Ready, set, Success - 5-STEP ACTION PLAN! New volunteer? We've got you covered with a - Girl Scouts of North-Central ...

Page created by Maurice Deleon
Ready, set, Success - 5-STEP ACTION PLAN! New volunteer? We've got you covered with a - Girl Scouts of North-Central ...
Troop Cookie Manager Manual

    New volunteer?
    We’ve got you
    covered with a

    eBudde™ Mobile
    meets you wherever
    you’re at in the Girl Scout
    Cookie Season

                                    Troop Cookie Manual 1
Ready, set, Success - 5-STEP ACTION PLAN! New volunteer? We've got you covered with a - Girl Scouts of North-Central ...
Cookie Contacts
          Service unit number

          Service Unit Cookie Manager

          Contact Number

          Email Address
               Please remember that your Service Unit Cookie Manager is your first point of contact for
                                               questions or issues.

                                      Second, contact GSNCA Membership Support

                                                Council Contact Information

                    GSNCA Customer Care, 800-734-4541 or email at

                          Product Programs Manager, Sarah Stutsman,

                                         CFO, Gina Walley,
          Key Terms:
          SUCM – Service Unit Cookie Manager
          SUM – Service Unit Manager
          TCM – Troop Cookie Manager
          Initial ACH debit - Troops will be debited half of their Initial Cookie Order submitted minus DOC credits.
          Mid ACH Debit - You are half way there! Troops will be debited the remaining half payment of Initial Order
          minus DOC credits.
          Final ACH debit – The end is here!! Troops will be debited the remaining amount due to council. This
          number is based on the number of packages listed on your Sales Report in eBudde. Please review for
          more details.
          DOC- Digital Cookies
          PGA - (Per Girl Average) The total number of packages sold by the troop divided by the number of girls
          selling cookies.

2 Troop Cookie Manual
Ready, set, Success - 5-STEP ACTION PLAN! New volunteer? We've got you covered with a - Girl Scouts of North-Central ...
Table of Contents
                       The largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world
                       is moving forward in bold ways. We’re offering you more
                       options than ever as a volunteer to build the foundation for
                       entrepreneurship and guide girls to success, while keeping
                       their safety in clear focus.

                       No matter which path you take (virtual, in-person or both)
                       we’ve got tips and resources to support you the whole way.

Your Invaluable Role                                       4
Volunteer Responsibilities                                 5
What’s New 2020-2021                                       6-7
Make it Virtual                                            8
We’ve Got Delicious Girl Scout Cookies                     9
Council Promotions                                         10
Five Steps to Support Her Pathway to Success               11
Step 1 – Get Yourself Set for a Great Season               12-13
Step 2 – Meet with Girls and Families                      14-15
Step 3 – Tap into the Power of eBudde                      16
GSNCA Quick-access Forms                                   17-20
eBudde Quick Guide                                         21
Step 4 – Help Girls Succeed as Cookie Entrepreneurs        22-23
Step 5 – Recognize Achievements                            24
Rewards                                                    25
Bonus and Rewards                                          26
Girl Scout Cookie Program Safety Guidelines                27
GSNCA Safety Tips                                          28
Cookie Selling FAQ                                         29-31
Receipts                                                   32
The Business of Girl Scout Cookies                         33-35
2020-2021 Cookie Calendar                                  36

                                                                                      Troop Cookie Manual 3
Ready, set, Success - 5-STEP ACTION PLAN! New volunteer? We've got you covered with a - Girl Scouts of North-Central ...
Your Invaluable Role

              Troop Cookie Managers are an invaluable part of the
              Girl Scout Cookie Program.® Volunteers like you are the
              champions, role models and cookie coaches who help
              girls discover their amazing potential and take steps
              toward achieving their goals.

              With your support, girls in the program build essential skills and learn to think like entrepreneurs.

              GOAL SETTING                     Girls learn how to set goals and create a plan to reach them

              DECISION MAKING                  Girls learn to make decisions on their own and as a team

              MONEY MANAGEMENT                 Girls learn to create a budget and handle money

              PEOPLE SKILLS                    Girls find their voice and build confidence through customer interactions

              BUSINESS ETHICS                  Girls learn to act ethically, both in business and in life

                                                                                                                 Today’s girls are already
                                                                                                               thinking like entrepreneurs.*
                                                                                                            With your guidance, girls are able
                                                                                                              to build on their thinking and
                                                                                                            start running their own Girl Scout
                                                                                                                   Cookie™ businesses.

                                                                                                                 *SOURCE: “Today’s Girls, Tomorrow’s
                                                                                                                    Entrepreneurs,” A Report by the
                                                                                                                     Girl Scout Research Institute

             Every Girl Scout has it in her to do great things.

4 Troop Cookie Manual
Ready, set, Success - 5-STEP ACTION PLAN! New volunteer? We've got you covered with a - Girl Scouts of North-Central ...
It’s a labor of love!

The main job of the Girl Scout Cookie volunteer
is to:
 • Be a registered Girl Scout adult volunteer.
 • Honor and live by the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
 • Follow all GSNCA policies, procedures and meet all
   established deadlines.

Here’s an overview of your roles and
Before the sale
 • Complete training.
 • Set the troop up in eBudde™ (the baker’s online order
   management system).
 • Download the eBudde™ Troop App to your mobile phone
   or tablet.

 Participation requirements:
 ͻ dDŵƵƐƚĂƚƚĞŶĚƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ
 ͻ TCM background check must be current.
                                                                   During the sale
                                                                    • Enter orders from girl order cards and keep
                                                                    eBudde up to date.
                                                                    • Monitor online sales from the Digital Cookie®
After the sale
                                                                    • Coordinate booth sales (or ask another
 • Complete the rewards order in eBudde.
                                                                    volunteer to do so).
 • Help girls deliver donated cookies to your chosen
                                                                    • Arrange cookie pickups from the Cookie
 ͻ ŝƐƚƌŝďƵƚĞŐŝƌůƌĞǁĂƌĚƐŝŶĂƟŵĞůLJŵĂŶŶĞƌ͘
                                                                    them up (or ask another volunteer to do so).
 • Keep all troop cookie program records.
                                                                    • Collect money from those picking up cookies,
 • Celebrate with the girls and their families.
                                                                    issue receipts and make frequent bank deposits.
                                                                    • TCM should contact the SUCM immediately for

                                                                                                       Troop Cookie Manual 5
Ready, set, Success - 5-STEP ACTION PLAN! New volunteer? We've got you covered with a - Girl Scouts of North-Central ...
What’s New 2020-2021

                                    Your busy life picks up speed during
                                    Girl Scout Cookie Season. You need
                                    tools and digital resources that not only
                                    keep pace, but also help keep you and
                                    your girls moving toward success—while
                                    having lots of fun along the way. We’ve
                                    got you covered!

                                     eBudde™ Mobile
                                     The must-have app for volunteers in the Girl Scout
                                     Cookie Program® now has a new name. eBudde
                                     Mobile makes your life simpler by meeting you
                                     wherever you are in the season.
                                     × From a troop or service unit dashboard, get all the
                                      information you need
                                     × Simple icons take you to important messages,
                                      booth locations, checklists and more
                                     × Watch training videos and get help from within
                                      the app

6 Troop Cookie Manual
Ready, set, Success - 5-STEP ACTION PLAN! New volunteer? We've got you covered with a - Girl Scouts of North-Central ...

