Saint John the Evangelist Church - St. John the Evangelist Parish ...

Page created by Edward Hanson
Saint John the Evangelist Church - St. John the Evangelist Parish ...
Saint John the Evangelist Church

  Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the people of
  St. John the Evangelist Parish are called to embrace
  the Church’s mission of proclaiming the Good News
  of salva0on through Jesus Christ for all. Our witness
  to the presence of God and our reaching out to
  others allow us to deepen our rela0onship with God.
  We accomplish this through our worship together,
  especially in the celebra0on of the Eucharist;
  through ongoing faith development for all people of
  all ages and life situa0ons; through the performance
  of good works; and through responsible stewardship
  by which we care for the gi4s given to us by our God.

June 27, 2021
                                                            106 N 79th St Sea le, WA 98103
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                            206-782-2810
“I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me.”           
                                                 Psalm 30
Saint John the Evangelist Church - St. John the Evangelist Parish ...
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                       June 27, 2021
                           The Parish office is open from 8-12 and 1-4 Monday through Friday.
                    Visit our website or call the parish office for more information.

   Monday           Tuesday         Wednesday          Thursday             Friday           Saturday          Sunday
   June 28           June 29          June 30             July 1             July 2            July 3              July 4

                                     9am Mass        9am Mass with        9am Mass                             8:30 am Mass
                                                      Adoration to
                                                                                                              10:30am Mass
                                                                                          5pm Mass with
                                                                                           on Facebook

Masses are being live-streamed on our Facebook page You do not need a Facebook
        account to watch the Mass. After the live Mass, links to recorded Mass will be posted on our website.

PARISH STEWARDSHIP                                                          Weekday Mass Update
Collection for week of June 20, 2021                               Beginning Wednesday, June 30th, weekday Mass will
Total Sacrificial Giving Budget for 2020–21 is $755,000.00.        once again be celebrated in the morning!
This means we need a weekly collection of $14,519.23.
                                                                   We will offer Mass on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
   Mail in    $    3,792.00        This does NOT include           mornings at 9am in the Reservation Chapel of the church.
5pm Vigil     $      705.00       restricted donations such as     Adoration will follow the Mass on Thursdays until 11am.
   8:30am     $    4,564.00        Holy Day Collections,
 10:30am      $      112.00     (Christmas and Easter), and
Electronic    $   10,691.65        donations made to our               Stewardship Prayer
     Total    $   19,864.65     ministries or coffee & donuts.
                                                                   Loving God, I come to you in
                                                                   thanksgiving, knowing that all I am
Staying in touch with St John Parish:                              and all that I have is gift from you. In
 The Parish office publishes a weekly email newsletter            faith and love, help me to do your will.
on Wednesday afternoons. If you would like to receive the          I am listening, Lord God. Speak your words into the
latest parish updates with clickable links to flyers and web       depth of my soul, that I may hear you clearly.
pages, right to your inbox, email
                                                                   Give me the wisdom and insight to understand your will
 Like our Facebook page: St John the Evangelist, Seattle          for me and the fervor to carry out my good intentions.
                                                                   I offer my gifts of time, talent and possessions to you as a
 St John Parish Web Page         St John School Web Page           true act of faith, to reflect my love for you and my                  neighbor.

                                                                   Please go to to set up online
                                                                   giving now!

