St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church

Page created by Lonnie Yang
St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church
St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church
                        PASTORAL TEAM                          SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE
Rev. Msgr. Stephen J. Radocha, V.F., Pastor                    Saturday Vigil: 5:00p.m.
Rev. David M. Anthony, Parochial Vicar                         Sunday: 7:30a.m., 9:00a.m., 10:30a.m. & 12:00 Noon
Rev. Bernard J. Ezaki, Parochial Vicar                         Holy Day Vigil & Holy Day: Consult Bulletin
Mr. Robert W. Rodgers, Permanent Deacon
Mr. Ray Raymundo, Permanent Deacon                             NEW PARISHIONERS: Registration/Parish Membership. Wel-
Mr. Gene Schroth, Permanent Deacon                             come to St. Jane’s. To register in the parish, please call the
Mr. Stephen Synoracki, Permanent Deacon                        Parish Office and make an appointment with one of the
Mr. Kevin Wasielewski, Permanent Deacon                        priests. If you are moving, please call or stop at the Parish Of-
Mrs. Kelly DeRaymond, Director of Adult Religious Formation    fice.
Mr. Kevin Kimmel, Director of Children’s Religious Formation
                                                               LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION AND CERTIFICATES:
Mrs. Mary Loch, Director of Music
                                                               Issued only to parishioners who are officially registered in the
Ms. Donna Dillon, Director of Liturgy
                                                               parish for one month prior to requesting the certificate and
Mrs. Noreen McDonough, Business Manager
                                                               practicing their faith. Submit requests in writing to the Parish
Mrs. Marybeth Okula, Principal of St. Jane’s School &
                                                               Office by mail.
Director of St. Jane‛s Pre-School
Mrs. Suzanne Nerone, Senior High Youth Ministry                RELIGIOUS EDUCATION:
                                                               Grades 1-6: Wednesday & Thursday 4:30pm - 5:45pm
                                                               Grades 7-8: Sunday evening
                 MONDAY-FRIDAY                                 CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: For those interested in
                                                               the Catholic Faith, please call the Parish Office.
PARISH OFFICE - 4049 Hartley Ave., Easton, PA 18045
610-253-3553 - Fax 610-253-5711                                BAPTISM: Celebrated most Sundays after the 12:00 Noon
Hours 9:00a.m. - 4:30p.m., Closed Saturdays & Sundays          Mass. Contact the Parish Office for availability. A Baptismal
Parish Website:                      Workshop is conducted at 7:00pm in the Msgr. Gobitas
                                                               Meeting Room on the first Tuesday of each month: May 7,
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - 610-253-7794                             June 4, 2019. Preregistration for Baptism and the workshop is
                                                               necessary. Sponsor certificates must by received by the parish
SCHOOL - 610-253-8442 / Hours 7:00am - 3:00pm                  before the Baptism is scheduled.

PRE-SCHOOL - 610-253-8442                                      MARRIAGE: Engaged couples are encouraged to meet with
Hours 8:45 am - 11:15am, 12:15pm - 2:45pm                      their parish priest at least one year in advance of their
                                                               proposed wedding date. Please call the Parish Office to make
PRAYER CHAIN - 610-758-8484                                    an appointment. Official registration in the parish for one
                                                               month prior to making arrangements is necessary.
                                                               RECONCILIATION: Wednesday evenings 8:00-9:00 p.m. and
DIOCESAN VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR                         every Saturday: 3:45 p.m.-4:45 p.m. or by appointment
Ms Wendy S. Krisak M.A., NCC, LPC                              SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please inform us
Direct Telephone - 800-791-9209                                of the sick and shut-ins.
Sister Meg Cole, S.S.J., M.S., LMFT 610-332-0442 ext. 2019
St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church
ST. JANE FRANCES DE CHANTAL CHURCH                                   May 5, 2019

