Bulletin #: 568600 St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception 816 Park Dr. La Porte, TX 77571

Page created by Fred Alvarez
Bulletin #: 568600 St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception 816 Park Dr. La Porte, TX 77571
Bulletin #: 568600
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception
816 Park Dr.
La Porte, TX 77571

Contact: Cheryl Frobenius, 281-471-2000, cfrobenius@sbcglobal.net
Transmit Day/Time: Tuesday/4pm
Pages Sent: 8 Total, including cover page

Software Using: Publisher

Special Instructions: 350 copies
Bulletin #: 568600 St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception 816 Park Dr. La Porte, TX 77571
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
              Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
                816 Park Dr. La Porte, Texas 77571
                281-471-2000 Fax:281-471-9365
Website:www.stmaryslaporte.com E-mail:stmaryslpcc@sbcglobal.net

                                                        Sacrament of Baptism
Parish Office Hours                    Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
                                       Classes are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Monday - Friday                        Please come by the Parish Office to register or call for
9:00 am -12:00 Noon                    more information.
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm                                           Reconciliation
                                       The Sacrament of Penance is offered on Saturdays, from
                                       4:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. or by appointment.
     Eucharistic Celebrations                            Sacrament of Marriage
Saturday: 5:30 p.m.                    Please contact the Parish Office at least (6) six months
Sunday: 9:00 a.m.                      prior to your desired wedding date to arrange a meeting
         11:00 a.m. (Spanish)          with Father Tony or one of the Deacons. If you want
          1:00 p.m.                    a Mass, you must call Father Tony.
                                                 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
        St. Mary’s Church              Are you a non-Catholic who is interested in joining the
Monday (No Mass)                       Catholic faith? Are you a baptized Catholic who has
Tuesday & Wednesday – 12:00 noon       never received the sacraments of 1st Communion and
Thursday & Friday – 8:30 a.m.          Confirmation? If your answer is yes to either of these
                                       questions, call the Parish Office.
                                        Sacrament of First Reconciliation/First Communion
           Parish Staff                First Reconciliation/Communion candidates must be
Rev. Tony A. Castro, Pastor            baptized, at least in the second grade, and have been
Deacon Hector Cantu                    attending CCE classes for at least TWO full years prior to
Deacon Stan Avallone                   entering into sacramental preparation. Adults will be
                                       referred to the RCIA program.
Bookkeeper-Nelda Shealy                              Sacrament of Confirmation
Bulletin/Sacramental Records–          Confirmation is a separate more intensive examination of
Cheryl Frobenius                       the faith and our responsibilities as practicing Catholics.
Maintenance– Steve Regan               Confirmands will meet once per month in addition to
Parish Secretary-Jessica Jaramillo     attending Life Teen faithfully, both one full year prior to
                                       the beginning Sacramental preparation and during the
                                       preparation year (no more than three absences either
C.C.E. Director - Shari Davis          year). Parents/Sponsors will also be required to attend
C.C.E. Coordinator - Graciela          once per month meetings. Confirmation candidates must
Lopez                                  have       previously received the Sacraments of Baptism
EDGE Coordinator-Randy Tercero         and First Holy Communion. A habit of attending weekly
Life Teen Director-Shari Davis         Mass is required for both years. Please, note the above
RCIA - Tracy Avallone                  represents the minimum requirements. Adults will be
                                       referred to the RCIA program.

                                     Vision Statement
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception is a Catholic Community of Believers
called to serve Christ by gathering together at the Lord’s Table in worship and
praise, by serving our brothers and sisters in Christ, and by being a welcoming
beacon of light to all. We are many parts, yet one body in Christ.
Bulletin #: 568600 St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception 816 Park Dr. La Porte, TX 77571
July 24/25, 2021 $7,017.00
Saturday, July 31:                                        If you would like to send your weekly
5:30pm               Patrice Ward†                   donations, please visit St. Mary’s website and go to
                         By: Jan Hughes              the Online Giving Icon or mail them to St. Mary’s,
Sunday, August 1:                                    816 Park Dr., La Porte, TX 77571.
9:00am              Candelaria Ortiz †                            www.stmaryslaporte.com
                        By: Ortiz Family                    Thank you for your ongoing support!
