Referencing Guide: APA Style - 2020 Margaret Cameron & Oksana Feklistova - Tabor Online

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Referencing Guide: APA Style - 2020 Margaret Cameron & Oksana Feklistova - Tabor Online
Referencing Guide: APA Style
                        Margaret Cameron & Oksana Feklistova
                                      Revised by Dr Lesley Houston 2020

This document has been prepared as an introductory guide only and in all cases, further inquiry needs to be made directly to
  APA (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.
Referencing Guide: APA Style - 2020 Margaret Cameron & Oksana Feklistova - Tabor Online
Contents ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
PART 1: Frequently Asked Questions about APA style and related issues............................................................................................................................................................. 3
   A.      Format, Style and General Questions......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
   B.      Tricky References and Terminology ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
PART 2: APA Referencing examples: In-text citations and Reference List ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Books ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Journal articles...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Newspaper Articles............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Internet/Websites ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Lecture Notes, Tabor texts and other Personal Sources ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Audio-visual and other non-book, non-journal media ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Miscellaneous Sources ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Example of In-text Citations and References ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
References for this Referencing Guide ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27

Referencing Guide: APA Style - 2020 Margaret Cameron & Oksana Feklistova - Tabor Online
PART 1: Frequently Asked Questions about APA style and related issues
These FAQs are arranged in sections by theme, and alphabetically by keywords in each section. Many of the answers contain cross references to other
sections of the Guide, especially to the tables of examples for citation and referencing of various source types. Some questions are not strictly “APA” but
relate to the conventions used at Tabor Adelaide, which may not be clearly specified by APA. For depth and detail about APA Referencing, refer to:

Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). (2019).
American Psychological Association.

   A. Format, Style and General Questions
 What is APA?                        APA stands for the American Psychological Association, whose publication manual is the standard for writing and
                                     referencing style in the social sciences in many universities across the world.
 What changes are there to APA       Very few changes are necessary, except for:
 style for the Australian context?       • Australian spelling in all but quotations from American text or titles
                                         • For Australian spelling and contemporary usage you may also consult: The Macquarie Dictionary (2017). Macquarie
                                              Dictionary Publishers; and for editing conventions: Style manual for authors, editors and printers (2002) (6th ed., rev. by
                                              Snooks & Co.) John Wiley & Sons.
 What is the purpose of an           Appendices are for relevant supplementary materials that would be distracting or inappropriate for inclusion in the body of the
 Appendix (or plural,                text, such as a sample of work from a child, a table or other data used for analysis, or essential background information.
 Appendices)?                        Appendices are usually brief. If more than one, they should be labelled Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. Appendices are attached
                                     AFTER the Reference List, and any references used should be cited and included in the same Reference List as the main paper.
                                     Appendices do not need to be double spaced.
 Can I use acronyms in place of      The full name of the organization should be used the first time it is mentioned in-text and in the Reference List. The acronym may
 full names of organizations?        be used in subsequent citations. For example: The Australian Curriculum: English (TACE)(Australian Curriculum, Assessment and
                                     Reporting Authority, n.d.), may subsequently be cited as (ACARA, n.d.). Usually the acronym is inserted in brackets after the first
                                     mention, if it is to be used in subsequent discussion, as with TACE in this example.

What are the best sources to      This will vary according to the task, so be guided by your lecturer. As a rule, journal articles (from professional journals) and
use for my assignments?           textbooks are most highly valued. These may be either print or electronic versions. The wide range of sources represented in this
                                  guide may be used for different purposes, most often with a core of relevant books and journal articles. “Popular” texts, websites
                                  and personal communication are more often illustrative of points that are supported by more solid research, rather than being
                                  regarded as authoritative sources on their own.
What is a citation?               See in-text referencing.
When should I use or not use an   The normal mode of assignment submission is via Tabor Online (Moodle). Please ensure documents are compatible with Microsoft
assignment cover sheet?           Word 2007. For online submissions, you are not required to use a cover sheet but you are advised to insert your name and
                                  assignment title (brief) in a header or at the beginning of the document. In some circumstances where electronic submission is not
                                  possible, your lecturer and/or faculty administrator will advise. For such assignments, attach a completed Assignment Cover Sheet.
                                  These can be found in Student Resources> Forms and Documents. More information regarding assignment submissions can be
                                  found on unit outlines.
What font and spacing should      Font and size not specified, but simple clear font, size 12, would normally be used for assignments. Double spacing is required for
be used for assignments?          normal text but may be altered for tables or other specialised formats. Your REFERENCE LIST should be double spaced, though
                                  otherwise set out as in this guide, with the first line at the margin, and second and subsequent lines of each entry indented by
                                  approximately one centimeter. This can be done automatically using Word paragraph settings >indentation>special>hanging.
Can or should I use footnotes?    Footnotes are rarely necessary in undergraduate writing where the information could just as well be included in the main text or
                                  inserted in an Appendix. On rare occasions, a footnote may be used to “supplement or amplify substantive information in the
                                  text… [and ] should convey just one idea” (Publication Manual of the APA, p. 38).
How many references do I have     This will vary with the subject and type of assignment. As a rule, not less than five substantial, relevant texts per 1000 words should
to use?                           be used. Check with your lecturer for specific requirements.
What is in-text referencing and   In-text referencing (or citation) is the acknowledgement of a source in the body of a text, such as your assignment. Format may
how is it formatted?              vary but will always include parentheses with the date (if the author is mentioned in the preceding sentence) or author and date of
                                  publication. Include a page number for specific information, but not for a more general statement based on the author’s work.
                                  Examples: According to Milne (2005), the human brain is an amazing piece of circuitry (p.1). OR An understanding of the brain’s
                                  circuitry can help teachers to design effective teaching (Milne, 2005). The full work must be cited in the Reference list.
Are paragraphs indented?          Yes. Indent paragraphs by one tab space, and do not leave more than the standard double spacing between paragraphs.
Does a paraphrase (in my own      Yes. A paraphrase is your own re-wording, or explaining, of the ideas of one or more authors. It is important to acknowledge the
words) need to be referenced?     source of the ideas. There are different ways of doing this. See “What is in-text referencing?”
What is plagiarism?               Plagiarism is the use of other people’s work without appropriate acknowledgement. This Referencing Guide explains how to
                                  acknowledge the sources used in your writing using “APA style”. Plagiarism is a serious offence and can have serious consequences
                                  (see current Tabor Adelaide Student Handbook under “Academic Misconduct”).

