Page created by Ted Cummings
May 23, 2021   Geneva, Illinois
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                                   10 Year Anniversary

                                                      to Father
                                                     10 years of

                                                   Thou Art a Priest Forever
                                                To live in the midst of the world,
                                                  Without wishing its pleasures;
                                                 To be a member of each family,
                                                     Yet belonging to none;
                                                     To share all sufferings;
Presbyteral Ordination by Bishop Doran                                                Pastoral Installation by Bishop Malloy
May 21, 2011 at St. Peter Cathedral, Rockford
                                                     To penetrate all secrets;            June 29, 2017 at St. Peter, Geneva
                                                       To heal all wounds;
                                                    To go from men to God
                                                  And offer Him their Prayers;
                                                  To return from God to men
                                                   To bring pardon and hope;
                                                To have a heart of fire for charity
                                                And a heart of bronze for chastity;
                                                     To teach and to pardon,
                                                   Console and bless always--
                                                       What a glorious life!
                                                          And it is yours,
                                                     O Priest of Jesus Christ!
                                                         Author Unknown

                                                        Be not
                                                      but believe.

                                                       John 20:27
First Mass                                                                                               First Communion
May 22, 2011 at St. Bridget, Loves Park                                                    May 1, 2021 at St. Peter, Geneva
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         10 Year Anniversary
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               Worship, Prayer & Sacraments
Mass Intentions
Saturday, May 22nd—St. Rita of Cascia
8:00 am       † Gail M. Noonan by Brian Noonan              Altar Flower Intentions
                                                         Saturday-Sunday, May 22 & 23
Anticipated: Pentecost
4:30 pm        † Patrick McCaffrey                       In Celebration of Father Bakkelund’s
               by Colleen Jackson                           10 Years of Priestly Ordination
Sunday, May 23rd—Pentecost                                     Donor: Saint Peter Staff
7:00 am       † James Claffy by The Family           Altar flowers are a special way to memorialize a
9:00 am       † Peg Lawley                           loved one, remember an anniversary or share a
              by Joe & Mary Cannizzaro               special intention. If you are interested in offering
11:00 am      People of the Parish                   an intention ($120 for arrangements), stop by the
Monday, May 24th—Mary, Mother of the Church          Parish Center, Monday-Friday, 9:15 AM to 4:30
7:00 am      Special Intention—William Flood         PM (Closed Noon-1:20 PM for staff prayer and
             by Mele & DiIorio Families              lunch) or go online to,
8:35 am      † Marikay Nichols, Gary Byrd &          under “Mass Intentions and Memorials.”
             Pauline Fahnestock                      Upcoming Available Dates include:
             by Mary Cannizzaro                      June 5/6      July 17/18       July 31/Aug 1
Tuesday, May 25th—St. Bede the Venerable;            July 3/4      July 24/25       Aug 7/8
              St. Gregory VII; St. Mary
              Magdalene de Pazzi
7:00 am       † Frank Johnson by Herrera Family
8:35 am       † Joan & Martin Zander              Marcella Elaine Fischer
              by Bill & Donna Zander              Parents: Josef & Lauren
Wednesday, May 26th—St. Philip Neri               Godparents: Todd Hewell, IV & Kristin Anderson
7:00 am      † Michael Loughman III & Michael     Reign Douglas Oney
             Loughman, Jr. by The Family          Parents: Joel & Megan
8:35 am      † Ralph Campbell & William           Godparents: Andrew Milz & Tara Ditchen
             Campbell by The Family
Thursday, May 27th—St. Augustine of Canterbury    Death
7:00 am      † Michael Cleary by Anne Hutter      Please pray for the soul of:
8:35 am      † Ralph E. Campbell by The Family    † William Schaefle, husband of Elizabeth Schaefle

