From: Kathy Wedl & Cynthia Bailey Manns

Page created by Allen Wang
June 23, 2019

Gym Masses                                            From: Kathy Wedl & Cynthia Bailey Manns
Presider: Fr. James Cassidy
                                           Archdiocesan Synod, 2021 ~ Ever since he assumed his current role, Archbishop Bernard
Today we give thanks for parishioners      Hebda has wanted to hold a Synod which has been described as a “coming together of the
Christopher Hermann and Kortni             local church.” The 1983 Code of Canon Law requires that lay people be involved along with
Ringwall, who share their journeys         clergy, and permits the involvement of non-Catholics as well. It is not a process for changing
with us on this Pride Weekend. We          Church teaching, but rather a “spiritual exercise” of listening and prayer, meant to engage the
are blessed by your presence and           Catholic laity to share their personal perspectives and ideas. Pope Francis has asked that
leadership in this community.              these sessions be based on “sincere and respectful mutual listening in which everyone has
                                           something to learn.”
This morning we welcome our own
George Maurer back to the keyboard         The Synod is a two year process beginning with the first stage of twenty prayer and listening
after his month long bike trek through     sessions held in parishes and sites throughout the archdiocese in fall 2019 and winter 2020.
Viet Nam raising money for cancer          These sessions are critical to the Synod process, and the Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Communi-
research. Congratulations, George!         ty has an opportunity, and responsibility, to be a visible and vocal presence in these sessions.
Singer, Deb Harley is with us today        More importantly, this powerful discernment process will help us clarify SJA’s vision as we
as well as fiddle player, Richard          gather with one another and journey with others throughout the archdiocese.
Kriehn. They will offer solos at our
gym masses on this Pride Weekend           The SJA Mission Statement states, Saint Joan of Arc is a joyful Christian community which
Sunday. Thank you all!                     celebrates the loving Word of God in worship and in action. We transcend traditional bounda-
                                           ries and draw those who seek spiritual growth and social justice. We welcome diverse ideas
The Sunday Morning Registration            and encourage reflection on the message of the Gospel. We are committed to the equality
and Information Office is located in       of all our members and strive to ensure their full participation through liturgy, education and
the Parish Center. In the office you may   service. By these means we seek to empower all who come to grow in wisdom and bring to
register to become a SJA parishioner,      reality the promise of Christ. It is imperative that we inform the archdiocese, and our fellow
get program information, sign up for a     Christians, of our concerns, challenges, and hopes that we have as we strive to embody our
program, and register to volunteer. The    mission in our daily life experiences.
office is open after both of our Sunday
morning liturgies.                         In July and August, SJA will have information gatherings to help us prepare for participation in
                                           the listening sessions. Dates and times will be posted in the bulletin and on the SJA web page.
                                           We encourage everyone in the SJA community to participate, allowing the Spirit to guide us,
                                           with a goal of finding a better path to service for both clergy and laity.

                                           Additional information regarding the Synod can be found on the SJA web page as well as
                                           on the archdiocese web page ( This information explains the two year
                                           Synod process which concludes in 2021 with Archbishop Hebda’s Pastoral Letter addressing
                                           the Synod’s topics and the Pastoral Plan to shape the following 5 - 10 years.

                                           Kathy Wedl serves as SJA’s Parish Council Representative to Deanery 14 of the Lay Advisory
                                           Board. Cynthia Bailey Manns serves as a member of the Archdiocesan Lay Advisory Board.

                                                             Weekend Masses are Celebrated at:
                                                        5pm Saturday and 7:45am Sunday in the Church
                                                              9am and 11am Sunday in the Gym
                                                          Family Masses will resume on September 15

