2015 Cookie Program Troop Guide

2015 Cookie Program Troop Guide
2015 Cookie Program Troop Guide
Hello Troop Cookie Chair!
Thank you for volunteering to manage your Troop’s Cookie Program! The Girl Scout Cookie Program
enables girls to develop essential skills in Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills
and Business Ethics….all while having fun! Proceeds from the Cookie Program support our Girl Scout
Troops and Service Units, and generates revenue used by the Council to support programs and activities
throughout our valley.

The Girl Scout Cookie Program is open to every registered girl! Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes,
Seniors, and Ambassadors can sell cookies through direct sales and booth sales. Adult support and
guidance is critical to helping the girls succeed in the Cookie Program.

Use this guide to assist you through the steps of the Cookie Program and to follow the policies and guidelines
of Girl Scouts of Central California South (GSCCS) and Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) as they relate to the
Cookie Program. Once you have read through the materials in this guide, please turn in the following to
your Service Unit Cookie Chair:
 Troop Cookie Chair Agreement
 Troop ACH form - all Troops must submit a new form for the Girl Scout year, October-September. If the
    Troop participated in the 2014 Fall Product Program, a new form is not needed.

In order to participate in the Cookie Program, the following criteria must be met:
 Troop (and all participating girls) must be registered for the 2014-2015 Girl Scout year and meet troop
    eligibility requirements – a minimum of two adults and five girls.
 Troop must be in good standing with an approved leader and co-leader/assistant leader, the 2013-2014
    Annual Financial Report on File with Council, and no outstanding delinquencies to Council.

Important Contacts
Your Service Unit Cookie Chair has volunteered to be your main point of contact during the 2015 Cookie
Program. The Service Unit Cookie Chair is responsible for providing training, setting up Troop users in the
Snap system, assisting troops throughout the program, coordinating delivery and distribution of product and
recognitions, and collecting Cookie Program paperwork. Please use the area below to record their important
contact information. The Service Unit Cookie Chair is the first person you contact with any questions or

Service Unit Cookie Chair:_________________________________________________

Phone Number: __________________________________________________________

Email: __________________________________________________________________

Council Contacts                                                   Websites to Know
Product Program Manager Dacia Poulson                              Council: www.girlscoutsccs.org
Phone: (800) 490-8653 ext. 118
Email: dpoulson@girlscoutsccs.org                                  ABC Snap: www.abcsnap.com
Product Program Coordinator Joe Alaniz
                                                                   ABC CoCo Cookie Command:
Phone: (800) 490-8653 ext. 203
Email: jalaniz@girlscoutsccs.org
A special THANK YOU to our volunteer Product Program Task Groups, who planned our Cookie
Program’s Recognitions, Troop Proceeds, and Boothing. If you want to get involved in planning
for the 2016 Cookie Program, please contact Dacia.
2015 Cookie Program Troop Guide
The 15 Outcomes of the       Girls need and want financial literacy skills
   Girl Scout Leadership
         Experience                to help them achieve their dreams.
Discover                      Every Girl Scout activity is designed to help our girls grow into leaders of
 Girls develop a strong      Courage, Confidence, and Character. The 5 Key skills girls learn
   sense of self              through the Product Programs are an important ingredient in the Girl
 Girls develop positive
                              Scout Leadership Experience. Participation in the Cookie Program
 Girls gain practical life   teaches skills that will help them grow into leaders in their own lives,
   skills                     leaders in business, and leaders in the world.
 Girls seek challenges in         Goal Setting – Girls set cookie sales goals and, with their team,
   the world                         create a plan to reach them. This matters because girls need to
 Girls develop critical             know how to set and reach goals to succeed in school, on the
                                     job, and in life.
Connect                            Decision Making – Girls decide where and when to sell cookies,
 Girls develop healthy              how to market their sale, and what to do with their earnings. This
   relationships                     matters because girls must make many decisions, big and small,
 Girls promote                      in their lives. Learning this skill helps them make good ones.
   cooperation and team            Money Management – Girls develop a budget, take cookie
 Girls can resolve
                                     orders, and handle customers’ money. This matters because
   conflicts                         girls need to know how to handle money – from their lunch
 Girls advance diversity            money to their allowance to (someday) their paycheck.
   in a multicultural world        People Skills – Girls learn how to talk (and listen!) to their
 Girls feel connected to            customers, as well as learning how to work as a team with other
   their communities,                girls. This matters because it helps them do better in school (on
   locally and globally
                                     group projects, on sports teams, and on the playground) and,
Take Action                          later, at work.
 Girls can identify               Business Ethics – Girls act honestly and responsibly during
   community needs                   every step of the cookie sale. This matters because employers
 Girls are resourceful              want to hire ethical employees – and the world needs ethical
   problem solvers
                                     leaders in every field.
 Girls advocate for
   themselves and others,
   locally and globally       Financial Literacy and Cookie Business badges are a fun way to learn
 Girls educate and           these life skills while participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program!
   inspire others to act      The best part is that girls are already doing many of the steps to
 Girls feel empowered to     complete a badge, like goal setting, giving back and customer service -
   make a difference in the
                              which makes earning a badge that much easier. Help your Girl Scouts
                              unlock the full power of the Girl Scout Cookie Program through official
                              Cookie Program and Financial Literacy badges!
2015 Cookie Program Troop Guide
Dates to Know
November 20th, ongoing
 Cookie Troop Training conducted by Service Unit Cookie Chairs at SU meetings
 Troop Cookie Chair Agreements and ACH forms are signed and submitted to SUCC or Council. Troop
   does not need to submit new ACH form if they participated in the 2014 Fall Product Program.
 Service Unit Cookie Chair enters Troop Cookie Chair information and assigns log-ins and passwords in
   ABC Snap
 Troop Cookie Chair trains girls and parents/guardians
 Troop Cookie Chair collects signed parent permission slip for each participating girl