                       My Dear Parishioners,
                                                            Today we see that we—each of us—are Peter. We
                      In the midst of this wonderful        have found the Lord; or rather he has found us. We
                      liturgical season of Easter, how      have fallen under our own weakness. We have felt
                      fitting that we turn to the figure    the shame of wavering in our own faith. Yet, by the
                      of Saint Peter. It is a few days      grace of God, we have found forgiveness and heal-
                      after Jesus’ Resurrection from        ing in his saving love. This is the joy of Easter!
the dead. In a very touching scene Our Lord has a
conversation with Peter on the beach (John 21, 1-19).                             Sincerely yours,
That particular incident contains all the irony and                               Monsignor Radocha
poignancy of a spectacular climax to a truly great

The scene opens in the same way that Peter’s rela-
tionship with Jesus began. He and the other disciples
are in their boat; they have fished all night long but
caught nothing. Jesus tells them to lower their net one    Saturday, May 4—Easter Weekday
more time. Now the net is actually so heavy with fish           9:00     Erlinda Ornum
that they are unable to haul it in.                        Vigil: Third Sunday of Easter
                                                                 5:00    Anthony Marini
Peter’s response is immediate. He threw on his
clothes and jumped overboard. He hurries to the fig-       Sunday, May 5—Third Sunday of Easter
ure on the beach whom he knew to be Jesus. The                  7:30     Michael Mulligan
others are left fumbling with the overflowing catch of           9:00    Parishioners
fish.                                                          10:30     Giana, Natalia & Emilia (Mass for the
Jesus already had a charcoal fire going. He shared
bread and fish with them, just as he has done earlier          12:00     Robert Wiertz
on a mountaintop in a miraculous way. This time not a      Monday, May 6—Easter Weekday
word was spoken. Nothing needed to be said.                     6:30     John Merkt
                                                                8:15     Joseph Schedler
Then Jesus turned to Peter in love. The echo of the
                                                           Tuesday, May 7—Easter Weekday
rooster’s crowing was still reverberating in Peter’s
soul. The pain of denying his Lord three times had             6:30      Barbara O’Brien
been overwhelming. In the light of the charcoal fire in        8:15       Paul Fisher
the courtyard that night Peter had displayed an embar-     Wednesday, May 8—Easter Weekday
rassing cowardice and fear. Now it was morning, and             6:30     Bobbi Fry
another moment of truth had come.
                                                                8:15     Michelina “Lee” Peluso
Three times Jesus asked, “Peter, do you love me?”          Thursday, May 9—Easter Weekday
With each affirmation, a denial was healed and forgiv-          6:30     Carmen Whirl
en. “Do you love me? Do you really love me?” Peter               8:15    Joseph & Angelina Armagno
finally understood. This time he knew he was willing       Friday, May 10—Saint Damien de Veuster
to go to his own death to keep faith with Jesus. Jesus
knew it too. What a touching moment as Jesus pro-               6:30     Norma Moubarak
claimed again that very first invitation issued on this          8:15    Nancy Wozniak
shore so many months ago: “Follow me.”                     Saturday, May 11—Easter Weekday
                                                                9:00     Pat, James & Daragh McGowan
The moral was clear. There is no fear which is so
                                                           Vigil: Fourth Sunday of Easter
great that it cannot be overcome. No sin is so great
that it cannot be forgiven. Indeed, love conquers all.          5:00     Christa Maholick
What an appropriate message for us during this East-       Sunday, May 12—Fourth Sunday of Easter
er Season!                                                      7:30     Mother’s Day Intentions
                                                                 9:00    Mother’s Day Intentions
                 (continued next column)
                                                                10:30     Mother’s Day Intentions
                                                                12:00     Mother’s Day Intentions
St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church

                       LITURGICAL                    Boy Scout Troop 24, 6:00-7:30 p.m. FFH
                     MINISTERS SCHEDULE              Men’s Group, 7:00-8:00 p.m. Conference Room
                                                     Sr. High Youth Group, 7:00-8::30 p.m. MGMR
                                                     Boy Scout & Crew Troop 24, Meat stick
                                                     Fundraiser, Gathering Space

