Page created by Felix Woods
                  JULY 4, 2021

         Saint Stanislaus Catholic Church                                  Holy Trinity Catholic Church
                   516 East 13th Street                                            2220 Reed Street
               Erie, Pennsylvania 16503                                        Erie, Pennsylvania 16503
                      814.452.6606                                                    814.456.0671
             email:                                email:
Fr. Jason Glover, S.T.L., Pastor                            Fr. Jason Glover, S.T.L., Pastor
Msgr. Daniel Magraw, Senior Associate                       Msgr. Daniel Magraw, Senior Associate
Debbie Oldenski, Secretary                                  Mary Ann Merski, Secretary
Thaddeus Fryczynski, Director of Music                      Jeannie McGinley, Director of Music
     Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:30AM - 3:00 PM                 Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00AM - 4:00PM
(Closed 12:00PM - 1:00PM, Saturdays, Sundays, & Holidays)      (Closed 12:00PM - 1:00PM, Saturdays, Sundays, & Holidays)
   Daily Eucharistic Liturgy: Tuesday - Friday at 8:00AM    Daily Eucharistic Liturgy: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 8:00AM
         Temporary Weekend Eucharistic Liturgy:                         Temporary Weekend Eucharistic Liturgy:
         Saturday at 4:00PM; Sunday at 9:00AM                           Saturday at 5:15PM; Sunday at 10:30AM
          * Daily Eucharist: Call the Parish Office                       Daily Eucharist: Call the Parish Office
Saint Stanislaus & Holy Trinity
                                         Partners in Faith & Mission
               July 4, 2021
       14th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                     Readings for the week of July 4, 2021
                                                 Sunday: Ez 2:2-5/Ps 123:1-4/2 Cor 12:7-10/Mk 6:1-6 [14th Sunday]
  It’s all so ordinary that we can easily miss   Monday: Gn 28:10-22/Ps 91:1-4, 14-15/Mt 9:18-26 [Sts. Anthony Zaccaria]
it. The seagulls hunting and diving for          Tuesday: Gn 32:23-33/Ps 17:1-8, 15/Mt 9:32-38 [St. Maria Goretti]
mollusks at the beach offer a display of
                                                 Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7, 17-24/Ps 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19/Mt 10:1-7
determination and precision as they gather
                                                 Thursday: Gn 44:18-29; 45:1-5/Ps 105:16-21/Mt 10:7-15
their food for the day. It’s simply what these
creatures do. Yet, there’s a magical             Friday: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30/Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40/Mt 10:16-23
artfulness and skill to their work that speaks   Saturday: Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26/Ps 105:1-7/Mt 10:24-33
volumes about the One who breathed life          Next Sunday: Am 7:12-15/Ps 85:9-14/Eph 1:3-14/Mk 6:7-13 [15th Sunday]
into their being. This is pretty much the way
it is with God’s presence. God comes in
common ways through common things and             Sacrament of Baptism: Sacramental preparation is required of the parents
ordinary people. Sadly, we are so engulfed        who desire to share the Catholic faith with their children and are held
in our little worlds of order and ideas to
                                                  monthly throughout the City of Erie. Call the parish office to register to
notice the beauty and wonder of it all. A
sunset is a sunset and a seagull is a seagull.    schedule your preparation. Godparents must be Confirmed and practicing
That’s precisely what they thought about          Catholics with a letter of recommendation from their pastor to serve as a
Jesus too. After all, isn’t he just the           sacramental sponsor.
carpenter’s son? What merit can his words
                                                  Religious Education, First Holy Communion, and First Reconciliation
possibly have?
  When pondering God’s relationship with          programs are hosted at Saint Luke’s Church for all eastside Erie parishes.
His people and God’s action in our lives, we      Contact their parish office for more information and to register your child
have to go back to the stable and the             (814.825.7105).
recurring, creative, unending power of God’s
presence. It was a quiet, run of the mill kind
                                                  Confirmation preparation for all eastside Erie parishes is hosted at Saint
of night. There was nothing spectacular or        Luke’s Church. Contact their parish office for more information and to
extraordinary. To the naked eye, a woman          register your child (814.825.6920).
gave birth to a child and there wasn’t            Sacrament of Holy Orders: God calls all people to holiness. Some men are
anything extraordinary to see. We have a
                                                  called to fulfill this vocation as priests. If you are interested in the
hard time understanding God’s ordinary-
ness. Jesus grew up in an ordinary town, had      priesthood, or have questions about it, please contact a parish priest or our