December 8th
 New Troop Cookie Chair Training in Bakersfield 6:00-8:00pm

December 9th
 New Troop Cookie Chair Training in Fresno 6:00-8:00pm

December 11th
 New Troop Cookie Chair Training via webinar 7:30-9:30pm

December 12th
 All Cookie Marketing Material orders due to the Council Goldmine Store

December 15th
 New Troop Cookie Chair Training via webinar 12:00-2:00pm

December 17th
 New Troop Cookie Chair Training via webinar 7:30-9:30pm

January 5th
 Service Unit Pantry Agreements due to Council
 Service Unit Delivery Information Sheets due to Council
 Troop Proceeds in Lieu of Recognitions Agreements due to Council for those troops who elect to
   participate – only Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Troops
January 10th
 Troop Cookie Orders due – Troop Cookie Chair is locked out of order at 11:59pm

January 23rd
 Sage Mobile Agreements due to Council

January 24th
 GIRL Expo in Fresno

January 28th-30th
 Cookies delivered to outlying areas – Service Units 31, 32, 33, 45, 60, 609, 615, 621, 624, 637 and 652
 SU Pantries are delivered

January 31st
 Mega Drop in Fresno, Visalia, and Bakersfield
 Fresno – Service Units 20, 21, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 35, 37, 65, and 67
 Bakersfield – Service Units 614, 626, 639, 643, and 649
 Visalia – Service Units 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 62, and 63
2015 Cookie Program Troop Guide
Dates to Know, continued
February 1st
 Cookie sale begins the Walkabout period – girls can begin to sell cookies door-to-door, to friends and
   family, and online
 Troop Cookie Chairs make frequent deposits of collected money to their Troop Bank Account

February 4th
 Council Cupboards and SU Pantries open

February 20th
 Cookie Boothing begins
 Council Cookie Cupboards are open
 Service Unit Pantries are open
 Troop Cookie Chairs make frequent deposits of collected money to their Troop Bank Account throughout
   the program
February 22nd
 All Troops’ Early Recognition Orders due in Snap

February 23rd
 All Troops will have an ACH pulled from their Troop Bank Account equaling 35% of their balance due to
February 27th-March 1st
 National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend

March 16th
 All Troops will have an ACH pulled from their Troop Bank Account equaling 35% of their balance due to
March 22nd
 Cookie Program & Boothing period ends
 All Girl Scout monies due to Troop Cookie Chair

March 23rd-27th
 Troop Cookie Chair distributes all troop’s cookies down to the girl level in Snap
 Troop Cookie Chair makes all final deposits into the Troop Bank Account, enters any Sage payments in
  Snap, and completes all girl recognition orders in Snap – Troop Cookie Chair is locked out at 11:59pm on
  March 27th
 All Delinquent Parent Reports are due to Council by March 27th

April 6th
 All Troops will have the final ACH pulled from their Troop Bank Account equaling the balance owed to
May 11th-15th
 Estimated arrival of recognitions

May 9th, June 13th or September 19th
 500 Club Spa Day - All girls at the 500+ packages level will choose one date option

June 19th
 SSSSH Girl Trip to Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Park, CA - All girls at the 1000+ packages sold level

July 18th
 Cali Girl Day at WildWater Adventure in Clovis, CA - All girls at the 750+ packages sold level
2015 Cookie Program Troop Guide
NEW: What to know about Direct Sales
In a Direct Sale, cookies are in hand at the start of the sale. Girls sell cookies directly to consumers
and collect the money on the spot. This includes booth sales but can also be walkabout (door-to-
 Easier for volunteers and families to support because it is one transaction.
 The length of the sale is shorter as there is not a wait period for cookies.
                                                   th            th
      In 2014, our program ran from January 17 – March 30
                                                     st           nd
      In 2015, our program runs from February 1 – March 22
 Girls and troops can devote more time to reaching new consumers since they are saving time on
    delivery and money collection
 Cookies are received on demand, and research shows that impulse purchases are higher than
    planned purchases.
 Consumers can enjoy cookies immediately and are more likely to make repeat purchases.

How Direct Sales Effect Initial Orders
 There will be no preordering period for girls to collect orders.
 Troops will place their initial orders on January 10, 2015.
 Troops will have cookies in their possession when selling starts.

Tips on knowing how much to order on Initial Orders
 Each troop will be given a suggested Initial Order based on their sales from last year.
 Use your Per Girl Average (PGA) from the previous year’s sale and multiply times the number of
   girls expected to sell this season.
 Sample orders for each age level are available for Troops.
 Talk to parents in the troop to gauge what the troop feels comfortable ordering.

What to do if the Troop does not have the Right Mix of Cookies
 Cupboards will be stocked and open before the first full weekend of sales, 4-7 days after troops
  receive delivery.
 Troops can trade with other troops in their SU or surrounding area.
 Troop-to-Troop transfers can be done.

Best Practice: Do not check out additional cookies to a family if they have not turned in money for
cookies already sold.

                                      NEW: COCOdirect
COCOdirect is a new and interactive way for girls to reach their goals. COCOdirect will let girls take
orders from their Smart Phone or Android app and have cookies delivered straight from ABC bakers
to their customers. With COCOdirect, Girls Can:
   Take orders
   Process Credit Card payments on the spot
   Have products shipped directly to customers
   No money collected and no girl delivery!

COCOdirect can be used in two ways:
   Using COCOmobile - ABC’s proprietary girl ordering app
   Using COCOmobile Online Marketing - Girls can send an ecard to friends and family that includes
    a secure link to COCOdirect.
2015 Cookie Program Troop Guide
COCO Direct, continued

The COCOdirect Experience via the App
 Register for COCOdirect via Abcsmartcookies.com to get username and password
 Download the free COCOmobile from Apple store
 Login to COCOmobile using COCO username and password
 Open the COCOdirect order screen by clicking COCO Direct icon in the main menu of
 Place Customer’s order
      Quantities of 1/2 dozen, dozen, and 8-pack varieties
      Customer ship to name, address, phone number, email address, credit card information
      Customer bill to name, address, phone number, email address, credit card information
      Customers have “expediting” option
 Review the order with the customer, telling them the amount due
 Submit order
 Order summary will be emailed to customer
 Weekly sales data report sent via email

        Order Taking                      Credit Card                  Direct Shipping to
                                          Processing                       Customer

The COCOdirect Experience via COCO Online
 Register for COCOdirect via abcsmartcookies.com to get username and password
 Login to COCO using username and password
 Select Online Marketing
 Click on Send an E-Card
 Choose the COCOdirect E-Card
 Choose the contact name(s)
 Add a message
 Preview the card
 Hit send
 Friends & family receive an email with a link to COCOdirect, allowing them to place an order and
   pay with a credit card

Point to Remember:
     For girls to receive credit for all cookie orders sold through COCOdirect, their usernames must
     match IDENTICALLY in COCO and Snap. Troop Leaders should confirm the accuracy of each
     girls’ name.