                                                     Tuesday, May 7
Saturday, May 11                                     Eucharistic Adoration 8:45 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Chapel
5:00 p.m. Mass
Euch. Ministers: R. Bossert, L. Gaydos, J. Lieb,     Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00 p.m. Chapel
M. Hunsicker, J. & B. McElrone, K. Sappah,           Miraculous Medal Novena, 7:00 p.m. Chapel
D. Ostile and F. Williams                            Prayers for all priests, deacons & vocations to the
Lectors: S. Hesener and C. Williams                  priesthood & religious life, 7:30 p.m. Chapel
Servers: A. DeMasi, M. & K. Hunsicker and E. Lieb    Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, 9:00 p.m.
Cantor: S. Condelli
Sunday, May 12                                       8th Grade Dance Committee, 6:00-8:00 p.m. FFH
7:30 a.m. Mass                                       Respect Life Ministry, 7:00 p.m. Conference Room
Euch. Ministers: T. Rafferty and N. Snyder           Baptism Workshop, 7:00 p.m. MGMR
Lectors: M. Sweeney and W. Sweeney, Jr.
Servers: N. Pizzuto, A. T. and M. Sweeney            Wednesday, May 8
Cantor: N. Marcus                                    CYO General Meeting, 6:30 p.m. FFH
                                                     Marian Prayer Group, 7:00 p.m. Chapel
9:00 a.m. Mass
                                                     Repair with Care, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Conference Room
Euch. Ministers: C. Brennan and J. Case
Lectors: B. & C. Tiger                               Knights of Columbus, 7:00 p.m. MGMR
Servers: G., J., J. and H. Macchia                   Confessions, 8:00-9:00 p.m. Church.
Cantor: K. Atwood
                                                     Thursday, May 9
10:30 a.m. Mass                                      Piecemaker’s Quilting Group, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Euch. Ministers: M. & C. Fellon
Lectors: A. Bartolacci and J. LoFaso
Servers: E. Brown, A. Crisafulli & A. and D. Darno   Troop 8207 Jr. Girl Scouts, 4:00-5:30 p.m. Confer-
Choir Cantor: D. Romanelli                           ence Center
                                                     RCIA, 7:00 p.m. MGMR
12:00 Noon Mass
Euch. Ministers: T. Hughes and B. Salantri           Friday, May 10
Lectors: P. Fuisz and N. Joseph                      Brownies, 4:15-5:45 p.m. Conference Center
Servers: N. Meador, M. and M. Munjone and P.         Spirit Flow Fitness, 6:00-7:00 p.m. MGMR
Choir Cantor: A. Lipari                              Praise & Worship Charismatic Group, 7:30 p.m.
                                                     Chapel & Gathering Space

         SCHEDULE OF THE WEEK                        Saturday, May 11
           This Week in Our Parish                   Divine Mercy Chaplet recited following the
                                                     9:00 a.m. Mass for cancer patients, Church
Sunday, May 5                                        Pennsylvanians For Human Life Mother’s Day
Respect Life Rosary is recited before all Masses,
                                                     Flower Sale, Gathering Space
CYO Mass, 9:00 am. Church
“No Phones in Medjugorie” Movie, 1:00-3:00 p.m.      Sunday, May 12
MGMR                                                 Pennsylvanians For Human Life Mother’s Day
Jr. Girl Scout Troop 825, 3:00-4:30 p.m. Confer-     Flower Sale, Gathering Space
ence Center                                          Boy Scout Troop 24, 6:00-7:30 p.m. FFH
          (Sunday continued next column)
St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church
ST. JANE FRANCES de CHANTAL CHURCH                                    MAY 5, 2019

                                         Congratulations to the children who received 1st Holy Communion on
                                         Saturday, April 27th, 2019. A special thank you to their parents
                                         and teachers who helped prepare them for receiving Jesus Christ in
                                         the Blessed Sacrament.

