June 21, 2020 - Solutions

June 21, 2020 - Solutions
June 21, 2020

                                                                                Happy Father’s Day
                                                                  Many blessings to all men whom we call "Father",
                                                                  whether they are fathers, grandfathers, priests, step
                                                                  fathers or 'would like to be' fathers on this Special
                                                                  Day dedicated to them! Let us ask God to bless them,
                                                                  protect them and love them not only today but every
                                                                  day! A very Happy Father's Day to our own Fathers
                                                                  Scott, Manuel, Derek and Gabriel! May you and your
                                                                  ministries be especially blessed today and every day!

                                                                                 Feliz Día del Padre
                                                                  ¡Muchas bendiciones para todos los hombres a los
                                                                  que llamamos "Padre", ya sean padres, abuelos,
                                                                  sacerdotes, padrastros o "quisieran ser" padres en
                                                                  este Día Especial dedicado a ellos! ¡Pidamos a Dios
                                                                  que los bendiga, los proteja y los ame no solo hoy
                                                                  sino todos los días! ¡Un muy feliz Día del Padre para
                                                                  nuestros propios Padres Scott, Manuel, Derek y
                                                                  Gabriel! ¡Que usted y sus ministerios sean
                                                                  especialmente bendecidos hoy y todos los días!

           LITURGY & SACRAMENTS                                  LITURGIA Y SACRAMENTOS
      Refer to page 3 for Mass Schedule                Consulte la página 3 para el Horario de Misas
Rosary: Mon - Sat after 8:00 am Mass                   Transmisión en vivo de Divine Mercy: Lunes-Sábado 3pm
Livestreamed Divine Mercy Chaplet: Mon - Sat 3:00 pm   Confesiones: Martes y Jueves a las 5:00 pm, y los
Confessions: Tues & Thurs 5:00am & Sat 4:00pm on       Sábados a las 4:00 pm en el patio trasero del Centro
the back patio of the Parish Center.                   Parroquial.
June 21, 2020 - Solutions
PAGE 2                  ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                           June 21, 2020
         Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.
June 21, 2020 - Solutions
June 21, 2020                                             ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                                      PAGE 3
                                    Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.

