St Mary's Parish Outlook 2019 July - Weyside Church seeks Wayside people to join the Way ahead - Church of St Mary the Virgin ...

Page created by Jonathan Stone
Weyside Church seeks
Wayside people to join the
                             St Mary’s Parish
Way ahead                       Outlook 2019

                               TRANSFORMING CHURCH
                                 TRANSFORMING LIVES
PARISH DIRECTORY                                             � (01483)
PRIEST IN CHARGE                  Rev Tony Shutt, The Vicarage, Vicarage Lane GU23 7JN 222193
                                  (Day off Tuesday)
CHURCHWARDEN                      Helen Sloan, 19 Coltsfoot Drive GU1 1YH                         560290
CHURCHWARDEN                      Rachel Wilkinson, 7, Brittens Close, GU2 9RJ                    855110
BELL RINGERS                      Ivan Saunders, 31 Brittens Close, GU2 9RJ                       821062
BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP          Sally Harrison                                                  223725
And Bible Study
ELECTORAL ROLL                    Bill Pyne, 170 Send Road GU23 7EU                               224420
CHURCH ROOM LETTINGS              Sally Harrison, 9 Orchard Way, Send, GU23 7HS                   223725
HON SEC OF P.C.C.                 Angela Grimshaw, 78 Potters Lane, GU23 7AL                      767350
HON TREASURER                       Paul Holden, Pipp’s Cottage, Send Marsh Green GU23 6JP        223833

MOTHERS UNION                     Beth Shutt, The Vicarage, Vicarage Lane GU23 7JN                222193
ORGANIST & CHOIR LEADER           Vacancy - Please contact vicar

PASTORAL ASSISTANTS               Beth Shutt, The Vicarage, Vicarage Lane GU23 7JN                222193
                                  Kate Pearmain, 8 Walnut Tree Place, GU23 7HL                    222176
STEWARDSHIP RECORDER              Julie Cameron,                                             07814 768765
SUNDAY CLUB                       Sally Harrison                                                  223725
(3 - 12 years) Church Room        10:30 a.m. - 11:30 , second & fourth Sundays

1st SEND (St Mary’s) SCOUT GROUP
Group Scout Leader    Neil Freeman           223826
Group Chairman        Richard Hemsley        211910
Scout Troop Leader Mark Silcock              223612                  Bereavement
(Weds 7 - 9 p.m.)
Cub Scouts             Wendy Reed            224570 Have you suffered a bereavement recently or even
(Mon 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.)
                                                      years ago? Whether expected or not, the death of
Beaver Scouts        Cheryl Locatelli        721175 some one close can affect you in many ways
(Weds 5 - 6:10 p.m.)                                  – emotionally and physically. There is no set time
                                                      limit for ‘getting over’ a loss. Grief is a very
1st Send Guides     Jenny Ryan 07940 046282           individual experience and can be a very lonely one.                                  If you feel that it would be helpful to talk
1st Send Brownies Sally Daboo,                        confidentially to a trained bereavement counsellor
                                                      then please
1st Send Rainbows Vanessa Goug h        224005        Contact Beth on 222193

  Copy Date:- All copy should be given to the editor by the
              10th of each month for the next month’s issue.
  Editor/Advert: Bill Pyne, 170 Send Road GU23 7EU                                            224420

  Distributor         Sally Harrison                                                          223725
� Vicar’s Vibes                           July 2019

                            COME FRIENDLY BEES
My attention was recently drawn to an endeavour called ‘The Places of Poetry’. This
is a community arts project which will create a distinctive digital map of England and
Wales, onto which crowd-sourced poems of place, heritage and identity will be
pinned in the course of a public campaign in the late-spring and summer of 2019.
Eager to ensure that Send had at least one entry associated with the developing
map, I blew the dust off some unfinished lines about the continually nesting bees in
the church roof and sent the result to

This poem’s take off point has always been a brief parody of John Betjeman’s
‘Slough’, but once begun, I preferred originality to fly more uniquely. Anyway, here
are the lines, now printed with a free bee and church tower illustration.

Send Church Bees
Come friendly bees and hive in Send.
The Virgin’s church your honey blend
is pleased to store.
Warm Horsham slabs enshrine your home;
shelter the fanning, humming swarm
above the door.
Stay Queen, your shady comb enthrone,
lay eggs of pupa, worker, drone,
among us soar.
Pray pollinate Our Lady’s flowers,
the stigmas in the walnut bowers
where squirrels roar.
Recolonise our Weyside prayers,
salve stings of foolish Surrey cares
with apian lore.
Be faithful bees, pray long remain,
be present when we look again,
for less, for more.
Endure dear bees and thrive in Send,
your loyal friendship ever lend
esprit de corps.