Online payment for cookies is only accepted through COCOdirect and COCOmobile. Amazon,
 Craigslist, eBay, etc. are not accepted forms of payment for the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
2015 Cookie Program Troop Guide
Getting Started
Troop Cookie Chair Training
Troop training is available in three options, for both new and returning Troop Cookie Chairs:
 One-on-one or group training – scheduled and administered by the Service Unit Cookie Chair.
 Attend a Council-led training for New Troop Cookie Chairs – this is geared towards brand new
   Cookie Chairs, but can be attended by anyone who needs a refresher.
 Attend a Council-led webinar based training.

Troop Cookie Meeting
The girls (and parents) are always excited to participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, but they
may need help getting started. Follow this training outline to explain the program and its benefits to
the girls and theif families. By the end of your meeting, girsl and families should know:
 The calendar for thie year’s Cookie Program
 Ways to stay safe while taking orders in person, online and over the phone
 How to share goals and speak with customers
 Facts about all 8 traditional cookie varieties, our Gluten Free variety and Operation Gratitude
 How they can earn recognitions for a successful Cookie Program.

  Time Estimate                                                    Content
  Brainstorming &      The girls should work together as a team to decide how they would like to use the funds
   setting goals        earned through the Cookie Program. Ask them to brainstorm answers to these questions:
    15 minutes             What can we do with our cookie money to help others?
                           What can we do with our cookie money for fun and learning?
                       Once each girl has offered an idea, the troop should vote to determine what their goals will be.
                       Based on funds needed, the troop should then estimate how many boxes of cookies they need
                        to sell in order to reach their goals.
                       Discuss why setting individual goals is key to reaching the troop goal
                       Have the girls record their goals on their cards. They should share their individual and troop
                        goals with all customers.

   Safety Review       Review the safety rules on the order card and refer to the Safety Activity Checkpoints for
    10 minutes          Product Sales at http://www.girlscoutsccs.org/forms/, bottom of the page.
                       Review the safety section of this Troop Cookie Chair Guide

 Know your Cookies     Review the order card with the girls so they are familiar with the names and ingredients in each
    10 minutes          cookie. For younger girls, you may want to point out that each cookie is a different color on the
                        order card.
                       Have the girls share what their favorite cookies are and why.

Operation Gratitude    The Operation Gratitude Program allows customers to donate boxes of cookies to our
    5 minutes           community heroes, including active duty military personnel and veterans.
                       Customers can record their Cookies for Heroes donations on the order card in the column
                        labeled “Operation Gratitude.”
                       Girls and their troops are encouraged to set a goal for the number of Operation Gratitude
                        packages they would like to sell this year.

  Getting Started        Girls fill out the order card with their first name and goal.
   10 minutes            Discuss how the Direct Sale will work as compared to past years’ Order Taking process.
                         Review the dates of the Cookie Program.
                         Review the ways that girls can take orders:
                             Door-to-door in familiar neighborhoods
                             Call family and friends and record their orders
                             Parents workplace
                             COCOmobile and COCOdirect
2015 Cookie Program Troop Guide
Time Estimate                                                    Content
  Interacting with     Girls find a partner to role play selling cookies door-to-door.
    Customers          Girls should tell the customer their first names and explain why they are participating in the
    10 minutes          Cookie Program.
                       Hand the order card to the customer and allow them to select their cookies.
                       Girls should know about the different varieties cookies and suggest certain cookies based on
                        the customer’s taste.
                       Suggest buying a box (or more!) for the Operation Gratitude program.
                       Always say thank you, even if a customer chooses not to purchase cookies.

   Cookie Booths       All girls are encouraged to participate in a booth sale with their troop.
     5 minutes         If your troop has already reserved a booth sale date, time, and location, share that information
                        with the group. If a booth space has not been reserved, ask the girls if they have ideas on
                        where to hold their booth sales.
                       Remind girls that they are representing their troop and should be respectful and polite at all
                        booth sales. Girls should wear appropriate Girl Scout attire when participating in a booth sale.

   Recognitions        Girls set individual goals to earn recognitions. Review the recognitions on the back of the order
    5 minutes           card.
                       Initial order recognitions are based on the number of packages sold between February 1st-
                        19th. All other recognitions are based on the total number of packages sold throughout the
                       Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador level troops may opt to receive additional proceeds ($.10
                        per box) in lieu of recognitions. Girls whose troops opt out of recognitions will still
                       receive all patches earned.
                       Troops should make their recognitions program decision at the start of the Cookie Program.

                       Inform girls and their families where and when cookies will be picked up from the Troop Cookie
Cookie Delivery and     Chair.
 Money Collection      If girls take checks from customers, they should be made out to GSCCS.
    5 minutes          Customers should not be allowed to keep cookies without paying for them.
                       Remind girls and their parents/guardians that money earned through the Cookie Program
                        belongs to the troop and not the individual girl.
                       Money should be handed in to the Troop Cookie Manager on a weekly basis. A money
                        envelope is provided for each girl.