                           What’s New 2020-2021

   Social Media Shareables                                Online Tips & Ideas
   How can you help tomorrow’s female entrepreneurs       Help girls build online marketing skills and learn about
   promote their Girl Scout Cookie™ businesses?           e-commerce with the support of online tools like the Digital
   We’ve got all the social resources you need at         Cookie® platform. We’ve also got inspiration for engaging                                     girls in virtual activities!
   × Resources are easily searchable by category,         Digital Marketing Tips for Cookie
     including cookie news, special promotions, holiday   Entrepreneurs and Families
     themes, profile pictures and more
   × Each post includes a professionally designed         Girls of all ages should partner with their parents
                                                          or guardians to develop a plan to safely market their
     graphic and customizable message
                                                          cookie business online. Get started using this resource
   × New posts are added throughout the year              available at

                                                               MAKE IT VIRTUAL!

                                                          Find familiar in-person resources with a tech twist, along
                                                          with several new digital ideas. These strategies help girls
                                                          reach their goals in virtual environments when in-person
                                                          is not an option.
     Girl Scouts® of the USA
   has a suite of resources—
including social media tools and
more—available for download at

                                                                                                                Troop Cookie Manual 7
Ready, set, Success - 5-STEP ACTION PLAN! New volunteer? We've got you covered with a - Girl Scouts of North-Central ...
Make It Virtual!

                                       We’re giving you more ideas
                                       and resources than ever to
                                       take your cookie season to the
                                       next level, digitally!

                                       Look for this icon.

                                       Virtual Resources on
                                       Visit for virtual activities,
                                       resources and digital tools that allow you to
                                       customize an experience that makes sense
                                       for your troop. Use a few, use them all, or
                                       create your own!

                                       Girl Scouts’ Online
                                       Safety Resources
                                       Whatever approach you decide to take this
                                       Girl Scout Cookie Season, we have tools
                                       to equip you to be flexible in a range of
                                       environments. You can find Girl Scouts®
                                       safety materials and resources later in
                                       this manual, and additional information at

8 Troop Cookie Manual
Ready, set, Success - 5-STEP ACTION PLAN! New volunteer? We've got you covered with a - Girl Scouts of North-Central ...
Troop Cookie Manual 9
Ready, set, Success - 5-STEP ACTION PLAN! New volunteer? We've got you covered with a - Girl Scouts of North-Central ...
     Troop Gift of Caring

                            Council-Wide Gift of Caring
                            Our council participates in a council wide Gift of Caring
                            program to provide cookies to HOMETOWN HEROES – local
                            first responders, active-duty military, veterans, front-line
                            workers, healthcare personnel and essential workers
                            throughout our Girl Scout communities. Girls can earn
                            customized rewards with this program. For more
                            information, refer to your order card.

                            Cookies on the Go weekend!
                            February 5 -7, 2021
                            During the first weekend of the cookie program, girls are
                            encouraged to hit the pavement in their neighborhoods!
                            Take it back to the basics before booths begin. Grab your
                            wagons to offer Girl Scout Cookies to each person in your
                            neighborhood and community.

                            Send photos of you and your troop selling door to door the
                            Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama facebook page or
                            email them to to be
                            used in newsletters and on social media.

                            Troops will be able to order their free Cookies on the
                            Go patch until February áľľ2ęľâàâ1.

10 Troop Cookie Manual       Additional guidance will be provided based on current recommendations concerning Covid-19.
to Support Her Pathway to Success
There’s only one way to have a successful Girl Scout Cookie Program®,
and that’s to plan for it! In the remainder of this manual, you’ll find
everything you need to plan, build and celebrate a successful program
for 2020-2021—all organized into five simple steps.


 1      Get Yourself Set
        for a Great Season             2      Meet with Girls
                                              and Families
        × Primary Contacts                    × Key Dates
        × Volunteer Training                  × Girl Stories
        × Cookie Season Planner               × Cookie Story Sharing
        × Girl Scout Badge Portfolio
                       ™                      × Girl Scouts My Cookie Friend

                                              × Goal-setting Activities
                                              × Cookie Program Health and
                                               Safety Guidelines
                                              × Girl Scouts Cookie Rookie

                                              × Girl Scouts Cookie Captains

                                              × Family Guide
                                              × Cookie Entrepreneur
                                               Family Pin collection


 3      Tap into the
        Power of eBudde™               4      Help Girls Succeed as
                                              Cookie Entrepreneurs
        × eBudde   ™   Mobile                 × Key Dates
        × eBudde   ™   Quick Guide            × Volunteer Shareables
                                              × Girl Order Card
                                              × Digital Cookie platform

                                              × Booth Events
                                              × Girl Scouts Cookie House Party


 5      Recognize
                                              GIRLS ARE READY…
                                              AND YOU ARE, TOO!
        × Key Dates
        × Recognizing Girls                   79%     of Girl Scouts have an
                                                      entrepreneurial mindset
        × Send “Thanks!”
        × Celebrate Achievements              91%     of Girl Scouts are interested in
                                                      becoming an entrepreneur

                                              SOURCE: “Today’s Girls, Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs”:
                                              A Report by the Girl Scout Research Institute

                                                                                                   Troop Cookie Manual 11
                                    GET STARTED

                                    Get Yourself Set for
                                    a Great Season

         Council Contact                          The Girl Scout Cookie Program®

         Product Programs Manager
                                                  is led by girls, but getting all
         Sarah Stutsman                           the right tools in place starts
                                                  with you. We’ve got tools,
                                                  resources and helpful info to
                                                  guide your planning.

                                                   FOR YOU

                                                   Volunteer Training on                       Girl Scouts® Built by Me
                                                   eBudde™ Mobile                              Cookie Planner
                                                   Training resources and videos allow you     Create a custom plan for the cookie
                                                   to get up to speed fast on eBudde’s         season—online, in just minutes! Choose
                                                   many capabilities. Master the basics, and   from a menu of options that fit your group’s
                                                   then check out tips on new features for     interests and schedules. It’s as simple as
                                                   the season!                                 taking a short quiz!

                                                   What it includes:                           What it includes:
                                                   × Videos                                    × Digital questionnaire
                                                   × Multimedia lessons                        × Customized plan with links
                                                                                                to resources
                                                   Where you’ll find it:
                                                                                               Where you’ll find it:
                                                   × App Store and Google Play
                                                   * Find app guidance and the eBudde*
                                                   Quick Guide.                                ×

12 Troop Cookie Manual
                 GET STARTED

                 Get Yourself Set for
  \              a Great Season

                                                     HELPFUL INFO
                                                     Girl Scout Cookie™ fans are especially eager to support girls when
                                                     they have a clear picture of where the money goes. Help them see
                                                     how the cookie program powers amazing experiences for girls and
                                                     prepares them for a lifetime of success. Use this table as a guide:

                                                          19%          Troop earnings
                                                                       In addition to the many council-programmatic experiences
                                                                       funded by cookie earnings, troops earn $0.60 per package sold.
                                                                       Tiers based on per-girl selling average (PGA).