Visit:                4537 Third Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55419 612.823.8205 Fax: 612.825.7028
Highlights This Week at SJA                                                    Looking Ahead…
FFI check the bulletin, the SJA website or call the Parish Center.              Sunday 9 and 11 am Gym Masses:
The Upper Room is located in the Parish Center; Hospitality Hall, in
the Church basement; the Arc, across 45th Street, 4457 3rd Ave.                 June 30: Presider: Fr. DeBruycker. We are thrilled to welcome
                                                                                pre-mass speaker, Dr. Mary Dana Hinton, president of the
Tuesday, June 25                                                                College of St. Benedict.
8am Mass in the Orleans Chapel                                                  July 7: Presider: Fr. Cassidy. A reflection on Nationalism and
Thursday, June 27                                                               Patriotism in readings and with special music from our guest
8am Mass in the Orleans Chapel                                                  Brother Timothy Frantzich.
Sunday, June 30:                                                                July 14: Presider: Fr. DeBruycker. Sunday will include a brief
ISAIAH - Legislative Session Debrief, after the 9 and 11am masses               introduction to Camp St. Joan - a wonderful week in which our
in the Upper Room                                                               kids will learn about the culture, history, food and traditions of
                                                                                this year's country, Germany.
Parish Center Summer Hours (Memorial Day through Labor Day)                     July 21: Presider: Fr. Cassidy. Our Mission Sunday speaker is
x  Monday, 8:30am - 4:30pm                                                     Sr. Susan Gatz of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth. She will
x  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 8:30am - 9pm                                  share her story, and a second collection will be taken to benefit
x  Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm                                                     the work of the sisters.
x  Saturday, 9am - noon
x  Sunday, 8:30am - 1pm                                                        July 28: Presider: Fr. DeBruycker
                                                                                August 4: Presider: Fr. Cassidy
       The Parish Center will be closed Thursday, July 4
                     and Friday, July 5.                                        August 11: Presider: Fr. DeBruycker. Miriam and Alba, from our
                                                                                Sister Parish in Guatemala, will share their reflections of their time
                                                                                at SJA as the 10 day delegation draws to a close.
Scripture Readings:
Sun, June 23: Genesis 14:18-20; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Luke 9:11b-17                  Gluten-free Communion is available upon request. Please see
Mon, June 24: Isaiah 49:1-6; Acts 13:22-26; Luke 1:57-66,80                    any of the Sunday sacristans in the gym before Mass.
Tues, June 25: Genesis 13:2,5-18; Matthew 7:6,12-14
                                                                               Enhanced Hearing Devices are available in the church and gym.
Wed, June 26: Genesis 15:1-12,17-18; Matthew 7:15-20
                                                                               They are located in the back of the church and the welcome center.
Thu, June 27: Genesis 16:1-12,15-16; Matthew 7:21-29
Fri, June 28: Ezekiel 34:11-16; Romans 5:5b-11; Luke 15:3-7                    SignUpGenius for Eucharistic Ministers is available online. It
Sat, June 29: Acts 3:1-10; Galatians 1:11-20; John 21:15-19                    is simple, user friendly and a reminder is sent 3 days before your
Sun, June 30: 1 Kings 19:16b,19-21; Gal 5:1,13-18; Luke 9:51-62                scheduled volunteer day. FFI contact Marcia at