Rev. Crispin A. Okoth, Pastor                                                  Extension 314
Bernadette O'Leary, Principal                                                  Extension 310
Dani D'Amelio, PA for Administration                                           Extension 313
Teresa Gillett, Director of Development                                        Extension 355
Dr. Twila McDonell, Director of Liturgical Music                               360-920-8866
Julia Rudden, Director of Sacramental Preparation                              Extension 308
Sheila Marty, Administrative Assistant                                         Extension 358
HongPhuc Nguyen, Receptionist/Administrative Assistant                         Extension 300
Saint John the Evangelist Church - St. John the Evangelist Parish ...
Readings for Sunday, July 4                                                  Lord, hear our prayer...
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                               Please remember the following people who are ill,
First Reading                                Ezekiel 2:2–5     homebound or need your prayers this week:
They are a rebellious house but shall know that a prophet       the Pinkerman family       Lynn Gough
has been among them.                                            Sam Kirk                   Lisa Fletcher
                                                                the Torres family          Linda Melsted
Psalm                                           Psalm 123       Vicky Milner               Bobbie Jo Ramos
“Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for his mercy.”       John Grusczynski           Angela Lizette
                                                                Marcela Grusczynski        the Lyle Stevenson family
Second Reading                      2 Corinthians 12:7–10       Chuck Carter               Vanessa Castillo
I will boast in my weaknesses, in order that the power of       Maria Socorro M. Ortiz     Greg Linnell
                                                                Tullus Gordon              Marilyn Wittenmyer
Christ may dwell in me.                                         Dawn Walton                Pamela Leuschen
Gospel                                         Mark 6:1–6       Shiloh Rodgers-Daly
A prophet is not without honor except in his native place.     For those who have died, including Marcey Flood, that
                                                               they may rest in the healing embrace of our Lord, Jesus
Speaking the word of God can be tough. God warns               Christ, we pray to the Lord.
Ezekiel that he will need to speak out against a stubborn      For Armed Forces personnel throughout the world, that
and rebellious people. Jesus meets with opposition when        they come home safely to their families, we pray to the
preaching in his hometown. Saint Paul speaks of the            Lord.
hardships he faces. Speaking out on behalf of our faith can    Jesus Christ, you traveled through towns and villages
be as difficult for us now as it was for them then. But we     “curing every disease and illness.” At your command,
know, like Paul, that we have the power of Christ dwelling     the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the
within us. As we listen to God’s word, let us pray for the     midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we
resolve we need to give witness to our faith.                  may experience your healing love, we pray to the Lord.