                                            Luke Anastasiou, Kayla Basile, Aidan Bielski, Aubree Bogansky, Jake
Booth, Jodi Cahotoc, Marco Calandra, Thomas Campos, Alexis Chlebowski, Jenna Colagiovanni, Joseph Conlin,
Julietta Cortez, Madison DaRocha, Lucas Dellaquila, Logan Dellatore, Lyla Dellatore, Rylee DeRemer, Luke
DiLollo, Isabella Drimalitis, Nathan Fenner, Luke Fettes, Avery Geiger, Alaina Gerould, Chloe Harak,
Isabelle Harak, Delaney Heimbach, Samantha Henderson, Airyn Hergenreder, Cameron Hoover, Zachary
Huber, Hannah Katz, Joseph Kearns, Lyla Knoble, Henry Knorp, Tiffany Kuchta, Ainsley Lago, Evan Landis,
Landon Lane, Joshua Lee, Abigail Lichtenberger, Jacob Lytwyn, Zack Martenis, Cinthia Martin, Collin
Meischeid, Caroline Miller, Carmela Monti, Delaney Moyer, Lily Nash, Juliana Ober, Hailey Okoronkwo, Kevin
Olalia, Luke Phillips, Caroline Pinheiro, Lucia Pretopapa, Rylee Race, Olivia Rempala, Nylbern Rivera, Gavin
Rodriguez, Ava Silva, Lily Smallwood, Tessa Speacht, Kendra Sun, Mathew Sun, Casey Swinsburg, Luke
Thompson, Giavanna Trimmer, Cameron Vicoso, Drew Viegas, Emily Voloshen, Cole Vrabel, Kelsey
Washbourne, Joseph Wieber, Parker Youpa, and Aiden Zito.

                                            Adult Con irmation Classes
                   Are you a practicing Roman Catholic who has received the Sacraments of Baptism
                   and Holy Communion, but not Con irmation? Are you a Catholic who may have
                   missed out on the preparation for Con irmation as a child? Have you been away
                   from the Church and are now being drawn to a fuller and deeper relationship with
                   God through your faith? Do you know an adult family member who may
                   need to be con irmed?

St. Jane Frances de Chantal will be offering 4 classes starting Monday, May 6th, in preparation for
the Sacrament of Con irmation which will be held on Pentecost Sunday, June 9th, at the Cathedral.
                 Classes will be held in the Msgr. Gobitas Meeting Room at St. Jane’s

    For more information or to register for the classes, contact Kelly DeRaymond at the Religious
                             Education of ice 610-253-7794 ext. 312.

                                             ***SAVE THE DATE!***
                        St. Jane Frances de Chantal Parish will be celebrating its cen-
                        tennial year in 2020! There will be a special Mass with Bishop
                        Schlert on October 25, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. followed by a dinner
                        at Blue. More details to follow. We are asking for your help in
                        collecting any memorabilia (photos, newspaper clippings, year-
                        books, etc.) you may have. Please send them to our parish of-
                        fice or email them to
St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church
EASTON, PENNSYLVANIA                                                           MAY 5, 2019

                                       St. Jane Frances de Chantal School
                                    A Catholic tradition in academic excellence.
                                             Middle States Accredited
                                          Mrs. Marybeth Okula, Principal

           ***FULL DAY OPTION for Preschool 4 year olds***
                     Don’t delay, register today!

                                Email and schedule a tour!

Academic Excellence in 2B: After many weeks of anxious anticipation, the big day finally arrived for our Sec-
ond Graders. On Saturday, April 27 we received Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion. We prepared for this big
day in many ways. We diligently studied the Holy Mass in Religion class and carefully made our own Communion
Books with pictures of each part of the Mass. Together with our parents, we participated in a special First Commun-
ion Retreat led by Mrs. Swavely and Mr. Kimmel. Most importantly, we learned the true meaning of Holy Communion:
Jesus’ Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity are truly present in the Eucharist. We are so excited that we can now share in
this Sacrament each Sunday when we go to Mass with our families!

        Although First Holy Communion has been the highlight of the school year, our Second Graders have been-
busy since September learning so many new things. In Mathematics we have mastered adding and subtracting three-
digit numbers and are now ready to begin exploring the concepts of multiplication and division. In Reading we have
been poring over a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts. Each story we read helps us to better understand the world
around us. Our writing skills continue to grow and impress our teachers. In addition to regularly writing in our journals,
we have composed a friendly letter, a couplet, a descriptive paragraph, and an informational paragraph.

        Our Second Graders get so excited for Science! In the fall, we loved participating in the afterschool STEM
Club. During Catholic Schools Week we took part in the school-wide STEM Challenge. Second graders worked to-
gether in small groups to build something using one hundred pieces of a given material. Recently, we have been
studying weather, clouds, and the water cycle. We eagerly performed an experiment in which we observed evapora-
tion and condensation occurring as a result of the sun warming up water left out on our classroom windowsill.