        OUR LITURGICAL WEEK: MASS INTENTIONS & WEEKLY SCRIPTURE READINGS                                                                          
 Fr. Scott Herrera (SH) | Fr. Manuel Guiterrez (MG) | Fr. Gabriel Afeti (GA) | Fr. Derek Twilliger (DT) | Visiting Priest (VP) | Dcn Mitch   Pකඉඡ ඎ඗ක ගඐඍ Sඑඋඓ
 Rennix (MR) | Dcn James Kostick (JK) | Dcn Andres Sanchez (AS) | Dcn Amador Durán (AD) | Latin (L) | English (E) | Spanish (S)
                                                                                                                                               Fr. Derek Twilliger
Day                              Date: Priest/ Lang: Daily Readings:                                                                             Jean Michaels
Mass Feasts:                           Dcn:          Live Stream Mass Times: Mass Intentions:                                                   Edgar and Helen
                                   6/22                             2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5                             Acenas
Monday / Lunes                                                                                                                                   Alicia Martinez
St. Paulinus of Nola;
                                                MG           E      8:00 AM Conversion of Sinners                                               Danny Gonzalez
Ss. John Fisher and
                                             GA / MR         E      12:00 PM Deacon Mitch Rennix - Anniversary of                                   Joey Siwe
                                                                                                                                                Frederic Castro
Thomas More                                                                       Ordination                                                     Efigia Morales
                                                SH           S      6:00 PM † Isela Casillas                                                     Norma Dehesi
                                   6/23                             2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Ps 48:2-4, 10-11; Mt                     Danny Gonzalez
Tuesday / Martes                                                                                                                                    Cole Slay
                                                                    7:6, 12-14
St. Joseph Cafasso                                                                                                                            Michelle Woessner
                                                GA           E      8:00 AM † Feliciana Que                                                       Bruce Botner
                                             MR / MR         E      12:00 PM Fr. Derek - Healing                                                Henry and Irene
                                             SH / AD         S      6:00 PM † Jesus Mecinas Acevedo                                               Ana Recinos
Wednesday /                        6/24                             Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80                  Robbie Lyons
                                                                                                                                                Carmen Serrano
Miercoles                                       DT           E      8:00 AM Fr. Derek - Healing                                               Robert and Michelle
The Nativity of St. John
                                                SH           E      12:00 PM Souls in Purgatory                                                Herrera and family
                                                MG                  6:00 PM † Isela Casillas                                                       Virgil Arado
Thursday / Jueves                  6/25                             2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Mt 7:21-29                                 L඗ඞඑඖඏ Fඉගඐඍක
                                                SH           E      8:00 AM Growth in holiness of St. Mary Parish                             ඏකඉඖග ඝඖග඗ ගඐඍඕ
St. William of Vercelli                                                                                                                           ඐඍඉඔඑඖඏ
                                                DT           E      12:00 PM End to abortion and culture of death                            ඉඖඌ ඎඝඔඔ කඍඋ඗ඞඍකඡ
                                             GA / AS         S      6:00 PM Margarita Downey - Intencion Especial                               ඎක඗ඕ ගඐඍඑක
Friday / Viernes                   6/26                             2 Kgs 25:1-12; Ps 137:1-6; Mt 8:1-4                                           ඉඑඔඕඍඖගඛ
St. Anthelm
                                                DT           E      8:00 AM Intentions, health and holiness of Pastor                             
                                                                                Scott Herrera and Priests                                      Pකඉඡ ඎ඗ක ගඐඍ
                                                GA           E      12:00 PM Vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life                         Dඍඋඍඉඛඍඌ
                                                MG           S      6:00 PM † Isela Casillas
                                                                                                                                              † George and Muriel
Saturday / Sabado                  6/27                             Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:5-17                               Buehl
St. Cyril of Alexandria;
                                                SH           E      8:00 AM Fr. Scott Herrera - Peace & Protection                           † Maria Isabel Bolaños
                                             GA / MR         E      5:30 PM Purification and holiness of the Church                          † Petra Martinez Nieto
Blessed Virgin Mary                                                                                                                            † Francisco Salazar
                                             DT / AD         S      7:00 PM Conversion de Pecadores                                            † Maria Hernandez
Sunday / Domingo                   6/28                             2 Kgs 4:8-11, 14-16a; Ps 89:2-3, 16-19; Rom 6:3-4, 8-                      † Blanche Yorkoski
                                                                    11; Mt 10:37-42                                                              † Celeste Parent
Thirteenth Sunday in                                                                                                                           † Honorio Cordero
                                                SH           E      7:30 AM Souls in Purgatory                                                  † Antonia Araujo
Ordinary Time                                MG / JK         E      9:00 AM † Gerard Stehly                                                       † Larry Murray
                                                                                                                                             † Maria Duron Santos
                                             DT / MR         E      10:30 AM Altar & Rosary Society - Special Intention                         † Robert Carlson
                                                MG           S      12:00 PM Crecimiento de Santidad en la Iglesia
                                                                                Santa Maria                                                    Eගඍකඖඉඔ කඍඛග
                                             GA / AD         S      1:30 PM † Maria de Jesus Ramirez                                               ඏකඉඖග
                                                                                                                                             ඝඖග඗ ගඐඍඕ O L඗කඌ,
                                                VP           L      3:30 PM † Tom Mount                                                        ඉඖඌ ඔඍග ඡ඗ඝක
                                                DT           E      5:30 PM End to abortion and culture of death                              ඘ඍක඘ඍගඝඉඔ ඔඑඏඐග
                                             GA / AS         S      7:00 PM Intenciones, salud y santidad del Pastor                          ඛඐඑඖඍ ඝ඘඗ඖ ගඐඍඕ
                                                                                Scott Herrera y sacerdotes                                        
                                                                                                                                              Wඍඌඌඑඖඏ Bඉඖඖඛ /
                                                     Notice to All Parishioners
 The Large Hall will be used as the overflow location for all Masses. Communion will be brought over for distribution.
                                                                                                                                                  July 2020
                                                  PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS                                                                        7/18 Paz / Gonzalez
Sun / Dom         21 Rev. Michael Diaz                                Thu / Jue        25 Rev. Minh Do
Mon / Lun         22 Rev. Ignatius Dibeashi                           Fri / Vie        26 Rev. Msgr. Neal Dolan
Tue / Mar         23 Rev. Msgr. Daniel Dillabough                     Sat / Sab        27 Rev. Anthony Dorsa, FSSP
Wed / Mie         24 Rev. William Dillard                             Sun / Dom        28 Rev. Benoit Drapeau, CJM
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PAGE 4                                        ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                              June 21, 2020
                          Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.
                   Attention Parishioners                                          Funerals
Several parishioners have received phone texts and emails that
look like they are from Fr. Scott's email address asking for
                                                                       † Segunda Doverte Friday, June
money and/or gift cards. These are SCAMS that should be                12, 2020 at 10:00 am with Burial
deleted ASAP. Please make all donations through the normal                   to follow at Oak Hill
approved methods as listed in the bulletins and on the website.         † Josephine Franco Thursday,
                                                                          June 18, 2020 at 10:00 am
                    Atencion Feligreses                                † Luis Guzman Friday, June 19,
Varios feligreses han recibido mensajes de texto y correos             at 10:00 am with Burial to follow
electrónicos que parecen ser de la dirección de correo                           at Oak Hill
electrónico del Padre Scott solicitando dinero y / o tarjetas de       † Robert Levenson Friday, July
regalo. Estas son estafas que deben eliminarse lo antes posible.
                                                                            3, 2020 at 10:00 am
Realice todas las donaciones utilizando los métodos normales
aprobados que figuran en los boletines y en el sitio web.

