February 16, 2020 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...

Page created by Gary Armstrong
February 16, 2020 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
Cathedral of Saint Mary of    Sacred Heart Church
The Immaculate Conception     and combined Parish Office
607 NE Madison Ave.           504 Fulton Street, 61602
St. Bernard Church            St. Joseph Church/Sophia’s Kitchen
511 E. Kansas St., 61603      103 S. Richard Pryor Place

                    February 16, 2020 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
February 16, 2020 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
Saint Bernard News                                                        Sacred Heart & St. Joseph
PLEASE NOTE There will be a 5:30 pm Mass on                                                     News
Saturday, February 22nd at St. Bernard prior to the
Mardi Gras celebration.
                                                                                    Sacred Heart & St. Joseph Parish Support
                FISH FRY WINNER Mike Caughey won                                    February 9, 2020
                the 50/50 drawing of $48.00 at the                                  Sunday Income    $2,556.00
                February 7th fish fry. Congratulations!                             Sophia’s Kitchen $ 682.00
                The next fish fry is February 28, 2020.                             Total            $3,238.00
Come and join us for some great catfish, shrimp or
baked and fried cod!                                                                     ADA GOAL………………………….. $77,846.00
St. Bernard Parish Support                                                              ACTUAL RECEIVED TO DATE ….. $47,157.28
February 9, 2020
Sunday Income (27) ............................................. $1,087
Building and Grounds (2) .................................... $ 45                                  Parish News
Seton Education Fund (1)………………………………$ 75
                                                                                    ON THE COVER The ceiling of St. Mary’s Cathedral.
      ADA GOAL………………………….. $25,058                                                  ST. BERNARD’S PRAYER GROUP meets every Saturday
      PLEDGED………………………......….$18,010                                               from 9:00-10:00 AM at St Bernard’s. Please come and
      ACTUAL RECEIVED TO DATE ….. $17,620                                           join us.

                                                                                    RCIA CLASSES are held at Fr. ClaIr Hall at Sacred Heart
 Saint Mary’s Cathedral News                                                        Church on Saturdays - Coffee and Donuts 9-9:15, Class
                                                                                    9:15-10:30. The topic for Saturday, February 22nd is
THE SECOND COLLECTION next Sunday will be for the                                   “Celebrating Lent”.
poor and needy of our community.
                                                                                                       MARDI GRAS The Heart of Peoria
St. Mary Parish Support                                                                                Catholic Community Mardi Gras
February 9, 2020                                                                                       will be Saturday, February 22nd
Envelopes (31) .............................................. $ 790.05                                 at the St. Bernard School Gym,
Loose ............................................................ $ 594.08                            512 E. Kansas, after the 5:30 pm
Total ................................................................. $1,384.08    Mass until 8:30 pm. This is a fun event with a
Education of the Young……………………………..$ 208.00
                                                                                     children's parade with the priests, finger foods and
                                                                                     music. There will also be face painting and games.
     ADA GOAL………………….……….. $21,348.00
                                                                                     Come and celebrate Mardi Gras before the solemn
                                                                                     season of Lent begins. Children are welcome, but
     ACTUAL RECEIVED TO DATE ….. $20,162.51
                                                                                     must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian
                                                                                     for safety and insurance reasons. Hope to see you
    ADA 2019 All payments for the 2019 ADA must be to                                there!
    the diocese by February 28, 2020. As you can see,
    none of our parishes have met their goals. Any                                   HELP NEEDED If anyone would be available to help
    amount you can give to help us reach these goals is                              set up for the Mardi Gras, please come to the
    appreciated.                                                                     school gym at 11:00 am on February 22nd.