Friday, May 28th
7:00 am       Special Intention—Eric Schwendner                  Flames of Faith
              by Carleen Schwendner                             May 22nd—June 4th
8:35 am       † Lenny Zullo by Mary Fran Rogers
                                                           In Celebration of 10 Years of
Saturday, May 29th                                            Priestly Ordination for
8:00 am       Special Intention—America, under              Fr. Jonathan P. Bakkelund
              God & indivisible by Marie Lee               Donor: Mary D. Cannizzaro
Anticipated: Trinity Sunday
                                                   The Flames of Faith in our Panis Angelicus
4:30 pm        People of the Parish
                                                   Adoration Chapel provide a great opportunity for
Sunday, May 30th—Trinity Sunday                    you to remember a loved one or offer a special
7:00 am       † Helen Ullrich                      prayer intention for someone you hold dear. If you
              by Jeff & Carolyn Butz               are interested in sponsoring a set of Flames of Faith
                                                   dates ($30.00), please call the Parish Center,
9:00 am       † Jeffrey R. Kass
                                                   (630) 232-0124, ext. 100 to inquire about open
              by Julie, Tim & Nick Puhr            dates, or go online to,
11:00 am      † Peg Lawley                         under “Mass Intentions and Memorials.”
              by Jack & Rosemary Hood & Family
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                 Worship, Prayer & Sacraments

                                                          We Pray for those in Need
                                                          Allie                Karen S.                Tom & Mary Kolecki
                                                          Cathy                Carol Sue Borkowski     Vicky Majewski
                                                          Dan                  Sr. Karen Bricher       Coreen Newell
                                                          Howard               Ann Campbell            Kathy Pott
                                                          Liam                 Jim & Michele Doherty   Maureen Pott
                                                          Lucas                Kimberly Finnegan       Brian Quinn
                                                          Maureen              Hamp Fowler             Carol Schaefges
                                                          Peter                Priscilla Gallina       Gigi Skelton
                                                          Priscilla            John Hanses             Dijah Tillis
                                                          Tony                 Jane Herrera            Stan Wegrzyn
                                                          Bill S.              Flora Kaindl            Corrine White
                                                          Dan K.               John Kaindl
                                                          Lisa K.              Leslie Kofron

                                                          We Pray for our Service Men & Women
                                                          SSGT Katherine Brooks           PFC Sean Morrisey
                                                          S/SGT Rayce Burns               SGT Mark Murphy
                                                          1ST LT Harold G. Cubillo        PFC Matthew Musielski
                                                          SGT Ryan DiBenedetto            ENS Andrew Niedbala
                                                          SGT Maj. David Eastwood         CPT Richard Niedbala III
                                                          CE3 Robert Farrell              SA Dominick Pistorio
Eucharistic Adoration                                     SGT Neil Garity                 SGT Brendan Purcell
The Panis Angelicus Chapel is devoted to Eucharistic      2ND LT Chris Gensler            SCPO Michael Purvis
Adoration. Located adjacent to our Parish Center on the   MM3 (SS) Kenneth Graff          PVT Jullian Reed
west side of the church, the chapel is open 24 hours a    SGT Thomas P. Horvath           PFC Rob Regan
day, 7 days a week for anyone who wishes to spend         LCPL Ryan Hutchinson            SGT Michael W. Renner
time with Jesus. Between the hours of 6:00 AM and         CDR David A. Keating            SPC David Reo
                                                          LCDR Theresa Keating            CPT Ashley Ritchey
10:00 PM, the door is open. If you are interested in
                                                          HM3 Donny Klein                 PFC Ruben Rodriguez
praying between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM,        CPL Holt J. Lenert              SGT 1st Class Eric Romero
contact Kathy Soeder for a swipe card,                    1ST LT Kevin Marks              2ND LT Brian Spears In response to               SGT Nicholas Maxwell            PFC Christian Stevens
COVID-19, the following directives apply:                 LT Sean McHugh                  CPL Chris Verbel
■ Fully vaccinated individuals are no longer required     LT Jim McHugh                   CH (LT COL) Paul Weberg, OSB
    to wear masks or social distance.                     PFC Alexander Meade             PFC Jacob Wilson
                                                          1ST LT Thomas J. Menn           1ST LT Nicholas Wiltsie
■ Everyone must sign in on the visitor sheet.             SGT J. Patrick Morrisey
■ When you leave, please use the cleaning supplies
    in the vestibule to sanitize your pew and kneeler.
  Failure to follow these procedures could result in
     the adoration chapel having to close again.
If you have any concerns, feel free to call Kathy
Soeder, our Business Manager and safety liaison,
(847) 648-0075.