                                                      Volunteers are Needed
With the Mass schedule expanding back to its previous 10 weekend Masses, we are in need to volunteers for various ministries
that assist at Masses. Won't you please prayerfully consider volunteering your time and love for Christ to assist at Mass? Visit the
St. Mary website and look for the VOLUNTEER menu item (www.stmaryp.org/volunteer), fill out the form and submit it. Someone
will get back to you with more information. Thank you and God bless you!

                         NO HAY CATECISMO DEBIDO A LA ALERTA COVID-19
   Registrations for First Communion & Confirmations                    Inscripciones para Primera Comunión y Confirmación
Registrations for First Communion and Confirmation are open          Inscripciones para Primera Comunión y Confirmación
starting June 24th, 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm Monday-Friday. Please         disponibles a partir del 24 de junio de 2 pm a 8 pm de Lunes a
bring baptism certificate or baptism and communion for               Viernes. Favor de traer certificado de Bautismo o Bautismo y
Confirmation. $80.00 per child donation due upon registration.       Comunion para la Confirmacion. $80.00 por niño al momento
Classes begin in September, after Labor Day. Donation after          de registrar. Las clases comienzan en Septiembre, despues
this date is $100.00 per child. More information on                  del "Labor Day". Donación despues de esta fecha $100.00 por
www.stmaryp.org/ReligiousEducation                                   niño.      Mas       informacion      en      www.stmaryp.org/
          Online Registration for the Sacraments
The registration forms for First Communion or Confirmation                     Registro en Línea para los Sacramentos
are available from our website at           www.stmaryp.org/         Los formularios de inscripción para Primera Comunión o
registration-information. Please forward your completed              Confirmación están disponibles en nuestro sitio web en
registration     and    payment    information   forms    to         www.stmaryp.org/registration-information.     Envíe     sus
mbriceno@stmaryp.org.                                                formularios de información de registro y pago completados a
          Religious Education COVID 19 Update
Dates for sacraments are now being defined. We will notify                   Educación religiosa COVID 19 Actualización
you as soon as we have a date for your children to receive the       Las fechas para los sacramentos ahora se están definiendo.
sacraments. The Religious Education Staff is available to meet       Le notificaremos tan pronto como tengamos una fecha para
by appointment. Please call or email to make an appointment.         que sus hijos reciban sus sacramentos. El personal de
                                                                     educación religiosa está disponible para reunirse con cita
                                                                     previa. Por favor llame o envíe un correo electrónico para
                                                                     hacer una cita.