                 Prayer Corner: Please remember in your prayers those who are in need of healing:
      Chuck Abramson, Arlene Axelson, Ned B., Dennis Barta, Phyllis Berninger, Elaine Boehm, Marcia Boehnlein, Patty Brennan, Lorraine Bryant,
   Stacy Budd, Pam Burd, Allison Burgstahler, Catharine C., Courtney, George C., Dayna Cell, Kate Corey, Joe & Dave Culver, Meg & Nick Daoust,
  Mick Dease, Jim DeBruycker, Koko Dehn, Colleen Dooley, Bob Duffy, Kathie DuRocher, Henry F., John Fierce, Flo Francis, John & Margaret Frees,
  Amy Friedrichs, Kate Gilbert, Heidi Gregorich, Tom Griep, Abigail H., Emma H., Todd Harley, Brad Hinker, Jeff Hinton, Megan Hoffman, Jan Horner,
    Kathy Horner, Neysa Housley, Gina J., Ceil Jaisle, Dan Jay, Tom Jay, Paul Jonsson, Maria Karpinski, Glen Kelley, Sage Kirscht, Barbara Klebel,
 Kate Kline, Liam, Luke, Amy Lainus, Iva Lang, Jim Lappen, Melva Larson, Dorothy & Darlene Lawson, Tony Lescarbeau, Alex M., Kyle M., Michael M.,
  Joe Mars, Janet Martens, Dawn McCelland, John McGarry, Kate Meyer, Kelley Meyer, Morley family, Royce Morrissette, Ted Mueller, Sheri Murch,
 Nate, Craig Nordby, Dick Olson, Paul Olvera, Colette Ott, Paula, Pam Paul, Bill Peterka, Joe, Mary & Dick Priola, Jim Rapp, Carol Reiland, Jack Riebel,
     Donald & Susan Roufs, Pat Russell, Joe S., Kay Samuelson, Don Schafer, Phil & Mary Margaret Schmidt, Steven Schuster, Fran Shepardson,
  Mattie Sieler, Sam Slagerman, Harold Sonnek, Teddy Sparrman, Priscilla Specht, Joan Speltz, Doug Stahlke, Joleen Strosahl, Tess, Irene Taddiken,
       Francis Taranto, Tom Tedford, Matthew Tennant, Echo Thoren, Glo Tonskemper, Martha Utz, Carin Vagle, Leroy Vague, Barbara Verthein,
       Mimi Villaume, AJ & Theo W., Nikki W., Floyd Ward, Pam Washington, Marlys Weber, Julie Wegscheild, Todd Weller, Bennett Wentworth,
          Mary White, Kathy Wiberg, Eric William, Jim & Jerry Wohnoutka, Jim Wolfe, Morley Woodruff, Ann Woolsey, Sofia Wright, Julie Wylie,
                              Mike Wyman, Curt Youngren, Baby Zoey Grace, Bridget Zivirn, Annemaire & Ava Zubrzycki
 Prayer Corner Requests: To keep prayer requests current, names will be included in the bulletin for four weeks and then removed.
 To add a name or to renew your request, please call Nancy Becker at 612.823.8205 ext. 223.
 A Book of Prayer is located in our Gym vestibule. If you have a family member or friend who is ill or who has recently died, please
 write their names in our Book of Prayer before Mass so we may include them in prayers during our Sunday Masses.
Parish Life
Choir: Summer is a good time to consider raising your singing voice       South Bound I-35W to 46th St. Ramp Closed through early
            and joining the SJA adult choir in September. Do you love     July 2019. Detour: Continue on I-35W and take the Diamond
            to sing and can carry a tune? Join this musical community     Lake Rd. exit. Once the ramp reopens in early July 2019, there
            as we begin a new season on Thursday, September               will be some periodic short-term closures through Fall 2020.
            19. Teens especially welcomed. If you have questions,
please call Anna Vagle at 612.823.8205 ext 235. Happy Summer!             Cabaret: Join us at the 25th Cabaret to celebrate Music and
                                                                          Memories! Enjoy over 25 of your favorite performers at the
Thank You Picnic Volunteers! More than 300 guests enjoyed the             dinner and show on Friday and Saturday, October 4 and 5, or