                                                          46%          Council-sponsored programs, events, priorities,
                                                                       training and other support

                                                          2%           Girl rewards

                                                          32%          Cost of Girl Scout Cookies

                                                          1%           Bad Debt Collection


                                                     THE HIGHER THE PGA, THE MORE GIRLS EARN!
Girl Scouts’ National
Program Portfolio                                               PGA                 $ PER BOX                      $ PER CASE

Girls can earn Cookie Business and Financial                    1-199                 $0.55                            $6.60
Literacy badges and Cookie Entrepreneur
Family pins for every year they participate in the             200-299                $0.60                            $7.20
Girl Scout Cookie Program®. Check out the Girl
Scout Badge Explorer or search the Volunteer                   300-399                $0.65                            $7.80
Toolkit (VTK) for badges by grade level.
                                                               400-499                $0.75                            $9.00
What it includes:
                                                                500+                  $0.85                           $10.20
× Badges and pins that girls can earn through
  participation in the cookie program
× Requirements for earning pins or badges
× Poster                                                        CORE VARIETIES - $4                    SPECIALTY COOKIES - $5

Where you’ll find it:                                                 Samoas®                                Toffee-tastic®
× Your council’s website                                          Thin Mints®                        Girl Scout S’mores®
×                                      Do-si-dos®
  for poster download                                                   Trefoils®


                                                                                                                                  Troop Cookie Manual 13
                                 GET STARTED

                                Meet with Girls
                                and Families

         KEY DATES                                For Girl Scout Cookie™

         Troop Meeting:
                                                  entrepreneurs, getting set for
         Date: _______________________________    business means learning how
         Time: _______________________________    to think like an entrepreneur.
                                                                                               FOR GIRLS AND FAMILIES
         Details: _____________________________
                                                  Motivate and inspire girls of all
                                                                                               Girl Stories
                                                  levels to do just that with fun
                                                                                               Get everyone inspired with stories of girls
                                                  learning activities from the                 who are leading boldly as cookie
         Family Meeting:

         Date: _______________________________
                                                  Cookie Business Badges.                      entrepreneurs and shining brightly as a result.

         Time: _______________________________    As girls take their learning                     These resources were originally
         Details: _____________________________   home, the Cookie Entrepreneur                designed for in-person use, but can also work
                                                                                               with digital tools. Consult your council for
         ____________________________________     Family Pin encourages the                    approved video-conferencing platforms.
                                                  whole family to get involved
                                                                                               What it includes:
                                                  and offer support.                           × Video and editorial profiles of girls
                                                                                                 who have improved their communities and
                                                                                                 gone on fun adventures with their cookie
                                                                                               Where you’ll find it:
                                                                                               ×, Girls, Teens and
         NOTES:                                                                                  Videos sections

                                                   FOR YOUNGER GIRLS                           FOR OLDER GIRLS

                                                   Girl Scouts® Cookie Rookie                  Girl Scouts® Cookie Captain
                                                   Use this resource to help young girls       Keep experienced teens interested in the
                                                   learn about setting goals, get to know      cookie program and show them ways to
                                                   different cookies, gain confidence, learn   give back with a full collection of materials.
                                                   how to speak to customers, and more.
                                                                                               What it includes:
                                                   What it includes:                           × Video for teens
                                                   × Fun video                                 × Best practices
                                                   × Volunteer guide                           × Training strategies
                                                   Where you’ll find it:                       × Step-by-step guide
                                                   ×, Girls section          × Notebook
                                                                                               × Promotional flyer
                                                                                               Where you’ll find it:
                                                                                               ×, Teens section

14 Troop Cookie Manual
                    GET STARTED

                    Meet with Girls
                    and Families


Share Her Cookie Story*                        Girl Scouts® My Cookie Friend                   Goal-setting activities
     Encourage girls in your troop to share    Girls love earning the newest mascot plush!     Teach girls everything they need to know
their inspiring Girl Scout Cookie™ stories     Pump up the excitement by encouraging           about reaching high goals, while having
with the world for a chance to be featured     girls to explore our mascot’s official          loads of fun.
on Girl Scouts’ “Think Outside the Cookie      website. We designed it to be educational
Box” gallery, the Girl Scout blog, Facebook,   and inspirational!                                  These downloadable crafts can be
Twitter, Instagram and more.                                                                   done together or individually—online or in-
                                               What it includes:                               person—to help girls track their progress
What it includes:                              × Fun facts                                     through the season.
× Online form to submit her cookie story       × Games                                         What it includes:
Where you’ll find it:                          × Videos                                        × Quick, inspiring ideas for making the most
×              × Activities and crafts                           of Girl Scout Cookie Season

                                               Where you’ll find it:                           Where you’ll find it:

                                               ×                            ×, Volunteers section


Little Brownie Bakers’ Family Guide            Cookie Entrepreneur
                                                                                               HELPFUL INFO
                                               Family Pin collection
Use this inspirational brochure to
introduce and welcome families to the                                                          GAIN THE SUPPORT OF
                                               Encourage families to support girls as
                                                                                               FAMILIES EARLY ON
Girl Scout Cookie Program®.                    they learn to think like entrepreneurs
                                               and run their own cookie businesses.                 Host a short meeting in-person or
What it includes:                              Girls can earn all 13 pins in the               virtually with families so girls can kick
× Reasons for participating                    collection—one unique pin for every             off the year with their families.
× Tips on how families can support girls       year they participate.                          At the meeting, adults can complete
                                                                                               permission forms and sign up to
× Family projects                              What it includes:                               help. This is a great time to go over
× Safety rules                                 × Activity sheets to help girls at all levels   health and safety guidelines (see
                                                                                               “Safety Guidelines” page).
× And much more!                               × Tips for families
Where you’ll find it:                          Where you’ll find it:
×, Families section          ×

                                                                                                                            Troop Cookie Manual 15
                                    OPEN FOR BUSINESS

                                   Tap into the
                                   Power of eBudde                                         ™

         Last day for troops to update eBudde, including
                                                           The Girl Scout Cookie Program®
                                                           is backed by a whole network
         Thursday, March 25, 2021 11:59 pm
                                                           of support—one that goes
         Initial orders due:                               beyond the incredible service of
                                                                                               FOR YOU
         Girls _____________________________
                                                           council leaders and volunteers
                                                                                               eBudde™ Mobile
                                                           like you. Working behind the
         Troop Monday January 11, 2021 11:59 pm                                                Stay in the know, on the go! This must-
                                                           scenes is eBudde, the digital       have app puts power at your fingertips,
         Count and Go:                                     command center for your Girl        wherever you are in the cookie season.
         January 29-31, 2021
                                                           Scout Cookie Season. Easily         What it includes:
                                                           accessible via a mobile app for     × Streamlined dashboard
         Sign up for booths:

         Saturday, January 23, 2021 9 am
                                                           volunteers at the service unit      × Easy management of orders
                                                                                                 and rewards
         Tuesday, January 26, 2021 6 pm                    and troop levels, eBudde is         × Important messages and upcoming
         Monday, February 1, 2021 9 am
                                                           friendlier than ever!                 events
         Open Selection - Tuesday, February 2, 2021                                            × Options for finding booth locations and
                                                                                                 exchanging cookies
                                                                                               × Help Center
         NOTES:                                                                                Where you’ll find it:
                                                                                               × App Store and Google Play

16 Troop Cookie Manual
Quick Access Forms
The following three pages consist of forms:
1. Delinquent Account Procedure Form
2. Product Program ACH Draw Extension Request
3. Product Program ACH Draw Request
For your convenience, you may pull out these pages and make copies as needed. Fillable PDF
versions of these forms can also be found on under the Cookies+ tab,
click on Resources.