neighbors and did normal human things.            Diocesan Vocation Director, Fr. Scott Jabo, at 1.814.824.1181.
Perhaps that’s why we don’t always like the
                                                  Sacrament of Matrimony: Before a date can be scheduled, a priest must be
Gospel. It doesn’t dazzle us with
extraordinary things but simply challenges        contacted at least six months in advance to complete the required
us to take a different look at our ordinary       documents.
stuff.                                            Sacrament of the Sick: Communal celebrations of Anointing the Sick are
  God’s life-giving presence continues to         scheduled periodically. The sacrament can also be requested by any
sustain that seagull in flight and keep all
things in being regardless of whether we
                                                  parishioner who is seriously ill or in danger of death. Please note: Federal
have the faith to see and understand this.        law no longer permits hospitals or nursing homes to contact churches when
Our personal agendas, preconceived ideas,         a parishioner is admitted. It is important that family members notify the
misconceptions, and expectations can often        parish office if a loved one needs a visit, desires to receive Holy
cause us to be hardened and blinded to            Communion, or needs to be Anointed.
what God is doing or desiring to do. The
                                                  Leave A Legacy: Consider Saint Stanislaus and Holy Trinity as you meet with
blinders we wear and the expectations we
bring to life can often prevent us from           your attorney or financial planner regarding your estate planning.
seeing graced moments that radiate with           Remember the needs of your parish family and leave a legacy of faith for
God’s graceful presence. They also prevent        future generations with your generous remembrance.
God’s transforming, healing, and hope filled
vision for our world from being realized.         Bulletin Information Deadline: Please submit information to be included in
Without faith, God won’t be able to do            the weekend bulletin by noon the Monday prior. Holiday bulletin
much for us either.                               announcements must be received by the parish office two weeks in
Saint Stanislaus & Holy Trinity
                                     Partners in Faith & Mission
       “PRAYER, CARE, AND CONCERN” MINISTRY                                      “PRAYER SHAWL” MINISTRY
Those who participate in this ministry express the care and        The enjoyment of knitting, crocheting, and sewing are
concern of our entire parish community to those who are            uniquely combined with prayer to offer a deeply person-
ill, hospitalized, homebound, or in nursing facilities,            al and meaningful spiritual ministry. Shawls are prayer-
through birthday and holiday cards, visits, and prayers. To        fully made and freely given away to those suffering be-
request prayers, or to participate in this ministry, contact       reavement, those recovering from illness, the elderly,
Rose Marie at 814.923.4438.                                        homebound, and those in nursing facilities. To join us in
                                                                   this ministry, please contact Linda at 814.864.8476.
                 “PRAYERLINE” MINISTRY
These ministers devote themselves to prayer for any needs                         THE “ZABAWA COMMITTEE”
made known to them and any special intentions. To                  Held on the parish grounds of Holy Trinity, Zabawa is the
participate in this ministry, or to request prayers for a          largest Polish heritage celebration in the region, drawing
particular need, contact Kay (825-7328) or Shirley (452-           tens of thousands of people to our neighborhood. The
3395) from Saint Stanislaus, or Kathy Benes (898-1091) or          Zabawa Committee organizes the festival through food
Kathy Smith (392-8974) from Holy Trinity.                          preparation, donation solicitation, food and beverage
                                                                   service, and so on. The committee always welcomes any
        PCEP (Parish Catholic Education Program)                   help they receive. If you would like to offer your time, and
Parishioners of Holy Trinity can receive a parish grant to         experience hands-on learning about these rich cultural
assist with the cost of tuition for families who wish their        traditions, contact Ray Luniewski at 882-1032.
primary or secondary school age children to have a
Catholic education. To be eligible, families must                                     PROLIFE COMMUNITY
participate in the program, attend Mass regularly, and be           This ministry advocates through for the protection of all
involved in the parish community. For more information,             human life from conception until natural death through
contact the parish office.                                          prayer, education, and action.
Parishioners interested in serving our worshiping
community as an altar server, lector, Eucharistic minister,
or music minister, please let one of your priests know.