2                                    Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
February 16, 2020 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
Sophia’s Kitchen News                                       Ash Wednesday &
                                                                     Sacred Liturgy
January usually brings quiet days at Sophia's Kitchen,
but last month we served 7,469 meals. That's almost               ASH WEDNESDAY MASS SCHEDULE
twice as many as January 2019. We pray today for                  WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2020
enough funding to be able to keep up. Could you help us
with this extra need?                                                        ST. BERNARD
                                                                               8:45 A.M.
                            The       St.    Mark's
                            kindergarten, 1st and 2nd                   ST. MARY’S CATHEDRAL
                            grade students brought               7:00 A.M. - ST. THOMAS MORE CHAPEL
                            Sophia's Kitchen the most                    7:15 P.M. - SPANISH
                            adorable donation! They've
                            decorated the toilet paper                       SACRED HEART
                            and paper towels to look                            7:30 A.M.
                            like snowmen - just in time     11:00 A.M. - Scripture Service w/ashes-No Mass
                            for our snowy weather!                             12:05 P.M.
                            Thank you for brightening        Confessions heard all day at Sacred Heart from
                            our day!!                                           8am-5pm

                                                                              ST. JOSEPH
                         Some of our guests have                               6:00 P.M.
                         amazing talent at the piano.
                         They love being able to sit and
                         play, and it is a joy to hear     Understanding the Sacred Liturgy
                         them. The piano, however, is
                                                           7:00pm Mondays
                         badly in need of tuning and a
                                                           Sacred Heart, Fr Clair Hall,
                         minor repair. Do you know a
                         piano tuner who is willing to     504 Fulton St., Peoria, IL
                         donate their time? Have them      March 2 - Where Heaven Embraces
                         call 309-655-1578 or email        Earth: The Structure of the Liturgy
                         soupkitchen2010@gmail.com         and its space
                                                           March 9 - In the beginning was the
                                                           Word: The Liturgy of the Word
THE NEXT PET FOOD PANTRY is February 20th. We're
                                                           March 16 - Et incarnatus est:
happy to accept any dog and cat food, as well as
litter. Donations may be dropped off at Sacred Heart
                                                           The Eucharistic Prayers
Church after Masses or during the week, or Sophia's        March 23 - Take and Eat:
Kitchen, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 3 pm.          The Communion Rite
                                                           March 30: Ite Missa Est:
                                                           Catholic Life as liturgy

                                                           No registration needed, you may
                                                           attend one or all of the sessions.

                         Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                                    3
February 16, 2020 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
Community & Area News
Challenge yourself this Lent with a set of “Lenten                              NEEDHAM on Saturday, February 22,
Exercises for Men”. Check in the back of our churches                           2020 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. St.
for a list with a description of these exercises.                               Philomena Parish Center, 1000 W.
                                                                                Albany, Peoria. Kelly was a Peoria
                   Want to place a message atop a page
                                                                                native, parishioner of St. Philomena
                   of our diocesan newspaper, The
                                                                                Church and Peoria Notre
                   Catholic Post? Your special message
                                                                                Dame graduate. While attending the
                   will be seen in 10,000 Catholic
                                                             University of Missouri (Mizzou), he was a regular blood
                   households!       Through a page
                                                             donor. He believed in helping others and donated blood
                   sponsorship, you may memorialize a
                                                             five times during his lifetime. In August 2012, at just 21
                   deceased loved one, give thanks for
                                                             years old, Kelly was involved in a tragic car accident that
                   blessings such as a new grandchild or
                                                             took his life. Please give blood in Kelly’s memory to help
a marriage anniversary, etc. A page sponsorship of $100
                                                             keep his lifesaving spirit going. To sign up, go to
is one suggested level of giving in The Catholic Post’s
                                                             www.redcrossblood.org and enter the sponsor code
subscription drive now under way. Contribute instantly
                                                             STPHILS or contact the parish office at 309-682-8642.
via credit or debit card anytime online at
thecatholicpost.com or by calling 1-800-340-5630
during business hours. You may also send a check to The
Catholic Post, PO Box 1722, Peoria, IL 61656. The
regular subscription rate remains at $30.