                                                    Remember in Your Prayers
Pray for all those who are suffering the effects caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), for all healthcare providers and for all first
responders. Pray also for our priests who are working diligently to provide us with spiritual means to keep us close to God during
this trying time.
June 21, 2020 - Solutions
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                Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.
June 21, 2020 - Solutions
PAGE 6                                         ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                June 21, 2020
                           Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.
               PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                   Conquistando las Naciones
                                                                    El retiro de Conquistando las Naciones continúa pospuesto
  Emergency Food Distribution Network                               para el 31 de Julio. Se le llamará para confirmar o postponer si
St. Mary Parish is actively participating in the                    es necesario. Por el momento no se estan aceptando nuevas
Catholic     Charities    Emergency        Food                     inscripciones.
Distribution program. Parishioners can sign up                                           Ministerio Vocacional
to receive food by visiting the webpage at
https://ccdsd.org/ecdn or by clicking on the link                   “No tengan miedo.” No temas como Jesus lo esta llamando
on www.stmaryp.org.                                                 para constuir su Iglesia. Si está discerniendo su vocación,
                                                                    comuníquese con la Oficina de Vocaciones de la diócesis. Más
                    St. Mary Quilt Ministry                         información está en https://www.sdcatholic.org/diocese/clergy/
Our quilt ministry has lap size Prayer Quilts for those who are
ill, and are offered free of charge. We have been blessed with                      Serra Vocation Thought Prayer
many quilts to give to anyone who knows of someone suffering        Dios Bendito, escucha nuestras súplicas por vocaciones
from an illness - mentally or physically. These prayer quilts       dedicadas de parte de nuestras familias para servir como
have ties that have already been tied, with prayers said for that   sacerdotes, diáconos y religiosos devotos. Da a los que llamas
person, when we receive their name, or which can be tied and        la gracia de responder con generosidad, dedicación y
prayers said by family and friends at a later date. Please call     perseverancia. http://www.serravocationthought.org/
Ruth 760-738-1869 or Grace 760-419-5351 for a free quilt.
This is one little way to do God’s will by helping others. We                OTHER COURTESY ANNOUNCEMENTS
can be of comfort and consolation to those in need. Let us be
His hands and show His love by giving a prayer quilt. God
                                                                                  St. Dismas Guild - Bible Study Info
Bless you and yours and keep you safe. Love, St. Mary Parish        Prepare for the upcoming Sunday Readings by printing and
Quilt Ministry.                                                     completing our Bread of Life Catholic Bible Study! https://
                      Vocation Ministry
                                                                    -cycle-a-2/ or visit our Website at www.stdismasguild.org/bible-
“Do not be afraid.” Do not fear how Jesus is calling you to build   studies
his Church. If you are discerning your vocation, contact the
diocese's Office for Vocations. More info is at https://                 CULTURE OF LIFE AND PRO-LIFE MINISTRY
                                                                                            Men and Abortion
               Serra Vocation Thought Prayer
                                                                    Abortion has many victims, and one of them is the father of the
Blessed Lord, hear our pleas for dedicated vocations from our       child. The laws of the United States do not acknowledge the
families to serve as priests, deacons and vowed religious. Give     right a father to stop the abortion of his own child, but rather
those whom You call the grace to answer with generosity,            place that act solely within the decision of the mother. This
dedication and perseverance. http://www.serravocationthought.org/   raises a multitude of problems. On the one hand, the father
                                                                    who wants to defend the life of his child is often accused of
                                                                    meddling in something that is not his business. On the other
                 AVISOS PARROQUIALES                                hand, the father who wants to leave the (mistaken) decision of
  Ministerio del Edredón de la Parroquial de Santa María            abortion in the hands of the mother alone is often accused of
                                                                    being uncaring and distant. This, in turn, can create feelings of
Nuestro ministerio de edredones tiene edredones de oración          isolation in the mother, which in turn makes it easier for her to
para aquellos que están enfermos, y se ofrecen de forma             resort to abortion. Furthermore, the law is a powerful teacher. It
gratuita. Hemos sido bendecidos con muchas colchas para             says the father has no rights in the abortion decision. But the
regalar a cualquiera que sepa de alguien que padece una             other side of the coin of "rights" is "responsibilities." The
enfermedad, mental o físicamente. Estos edredones de                current state of the law regarding fathers and abortion can
oración tienen lazos que ya han sido atados, con oraciones          easily foster a sense of irresponsibility in young men. Post-
que se dicen por esa persona, cuando recibimos su nombre, o         abortion counseling services are seeing an increasing number
que pueden ser atadas y oraciones de familiares y amigos en         of men come forward, grieving their aborted children. Many of
una fecha posterior. Llame a Ruth 760-738-1869 o Grace 760-         the same dynamics of post-abortion distress that we see in
419-5351 para obtener una colcha gratis. Esta es una                women are also present in men. We offer here some
pequeña forma de hacer la voluntad de Dios ayudando a               testimonies of fathers whose children have been killed by
otros. Nosotros podemos ser de comodidad y consuelo para            abortion, along with our prayers for such fathers, and our
los necesitados. Seamos las manos de dios y demostremos su          readiness to help them.
amor dando una colcha de oración. Dios te bendiga a ti y a los
                                                                    If you have a testimony, send it to us at testimony@priestsforlife.org
tuyos y te mantenga a salvo. Amor, Ministerio del Edredón de
la Parroquial de Santa María.                                       For more testimonies: https://www.priestsforlife.org/postabortion/
June 21, 2020 - Solutions
June 21, 2020                               ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                               PAGE 7
                         Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.