                                          (please circle which parish)

 Family Name: ________________________________________________________

 E-mail: _____________________________________________________________

 Address: ____________________________________________________________

 City/Zip: ____________________________________________________________

 Phone: __________________________________                    Cell Phone: ______________________________

 Please Check: ____ New Registration ____Change of Address _____ Change of Telephone Number

                 ______Change of E-mail          _____ Moving out of Parish        _____ Want Envelopes

             Place in offertory basket or mail to Parish Office. We will contact you to complete our Census Form.
                                                 Welcome to our Parish Family!

             A Community of Faith Built on Tradition, Where Everyone is Welcome
Saint Stanislaus Parish Community
                               MASS INTENTIONS                                             Our sanctuary candle burns in
Mon., July 5th- Private Intention                                                          memory of SOPHIA & FRANCIS
Tues., July 6th - Joseph Macioch (Family)                                                  STANKAVICH as gifted by Marie.
Wed., July 7th - Helen & Paul Oleski (Betty & Family)
Thurs., July 8th - Richard Anuszkiewicz (Andrews & Zill Families)
Fri., July 9th - Kaliszewski Family (Family)
Sat., July 10th, 4:00PM - Jerry Stankiewicz (Kay)
Sun., July 11th, 9:00AM - For the People of St. Stanislaus (Pro Populo)

            CONGRATULATIONS BISHOP MARK!                                                   GARAGE SALE
Bishop Mark Bartchak of Altoona-Johnstown, a native son            St. Stanislaus will host a parish-wide garage sale on July
of Saint Stanislaus, received the extraordinary honor of           9th and 10th. The sale will be held from 2PM-8PM on July
being appointed Apostolic Signature by Pope Francis. The           9th (“early bird” will start at noon). It will continue on the
12 members of the Signature serve as the equivalent of our         10th from 9AM-1PM. We will be collecting donations for
U.S. Supreme Court. Their cases involve everything from            the sale on July 6-7.
challenges to the decisions of marriage tribunals to
recourse against the dismissal of a religious, the transfer of     The Prophecy of You and Me Prophet. There’s a heaviness
a parish priest, the restriction of a priest's ministry, removal   to this word. It’s weighted down with meaning. We think
of ministerial faculties, renovation of a parish church and        of prophets and we think of Charlton Heston with wild hair
dismissal from a teaching position. This is, indeed a high         and a booming voice, reaching out his hand to work
honor and we are rightfully proud of Bishop Mark!                  wonders of nature by the grace of God. We think of
                                                                   prophets and we think of ancient Biblical history —
                                                                   someone far away, someone so removed from our
 "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are        everyday life. A prophet is someone who knows
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with         something we don’t. When I let you in on this secret, it
certain unalienable Rights..."                                     might scare you at first: in a way, God is calling you to be a
  We all know these words by heart. They are from the
                                                                   prophet. He is calling me. He is calling anyone who hears
United States Declaration of Independence. However,
                                                                   the truth of the Gospel. However, there is no need for the
these words are not held with the same reverence around
                                                                   megaphone and the wild locusts. This prophet gig might
the world as they are held here at home? There are many
                                                                   not be what you’re thinking. What does a prophet do? He
places in the world where it is a life-threatening endeavor        hears and testifies to the truth, even when it’s
to practice one's faith, that faith that was given to each         uncomfortable, even when it’s unpopular, even when it
human by that Creator who endowed us with inalienable              results in, as Paul says, “weaknesses, insults, hardships,
rights. Let us take a moment to remember all those people          persecutions and constraints.” A prophet doesn’t have to
in the world who are not free to seek life, liberty or             be smart or rich or ordained; heck, he doesn’t even have
happiness.                                                         to be particularly willing. All a prophet has to do is listen to
             WEEKLY OFFERING (JUNE 27, 2021)                       the truth. The truth we receive from Christ, through the
                                                                   Gospel and the sacraments, is a mighty gift. But it is a gift
                          This Week        July 1 to date          that we are not meant to simply keep for ourselves. In
Amount we need            $4,156.00        $211,956.00             possessing it, we are compelled to also pass it on, to share
Amount Received           $4,416.00        $149,008.00             it, to let the Spirit set us on our feet.
Net over/under            $260.00          ($62,948.00)                                                — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
Mass Attendance:
4:00PM = N/A; 9:00AM = 59                                                             THE KINDERGARTENER
Envelopes: 58/168                                                  A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom as
                                                                   the children drew pictures. The teacher would
                   2021 CSA UPDATE                                 occasionally walk around and see each child’s artwork. As
ASSESSMENT: $30,237.00                                             she approached one little girl who was working especially
PLEDGES: $34,810.00 (85 Families)                                  hard, she asked what the drawing was. The little girl told
PAID: $27,110.00                                                   her: “I’m drawing God!” “But sweety,” the teacher replied,
PARISH PROFIT: $4,573.00                                           “no one actually knows what God looks like.”
                                                                   Automatically, the little girl continued drawing and said,
                                                                   “well, they certainly will in a minute!”
Holy Trinity Parish Community
       The sanctuary candle burns this                                    MASS INTENTIONS
       week in for EDWARD MAJEWSKI as
       gifted by Mary Ann Merski.             Mon., June 5th - Special Intention
                                              Tues., June 6th - Kulig, Laszczewski, and Habas Families (Estate)
                                              Wed., June 7th - For All Fathers, Living and Deceased
                7/06 Joanne Majchrzak         Thurs., July 8th - Msgr. John Daniszewski (Estate)
                7/07 Victoria Simora          Fri., July 9th - Irene Niewolak (Estate)
                     & Maria Wawrzyniak       Sat., July 10th, 5:15PM - For the People of Holy Trinity (Pro Populo)
                                              Sun., July 11th, 10:30AM - Loretta Lipinski (Judith Wagner)