THE NEXT MEMORIAL MASS at Resurrection Mausoleum
(representing the families of the Resurrection Cemetery
& Mausoleum, St. Mary’s and St. Joseph Cemeteries in
West Peoria) will be on Saturday, February 22, 2020 at
9:30 am and will celebrated by Msgr. Charles Beebe.                     Come to: Avanti’s Ristorante
                                                                               ALL Peoria Locations
    Dear Parishioners,
                                                                    On: Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020
    FATIMA – LOURDES TRIP: During these
    wintery days of February and March, you are invited
    to join Msgr. Paul Showalter, Vicar General Emeritus
                                                                Present this coupon to the cashier upon
    on a pilgrimage to Spain, featuring Fatima, Lourdes             payment for tracking purposes
    and Barcelona October 13-23, 2020. October is the           and 15% of proceeds will go to support:
    month of Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary and we will
    be visiting some of the most sacred shrines and
                                                                         Sisters of St Francis
    places of prayer and devotion in Europe. There is a             of the Immaculate Conception
    wealth of history to be seen and felt in the places we            On Dine-In or Carry Out orders
    will be visiting. There will be daily Mass as well as
    time to relax and enjoy the true experience of
                                                                  Tax, gratuity and alcohol sales are not
    Portugal, France and Spain. I look forward to                          included in donation
    sharing the experience with you. For a brochure, or
    more information, contact Karen Small at (309) 677-
    7001 or by email at ksmall@cdop.org.

4                           Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
February 16, 2020 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
Gospel Meditation                                                 Health News
GOSPEL MEDITATION - ENCOURAGE DEEPER                        Cholesterol 101: An introduction
UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE                                  So, what is cholesterol? What does it do?
                                                            Cholesterol is a waxy substance. It’s not inherently
February 16th, 2020                                         “bad.” In fact, your body needs it to build cells. But too
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                 much cholesterol can pose a problem.
                                                            Cholesterol comes from two sources. Your liver makes
People are not property. We cannot exchange them at         all the cholesterol you need. The remainder of the
will or simply use them for our own designs and             cholesterol in your body comes from foods derived from
purposes. What does the word “commitment” mean to           animals. For example, meat, poultry and full-fat dairy
you? We can begin to understand its meaning by looking      products all contain cholesterol, called dietary
at some synonyms: dedication, devotion, allegiance,         cholesterol.
loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, and bond. Commitment is
primarily about relationship, and Jesus is all about        Those same foods are high in saturated and trans fats.
relationships. How our lives affect others, how we treat    Those fats cause your liver to make more cholesterol
our brothers and sisters, how we resolve conflict, and      than it otherwise would. For some people, this added
how we view the vows of marriage. Jesus’ teachings on       production means they go from a normal cholesterol
obeying the commandments, murder, reconciliation,           level to one that’s unhealthy.
marriage, divorce, and adultery all stem from the           Some tropical oils – such as palm oil, palm kernel oil
sacredness of commitment. All of this has a God             and coconut oil – can also trigger your liver to make
connection.                                                 more cholesterol. These oils are often found in baked
We can easily see one another as interchangeable and        Why cholesterol matters
dispensable. We treat so much of our lives this way.        Cholesterol circulates in the blood. As the amount of
What works today may not be what I want tomorrow. We        cholesterol in your blood increases, so does the risk to
search and search for the right thing only to find our      your health. That’s why it’s important to have your
hearts still restless in the end. Is real happiness         cholesterol tested, so you can know your levels.
achievable this side of the grave? Sometimes we expect      There are two types of cholesterol: LDL cholesterol,
too much out of others and want our relationships to fill   which is bad, and HDL, which is good. Too much of the
a hole that we must figure out how to fill ourselves. Any   bad kind, or not enough of the good kind, increases the
seasoned married couple will tell you that their love for   risk that cholesterol will slowly build up in the inner walls
one another changes as time passes. Even though the         of the arteries that feed the heart and brain.
understanding of romance changes as life changes, the
                                                            Cholesterol can join with other substances to form a
dedication, devotion, allegiance, loyalty, faithfulness,
                                                            thick, hard deposit on the inside of the arteries. This can
and fidelity all remain and even deepen.
                                                            narrow the arteries and make them less flexible – a
                                                            condition known as atherosclerosis. If a blood clot forms
Some relationships can be hurtful, and God does not
                                                            and blocks one of these narrowed arteries, a heart
want us to live with abuse or pain. Also, how a
                                                            attack or stroke can result.
relationship develops is sometimes out of our control,
                                                            When it comes to cholesterol, this is what to remember:
and we become the victim of someone else’s decision.
                                                            check, change and control. That is:
But we can’t be self-focused in our relationships and see
them exclusively as self-fulfilling ends. We are            · Check your cholesterol levels. It’s key to know your
companions on life’s journey with varying depths of         numbers.
relationships being enjoyed by all who are with us along    · Change your diet and lifestyle to help improve your
the way. We have the freedom to choose. God asks us to      levels.
do so wisely, with right judgment and thinking.             · Control your cholesterol, with help from your
                                                            doctor if needed
                                                            High cholesterol is one of the major controllable risk
                                                            factors for coronary heart disease, heart attack and
                                     MONDAY,                stroke. If you have other risk factors such
                                  FEBRUARY 17TH             as smoking, high blood pressure or diabetes, your risk
                                                            increases even more.
                                                            Reference: https://www.heart.org/