         Vatican Exhibition of Eucharistic Miracles
                At St. Mary Catholic Church
                The Photographic International Exhibition of
                Church Approved Eucharistic Miracles of the
                World, comes to California! There are over
                100 miracles, surprising many attendees who
                have expressed astonishment and spiritual
                enlightenment. The exhibition has been
                translated into numerous languages, has
                visited more than five hundred parishes in
                Italy, and in other countries. Come and learn
                about the Holy Eucharist as a Gift of God’s
                Divine Mercy.
The exhibit will be open Sundays and
Saturdays during June and July from
8:00 am to 8:00 pm in St. Mary School
Gym (in Parish center) as well as                                               Corpus Christi Procession
weekdays from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm, and
                                                                On Thursday, June 11th, Father Scott and Father Manuel
from 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm. Entry is free of
                                                                traveled through the streets of Escondido with the Blessed
charge! Face Masks are required to
                                                                Sacrament, providing a Eucharistic blessing.
enter the exhibition. Physical distancing
also needs to be observed. For more
information please call St. Mary Parish
Office at 760-745-1611 or visit www.therealpresence.org

Today’s Readings                                                Lecturas de Hoy
First Reading — The LORD has rescued the poor from the          Primera lectura — El Señor ha salvado al desamparado de los
clutches of the wicked (Jeremiah 20:10-13).                     manos de los malvados (Jeremías 20:10-13).
Psalm — Lord, in your great love, answer me (Psalm 69).         Salmo — Escúchame, Señor, porque eres bueno (Salmo 69
Second Reading — The grace of God overflows for all             [68]).
(Romans 5:12-15).                                               Segunda lectura — Por gracia, el don generoso del Hijo de
Gospel — All who acknowledge Jesus before others will           Dios, Jesucristo, nos ha salvado de todo pecado. (Romanos
likewise be acknowledged by Jesus before the Father             5:12-15).
(Matthew 10:26-33).                                             Evangelio — No hay miedo cuando el amor de Dios se recibe
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from             como don precioso (Mateo 10:26-33).
Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International           Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical
Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights    © 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado con permiso.
reserved.                                                       Todos los derechos reservados.
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PAGE 8                                ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                  June 21, 2020
                      Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.