                                                                              SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER
                 53 Days until                                Zabawa signup sheets will be out in the Social Center July
                ZABAWA 2021                                   15th. Gather your friends and family and sign up to help!

Today throughout the United States, we celebrate our
                                                                            ZABAWA SPONSORS AND ADS
freedom. Our rights are protected and opportunities
                                                             Want to be a personal sponsor for Zabawa 2021? Know
abound. We recognize that freedom has a cost, one we
                                                             someone who does? You can find ad information at the
celebrate and honor on days such as this. It's good to
                                                             bulletin stations in the Social Center. If you know anyone
honor those who fight for our country, who may well pay
                                                             that would like to place an ad in the book, please contact
the ultimate price for the liberties we're afforded. As
                                                             Julie or Edie.
faithful Catholics, we recognize that there is more to
freedom than simply being at liberty to make our lives
what we want them to be. St. John Paul II reminds us:
                                                                                             CHRUSCIKI MAKING!
"Freedom is not just doing what we can, it is doing what
                                                                                     No Chrusciki baking this Monday,
we ought." We become freer within ourselves and within
                                                                                              but please join us:
our relationships when we choose what is right and good.
                                                                                                   July 12th
When we choose sin, we become trapped in egoism - less
                                                                                                   July 19th
free, not more. This Independence Day, let's continue to
                                                                                                   July 26th
pursue virtue and good character and encourage others to
                                                                         If you would like to help our bakers,
do this same.
                                                                please come to the Social Hall. Doors open at 5:00PM.

          WEEKLY OFFERING FOR JUNE 27, 2021
Regular Offering: $4,026.00 (29/134)
                    THIS WEEK             JULY 1 TO DATE
Dream Goal:         $3,000.00               $153,000.00
Budgeted:           $2,365.00               $120,739.00
Total Offertory:    $4,026.00               $117,833.00
Net (over/under):   $1,661.00               ($2,906.00)
Attendance: 5:15PM = 28; 10:30AM = 52
                     2021 CSA UPDATE
Assessment: $13,285.00
Pledges: $26,360.00 (68 families have participated)
Paid to Date: $23,680.00
Balance Owed: $2,680.00
Parish Profit: $13,075.00
* Thank you to all who have participated!