11:00am             People of the Parish
 1:00pm             Becky Saucier
                         By: Frances Zann                Cardinal DiNardo on the
Tuesday, August 3:
12:000pm            Andres† & Olga† Trevino                 Hyde Amendment
                     By: Lilia Novak & Jack Hooper
Wednesday, August 4:                                 JULY 15, 2021
 12:00 Noon         Miguel Valencia Jr.†             Daniel Cardinal DiNardo
                        By: Valencia Family
Thursday, August 5:                                  I write to inform you of a new threat to the
8:30am              Fred Young†                      unborn under consideration by the federal
                        By: Heasty Family            government and to urge you to act now on
Friday, August 6:
8:30am              Tomas Gomez†                     behalf of our unborn brothers and sisters.
                     By: Maria Bermudez & Family     The Hyde Amendment, included in every
Saturday, August 7:                                  federal budget since 1976, is a historically
5:30pm              Carl Lundquist†                  bipartisan, common sense measure that
                        By:Wal’Dean Lundquist        prohibits taxpayer funding of elective
Sunday, August 8:
9:00am              People of the Parish
                                                     abortions. It is estimated that, since its
11:00am           Eleodoro† & Aurelia† Valencia      inception, this Amendment has saved the
                         By: Valencia Family         lives of over 2.4 million unborn
 1:00pm             Tracy Howard†                    persons. Disturbingly, the recently-proposed
                         By: Lewis Fa,mily           federal budget aims to do away with Hyde
                                                     and other longstanding protections for the
    Anointing of the Sick ….                         unborn, making taxpayer funds available for
                                                     elective abortions and further imperiling the
will be held Friday, August 6th during the           lives of our most vulnerable brothers and
8:30am Mass held in St. Joseph’s Chapel. If          sisters.
you are seriously ill, suffering from a termi-       The United States Conference of Catholic
nal illness or going to have a life-threatening      Bishops has created a petition for Catholics,
surgery, this sacrament is for you. If, however,     asking Congress to maintain the Hyde
you are going to have a routine surgery Fa-          Amendment and similar provisions for the
ther will be glad to give you a blessing. If you     current budget. This petition can be found
are unable to attend this Mass, but would            at NoTaxpayerAbortion.com. The USCCB
like to be anointed, please call the office and      will present all signatures to Congress in
make an       appointment to come by at your         advance of a final vote on the federal budget.
earliest       convenience. If you are unable        I urge all Catholics to join me in reaching
to attend this Mass, call to let us know a           out to the U.S. Congress today.
loved one is in need of Fr. Tony to visit them.
Bulletin #: 568600 St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception 816 Park Dr. La Porte, TX 77571
Dear parish family,                                      18 Sunday B

          We appreciate the success of our parish Vacation Bible School last week. The parish owes a special
 gratitude to Shari Davis, Graciela Lopez and all the teacher volunteers and helpers for the job well done. A
 special thanks for the donors and all those who made the VBS a success.
         I thank Fr. Wilfredo Legal, OSB., who covered me for this week till this Sunday. I took off this past
 week to attend a Fil-American priest’s convention in San Francisco.
         Fr. Willy (as he is called), is a Benedictine monk-priest who belongs to the Our Lady of Montserrat
 Abbey in the Philippines, and also works as chaplain & faculty member at San Beda University, Philippines.
 He is a naturalized US citizen and comes here yearly during the summer months to visit with his parents and
 his siblings in Sugarland, Texas. I am so glad for his willingness to spare some days of his vacation to help
         Although we are already open we do not let our guards down and we keep following heath protocols
 until this pandemic wanes down. Hence it is really important for us to have a fully sanitized worship area.
 We just purchased ActivePure air and surface sanitizer units. As of this time we only have two for the
 church. We need more donors for this that we can add more units for the chapel and offices. Please help us
 defray the cost – this is for the good of all.
          "Don't work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life…," Jesus says in our
 gospel this Sunday. Jesus used a figurative language clearly emphasizing that there are more important
 things in life we need to seek aside from merely satisfying our basic needs. The word "food" here does not
 simply refer to anything we take for our belly. But also represents anything we desire in life, everything we
 work for, and everything we spent our money for, in short it represent our earthly needs. All of them are
 perishable; their value in life goes in time and ends sometime.
           There are deeper needs we have to satisfy as the psalms say, “our soul is thirsting for the living
 God.” And Jesus reminds us today, "I am that bread that comes from heaven." Paraphrasing his words he
 might have said, "Take me as your food. I am that food which last forever and bring you to life eternal."