picnic festivities this past Friday night! Whether you helped with        experience Prince Unplugged with our own Tommy Barbarella
food prep on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, or fulfilled your picnic      at The Sunday Show matinee on October 6. Tickets go on sale
assignments, your time and work were very much appreciated! A             Saturday, August 17. Email with
special thanks to Kevin Bandy and Mike Senti who planned and              inquiries for becoming a new table sponsor.
executed another fabulous picnic menu.
                                                                          SJA Outreach Fund: Our Justice Grant committee awarded
Catholic Social Teaching: The Foundation of Our Faith and Our                                the following grants to these remarkable
Shared Future. The principles of CST offer us a powerful lens                                organizations, in which our parishioners
through which to see and love the world as God does. They are                                are committed volunteers and leaders.
a blueprint for us in overwhelming times:                                                    We are proud to partner with all of you!
x Human Dignity: Every one of us is created in the image and             x Health Care for All MN: $5000
     likeness of God.                                                     x ComMUSICation: $5000
x Common Good: We realize our human dignity in relationship              x Listening House of St. Paul: $5000
     and community.                                                       x The Advocates for Human Rights: $5000
x Option for the Poor: The moral test of our society is how we           x Casa Guadalupana: $4800
     treat our most vulnerable.                                           x Mind Body Solutions: $5000
x Rights and Responsibilities: We all have a fundamental right           x Living at Home Block Nurse Program: $3750
     to what is needed to live in dignity - life, food, shelter, health   x S. Stephen’s Human Services: $5000
     care, education, employment. We also have a responsibility to        x Conversations with Friends: $5000
     participate in our public life together.                             x MicroGrants: $4000
x Role of Government: The state has a positive moral function            x MN Literacy Council: $5000
     to promote human dignity, protect human rights and build the         x Urban Homeworks: $5000
     common good.                                                         x St. Mary’s Health Clinics:$5000
x Economic Justice: All workers have the right to decent and fair
     wages and safe working conditions. No one is allowed to amass        Mobile Loaves Twin Cities:
     excessive wealth while others lack the basic necessities of life.    x Needs toiletry size soap, shampoo and lotion, toothpaste,
x Stewardship of God's Creation: We are called to live in right             toothbrushes and new lightweight socks. Please place your
     relationship with the earth.                                            donations in the collection hamper across from the food
x Promotion of Peace and Disarmament: Peace is not just the                 shelf bin in the Parish Center entrance. FFI contact
     absence of war. Peace is the fruit of justice.                
x Global Solidarity: We are called to work together globally in          x MLTC also needs a commercial vacuum. If you can help,
     an interdependent world.                                                please contact Floyd at