       Anyone with a cough, fever,
     shortness of breath or who feels
       sick for any reason is asked
         to refrain from entering                            If you know someone in need of prayer,
          the chapel at this time.                              please contact the Parish Center at
                                                                         (630) 232-0124.
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                                              Parish News
Weekend Collection
May 15 & 16…………….......…..…….…........$22,588
Total includes all regular collections mailed or
dropped off in the office, plus recurring/regular online
donations made via OSV.
1% Stewardship …………....................................$226
Our gifts of 1% stewardship fund various charitable             To sign up to attend Mass in person,
not-for-profit organizations as needed.                                      please visit:
       Thank you for your faithful support!             
                                                              QUESTION: When we transition to a new
                                                              month, where can I find those dates on the
                                                              sign up page?
      In observance of Memorial Day on
      Monday, May 31st, the Parish Office                     ANSWER: Our Mass reservation page on
      will be closed. Also, daily Mass is at                  SignUpGenius now has tabs at the top of
                                                              the screen that will allow you to sign up by
                   9 AM only.                                 month. Currently, only May dates are
                                                              available. Upcoming months will have their
                                                              own tab when added.

 Dear Parishioners:
 We at Catholic
 Cemeteries are sorry                                         The dispensation from the Sunday obligation
 to inform you and                                            remains in effect for the foreseeable future.
 your parish we will                                          You are not obligated to attend Mass on
 be cancelling this                                           Sundays or Holy Days. If you feel
 year’s Memorial Day                                          uncomfortable or are at risk, join us virtually
 Mass at the                                                  through live-streamed Mass:
 cemetery. We
 understand the                                                  Monday through Friday at 8:35 AM
 history and the
 importance of this                                                      Saturdays at 8:00 AM
 Mass, however, due                                                      Sundays at 11:00 AM
 to the pandemic, and
 after much
 discussion, we                                                                DAILY LINKS
 believe the safety of everyone is first and foremost    
 important. We will be keeping you all in our                                      OR
 prayers.                                                      St. Peter Facebook Page @stpetergeneva
 May God bless and keep you all safe and healthy.                                  OR
 Sincerely,                                                          Subscribe to YouTube Channel
 Catholic Cemeteries                                              
 Mt. Olivet Cemetery - Aurora                                            stpetergeneva-youtube
 Resurrection Cemetery – Geneva
 Mt. Hope Cemetery - Elgin
Page 7

           Diocesan Stewardship Appeal

                       We are abundantly blessed with many people
    PLEDGE TARGET:   to thank! If you do not see your name listed at
    $160,478          this time, please stay tuned to future bulletins
                        as there may is a time lag between online
    PLEDGES TO                giving, weekend collections, etc.

    DATE: $77,915    Mario & Cathy Balettie              Kevin & Carole King
                     Joe & Sue Benco                     Carl & Clover Koester
                     Mike & Melinda Bernhard             Carol Lesmann
                     Ken & Laurie Brown                  Bruce & Rosemary Malec
    % TO PLEDGE      Virginia Bruno                      Patrick Malone
                     Douglas Chang & Jacqueline Jordan   Pat & Kristin McChrystal
    GOAL: 49%        Brad & Theresa Clemmons             Dave & Katie McQueeny
                     Kim Daly                            Richard & Joanne Nelson
                     Nancy Dantino                       Leonard & Marianne Noga
                     Randy & Karen Duerr                 Kevin & Donna O'Dea
   Thank you for     Terry & Dorothy Flanagan            Terrence & Janet Payne
    your faithful    Mike & Michele Happold              Mike & Chris Perillo
                     Clarence & Barbara Herman           Cat Richter
   support of the    Jerry Hurley                        Dave & Jodeen Rogers
                     Mark & Eileen Hutchinson            Doris Vainisi
   2021 Diocesan     Al & Nina Jackson                   Annette Weiland
    Stewardship      Kathy Jaeger                        Ted & Jodie Wollnik, Jr.
                     Paula Jamrock                       Gus & Cathy Wulfkuhle
       Appeal!       Renato & Cynthia Jocson

