia per la crescita digitale 2014-2020 / Digital growth strategy (demand side) Agenda digitale lombarda (ADL) / Lombardy Digital Agenda Banda Larga e Ultra Larga /Asse 2 POR FESR Lombardia 2014-2020 / ERDF 2014-2020 Lombardy OP - Axis 2 Enhancing acces to, and use and quality of ICT PSR 2014-2020 - Obiettivo Specifico 7 - Servizi di Base e rinnovamento delle zone rurali / Essential services for rural areas - Lombardy EARDF 2014-2020 OP - Objective 7 Basic goods: Testo unico delle leggi regionali in materia di commercio e fiere - LR n. 6/2010 / Law for trade and fair sector development Piano Triennale degli interventi 2008-2010 sul commercio - Modalità per l'attuazione dell'iniziativa "Promozione dei Distretti del Commercio" - D.G.R. 7730/2008 / Plan 2008-2010 for trade sector financial support Health: Evoluzione del sistema sociosanitario lombardo LR 23/2015 / Evolution of the health and welfare system in Lombardy: changes to Title I and Title II of Regional Law 30 December 2009, n. 33 - Regional Law No. 23/2015 "Indirizzi regionali per la presa in carico della cronicità e della fragilità in regione Lombardia 2016- 2018 DGR 4662/2015 / Regional Guidelines for caring management of chronic diseases and fragile conditions Piano Regionale della Prevenzione 2015-2018 / Regional Guidelines for diseases prevention management Social care: Evoluzione del sistema sociosanitario lombardo - LR 23/2015 / Evolution of the health and welfare system in Lombardy: changes to Title I and Title II of Regional Law 30 December 2009, n. 33 - Regional Law No. 23/2015 Reddito di autonomia / Self-sufficiency income and Social Inclusion Education: Qualità, innovazione ed internazionalizzazione nei sistemi di istruzione, formazione e lavoro in Lombardia - LR 30/2015 / Regional Law 30/2015 - Quality, innovation and internationalization in education, training and employment EURAC 26 for a detailed analysis, 35 altogether in the database. European Regional Development Fund 23
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database General: Servizi pubbblici esenziali / Essential public service Dir.P.C.M. 27 gennaio 1994. Princìpi sull’erogazione dei servizi pubblici / Dir.P.C.M. 27 January 1994. Principles on the delivery of public service Delibera n. 3/2012. Linee guida per il miglioramento degli strumenti per la qualità dei servizi pubblici / Deliberation n.3/2012. Guidelines for the improvement of the quality of public services tools. Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 22 marzo 1974, n. 381. Norme di attuazione dello statuto speciale per la Regione Trentino-Alto Adige in materia di urbanistica ed opere pubbliche / Decree of the President of the Republic 22 March 1974, n.381. Provisions implementing the Special Statute for the Region Trentino-South Tyrol in the field of urban planning and public works Regional development: Programma Sviluppo Rurale Nazionale 2014-2020 2013 / National Programme for rural development 2014 - 2020 Italia Accordo di Partenariato 2014-2020 / Italy Partnership Agreement 2014-2020 Provincia autonoma di Bolzano - Programma Operativo. Fondo Sociale Europeo 2014-2020 / Autonomous Province of Bolzano- Operational programm. European Social Fund 2014-2020 Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano. Strategie di sviluppo regionale 2014-2020 / Autonomous Province of Bolzano. Strategy for regional development 2014-2020 Legge provinciale 11 agosto 1997, n. 13. Legge urbanistica provincial / Provincial law 11 August 1997, n. 13. Provincial urban planning law Transport: Legge provinciale 14 dicembre 1974, n. 37 (Spese e contributi per studi e progetti dei trasporti) / Provincial Law 14 December, 1974, n. 37 Expenses and fees for research and projects on transport Legge provinciale 2 dicembre 1985, n. 16 (Trasporto pubblico di persone) / Provincial Law, 2 December 1985, n. 16 Public transport of persons Decreto del Presidente della Provincia 13 novembre 2008 , n. 63 (Gestione dell'aereoporto civile di Bolzano) / Decree of the Preseident of the Province, 13 November, 2008, n. 63 Management of the airport in BZ Legge provinciale 23 novembre 2015, n. 15 (Mobilitá pubblica) / Provincial Law, 23 November 2015, n. 15, Public mobility Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 19 novembre 1987, n. 527. Norme di attuazione dello statuto speciale per il Trentino-Alto Adige in materia di comunicazioni e trasporti di interesse / Decree of the President of the Republic 19 November, 1987, n. 527. provincial Provisions implementing the Special Statute of Trentino-South Tyrol in the field of communications and transport of provincial interest. European Regional Development Fund 24