© Tony Shutt 31 May 2019
                          St Mary’s Parish - Outlook 2019 July
                                         Page 1
To add a brief scriptural flourish to this bee theme, as far as I can tell, bees are only
mentioned 4 times in the Bible. The most famous reference is in the tale of Samson,
found in the book of Judges 14. After killing a young lion with his bare hands, the
legendary muscle man returns to the carcass a few days later to find it has become
home to a swarm of bees. Samson recovers some honey from the bees and later
composes a riddle for his party-going mates arising from his experience: “Out of the
eater came something to eat. Out of the strong came something sweet.” After this,
Samson’s wilful, violent and vengeful career spirals gradually into a cycle of ‘colony
collapse’ before he finally recovers some faith and dignity in a heroic, self-sacrificial

In Deuteronomy 1.44, the people known as the Amorites are likened to bees in their
chasing and aggressive behaviour. In the prophetic writings of Isaiah 7.18, it is the
land of Assyria that is predicted will become an instrument of God, numerous and
threatening like bees. In Psalm 118.12, the surrounding hazards of nations are again
compared to the swarming of bees.

There seems to have been no understanding during these ancient times that bees
were agents of pollination. Honey though was an obvious product of bees and is
mentioned 61 times in the Bible. Noted especially for its sweetness, honey was also
a symbol of natural abundance. The description of the Promised Land as ‘a land
flowing with milk and honey’ is perhaps still familiar to many.

                                  Editor’s Note
Just to add to Tony’s note about Samson and the lion, have you noticed that a
drawing of the lion and swarm of bees can be seen on cans of Lyle’s Golden Syrup
and Black Treacle, together with part of the biblical quotation? The design dates
back to 1885 and remains largely unchanged.
                            News from Guildford Diocese
The Safe Car Wash App, launched in June 2018 by the Church of England’s Clewer
Initiative, has surfaced over 900 suspected cases of modern slavery in hand car
washes. Drivers have been using the pioneering app to gather information about the
signs of labour exploitation in hand car washes across the country.
The Safe Car Wash app, which allows drivers to respond to a check list of key factors
that may suggest labour exploitation in hand car washes, has been downloaded
8,225 times since its launch last year.
Between June and December 2018 there were 2,271 completed entries using the
app, with 41%, or 930 cases, where after responding to a number of questions, users
were told there was a likelihood of modern slavery at the hand car wash. They were
then asked to call the Modern Slavery Helpline and their findings were shared in real
time with police and the Gangmasters’ and Labour Abuse Authority.
                                                      Continued on page 12
                                         Page 2
Anna Arthur & Associates
 WOKING CHIROPODY                                           Solicitors
         &                                            Fieri Facias House,
FOOT HEALTH PRACTICE                                      High Street
                                                    Ripley Surrey GU23 6AF
                                                     Divorce & Separation
                                                     Child Contact & Finances
                                                     Co-Habitation Agreements
                                                     Residential Conveyancing
      Surgery & Visiting Practice
                                                     Company Matters
           78 Westfield Road,
        Woking, Surrey GU22 9NG
                                                     Commercial Property
                                                     Wills Probate & Trusts
            Tel: 01483 833078

                                                     Lasting Powers of Attorney
           Appointments available                       By Appointment Only
        Monday-Friday 8.30am-7.00pm                
ROSALIE BENNETT         RICHARD BENNETT              Tel: 01483 222499
MSSCh MBChA             BA(Hons) MCFHP MAFHP    �    Fax: 01483 222766
(HCPC Registered CH21986)               

 MERROW SAVOURIES                                                                   THE
Delicious home cooked food                     For all types of domestic and business
                                               telecoms work:
     and great service
                                               Installation of additional telephone sockets,
   Guildford (01483) 850186                    tracing faults (including broadband and wifi
                                               issues) - renewing, re-routing and tidying                    wiring - computer network cabling -                     installation and maintenance of telephone
                                               systems. Ex-BT, 25 years experience.
                                               Free estimates and advice.
            AK FLOORING
                                                           David Williamson
                                                            07976 301994
                   Carpet & Laminate
                   Fitting Specialists  
        Andy 07824 902667                              Proud members of

         Kev 07733 010654                             where reputation matters       Trusted trader
                            St Mary’s Parish - Outlook 2019 July
                                           Page 3
everyone welcome!
    the                     10-12 every third Monday
      coffee                The Church Room
                            Send Road

                       Next time in the Coffee Shop

                Proceeds to:

Michael Varah devoted over 35 years to the criminal justice system. When he re-
signed in 2004 as Chief Probation Officer of Surrey, he was the UK’s longest serv-
ing Chief Officer in the National Probation Service.