           Some may find it hard to grasp fully what the Lord means if their minds are clouded with so much
 illusion about material and physical life. But we can be sure it would be easy to know exactly what the Lord
 wants us if we acquire a new way of thinking. St. Paul in the second reading has these words for us to think
 about and to act upon, "we must lay aside our former ways of life and the old self which deteriorates through
 illusion and desire, and acquire a fresh, spiritual way of thinking."

 Stay safe always. Blessings to all and have a good week!                       Fr. Tony

    READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                                 Spiritual Direction
Monday: Nm 11:4b-15; Ps 81:12-17; Mt 14:13-21               Feeling stuck in your faith? Deeper intimacy with Our
Tuesday: Nm 12:1-13; Ps 51:3-7, 12-13;                      Lord Is possible. With gentle encouragement from a
          Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14                   spiritual director and your commitment of 30-60
Wednesday: Nm 13:1-2, 25 — 14:1, 26-29a, 34-35;             minutes a day you can enter into a deeper relation-
          Ps 106:6-7ab, 13-14, 21-23; Mt 15:21-28           ship with Our Lord than you ever thought possible.
Thursday: Nm 20:1-13; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Mt 16:13-23           Spiritual direction can help you learn to pray better.
Friday:   Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9;              Interested in spiritual direction? Due to COVID Spir-
          2 Pt 1:16-19; Mk 9:2-10                           itual Direction is available via Zoom.
Saturday: Dt 6:4-13; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; Mt 17:14-20                Contact Tracy: stmarysrcia@yahoo.com
Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:4-8; Ps 34:2-9; Eph 4:30 — 5:2;
          Jn 6:41-51                                                      Consecrated Needle Sewing Group
                                                                          We had our first meeting this month,
      2021 The Year of St. Joseph                                         and have begun to design and create
The Archdiocesan website has a page dedicated to                          new Ordinary Time banners for the
the Year of St. Joseph. Please visit and share the link                   church. Our next mtg. will be on Sat.
below, which includes the history of St. Joseph in the                    August 14 at 10am in Rosary Hall.
church, prayers of devotion and more.                       Please contact Jan at 281-402-5401 or call the office
 https://www.archgh.org/resources/year-of-st-joseph/        for more information.
Bulletin #: 568600 St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception 816 Park Dr. La Porte, TX 77571
Querida familia parroquial, Domingo 18 B
         Agradecemos el éxito de nuestra Escuela Bíblica Vacacional parroquial la semana pasada. La
parroquia debe un agradecimiento especial a Shari Davis, Graciela Lopez y todos los maestros voluntarios y
ayudantes por el trabajo bien hecho. Un agradecimiento especial para los donantes y todos aquellos que
hicieron que la EBV fuera un éxito.
        Doy las gracias al P. Wilfredo Legal, OSB., Quien me cubrió durante esta semana hasta este
domingo. Me fui la semana pasada para asistir a una convención de sacerdotes Fil-American en San
        P. Willy (como lo llaman), es un monje-sacerdote benedictino que pertenece a la Abadía de Nuestra
Señora de Montserrat en las Filipinas, y también trabaja como capellán y miembro de la facultad en la
Universidad de San Beda, Filipinas. Es un ciudadano estadounidense naturalizado y viene aquí anualmente
en los meses de verano para visitar a sus padres y hermanos en Sugarland, Texas. Me alegro mucho de su
disposición a dedicar algunos días de sus vacaciones para ayudar aquí.
        Aunque ya estamos abiertos, no bajamos la guardia y seguimos los protocolos de salud hasta que esta
pandemia disminuya. Por lo tanto, es muy importante para nosotros tener un área de adoración completamen-
te desinfectada. Acabamos de comprar unidades de desinfectante de superficie y aire ActivePure. En este mo-
mento solo tenemos dos para la iglesia. Necesitamos más donantes para esto, podemos agregar más unidades
para la capilla y las oficinas. Ayúdenos a sufragar el costo, esto es por el bien de todos.
         "No trabajes por la comida que perece, sino por la comida que permanece para la vida eterna ..", dice
Jesús en nuestro evangelio este domingo. Jesús usó un lenguaje figurado enfatizando claramente que hay
cosas más importantes en la vida que debemos buscar además de simplemente satisfacer nuestras necesidades
básicas. La palabra "comida" aquí no se refiere simplemente a cualquier cosa que tomemos para nuestro
estómago. Pero también representa todo lo que deseamos en la vida, todo por lo que trabajamos y todo lo que
gastamos nuestro dinero, en resumen, representa nuestras necesidades terrenales. Todos ellos son
perecederos; su valor en la vida va en el tiempo y termina en algún momento.
