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CONTENTS Page 1 School profile Page 2 Vision Statement Page 3 School Organisation Contact details Staff Term dates Page 4 & 5 School hours Attendance Page 6 Enrolment Page 7 Starting school Transition to School Page 8 Routines Buddies Page 9 Communication Compass Reporting to Parents Assembly School Notices Page 10 Curriculum Mathematics Readers’ Workshop Writers’ Workshop Challenging Learning Process Page 11 & 12 Student Wellbeing Respectful Relationships Zones of Regulation School Wide Positive Behaviours Chaplain Page 13 - 16 Our School A-Z WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL
SCHOOL PROFILE Our school is in Wonthaggi, a friendly country town approximately 1 ½ hour’s drive from Melbourne, close to beautiful beaches and the natural wonders of South Gippsland and the Bass Coast. We are located in close proximity to the Bass Coast YMCA, Wonthaggi Football and Netball club facilities and the nature reserve wrapping around the southern side of our school boundary. Our school was established in 1912 with a new school and full sized gymnasium built in 1980. Many of our families have a long history and strong connection with our school with generations attending over the years. This history is one of many factors that contributes to our school pride and the desire to share our school with families new to our community. Over the past 39 years many more classrooms have been added and facilities upgraded. An emphasis on improving our school grounds to better support the needs of our students occurred in 2019. This included a connection to the nature reserve, improving outdoor learning spaces for our Science program and the request from our students for a vegetable garden. Wonthaggi North Primary School has a current student population of approximately 180. Our students come from a diverse range of backgrounds which contributes to our inclusive and supportive culture. Our great strength as a school is our ability to provide a positive learning environment with a broad range of opportunities for our students. These include science programs, music and performing arts programs, sporting opportunities, camps, ICT and annual events such as our Family Picnic and Christmas Concert. Wonthaggi North Primary School provides a comprehensive curriculum developed in line with the Victorian Curriculum. Please see our curriculum page for details about our key areas of English and Maths. Our overall curriculum provides the essential knowledge, skills and behaviours students need to prepare for further education, work and life. ICT is incorporated into curriculum areas, with students having access to interactive whiteboards and interactive TVs and laptops in their classrooms. Policies and programs have been developed to provide for students who have specific learning requirements and all students are given access to a quality education. We are committed to the integration of students with disabilities and to those from non English speaking backgrounds. Please contact our office if you would like to arrange a tour of our school. WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL - 1
Wonthaggi North Primary School Vision Statement At Wonthaggi North Primary School we believe that every student is an individual who is capable of success. Our staff and school community value positive and meaningful relationships, allowing us to engage our students in learning experiences that reflect their passion, interests and abilities. Our knowledge and thirst for learning drives the structure of our curriculum and learning environments. Staff create learning spaces that cater to the individual needs of our students, a place where students feel safe, secure, valued and supported. A place they want to be. We are committed to learning beyond the walls of our classrooms with access to sensory and outdoor learning spaces. We provide workshop models for both reading and writing. These workshop models allow students to be independent learners, taking both responsibility and accountability for their learning. Our curriculum is strong and engaging as teachers use their knowledge of the students to plan lessons that are organised to meet student needs. Each student is encouraged to take risks as they engage and progress through their learning journey. Our students have a voice that is heard and valued. We pride ourselves on acting upon student suggestion whilst providing them with what they need to become life-long learners. Our priority is to make learning purposeful. We believe that this is achieved through providing students with the knowledge, skills and dispositions for learning, which become strategies that they need and use in their everyday lives. We teach students to seek, accept and develop based on feedback. We aim for all feedback to be constructive, respectful, supportive and purposeful. Our students are aware of the power of their voice and develop resilience throughout their learning journey with us. Our success is underpinned by the fact we teach more than just the curriculum. We empower our students to have pride and respect for themselves, others and the environment. We teach our students to have empathy and compassion by being strong role models. We believe in our students and support them through their learning journey, from first challenge to final outcome. Community, Respect, Explore, Resilience & Challenge WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL - 2