                                                                               Trefoil Trunk Patch

 Trefoil Trunks are a monthly subscription box that will be delivered to your home or
 available for pick up every month.

 Each box will contain supplies and instructions for program level specific badge and
 journey requirements; a booklet with games and puzzles; supplies and instructions for a
 craft and/or a swap; the requirements to earn the Trefoil Trunk patch rocker; a suggest-
 ed monthly service project; the login information for the LIVE event scheduled for the
 last Tuesday of the month; plus other fun surprises!

 Go to to order yours today!

                                                                               Troop Cookie Manual 17

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18 Troop Cookie Manual
Product Program ACH Debit
                                                           Extension Request

Please use this form to request a delay in an ACH sweep during the Fall Product Program or Cookie Program.
Submitting this form DOES NOT mean that your extension has been granted. You will receive an email from
council staff explaining whether the request was approved or denied. A meeting will be set up with the
Service Unit Product Program Manager, Service Unit Manager, Troop Leader, Troop Product Program
Manager, and Membership Manager to discuss your troop’s finances before making a decision.
Requests must be submitted at least three business days, preferably sooner, prior to the scheduled
transaction. Requests received after that date may not be processed in time to prevent the transaction. Each
extension sweep is exactly one week after the originally scheduled sweep. The form can be submitted by a
Troop Leader, TFPM/TCM, Troop Treasurer or SUM. Please submit this request and direct ACH related
questions to
SU # (3 digits) _______________                   Troop # (5 digits) ________________

Your Position (may select more than one):

   o    Troop Leader
   o    Troop Product Manager
   o    Other, please specify:


Email Address:

Telephone Number:

Which sweep are you requesting an extension for?

   o    Fall Product Program: December 2, 2020
   o    Cookie Program: February 24, 2021
   o    Cookie Program: March 17, 2021
   o    Cookie Program: March 31, 2021

Requesting an extension requires a payment to be made on the original sweep date. How much can you pay on the
original sweep date:

Reason for Extension

   o    Problem with parent debt (list parent(s) with debt to troop):
        ______________________           _____________________          ____________________

   o    Other, please specify:

Please continue on reverse if needed.

                                                                                                    Troop Cookie Manual 19
Product Program ACH Draw Request

    Complete this form to request (1) an additional ACH draw or (2) an increase in a scheduled ACH
    draw during either the Fall Product or Cookie Program and submit to
    with a copy to This form can be submitted by a Troop Leader, TCM,
    TFPM, Troop Treasurer or SUM.
    Requests for an increase in a scheduled ACH draw need to be received at least five business days
    prior to the date of the scheduled draw.
    An email will be sent to the requestor confirming the amount and timing of an ACH draw addition or

    SU # (3 digits)                                      Troop # (5 digits)

    Your Position (may select more than one):
         o Troop Leader
         o Troop Cookie Manager/Troop Fall Product Manager
         o Other, please specify:

   Name of Person Requesting Extension:
   Email Address:
   Telephone Number:
   Is this request for:
         o An additional ACH draw
         o An increase in a scheduled ACH draw
    For an additional ACH draw, please provide:
         o Amount of additional ACH draw:
         o Date requested for the additional ACH draw:
    For an increase in a planned ACH draw:
         For which ACH draw are you requesting an increase?

                  o Fall Product Program
                  o Cookie Program
                  o    First Draw
                       Second Draw
                       Final Draw
         Please provide:

         o Additional amount (increase):
         o Total amount of ACH draw (with addition):

   Other, please specify:
20 Troop Cookie Manual
                                               NAVIGATING FEATURES
1   Look for welcome email with
    link and log in information to             Dashboard                                     Reports                   On your troop’s default screen, you’ll        Run three different reports from this tab:
    × After you are granted access, you’ll     find important messages from your             × CUPBOARD REPORT shows a list of
      receive a welcome email with a           council/service unit and links to tools
                                                                                               all open cupboards and location/hours
      login link                               and resources you’ll need throughout            of operation
    × Click the link and set up a new          the season
                                                                                             × DELIVERY STATION REPORT
      password, then click CONFIRM
                                               Contacts                                        shows a list of locations available for
    × At the profile screen, enter your new    Review contact info and click EDIT to           your troop to choose from for initial
      password                                                                                 order pickup
                                               make changes
2   Verify your troop                                                                        × COOKIE EXCHANGES REPORT shows
    × Click the GIRLS tab, verify all          Settings                                        current offers of cookies available for
                                               You can do several things under this tab:       exchange within the council
      registered girls on your troop roster
      are present. Contact Membership          × Edit troop info                             Sales Report
      Support if not.
                                               × Enter the number of girls selling           Review all sales totals for the troop, including:
    × Girls must be registered for MY            and the troop’s package goals
      2021 in order to participate.
                                                                                             × Final package numbers
      Register all girls before distributing
                                               × Opt out of rewards for additional profits   × Receipts
      their Cookie Packets                     × Enter banking info                          × Girl Scouts Gift of Caring donations

    × Select t-shirt sizes for all girls
    × Enter Sales Goals for each girl          Enter girls’ names, Girl Scout member ID
                                                                                             Help Center
                                                                                             Find additional information, including:
    × Click UPDATE to save                     and grade. You can also register girls
                                               and enter t-shirt size.                       × Council information
3   Login to Digital Cookies
                                                                                             × eBudde help
    × Set up your Troop Digital Cookie         Initial Order
     URL – new this year!                      Enter your troop’s initial order by girl,     × Links to eBudde Microburst Training
                                               and order additional Girl Scout Cookies®        Videos with step-by-step instructions
                                               for booth sales.
                                               NOTE: Once orders are submitted here,
                                               they cannot be changed. Carefully
                                               review the totals before hitting SUBMIT

                                                                                                                       Troop Cookie Manual 21
February 10, 2021

         Booth phase:

         February 12 – March 21, 2021

                                      OPEN FOR BUSINESS
         National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend:

         February 19 - 21, 2021

         NOTES:                       Help Girls Succeed as
                                      Cookie Entrepreneurs
       Count  and Go Tips
        KEY DATES                                       How many cookie cases                                     Take stock & restock!
                                                        can your car carry?                                       Ordering packages for booth
       You  need
        Initial    tophase:
                Order know:
                                                          23 cases Compact Car                                    days isn’t an exact science,
       × Troops are
         December 11,responsible
                      2020 – Januaryfor
                                          2021    and                                                             but here are average sales
         verifying the total number of cases              30 cases Hatchback Car
         Goal Getter phase:                                                                                       per cookie variety, so you
       × When   in doubt, recount
         January 12 – February 11, 2021
                                                          35 cases Standard Auto                                  can get an idea of how many
       × Wait until you’re sure about your case
         Count and Go:                                    60 cases SUV                                            to order.
         count to sign the receipt
         January 29-31, 2021                              75 cases Station Wagon                                     23% Thin Mints®
       This is your smooth pickup day
         Council Cupboards open:                          75 cases Minivan
       × Know exactly how many cases you                                                                             20% Samoas®
                     each       variety                 100 cases Pickup Truck                                       15% Tagalongs®
       × Arrive