              “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.”
                                                                                                   - 2 Corinthians 12:9
News for Our Partnership JANUARY 27, 2020
           Our Parish Offices will be                              FEAST OF ST. MARIA GORETTI (JULY 6TH)
                                                                One of the largest crowds ever assembled for
                   CLOSED                                       a canonization—250,000—symbolized the
                                                                reaction of millions touched by the simple
                 on July 5th                                    story of Maria Goretti. She was the daughter
                                                                of a poor Italian tenant farmer, had no chance
                      NEED A BREAK?                             to go to school, never learned to read or write.
Bethany Retreat Center in Frenchville, PA, is a quiet and       When Maria made her First Communion not
peaceful place to rest, renew and be recreated for those        long before her death, she was one of the
                                                                larger and somewhat backward members of
seeking a deeper relationship with God. Bethany offers a
                                                                the class. On a hot afternoon in July, Maria
wide variety of directed retreats that include: Centering       was sitting at the top of the stairs of her
Prayer, Health and Wellness, Grief Recovery and more.           house, mending a shirt. She was not quite 12
They also offer Personal Retreats where you can get away        years old, but physically mature. A cart
from the cares of everyday life and focus on your faith         stopped outside, and a neighbor, 18-year-old
journey. To learn more visit their website                      Alessandro, ran up the stairs. He seized her
at or call 814-263-                and pulled her into a bedroom. She struggled
4855. "God is Spoken Here."                                     and tried to call for help. “No, God does not
                                                                wish it,” she cried out. “It is a sin. You would
                                                                go to hell for it.” Alessandro began striking at
             CHIAVETTA’S BBQ CHICKEN DINNER                     her blindly with a long dagger. Maria was taken to a hospital.
Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus Council 11818, 816 W           Her last hours were marked by the usual simple compassion of
26th St, Erie, PA announces a Drive-Thru Chiavetta’s            the good—concern about where her mother would sleep,
Chicken BBQ Dinner on Sunday, July 18th from Noon to 5,         forgiveness of her murderer (she had been in fear of him, but
or till sold out. Dinner includes ½ Chiavetta’s BBQ             did not say anything lest she cause trouble to his family), and
Chicken, Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Croissant, Bottled          her devout welcoming of Viaticum, her last Holy Communion.
Water and a Cookie! $12 ea. Cash-Credit-Debit                   She died about 24 hours after the attack. Alessandro was
accepted. Enter Sacred Heart lot from W 26th St.                sentenced to 30 years in prison. For a long time he was
                                                                unrepentant and surly. One night he had a dream or vision of
                                                                Maria gathering flowers and offering them to him. His life
                  LITURGICAL MINISTRIES                         changed. When he was released after 27 years, his first act was
As our liturgical ministries are re-opening after being         to beg the forgiveness of Maria’s mother. Devotion to the
suspended due to Covid, it seems an appropriate time to         young martyr grew, miracles were worked, and in less than half
extend an invitation to anyone who may be interested in         a century she was canonized. At her beatification in 1947, her
serving our parish as Greeters/Ushers, Readers, Altar           82-year-old mother, two sisters, and her brother appeared with
Servers, or Music Minister/Choir, please call the Parish        Pope Pius XII on the balcony of St. Peter’s. Three years later, at
                                                                Maria's canonization, a 66-year-old Alessandro Serenelli knelt
Office or let one of the priests know.
                                                                among the quarter-million people and cried tears of joy.

                    COVID VACCINATED?
If you have been fully vaccinated (i.e., two doses, if                                 HELP WANTED
required, and a two week waiting period), simply sign the       “Senior Helpers” is actively seeking caregivers to assist
form in the back of the church so that we can determine         clients with day to day activities, such as: personal care
how far along our parishes are toward immunity. Your            needs, transportation, housekeeping, meal preparation,
willingness to assist us in this effort is COMPLETELY           socializing, etc. Experience is not necessary. A variety of
VOLUNTARY. Thanks, in advance, to those who choose to           paid training opportunities available. Currently offering a
cooperate so that we can bring greater normalcy back to         $500 hiring bonus. For more information, call Robin or
parish life.                                                    Crystal at 814-454-9500.