School Organisation Contact Details Office Hours: 8.30 am - 4.00 pm School Phone No: 03 5672 4697 Postal Address: PO Box 106, Wonthaggi Vic, 3995 Street Address: Cnr White & Wentworth Roads, Wonthaggi Email: wonthaggi.north.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.wonthagginorthps.vic.edu.au Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WNPS3716/ Principal: Andrew Strickland Assistant Principal : Wendy Nicol Business Manager: Jodie Dalmau Office Administrator: Rachel Rigby Teaching Staff: Linda Pellizzer Courtney Standfield Kim Shaw Kylie Strickland Caroline Blakely Becky Parsons Saskia Schmidt Kristy Geyer Sue Gillies Kylie Campbell Jessie Evans Tracey Hutton Education Support: Lenore O’Neill Trish Tiziani Liz Chandler Lianne Pearce-Finnegan Term Dates 2021: Term 1 27 January (teachers start) - 1 April Grade Prep-6 students start 28th January Term 2 19 April 25 June Term 3 12 July 17 September Term 4 4 October 17 December WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL - 3
School Hours A bell sounds at 8.45 am students may enter the building and get ready for the day, change books, giving the teacher notes, talk to friends and teacher etc. ‘Getting ready to learn music’ plays at 8.55 am students need to be in their classroom ready to start by the next bell at 9.00 am School commences 9.00 am Morning Recess 11.00 am - 11.45 am (11.00 am - 11.10 am eating inside) Lunch 1.45 pm - 2.25 pm (1.45 pm -1.55 pm eating inside) Dismissal 3.25 pm As with the ‘getting ready for learning music’ before school, recess and lunch also end with music. This helps students get ready for learning, packing up or stopping what they are playing, going to the toilet and getting a drink. Before and After School Student Supervision Before school 8.25 am After school 3.25 pm - 3.40 pm Students arriving and departing Any late arrivals to school or early departures from school need to be entered at the office as schools are required to record this information. Student absences. School attendance is really important to our school. We like to see our students at school ready to learn everyday. If your child is absent you can notify the school by phone contact or record the absence yourself on our school communication tool Compass. If your child is absent and you have not made contact about the absence the school is required to make contact with you. Please find more information from the Department of Education and Training about attendance on the website. https://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/principals/spag/participation/Pages/attendance.aspx WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL - 4
Attendance He/She is only That equals …. Which is …. and over 13 years of missing just…. schooling that’s ... 10 minutes per day 50 minutes per week Nearly 1.5 weeks Nearly Half a year per year 20 minutes per day 1 hour 40 minutes per Over 2.5 weeks Nearly 1 year week per year Half an hour per Half a day per week 4 weeks per year Nearly 1 and a half years day 1 hour per day 1 day per week 8 weeks per year Over 2 and a half years WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL - 5
Enrolment There are a number of factors that contribute to choosing a school that best suits the needs of your child. Feel free to contact our school office to arrange a tour of school setting and meet our school community. We will ensure your child has a buddy to make their transition to Wonthaggi North Primary School as smooth as possible. Your child’s teacher will arrange to meet with you after the first few weeks to discuss how your child is settling in. Enrolment Checklist If your child is transferring to our school from another Victorian Government School your child’s details will be transferred electronically. You only need to update any details that may have changed. If your child has attended a Catholic, Independent, interstate or international school you will need to complete an enrolment form. We need to make copies of School Entry Immunisation Certificates and full Birth Certificates. Our office administration team can help you if you have any questions. WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL - 6
Transition - Starting School The year before ... At Wonthaggi North Primary School we acknowledge the significant step from kinder to school for our prep students. Our transition program culminates in Term 4 of the final year of kinder. We host transitions mornings throughout the term where kinder children are invited to join us in the classroom to meet their teachers and other students and become familiar with the school environment. Transitions mornings are followed by the state wide transition day in early December. More information about dates and times for transition and state wide orientation is available in Term 3. Our prep teachers and student leaders visit our kinders, pre schools and early childhood education settings throughout the year, reading books, singing songs and participating in activities. The start of the prep year … Over