          Where Does My Coffee Cup Go? We strive to be a zero-            An Interfaith Peace Vigil Against War: Wednesdays, 5 - 6 pm,
          waste campus and your help is needed making sure that           at the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge. Join us!
          coffee cups are disposed of properly on Sunday mornings.
          Here's the info you need:                                       Summary of contributions for the week and fiscal year. Includes
1. All hot cups brought in from outside SJA are TRASH (not                plate, envelopes and estimated Sustaining Member payments.
recyclable), unless marked "Certified Compostable"
2. Cold plastic beverage cups and lids are RECYCLABLE.                            Current (June 10 - June 16, 2019)
Straws are not.                                                                           Actual $33,452 Budget $32,197
3. All cups from within SJA are COMPOSTABLE - organic,                                      Prior Year Actual $29,308
made from corn.                                                                   Year to Date (July 1 – June 16, 2019)
Thank you for your help!                                                                   Actual $1,982,600 Budget $2,017,281
                                                                                           Prior Year Actual $1,899,734
Consider Carpooling or Riding the City Bus to Church: Go
to for more information. Thank you!                                                Thank You!
Pastoral Ministries                                                    Peace and Justice
FFI on Pastoral Ministries contact Sherri Stella at                    FFI on Peace & Justice programs contact Julie Madden at
612.823.8205 ext. 231 or                           612.823.8205 ext. 228 or
Did You Know? You are not alone. If you or someone you know            SJA ISAIAH Legislative Session Recap: In this past legislative
is struggling, please reach out to a member of our pastoral care                   session, ISAIAH brought people of faith together to
staff.                                                                             advocate for clean energy, driver's licenses for immi-
                                                                                   grants, health care and criminal justice reform and
Coalition for Grief Support: Please join us this Thursday, June                    economic justice for working families. Next Sunday,
                20, 6:15 - 8pm, at Richfield Lutheran Church (8        June 30, following both masses, please join our core team for a
                West 60th St) as Ann Dunagan RN, presents,             brief recap of the session from these great people and learn about
                Self-Care While Grieving. The evening begins           our next steps on the journey.
                with light refreshments followed by a presentation
                and facilitated small group sessions. FFI contact      Summer in Peace and Justice Ministries: Mark your calendar!
Jean Mills at 612.986.8217 or Sherri Stella at the Parish Center.      July 21 - 24: SJA EcoSpirits present: The Nitty Gritty of Going
                                                                       Green: Films, Presentations, Discussion and Action! Pick up a
Mental Health Ministry: Our program will continue in Septem-           flyer next Sunday with our schedule.
ber. Please watch for details!                                         August 2 - 12: Our Sister Parish delegates will be here from
                                                                       Guatemala. All are invited to join us as we visit local community
The Prayer Shawl Ministry: Please join us on the third Tuesday         organizations (schedule coming soon), and to attend our potluck
of each month, 9 - 10:30am in the Parish Center Geranium               suppers, Sunday, August 4 and 11.
Room. In the Fall, we will return to the first Monday of each          August 18 - 21: Our Welcome the Stranger ministry invites
month, 6:30 - 8pm. All are welcome! Our prayer shawl members           you to, Border Connections, which will include presentations,
are open to teaching new members to knit and crochet. FFI con-         community meals, and visits to partner organizations serving
tact Sherri Stella at the Parish Center.                               refugees, migrants and asylees.
                                                                       August 28 - 29: SJA's Antiracism Ministry will host a walking
The Parish Visitor Ministry offers confidential listening, prayer,     tour of our parish neighborhood and an open house with elders
                  communion, and support in times of life chal-        in our community, as well as local filmmaker, Daniel Bergin, to
                  lenges or transitions. Through phone calls and       learn more about the history of racism and the movement for
                  visits, this quiet support is available to parish-   racial justice very close to home.
ioners who cannot join us for worship or would like an additional
long or short term parish connection in the home, hospital, rehab      Greet Dr. Mary Hinton Next Sunday: If you're an alum of St.
or care center. FFI contact Sherri at the Parish Center or Carolyn     Ben's, we hope to have a few moments between masses next
Dobis at 651.485.2868.                                                 Sunday, June 30, in the Parish Center Sunflower Room for you
                                                                       to greet Dr. Hinton, the president of the college, who will be with
TRUST’s Chore Program Needs Workers! The program                       us as our pre-mass speaker. We are thrilled to welcome her to
provides household chore and maintenance services to older             SJA and hope you will be able to meet her.
adults living in South Minneapolis - helping them to continue
living safely and independently in their own homes. Currently,         A Thank You To and From Our SJA LGBTQ Group! To all who
TRUST is looking for workers - or volunteers - that can do any of      organized our presence at the Golden Valley Pride Festival, who
the following jobs: yardwork, mowing, small repairs, and house         attended our Pride Week Prayer Service here at SJA, who repre-
cleaning. If you are interested, please call the TRUST Chore           sent our parish at the Downtown Churches booth at the Loring
Program at 612.827.6150.                                               Park Pride Festival this weekend (please stop by booth #P041 if
                                                                       you're downtown today!) and who are with us this morning for our
Join TRUST Builders This Summer! Work days are on                      reflection on the 50th anniversary of Stonewall - we thank you.
Saturdays, July 13, August 10, and September 14. We start              And to properly thank and celebrate the community of St. Joan of
at 8:30am and work until about 3pm. To sign up, email John             Arc, our LGBTQ group will serve cake in the Welcome Center after
Corlett, TRUST Builders Coordinator, at          both masses next Sunday, June 30. Hope to see you then!
or call him at 612.839.6566 (evenings only).
                                                                       Food Shelf Donations Are Needed: You are encouraged to bring
TRUST Meals on Wheels has openings for new Meals on                    non-perishable food items with you when you come to Mass on
Wheels clients. If you or a parent, friend, or neighbor is in need     Sunday and place them in our food shelf bins, located in the
of a nutritious, hot daily meal delivered right to the door, call      entrances to our Church and Parish Center. Your food offerings
Eleonore at 612.822.6040. If you are outside our area, we will         are donated to the Foodshelf at Sabathani Community Center
direct you.                                                            each week. Thank you for your willingness to help those in need.
Faith Formation and Adult Learning