How much direct quotation is      At Tabor, the general rule is that up to 10% of an assignment may consist of direct quotations. Quotes are usually included in the
appropriate in an assignment?     total word count but consult your lecturer if in doubt.
How should quotations be          Quotations of less than 40 words should be integrated into the paragraph, enclosed by double quotation marks, without italics, and
formatted?                        followed by an in-text citation in brackets. The full stop is placed after the closing bracket. Quotations of 40 words or more should
                                  be formatted as a “block” (next item).
What is a “block quote”?          Any quotation of 40 words or more should be formatted as a “block”: no quotation marks; single spaced; whole block indented
                                  (left aligned); same size font as the body of the text; no italics. Citation as for other quotations.
How should a Reference List be    Do NOT use dot points.
formatted?                        Begin the entry at the left margin and use double spacing.
                                  Indent second and subsequent lines (hanging indent).
                                  List entries alphabetically by the first letter of the reference (usually the author’s surname, but sometimes a title if author is
                                  All other details for formatting References can be found in Section 2.
What range (relative to the       Normally, 10% less or 10% over the given word count is acceptable. If in doubt, ask the subject lecturer.
word count) is acceptable?
What is included/not included     Reference list, appendices, words on maps, graphs or inserted tables are NOT included in the word count. Normally an automatic
in the word count?                count from the first word of the first paragraph, to the last word of the final paragraph would be taken as sufficiently accurate.

   B.   Tricky References and Terminology
 What needs to be referenced?      All sources of quotations and information that you have used in your writing need to be acknowledged formally by referencing.
                                   This includes paraphrased information, where you have reworded the idea from a source, so it is not directly quoted, but the
                                   concept has been adopted from the source.
 What does not need to be          Ideas of your own, or ideas that are considered common knowledge in the field of study do not need to be referenced. Bible
 referenced?                       quotations are not included in the Reference List but are acknowledged in an “in-text citation” (see Section 2).
 What do you do with references    Sources cited in Appendices are referenced in the same way as the body of the text, using the same list of references.
 for Appendices?                   References to the Appendices can be made in the body of the text, for example: (see Appendix) or (see Appendix B).
 How do you cite an audio of a     Refer to Section 2, under Lecture Notes, Tabor texts and other Personal Sources, page 20
 Tabor lecture? Or lecture
 notes taken during a lecture?     Your own notes taken during a lecture are classed as Personal Communication, as on page 20.

How do you cite the Bible or       Example:
other classic works?               Reference list entries are not required when you cite ancient Greek and Roman works or classical religious works. However, in the
                                   first text citation, indicate the version of the classic work you used.
                                   Example of a general reference to the Bible:
                                   The researchers consulted the Bible (King James Version) to provide items for the development of their religious values
                                   Example of a direct quote:
                                   The Bible enumerates these virtues: “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor.
                                   13:1 New International Version).
                                   The Qur’an 5:3 specifies some dietary restrictions, such as forbidding Muslims to eat "the flesh of swine."
How do I reference a chapter of    Refer to Section 2, under Article or Chapter in a Book, page 12
a book, by an author who
contributed a chapter but did
not write/edit the book?
What is a doi and how is it used   A Digital Object Identifier (doi) is a unique identifier and should be provided in the reference where it is available. This
in referencing?                    alphanumeric string usually located on the first page with other referencing elements in both print and electronic articles. If no doi
                                   is available for an electronic article, provide the URL information in the reference. For a full explanation, go to
                                   For referencing with doi, see Section 2, under Journal Articles, page 15, and e-books, page 12.
How do I reference a work with     If available, use the organisation’s name as author. When a work has no identified author, cite in-text the first few words of the
no author provided?                reference entry (usually the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks if you are referring to the title of an article, chapter or
                                   web page; italicize the title for the title of a periodical, book, brochure or a report. Refer to Section 2: Book: No Author, Journal:
                                   No Author; Website: No Author.
How do you cite online lectures,   Refer to Section 2, under Podcast, page 23. The note in square brackets should be [Podcast lecture].
such as those on iTunes?