                            Debt ReducƟon Campaign

Because of the many generous parishioners who donated to the Debt Reduction Campaign over the last 2 years,
we were able to make an additional large payment on the principal balance of our debt in January. The monthly
loan payments were $18,402 … $4,532 on the principal and $13,870 interest. I am happy to report that we were
able to reamortize the loan to a lower monthly payment amount as planned. The current monthly payments are
$14,250 … $3,571 principal and $10,679 interest. The goal was to make the monthly payments more
manageable. Unfortunately, the COVID pandemic has significantly reduced the donations to the St. Mary Parish
Center/Capital Campaign.
We are very happy to welcome our Parish family back to public masses (limited as they are for now). If you are
financially able, St. Mary Church needs your Debt Reduction donations for the mortgage payments. Please use
the GRAY Parish Center boxed envelopes or the GRAY Capital Campaign envelopes which can be found at the
church entrances. Online giving options are available on our website www.stmaryp.org. Please designate the
donation as "Parish Center". Donation envelopes can be dropped off in the church, the office, or the black mail
box in front of the Parish Center office. May God reward your sacrifice and generosity with His blessings.

Debido a los muchos feligreses generosos que donaron a la Campaña de Reducción de la Deuda en los últimos
2 años, pudimos hacer un gran pago adicional sobre el saldo principal de nuestra deuda en enero. Los pagos
mensuales del préstamo fueron de $18,402 ... $4,532 en el principal y $13,870 en intereses. Me complace
informar que pudimos reamortizar el préstamo a un monto de pago mensual más bajo según lo planeado. Los
pagos mensuales actuales son $14,250 ... $3,571 principal y $10,679 intereses. El objetivo era hacer que los
pagos mensuales fueran más manejables. Desafortunadamente, la pandemia COVID ha reducido
significativamente las donaciones para el Centro Parroquial de Santa María / Campaña Capital.
Estamos muy contentos de dar la bienvenida a nuestra familia parroquial de regreso a las misas públicas
(limitadas como son por ahora). Si usted es financieramente capaz, la iglesia Santa Maria necesita sus
donaciones de reducción de Deuda para los pagos de la hipoteca. Por favor, utilice los sobres GRISES para el
centro parroquial contenidos en su caja de sobres o los sobres GRISES de la Campaña Capital que se pueden
encontrar en las entradas de la iglesia. Las opciones de donación en línea están disponibles en nuestro sitio
web www.stmaryp.org. Por favor designe la donación como "Centro Parroquial". Los sobres de donación se
pueden dejar en la iglesia, la oficina o el buzón negro frente a la oficina del Centro Parroquial. Que Dios
recompense su sacrificio y generosidad con Sus bendiciones.

       For campaign information, contact Diana Bumgardner Cook at: 760 745-1611 x 204 or campaign@stmaryp.org.

             DEBT REDUCTION STATUS                                        MASS COLLECTIONS
As of June 13, 2020:
# of Donor Families                            2,086    Week of June 14, 2020:
Donations Received                        $2,342,426    Collection:                                   $22,186
333 Pledges to Collect                      $395,495    Online Tithing:                                 $3,123
Total (revised)                           $2,737,921    Total                                         $25,309
Campaign Goal                             $4,500,000
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June 21, 2020                                               ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                                            PAGE 9
                                    Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.
                       You will be blessed by participating in one or more of the ministries listed.
                            Contact the person listed to find out how you can get involved.
                                              *Area code is (760) unless stated otherwise.