         Cookiesaton the Go
                   your     Weekend:pickup time
                         scheduled                      200 cases Cargo Van                                          11% Trefoils®
       × Make sure you have enough vehicles to
         February 5-7, 2021

         load yourCupboards
         Volunteer order (see chart)
                                      OPEN FOR BUSINESS                                                              13% Do-si-dos®
       × Line up 10,
         February your  vehicles at the same time
                      2021                                                                                           10% Lemon-Ups®
       × Check
       × Give
                                      Help Girls Succeed as
                in and receive your pickup ticket
         Booth phase:                                                                                                 5% Girl Scout S’mores®
                                                                                                                      3% Toffee-tastic®
                                      Cookie Entrepreneurs
              your12 pickup
                     – March ticket
                             21, 2021
                                    to the loader and
         count cases
         National       as they’re
                  Girl Scout        loaded in
                             Cookie Weekend:
       × Sign for 19
         February your
                     - 21,order
                           2021 and take your receipt

         KEY DATES
                                                        Here’s how the Cookie Cupboard operates
                                                        ⚬   All orders for additional cookies must be entered into eBudde by
         Initial Order phase:
                                                            placing a pending order.
         December 11, 2020 – January 11, 2021
                                                        ⚬ You must place a pending order to the cupboard 4 hours in advance of
         Goal Getter phase:
       Count       and Go Tips                              pick up. Check eBudde to determine your cupboards exact time.
        January 12 – February 11, 2021                  How many cookie cases                              Take stock & restock!
                                                        ⚬ your
                                                        can At select cupboards you will be allowed to ender
                                                                 car carry?                                Orderingyour   eBudde
                                                                                                                      packages   for booth
         Count and Go:
       You need to know:
                                                            information   to
                                                         23 cases Compact Carconfirm  your  pending order. days  isn’t an  exact science,
       × Troops
         January 29-31, 2021
                 are responsible for counting and
                                                        ⚬30 Count   your Girl Scout  Cookies when you pick butthem
                                                                                                               here areup.average
                                                                                                                            You aresales
         Council   the totalopen:
                 Cupboards   number       of cases          cases Hatchback   Car
                                                                                                           per cookie variety, so you
       × When   in3,doubt,
         February    2021 recount                        35 responsible
                                                            cases StandardforAuto
                                                                              all cases for which you sign.
                                                                                                           can get an idea of how many
       × Wait
         Cookies  onyou’re
              until  the Go sure
                                 about your case
                                                        ⚬60 You  may not return or exchange cookies at tothe
                                                            cases SUV
         count to5-7,
         February sign  the
                      2021      receipt                 ⚬75 Pay  attention to the hours and days of operation for the cupboard you
                                                            cases Station Wagon
       This is your  smoothopen:
                             pickup day                                                                       23% Thin Mints             ®
         Volunteer Cupboards                                choose.
                                                         75 cases Minivan
       × Know  exactly
         February        how many cases you
                  10, 2021                              ⚬ Most cupboards are run by volunteers. Please20%      thankSamoas
                                                                                                                        them for their
         ordered of each variety                        100 cases Pickup Truck                                15% Tagalongs              ®
         Booth phase:
       × Arrive at your scheduled pickup time               time and making Girl Scout cookies accessible for your troop.
         February 12 – March 21, 2021
                                                        200 cases Cargo Van                                   11% Trefoils          ®

       × Make  sure you have enough vehicles to
                                                        ⚬ Pending orders can only be placed by the case.
         National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend:
         load your order (see chart)                    ⚬ Troops will receive emails to confirm that their13%   orders Do-si-dos  ®
                                                                                                                          have been
       × Line
         February 19 - 21, 2021
              up your vehicles at the same time             processed.                                         10% Lemon-Ups                 ®

       × Check in and receive your pickup ticket        ⚬ To help with inventory control, all pending order5%          Girl Scout S’mores
                                                                                                                  transactions     will be           ®

       × Give your pickup ticket to the loader and          deleted 24 hours after the anticipated pick up date.3%     Toffee-tastic             ®

         count cases as they’re loaded in
                                                        ⚬ Contact your SUCM regarding cookie exchanges.
       × Sign for your order and take your receipt

       Count and Go Tips                                How many cookie cases                                      Take stock & restock!
22 TroopYou
                                                        can your car carry?                                        Ordering packages for booth
                 to know:                                         Additional guidance will be provided based on current recommendations concerning Covid-19.
                                                         23 cases Compact Car                                      days isn’t an exact science,
       × Troops are responsible for counting and
                                 OPEN FOR BUSINESS

                                Help Girls Succeed as
                                Cookie Entrepreneurs

          FOR GIRLS

           Girl Order Cards*                                  Digital Cookie® platform*                         Booth Events*
           Many customers look forward to girls                   Girls can personalize their own               Girls can build on the momentum of their
           paying them a visit with an order card in          e-commerce site and invite friends and            initial orders by getting extra creative with
           hand. Girls take down orders for cookies           family to support! Customers have two             a booth event. They can set up shop as a
           and then turn in their card to you or a            delivery options: in-person drop-off or           troop in front of retail stores or other
           designated cookie volunteer, who enters            direct shipment to their home.                    community spaces. Girls will have fun
           the orders into eBudde.™                                                                             working toward their goals together!
                                                              What it includes:
           Want to keep a safe distance? Use the              × Features that allow girls to set their cookie       Girls can open Virtual Girl Scout
           door hanger order cards, or encourage                goals, track their progress, manage orders      Cookie Booths on social media! For teens,
           customers to order over the phone.                   and inventory, learn Internet safety skills     social media is a great way to spread
                                                                and more                                        the word about their cookie businesses.
           What it includes:                                  Where you’ll find it:                             Parents and guardians should do the
           × Order card where girls can                       × Get info from your council regarding            posting on social media if the girl is under
             capture order information from neighbors,          approved methods of delivery.                   age 13, but the girls should have a hands-
             friends and family members                         Safety resources are available at               on role in marketing their cookie business.
           Where you’ll find it:                      
                                                                                                                What it includes:
           × Supplied by your SUCM
                                                                                                                × Booth decorating ideas
                                                                                                                × Tips for bundling Girl Scout Cookies  ®