                          Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                                           5
February 16, 2020 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Parishes ...
16 de Febrero 2020 VI Domingo Tiempo Ordinario

    Evangelio de San Mateo (5, 17-37)
En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: “No crean que he
venido a abolir la ley o los profetas; no he venido a abolirlos, sino a
darles plenitud. Yo les aseguro que antes se acabarán el cielo y la
tierra, que deje de cumplirse hasta la más pequeña letra o coma de
la ley. Por lo tanto, el que quebrante uno de estos preceptos
menores y enseñe eso a los hombres, será el menor en el Reino de
los cielos; pero el que los cumpla y los enseñe, será grande en el
Reino de los cielos. Les aseguro que si su justicia no es mayor que la
de los escribas y fariseos, ciertamente no entrarán ustedes en el
Reino de los cielos.

Han oído que se dijo a los antiguos: No matarás y el que mate será
llevado ante el tribunal. Pero yo les digo: Todo el que se enoje con su
hermano, será llevado también ante el tribunal; el que insulte a su       Las lecturas de hoy, sobre todo el Evangelio,
hermano, será llevado ante el tribunal supremo, y el que lo               nos sitúan frente a lo más básico de la ley. En
desprecie, será llevado al fuego del lugar de castigo.                    realidad la ley no es más que una andadera,
                                                                          un taca-taca, como los que usan a veces los
Por lo tanto, si cuando vas a poner tu ofrenda sobre el altar, te         ancianos. Ayuda a caminar pero la persona es
acuerdas allí mismo de que tu hermano tiene alguna queja contra ti,       la que tiene que decidir hacia dónde quiere
deja tu ofrenda junto al altar y ve primero a reconciliarte con tu        dirigirse. No se trata de hacer esto o de no
hermano, y vuelve luego a presentar tu ofrenda. Arréglate pronto con      hacer lo otro simplemente porque está
tu adversario, mientras vas con él por el camino; no sea que te           prohibido o porque la ley dice que se haga.
entregue al juez, el juez al policía y te metan a la cárcel. Te aseguro   Hay que levantar los ojos más allá de la letra
que no saldrás de allí hasta que hayas pagado el último centavo.          de la ley y, como dice la primera lectura del
                                                                          libro del Eclesiástico, darnos cuenta de que lo
También han oído que se dijo a los antiguos: No cometerás adulterio.      que tenemos delante es la decisión básica
Pero yo les digo que quien mire con malos deseos a una mujer, ya          por la muerte o la vida: “ante ti están puestos
cometió adulterio con ella en su corazón. Por eso, si tu ojo derecho      fuego y agua, echa mano de lo que quieras”.
es para ti ocasión de pecado, arráncatelo y tíralo lejos, porque más      En el fondo, somos libres para tomar nuestras
te vale perder una parte de tu cuerpo y no que todo él sea arrojado al    propias decisiones. Y en nuestras decisiones
lugar de castigo. Y si tu mano derecha es para ti ocasión de pecado,      nos jugamos cómo queremos vivir. Si
córtatela y arrójala lejos de ti, porque más te vale perder una parte     queremos vivir para la vida o si queremos
de tu cuerpo y no que todo él sea arrojado al lugar de castigo.           vivir como muertos. Si queremos vivir en el
                                                                          amor, la fraternidad, la familia de los hijos de
También se dijo antes: El que se divorcie, que le dé a su mujer un        Dios o si queremos vivir en la muerte del
certificado de divorcio; pero yo les digo que el que se divorcia, salvo   aislamiento, el egoísmo... Esa decisión es
el caso de que vivan en unión ilegítima, expone a su mujer al             nuestra y la vamos haciendo realidad en
adulterio, y el que se casa con una divorciada comete adulterio.          nuestra vida. Cada vez que ayudamos al
                                                                          hermano necesitado o luchamos por
Han oído que se dijo a los antiguos: No jurarás en falso y le             establecer la justicia, estamos optando por la
cumplirás al Señor lo que le hayas prometido con juramento. Pero yo       vida. Cada vez que pensamos que no hay
les digo: No juren de ninguna manera, ni por el cielo, que es el trono    razón para preocuparse de los demás, que
de Dios; ni por la tierra, porque es donde él pone los pies; ni por       cada uno en su casa y que ocupado en mis
Jerusalén, que es la ciudad del gran Rey.                                 cosas se vive mejor, estamos optando por la
                                                                          muerte. Nos morimos porque nos cerramos a
Tampoco jures por tu cabeza, porque no puedes hacer blanco o              la fraternidad, al amor y, por tanto, a Dios.
negro uno solo de tus cabellos. Digan simplemente sí, cuando es sí; y
no, cuando es no. Lo que se diga de más, viene del maligno’’.             Fernando Torres cmf