                          ENGLISH MINISTRIES                                              HISPANIC MINISTRIES / MINISTERIOS HISPANOS
                  http://www.stmaryp.org/english-ministries                                             http://www.stmaryp.org/spanish-minstries
Altar & Rosary Society ........................(Joan Ayash) 801-2354                  Adoradores de la Divina Misericordia ....................................
Altar Servers ............................... (Debby LaGrange) 432-0383               .......................................................... (Tomas Matias) 594-3586
American Heritage Girls ....................... (Nick Testa) 532-7619                 Apos. Pro-Vida C.N ..........(Elizabeth Gonzalez) 858-208-9695
Baptisms ............................................... (front office) 745-1611      Asn. Guadalupana ............................ (Manuel Razo) 815-6981
Bereavement / Funerals ....................... (front office) 745-1611                Com. De Guatemala ....................(Domingo Gaspar) 497-1103
Bible Study Womens ...................... (Jean Michaels) 745-9439                    Confirmación Juvenil .......... (Mauro Resendiz) 745-1611 x242
                                                                                      Educación Religiosa ... (Dr. Enedina Saucedo) 745-1611 x215
Bible Study (adult) ....................... (Kathryn Masters) 580-8156
                                                                                      Encuentro de Conversion Católica ..... (Max Alfaro) 504-5919
Confirmation and Youth ..... (Mauro Resendiz) 745-1611 x242
                                                                                      Encuentros de Conversión Juvenil ........................................
Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion .......................
                                                                                      ......................................................... (Juan Anguiano) 522-3372
........................................................... (Mary Golder) 214-1099    Encuentro Matrimonial ............................................................
Filipino Community ...... (Ron & Rose Canturia) 619-398-5038                          ........................ (Rámon & Lucia Garcia) 445-1463 or 533-1463
Hospitality ....................................... (Gary Johnson) 884-7974           E.P.J. Promoción Juvenil Diocesana......................................
Hospital Ministry ......................... (Meg Mackintosh) 443-9811                 ......................................................... (Brenda Garcia) 300-8241
Hall and Room Use ............... (Ramon Garcia) 745-1611 x210                        Estudio de Biblia ................... (Lourdes Alejandrino) 519-4226
Human Trafficking .......................(Lorraine Houser) 586-8817                   Evangelización Familiar.. (Samuel y Araceli Torres) 532-7313
Lectors ......................................... (Kelley MacIsaac) 717-5262          Funerales ..... (Llamar oficina: María Douglas) 745-1611 x113
Legion of Mary/Homebound Ministry                                                     Grupo de Oración ............................ (Saula Varona) 807-8053
.................................................... (Karen Forrey) 619-300-7606      Hospitalidad ...................................... (Oscar Flores) 644-1352
Magnificat ............................................(Lidia Rennix) 271-7743        La Divina Misericordia .............. (Veronica Morales) 975-8084
Music ..................................................... (front office) 745-1611   Lectores ............................... (Dcn Andres Sanchez) 745-1611
Perpetual Adoration ... English: Donna Oeland 745-1611 x325                           Legion de María (dos grupos) .................................................
.................................... Spanish: Lourdes Alejandrino 519-4226            ........................................ Grupo #1 (Arnulfo Aguilar) 580-9488
                                                                                      .............................................. Grupo #2 (Clara Meza) 533-7127
Personal Prayer Ministry .........................................................
                                                                                      Los Varones de Emaus ........ (Eduardo Adrián León) 807-2448
...................................... (Dcn Jim and Carol Kostick) 745-1611
                                                                                      Matrimonios ............... (Efrain and Susana Alvarez ) 709-2613
Pilgrim Virgin Mary .............................(Lidia Rennix) 271-7743              Ministerio de Paletas ......... (Luciano & Idelia China) 443-9127
Pro-Life Ministry ........................ (Mercedes Aguilar) 580-9563                Ministros Extra-Ordinarios de Comunión ..............................
Quilt Ministry for the Sick ................ (Ruth Lovison) 738-1869                  ........................................................... (Rutilo Colima) 520-3632
Religious Education ... (Dr. Enedina Saucedo) 745-1611 x215                           Misioneros Parroquiales-Apóstoles de la Palabra ................
Sacristans ...........................................(Lidia Rennix) 271-7743         ............................................. (Francisco Gaytan) 760-715-1683
St Mary Parish Outreach ............. (Kathryn Masters) 745-1611                      Mujeres Cenando con Jesús ..... (Basilisa Sanchez) 390-2564
St Mary School ......................... (Amanda Johnston) 743-3431                   Música y Coros .................................. (Rosa López) 855-4008
St Mary Preschool ......................... (Amanda Harriff) 705-9906                 Niños Sordos ...........................(Alejandra Sánchez) 445-6889
                                                                                      Planificación Familiar ..................... (Patricia Trejo) 291-0231
                                                                                      Pre-Bautismales ............... (Abraham Sanchez) 442-237-2479
                                                                                      Quinceañeras ................... (Enedina Saucedo) 745-1611 x215
                                                                                      RICA ................................................ (Ranulfo Rojas) 480-2840
                                                                                      Rosario-Iglesia .................................. (Lucia Mateo) 658-3772
                  INDEPENDENT MINISTRIES /                                            Sacristanes ...................................... (Ranulfo Rojas) 480-2840
                 MINISTERIOS INDEPENDIENTES                                           Servidores del Altar .................................................................
                                                                                      ................................ (Macrina Rojas & Ivon Sanchez) 480-2840
Alliance of the Holy Family International (AHFI)                                      Teología del Cuerpo y Castidad ...... (Mario Murillo) 546-8185
.................................. (Steve & Connie Scoggin) 858-335-4096              Union Mutualista de San José ...(Patricia Esparza) 746-3424
Knights of Columbus ............... (Frank Chavez) 858-752-2910                       Venta de Comida ........................ (Paulina Ramírez) 533-3157
St. Dismas Guild - Prison Ministry ..........................................         Virgen Peregrina ................... (Lourdes Alejandrino) 519-4226
...................................................... (Sharon Soberon) 466-7001