When should page numbers be       Page numbers should always be cited in-text, when available, for direct quotations. Where there are no page numbers available,
 used, and when should they not    paragraph numbers or headings may be used. Page numbers may be used for paraphrased ideas (where you have rewritten an idea
 be used?                          in your own words but drawn heavily on a specific part of your source text). (See the Publication Manual of the APA, pp. 170-172
                                   for details.) Page numbers are not needed where your paraphrase draws upon multiple parts of a source text or describes the gist
                                   of an entire text. Page numbers should be used in your Reference List where you reference a book chapter, or journal article.
 How do you cite personal          Refer to Section 2, under Personal Communication, page 20.
 letters, emails and interviews?

 What is a podcast and how do      A podcast is a multimedia file, such as a radio programme or music video, that can be downloaded from the Internet and played on
 you cite it?                      an mp3 player or similar piece of equipment. See Audio-visual: Podcast, page 22.
 What is a secondary source and    A secondary source is one cited in the text of another author. For example, in an article by Williams, written in 2009, there is
 how do you cite it?               reference to the work of Clay, who wrote in 2001. If you use the information from Clay, this should be referenced as a secondary
                                   source. For higher levels of academic study, it is preferable to go to the original source to ensure that you understand the context
                                   of the original work. For referencing and citations, see Section 2, under Secondary Sources, pages 13, 16.
 How do you cite a video from      Refer to Section 2, under Audiovisual media, page 22

NOTE: The following Referencing Guide is formatted with SINGLE SPACING, font size 11, to save space (and paper in printed editions). For your
assignments, please use DOUBLE SPACING and font size 12 for body text and References, in accordance with the Cover Sheet guidelines.

PART 2: APA Referencing examples: In-text citations and Reference List


   Author             Year   Title (in italics)

   McNiff, J. (2017). Action research: all you need to know.

   Indent Publisher

MATERIAL TYPE                         IN-TEXT EXAMPLE                                             REFERENCE LIST EXAMPLE
Book: single author                   "It is self-identification..." (Fuller, 2011, pp. 34-35).   Fuller, C. F. (2011). Sociology, gender and educational
                                      OR                                                                   aspirations: Girls and their ambitions. Continuum
                                      Fuller (2011) suggests that self-identification... (pp.              International.
                                      Add page numbers for direct quotes and specific
Book: 2 authors                       According to Weinberg and Gould (2011) ...                  Weinberg, R. S., & Gould, D. (2011). Foundations of sport and
                                      OR                                                             exercise psychology. Human Kinetics.
                                      ... this is evident (Weinberg & Gould, 2011).
                                      Cite both authors each time the reference occurs.

Book: 3, 4 or 5 authors   ... in festival organisation (Allen, O'Toole, & Donnell,   Allen, J. E., O'Toole, W., & Donnell, J.-B. (2011). Festival and
                          2011).                                                               special event management (5th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
                          Allen, O'Toole, and Donnell (2011) have found ...          Provide the names of all authors in the reference list.

                          Cite all the authors the first time the reference          If an author's first name is hyphenated, retain the hyphen and
                          occurs. In subsequent citations include only the           include a full stop after each initial as in Jean-Baptiste Donnell
                          surname of the first author followed by et al. and the     above.
                          year, e.g.

                          ... events are a celebration (Allen et al., 2011).
                          Allen et al. (2011) have stated ...
Book: 6 or more authors   Mussen et al. (1995) have found ...                        Provide the names of all authors in the reference list up to and
                          OR                                                         including seven authors.
                          ... for all learning (Mussen et al., 1995).
                                                                                     Mussen, P., Rozenweig, M. R., Aronson, E., Elkind, D.,
                          Cite only the surname of the first author followed by            Feshbach, S. T., & Geiwitz, P. J. (1995). Psychology: An
                          et al. and the year, for the first and subsequent                introduction (7th ed.). Thompson Delmar Learning.
                                                                                     For 8 authors, Include the first six authors' names, followed by
                                                                                     three dots, then add the last author's name.

                                                                                     Leggat, I. K., Hutchings, D., Poliness, S., Nemeth, T., West, A.,
                                                                                             Ngo, A., … Mascilongo, J. (2009). How to maximise the
                                                                                             use of libraries in educational institutions. Victoria
                                                                                             University Press.

Book: no author                            As defined in the Style Manual for Authors, Editors      Style manual for authors, editors and printers. (2002). (6th
                                           and Printers (2002) reference lists should be double           ed.). Canberra, ACT: AGPS.
                                                                                                    If no author or editor, the title is used as the first element of
                                           ... should be double spaced (Style Manual for Authors,   the reference.
                                           Editors and Printers, 2002).