                                         Stewardship Appeal Prayer
Page 8

                                        Ministry News
                                                      Baby Bottle Boomerang
                                                      (Minus the bottles!)
                                                      Weekend of June 5 & 6
                                                      Please support Corbella Clinic, of South
                                                      Elgin, in their ongoing mission to help
                                                      women who find themselves dealing with
                                                      an unplanned pregnancy.
                                                      Corbella offers the following medical
                                                      services: free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds,
                                                      STI testing and abortion pill reversal. Of
YOUR donations have helped provide food for           course, counseling and support are also
our neighbors. Thank you!                             offered throughout the pregnancy.
During the month of May, we are                       Please bring your donation (a bottle
concentrating on collecting ketchup                   typically holds $20 in coins) to Mass on
and mustard, a great addition for                     Saturday and Sunday, June 5 & 6. Respect
those spring and summer cookouts!                     Life representatives will collect donations in
We are also collecting the plastic                    baskets after Mass. You can also donate
newspaper bags/sleeves to use in                      online at
                                                              Thank you for your support of life!
Donations of non-perishable food may be
deposited in the bin located at the St. Peter Food
Pantry on the west side of the Parish Center. We
also accept donations at the east and west boxes
located in the church entrances.                                                                  Support for
                                                                                                  Those Who
Tax-exempt monetary donations are always
welcome! A check should be payable to the St.                                                     Have Lost a
Peter Food Pantry and mailed to St. Peter Food                                                    Loved One to
Pantry, 1891 Kaneville Road, Geneva, IL 60134                                                     Substance
(or dropped off in the collection basket at Mass                                                  Abuse
or mail slot at the Parish Center).
                                                                                                  The Society of St.
     Our next distribution is                                                                     Mark Ji Tianxiang
 Wednesday, May 26th between                                                                      is a ministry
8:00-11:00 AM and 5:30-7:00 PM.                                                                   dedicated to
      Everyone is welcome                                                                         helping those who
        to receive food.                                                                          have lost loved
                                                                                                  ones to substance
It will be a curbside distribution with pre-                                                      abuse find peace.
packaged groceries. Volunteers will load
vehicles in a drive-through style, so customers       We provide a safe place to share stories and provide support to
are asked not to leave their vehicle. This helps us   one another as we grieve the loss of our loved ones. Members
maintain social distancing. Everyone is welcome       may share as much or as little as they feel comfortable and
to receive food.                                      attend only when they feel called. We welcome all who are
Current Food Pantry updates are posted on the         carrying this cross to join us for an evening of prayer, hope and
parish homepage or you          understanding. Members are encouraged to bring a picture of
can email us,           their loved one.
                                                      We are especially seeking those who have lost loved ones in
“Whatsoever you do to the least                       years past to share their wisdom and support with those
 of my people, that you do unto                       who are just starting on this journey.
        Matthew 25:40                                        Please contact David Pens, (815) 210-6920 or
                                                   for more information.
Page 9

                                     Ministry News

Looking for Lazarus House
Dinner Volunteers!
On the first Sunday of each month, St Peter provides       Registration for our parish RE Family Faith
dinner to the residents of Lazarus House homeless          Formation program is open online!
shelter in St.Charles through our great community of       Visit and either
volunteers. We use as a virtual sign up
process to make it easier to fill the various openings     click the button on the bottom of the home
each month. By following the link below, you can help      page beneath Father Bakkelund’s welcome
the homeless in our community by providing a main          or follow the link provided for Religious
dish, side dish, sack lunches (great family or service     Education under the Ministries Menu.
hour activity), or drinks. All the volunteer options and   REMINDER! You can pay via Online
instructions are on the site and updated as needs          Giving, but you have to register first, so go
change. The process is easy! You make the dish in your
home, or purchase the food, and drop it off at the         online and REGISTER TODAY!
shelter on our designated Sunday before 6:00 PM.
St. Peter sign-up link:
Questions? Contact Julie Schokora via phone or text at
(630) 473-7474 or
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Adult Formation
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          Totus Tuus Summer Camp

                     Registration Form:
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                St. Peter School Corner

       As part of the Spectacular fundraiser in February,
  students bid on which challenges they would like to see their
  teachers participate in. Here is some of the fun our teachers
              had with these challenges last week!