time we have noted that the success of the transition program in the year prior to starting school makes the first day very calm. As such the start of the day has the following routine. Your child will begin school at 9.00 am Thursday January 28, 2021 and upon arrival at the Prep Rooms will: Meet the teacher. Be provided with a name tag. Hang up their bags. Place lunch box in the designated area. Put their drink bottle onto the sink bench or on their table. Choose an activity to go on with. To assist with the transition to school, for the first six weeks (until the March Labour Day weekend) Prep students will attend school four days per week, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Friday from 9.00 am until 3.25 pm Interviews Literacy and Numeracy assessments for our prep students take place on the Wednesdays. You will be given a date and time to bring your child into school for their interview. Parents are not required to stay for the interview. WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL - 7
School Routines After the bell students are helped to learn how to organise themselves for the day, developing a routine and a smooth transition into each day. Things you do that help us at school Teaching your child simple self help skills; doing up buttons, zips and shoes, dressing and undressing, caring for their own belongings and using the toilet correctly. Teaching your child to read their name. Having regular sleeping routines. Reading books and talking with your child. Labelling everything for that is removable: clothing, lunchbox, drink bottle, hat... Practicing having school lunches at home, handling their lunchbox and unwrapping food. Putting a set of spare clothes in your child’s school bag in case of small accidents or wet weather. Buddies All prep children are supported in the transition to school with a buddy child from grade 6. Introductions and connections are made prior to the commencement of the prep year through the transition program. Our buddies play an important role in supporting our preps by looking out for them in the yard and helping them with minor issues. The Better Buddies program (Alannah & Madeline Foundation) supports the connection between buddies throughout the year. More information can be found on their website. http://www.betterbuddies.org.au/ WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL - 8
Communication Compass Compass is our main tool for communication. Compass is used for a range of communication including emailing teachers, communicating attendance, school news, written reports, learning tasks and to book parent teacher meetings. The Compass App is available to download or can be accessed online through your web browser. This is set up when you enrol your child. Support is available from our Administration Officer Rachel Rigby or our Compass coordinator Kylie Strickland. Compass support sessions for parents are run after school at different times throughout the year. Reporting to Parents Parents are kept informed on their child’s progress on a regular basis . Learning Tasks are added to your child’s Compass page showing their learning across the curriculum. Term 1 : Parent Teaching Meetings Term 2: Written Reports Term 3: NAPLAN results for Years 3 and 5 Term 4: Written Reports Parent Teacher Meetings Teachers are available to meet with you throughout the year. Making an appointment with the teacher ensures that you have adequate time to meet, before school and after school can be very busy times for teachers. Contact can be made via Compass email, you can leave a message through our office or you ask the teacher to call you to arrange a time. Our teachers are not permitted to contact you through social media or outside of regular school hours. Assembly Assembly is held in our gymnasium each Monday from 2.50pm. Families are very welcome to attend. School Notices Our School Newsletter is published each Tuesday on Compass. Some of the items in our newsletter includes information about upcoming events, assembly awards for the following week and community notices. Information Pouches Students in grade Prep will receive a blue pouch to keep take home reading and important notices safe for transport between home and school. It is expected the students will use these until grade 3. WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL - 9
Curriculum Wonthaggi North Primary School provides programs for all students based on the Learning Areas and Capabilities identified in the Victorian Curriculum. The VCAA provides a comprehensive overview of the Victorian Curriculum and we map our school curriculum against the standards. We are also committed to the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes which provides an accountability framework linked to our school Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan. Whole-school curriculum planning is an ongoing process, along with team planning. In addition to classroom experiences, students also have access to specialist teachers for Physical Education, Music, Drama and Science. Mathematics In 2015 Wonthaggi North Primary School was successful in receiving funding to access a Primary Maths Science Specialist (PMSS) for the following two years. Throughout 2016 and 2017 