                                           Use the title where no author is available; capitalise
                                           the major words in titles of books and articles when
                                           used within the body of your paper.
Multiple works by same author, published   The year of publication distinguishes these works.       Rossbridge, J. & Rushton, K. (2010). Conversations about
in different years                         Rossbridge and Rushton (2010) discuss many ideas for          text: Teaching grammar using literary texts. e:lit.
                                           teaching grammar using literary texts. Their second
These examples also show Title with        book extends this to the teaching of grammar through     Rossbridge, J. & Rushton, K. (2011). Conversations about
Subtitle.                                  factual texts (Rossbridge & Rushton, 2011).                   text 2: Teaching grammar using factual texts.
Multiple works by same author, published   Place lowercase letters in alphabetical order            Westwood, P. (2008a). What teachers need to know about
in same year                               immediately after the year of publication.                    spelling. ACER Press.

                                           Westwood published a series of books about basic         Westwood, P. (2008b). What teachers need to know about
                                           understandings all teachers should have, including           numeracy. ACER Press.
                                           spelling (2008a) and numeracy (2008b).

Book: editor(s)                            ... for future learning (Ashwin, 2006).                  Where there is an editor instead of an author, follow the author
                                                                                                    rules, but also include the abbreviation 'Ed.' or 'Eds.' in
(continued next page)                      OR                                                       parentheses following the editor names.
                                           As described in Ashwin (2006) ...                        Ashwin, P. (Ed.). (2006). Changing higher education: The
                                            ... health care is described (Lemone et al., 2011).          development of learning and teaching. Routledge.
                                           OR                                                       OR
                                           Lemone et al. (2011) describe health care...             Lemone, P., Burke, K. M., Dwyer, T., Levett-Jones, T.,
                                                                                                         Moxham, L., Reid-Searl, K., ... Raymond, D. (Eds.).
                                                                                                         (2011). Medical-surgical nursing: Critical thinking in
                                                                                                         client care. (1st Australian ed.). Pearson Australia.

Book: organisation as author              (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011)                  Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2011). 2011 Census
                                                                                                        dictionary (No. 2901.0). Author.
                                          (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2008)
                                                                                                   Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2008). Childhood education and
                                          (Department of Health and Family Services [DHFS],                care (No. 4402.0). Author. Retrieved from

                                          If you want to cite from the report more than once,      Add the ABS Report's Catalogue Number after the title.
                                          in the first citation provide the full name of the       'Author' is used in place of the publisher name if they are the
                                          organisation, as above. In subsequent citations use      same body.
                                          the abbreviated organisational title. e.g.
                                          (DHFS, 2007)                                             Department of Health and Family Services. (2007). Youth
                                                                                                        suicide in Australia: The National Youth Suicide
                                                                                                        Prevention Strategy. AGPS.

                                                                                                   Provide the full name of the organisation in the reference list.
                                          (Findlay, 2006, p. 51)                                   Findlay, B. (2006). How to write psychology research reports
                                                                                                       and essays (4th ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall.

                                                                                                   The edition number is included after the title of the work (not
                                                                                                   necessary for first editions). If it is a revised edition, put ‘Rev.’
                                                                                                   e.g. (Rev. ed.).

Book: with volume numbers                 ... as this complex theory is dealt with in detail by    Russell, B. (2003). The autobiography of Bertrand Russell
                                          Russell (2003, vol. 2, p. 23; vol. 3, pp. 17-36).            (Vols. 1-3). Allen & Unwin.
                                          If more than one volume is given, separate with a
Article or Chapter in a book, where the   “The differences between a literary piece of writing     Webb, J. (2012). Using children’s literature. In Cox, R.
author is different from the book as a    and an ‘ordinary’ one are the ways in which the writer      (Ed.), Primary English teaching (pp. 51-70).
whole.                                    uses language to create images and experiences in the       Hawker Brownlow.
                                          mind’s eye of the reader...” (Webb, 2012).

Book on a Kindle or similar digital format   ... in all outcomes (Gladwell, 2008).                    Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers: The story of success
                                             OR                                                           [Kindle DX version]. Retrieved from
                                             Gladwell (2008) remarks ...
                                                                                                       Include the type of e-book version you read e.g. [Kindle DX
                                             For direct quotations of digital material without        version]. In lieu of publisher information, include the book’s
                                             pagination, name the major sections, chapter,            DOI, or if there is no DOI the site from which you downloaded
                                             section, and paragraph number e.g.                       the e-book.

                                             One of the author’s main points is that “people don’t
                                             rise from nothing” (Gladwell, 2008, Chapter 1, Section
                                             2, para. 5).
                                             This is preferred to location numbers (sometimes
                                             available on Kindle books) as they are not always
                                             retrievable and therefore should not be used.
E-book – no DOI assigned; downloaded         (Rosen, 2011)                                            Rosen, L . (2011). The culture of Islam: Changing aspects
from internet but NOT Kindle or similar      OR                                                           of contemporary Muslim life. University
format                                       Rosen (2011) regards...                                      of Chicago Press. Retrieved from

                                                                                                      Note inclusion of both publisher details AND URL.
E-book – with DOI assigned                   ... in all communities (Hill, 2001).                     Hill, C. E. (Ed.). (2001). The helping skills: The empirical
                                             OR                                                              foundation. American Psychological
                                             Hill (2001) regards ...                                         Association. doi:10.1037/10412-000

                                                                                                      If a DOI is available include it at the end of the citation. The
                                                                                                      database name, URL or date of retrieval are not required.