The charity continues the lifetime passion of Michael Varah to reduce offending
and build a safer society. It also tackles the wider issues that can cause people to
spiral into habitual criminal activity from an early age; disadvantage and social ex-
clusion, homelessness and poverty, ensuring basic human rights.

The MVMF works in partnership to give opportunities that rebuild and transform
lives. Since the charity was founded in 2007 (the same year the Coffee Shop
started up!!) they have raised over £220,000 to fund over 30 projects and posi-
tively impact the lives of 1800 vulnerable people.

NEED HELP WITH TRANSPORT? Then give Send Help a call on 225255 on the
morning of the Coffee Shop. This is a recorded message giving you the telephone
number of the Duty Officer who will be available from 9am. There will be two or
three volunteer drivers on stand-by. Easy!

          June’s Coffee Shop raised £187.80 for "Ataxia Telangiectasia"

                                        Page 4
Send Gardening Society notes
July is often one of the hottest months of the year and a great time to sit out and
enjoy your garden, sharing this special space with family, friends and neighbours.
Summer is in full swing and sun tan lotion features on the list of garden essentials.
Many gardens are at their peak, the vegetable plot is full of produce, and the weeds
are growing as quickly as everything else. Most of the time will either be taken up by
watering in dry weather, tying up plants in wet or windy weather, and hoeing to keep
weeds at bay.

As it’s the school summer holidays, this is a perfect time to enrol the help of the
whole family. Children can really benefit from learning about how plants grow, where
vegetables come from and the host of wildlife they’ll come across.

To keep summer plants and bedding at its best and to prolong flowering, it is
                            essential to dead head. The purpose of regular dead
                            heading is to direct energy into stronger growth and
                            encourage more flowering . Once the plant has
                            flowered and set seed (having done this so it can
                            reproduce), plants are often reluctant to flower
                            again. Dead heading, which is cutting off the spent
                            flower head, forces the plant back into the cycle to
                            produce flower and seeds again. Feeding bedding
                            plants with a tomato fertiliser also helps the plant
                            make new flowers.

Instead of filling your watering can from the kitchen sink,
install a water butt in your garden and start collecting
rainwater from shed, greenhouse or garage guttering,
which can be used to water your plants. Remember to
water regularly, using recycled water where possible.

Remember the birds! If hot weather continues and the
ground hardens, it is more difficult for them to find food, and
keep the bird bath topped up with a fresh supply of water.

So, top gardening jobs this month are essentially, weeding,
watering, feeding, harvesting and deadheading on a
continuous cycle interspersed with appreciation of all the
wonders of nature.

We can be reached by e-mail at,

                                                                  Continued on page 11
                           St Mary’s Parish - Outlook 2019 July
                                          Page 5
Bell Ringing and what it involves – Read on!
For many years we have had 6 beautiful sounding bells at St Mary’s Church which
were cast as a war memorial in 1947 – at a cost of £1050. Last year we had the
bearings replaced, refurbished pulley blocks and rims to the wheels and the frames
painted. The cost of this work was almost £19,000. Thankfully we had received an
extremely generous legacy from Bridget Gordon, a former ringer at Send, the rest of
the money coming from our own bell funds. We now have bells which sound even
more beautiful – but we are short of bell ringers and need to recruit more. It is
planned to hold an Open Day to talk about ringing in general in the hopes of
encouraging people to think about taking up bell ringing.

You don’t need any particular skills to take up bell ringing but you must be at least 11
years of age (with parental consent). There is no upper age limit. When you start
bell ringing you will be taken up into the tower to see the bells and told about how
they work. You will also be able to see how they work – but with the clapper tied so it
doesn’t make a noise! Then it’s your turn to ring a bell. It takes three or four
sessions to learn to handle the bell on your own, then you can come on a practice
night (Wednesdays) and start ringing with others. Once you are comfortable with
handling the bell you will be able to come along on Sunday mornings and ring before
the morning service, which is the main objective of taking up bell ringing. We also
ring at weddings for which we get paid!