                                                                                                                × Fun graphics girls can use
                                                                                                                × Shareable social media posts
          FOR YOU AND GIRLS                                                                                     × Virtual Cookie Booths step-by-step guide
           Girl Scouts Cookie House Party*
                           ®                                  Help girls organize and host a Virtual            Where you’ll find it:
                                                              Cookie Party using Facebook Live, Google          ×, Volunteer section
           This winning strategy is a lot of fun for girls.   Meet or Zoom. To drive success, girls can
           With your guidance, girls invite friends and                                                         ×
                                                              deliver their business pitch to their guests,
           family to hear stories about their plans for       demonstrate a cookie recipe and more!*
           cookie earnings. Guests learn they can
           support girls’ goals in a big way when they        What it includes:
           purchase cookies by the case.
                                                              × Video overview
           TIP: Host the party at a local school or           × Invitations                                          MAKE IT VIRTUAL!
           community center. Often, these sites have a
           central location, and it could save you some       × Recipe cards                                    Check out for more
           clean-up time.                                     × Décor and giveaway ideas                        virtual ideas, inspiration, and resources!
                                                              Where you’ll find it:

Additional guidance will be provided based on current recommendations concerning Covid-19.                                                  Troop Cookie Manual 23


         KEY DATES                                         Make the most of girl

         Celebration troop meeting:
                                                           accomplishments, like a girl
         _________________________________________         reaching her goal. Thank
                                                           customers, tell stories about
         Distribute rewards and celebrate with families:
                                                           your cookie experiences or
                                                           throw a party for your troop.
         Activation of troop goals:
                                                           FOR GIRLS
                                                           Recognizing Girls
                                                           Girl Scout Cookie™ Season is the time for
                                                           girls to start thinking like entrepreneurs.
                                                           From the earliest planning meetings
                                                           through the booth phase, recognize
                                                           and encourage girl development of an
         NOTES:                                            entrepreneurial mindset—whether it’s
                                                           being curious about how things work or
                                                           embracing challenges.

                                                           What it includes:
                                                           × Certificates
                                                           Where you’ll find it:
                                                           ×, Volunteer section
                                                           FOR GIRLS

                                                           Send “Thanks!”                                   Celebrate Achievements*
                                                           Thank everyone involved with your                They’ve earned it! Plan a celebration
                                                           troop’s success, including families, friends,    that gives you the opportunity to pass
                                                           businesses and fellow volunteers. Find           out rewards to girls, while highlighting
                                                           card templates and ready-to-post social          individual and troop achievements.
                                                           graphics on Loads of          Discuss how the funds can be used
                                                           clip art is also available on the site to help   for future activities.
                                                           you and girls create your own messages
                                                           of appreciation.                                 Make the celebration virtual!
                                                                                                            Visit for ideas like
                                                           What it includes:                                reward unboxing, virtual ceremonies,
                                                           × Social posts                                   and more!

                                                           × Card templates                                 CONGRATULATIONS!
                                                           × Clip art
                                                           Where you’ll find it:
                                                           ×, Volunteers, Clip Art

24 Troop Cookie Manual
2021 Cookie Rewards                                                                                        GIFT OF CARING
      INITIAL ORDER                                        DIGITAL COOKIE                                                   24+ Gift of Caring

                                                                                                             36+ Ice         60+ Horse Socks
                     245+ PGA Girl
                                         30+ Cookie 60+ Reversible      100+ Kinetic        150+ STEAM       cream bowls
                     t-shirt and
  215+ Beanie                            Techie Patch Necklace OR       Sand - Sand         Solar System
                     2 additional
                                                      Paracord Bracelet Slime Lab           String Lights
                     adult shirts
                                                                                                                           Create Fall
                                                                                                                           Program avatar
                                                                                                                           and send 15+ Fall
                                                                                                                           emails, and sell
                                                                                                                           300+ Cookie
36+ Theme Patch 84+ Samoa Plush       132+ Cooling      150+ 150+ patch 204+ Eco       253+ Journal,
                Dangler               Bandana                           Straw w/ Pouch Decals and Pen                      Embroidered
                                                                                                                           Trailback and
                                                                                                                           Waterbottle Sell
                                                                                                                           $600+ fall product
                                                                                                                           AND 800+ cookie

     $10 CO
             UNCIL                                                                                          Build your own
         CASH                                                                                               horse pen
300+ Minty Tee OR         400+ Plush Horse OR Build A     500+ Perplexus Epic OR Glow in                     Super Patch
$10 council cash          Bird Buffet OR Robotic Hand     Dark Canteen OR Fingerprint Kit                    Troop Reward - Troops
                                                                                                             with final PGA of 295+
                                                                                                             packages will receive a
                                                                                                             Super Patch for all girls
                                                                                                             and $50 Council Cash.
                                                                                                             Goal Getter Patch
                                                                                                             5 orders on Goal Getter
650+ Let’s Go Camping - Camp Stool and Mess 800+ 1/2 Week at Camp or LogiBlocs Spy Tech`OR
Kit OR Mom and Me Camp OR Equestrian            Room Full of “Hope” - Blanket, Padfolio and Horse
Sleepover - fleece bag and travel pocket pillow Mirror OR Light up Air Power Soccer disk                     Cookie Booth Patch
                                                                                                             Participates in 3
                                                                                                             Cookie Booths
                                                                                                             Cookie Techie Patch
                                                                                                             30 packages on
                                                                                                             Digital Cookie

1000+ Sleeping Bag & Tent OR ENO      1500+ Week at Camp OR Arckit Mini       2000+ Create your own custom
Hammock OR Superstar - Phone          DormerColors 2.0 - Kids Architectural Converse OR Chacos Gift Card OR
light, Cable Horse and Samoa phone    Model Building Kit OR Spaced Out        Kendra Scott $100 Gift Card and Lifetime Membership for top 5
chair OR Backpack Purse               Giant Coloring Page and Colored pencils private shopping reception OR   12th grade Ambassadors. Sell
                                      OR Spring Valley Beach 2 Tickets        $100 Council Cash                  300+ packages to qualify

3000+ Horseback riding lessons            4000+ Bitsbox Subscription OR Six Flags       5000+ Microsoft Surface OR Two X Two – Summer Camp for
OR Apple Watch OR Apple AirPods           and White Water Season Passes for two         you and your friend AND Paddleboard/Paddle/PFD
TROOP REWARD - Troops with final PGA of 295+ packages will receive Super Patch for girls and $50 Council Cash
GSNCA reserves the right to replace and item with one of equal or higher value. Model/Make/Color may vary.
         Troop Bonus:
         Level 1: Fall Sale Bonus

             x    dƌŽŽƉƐƚŚĂƚƉĂƌƟĐŝƉĂƚĞĚŝŶƚŚĞ&ĂůůProduct ProgramǁŚŽŚĂĚΨϭ,ϴϬϬŝŶĐŽŵďŝŶĞĚƐĂůĞƐĂŶĚƐƵďŵŝƚƐĂ2021
                  ŽŽŬŝĞ/ŶŝƟĂů KƌĚĞƌW'ŽĨϮϰϱǁŝůůƌĞĐĞŝǀĞĂĚĚŝƟŽŶĂůΨϬ͘ϬϭƉĞƌƉĂĐŬĂŐĞŽŶƚŚĞ/ŶŝƟĂůKƌĚĞƌ͘