Bible                                   1 Cor. 13:1 (Revised Standard Version)                    You do not need to include an entry in the reference list.
                                        First citation: Acts 10:17 (King James Version)
                                        Subsequent citations: James 3:12 (KJV)
Commentary                              (Longnecker, 1981, p. 220)                                Longenecker, R.N. (1981). Acts. In F. E. Gæbelein (Ed.),
                                                                                                       The expositor’s Bible commentary with the New
                                                                                                       International Version (Vol. 9. John and Acts, pp. 205-
                                                                                                       573). Zondervan.
Encyclopaedia or dictionary article     Author known:                                             Author known:
                                        (Collins, 1983, p. 223)                                   Collins, R. F. (1983) Fundamentalism. In A. Richardson & J.
                                                                                                       Bowden (Eds.), The Westminster dictionary of Christian
                                        Author unknown:                                                theology (pp. 223-224). Westminster.
                                        (“German army,” 1984, p. 101)                             Author unknown:
                                                                                                  German army. (1984). In J. Keegan (Ed.), The Rand
                                                                                                       McNally encyclopedia of World War II (Vol. 1, pp.
                                                                                                       99-102). Colporteur Press.

Online dictionary                       (“Pluperfect,” 2009)                                      Pluperfect. (2009). In Oxford English dictionary online.
                                                                                                       Retrieved from
Secondary sources: when you are         Michael Halliday’s work included “the rich data       El- Cox, R. (Ed.). (2012). Primary English teaching: An introduction to
referring to the ideas or words of an   analysis of his own son’s first 20 months of language          language, literacy and learning. PETAA.
author who has been cited in another    learning” (as cited in Cox, 2012, p.3)....
work.                                   OR                                                        Provide the full reference for the book that you actually read.
                                        (Halliday, cited in Cox, 2012, p.3)
                                        Provide names of both authors.

Journal articles

MATERIAL TYPE                        IN-TEXT EXAMPLE                                              REFERENCE LIST EXAMPLE
Journal Article: single author       "... contributes to overall physical health" (Brill, 2011,   Brill, J. B. (2011). Heal your heart with food: Eight foods that
                                     pp. 39-40).                                                        prevent a second heart attack. Better Nutrition,73(2), 38-42.
                                     Brill (2011) suggests "Physical activity ..." (pp. 39-40).

                                     Include page numbers for direct quotes.
Journal Article: 2 authors           ... many years (Allen & Black, 1995) but others              Allen, M. C., & Black, R. (1995). The future of higher education in
                                     disagree.                                                           Australia. Journal of Higher Education, 15(2), 16-25.
                                     Allen and Black (1995) have found ...

                                     Cite both authors each time the reference occurs.
Journal Article: 3, 4 or 5 authors   ... decreasing with increasing class size (Allen, Zuboff,    Allen, M. C., Zuboff, T., & Black, R. (2011). Educational praxis in
                                     & Black, 2011).                                                     Australia: the state of play. Distance Education, 16(1),
                                     OR                                                                  26-34.
                                     Allen, Zuboff, and Black (2011) have found ...

                                     Cite all of the authors the first time the reference

occurs. In subsequent citations include only the            Provide the names of all authors in the reference list.
                                       surname of the first author followed by et al. and the
                                       year, e.g.

                                       ... events are a celebration (Allen et al., 2011).
                                       Allen et al. (2011) have found...

Journal Article: 6 or more authors     ... aided by design (Allen et al., 1993) that has           For 6-7 authors, provide the names of all authors in the
                                       complemented instruction.                                   reference list:
                                       Allen et al. (1993) have found...                           Allen, M. C., Grant, B. A., Zuboff, T., Roper, R. W., Ng, V.,
                                                                                                        Leonard, P., & Black, R. (1993). Instructional designers in
                                       Cite only the surname of the first author followed by
                                                                                                        Australia: A brief history. Online Education, 14(3), 15-17.
                                       et al. and the year for the first and subsequent
                                                                                                   For 8 or more authors, include the first six authors' names,
                                                                                                   followed by three dots, then add the last author's name:

                                                                                                   Stice, E., Marti, C., Spoor-Thompson, S. R., Presnell, K., Shaw, T.
                                                                                                         G., Trinh, V. O., ... Roper, M. A. (2008). The effect on
                                                                                                         educational achievement of university library design.
                                                                                                         Journal of Psychology and Education, 25(2), 29-33.
Journal Article: no author             ... as was the case for most students ("The Pain of         The pain of being a caffeine freak. (2001, October 6). New
                                       Being a Caffeine Freak," 2001).                                   Scientist, 172(2311), 27.
                                       OR                                                          Give the year and the exact date of the publication (month or
                                       ... as in the "The Pain of Being a Caffeine Freak" (2001)   month and day), separated by a comma.
                                       which reveals ...
Online Journal Article: DOI assigned   ... found in the recruitment process for companies          Klimoski, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process
                                       (Klimoski & Palmer, 1993).                                           in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice
                                       OR                                                                   and Research, 45(2), 10-36.
                                       Klimoski and Palmer (1993) have found ...                            doi:10.1037/1061-4087.45.2.10
                                                                                                   If a DOI is available include it at the end of the citation. The
                                                                                                   database name, URL and date of retrieval are not required.