each of our teachers participated in a range of professional learning including coaching, lesson studies, team teaching and peer observations, to increase their skills in teaching mathematics. This has enhanced teaching and learning of mathematics at Wonthaggi North Primary School significantly. Students’ feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. They describe the learning tasks as engaging and challenging. Teachers are able to more effectively cater for the diverse needs of their students. We are looking forward to sharing this learning with our community through Family Maths Nights. Readers’ Workshop To ensure our students are well supported, we use the Readers’ Workshop routine through whole class teaching, in small groups and at individual levels. The Big Six is used to assess and teach reading across our school. The Big Six identifies the components essential for reading; Oral Language, Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency and Comprehension. We use Sounds-Write to teach phonics. Sounds-Write is an evidence based approach and one of the only phonics programs in the world that uses a sound (phoneme) to letter (grapheme) approach. Writers’ Workshop In 2018 we established our Writers’ Workshop routines. This allows teachers to meet regularly with each student to focus on their individual skills in writing through writers conferences. Students also have the opportunity to provide feedback to each other. Students build their skills in the writing process, unpacking thinking, using planning, drafting, revising and editing techniques, learning and practicing grammar. Teachers support students to select ways of publishing suited to their writing. Students have some choice in selecting writing topics and experiment with text types and structure to enhance the message they want to convey through their writing. Challenging Learning Process In 2019 we begin our journey with the Challenging Learning Partnership. The Learning Challenge focuses on a number of different aspects of learning including; giving and receiving feedback, creative and critical thinking, growth mindset, The Learning Pit, giving students the language to think and talk about learning and building resilience and self-efficacy. WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL - 10
Student Wellbeing Every child is an individual who is encouraged to develop a high level of achievement across all curriculum and learning areas. It is our collective responsibility to develop their full potential as thinking, responsible and caring individuals. We aim to ensure we have a positive school culture where everyone in our school community can feel connected, valued, safe and happy. To support this we actively promote values and the importance of relationships, communication and understanding. At Wonthaggi North Primary School we are committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. Our school community recognises the importance of, and a responsibility for ensuring our school is a safe supportive and enriching environment. We respect and foster the dignity and self-esteem of children and young people enabling them to thrive in their learning and development. Respectful Relationships In 2020 we became a Respectful Relationships School. The following extract from The Department of Education and Training website; The Royal Commission into Family Violence identified the critical role that schools and early childhood education have in creating a culture of respect to change the story of family violence for future generations. In 2016, respectful relationships education became a core component of the Victorian Curriculum from foundation to year 12, and is being taught in all government and Catholic schools and many independent schools. Everyone in our community deserves to be respected, valued and treated equally. We know that changes in attitudes and behaviours can be achieved when positive attitudes, behaviours and equality are embedded in our education settings. Respectful Relationships is about embedding a culture of respect and equality across our entire community, from our classrooms to staffrooms, sporting fields, fetes and social events. This approach leads to positive impacts on student’s academic outcomes, their mental health, classroom behaviour, and relationships between teachers and students. Together, we can lead the way in saying yes to respect and equality, and creating genuine and lasting change so that every child has the opportunity to achieve their full potential. https://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/programs/Pages/respectfulrelationships.aspx WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL - 11