                                                                 Looking for Ways to Serve Our Community?
                                                               Jesuit Volunteer EnCorps, a program of JVC Northwest,
                                                               facilitates fulfilling opportunities for service, community,
                                                               and spiritual formation for adults 50+ who are committed
                                                               to social and ecological justice. In addition to part-time
 Sunday, July 25 11:30-2:30pm                                  volunteer service, members meet monthly online or in-
     St. John Parking Lot                                      person, creating spiritual community through shared
                                                               reflection. Our values are rooted in the Catholic Ignatian
  *Mass with the African Community                             tradition, and JV EnCorps is an inclusive and welcoming
     at 10:30am in the Church*                                 community of folks from all faith perspectives.
    We will provide all the food and                           Already engaged in service through your parish ministry
   drink— just come and enjoy being                            or a local nonprofit organization? JV EnCorps could be
            together again!                                    the perfect way for you to add additional support,
                                                               reflection, and personal growth to your current volunteer
After having to skip the picnic last year, it’s time to once   service.
again celebrate our great St. John Community! Come one,
                                                               Learn more about what JV EnCorps service is like:
come all — there is something for everyone: Mini golf,
Bouncy slide, food, music and much more! Look for                • JV EnCorps Spotlight: Patty Christopher (Bend, OR)
volunteer opportunities and RSVP information coming      
                                                                 • JV EnCorps Letter: Jay Lyman (Portland, OR)
         Contact Teresa Gillett at 206-782-2810 or       
 with questions.               Priority application deadline: August 31, 2021. Opening
                                                               Retreat in September. For more info and to apply, visit
Saint John the Evangelist Church - St. John the Evangelist Parish ...
Laudato Si in Action
                     Quick and Dirty Fashion
In the first chapter of Laudato Si', Pope Francis refers to "a
                                                                          Prayer to St. Joseph
throwaway culture which affects the excluded just as it
                                                                        Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,
quickly reduces things to rubbish."
                                                                       Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
We donate our unwanted clothes in the hopes that they
will be used by those in need. But do we really know what         To you God entrusted his only Son; in you
happens to them?                                                  Mary placed her trust; with you Christ be-
I never thought about that, until I saw this:                                   came man.
The United States produces just under 17 million U.S. tons        Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a
of textile waste per year, according to the Environmental            father and guide us in the path of life.
Protection Agency. Two-thirds of this ends up in landfills.
In Britain, shoppers buy more clothes per person than any
                                                                   Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage,
other country in Europe according to a 2019 UK                         and defend us from every evil.
parliamentary report by the Environmental Audit                                           Amen.
The world is producing, consuming, and throwing away
more clothes than ever before.                                                   St John Book Club
Globally, only 30% of collected clothing are resold on                                July 25th
domestic markets. This is due to poor quality and low                          Time and location TBD
resale value. The rest are packaged up and sold to textile       We will be reading Lying Awake
merchants who ship them overseas to Sub-Saharan Africa.
                                                                 by Mark Salzman.
While this increases the lifespan of our clothing, gives low
income communities inexpensive options, and creates a            Goodreads says:
new local economy of buying and reselling the clothing,          In a Carmelite monastery on the
the system is overwhelmed. Cheap, fast fashion and our           outskirts of Los Angeles, life has
voracious appetite to consume has become an                      continued virtually unchanged for centuries. Here, Sister
environmental nightmare. Why? Shipping our used goods            John of the Cross lives in the service of God. She is the
around the world (which, by the way, comes with a                only nun who experiences visions and is regarded by the
significant carbon footprint) and the low quality of what is     others as a spiritual master. But Sister John's is also
shipped means 1/3 of the clothing is unusable and ends up,       plagued by powerful headaches and when a doctor reveals
at best, in a third-world landfill, and at worst, in rivers,     that they may be dangerous, she faces a devastating
streams, and other waterways of Africa. See                      choice. Is this grace merely an illness and will a 'cure' for an exposé on the             mean the end of her illuminations and a soul dry and
problem.                                                         searching?
Looking for solutions? You can purchase used clothing at         It is 181 pages long, and it is available in book and ebook
local thrift stores. You can buy (and sell) your clothing at     formats at the library.
consignment shops such as Buffalo Exchange in Ballard
and Labels Consignment in Phinney Ridge. ThredUp                 It is available as an audiobook on Amazon.
( and Poshmar k
( ar e two good options that                    Religious Freedom Week June 22-29
allow you to buy and sell clothing online.
                                                                 A time to pray, reflect and advocate for
Ultimately though, the most sustainable product is the one       religious liberty in the U.S. and
you didn’t buy.                                                  internationally.
Working together, we can help take care of our common            Learn more and find daily reflections at
                                          Suzanna Litwin
Saint John the Evangelist Church - St. John the Evangelist Parish ...
Saint of the month
                                                                                   Saint Boniface
                                                                                                        c. 675 – June 5, 754
                                                                                                        Feast Day: J une 5