Before the Cookie Program begins:
 Complete your Background Check with Girl Scouts of Central California South.
 Ensure that you are a registered member for the 2014-2015 Girl Scout year.
 Submit the Troop Cookie Chair Agreement to their Service Unit Cookie Chair or Council. The
  Troop Cookie Chair will receive their Snap log-in information once this form is on file.
 Submit the ACH/EFT Credit Authorization Form with voided check. Council utilizes this form to
  electronically deposit any overpayments to the troops. ACH forms will carry over only from the
  2014 Fall Product Program. Troops who did not participate must submit a new form. Troop is
  responsible for NSF fees due to incorrect bank account of insufficient funds.
 If applicable, submit the Troop Proceeds In Lieu of Recognitions Agreement (Cadette, Senior,
  and Ambassador Troops only). Troops can choose to opt out of receiving recognition prizes, but
  every girl in the troop must agree to it. The troop must have signatures from all parents and girls
  in the troop. Troops that elect the in lieu of option will receive an extra $0.10 in Troop proceeds
  per item sold. Girls will still receive all sale patches and Cookie Dollars. Troops participating in
  this option must submit the form to Council by January 5th.
 Hold your Troop cookie Meeting to set your troop’s goals and to inform families about important
  dates, safety and girl recognitions.
 Collect a signed Parent/Guardian Permission & Financial Responsibility form for each
  participating Girl Scout. Troop Cookie Chairs keep these forms on file, and only submit them to
  Council if/when a family is delinquent at the close of the Cooke Program.
In the Thick of the Cookie Program
For the sale, each troop will receive the following program materials:
 Troop Guide – available to all troops participating in the Cookie Program. Troop Guides will be
   available on the GSCCS website, and printed guides are available upon request.
 Girl Cookie Program packets.
 Money and/or Product Receipt – used to receipt any and all Girl Scout product or money
   transactions. A receipt should be completed each time money or product changes hands
   between Troop Cookie Chairs, Troop leaders, and parents. Troop Cookie Chairs must keep all
   receipts for a year.

Troop Orders
Troops will place their cookie order in Snap by January 10th by 11:59pm – all troops will be locked
out at that point. Cookie orders are placed in full cases.

Cookie orders will be delivered to the Service Unit Cookie Chair for the entire Service Unit in
outlying areas. Your Service Unit Cookie Chair will let you know when and where your initial order
can be picked up – please be considerate of your Service Unit Cookie Chair’s time and schedule.
Bring a vehicle with ample space for your troop’s product. You will sign for your troop’s product,
accepting financial responsibility for all items.

Service Units in the Fresno, Bakersfield, and Visalia areas will pick up their cookies at Mega Drop
on January 31st. A schedule for each Mega Drop will be sent out closer to the event.

How to Sell Girl Scout Cookies
Girls may start taking orders on February 1st. We understand that loyal customers may promise an
order of cookies to your Girl Scout before the official start date but remember that orders, including
payment for Girl Scout Cookies, may not take place before Sunday, February 1, 2015. Any girl or
troop selling before February 1st is subject to loss of troop proceeds. When distributing
product to the girls:
 Provide each girl a money envelope and remind the girls of the deadline to turn in their product
 Issue a separate receipt to parents each and every time product or money changes hands.
    These receipts can protect the troop and are a valuable tool if formal collection procedures must
    be taken.
 When money or product changes hands, ensure that each party counts and agrees on the count
    to minimize disputes.

Cookies retail for $5.00 per package. Cash, personal checks and credit cards are all accepted
forms of payment. Any personal checks must include the customer’s name and telephone number.

Girls may not post on others’ group Facebook pages, community forums, etc. about “cookies for
sale.” Girls can post on their parents’ personal or troop Facebook page about the Cookie Program.
We encourage girls to write her own message, share her cookie goal and what her troop plans to
do with their Cookie Program funds.

Operation Gratitude - “the 10th flavor”
Looking for a way to say thank you to our community heroes? Operation Gratitude provides the
opportunity to do just that! Through Operation Gratitude, customers can support Girl Scouting, our
veterans and active duty military members at home and overseas. All packages sold through
Operation Gratitude count towards girl recognition items.
Cookie Delivery
All cookies ordered on January 10th will be delivered January 28th-31st. Each Service Unit is either
assigned to a Cookie Mega Drop (Bakersfield, Fresno, and Visalia areas) or receives a delivery
(outlying areas).
Mega Drop                                            Outlying Deliveries
 All troops participating in Mega Drop               Service Unit Cookie Chairs will alert the Troop
  must provide a minimum of 8 volunteer                Cookie Chairs of when they can pick up their
  hours. This can be split up among several            order.
  volunteers.                                         Timing is important. Don’t show up early or
 Service Units will be assigned to a window           late, and remember that your SUCC is a
  of time for pick up. Be on time and be               volunteer, just like you.
  prepared.                                           Count carefully!

For all troops:
 Each troop must bring an adequate amount of empty, clean vehicles to carry their order, see
   graphic below.
 Ask for help from troop parents, and set a time with all families to pick up their cookies.
 Clean unnecessary items out of your vehicle’s interior and trunk.
 All vehicles picking up cookies for your troop should arrive at the site at the same time.
 Cookie deliveries take place rain or shine! Be prepared to pick up in all weather conditions.

                                                              Cookies by the Carload
                                                        How many cases will each vehicle hold?
                                                       Type of vehicle                     # of cases
                                                       Compact                                 23
                                                       Hatchback                             25-30
                                                       Mid-size Sedan                          35
                                                       SUV or Minivan                          60
                                                       Station Wagon                           75
                                                       Pick-up Truck (full bed)               100
                                                       Cargo Van (with seats)                 150
                                                       Cargo Van (no seats)                   200

Council Cookie Cupboards & Service Unit Pantries
Troops can pick up additional product from the Council Cookie Cupboards or Service Unit Pantries.
Product picked up from a Council Cookie Cupboard or Service Unit Pantry is non-returnable and
becomes the financial responsibility of the Troop. A full list of Council Cupboards and Service Unit
Pantries will be available in January. Watch your email for details.

Service Unit Pantries are volunteer-run, and operate on schedules set by the Pantry Manager.
Please be respectful of all Pantry schedules.