         Level 2: Initial Order Bonus
             x    dƌŽŽƉƐǁŚŽĞdžĐĞĞĚƐƚŚĞƉƌĞǀŝŽƵƐLJĞĂƌ;ϮϬϭ9Ͳ20Ϳ/ŶŝƚŝĂůKƌĚĞƌďLJϱйŽƌŚŝŐŚĞƌǁŝůůƌĞĐĞŝǀĞĂŶ
         Level 3: Participation Bonus
         Level 4: Final Troop Reward

             x    dƌŽŽƉƐǁŝƚŚĨŝŶĂůW'ŽĨϮϵϱƉĂĐŬĂŐĞƐǁŝůůƌĞĐĞŝǀĞone^ƵƉĞƌWĂƚĐŚ per girl͘Each Troop
                  ǁŝůůƌĞĐĞŝǀĞΨϱϬŝŶ ĐŽƵŶĐŝůĐĂƐŚ͘

         *** Troops will forfeit all troop bonuses due to the following:
             x    ZĞƚƵƌŶĞĚ,ĞďŝƚĨŽƌŝŶƐƵĨĨŝĐŝĞŶƚ
             x    NonͲpayment of approved extensions
             x    No previous year's troop financial report

26 Troop Cookie Manual
Girl Scout Cookie Program®
                                  Safety Guidelines

         An essential part of your action plan for a successful
         Girl Scout Cookie™ Season is reviewing safety
         guidelines with girls and their parents or guardians.
         Girl Scouts® offers resources on

           Girl Scouts® resources:
           × Digital Marketing Tips for Cookie Entrepreneurs and Families
           × Supplemental Safety Tips for Online Marketing
           × Practical Tips for Parents
           × Safety Tips for Cookie™ Entrepreneurs
           × Safety Tips for Product Sales
           × Your Councils’ Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints

            Where you’ll find it:

Additional guidance will be provided based on current recommendations concerning Covid-19.   Troop Cookie Manual 27
         Be sure girls understand and follow these safety rules:
         • Show you’re a Girl ScoutͶtĞĂƌƚŚĞ'ŝƌů^ĐŽƵƚŵĞŵďĞƌƐŚŝƉƉŝŶĂŶĚͬŽƌ'ŝƌů^ĐŽƵƚĐůŽƚŚŝŶŐƚŽŝĚĞŶƟĨLJ
           yourself as a Girl Scout.
         • Buddy up—Always use the buddy system. It’s not just safe, it’s more fun.
         • Be streetwise—Become familiar with the areas and neighborhoods where you will be selling
           Girl Scout Cookies®.
         • Partner with adultsͶ/ĨLJŽƵĂƌĞĂ'ŝƌů^ĐŽƵƚĂŝƐLJ͕ƌŽǁŶŝĞŽƌ:ƵŶŝŽƌLJŽƵŵƵƐƚďĞĂĐĐŽŵƉĂŶŝĞĚďLJĂŶĂĚƵůƚ
         • Plan ahead—Always have a plan for
           safeguarding money. Avoid walking around with
           large amounts of it or keeping it at home or
           school. Give proceeds to supervising adults who
           should deposit it as directed by your Girl Scout
           council as soon as possible.
         • Do not enter—Never enter the home or vehicle
           of a person when you are selling or making
           deliveries. Avoid selling to people in vehicles or
           going into alleys.
         • Sell in the daytime—Sell only during daylight
           hours, unless accompanied by an adult.
         • Protect privacy—Girls’ names, addresses
           and email addresses should never be given out
           to customers. Use a group contact number or
           address overseen by an adult for customers to
           Protect customer privacy by not sharing their
           should never take credit card numbers.

         Visit for even more safety tips.
         Source: Girl Scouts of the USA

28 Troop Cookie Manual
  Who can sell Girl Scout Cookies?

  All registered girls! Although parents and Girl Scout adults may assist girls, it is the girls who make the sales, set
  learning and sales goals, and learn the entrepreneurial skills that are part of the program.

  What if a parent does not pick up his/her cookies?

  most likely too late for anyone to help.

  What if I have cookies I cannot sell?

  If you have cookies you cannot sell contact your Service Unit Cookie Manger for assistance.
  Follow the steps below:
         ͻ Contact your Service Unit Cookie Manager for help. She will send out a message to troops in your SU
           to inform them of your cookies on hand.

         ͻ The Service Unit Cookie Manager will contact the Product Programs Manager to send out a message to
           troops in surrounding areas to inform them of cookies you have on hand.
  Can my troop use a Credit Card Device at the booth sale?

  Credit Card devices are a great resource to have at your booth. They are a convenient way for customer to
  purchase Girl Scout cookies. When using the device please remember the following:

  What is ACH?

  ACH stands for Automated Clearing House and refers to an electronic banking network used for direct deposit
  and electronic bill payment. If your paycheck is direct-deposited into your bank account then you are already
  using ACH.

  Will the troop need to complete the authorization form each year?

  change in signer, a new ACH form will need to be completed and sent to council.

Additional guidance will be provided based on current recommendations concerning Covid-19.               Troop Cookie Manual 29
  Does my troop have to have a bank account to participate in the cookie program
  Is ACH mandatory for my troop or service unit?

  ƚƌĂŶƐĂĐƟŽŶƐƚŽƌĞĐĞŝǀĞĂŶLJ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞhŶŝƚďŽŶƵƐĞƐ͘ Exceptions must be approved by the CEO.

  What are the benefits of ACH?

         • Less work for the TCM. They will not have to deal with deposit slips or have to make deposits into both the
           troop account and then into the GSNCA’s account.
           a refund.


  Will the troop be notified before the money is taken out of the account?

  acĐŽƵŶƚĨŽƌĞĂĐŚ,͘ACH information will be sent to SUCMs for distribution to TCMs and troop leaders.

         ͻ &ĞďƌƵĂƌLJϮ4͕ϮϬϮ1
         ͻ DĂƌĐŚϭ7͕ϮϬϮ1
         ͻ March 31͕ϮϬϮ1

  What should I do if I know the money will not be in the bank on the date of the ACH?

  ƚŽƚŚĞcouncil. This form must be received by council no later than 3 business days before the date of the ACH.

  If the money is not in the troop’s bank account when the sweep is planned, what happens?

  NSF charge may be incurred by the troop.

30 Troop Cookie Manual                             Additional guidance will be provided based on current recommendations concerning Covid-19.
 What if Council pulls an incorrect amount from my troop's account?

 balance. Since we pull funds from your account based on these variables, it is possible that an incorrect amount
 could be pulled. Your outstanding balance will be clearly listed on your Troop Sales Summary Report. If we dis-
 cover something that changes your balance during closing review process, your troop will be credited or debited

 Will Digital Cookie Sales be calculated toward each girl’s initial order reward?


 How are Digital Cookie sales calculated towards each girl’s rewards?


 When should my troop pick up more cookies from the cookie cupboard?

 Troops should ask for a girl inventory of unsold cookies before going to the cupboard for more cookies. Pick up
 troop who has more cookie than they can sell.

 Can I pick up cookies by the package from the cupboard?

 No. Cookies are distributed from the council and cupboards in cases only. Troops may transfer packages to other

 Can my troop set up a booth at Walmart, Lowes or Krogers?

 No. GSNCA Staff will set up the booth slots for troops at Walmart, Lowe's and Krogers. You will be contacted by the
 SUCM to choose your booth slot. You will also have the opportunity to choose booth slots in the eBudde system.