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database Telecommunication: Legge provinciale 19 gennaio 2012, n. 2. Promozione della banda larga sul territorio della provincial / Provincial legislation 19 January 2012, n.2. Promotion of broadband in the territory of province Decreto del Presidente della Provincia 13 novembre 2012, n. 38. Linee guida per la predisposizione del masterplan per la realizzazione della rete d'accesso in fibra ottica nei comuni dell'Alto Adige / Decree of the provincial president 13 November 2012 - Guidelines for the preparation of the master plan for the construction of the network of fibre access in municipalities of South Tyrol Decreto del Presidente della Provincia 13 novembre 2013, n. 36. Regolamento sulle infrastrutture delle comunicazioni con impianti ricetrasmittenti / Decree of the provincial president 13 November 2013. Regulation on the communication infrastructure with trasmitting facilities Basic goods: Interventi straordinari a favore dei servizi di vicinato - Legge provinciale 13 febbraio 1997, n. 4 / Extraordinary measures in favour of neighbourhood services - Provincial Law 13 February 1997, n. 4 Delibera 28 aprile 2015, n.487. Interventi straordinari a favore di servizi di vicinato. Legge provinciale 13 Febbrario 1997, n.4 / Deliberation 28 April 2015, n. 487. Extraordinary intervention in favour of neighbourhood service. Procvincial law 13 February 1997, n.4 Delibera n.4036 del 12.11.2001. Approvazione degli indirizzi e criteri programmatori provinciali per un razionale sviluppo dell'apparato distributivi, da osservare nella presdisposizione degli strumenti di pianificazione comunale e provincial, a carattere vincolante, rispettivamente per le medie e le / Deliberation n. 4036 of 12.11.2001. Approval of the grandi strutture di vendita addresses and provincial programmers criteria for a rational distribution system development, to be observed in the arrangement of municipal and provincial planning tools, as binding respectively for medium -sized and large sales structure. Delibera N. 1588 del 08.06.2009. Approvazione nuovo piano provinciale per le grandi strutture di vendita (articolo 3, legge provinciale 17 febbraio 2000, n . 7 ed articolo 5, D.P.G.P. 30 ottobre 2000, / Deliberation n.1588 of 08.06.2009. New provincial plan approval for large n. 39) sales structure (article 3, provincial legislation 17 February 2000, n.7 ed articolo 5, D.P.G.P 30 October 2000, n.39) Health: Ministero della Salute - Piano Sanitario Nazionale 2006-2008 / Ministry of Health-National Health Plan 2006-2008 Legge provinciale 5 marzo 2001, n.7. Riordinamento del servizio sanitario provincial / Provincial law 5 march 2001, n.7. Arrangement of provincial health service Decreto del presidente del consiglio dei ministri 29 novembre 2001. Definizione dei livelli essenziali di assistenza./ Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers on November 29, 2001. Definition of basic levels of care. European Regional Development Fund 25
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database / Decreto Legislativo n. 299/99: Norme per la razionalizzazione del serivzio sanitario nazionale Legislative Decreen n.299/99: Norms for the rationalization of the national health service Social care: Legge 08 novembre 2000 , n. 328. Legge quadro per la realizzazione del sistema integrato di interventi e servizi sociali / Law 08 November 2000, n. 328. Framework law for the implementation of the integrated system of interventions and social services Decreto del presidente del consiglio dei ministri 14 febbraio 2001. Atto di indirizzo e coordinamento in materia di prestazioni socio-sanitarie / Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers on February 14, 2001. Guidelines and coordination in the field of socio-health services Legge 8 novembre 1991, n. 381. Disciplina delle cooperative sociali / Law 8 novembre 1991, n. 381. The disciplines of social cooperatives Legge provinciale 30 aprile, 1991, n.13. Riordino dei servizi sociali provinciali in Provincia di Bolzano / Provincial law 30 April, 1991, n.13. Reordering of the provincial social service in the Province of BolzanoDecreto del presidente del consiglio dei ministri 29 novembre 2001. Definizione dei livelli essenziali di assistenza / Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers on November 29, 2001. Definition of basic levels of care. Indicazioni di policy per l'integrazione sanitaria, socio-sanitaria ed assistenziale. Regione Lombardia / Policy indication for the integrated health, social-health and welfare. Lombardy Region Education: LEGGE 28 marzo 2003, n.53. Delega al Governo per la definizione delle norme generali sull'istruzione e dei livelli essenziali delle prestazioni in materia di istruzione e formazione / Law 28 march 2003, n. 53. Delegation to the Government to define professionale general standards of education and levels of performances in education and professional training LEGGE 13 luglio 2015, n. 107. Riforma del sistema nazionale di istruzione e formazione e delega per il riordino delle disposizioni legislative vigenti / Law 13 July 2015, n. 107. Reform of the national education and training system and the mandate for the reorganization of existing legislation Strategia di comunicazione 2014 -2020. Programma operativo nazionale "Per la scuola - Compentenze e ambienti per l'apprendimento" / Comunication Strategy 2014-2020. National operative program "For the school- Skills and location learning". Piano di azione per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di servizio del settore istruzione / Action plan for achieving targets of the education sector service Legge Provinciale 31 Agosto, 1974, n. 7, Assistenza scolastica. Provvidenze per assicurare il diritto allo studio/ Provincial Law, 31 August, 1974, n. 7, School welfare, measures to secure the right to education European Regional Development Fund 26