St. Peter School ● 1881 Kaneville Road, Geneva ● (630) 232-0476 ●
Page 13

                           Queen Of Hearts Raffle

                                                 Our most recent winner, John Connolly, won $100
                                                    finding the King of Spades under card #14!
  Our next drawing                         1. Buy a ticket Monday through Friday* either at the Parish Center or
                                              School Office (during school hours). You can also buy a ticket after
  will be Monday,                             weekend Masses outside the entrance(s) of the church. Tickets
    May 24th!                                 are $5 each (cash only).
                                           2. Print your first and last name, and phone number, on your ticket.
Ticket sales will stop at 3 PM on          3. Write a card number on your ticket (any number 1-54 that is still
 that day. The drawing will take              open**). This is the card YOU think the Queen of Hearts is behind.
place at 3:15 PM in the St. Peter          4. Give your ticket stub to the seller to put in the box.
School Office. You can watch it                                 **Cards NO LONGER IN PLAY:
       LIVE on Facebook!                              Card #2        Card #9        Card #22       Card #38
                                                      Card #4        Card #11       Card #24       Card #44
                           Card #5        Card #14       Card #28       Card #48
            stpetergeneva/                            Card #7        Card #21       Card #33       Card #52

                                                  The day of the drawing, ONE TICKET will be drawn. If it’s
   If the Queen of Hearts is                YOUR TICKET, they will look under the card number YOU CHOSE,
  not found on the 24th, our                                        and see what you won!
      next drawing will be                 ■ If it’s a number card, 2-10, of any suit, you win $50.
                                           ■ If it’s a Face Card (Ace, King, Jack), you win $100.
       Monday, June 7th.
                                           ■ If it’s a Joker, you win $150.
                                           ■ If it’s a Queen, but not the Queen of Hearts, you win $200.
                                           ■ If it’s the Queen of Hearts, you win 1/2 the jackpot!
For official rules, drawing information,
 and most current jackpot total, visit     *Tickets will not be sold on weekdays that the Parish Center and/or School!             Office is closed (holidays, vacations, etc.)

                                                                                CURRENT JACKPOT
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Youth Ministry
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                        Catholic High School News

  Congratulations to Seniors
     in the Class of 2021
7 Things Every High School Graduate Should Hear
1. Live with intention. College will be full of new opportunities.
   Think carefully about your priorities for your new start.
2. Make the right friends. There will be plenty of new people!
   Concentrate on the ones who motivate you to be a better
3. It's a big world! Look for new perspectives, new
   opportunities, and new ideas that push you to grow.
4. Find a mentor. Building relationships with people who have
   "been there, done that" can be a great help.
5. Give yourself away. You may not need to volunteer
   anymore, but you'll surprised what you learn, how you
   grow, and who you meet when you serve.
6. Before you go, learn how to do your laundry, address an
   envelope, schedule a doctor's appointment, use public
   transportation, and cook basic meals (ramen doesn't
7. Remember that God is in control. And that's a good thing!
Page 16

Local Area News & Events

                              Do you feel the call
                                  to a life of
                              deeper relationship
                                with our Lord?
                            If so, consider visiting our
                            Secular Carmelite community of
                            the Order of Carmelites
                            Discalced founded by St. Teresa
                            of Jesus and St. John of the
                            Cross. We meet once a month at
                            St. Rita Church in Rockford.

                            For more information, please
                            email Paul Sanderson,
                            or leave a voicemail at
                            (815) 904-1184.

                                  God bless you
                                   in Carmel!


          Becoming a Knight will change your life
               and the life of your family!
                 For more information, contact
Page 17

                      Local Area News & Events

Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary offer
   several online programs during
        this time of pandemic.

     Thursday, May 27 from 6:30-8 PM
  “I Know My Wings Are Gonna Fit Me Well:”
     The Healing Truth in Black Spirituality
        Rev. Joseph A. Brown, SJ, PhD
    Tuesday, June 15 from 6:30-8 PM
         Mental Health & Supportive
             Family Relationships
 Dr. Valerie Maty, Assoc. Dir. Family Ministry
              in Diocese of Joliet
      For more information or to register, visit:

   Monthly meetings will be held via
  Zoom at 1 PM and repeated at 7 PM.
     Our next Nourish Event is:

               Monday, June 21
          Roles in Caregiving and the
              Decisions We Face

  For more information and to register, call:
      Susan Amann , (815) 348-9871 OR
        Ruth Barber, (815) 405-4553
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                              Events For The Week

           DATE                                      EVENT                           TIME              LOCATION

Sunday, May 23          No Scheduled Events

Monday, May 24          Bereavement Ministry                               9:00 a.m.         Muldoon Room