St. Catherine of Siena School is seeking a full-time school                                             Boniface, known as the apostle of the
custodian beginning in J uly 2021. Located in the                                                       Germans, was an English Benedictine
beautiful Maple Leaf community of north Seattle, our                                                    monk who gave up being elected
                                                                                                        abbot to devote his life to the
school serves 250 students in preschool through 8th                                                     conversion of the Germanic tribes.
grade. We offer a competitive salary and a welcoming,                                                   Two characteristics stand out: his
inclusive environment.                                                                                  Christian orthodoxy and his fidelity to
                                                                                                        the pope of Rome.
      Job Specifics:
                                                                                                         How absolutely necessary this
      • Monday-Friday: 5:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
                                                                                    Engraving by H. Kipp orthodoxy and fidelity were is borne
      • Year-round position                                                            after K. Clasen.  out by the conditions Boniface found
      • Includes a comprehensive benefit package,                                                        on his first missionary journey in 719
         paid holidays, and vacation time                                          at the request of Pope Gregory II. Paganism was a way of
                                                                                   life. What Christianity he did find had either lapsed into
                                                                                   paganism or was mixed with error. The clergy were
Interested applicants should send a current resume to the
                                                                                   mainly responsible for these latter conditions since they
principal, Pam Schwartz at                                                         were in many instances uneducated, lax and questionably                                                    obedient to their bishops. In particular instances their very
                                                                                   ordinations were questionable.
        Transitional Diaconate Ordination
                                                                                   These are the conditions that Boniface was to report in 722
                                                                                   on his first return visit to Rome. The Holy Father
                                              Josh Nehnevaj                        instructed him to reform the German Church. The pope
                                                                                   sent letters of recommendation to religious and civil
                                           Friday, July 2 at 7pm                   leaders. Boniface later admitted that his work would have
                                            watch livestream at                    been unsuccessful, from a human viewpoint, without a
                                                        letter of safe-conduct from Charles Martel, the powerful
                                                                                   Frankish ruler, grandfather of Charlemagne. Boniface was
                                                                                   finally made a regional bishop and authorized to organize
                                                                                   the whole German Church. He was eminently successful.
Rachel’s Corner
                                                                                   In the Frankish kingdom, he met great problems because of
Hope and Healing After Abortion                                                    lay interference in bishops’ elections, the worldliness of
                                                                                   the clergy and lack of papal control.
“As a man this is something we don't talk about, even with our closest friends.
For years I privately carried the guilt, shame and regret over the loss of my      During a final mission to the Frisians, Boniface and 53
child. Attending the retreat allowed me to finally open up and share with others   companions were massacred while he was preparing
                                                                                   converts for confirmation.
that have been down the same road. Through this I was able to open my heart
to receiving God's forgiveness.” - Testimonial                                     In order to restore the Germanic Church to its fidelity to
                                                                                   Rome and to convert the pagans, Boniface had been guided
Once we find a safe place in which to release that burden                          by two principles. The first was to restore the obedience of
we carry, we make room for the healing to begin.                                   the clergy to their bishops in union with the pope of Rome.
                                                                                   The second was the establishment of many houses of
Call for a compassionate, confidential conversation.
                                                                                   prayer which took the form of Benedictine monasteries.
English: (206) 920-6413 / Español: (206)-450-7814                                  A great number of Anglo-Saxon monks and nuns followed
                                                                                   him to the continent, where he introduced the Benedictine
Email                                                      nuns to the active apostolate of education.
Visit us at or
Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services.

You are loved with an everlasting Love!
Saint John the Evangelist Church - St. John the Evangelist Parish ...
Jambo Marafiki,
Last year, around this time, I did write you a letter urging us all to support the ministries of the Archdiocese
through the Annual Catholic Appeal.
                                Appeal And thanks be to God – as always – you responded so generously.
This year, once again, as we approach the 8th week of this campaign, I write to encourage all those who are
yet to make their pledges to go ahead and do so, so that we may - as a community - move beyond this
campaign and focus on the ministries of our own parish. I thank God each one of us has been such a great
source of strength and blessing to our community in so many ways throughout the pandemic. And now
that ‘things are returning to normal,’ we would all – with a lot of gratitude - love to be part of this
In my last year’s letter, I did give a testimony about two important religious values/virtues that were
instilled in us by our parents (of happy memories) as we grew up in our family. And these are: Prayer (of
the Rosary) and Tithing. These two, among others, helped to shape our relationship with God and the
church in a very profound way. But there is another one (virtue) - the greatest of all - Love for God (and
the Church). The other two, find their meaning and foundation on this one. Again those of you who have
been here long enough, are perhaps tired by now, of hearing from my stories (so many times) about “The
gospel according to mama Katrina or if you like; The theology of mama Katrina. In short, it is a story about
how my mum used to teach us children on “how” to Love God and His Church.  Church And she used to do this,
not so much by her words, as by her deeds (actions). For example, during family prayers, or when she
talked about God, one could literary (even as children) sense her deep love and connection to the One she
spoke with or spoke about. It showed, not only in her body language, but we (perhaps I) could also feel it
in her voice. May be (am not sure), her only fear was that we might have not “loved much”. Yet it is true
that each is gifted and endowed by the grace of God differently – in such a unique way. And therefore we
each “connect” on a different level when it comes to our relationship with God. But, I now know that like
all good mothers, she only wanted the best for all of us. It was only much later that I was able to
understand her desire for all of us. I testify that each one of us, has somehow been blessed so much, by the
example of her life.
Therefore, I am profoundly convinced that one other reason (and perhaps the most powerful one) that
would make one to support their church, is because they have reached that level in their faith, where they
give – not out of obligation – but out of great love they have for God; they “have loved (God) much.” It is
love that pushes us into some positive and noble action. This love pushes us to give “of ourselves”
unconditionally and selflessly to others. It goes beyond anything material (e.g. funds). I have been blessed
to see people who have “nothing” (by our standards), yet give “something” to support the church they love
so much – for the love of God.
 I continually bless my God, and thank Him for each one of you! May you be blessed with this intense
love for God, so that you may be able to “let go” and be molded into vessels and channels of God’s
blessings. For He is the Potter, and we are the Clay, the masterpiece of His hands. Amen.