When additional product is picked up and signed for, it will be transferred to your troop in Snap. It is
the Troop Cookie Chair’s responsibility to transfer the product down to the girl level in order for the
girls to receive the appropriate recognition items. Please note – when transferring down to the girl it
is by total number of packages, not by flavor.

Cupboards and Pantries cannot swap packages for different varieties or take back packages or
cases of cookies. Throughout the Cookie Program, any damaged product can be replaced at a
Council Cookie Cupboard or Service Unit Pantry.
Council Cookie Cupboards & Service Unit Pantries, continued
NEW THIS YEAR Council will implement Planned Order Cut-offs. Troops must place their Planned
Orders for the week by Sunday night at 11:59pm for pick up on or before Thursday of that week,
contingent on delivery schedule. Planned Orders placed after the Sunday night deadline and any
walk-in orders are subject to availability. The Troop will be notified when their order is ready.

**From the Council Cupboard, Cookies will only be available by the case during the Walkabout
Period through the first week of February 4th-26th.

Only Council-approved Service Unit Cookie Chairs and Troop Cookie Chairs are authorized to pick
up orders from the Council Cookie Cupboards. If another individual will pick up the troop’s order,
they must have a signed note of permission from the Troop Cookie Chair.

Troop-to-Troop Transfers
Troop-to-Troop transfers are a great way of getting rid of extra product. Contact the troops in your
Service Unit before utilizing the Council Cookie Cupboard, especially near the end of the Cookie
Program. Contact your Service Unit Cookie Chair for assistance.

Important Documents
Receipts—from a Pantry/Cupboard and all Troop Transaction receipts—are the most
important pieces of paperwork during the sale. Please keep copies of all receipts in a safe place
for a year.

When product is delivered, and anytime product or money changes hands, both parties must count
and verify totals by variety before signing a receipt. Receipts are used to protect all parties, and are
referred to when there are any discrepancies. Keep a copy of all receipts for a minimum of one

Snap is the online ordering system for ABC Cookies, and is used for all aspects of the Cookie
Program. All Troop & girl orders will be entered into the Snap system. Snap manuals will be
available to every and Troop Cookie Chair. Troop Cookie Chairs should ensure that:
    Girls are entered into the system with full first and last name.
    ALL product has been transferred from the Troop to the girl level.
    All recognitions are ordered for your Troop.

Council will perform an upload of girl names from our database into Snap on or around January
19th. All girls registered to Council will be entered into Snap—newly registered girls can then be
added to Snap manually by Troop Cookie Chairs.

Parent Delinquencies
Any family owing money at the end of the Cookie Program is delinquent. Troops must submit a
Delinquent Account Report to Council by March 27, 2015 for all delinquent families.

At the conclusion of the sale, Troops who have a parent delinquency must submit the Delinquency
Report (with a copy of the parent permission slip and all receipts for product and payment) by March
27th. No additional paperwork is due at the conclusion of the sale.

NEW THIS YEAR - Delinquent families will not receive any recognitions until their bill is paid in full.
This includes all prizes, events, trips, and Cookie Dollars. TCC’s are responsible for returning all
recognition items to Council.
Money Matters
Troop Proceeds                                   Service Unit Proceeds
Troops who participated in the 2014 Fall         Service Units can earn proceeds per package of
Product Program will earn cookie proceeds        cookies sold by the troops within their Service Unit
as follows:                                      as follows:

1-149 PGA            $0.75 per package              $0.02 per package - Base proceeds
150-249 PGA          $0.80 per package              $0.01 per package - Service Unit’s PGA is equal
250-349 PGA          $0.90 per package               or greater to the SU’s 2014 PGA
350+ PGA             $1.00 per package              $0.01 per package as follows:
                                                      SU’s participating in Mega Drop - one
Troops who did not participate in the 2014               volunteer per troop in the SU volunteers a full
Fall Product Program:                                    day at Mega Drop (can be a combination of
                                                         people and hours). Volunteer hours can only
1-149 PGA            $0.70 per package                   be counted towards one troop.
150-249 PGA          $0.75 per package                SU’s not participating in Mega Drop can earn
250-349 PGA          $0.85 per package                   the $0.01 per package by hosting a SU
350+ PGA             $0.95 per package                   Pantry.
Proceeds can be reduced or lost if a Troop is found doing any of the following:

   Not following boothing guidelines
   Selling product for any amount other than what is listed on the order card ($5.00 per package)
   Not following deadlines set in the Troop Guide
   Neglecting to turn in paperwork on time – Troop Chair Agreement, Troop ACH/EFT form, or
    Parent Delinquency Reports
   Not entering all information into Snap on time – girl orders, recognition orders, and financial
   Engaging in any misconduct unbecoming to Girl Scouts

ACH Process
Council will utilize the ACH process for all troops participating in the 2015 Cookie Program.
 Troops deposit all collected monies into the Troop’s bank account. Council will ACH (Automated
  Clearing House) all Council proceeds directly from the Troop’s bank account on three
   On February 23rd , 35% of balance due to Council.
   On March 16th, 35% of balance due to Council.
   On April 6th, the remaining balance due to Council.
 Troops will not have to turn in any final paperwork to Council except any parent delinquencies.
 ACH forms will carry over only from the 2014 Fall Product Program – Troops who did not
  participate must submit a new form. Troop is responsible for NSF fees due to incorrect bank
  account or insufficient funds.
 Any Troops whose ACH does not clear on February 23rd or March 16th will be unable to pick up
  additional cookies until the amount has been collected by Council.
 Delinquent Troops - those whose ACH does not clear at the conclusion of the Cookie Program -
  will not receive cookie recognitions until their bill is paid. Recognitions will be held at Council.
Money Matters
Check Processing
 Customer checks will be deposited into the Troop’s bank accounts, and Council will reimburse
  any bounced checks to the troops. Troop must submit a copy of the bank statement or notice to
  Council, who will reimburse the troop for the amount of the check and all fees.
 Bounced check paperwork must be received by Council within 60 days of the check issued date.