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database SLOVENIA 20 for a detailed analysis, 45 altogether in the database. General: Ustava Republike Slovenije / Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia Zakon o storitvah na notranjem trgu / ZSNT (Ur.l. RS 21/10) / Act on services in the internal market Zakon o državni upravi (Ur.l. RS 113/05) / State Administration Act Zakon o socialnem podjetništvu / Social Entrepreneurship Act Zakon o javno-zasebnem partnerstvu / Public- Private Partnership Act Zakon o gospodarskih javnih službah / Services of General Economic Interest Act Uredba o postopku notificiranja zahtev za storitve / Decree on notification procedure of the requirements for services Uredba o prostorskem redu Slovenije / Decree on Spatial order of Slovenia Strategija prostorskega razvoja Slovenije / Spatial Development Strategy of Slovenia Regional development: Zakon o spodbujanju skladnega regionalnega razvoja / Promotion of Balanced Regional Development Act Uredba o ukrepih kmetijske strukturne politike in kmetijske politike razvoja podeželja / Decree on measures for agricultural structures policy and rural development policy Uredba o izvajanju lokalnega razvoja, ki ga vodi skupnost, v programskem obdobju 2014–2020 / Decree on the implementation of community-led local development in the programming period 2014-2020 Uredba o ukrepih 1., 3. in 4. osi Programa razvoja podeželja Republike Slovenije za obdobje 2007– 2013 v letih 2011–2013 / Decree on the measures of Axis 1, 3 and 4 of the Slovenian Rural Development Programme 2007–2013 in the years 2011-2013 Program razvoja podeželja za obdobje 2014-2020 / Rural Development Programme for the Republic of Slovenia 2014-2020 Regionalni razvojni program Severne Primorske (Goriške razvojne regije) 2014–2020 / Regional Development Programme of the North Primorska (Goriška development Region) Transport: Zakon o železniškem prometu / Railway Transport Act Zakon o prevozih v cestnem prometu / Road Transport Act Uredba o načinu izvajanja gospodarske javne službe javni linijski prevoz potnikov v notranjem cestnem prometu in o koncesiji te javne službe / Regulation on a mode of implementation of economic public service on passenger public line transport in inner road transport and about the concession of this public service Resolucija o prometni politiki Republike Slovenije (Intermodalnost: čas za sinergijo) / Resolution on the Transport Policy of the Republic of Slovenia (intermodality - time for synergy) European Regional Development Fund 27
WPT1 / Deliverable 1.1.2. Report on preparation of the on-line database Strategija razvoja prometa v Republiki Sloveniji / Transport Development Strategy in the Republic of Slovenia Trajnostna mobilnost za uspešno prihodnost, Smernice za pripravo Celostne prometne strategije/ Sustainable mobility for successful future, guidelines for the preparation of an integrated transport strategy Telecommunication: Zakon o telekomunikacijah (Ur.l. 30/01) / Telecommunications Act Zakon o elektronskih komunikacijah- ZEKom (Ur.l. 100/12) / Electronic Communications Act Zakon o medijih / Media Act Zakon o digitalni radiodifuziji / Digital Broadcasting Act Nacionalni program razvoja telekomunikacij / National Programme for the Development of Telecommunication Digitalna Slovenija 1. - Strategija razvoja informacijske družbe do leta 2020 / Information Society Development Strategy to 2020 Digitalna Slovenija 2. - Načrt razvoja širokopasovnih omrežji naslednje generacije do 2020 / Next- Generation Broadband Network Development Plan to 2020 Digitalna Slovenija 3. - Strategija kibernetske varnosti / Ciber safety Strategy Basic goods: Zakon o trgovini / Trade Act Zakon o poštnih storitvah (Ur.l.RS 95/09) / Postal Services Act Splošni pogoji izvajanja univerzalne poštne storitve / General terms for the provision of a universal postal service Health: Zakon o zdravstveni dejavnosti / Health Services Act Resolucija o nacionalnem planu zdravstvenega varstva 2016–2025 »Skupaj za družbo zdravja« (ReNPZV16–25) / Resolution on National Health Care Plan 2016 - 2025 eZdravje 2010: Strategija informatizacije slovenskega zdravstvenega sistema 2005-2010. / E- Health 2010: The Strategy for Implementing Information Technology in the Slovenian Healthcare System 2005-2010 Social care: Zakon o socialnem varstvu (ZSV) / Social Security Act Resolucija o Nacionalnem programu za mladino 2013–2022 (ReNPM13–22) / National Programme for Youth 2013-2022 Strategija varstva starejših do leta 2010 - Solidarnost, sožitje in kakovostno staranje prebivalstva / The strategy of care for the elderly till 2010 – Solidarity, good intergenerational relations and quality ageing of the population Resolucija o nacionalnem programu socialnega varstva za obdobje 2013-2020 (ReNPSV13–20) / Resolution on the national social assistance programme 2013-2020 European Regional Development Fund 28
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