          Hay necesidades más profundas que tenemos que satisfacer, como dicen los salmos, "nuestra alma
está sedienta del Dios vivo". Y Jesús nos recuerda hoy: "Yo soy ese pan que viene del cielo". Parafraseando
sus palabras, podría haber dicho: "Tómame como tu alimento. Yo soy ese alimento que dura para siempre y
te traigo a la vida eterna".
          A algunos les puede resultar difícil comprender plenamente lo que el Señor quiere decir si sus
mentes están nubladas con tanta ilusión acerca de la vida material y física. Pero podemos estar seguros de
que sería fácil saber exactamente lo que el Señor quiere de nosotros si adquirimos una nueva forma de
pensar. San Pablo en la segunda lectura tiene estas palabras para que pensemos y actuemos: "debemos dejar a
un lado nuestras formas de vida anteriores y el viejo yo que se deteriora a través de la ilusión y el deseo, y
adquirir una forma de pensar fresca y espiritual". . "
Mantente protegido siempre. ¡Bendiciones a todos y buena semana!                                 P. Tony

               AMONESTACIONES/                                     Worldwide Marriage Encounter
              MARRIAGE BANNS Week 3
             Las siguientes parejas desean casarse. Si           Do you hunger for a deeper love in your
usted sabe de cualquier impedimento, favor de notifi-            marriage? Let Jesus fill your hunger by
carnos lo máá pronto posible.                                    participating in the next Worldwide Mar-
   The following Couple wish to get married. If you              riage Encounter Experience on September
know of any impediment, please notify us as soon as              10-12, 2021 and November 5-7, 2021.
possible.                                              Contact  Brian  & Tina Little at 281-773-4014 for
           PORFIRIO REYES CEDILLO and                  more  information.   Or go on-line to houstonme.org.
          FELIPA MARIBEL PLATAS ORTIZ                  An inviting video may be viewed at http://
                                                       houstonme.org or https://youtu.be/UbX70a49QUs
     Pope’s Prayer Intention for August
                   The Church                           A SECRET
Let us pray for the Church, that she may receive           The secret of happiness is to count your
from the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to re-      blessings while others are adding up their
form herself in the light of the Gospel.                troubles.                 —Anonymous
Bulletin #: 568600 St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception 816 Park Dr. La Porte, TX 77571
Please Pray For Our Troops and                                     St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
Zachary Willett, Gloria Diaz,                                                       Store Hours:
Lindsey            Goodman-Harris,                                         Mon., Tues., and Wed., 9-11am
Geraldine Ruppert, Ariza Family,                                     All proceeds are used to help the needy in
Crystal Gale Correll, Chris                                          our community with their rent and utility
Hughes, Velma Talkington, Scot                             bills. If you or someone you know, who lives in La
Larsen, Carey Yellig, Annie Bustos,                        Porte, is in need of assistance, please call or have
Mario Bustos Sr., Karla Guzman,                            them call the office to make an appointment. We see
Mireya Martinez, Craig Wade, Dave & Cindy                  clients on Tues. & Thurs.
Schmitz, Ann DuBois, Raelynd, Becky Smith, Dianne
Lemons, Peggy & Erica Hargens, Ruth Christian                    Thank you for your donations!
& family, Bob & Barbara Jennings,            Robert D,     Volunteers can pick any day they are able to work. If
Lowine, Wes & Miles Sarbacker, Beth & Carl Herz,           you can help, please call the office or contact Norma
Katherine Reichley & family, Don & Allie Faye Mat-         @ 281-471-1752.