Additional guidance will be provided based on current recommendations concerning Covid-19.             Troop Cookie Manual 31








32 Troop Cookie Manual

November - December 2020: Training girls and guardians:

    ⚬ TCM will work with the girls and guardians to set personal and troop goals.
    ⚬ Troops should plan for the “First $25” earned to be used to register each returning Girl Scout during
      Early Bird registration.
    ⚬ Talk to parents about safety and how to keep their daughters and the rest of the girls safe during the
      Girl Scout Cookie program.
    ⚬ Go over deadlines with girls and guardians.
    ⚬ Have guardians sign up for cookie booths and inform them of the booth guidelines.
    ⚬ Secure a signed Cookie Program parent/guardian permission form for each girl.
    ⚬ Review cookie pick up and money procedures.
    ⚬ Collect money from girls and guardians frequently throughout the sale.
    ⚬ Schedule times to collect money at troop meeting or at another agreed upon time.
    ⚬ Money envelopes are provided for girls and guardians to assist with the collection of money.
    ⚬ For each payment the TCM must issue a receipt and give the guardian/girl a copy and retain the
      original for the troop’s records
    ⚬ Refer to the 2021 Family Cookie Guide

December 11, 2020: Girls begin selling to potential customers.

    ⚬ Girls can use their order cards to sell to potential customers in person.
    ⚬ Girls can use Digital Cookie to send emails to potential customers.

Jan 11, 2021: Submit Initial Cookie and Rewards orders via eBudde™

    ⚬ The TCM must enter the girl orders in eBudde™.
    ⚬ After you submit the troop Initial Order the rewards will automatically calculate.
    ⚬ The TCM must enter any cookies needed for booths in eBudde™.
    ⚬ Review the Rewards tab in eBudde™ to ensure the girl rewards are automatically calculated correctly.
    ⚬ TCM must submit order by 11:59 pm via ebudde on January 11, 2021. ** Dates in eBudde™ are date and
      time sensitive**

January 12-14, 2021: TCM can sign up for Count and Go Cookie pick up starting at 8:00 am

    ⚬ TCM will sign up for a delivery location, time and date by clicking on the Delivery Tab in eBudde™.
    ⚬ Once the location has been chosen, print off the delivery confirmation.
    ⚬ Count and Go sign up ends at 5:00 pm on January 14, 2021. ** No changes can be made after this

Additional guidance will be provided based on current recommendations concerning Covid-19.      Troop Cookie Manual 33

January 23, 2021: Cookie Booth Scheduler Opens

    ⚬ All booths that are organized by the product program staff will be coordinated through the online
      eBudde™ system. You can reserve three, one slot per location during each round.
    ⚬ Round One: January 23, 2021, 9:00 am
    ⚬ Round Two: January 26, 2021, 6:00 pm
    ⚬ Round Three: February 1, 2021 9:00 am

February 2, 2021: Unlimited booth selection on first-come first-serve basis.

January 29 - January 31, 2021: Count and Go cookie pick up begin

    ⚬ Refer to your confirmation for vehicle case loading information.
    ⚬ Arrive at your scheduled pick up time with the appropriate number of cars.
    ⚬ Make sure you count your cookies before leaving the Count and Go location.
    ⚬ Refer to the Count and Go guidelines

February 3, 2021: Council Office Cupboards Open
Birmingham, Huntsville, Tuscaloosa, Florence Offices Only

February 5-7, 2021: Cookies on the Go Weekend
Grab your little red wagon and hit the street.

    ⚬ Encourage the girls in your troop to go door to door selling Girl Scout cookies.
    ⚬ Girls in your troop that participate can earn a Cookies on the Go patch by submitting the report of the
      number of packages that were sold over the weekend.

February 10, 2021: Warehouse and Volunteer Cupboards open

February 12, 2021: Cookies on the Go patch order due

February 12, 2021: Booths begin

February 24, 2021: Payment through ACH debit -1/2 of initial order - DOC Credits
Collect money from parents and make frequent deposits into your troop bank account to ensure funds are
available for ACH debit on February 24, 2021.

    ⚬ Council will directly debit the troop’s bank account on February 24, 2021 for 1/2 of the initial order.
    ⚬ If your troop will not have the payment by the deadline, you must fill out the ACH Debit Extension
      request form.. This form must be received by council no later than 3 business days before the date of
      the ACH Debit.
    ⚬ Troops that do not pay 1/2 of their initial order or have an ACH returned due to insufficient funds will be
      contacted to discuss the reason for non-payment. The troop will not be allowed to pick up any more
      cookies until payment is made.
    ⚬ A parent meeting will be held, if needed, to plan how to sell, to donate or transfer to other troops
      needing cookies.
34 Troop Cookie Manual                          Additional guidance will be provided based on current recommendations concerning Covid-19.

March 15, 2021: DOC Girl Delivery option ends
    ⚬    To ensure girls receive credit for all Girl Delivery orders on Digital Order Card, the delivery option will end.
    ⚬    Customer will no longer be allowed to select this option when placing orders using Digital Order Card.

March 17, 2021: Mid Payment ACH Debit - remainder of initial cookie order balance - DOC Credits

March 21, 2021 Booths end

March 22-24, 2021: TCM will assign cookies to girls on the Girl Order tab in eBudde
The Girl Order tab allows you to enter by girl, additional cookie orders and booth packages sold.
    ⚬    You can comment on each row to identify whether the cookies were an additional pick up or assigned from a
    ⚬    Rewards will automatically calculate for girls on the Rewards tab from the numbers entered into eBudde
         on the Girl Tab.

March 25, 2021: TCM will submit the Girl Rewards in eBudde™ by 11:59 pm
    ⚬    Review rewards order in eBudde under the Rewards tab.
    ⚬    Complete all the Size/Catalog Selections needed.
    ⚬    Any rewards not submitted by the due date will be submitted at a later date with no guarantee of timely delivery.

March 29, 2021: SUCM submits final Girl Rewards in ebudde by 11:59 pm.

March 30, 2021: Reward orders will be submitted by GSNCA by 9:00 am.
    ⚬    Any rewards not submitted by the due date will be submitted at a later date with no guarantee of timely delivery.

March 31, 2021: Troop Final payment ACH debit
    ⚬    Council will send reminder emails of the amount due to SUCMs for distribution to TCMs and troop leaders.
    ⚬    Council will direct debit the troops banking account on March 31, 2021.
    ⚬    If your troop will not have the final payment by the deadline, you must fill out the ACH Debit Extension form.
                   ⚬   Troops that do not pay the final cookie payment due will be contacted by their SUCM, Membership
                       Manager and SUM to discuss the reason for non-payment.
                   ⚬   A parent meeting will be held, if needed, to plan how to sell, donate or transfer the cookies to a troop
                       needing cookies

May: Rewards will be distributed
    ⚬    Rewards will be shipped to the SUCM in late April.
    ⚬    Be on the lookout for a message from your SUCM for the date and time of reward pick up.
    ⚬    Rewards should be delivered to girls by May 15, 2021.

Additional guidance will be provided based on current recommendations concerning Covid-19.                      Troop Cookie Manual 35
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