Asante Sana Na Mungu awabarik (Thank you and God Bless you)
Fr. Crispin Okoth, Pastor
Saint John the Evangelist Church - St. John the Evangelist Parish ...
Thank you to all who have contributed $60,833 — or 66% of the total goal of $91,896.
                                Your gifts help our Parish and the 60+ ministries in Western Washington.
                                If you have not made your donation yet, it is not too late! Go online to
                       If you’d rather call in your gift to the Appeal Office,
                                they can be reached at 800-809-4921. ALL gifts make a difference. Asante Sana!
                                As of 6/25/2021, if you have donated and your name is not shown on the list of donors
                                from our beautiful community, please contact Teresa Gillett at, or
                                call 206-782-2810.

Andrew and Susan Allen            Ralph and Antoinette Fortunato      Scott and Glorilyn Maw              Lydia Solema
George and Nancy Allen            Anne Fuller                         Tyler and Helen McClenahan          Christine & Alex Sourov
Tom Allen & Mary Ransom           Miguel Gatmaytan                    Gary and Joan McDonagh              Lil Stanley
Mike Alvine                       Shyla Geck and Clay Mosher          Roberta McVay                       Gabriela Stickel
Aaron Amort                       Angelina Gelacio                    Karl Melder and Karen Smiley        Brian Sullivan
James Anderson                    Mark and Christina Gerling          David and Carlene Merlino           Joe and Jennifer Sullivan
Lance and Mary Ann Arnone         Joseph and Sharon Giampietro        Theodore and Teresa Metcalf         Virginia Swanson
Marian Banks                      Thomas and Keely Gleason            Tony and Mary Ann Micale            Sharon Swift
Ana Maria Barber                  Brian and Lynn Gough                Jeff and Kari-Mae Miles             Carol Thompson
Ronald and Mary Ann Barton        Michelle Hagen                      Frank Miller                        Margery Thompson
Tony and Lorna Baxter             Judy Hall                           John and Mary Moran                 Hue Tran & Nhan Thi Nguyen
David Beland and Nina Latrofa     Joseph and Katie Hardin             Michael and Peg Mortenson           Edvins and Aina Uskurs
Roberto and Karen Bombino         Randi and Marina Hartt              Susan Mullen                        Andrea Vaught
Adriana Bosi                      Tom and Jeanette Hemmen             Don and Beverly Nelsen              Jeffrey and Theresa Ver Wey
Rina Bosi                         Judy Herriges                       HongPhuc Nguyen                     Amy Vithayathil and Dan Sydow
Barbara Bulzomi                   Luis and Diana Hillon-Grusczynski   Albert and Susan Ocoma              James Volk
Suzie Burke                       Richard and Partrice Holberg        John and Debra O'Connell            Jim and Rosalie Volpone
Alberto Carignano                 Troy Hussing and Lili Lengua        Telia and Nathan Oines              Daniel and Karen Voss
Scott and Caryn Cary              Genavon Jens                        Bernadette O'Leary                  Derek and Stephanie Wade
Joseph and Linda Chitty           Derek and Kristin Jensen            Anthony Olney and Mary McHugh       Rebecca Wagner
Renee and William Christensen     Patrick and Marion Johnson          Keith and Mollie Overa              Elizabeth Walsh
David Cullen                      Bennett and Mary Ann Jones          Nick and Morgan Padrnos             John and Natalie Ward