Sage Mobile
Council will offer the use of Sage Mobile Credit Card Swipers once again this year. The Sage
Mobile Guide and Agreement is available to all Troops. Participating Troops will post their Sage
Mobile payments in Snap, and this amount will be applied to their final balance due to Council to be
ACH’d on April 6, 2015.
IRS Guidelines
GSUSA has provided Councils with guidance on Girl Rewards* and Troop Proceeds. This guidance
follows a clarification from the Department of the Treasury, “IRS Directive 6-27 Subject: Booster
Club Dues and Non-Exempt Activity**,” issued on June 27, 2011. If appropriate practices are not
followed, actions could be considered a “Private Benefit” to the participant by the IRS and could also
result in the organization (Girl Scouts of Central California South) paying “Unrelated Business
Income Tax” or losing its tax-exempt status altogether. We must be mindful of the following
information when dealing with product program practices:
 Cashing out troop proceeds – Proceeds received by a troop/group are non-transferrable.
 Girls who leave the troop or leave Girl Scouting are not entitled to proceeds earned while in the
    group when they leave.
 Proceeds are not to be tracked for individual girls in any pathway – either by council or troop/
    group. (Also refer to Volunteer Essentials, page 66, under Product Sales: Financial Literacy and
    the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, Knowing Where Proceeds Go, paragraph 2: “The income
    from product sales does not become the property of individual girl members”).
 Funding the cost of family members who are not required chaperones is not allowed.
 Girls may not be reimbursed for experiences – travel event rewards should be Girl Scout hosted
    and funded.
 Providing recognitions in the form of gift cards to external establishments (e.g., Starbucks,
    Target, etc.) is not allowed.
 Credits to girls or troops that include a cash-out or cash benefit are not allowed.
 Program credits cannot be used for external establishments (e.g., Target, Wal-Mart, etc.)

Please protect the tax-exempt status of our Council by ensuring that you comply with this IRS
How this Effects the SSSSH Trip, Cali Girl Event and 500 Club Event
 Council will host a SSSSH Trip, Cali Girl Event and three options for the 500 Club Event.
 Girls who qualify for the 500 Club Event will select one option to attend.
 If a girl cannot attend a Council hosted date for any and all events or trips, she will not receive a
  ticket for another day.
 Adults wishing to attend can apply to be a chaperone but are not guaranteed to be with their
  daughter’s group. Chaperones will be selected on specific criteria.
 Information on all events and trips will be released in Spring 2015.
 Adults will have the option to follow the bus on the SSSSH Trip and pay their own way, if they
     We ask that troops share the IRS information with all girls and parents in the troop.
When working towards recognitions - every package counts! Girls earn an early recognition based
on their total packages sold during the Walkabout period (February 1st-19th) and their main
recognitions based on their total packages sold during the entire Cookie Program (February 1st-
March 22nd.

All girls entered into the Snap system are eligible to earn recognitions. Transfers must be made
down to the girl level in order for the girl to receive credit for the items. Recognitions will be shipped
to your Service Unit Cookie Chair, tentatively May 11th-15th. Your Service Unit Cookie Chair will
contact you to schedule a pick up time. You will be supplied with a checkout sheet for parents in
your Troop to sign that they have received their girl’s recognitions.

Service Unit Cookie Chairs will hold recognitions until June 5th, at which point they will be returned
to Council.

If any of your Troop’s recognitions are missing, please inform your Service Unit Cookie Chair
in a timely manner, and Council will reorder the missing items. Reordered recognitions are
subject to availability.

Troop Cookie Chairs will create two recognitions
orders during the Cookie Program:
 Walkabout Recognition Order due February
 Main Recognition Order due March 27th
 All Cookies must be assigned to the girls prior
   to creating the troop’s recognition orders

Cookie Dollars
Cookie Dollars are earned by girls and can be
used for only the following purposes: GSCCS Girl
program fees, GSCCS Council shop purchases
of Girl items, GSCCS Girl training fees, girl
membership fees, GSCCS Travel Group
sponsored      trips,   approved     Girl    Scout
Destinations, and Cam El-O-Win Girl fees.
Cookie Dollars cannot be used for Girl Scout
fundraising events, the purchase of Girl Scout
Cookies or Fall Product items, Adult training fees,
Adult items, Adult Membership fees, or Girl Scout

Cookie Dollars are available early May 2015, and
expire April 30, 2016.
Girls have three options for recognitions:
(see the Girl Order Card for details)

    Option A:                                 Option B:                          Option C:
     Girls earn patches,                      Girls earn patches,               Cadette, Senior, and
      prizes, and basic                         some prizes, and basic             Ambassador Troops only.
      Cookie Dollars ($5                        Cookie Dollars ($5 for            Girls earn patches, a few
      for each 50                               each 50 packages,                  prizes, and basic Cookie
      packages, starting at                     starting at 100                    Dollars ($5 for each 50
      100 packages)                             packages)                          packages, starting at 100
     Traditional                              Girls earn extra Cookie            packages)
      Recognition Line                          Dollars in lieu of                Troop earns an additional
                                                specified prizes                   $0.10 per package

    Troops choosing Option C must choose this as a group. Only troops consisting of only Cadette,
     Senior, and/or Ambassador girls are eligible to choose Option C. Each girl and parent must sign
     an In Lieu of Agreement and submit to Council by January 30, 2015.
    All other Troops, each girl will have the option to choose A or B. The Troop Cookie Chair
     will enter this choice in Snap.

All Girls are eligible to receive the following items:
                                        Round Patch: 25-49 packages
                                        Theme Patch: 50+ packages                                 Packages     Cookie
                                        (Girls only receive the Cookie                              Sold       Dollars
                                        Round patch or the Theme                                               Amount
                                        patch, they do not receive both)
                                                                                                  100-149         $10
                                                                                                  150-199         $15
                      2015-2016 Girl Scout                                 Online Patch:
                      Membership Dues & Super Seller                       5+ packages sold       200-249         $20
                      Patch: 175+ packages sold in                         online through
                      Walkabout period (February 1-19)                     COCOdirect             250-299         $25
                                                                                                  300-349         $30

                      Team COCO Patch:                                                            350-399         $35
                                                                           Goal Getter Patch:
                      100% of girls in Troop
                                                                           Reaches goal set in    400-449         $40
                      reach their goal set in
                      COCO                                                                        450-499        $45
                                                                                                 and so on…   and so on...