6                         Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
 Mardi Gras en el gimnasio de San Bernardo                           ESCUCHAR
       Fecha: Sábado 22 de Febrero de 2020
                                                                     Aquél que sabe
              Hora: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM                                reconocer las palabras
Todos pueden unirse al gimnasio St. Bernard Gym para la              del corazón de quien
                                                                     escucha, ése sabe
  Fiesta anual de Mardi Gras. Habrá comida, juegos y
                       diversión                                     escuchar
                para todos en la familia.
                                                                     ¿Alguna vez has escuchado, con atención,
                                                                     hablar a una persona?, ¿alguna vez has
                                                                     asistido a una plática, conferencia, charla?
                                                                     No vayamos lejos, ¿alguna vez has
                                                                     escuchado una homilía o un sermón?
                                                                     Cuando percibes las palabras y las ideas
                                                                     que se presentan, ¿cómo las recibes?,
                                                                     ¿cómo las escuchas?

                                                                     Existen dos modos de escuchar. Solo uno
                                  Febrero 1, 2020 en la Catedral     de ellos es verdadero. Solo uno de ellos es
                                  Celebración de la Quinceañera      propio del hombre. Antes de referirnos a
                                        Johanna Méndez               ellos encontramos primero lo que es tan
                                                                     solo "oír". Consiste en nada menos que en
                                              Hija de                recibir sonidos. Después encontramos el
                                          Maricela Rico              primer modo de escucha. Éste sabe
                                                                     decodificar informaciones. Recibe las ideas
                                                                     y las organiza. Comprende el mensaje
                                                                     mismo. Al final encontramos, sin embargo,
                                                                     el único modo real: es aquél que recibe
                                                                     todo lo que escucha no solo como simples
                                                                     sonidos, pero tampoco ni siquiera como
                                                                     meras informaciones, sino sobre todo
                                                                     como aquello que podría llamarse la
                                   !Nos vemos en la Escuela de       palabra de un corazón.
                                            Dirigentes !             Aquél que sabe reconocer las palabras del
                                             Marzo 01                corazón de quien escucha, ése sabe
                                    En el salón del templo del       verdaderamente escuchar. Aquél que sabe
                                                                     reconocer las palabras del corazón, puede
                                        Sagrado Corazón              identificar al que tan solo emite solo ideas,
                                    No Faltes de Esperamos .         pero también al que transmite todo su ser
                                     !Cristo Cuenta Contigo!         por la palabra.