                           We form the faith of our community through participation in prayer, liturgy,
                                  sacraments, education, community and works of justice.

2019/2020 Faith Formation Registration is open for Nursery              Grade Schoolǣ(Grades 1-6) FFI contact Marie Bissonnette
through 12th grade. Go to under the "News"               at 612.823.8205 ext. 229.
portion on the home page.

Camp St. Joan: We Need Campers! It’s Not Too Late! Grandpar-            Youth Ministry: (Grades 7-12) FFI contact Rose Aspholm
ents, sign your grand kids up and spend the afternoons discussing       at 612.823.8205 ext. 241 or or Brennan Hall
camp with them. Celebrate our 20th year learning about Germany,         at
and help ensure 20 more years! July 15 -18. $85/individual and
$150/family. Register online under the ‘Ministries’ tab.                Adult Learning:FFI contact Cynthia Bailey Manns at
                                                                        612.823.8205 ext. 226 or
Want a Pen Pal? Two Guatemalan girls ages 10 and 13 from our
              Sister Parish in Tierra Nuevo II are looking for pen      Questions to Ponder: Scholar and author Elizabeth Harper Neeld
                                                                        asserts that "A powerful connection exists between human beings
              pals! Pen pals write letters 2-4 times a year. Letters
              are carried by hand from SJA to TNII. When the            and God, and any individual can choose to participate and grow
              Guatemalan delegation comes here, they often              in this intimate relationship" (A Sacred Primer, Neeld, 1999). And
bring letters; when our parishioners go there, we send the              although our days are filled with opportunities to be aware of God's
response letters with them. If interested, contact Tica Hanson          presence, we are often unaware of God's movement in our life ex-
at ¡Gracias!                                    periences. At SJA, we are challenged to continually ask ourselves,
                                                                        "Today, how did I notice God's presence, or how did I feel discon-
                                                                        nected from God?” and, “How am I creating quiet time for reflection
Adoptive Families Book Club: Join us for some summer reading!
                                                                        and prayer to pay attention to God's desires for me?"
We’ll meet in June to discuss Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia
Reilly Giff, and in August to continue talking about Being Adopt-
                                                                        Parish Book Club meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at
ed: The Lifelong Search for Self by David M. Brodzinsky. Date
                                                                        6:30pm in the Parish Center. Everyone is welcome anytime!
TBA, time and place the same: 10am at Turtle Bread (4762 Chica-
                                                                        x July 10: The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen 83¼ Years Old
go Ave. Mpls). Enjoy your reading.
                                                                            by Hendrik Groen
                                                                        x September 11: The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
An Arm-and-Arm-in-Africa Update on Project Togo: We thought             x October 9: Being Mortal by Atul Gawande
you all would enjoy seeing the fruits of Arm in Arm's initial clothes
                                                                        x   November 13: My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante
drive for school children in Togo. 23 boxes of clothes donations left
SJA. They were packed into a cargo container which wound its way
                                                                        Centering Prayer, Sundays following the 9am Mass in the SJA
by train through Chicago to New York, ultimately arriving at the
                                                                        Youth House. Centering Prayer is a meditative prayer that helps
port city of Lome in Togo. We expect the cargo to arrive in late
                                                                        loosen the hold of our automatic thought patterns that drive us and
July. Members of the parish, Mary, Queen of the Universe, will
                                                                        separate us from the Sacred. All are welcome!
pick up the boxes and transport them to Vo-Koutime. A committee
at the church will distribute the clothes to pre-K and school-age
kids as they prepare to start school in August. Many thanks again       Baptism: To have your child baptized at St. Joan’s you must
to all who contributed to this project and to those who prepared the    be a registered member and participate in a 90-minute Baptism
donations for shipping!                                                 preparation class. FFI and to register call JP at the Parish Center.

Nursery: FFI contact Michelle Dehn, Nursery Director at                 Wedding Policies: For a wedding to take place at SJA, it is neces- or 612.823.8205 ext. 240.                                                      sary that one of the engaged couple be a reg-
                                                                                                 istered member of the parish for at least six
Our Nursery, located in the lower level of the Parish Center, is                                 months before a wedding date can be set. A
            open for the 9 & 11am Sunday Masses. The Nursery                                     date can only be scheduled by one of the
            is a wonderful community of families and volunteers         priests after an initial interview with the engaged couple. A mini-
            that allows parents to enjoy Mass and meet other            mum of six months from the time the date is set to the wedding is
            families in the parish. Drop-ins welcome.                   necessary in order to complete requirements. In cases where there
                                                                        has been a previous marriage ending in divorce, it is not possible to
Pre-schoolǣ(Ages 4-Kindergarten) FFI contact Magnolia                  set the wedding date until notice of an annulment is in hand. FFI
Ditzler at or 612.823.8205 ext. 230Ǥ               call Sherri Stella at the Parish Center.
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