Online Journal Article: no DOI assigned   ... for many (Sillick & Schutte, 2006).                    Sillick, T. J., & Schutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and
                                          OR                                                                self-esteem mediate between perceived early parental love
                                          As Sillick and Schutte (2006) say ...                             and adult happiness. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2),
                                                                                                            38–48. Retrieved from

                                                                                                     If a DOI is not available, provide the home page URL of the
                                                                                                     journal publisher. The retrieval date is not required.
Online Journal Article: no page numbers   ... in all outcomes (Williams, 2008).                      Williams, J. (2008). The victims of crime. Sociology Review, 17(4),
                                          OR                                                              Retrieved from
                                          Williams (2008) remarks ...                           
                                          For direct quotations of online material without
                                          pagination, name the sections and paragraph
                                          number e.g.

                                          One of the author’s main points is that “people don’t
                                          rise from nothing” (Williams, 2008, Section 2, para. 5).
Secondary sources: when you are           "...optimistic, independent yet good at collaboration"     El-Shamy, S. (2004). How to write a Psychology report. Journal of
referring to the ideas or words of an     (Tapscott as cited in El-Shamy, 2004, p. 45).                   Research in the Social Sciences, 17(4), 44-52.
author who has been cited in another      OR
work.                                     Tapscott's diary (as cited in El-Shamy, 2004) states ...

                                          Provide names of both authors.                              Provide the full reference for the journal article that
                                                                                                      you actually read.

Newspaper Articles

NEWSPAPER ARTICLES                  IN-TEXT EXAMPLE                                        REFERENCE LIST EXAMPLE
Newspaper: print                    A report in The Australian indicates that isolated     Elks, S. (2013, January 7). School’s out forever in outpost
                                    schools are closing under directives from the Newman         with only one pub. The Australian, p. 3.
                                    government (Elks, 2013).
Newspaper: from a website           “The heatwave gripping most of the continent is        Schliebs, M. & Morton, R. (2013, January 7). The
                                    showing no signs of abating” (Schliebs, M. & Morton,        Australian. Retrieved from
                                    R., 2013).                                        
Newspaper article: without author   “Doctors fear soaring electricity prices could have    Saving power can kill. (2013, January 7). The Advertiser, p. 14.
                                    killer consequences on hot days as people at risk of
                                    heat stroke turn off air conditioners to save money”
                                    (“Saving Power,” 2013).
Press or Media Release              As for other news articles. Either an author           As for other news articles. Either an author (spokesperson) or
                                    (spokesperson) or organisation may be cited.           organisation may be cited.


      •   Include author(s) surname for internet/website references where possible (an author may be a corporate body or organisation responsible for
          creating, producing or publishing a webpage or website).
      •   Where there is no identifiable author or authoring body, use the title of the webpage or website.
      •   Check the webpage for the date of the last update, if available.
      •   It is advisable, though not essential, to cite the date retrieved, as shown in examples below.

MATERIAL TYPE                           IN-TEXT EXAMPLE                                    REFERENCE LIST EXAMPLE
Internet homepage with date    found on the SPELD-SA website (2013)...      SPELD-SA (2013). Specific learning Difficulties. Retrieved 9
                                                                                                January 2013 from
Web document: no date                   (Field, n.d.)                                      Field, E. M. (n.d.). Bully blocking. Retrieved February 5, 2012,
Web document: no author                 ("Tips on Taking Multi-Choice Tests," 2011)        Tips on taking multi-choice tests. (2011). Retrieved from

Web document: no date, no author        (“GVU’s 8th WWW user survey,” n.d., para.2)        GVU’s 8th WWW user survey. (n.d.). Retrieved May 2, 2012, from

Web document: government department    According to the South Australian Department of            Department of Education and Child Development (2012). Literacy
as author                              Education and Child Development (DECD) “Literacy               Achievement for All Learners in All Communities
                                       competencies begin from a child’s earliest days”               (Literacy Secretariat Resource Paper, June). Retrieved from
                                       Subsequent citations may use the acronym only:                 Achievement_for_A.pdf
                                       (DECD, 2012).
Web document: organisation as author   (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting           Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority
                                       Authority, n.d.)                                                (ACARA) (n.d.) The Australian Curriculum: History. Retrieved
                                       If you want to cite from the document more than                 from
                                       once, in the first citation provide the full name of the        Content-structure
                                       organisation, as above. In subsequent citations use
                                       the abbreviated organisational title.
                                       (ACARA, n.d.)
Blog post or forum discussion          (Frook, 1999, July 23)                                     Frook, B. D. (1999, July 23). New inventions in the cyberworld of
                                                                                                        toylandia [Msg 25]. Message posted to
Wikis                                  ("Self-study," 2007)                                       Self-study: Broadening the concepts of participation and program
                                                                                                        support. (2007). Retrieved June 18, 2008, from the Adult
                                                                                                        Literacy Education (ALE) Wiki:
Wikipedia entry                        (“Global warming,” 2009)                                   Global warming. (2009, January 1). In Wikipedia. Retrieved
                                                                                                        January 8, 2011, from