                                     *****TRANSFER GRANTS AVAILABLE****

       Second grade at Saint Jane School is a blast! Each day we learn something new and grow closer to Jesus
and one another. We would love for you to join us!

St. Jane Frances de Chantal School is the parish school from Preschool through Grade 8. For more information
about our academic program, to arrange a tour or to enroll in the School or Pre-School, please call the School office
at 610-253-8442, email at or visit our website at Why not come
visit and see why our students are doing so well spiritually, academically and socially. Call to schedule a tour today
EASTON, PENNSYLVANIA                                                      MAY 5, 2019

    JOB OPENING AT SCHOOL BUILDINGS -- Part-time Maintenance Worker – 25 hours per week begin-
   ning June 1, 2019. Primary functions require sufficient physical ability appropriate for necessary mobility to
   walk and stand for prolonged periods of time. Candidate will regularly push, pull, lift, and/or carry light to
   moderately heavy objects and occasionally objects over 50 pounds. Must demonstrate good interpersonal
   and communication skills. Must be self-motivated and prompt in performing tasks and have the ability to work
   independently and demonstrate initiative to act without being asked. Basic understanding of electrical, HVAC
   and plumbing systems, carpentry or cabinetry skills. Possess the ability to perform minor repairs. Ability to
   understand floor plans and building systems. If interested, call Mrs. Okula for detailed job description at 610-
   253-8442 or email at NOTE: All Diocesan clearances as well as Protect-
   ing God’s Children will be expected before employment begins.

 Church Pews Available – We are remodeling the IHM Chapel at the school this summer and replacing the
 pews with chairs. Pews will be available for purchase $25 - $50 beginning on Monday, June 10, 2019. You
 MUST be able to haul it out of the Chapel on your own. Email Mrs. Okula for more information


              St Jane Frances de Chantal School - A Catholic tradition in academic excellence.

                               Please remember in your prayers these relatives and friends who are serving
                               in the Armed Forces: Nicholas Alfero, Jr., Heather Olk, Duane Farley, Jeffrey
                               Hunsicker, Daniel B. Hunsicker, William Morgan, Chris Lambert, Joseph Miller,
                               David Forster, Nathan Labuda, , Andrew Graf, Derek Olk, Danny Tone, Kim
                               Rowland, Matthew & Katie Ferretti, Richard C. Gargano, Michael Kalman, Leslie
                               Avila, Jared Schneider, James Buckley, Brent Finkbeiner, Irene Glaeser, Greg
                               Paradis, Michael Salvemini, Justin Whitmore, Steve Farabaugh, Chad Fitzger-
                               ald, Zach Grube, Scott Schaller, Gene Enriquez, Luke Schwartz, Nick Massari,
  Jarrett Buchanan, Blair Holva, Dallas Wadle, Anthony Williams, Kenneth Vasquez, Manley McKinley, John
  Curry, Joseph Bartolacci, Andrew Stenersen, Ben Ross, Steven Donaldson, Brian Donaldson, Angelo
  Ferraro, Jr., Paul Mertz, James DiPaolo, Carlos Campos, John Zawarski, Michael Lee Gilmartin, Dean
  Fedrizzi, D. J. Principato, Jeremy Fogel, Peter Lundy, Matthew M. McQuade, Victor Pereira, Cale Pfauth,
  John V. Knobloch, Scott Kelly, Kevin Powers, Anne Maynard, Ian Myers, Catlynn Searfass, Jakob Meador,
  Mackenzie Kressley, Antonio Tauriello, Nicholas Tauriello, Gavin McFetridge, James McFetridge, Nicholas
  Hafner, Thomas J. Koons, Patrick Kantz, Christopher Kantz, Daniel Hoffman, Scotty Oliver, John Pitt, Kyle
  Mitchell, Daniel B. Curtin, Kasey Hinton, Cara Belcher, Buzz Belcher, Gary Fredericks, Mario Hernandez,
  Zakkary Foster, Todd N. Sterner, Jason Eichenlaub, Ryan Lofft, Bryce Beahm and Allyson Kaper.