thews, Cathy & Bill Eberle, Sara V & family, Joe &
Sue Hand, Janice Arredondo, Michelle Garcia,
Scarlette Driver, Pablita (Polly) Contreras, James
Livingston, Valentina Ibanez, Judy Ibanez, Ignacio
Cirnigliaro, Mitchel Burkland, Bill Butler, Aaron
Binkley, Jordon Binkley, Ron Johnston, Margarita
Mora de Ramos, Xavier Tadvla, Thomas Schaelker,
Lucy Morrison, Becky Fuller, Virginia Perez, Sylvia             Diocesan Services Fund
Cavazos, Laura Hunt, Denny Lei, Jessica Salazar,           Cardinal DiNardo invites every Catholic in our
Juanita Salas, Isabelle Calvillo                           Archdiocese to Walk in the Light of Christ and help
Continue to Pray for Josh Lara, Charles Schoppe,           our ministries teach, evangelize and worship. Last
Allen Hayes, Maria Garcia, Charlie Jenkins,                year your donations provided help to over 60
Herlinda Robles, Mary Smith, Albert & Christina            ministries that serve thousands and thousands of our
Palacios, Edward Wachel, Joey Bernal, Joe Bernal,          brothers and sisters. Please pray about your DSF 2021
Fr. Gary Rickles, Edward D. Palacios, Ladd Puskus,         gift and fill out and submit an envelope located in
David Gonzalez, Vicki Farias, Nell Turk, Rosie Yzna-       your pew or visit www.archgh.org/dsf to make your
ga, Teresa Mills, Joe         Lozano, Sr.,     Angeles     gift online.
Sullivan, Leroy Marchan, Geraldine Christensen,
Kathy Strader, Daniel Vasquez, Rosa Harness,
                                                                         Parish Goal                   2021
Randy Hanks, Jeanette        Tilley, Marisol Leyva &                         $52,000.00
family, Marisol Luna, Pete & Juanita Sanchez, Betty                          Amount Paid: $27,068.00
Flynn, Orville Burgess, Edward Salinas, Marlene                              Total # of Participants 94
Orellana, Humberto Villalobos, Kathy & Mark                St. Mary’s is responsible for the above amount,
McBride,      Robert & Margaret Espinoza, Romela           even if we do not reach our goal. Can you help?
Nolan, Renee Cortez, Aurelia Hinojosa, Cathy Han-          We now have new donor incentives from the
zelka, Msgr. Boli Zientek, Gayle Phillips, Rosa            Archdiocese.
Reyes, Deacon Tom & Pat Lewis, Preston Wolf,               • If you are a first time donor, half of the amount
Marcos Vasquez, Gavin Binkley, Red Cornejo, Lin-               you donate will stay here at St. Mary’s, even
da Jaramillo, Deacon Merce Leal, Sue Crockett, Ben             before we reach our goal.
Munoz, Diana Ortiz, Janet Hoffpauir, Nick Martin
                                                           • At the end of the year, whatever church in the
and those requesting prayer via our web site.
Remember Our Shut-Ins Lydia Rubio, Trinidad                    Archdiocese has the greatest percentage increase
Arrindon, Elida Peterson, and those battling terminal          in their participants will receive a check for
illness and the residents of LaPorte Care Center and           $5,000.
Parson’s House
Please Note: Names on our “Please Pray For” list             The Lighthouse Catholic Media Kiosks…
are left on for four weeks. If someone needs to be put     In the foyer of the Church there are several
back on the prayer list or added please call the office.
                                                           books and DVD’s of informational material
                                                           designed to help us grow in our faith. Go by
                                                           and check them out!
Bulletin #: 568600 St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception 816 Park Dr. La Porte, TX 77571
Activities for the Week
Monday, August 2: Spanish Prayer Group 7pm RH
Thursday, August 5: RCIA 6pm Rosary Hall
           Knights of Columbus Mtg. 6pm Rosary Hall
                                                           BAZAAR 2021
Friday, August 6: Spanish Prayer Group 7-9pm Chapel
                                                          Sunday, October 24th
              Altar Flowers
July 31/August 1:                                              Next Mtg. Aug. 4, 7pm
          In Honor of 48th Wedding Anniversary            If you plan on participating with the booth you
              of Augustus & Evarist Coryat                have had previously or are willing to chair a booth,
           Flower Dates Available 2021                    please be sure to email Tim or call the office.
                                                              Tim’s Email watermanen@yahoo.com
               August 14/15, 28/29
        September 4/5, 11/12, 18/19, 25/26
Please contact Rose Kolenc 713-202-3283 or
                                                                   Raffle Tickets
rose_kolenc@yahoo.com to reserve your dates.                     We Need Your Help…
Contact Sharon Ramos, President @ 281-451-9593              Please let us know if you would be
                                                          willing to Sponsor a Raffle Ticket Prize.