What are all the good bits about bell ringing? First of all you meet a lot of other
people doing the same thing, there are training courses you can attend to learn other
skills of ringing, and when you have advanced onto method ringing, ways of how to
learn methods, and if you are interested in what we call conducting there are courses
for this, too. It is a challenging hobby with opportunities to progress to more
advanced method ringing. For some church festivals, birthdays, weddings etc we
ring Quarter Peals (which take about 45 minutes
to ring).

Each tower has a Tower Captain who is in
charge of things on practice nights and who
does most of the conducting. They may have to
raise their voice but this is just to get above the
sound of the bells, and to keep the bells in their
right places and sounding good.

So please look out for notices about Open Days
or Evenings for those who want to take up bell ringing or who would like to know
more about it. At the meeting a lot more detail will be given, covering things like
Safeguarding rules.

Ivan J M Saunders,

                                         Page 6
Get Creative with ecobricks!
                           As part of Get Creative in Send in May, Send Parish
                           Council was asked and agreed to donate £50 as a prize for
                           a competition to design a new object for Send Recreation

                           The brief was for an object to be made of waste contributed
and built by local residents OR a container in a shape relevant to Send for people to
put their waste into.

The winning design, by 14 year old Travis Jones, was for an oak tree made out of
recycled materials to be used to collect mainly bottles and cans for recycling. So it
actually fulfilled both parts of the brief!

One of the materials we want to use is eco bricks* to strengthen the tree’s ‘trunk’; and
we’d be very grateful if you could start to make these. Please keep them until later in
the summer. They will then be collected prior to construction of the recycling bin.

*An eco brick is a plastic bottle that’s been washed out and stuffed full of single use
plastic. We will need a lot of 500ml sized bottles but will find a use for larger bottles

Here are some of the items you can put in your brick, but please
make sure it’s all CLEAN.

  Plastic bags
  Photo paper
  Crisp packets
  Food containers
  Plastic cutlery
  Cling film
  Plastic fruit and vegetable packaging
   Polystyrene (or Styrofoam) – this is a petroleum-based product that can’t be
recycled. Lots of products are made out of this including food containers and

                           St Mary’s Parish - Outlook 2019 July
                                          Page 7


16 June                  Eleanor Maria WHITE, aged 10 months


31 May                   Tom OLIVER, aged 68 years
                         of Woking, formerly Send
                         Church and Send Court Farm

6 June                   Muriel Barbara PRINCE, aged 95 years
                         of Chobham, formerly Winds Ridge, Send
                         Church and Send Cemetery

20 June                  Rita GOLDUP, aged 86 years
                         of Burnt Common, Send
                         Guildford Crematorium

28 June                  Patrick George HOOLEY, aged 93 years
                         of Barnstaple, formerly Send
                         Church and Send Cemetery

                                                 Christian Aid
                       Our grand total this year was £1,040 - a great success! Thank
                       you to everybody who gave and to those who were able to Gift
                       Aid their donation making the total even better! A huge thank
you, as well, to Kate and Lynda who collected in their roads or nearby - a great help.

                                          HMP Send
The prison has a table-top sale all year for the visitors to purchase items which raises
money for resources for the visiting children. It provides money for such things as
drawing paper, pens, colouring pencils, etc.. The items that usually sell are jewellery,
pretty china, toiletries, bric a brac, toys and children's books (not adult's). Give me a
ring if you have any of the above or anything else that you think might sell and I will
gladly collect it. Many thanks, Lorna 222224

                                         Page 8
           PLUMBING SERVICES                                     CP
23 Stringhams Copse, Send Marsh, GU23 6JE
       A small family run local business
              Gas Safe Registered
 For all aspects of central heating gas and               All aspects of plastering undertaken
                 plumbing work
            From small jobs to large
      Boilers serviced, replaced, repaired
   Please call Suzanne on (01483) 225385
          or Frank on 07711 191585
          or Email:

      F.R. HOOK & SONS LTD.
      Willowdene, Send Barns Lane,
      � 222896                                             FREE QUOTES AND ADVICE
      A Complete Building Service                                  01483 479929
  *     Alterations,  * Extensions,                                07870 331212
  *     Carpentry,    * Plumbing                         Tipsy Lodge, Gambles Lane, Ripley
  *     Painting and Decorating
       Quality and Reliability in all aspects of
       building and home improvement work