Jeff and Dani D'Amelio            Alex and Caitlin Jutca              Donald Parda                        Lucas Welch
Maria Dammer                      Lawrence and Kristin Kent           Daniel Pelfrey and Laura Root       Matthew and Marianne Wells
Judy Dawson                       Richard Klein                       David and Ellen Petre               Elizabeth G. White
Gregory and Barbara Dobrinen      Isabel Kokenos                      Susan Pierce and Blake Westerdahl   Frank and Joanie Williamson
Joan Donohue                      Margarita and Jonathan Kuypers      Larry and Marilyn Porter            Marilyn Wittenmyer
Tim and Sarah Dorscht             Charles and Ellen Labuz             Michael and Stacy Porter            Lora Lee Wolf
Patrick and Colleen Douglas       Adrian and Kirby Laney              Beverly Potter                      Jerry and Cheri Wolf
Karen Doyle                       Robert and Shawn Langley            Matthew and Emily Quint             Lillian Yamamoto
Sean and Grace Duffett            Paul and Suzanna Litwin             Mary Jo Reid                        Jerry and Claire Yeager
Fred and Teri Eastman             Eileen Livingstone                  Michael and Maureen Rimkus          Michael and Mary Zubovic
William and Jenny Eberhard        Marianne Livingstone                Fred and Betsy Rivera
Betty Ericksen                    Teresa Lombardi                     Eugene and Janet Rossignol
Gary Euse                         Michael and Catherine Lozano        Jim Russell
Andrew and Lauren Exnicios        Vivian Lusterio                     Christine and Shane Ryland
Michael and Joyce Farrell         Michael and Joan Lyons              Maria Santos
Frank and DeAnn Feeman            Francis and Elsie Mak               James and Susan Scanlon
John and Shannon Flavin           Michael and Molly Martinez          Trevor and Bridget Sevigny
Joe and Leanne Fletcher           Bill and Sheila Marty               Dana Showers
Myke and Barbara Folger           Theresa Massie                      Doug Smith
Saint John the Evangelist Church - St. John the Evangelist Parish ...
Saint John the Evangelist Church - St. John the Evangelist Parish ...
Catholic mercy takes many forms. Through the
Peter’s Pence collection, we are made direct
witnesses to the charity done by our Church and
all of Her members. Let’s join in solidarity with
Pope Francis and Catholics around the world to
respond to those who are suffering as a result of
war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease.

How can I help?
Pray for the Holy Father as he reaches out compassionately to serve those around
the world who are suffering and will benefit from this collection
As a way to spread the message of mercy and peace, share the story of Peter’s
Pence with someone who may be interested in-person or online, and tell others how
Pope Francis supports the marginalized
Please give generously to this collection as a witness of charity and an offer of hope
to those suffering around the world
         The easiest way to make your contribu on is through the
                   Archdiocese of Sea le Online Giving.
           h ps://donate.sea

                                                                                  Scan me to donate!
Peter’s Pence Collection                        Local Contact: Annual Campaigns Office
The Apostolic Nunciature                        Archdiocese of Seattle
3339 Massachusetts Ave., NW                     710 9th Avenue
Washington, DC 20008                            Seattle, WA 98104               206-382-4271 -
Saint John the Evangelist Church - St. John the Evangelist Parish ...
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