      August Altar Duty Assignments
Laundry ~ Brenda & Hector Villarreal
                                                            1st Prize: $3,000 VISA Gift Card
Altar Duty ~ Brenda & Hector Villarreal                     2nd Prize:$2,000 VISA Gift Card
                                                            3rd Prize: $1,000 VISA Gift Card
              RCIA… Classes                                  4th Prize: $750. VISA Gift Card
       (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)              5th Prize: $500.VISA Gift Card
Who should do the full RCIA program? If you are
not baptized or were baptized in     another Christian       6th Prize: $300. VISA Gift Card
denomination and are interested in possibly becoming         7th Prize: $300. VISA Gift Card
Catholic, RCIA is for you. If you are a baptized
Catholic adult who needs First Holy communion and            8th Prize: $250. VISA Gift Card
confirmation, then you should attend RCIA to receive         9th Prize: $200. VISA Gift Card
those sacraments. Coming once (or twice… or more)           10th Prize: $200. VISA Gift Card
obligates you to NOTHING.
For additional information about RCIA call the               Need Auction & Bazaar Donations!
office or email Tracy, stmarysrcia@yahoo.com.
        Discover the Source of                                  Holiday Decorations & Craft Items
                                                                      Home Décor & Vases
       True Freedom in Exodus                                    Kitchenware & Table Coverings
A 10-Part Bible Study featuring Tim Gray will
begin the week of August 23. Presenter Tim Gray                   Collectibles & Knick-Knacks
explains how the Exodus story is not just Israel’s sto-           Decorative Pillows, Pictures,
ry but our story as well, because it reveals who God                     Wall Hangings
is and who he calls us to be. Discover the diving pur-
pose behind the plagues of Egypt and how God’s law             Games, Toys, Stuffed Animals, Dolls
reflects his love and concern Learn the keys to au-                  Yard Art & Decorations
thentic freedom and how a proper understanding of                       Jewelry & Purses
Exodus can       illuminate one’s understanding of the
Christian faith.                                          ***Country Store will begin collecting
Please contact Tracy via email stmarysr-                  gently used items after August 18. Please
cia@yahoo.com with a preference of a meeting time         no cloths or shoes.
for the study(Not Thursday night) or to sign up. Cost
is $25. Would you like a zoom option? P                      All New Items Greatly Appreciated!
         Bible Study Rules…                               During the summer, if you are cleaning
You can come if you don’t come every week.                and/or shopping and come across some-
Bible study is to help YOU grow in your faith. Of         thing that you feel would be a good Auc-
course, we’d like to see your smiling face (or your       tion item or something that can be used
grumpy face, that’s ok too.) every week, but if           for the Bazaar, please remember us!
Support St. Mary's of the Immaculate
                  St. Joseph’s Chapel                     Conception
                Please prayerfully consider answer-       Each year, the church relies on the generosity of
                ing God’s call to spend time with         parishioners to meet the immediate needs of our church
                Him in prayer. Scheduled Adoration        and programs. As you may be aware,
                of the Blessed Sacrament is held on       the IRS requires retirees to take required minimum
                Tuesday from 12noon to Thursday at        distributions (RMDs) from their IRAs at 70-l/2 (72 if born
                                                          July 1, 1949, or after). Some retirees are not aware that
                8:30am.                                   they could choose to make a gift to any qualified charity
                If you would like to schedule a weekly    from their RMD and not pay tax on the distribution.
                Holy Hour or be placed on the substi-
tute list please call the office.                         Consider an IRA charitable rollover (aka a Qualified
                                                          Charitable Distribution or QCD)
                                                          By making a gift in this way, you will pay no income taxes
The Gabriel Project is designed to help women and         on your gift.
teenagers who are in a crisis pregnancy. If you are       The transfer generates neither a taxable income nor a tax
in need of        assistance or know someone who is,      deduction, so you benefit even if you do not itemize your
please contact Belinda @ 713-805-4961 or the              deductions.
Church Office.
                                                          Important Details:
Rachel's Vineyard Retreat The Office of Pro-Life
Activities will offer the next Rachel’s Vineyard          • You must be 70-l/2 or older at the time of making your
retreat for post-abortion healing on the weekend of
August 13-15. This retreat is part of Project Rachel’s    • Your gift must go directly from your IRA to St. Mary's
ministry. All inquiries and registrations are strictly
confidential. To register or for more information,        • You can give up to $100,000 by Dec. 31, 2021, to take
                                                          advantage of these savings.
please contact the Office of Pro-Life Activities at 713   Consult your tax professional or the archdiocese for further
- 741-8728 or email at jkfritsch@archgh.org.              information.
You can also read