                                                      CRAFT AND CHAT
                                        Church Room, Send Road between 2pm and 4pm
                                            on the last Wednesday of every month
                               Do you have a crafty hobby – knitting, sewing, em-
                               broidery, card making, drawing, painting, cake deco-
                               rating etc? Would you like the chance to meet with
other craft enthusiasts for a chat over a cup of tea? Or would you just like to come
 and chat over a cup of tea? Why not call in and meet us? There is no charge to
 come along, just 50p for a cup of tea and a biscuit. We look forward to seeing
                              Craft & Chat video now on the internet:

                                     Next meeting 31st July

                                  St Mary’s Parish - Outlook 2019 July
                                                 Page 9
July Services and Events
All services in church unless otherwise indicated

6 July          SATURDAY
2.00pm          Marriage of Robert Whall and Sophie Sheppard

8.00am          Holy Communion (BCP)
10.30am         TOGETHER in the Church Room
                (One of our special all-age get-togethers)

10 July         WEDNESDAY
2.00pm          Send Primary School Year 6 Leavers’ Service

8.00am          Holy Communion (CW)
10.30am         Holy Communion (CW)

15 July         Monday
3.30pm          Holy Communion at The Old Hall

8.00am          Holy Communion (BCP)
10.30am         Baptism at Holy Communion (CW)
                Baptism of Francesca Cotton

27 July         SATURDAY
12.30pm         Marriage of Henry Bottomley and Marina Buraga

8.00am          Holy Communion (CW)
10.30am         Holy Communion (CW)

   We welcome enquiries about Baptism, Thanksgiving for
   Birth, Confirmation, Weddings, Marriage Blessings,
   Anniversaries, Memorials, Commemorations, House
   Blessings, and Special Celebrations. We’ll do what we
   can to help.

                                       Page 10
Ear Wax Removal Clinic
                                          Our clinicians use the Microsuction
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     Painter & Decorator                  Cost: £48 for one ear and £68 for
                                          two ears
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                                          Travel Vaccinations
      Free no obligation quote            Blood Tests
   References available on request        Health Checks       Private GP Clinic
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            Fully insured
                                                      01932 344004
                                          West Byfleet Health Centre
      Telephone: 07531 444868
                                          (2nd floor)
                                          Madeira Road,
                                          West Byfleet KT14 6DH
Send Gardening Society notes              concluded
by phone on 01483 223952 (chairman Robert Harding-Payne) or by coming along to
one of our meetings which are held at the Church Rooms. We are not experts, just a
bunch of people who enjoy tending our gardens and trying new ideas. We hold bi-
monthly meetings at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of alternate months, with
speakers who are experts and teach us something about the art of gardening.

We do not meet in July and our next meeting in August is our Members’ Annual Garden
Picnic. Details and dates for future meetings will follow next month.

                              Magazine Advertisers
Please support our advertisers. without whom we could not continue the magazine.
You are advised however to obtain estimates or quotations before work is started,
and always check the qualifications of advertisers.

                         St Mary’s Parish - Outlook 2019 July
                                        Page 11
Send Mothers Union
Our next meeting is on Monday 8th July when we will be
visiting Woking Mosque.

On Monday 12th August at 10.30am in Send Church
Room Clive Kirk will be giving a talk - subject to be

Monday 9th September we will be having a talk about the
work of the Air Ambulance.

All are very welcome to any of our meetings .
If you would like to know more about our meetings or the work of the Mothers Union
then please contact me.

phone : 01483 222193

Modern slavery .. Continued from page 2

Analysis by the University of Nottingham’s Rights Lab of the reports from the Safe
Car Wash app gives an insight into the conditions found at many hand car washes
across the country.
     ● 48% of reports concluded that workers did not have access to suitable
        protective clothing such as gloves or boots
     ● 80% said that the car wash had a cash only policy
     ● 8% of reports logged that minors were working on site
     ● 17% of users identified fearful workers
     ● 14% of reports suggested that workers were living on the car wash site

      Alan Greenwood & Sons
      Independent Family Funeral Directors
        Truly Independent Family Funeral Directors who are proud to serve the community,
      we provide a 24 hours, caring, sensitive and compassionate service. The Greenwood
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      are carried out with precise attention to detail.
     66 Send Road, Send, Woking, Surrey, GU23 7EU.             01483 210 222

                             St Mary’s Parish - Outlook 2019 July
                                            Page 12
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