Lecture Notes, Tabor texts and other Personal Sources

MATERIAL TYPE                           IN-TEXT EXAMPLE                                             REFERENCE LIST EXAMPLE
PowerPoint slides online                According to Bruck (2010)                                   Bruck, D. (2009). APP1016: Foundations of Psychological
                                        OR                                                               Research, week 6 notes [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved
                                        Research indicates ... (Bruck, 2010)                             February 13, 2012, from
                                                                                                    PowerPoint slides obtained from any Learning Management
                                                                                                    System such as Tabor Online, are referenced as above adding
                                                                                                    the URL of the website.
Printed/online Lecture notes, Subject   According to Sonn (2011) OR Research indicates ...          Sonn, C. (2011). APM5003: Exploring methodology for
Outline                                 (Sonn, 2011)                                                     psychological research [Class handout]. School of Social
                                                                                                         Sciences and Psychology, Victoria University, Melbourne,
                                                                                                    Davies, F. (2013). Primary Pedagogy 1 [lecture notes]. School
                                                                                                         of Education, Tabor Adelaide, Australia.
Personal communication: interviews,     For an e-mail:
emails, letters                         An email (J. W. Ayers, personal communication,              They are only cited within the text and not included in the
                                        September 2, 2011) confirming that results are ...          Reference List.
Lecture in this subject at Tabor        ...(cross-cultural communication (Houston, Lecture 8,       They are only cited within the text and not included in the
                                        2013)                                                       Reference List.
Article or chapter in a Tabor book of   If it is a journal article within the reader, or uploaded   Cite each reading according to the source.
Readings or uploaded online on the      on Tabor Online, it should be cited as a journal article.
subject webpage

Audio-visual and other non-book, non-journal media

  Director                      year           title of film

  Moore, M. (Writer & Director). (2003). Bowling for Columbine.
     [DVD]. Umbrella Entertainment.

  Media type        Name of Studio

MATERIAL TYPE                      IN-TEXT EXAMPLE                      REFERENCE LIST EXAMPLE
DVD                                                                     Director last name, 1st initial. Second initial. (Director). (Year).
                                   (Moore, 2003)                        Title of film [DVD]. Name of Studio.
                                                                        Moore, M. (Writer & Director). (2003). Bowling for Columbine.
                                                                              [DVD]. Umbrella Entertainment.
Television                         (Anderson & Morgan, 2008)            Anderson, R., & Morgan, C. (Producers). (2008, June 20).
                                                                              60 Minutes [Television broadcast]. CBS News.
Motion picture                                                          Director last name, first initial. Second initial. (Director). (Year).
                                   (Scorsese & Lonergan, 2000)          Title of film. Name of Studio.
                                                                        e.g. Scorsese, M. (Producer), & Lonergan, K.
                                                                              (Writer/Director). (2000). You can count on me
                                                                              [Motion picture]. Paramount Pictures.
Music recording                    (St. Laurance Chamber Choir, 2005)   St. Laurance Chamber Choir (Performers), & McEwan, N.
                                                                              (Director). (2005). Commemoration, ritual and
                                                                              performance: the Iberian connection: medieval and
                                                                              renaissance music from the St Laurence Chamber Choir
                                                                              [CD]. Sydney, NSW: Centre for Medieval Studies, University
                                                                              of Sydney.

Music track from an album           (Yunupingu, 2011)                                  Yunupingu, G. G. (Performer). (2011). Gopuru. On Rrakala [CD].
                                                                                              Winnellie, NT: Skinnyfish.
Podcast                             (Rheinberger & Hogan, 2011)                        Rheinberger, J. (Script Writer), & Hogan, A. (Director). (2011,
                                                                                              October 25). Episode 26 [Podcast radio programme]. In C.
                                                                                              Thompson (Producer), Nerdzilla. Hobart, TAS: ABC
                                                                                              Local Radio. Retrieved from
                                                                                       It is not necessary to insert the full URL, but just the homepage,
                                                                                       especially if the more specific URL is lengthy or likely to change
                                                                                       over time. For a public lecture, insert [Podcast lecture].
Video clip (Youtube)                (Hall, 2007)                                       Hall, A. (2007, December 20). How to study at Oxford University
                                                                                              [Video file]. Retrieved from
Online or streaming video           (Zubrycki, 1991)                                   Zubrycki, T. (Producer & Director), & Chi, J. (Writer). (1991).
                                                                                              Bran nue dae: A musical journey [Video]. Retrieved from
Review of a motion picture          (Kraus, 1992, p. 1146)                             Kraus, S. J. (1992). Visions of psychology: A videotext
                                                                                              of classic studies [Review of the motion
                                                                                              picture Discovering Psychology]. Contemporary
                                                                                              Psychology, 37, 1146-1147.
Software                            (“Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (Version2)”)         Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (Version 2) [Computer
                                    or                                                        software]. Englewood, NJ: Biostat.
                                    An example of software for individual use is the          Eureka (n.d.) Maths Skills Builder [Computer Software].
                                    “Maths Skills Builder” (Eureka, n.d.).                    Australia: Nodtronics.
Image in a book                                                                        My car poem [Image]. (2005). In Tunica, M. A passion for
                                                                                              poetry. Newtown: PETA. p.117.