                                  760-745-1611 EXT 210
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PAGE 12                                      ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                               June 21, 2020
                          Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.

                     LIVESTREAMED MASSES

During the restrictions for limiting the number of people attending Masses, we will continue to
Livestream the Masses for those who cannot attend in person. The videos of the Livestreamed
        Masses will be available for viewing at any time. Visit the St. Mary website at
                       www.stmaryp.org to watch either live or in video.

                                         PARISH SUPPORT NEEDED
We hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy on             Espero que ustedes y sus seres queridos se están
all levels during this pandemic. Public Masses are now             manteniendo en buena salud en todos los sentidos
offered with limited capacity of 100 people. We may not be         durante este tiempo de pandemia. Ahora se ofrecen misas
under obligation to assist Mass or able to receive the Holy        públicas con una capacidad limitada de 100 personas.
Eucharist, but we encourage you to continue praying and            Quizá no estamos bajo la obligación de asistir a Misa o
participating in the Mass via Livestreaming on our                 comulgar, pero yo les animo a que continúen rezando y a
Webpage or the other many available websites including             participar en la Misa por Livestream en nuestra página
the Diocese. Also, please continue to support your Parish          web o en los otros muchos sitios de internet incluyendo
during this difficult time.                                        el de la Diócesis. También, por favor ayuden a su
You have these options available to donate:                        parroquia durante este tiempo de dificultad.
1 - Drop your donation envelope in the baskets or in the drop      Usted tiene estas opciones disponibles para su donación:
box located in the vestibule (by the Baptismal fount) during       1 – Durante este tiempo deje su sobre de donación en las
those times;                                                       canastas o en la caja de donación colocada en el vestíbulo (a
2 - Drop your donation envelope in the black mailbox in front of   un lado de la fuente bautismal).
the Parish Center;                                                 2 – Deje su sobre de donación en el buzón negro frente del
3 - Drop your donation in the mail slot in the front door of the   Salón Parroquial.
Rectory at 1160 S. Broadway;                                       3 – De su donación a través de nuestro sistema de donación
4 - Donate through our Online Donation system:                     en línea:
A. Click on the Donate Button on the website at                    A. Visite www.stmaryp.org y seleccione una de las tres formas
www.stmaryp.org and select one of the three ways to give;          de donar; Computadora, teléfono inteligente o texto.
Computer, Smartphone or Text.                                      B. Por texto: Entre el numero de 10 dígitos 7606844579. Entre
B. Text: Enter the 10 digit number, 7606844579. Enter the          la cantidad que desea donar y el código de donación SC.
amount you wish to donate and the donation code. Press             Presione “send” y siga las instrucciones para completar su
"send" and follow the prompts to complete your donation. (i.e.     donación. ( Ejem. Para una donación dominical de $
For $50.00 to Sunday collections, enter 50 SC).                    50.00: 7606844579 50 SC)
C. By Phone, call our Online Client Services at 1-800-675-         C. Por teléfono: llame a nuestra línea de servicio al cliente al 1
7430, give them our address: 1170 S. Broadway, Escondido,          -800-675-7430. Proporcione nuestra dirección: 1170 S.
CA 92025, they will take your donation over the phone. Office      Broadway, Escondido, CA 92025. Ellos tomaran su donación
Hours: 5:30am - 4:00pm PST, Mon-Fri.                               por teléfono, las horas de oficina son 5:30 – 4:00 pm.
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