 MOTHER’S DAY CARDS have been placed in the
                                                                                        The Pilgrim Statues
 pews, in the Gathering Space and in the parish                                         of Mary will be in the
 office. Write your intentions on the envelope                                          homes of Maria Salas
 provided and either mail or bring to the parish                                        and Charlie Miller be-
 office. Your intentions will be placed on the altar                                    ginnin0g May 8th.
 on Mother’s Day and throughout the month of
ST. JANE FRANCES de CHANTAL CHURCH                               MAY 5, 2019

                                        MOTHER’S DAY FLOWERS TO BENEFIT
                                      PENNSYLVANIANS FOR HUMAN LIFE (PHL)
                 On Mother’s Day weekend, May 11-12th, 2019 after all Masses, Pennsylvanians for
                 Human Life will hold their Annual Flower Sale. Red Roses ($2) will be available for
                 purchase in the Gathering Space. PHL, in its dedication to protect and defend all
                 human life, to honor motherhood and fatherhood, seniors and disabled persons,
                 seeks to educate the public about Right to Life issues and strongly advocates for
                 them with our elected representatives. This flower sale represents their ONLY
                 fundraising effort for the year. These beautiful long-stemmed Roses for Mom have
been growing in popularity over recent years as an expression of love and gratitude for all our
Moms. May all St. Jane’s Moms have a blessed and joyful day, as together we celebrate God’s great
gift of human life!

           READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                         “A thousand years of enjoying
                                                                         human glory is not worth even an
 Sunday: Acts 5:27-32, 40-41, Rv 5:11-14, Jn                             hour spent sweetly communing
 21:1-19                                                                 with Jesus in the Blessed Sacra-
                                                                         ment.” St. Padre Pio
 Monday: Acts 6:8-15, Jn 6:22-29
                                                                           St. Jane’s Church is blessed to
 Tuesday: Acts 7:51—8:1, Jn 6:30-35                                        have Eucharistic Adoration
                                                     Tuesdays following the 8:15 a.m. Holy Mass and end-
 Wednesday: Acts 8:1-8, Jn 6:35-40                   ing at 9:00 p.m. with Benediction. Divine Mercy is
                                                     prayed at 3:00 p.m. The Most Holy Rosary is prayed
 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40, Jn 6:44-51                  at 7:30 p.m. for all priests, sisters, seminarians and
                                                     for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life,
                                                     and also on special Feast Days in honor of Our Lord.
 Friday: Acts 9:1-20, Jn 6:52-59
                                                     First Friday’s—following the 8:15 a.m. Holy Mass
 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42, Jn 6:60-69
                                                     and ending at 10:00 p.m. with Benediction.
                                                     Divine Mercy is prayed at 3:00 p.m.
 Sunday: Acts 13:14,43-52, Rv 7:9, 14-17, Jn
                                                     The people selling gift certificates on the
                   SR. HIGH YOUTH                    weekend of May 11th & 12th are:
                   GROUP: The next meet-
                   ing of the Sr. High Youth          5:00 p.m. Sarah Mattes & Beth Grandinetti
                   Group will be THIS SUN-            7:30 a.m. Frank & Rosemary Azzalina
                   DAY in the Msgr. Gobitas           9:00 a.m. Lena Labombarda
                   Meeting Room from 7:00            10:30 a.m. Jim & Brenda Weppel
                   -8:30 p.m. Plan to come           12:00 N    Angela Gramlich
                   and join us!
                                                                         ST. VINCENT DE PAUL
The people counting the Sunday collection on                             SOCIETY: Thank you—you are
May 12th are: Dan Kennedy, Ron and Margaret                              performing a good work; far greater
                                                                         than you may think. Your contribu-
Blischok and Rita Tomaino.                                               tions to the Charitable Boxes are
                                                                         truly appreciated by those in need.
                                                                         For emergency assistance call
PROJECT RACHEL HOTLINE: For infor-                                       610-428-4230.
mation and compassionate post-abortion
counseling and reconciliation:                          Sunday collection 4/21/19, $28,426.00
ST. JANE FRANCES de CHANTAL CHURCH                               MAY 5, 2019