                                             Cookie Share Patch: 5+
                                                                                    Achievement Bars: Awarded at
                                             Packages sold for
                                                                                    100 Package Increments
                                             Operation Gratitude

 Event & Trip Recognitions

 Girls who choose Option A or B are eligible to earn the 500 Club (500+ packages), Cali Girl ( 750+
 packages) and SSSSH Girl (1000+ packages) Recognitions. Dates for these events are trips are
 listed in the calendar of this guide. Additional information will be sent to qualifying girls after the
 Cookie Program’s conclusion.
Safety Guidelines
Safety is our first concern when girls are participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. The most
current safety information can be found in Volunteer Essentials and in the Safety/Activity Checkpoints
located on the Council’s website. Share these rules and procedures with your Girl Scout families to
ensure that the girls will have a safe and successful sale!
General Information
 All girls must be registered and have a signed Parent/Guardian Permission & Financial
  Responsibility on file with the Troop Cookie Chair before they participate in the Girl Scout Cookie
 A parent, guardian, or other adult must know each girl’s whereabouts when she is participating in
  the Cookie Program, including if and when she is utilizing tools found on the internet.
 Throughout the program, adults must provide supervision and guidance for all age levels.
 Girls should be involved in goal setting, planning, and execution of the Girl Scout Cookie Program
  for their troop.
 A first-aid kit should always be available at a booth sale or Cookie “walkabout.”
 Girls should always wear a Girl Scout Membership pin, Girl Scout vest or sash, or Girl Scout
  clothing to identify them as Girl Scouts.
Staying Safe in Your Neighborhood
 Adults must accompany Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors when they are selling, taking
   orders, or delivering cookies.
 Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors who participate in door-to-door sales must be
   supervised by an adult. An adult should always be aware of how, when, and where the girls are
   selling products; be on call when girls are participating in product sales and be able to contact
   girls in a timely manner; be in an automobile in the area or be present with the girls. Girls should
   always use the buddy system.
 Girls and adults should be familiar with the neighborhoods where they sell and should only
   participate in door-to-door sales during daylight hours.
 Girls should not share their full name, phone number, or address with customers. Use a group
   contact number or address overseen by an adult for customers to request information or place
   another order.
 Girls should never enter the home of a stranger or approach an unknown vehicle.
 A plan to safeguard money during door-to-door cookie delivery should be made in advance. Girl
   Scout Daisies should not handle money. Girls should not carry large sums of money when selling
 Money should not be collected until the customer receives their cookies.

Booth Sale Safety
 Adults must be present at all times during a cookie booth sale; however, adults should NOT be
  the only individuals at the booth.
 Girls should not give out information beyond their troop number and their goals for the Cookie
 Girls should not hold or carry large sums of cash. Adults should be aware of the location of the
  cash box at all times.
 Girls must stay at the cookie booth location during the sale. They should not enter parking lots or
  other area locations.
 Girls should dress for the weather and wear Girl Scout identification at all booth sales.

Using the Internet Safely
 A parent, guardian, or other adult must supervise girls when they are participating in any online
   activity relating to the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
Money Earning
Troops/Service Units planning money making activities, other than participating in the Council’s
Product Program Sales, must complete and submit to Council for approval a “Troop/Service Unit
Money Making Project Request Form” at least one month prior to the activity. The
Membership Manager and the Product Program Manager will approve the Troop/Service Unit Money
Making Project Request. Within one month following the money making activity, a project report form
must be completed and submitted to the Membership Manager and the Product Program Manager
for review.
 Troop/Service Unit money earning activities may not be held from the first scheduled day of the
    Fall Product Program Sale (nuts and magazines or other Council fall sale program) order taking
    to the last day of nut delivery in that year.
 Troop/Service Unit money earning activities may not be held from the first scheduled day of the
    Cookie Product Program sale order taking to the last day of cookie delivery in that year.
 Only Troops/Service Units participating in the Council-sponsored fall and/or cookie product pro-
    gram sale may hold other money raising activities.