                        Confirmation Ceremony 1                            5:30 pm           Church

                        Confirmation Ceremony 2                            7:00 p.m.         Church

Tuesday, May 25         Quilts for the Sick & Homebound                    9:00 a.m.         Seton Hall

                        Parish Staff Meeting                               9:30 a.m.         McLoughlin Hall

Wednesday, May 26       Food Pantry Morning Distribution                   8:00 a.m.         Food Pantry

                        Food Pantry Evening Distribution                   5:30 p.m.         Food Pantry

                        Finance Council Meeting                            7:00 p.m.         Virtual

Thursday, May 27        No Scheduled Events

Friday, May 28          No Scheduled Events
Saturday, May 29        No Scheduled Events

                                                             UPDATE on Campus Meetings
                                                             Various ministries and programs are meeting on
                                                             the St. Peter campus. There are specific directives
                                                             to follow in order to ensure a safe environment.
                                                             Group requirements include, but are not be limited
                                                                  ■ NEW! Fully vaccinated laity and cler gy
                                                                     are no loner required to wear masks or social
                                                                     distance. This applies to both sacramental
                                                                     and non-sacramental gatherings.
                                                                  ■ If you wish to continue to wear a mask and
                                                                     socially distance, we are more than happy to
      In mid-May, we will begin room                                 accommodate you.
    scheduling for July 1, 2021 through                           ■ Maintenance of a list of group members or
              June 30, 2022.                                         event participants (name and phone number)
If you are a ministry leader wishing to host meetings or             for everyone in attendance; and
events on campus during this period, you will be                  ■ Sanitizing the meeting space at the end of
notified via flocknote regarding this process and when               meetings (group leadership will be trained
you can submit your meeting dates and times for                      and supplies provided).
consideration. Requests must include specific meeting
rooms, dates and times, as well as any audio-visual              If you have questions whether a particular
needs or extended set up and clean up times before and            ministry has resumed in person meetings,
after your gathering. Questions? Contact Laurie Brown,                      contact Laurie Brown at                                    

                                   Until Further Notice
                 Doors on the west side are ONLY OPEN for weekend Masses.
    For weekday Masses, confession, weddings, funerals or to attend parish or ministry events
                    during the week, please use the doors on the east side.
Page 19

                                   Presider Schedule
                                               Schedule subject to change.

                                    Saturday                           Sunday             Sunday             Sunday
          MAY 29/30                 4:30 PM                           7:00 AM            9:00 AM           11:00 AM*

Presider                            Fr. Warren                      Fr. Warren         Fr. Bakkelund      Fr. Bakkelund
*This Mass will be live-streamed on the parish website, YouTube Channel and Facebook page.

                                                                                        Monday, May 24
                                                                           Gn 3:9-15, 20 or Acts 1:12-14; Ps 87:1-3, 5-7;
                                                                                           Jn 19:25-34

                                                                                         Tuesday, May 25
                                                                           Sir 35:1-12; Ps 50:5-8, 14, 23; Mk 10:28-31