Online lecture (other than Tabor)   See Podcasts                                       See Podcasts

Image online            Where a caption to the image is appropriate, use the     Human skeleton [Image]. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.
                        title of the image OR the creator of the image (artist
                        or photographer) and date.                               Saudi Arabia [Topographic map]. (2009). Retrieved from
                        Examples from University of Southern Queensland                sa.htm
                        (USQ) (n.d.)                                             Tunbridge, D. I. (2003). Volunteers of the ACT Bushfire
                                                                                       Service lighting a back-burn on the Mount Franklin Road,
                                                                                       Brindabella Ranges, on the night of 11/12 January 2003
                                                                                       [Digital photograph]. Retrieved from

Brochure or Catalogue   ...(National Tertiary Education Union, n.d.)             National Tertiary Education Union (n.d.). NTEU: The union for all
                                                                                      higher education staff [Brochure]. South Melbourne, Vic:
                        (Smart Kids, 2012)                                            NTEU.

                                                                                 Smart Kids (2012) Maths and numeracy [Catalogue].
                                                                                 These are examples; you may need to adapt according to
                                                                                 available information.

Miscellaneous Sources
MATERIAL TYPE                         IN-TEXT EXAMPLE                                           REFERENCE LIST EXAMPLE
Annual report of an organisation      ... as stated in World Vision’s Annual Report (2012)      World Vision Australia (2012). Annual Report. Retrieved from
                                      ...(World Vision, 2012)...                                     AnnualReportsAndReviews.aspx
Australian Curriculum                 First time mentioned:                                     Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting Authority (n.d.)
                                      ... in the Australian Curriculum (Australian Curriculum        The Australian curriculum. Retrieved on 14 January 2013
                                      Reporting and Assessment Authority [ACARA], n.d.)              from
                                      (ACARA, n.d.)
Conference proceedings: published     (Wilkinson, 1999, p. 282)                                 Wilkinson, R. (1999). Sociology as a marketing feast. In M. Collis,
                                                                                                     L. Munro, & S. Russell (Eds.), Sociology for the New
                                                                                                     Millennium. Paper presented at The Australian Sociological
                                                                                                     Association, Monash University, Melbourne, 7-10 December
                                                                                                     (pp. 281-289). Churchill, Australia: Celts.
Conference proceedings: unpublished   (Gidley, 2000)                                            Gidley, V. (2000, October 11-13). Working together to make the
                                                                                                     dream a reality. Paper presented at the ATSIM Indigenous
                                                                                                     Health Conference, Wahroonga, Australia.
Government Publications (Print) stated in the Accreditation of Initial Teacher      Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (2011).
                                      Education Programs in Australia (Australian Institute          Accreditation of initial teacher education programs in
                                      for Teaching and School Leadership, 2011) (AITSL).             Australia: Standards and procedures. Carlton South, Vic:
                                      Subsequently: (AITSL, 2011)                                    Education Services Australia.
Thesis – published                    (Arnott, 2005)                                            Arnott, G.D. (2005). Working in aged care and disability services:
                                                                                                     An introduction. Croydon, Vic: Tertiary Press.
Thesis - unpublished                  (Wescombe-Down, 2013)                                     Wescombe-Down, D. (2013). Working with gifted and
                                      Or ... Wescombe-Down (2013) stated that...                     twice-exceptional undergraduate and postgraduate
                                                                                                     Education students in Australia. Unpublished Doctoral
                                                                                                     Dissertation, Perth, WA: Curtin University.

Example of In-text Citations and References

      Teachers need to understand the theory behind their subject area in order to interpret curriculum documents appropriately. For

example, an understanding of the Four Resources Model, developed by Luke and Freebody (1999), can help a teacher to interpret the

Australian Curriculum: English (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, n.d.) which is based on a similar but different

structure of Language, Literature and Literacy. Furthermore, familiarity with the developmental phases commonly experienced by

children learning to read and write will provide greater depth and suitably targeted teaching approaches for particular groups of children.

As stated by the authors of First Steps, “[First Steps] is only one part of an explicit and cohesive approach to improving literacy learning. It

can be implemented in the company of other programs, and alongside a variety of resources and personal ideas” (Annandale et al., 2003,

pp. 3-4).

                                           Note that References begin on a new page.


Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (n.d.). The Australian curriculum: English. Retrieved on 16th January 2012


Annandale, K., Bindon, R., Handley, K., Johnston, A., Lockett, L., & Lynch, P. (2003). Linking assessment, teaching and learning (2nd

        ed.). Rigby Heinemann.

Luke, A. & Freebody, P. (1999). A map of possible practices: further notes on the four resources model. Practically Primary, 4(2), 5-8.

References for this Referencing Guide

Monash University. (2012). American Psychological Association (APA ) Style Examples. Retrieved 9 January 2013 from

Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). (2010). American Psychological Association.

University of Southern Queensland Library. (n.d.). APA Referencing guide. Retrieved 9 January 2013 from

Untitled images (n.d.). Retrieved from Clip Art on Office Online.

Kids-study-cartoon.jpeg [image]. (2008). Retrieved from

For an online tutorial on referencing, see

Monash University (2012). Demystifying citing and referencing [Power point slides]. Retrieved 9 January 2013 from

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