Boothing Guidelines – Set by Task Group
 All adults handling money must be registered and background checked.
 Second adult does not need to be registered if not handling money. They must be unrelated to
  the other adult. If a registered and background checked adult is not available, the booth must be
  shut down.
 Must have a minimum of two girls boothing at all times.
 Must sell cookies for $5.00 only, if caught selling for more or less you will lose selling privileges.
 Boothing location must be approved in SNAP by Council prior to boothing date and time.
 SU will determine how their boothing is to be handled – lottery or troop secured locations.
 Council is responsible for lottery locations in SNAP and National Agreement with WalMart
  boothing dates and times.
 Must booth away from car traffic to ensure safety of girls and adults.
 No boothing in front of bars, medical dispensaries, casinos.
 No selling cookies in street medians.
 Girls must be in uniform or Girl Scout/Troop shirt.
 All booths must be marked clearly with Girl Scout Signage (i.e. tablecloth, signs made by girls)
 Boothing money to be secured by adult in a secure location (i.e. apron, fanny pack, money
  box) Daisies are not allowed to handle money.
 First Aid Kit and Health Histories for girls and adults to be kept at boothing location with Adult in
  charge during boothing times.
 Checklist for Parents to verify during their shift of work is suggested. Can be laminated with dry
  erase pen.
 If troop finds anyone not following the guidelines, they are to gather information from that party:
  troop number, girl name and adult name. Report this information to Dacia at Council, (800) 490-
  8653 ext 118 or dpoulson@girlscoutsccs.org. Troop leader will be notified immediately by
                                                  st    th
 Walkabout - no boothing to occur February 1 -19 . Guidelines of Walkabout to be signed by
  Troop girls and parents on Parent Permission Slip.
Boothing Infractions - Set by Task Group
1. If a girl is caught selling early, boothing during non-boothing time frame, does not have a minimum
   of two girls, or two adults, she will lose the boxes she has sold during that time frame. Those
   boxes will be given to girls within the troop at leader’s discretion. Her boothing location will be
   shut down immediately. If caught breaking rules, prior, during, etc. a second time, she will not be
   allowed to sell cookies, or booth the rest of the season. Council must notify the Troop leader im-
   mediately each time this occurs.
2. Upon the second infraction by the troop - the second time a girl in the same troop is caught doing
   any of the infractions listed above - breaking guidelines/rules, either illegal boothing, breaking any
   of the above guidelines prior/during the boothing time frame - the troop will lose five cents per
   box. Council must notify the Troop leader immediately if this occurs. It is the Troop Cookie
   Chairs/Troop Leader responsibility to ensure all rules are explained so there are no questions.
3. If anyone is caught selling cookies for more than $5.00 they will lose selling privileges and those
   boxes will not be credited to girl.
Council Secured Boothing
 Bakersfield holds a city-wide lottery in Snap.
 Fresno holds a lottery for “hot spots” – Riverpark, all Walmarts and any other businesses who
  contact Council directly. These will be run on Snap.
 GSUSA has secured an agreement with the Walmart Corporation for all stores, including
  Neighborhood Markets and Sam’s Club locations. Council has contacted each location within our
  jurisdiction. Stores in outlying areas will be assigned to troops based on SU preference. Troops
  who booth at Walmart must provide data on their sales – number of girls (maximum 6 per
  doorway), and package volume. This data is required by Walmart as part of the agreement.
All Boothing
When securing locations, Girl Scouts should ask the store manager whether they need to contact the
Property Management in addition to the store. Booth sale boundaries are flexible – troops are not
dictated by SU lines when it comes to boothing. SU’s can upload boothing information into Snap –
contact Dacia for instructions.
Remember - Boothing is a privilege granted to us by local businesses. This privilege, if abused even
unintentionally, could cause all Girl Scouts to lose the opportunity for additional sales at these places
of business. Remember, Girl Scouts and Adults at booth locations are representing GSCCS, and
please be considerate of business’s customers and property. You may be asked to leave if com-
plaints arise. If conflicts arise at a booth location due to misconduct of any kind, future boothing privi-
leges may be revoked. All girls and adults must be made aware of boothing guidelines.

Tips for a Success Boothing Season
 Be Prepared - bring your own equipment and change. Do not ask the site manager for any sup-
   plies or change. Check in and place your table where assigned.
 Schedule adults and girls to work at the booth. Follow the girl/adult ratio at all times.
 Make your table display dynamic to attract customer interest and attention. Include information
   about Operation Gratitude. Bundle cookies with a ribbon to encourage multi-box purchases.
 Be courteous, respectful, friendly, and polite to everyone, regardless of whether they purchase
   cookies. Be proud of the Girl Scouts and make a great impression!
 Keep your booth area clean and leave it spotless. Securely store cases of cookies and elevate
   them off the ground. Remove empty cases promptly.
 If you need to cancel a booth, notify Council and remove the information from Snap. If you made
   arrangements directly with the location, advise the site manager of the cancellation.
 Transfer boothing cookies to the girls in Snap to ensure proper recognition credit.
Tips for a Successful Sale

Before the Sale                                           Walkabout Sales:
 Double check that all girls are registered for the       Girls must be familiar with the
   2014-2015 Membership year.                               neighborhoods where they sell.
 Attend training.                                         Sell door-to-door only during daylight
 Read all cookie materials (including visiting helpful     hours.
   websites) to familiarize yourself with the program.     Girls should wear their Girl Scout
 Train girls and parents at a family meeting.              Uniform or T-shirt if possible.
 Set a troop goal, and encourage your girls to set        Girls should never enter a customer’s
   personal goals.                                          house or approach customers in cars.
 Collect all signed Parent Permission slips.              Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and
                                                            Juniors must be accompanied by an
During the Sale                                             adult when selling and delivering.
 Maintain communication with your SUCC.                   Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and
 Frequently collect money and make deposits to ei-         Ambassadors should be supervised by
  ther the Council or Troop bank accounts.                  an adult or use the buddy system when
 Monitor your troop’s cookie inventory.                    selling Girl Scout items. Girls may
 Follow all boothing guidelines.                           never sell alone.
 Transfer product down to the girl level.                 Girls should never give out their
 Follow all deadlines outlined in this guide.              names, addresses or telephone
 Think outside of the cookie box – cookie caravans         numbers to customers. The Troop
  to canvas a neighborhood, contact a business to           leader’s information can be provided.
  schedule a milk and cookies break, or utilizing a
  parent’s email or social networking are all effective   Money Management:
  ways to boost your sales. Brainstorm with your girls     Girls should have a plan for
  on how to reach your troop goal.                          safeguarding the money they collect.
 Be cognizant when transporting cookies. The fol-         Girls should not carry around large
  lowing gives you an approximate guide on how              amounts of cash.
  many cases can fit in various vehicles when empty        Money should be given to the
  except for the driver’s seat.                             accompanying or supervising adult.
   Compact Car – 30 cases
   Mid-size Sedan – 45 cases                             After the Sale
   Station Wagon – 70 cases                               Submit any Parent Delinquency
   SUV/Mini Van – 80 cases                                  paperwork by the stated deadline.
   Pickup Truck (full bed) – 100 cases                    Celebrate your troop’s success! Work
   14’ Uhaul – 650 cases                                    with the girls to plan a celebration for
 Receipt every time product or money changes                all their hard work.
  hands between parties.                                   Pick up recognition items promptly.

Staying Safe
Safety is always the primary concern of Girl Scouts of Central California South. We are always
working to ensure that all Girl Scouts are in a safe and friendly environment. Please review Safety
Activity Checkpoints for policies and guidelines to keep your troop safe.

Thank you! Our Cookie Program would not be a success without each and every one of you
volunteers! Please contact your Service Unit Cookie Chair with any questions. Watch your
    email for hints, tips, and reminders for the program. Good luck and happy selling!
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