Zones of Regulation The Zones of Regulation empowers students with the skills to self-regulate their emotions. We are really excited to be implementing this program with support from Occupational Therapists from the Speech Pathology in Schools (SPiS) team. THE FOUR ZONES: OUR FEELINGS & STATES DETERMINE OUR ZONE The Red Zone is used to describe extremely heightened states of alertness and intense emotions. A person may be elated or experiencing anger, rage, devastation, or terror when in the Red Zone. The Yellow Zone is also used to describe a heightened state of alertness and elevated emotions, however one has more control when they are in the Yellow Zone. A person may be experiencing stress, frustration, anxiety, excitement, silliness, the wiggles, or nervousness when in the Yellow Zone. The Green Zone is used to describe a calm state of alertness. A person may be described as happy, focused, content, or ready to learn when in the Green Zone. This is the zone where optimal learning occurs. The Blue Zone is used to describe low states of alertness and down feelings such as when one feels sad, tired, sick, or bored. http://www.zonesofregulation.com/index.html School Wide Positive Behaviour Our whole school approach to student wellbeing and behaviour management is based on School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS). This approach is well-researched and has been shown to enhance student wellbeing in the schools in which it is implemented. The approach aims to create a positive school culture across the school community, through consistent expectations. Students understand what is expected across the school from the front gate, to the classrooms, to the playground and outside of the school whilst on camps and excursions. Staff use consistent language, visual aids and restorative practises to support students. Chaplain The National School Chaplaincy Programme (NSCP) Project Agreement is a four-year (2015-2018) Commonwealth–funded initiative to provide chaplaincy services in government, Catholic and independent schools. The Programme aims to support students through the provision of pastoral care services and the promotion of strategies that support the emotional wellbeing of students and the broader school community. We are very fortunate to have Mrs Sue Cronk as our School Chaplain at Wonthaggi North Primary School. Participation in the Programme is voluntary, and parental consent is needed for students to participate in any small group programs or to meet with the chaplain individually. For further information or to speak with Mrs Cronk, please contact the school. WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL - 12
School A-Z Banking All you need to do is open a Youthsaver account for your child, if they don’t already have one. To get started parents can open an account online or in person at any Commonwealth Bank Branch. Students bring their bank deposit book and money to school each Wednesday where deposits are processed at the school office. The school also benefits by receiving a commission from the bank for all transactions processed. Canteen Lunches may be purchased from the canteen, which is open on a Friday. A price list will be available early in the year and parents will be informed of any price increases during the year. Children may bring a small amount of money to spend on snacks in a purse, wallet or envelope. The canteen will be open for the sales of snacks between 1.55 pm and 2.15 pm each day. How to order Lunches: From the price list, write your order on an envelope along with the child’s name and grade. Place correct money (if possible) inside the envelope and send to the classroom with your child first thing in the morning. The envelope will be sent to the canteen and lunch will be delivered to the classroom at 1.45 pm Example: Child’s Name Grade: Prep-S 1 Egg & Lettuce Sandwich $2.50 1 Orange Fruit Drink $1.50 1 Frozen Yoghurt $1.00 $5.00 Homework Homework at Wonthaggi North primary School is home reading. Reading at home can be: Students reading to someone, Students reading to themselves, Students being read to. Students may be provided with level appropriate books to read or may source their own suitable reading material. All students will be encouraged to read from a variety of texts. Students will be encouraged to read for the following, Prep, grade 1 and grade 2 a minimum for 10-15 minutes Grades 3 and 4 we suggest a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes Grades 5 and 6 students should aim to read for at least 20 to minutes WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL - 13
Library Wonthaggi North Primary School has an excellent Library facility and children will be able to borrow and return books from the school library as often as they choose, during Library lessons or before and after school. Each child must have a library bag made from strong material with a draw string top. Encourage your child to borrow books from the library so that you may share the books at home. Medical information Allergies & Anaphylaxis It is important that parents inform the school of all allergies their children may have so that the school can take appropriate action to keep children safe. Anaphylaxis is a severe, rapidly progressing allergic reaction that is potentially life threatening. All students with anaphylaxis must have a written action plan from their doctor. An individual management plan will be developed in consultation with the parents of any student who has been diagnosed by a medical practitioner as being at risk of anaphylaxis. Asthma All children suffering from asthma are required to have a written School Asthma Management Plan (to be completed by your doctor). Forms are available from the school office. Children with asthma can, as is the practice now, continue