                                                                                        Wednesday, May 26
                                                                              Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13;
                                                                                            Mk 10:32-45
                                                                                         Thursday, May 27
                                                                               Sir 42:15-25; Ps 33:2-9; Mk 10:46-52
                                                                                           Friday, May 28
                                                                           Sir 44:1, 9-13; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Mk 11:11-26
                                                                                         Saturday, May 29
                                                                             Sir 51:12cd-20; Ps 19:8-11; Mk 11:27-33
                                                                                          Sunday, May 30
Lord, Send Out Your Spirit                                                 Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Ps 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22;
In today’s responsorial psalm, the Church sings out:                                 Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20
               “Lord, send out your Spirit,
             and renew the face of the earth.”
All three readings describe how God has answered this
prayer already.
In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles and in
the Gospel passage from John, we read of astonishing
events that called cowering disciples to step out of hiding
and proclaim news that would condemn them and change
the world forever! In the second reading Paul’s words
reach out into the future to us: “we were all given to drink
of one Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:13).
It is our task to truly pray today’s psalm response. Let us
together beg the Holy Spirit to renew the earth by
renewing the Church, sending many more men and
women to serve in its various ministries.
                                            Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
ST. PETER SCHOOL:                          RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
        ST. PETER                          Preschool - Grade 8                        FAMILY FAITH FORMATION:
                                                                                      (September through May):
                                           1881 Kaneville Rd…(630) 232-0476
       DIRECTORY                                      Kindergarten - Junior High
                                                                                      One Wednesday evening per month
PARISH CENTER:                              School Principal
                                                                                      6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
1891 Kaneville Rd…(630) 232-0124 Becky Ward, ext. 137
                                                                                      For specific dates, see RE website
FAX . . . . . . . . . . . . .(630) 232-9262
                                                                                      PANIS ANGELICUS
                                            FOOD PANTRY, ext. 444                     ADORATION CHAPEL:
                                            On the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Adoration Chapel open 24 hours a day
Monday-Friday 9:15 AM—4:30 PM
                                            month from 8:00-11:00 AM and 5:30- 7 days a week. If you need access
   *Closed Noon to 1:20 PM for lunch
                                            7:00 PM unless otherwise announced. between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., call
EMERGENCIES:                                    parish office during business hours.
(630) 232-0124, prompt 9
                                            MASS SCHEDULE:                            CHURCH WEBSITE:
REGISTRATION: New member s                  Saturday: 8 AM and              
can register on our website:                   4:30 PM (Anticipated Mass)                       Sunday: 7, 9, and 11 AM                   BONUS BUCK$ EMAIL:
                                            Mon.-Fri.: 7 AM and 8:35 AM     
GENERAL PARISH EMAIL:                 CONFESSIONS:                              ROOM RESERVATIONS:
                                            Saturday:           8:30 AM     
PASTORAL STAFF:                                                 (until all are heard) BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS:
Pastor                                      Tuesday:            6:00 PM     
Rev. Jonathan P. Bakkelund                                      (until all are heard) Submission deadline is ten days prior                                                                 to the bulletin date unless noted.
                                            INTERESTED IN
Parochial Vicar                             BECOMING CATHOLIC?                        FACEBOOK:
Rev. Charles Warren                         Please call the parish center.  
Permanent Deacon, Director of               Please call the parish center.
R.C.I.A. & Catholics Come Home                                                                        HELPING
Greg D’Anna, ext. 110                       MARRIAGES: Call the par ish                         ORGANIZATIONS:                center to plan your wedding. NOTE:         At St. Peter:
                                            If you or someone you know needs a          St. Vincent de Paul Hotline
Adult Formation Coordinator                 previous marriage investigated for its        (630) 232-0124, prompt 6 (or ext. 310)
Melinda Bernhard, ext. 126                  validity or invalidity (the annulment                   process) so that you may fully              St. Peter Outreach Ministry
Director of Religious Education             participate in your Church faith or           (630) 232-0124, prompt 7 (or ext. 130)
Kindergarten - 8th                          become    Catholic,   please  call the
Nicole Billapando, ext. 117                 Tribunal   Office  at (815)  399-4300
                                                                                       In the Community:               SICK CALLS:                                 One *free* call to 2-1-1 connects you
Director of Parish Services                 Please notify the pastor when anyone         with all Human Services in Kane County
Laurie Brown, ext. 101                      in  the parish is sick  or injured.         Lazarus House, (630) 587-2144                                                        Hesed House, (630) 897-2165
                                            PRAYER CIRCLE:
                                            Parishioners pray privately for others      Carpenter’s Homelessness
Coordinator of Operations &                                                              Prevention, (630) 897-2156, ext. 556
Parish Hospitality                          in need. To submit an intention, call
                                                                                        Quad County Urban League,
Colette McKenna, ext. 105                   the parish center or submit on our           (630) 851-2203                       website.                                    Corbella Clinic, (847) 697-0200
Database Manager                                                                        Care Net, (800)-395-HELP
Lisa O’Leary Volk, ext. 111                                                             Nurturing Network,
                                                                                        Geneva Township & Emergency
Business Manager                                                                         Assistance, (630) 232-3607
Kathy Soeder, ext. 104                                                                  Batavia Township, (630) 879-1392                                                                St. Charles Township, (630) 584-9342                                                             Blackberry Township, Elburn,
                                                                                         (630) 365-6580
Youth & Young Adult Minister                                                            Illinois Housing Development Authority,
Isaac Weickert, ext. 113                                                                 (855) 873-7405
                                        Chamber of Commerce Members
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