Gift Card                    Denominations
                                                      DIOCESE OF ALLENTOWN
American Eagle               $25.00
Applebee’s                   $25.00                    MARK YOUR CALENDAR
Barnes & Noble               $10.00           Fr. James Blount, Spiritual Director,
Bath & Body Works            $10.00           Confessor, and Charismatic is set to be at St.
Bed, Bath & Beyond           $25.00           Thomas More church, 1040 Flexer Ave., Allen-
Best Buy                     $25.00/$100.00   town on Thursday, May 16. A Healing Mass will
Boscov’s                     $10.00/$25.00    start at 6 p.m. Fr. Blount is a spiritual Advisor to
                             $50.00           the Flame of Love Movement of the Immaculate
Burlington                   $25.00
                                              Heart of Mary in the United States. His teachings
CVS                          $25.00
Dick’s Sporting Goods        $25.00
                                              depict his deep love for the Eucharist and his de-
Gap-Banana Republic-Old Navy $25.00           votion to both Jesus and Mary.
Giant                        $10.00/$20.00/
                             $25.00/$50.00    ICF 106 - The Church. The Church is the place of
Home Depot                   $25.00/$100.00   encounter between God and His people on earth. This
ITunes                       $15.00           course will provide a brief overview of the origins of the
Kohl’s                       $10.00/$25.00    Church; Her identity as One, Holy Catholic and Apos-
                             $50.00           tolic; and what it means to be "the Body of Christ" on
L.L. Bean                    $25.00           earth. This course will be presented by Cassie
Lowe’s                       $25.00/$100.00   Boccardi and is scheduled from 7:00 PM-9:00 PM, on
Macy’s                       $25.00           Thursdays, May 2, 9, 16 & 23, 2019 at St. Francis
Marblehead Chowder House     $25.00           Center for Renewal, Bethlehem. Cost: $30. Register
McDonald’s                   $10.00           at
Michael’s                    $25.00            *ICF Courses are meant for any adult Catholic looking
Olive Garden/Longhorn        $25.00           to grow deeper and learn more about the Faith. There
Outback                      $25.00           are no prerequisites for these courses.*
Panera Bread                 $10:00
Payless                      $20.00           Financial and Estate Planning for Women:
Pier I                       $25.00           When you think about the life you want and deserve for
Red Lobster                  $25.00           your family does it seem overwhelming to create a fi-
Redner’s                     $25.00/$50.00    nancial plan that takes all of your future expenses into
Red Robin                     $25.00          account? Are you feeling unprepared to make im-
Regal Cimema                  $25.00          portant financial decisions? Then please join us May
Ruby Tuesday                 $25.00           16th at DeSales University Center from 6:00 to 8:00 pm
ShopRite                      $10.00/$20.00   for a complementary information presentation in which
                              $50.00          our panel of female financial and estate planning ex-
Staples                       $25.00          perts, may have answers you need to make smart deci-
Starbucks                     $10.00          sions about your financial future. Small plates and
Texas Roadhouse               $25.00          sweets will be served. Please RSVP by May 9th to
TGI Fridays                   $25.00          Ginny Downey at (610) 871-5200 ext. 2244
TJ Maxx/Marshalls             $25.00
Valley Farms                  $25.00/$50.00
Walgreen’s Pharmacy           $25.00           Please join the Helpers of God's Precious Infants for
Weis                          $10.00/$20.00   a prayer pilgrimage for the unborn and all those involved
                              $25.00/$50.00   in aborƟon. The pilgrimage begins with Mass on Satur-
Wegman’s                      $25.00/$50.00   day, May 11th at 8:00 AM at Notre Dame Church of Beth-
                              $100.00         lehem 1861 Catasauqua Road and conƟnues with The
                                              Rosary at the aborƟon facility located at 31 South Com-
REMEMBER, ST. JANE’S RECEIVES A PERCENT-      merce Way in the Bethlehem Industrial Park. Be part of
AGE OF EVERY GIFT CERTIFICATE SOLD. THANK     the call to bring God's everlasƟng, uncondiƟonal
YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!                        love to those involved in aborƟon that their hearts may be
                                              converted and receive God's giŌ of life with joy.
You can also read