to have their inhaler and medication in school. Asthma medication will be kept in the office. Please supply your own individual spacer. Personal belongings Children should not bring expensive items of personal property to school. The school cannot guarantee the safety of such items and therefore cannot accept any responsibility for the loss or theft of pupil’s personal property. When children are requested to bring money to school, this will be collected at the earliest opportunity by appropriate members of staff. Jewellery – not permitted Jewellery is not permitted at school. Pupils who wear jewellery may expose themselves or others to risk of serious injury, particularly during physical education games and activities. Exceptions to the rule include inexpensive watches and the use of sleepers or studs by children who have pierced ears. Mobile Phones – not permitted in classrooms Students may not have mobile phones in the classroom. If students need to have a mobile phone, it is to be taken to the school office and stored during school hours. School Camps Program For students in year 2 to 6 we run a comprehensive School Camps Program. Year 2 students enjoy a school sleepover. Students in year 3 and 4 participate in adventure camps and Years 5 and 6 experience Wilson’s Promontory and Melbourne. A lot of thought and planning goes into the Camps Program to promote self esteem and confidence in students, foster communication and co-operative skills, and give children the opportunity to step out of their comfort zones. WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL 14
Swimming Program All students take part in an eight week swimming program with qualified YMCA instructors at the Wonthaggi Aquatic Centre. Children in Grades Three to Six swim during Term One, and children in Grades Prep to Two have their swimming sessions during Term Four. The cost of the swimming program is invoiced separately to the Booklist. In 2020, the cost for swimming was $26 per child. Footwear The dress code includes, as part of the school uniform policy “Black shoes and/or mostly white sports shoes (eg sneakers, runners)”. Podiatrists recommended plain black shoes that can be used as school shoes and sports shoes as they provide the best support for young growing feet and legs. THE WEARING OF THONGS OR OPEN TOE SHOES IS NOT ALLOWED AT SCHOOL! Wet Weather Footwear In wet weather the children are required to remove shoes as they enter school. Some parents provide a pair of slippers for school for use in the classroom (this is optional). As children attend Physical Education regularly, suitable shoes should either be worn to school, or provided to change into. Labels We request that all personal requisites and clothing be clearly marked with your child’s name. Assist the child in identifying his/her own name tag. Please label school bags, lunch boxes and drink bottles. Uniform All students are required to wear school uniform. We are very proud of our uniform and believe it looks smart, wears well and contributes to a feeling of belonging to the school. The school uniform is not expensive, offers a wide choice and is a very practical outfit. It is important that children’s clothes are labelled for identification as we regularly have a fairly large collection of lost property, and it is impossible to identify the owners of garments which are not named. From September 1 to April 30 all students are required to wear a School Hat whenever they are outside. (School Hats can be purchased from the school office). We are very proud to be working in partnership with State schools’ Relief as our uniform suppliers. You can purchase our uniform online through State Schools’ Relief. This wonderful organisation is a not for profit that supports disadvantaged students across Victoria. Purchasing from them means another child in Victoria who is experiencing hardship is able to get support with various items for school. For more information or to make a donation see their website. https://stateschoolsrelief.org.au/ If you have any questions about uniform or you require assistance in accessing the online purchasing system please do not hesitate to contact us. WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL 15
Prices: Our Price Item Colour Logo type (incl. GST) $ SSR Polo Shirt Short Sleeve Size 4-24 White Embroidered 17.00 SSR Polo Shirt Short Sleeve Size 4-24 Royal Embroidered 17.00 LWR Polo Shirt Long Sleeve Size 4-16 White Embroidered 19.00 SSR Polo Shirt Long Sleeve Size 4-18 Royal Embroidered 19.00 BZ Dress Gingham Size 4-16 Royal 24.00 BZ Skort Size 4-16 Royal 24.00 BZ Shorts Rugby Size 4-16 Royal 17.00 LWR Shorts Gaberdine Size 4-16 Grey 21.00 BZ Tunic Winter Size 4-16 Navy/Sky 50.00 LWR Polar Fleece Jacket Size 4-16 Royal Embroidered 36.00 LWR Polar Fleece Jacket Size S-XXL Royal Embroidered 42.00 Windcheater Royal Embroidered 24.00 SSR Track Pants Cuff Size 4-16 Royal 20.00 SSR Track Pants Straight leg Size 4-16 Royal 20.00 WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL 16
Wonthaggi North Primary School Cnr White and Wentworth Roads North Wonthaggi 03 5672 4697 www.wonthagginorth.ps.com.au WONTHAGGI NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL
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