                                     THE 31 CLUB - PRAYING FOR VOCATIONS
 7/5) Mary Ann Merski & Michelle Inter; 7/6) Msgr Dan Magraw & Joan Oldenski; 7/7) Ed Korytowski & Lori Krasnesky;
            7/8) Steve Rimpa, & Stephanie & Bill Wycech; 7/9) Marcia Nitczynski & Rose Marie Radomski;
                 7/10) Tony Jankowski & Eleanor Walker; 7/11) Sandy Kempisty & Ray Przybyszewski
                                                  PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS
      7/5) Fr. Paul Siebert; 7/6) Fr. Marc Stockton; 7/7) Fr. Jerry Priscaro; 7/8) Fr. John Santor; 7/9) Fr. Rocco Tito;
                                      7/10) Fr. Tom Whitman; 7/11) Fr. Rick Tomasone
Sunday, Jul 04, 2021                                                 Thursday, Jul 08, 2021
                                                                                       Sometimes the miracle is endurance
            Get Jesus right and get right with Jesus                                Genesis 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Matthew 10:7-15
             Ezekiel 2:2-5; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10; Mark 6:1-6               “Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons.”
       "Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother
               of James and Joses and Judas and Simon?"                   The gospel for today refers to the amazing powers Jesus
                                                                          conferred upon his followers to cure and revive. But we know
With so many Christian "brands" out there—Catholic and                    many people in Jesus’ day and today do not experience a miracle
Protestant, evangelical and contemplative, high church or pop             cure but instead must bear a cross. Our faith gives us the wisdom
church—it's easy to wonder who's got Jesus right. Interpreting his        to know how and when to bear suffering when a solution is
significance is key to the church's mission. Still, Jesus' identity has   absent and when to struggle against injustice; both can be paths
been debated since his own generation. Mark's gospel betrays a            to God. Indeed, miracles themselves, the church teaches, are
perceived shadow on Jesus' paternity: He's identified as Mary's           not merely wondrous events; they are meant to transform us and
son rather than the son of Joseph, as would have been customary.          bring us closer to God. Which way are you being called right
The question remains: Is Jesus more than a human sage? Is he              now? To struggle against suffering and injustice? Or to bow to a
Lord of your life?                                                        cross in your life? Over a lifetime, we may be called to both
                       Monday, Jul 05, 2021
          Seek the common ground of reconciliation                                                Friday, Jul 09, 2021
                 Genesis 28:10-22a; Matthew 9:18-26                                                    Hang in there
             “Courage, daughter! Your faith has saved you.”                              Genesis 46:1-7, 28-30; Matthew 10:16-23
                                                                                        “Whoever endures to the end will be saved.”
The world is rife with conflict. Many friends, family, coworkers,
and neighbors are at odds over politics, racial strife, and pandemic      Each of us will be put to the test when it comes to our faith. How
behavior and vaccines. After all this, it can be hard to ever feel the    we react to tragedy, scorn, injustice, boredom, betrayal, illness,
same way about certain people in our lives. But we’re called to be        and loss will present moments of truth for us. Will our faith
peacemakers nonetheless—and that starts with our personal                 endure? Saint Paul tells the Romans that “tribulation brings about
relationships. Saint Elizabeth of Portugal brokered peace in her          perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven
family to stop civil war. We’ve never needed her brand of                 character, hope.” Paul knew a thing or two about perseverance.
reconciliation more.                                                      His lengthy missionizing sea journeys covered something on the
                                                                          magnitude of 10,000 miles and many months on often rough
                                                                          seas. When you feel tested, turn to Paul for inspiration. Stay the
                       Tuesday, Jul 06, 2021                              course!
                        A mission of mercy
                  Genesis 32:23-33; Matthew 9:32-38                                              Saturday, Jul 10, 2021
               “His heart was moved with pity for them.”                                 OPTIONAL MEMORIAL OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY
                                                                                             Ever Virgin, ever esteemed
Pope Francis proclaimed an extraordinary Year of Mercy in 2015,                       Genesis 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Matthew 10:24-33
but it was one of the Catholic Church’s youngest saints—11-                           “Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed,
                                                                                            nor secret that will not be known.”
yearold Maria Goretti—who took the message abroad. The
Pilgrimage of Mercy, featuring Maria’s major relics, traveled             It is ironic but true that the Blessed Virgin Mary is mentioned
across the United States that year, attracting multitudes to              more times in Islam’s Qur'an than in the Christian New
veneration, prayer, and the sacrament of Reconciliation.                  Testament. Parts of two chapters of the Qur'an are devoted to
Canonized a modern-day “virgin martyr,” dying at the hands of a           Mary. Much like in the gospel of Luke, one chapter tells the story
would-be rapist in 1902, this humble Italian girl became “The Little      of the events leading up to the birth of Jesus. The other
Saint of Great Mercy” for forgiving her murderer upon her                 speculates about Mary’s family, her parents and siblings, making
deathbed. Who do you need to forgive? Let Maria’s example be a            linguistic parallels to the family of Moses. As in Catholic tradition,
reminder of what is possible.                                             Islam considers the Mother of Jesus the greatest of all women of
                                                                          faith. The spiritual influence of the Virgin Mary transcends even
                     Wednesday, Jul 07, 2021                              religious differences.
                      Harden not your heart
           Genesis 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Matthew10:1-7
                “‘The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ ”

In 2018, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
(USCCB) issued a pastoral letter against racism: Open Wide Our
Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love. In that letter, the bishops
remind us that as a nation “we have never sufficiently contended
with the impact of racism.” In a week when the United States
honors the founding principles of this country and that all are
created equal, people of faith are called to examine their own
perceptions and practices and do their part to ensure equality for
all people. Embrace the bishops’ invitation to fight the evil of
You can also read