                                                                     Quizás si el gentío hubiese buscado mirar
    !Ven a vivir un cursillo de       Para mayor Información         más allá de las ideas, quizá si los apóstoles
    Cristiandad.!                            Comunícate,             hubiesen mirado más allá de las doctrinas,
Diócesis de Peoria IL                       563 5053972              quizá si yo mismo buscara mirar más allá
                                                                     de las palabras para tocar el corazón,
                                                   O al              entonces quizás la parábola cesaría de ser
                                              630 4002729            parábola para pasar a ser vida.
  Para Mujeres                          O con nuestro Secretariado
           Del                            217 751 25 80              Por: Iván Yoed González Aréchiga L.C. |
                                         !No dejes pasar             Fuente: Catholic.net
 26 al 29 de Marzo, 2020
                                        esta oportunidad !

                        Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                                       7
Alma de Cristo                 CLASES DE BIBLIA           Grupo de Oración “San Juan Pablo II”
     Alma de Cristo, santifícame.         Te invitamos a participar
     Cuerpo de Cristo, sálvame.            en las clases de Biblia.                   “El hombre no pue-
   Sangre de Cristo, embriágame.           El Jueves 20 de Febrero                    de vivir sin amor. ...
 Agua del costado de Cristo, lávame.                 2020                                 (Sn.Juan Pablo II)
    Pasión de Cristo, confórtame.           de 6:30 pm a 8:00 pm                          Te invitamos
       ¡Oh, buen Jesús!, óyeme.             ( Te avisaremos de el                     este Jueves, 13 de
  Dentro de tus llagas, escóndeme.          lugar )    Necesitas:
  No permitas que me aparte de Ti.                                                     febrero de 2020
 Del maligno enemigo, defiéndeme.                                               a las 6:30pm
                                          Disponibilidad, Lápiz y
 En la hora de mi muerte, llámame.                                        en el Templo de San José.
          Y mándame ir a Ti.                                               103 S Richard Pryor Pl,
  Para que con tus santos te alabe.           Ven, te esperamos!
                                                                               Peoria, IL 61605
  Por los siglos de los siglos. Amen                                     NOTA: Habrá cuidado de niños
                         Teresa de Lisieux
                  (oración por las vocaciones)                             El viernes tenemos
 Santa Teresa, respondiste a la llamada del Señor a ser Amor en        la Santa Misa a las 8:30
  el corazón de la Iglesia por entrar en el Carmelo y vivir la vida   seguida de la Exposición del
  oculta de la oración contemplativa, el ayuno, y la ofrenda de sí    Santísimo hasta las 5:00pm
 misma para la misión de la Iglesia y la salvación de las almas.      en la Capilla de la Catedral.
     A través de tu intercesión, pedimos se atiendan nuestras
   oraciones por un aumento de vocaciones al sacerdocio y a la
  vida consagrada en nuestra Diócesis. Suplica al Señor que nos
     envíe obreros que sean discípulos verdaderos del Señor,
    fieles al servicio de su Iglesia, la búsqueda de la santidad ;
y siempre dispuestos a poner las necesidades de otros antes que
      sus propias. Especialmente, pide a Jesús nos envíe una
 abundancia de sacerdotes según el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.
                  Santa Teresa, Patrona de las
               vocaciones, Ruega por nosotros!

         Registración y
       platicas para
          bautismo           “A veces, la única forma en que el
     Comunícate con :       buen Señor puede entrar en algunos
        Hna. Victoria
         Rodriguez             corazones es rompiéndolos.“
     (309) 868 2612 y/o
     309 671 1550 EXT.               Fulton J. Sheen

 8                        Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
SERVIDORES MISA DE FEBRERO 7:30 AM (SJ)                     Misa diaria en catedral
BIENVENIDA                                        Lunes, Martes, Miércoles y viernes.
16 Paty Garcia                                    La misa del jueves seguirá en la capilla del convento.
23 Victoria Ochoa                                 Únase a nosotros en la Catedral mientras celebramos
                                                  la fuente y la cumbre de nuestra fe.
                                                  Horario diario de misas:
16 Guillermo Rolón; Alfredo Zavala
23 Araceli Osegueda ; Marlene Montellano          Catedral
                                                  7am Lunes, Martes y Miércoles y Viernes (Ingles)
OFRENDAS                                          8: 30am Viernes (español); Adoración 9a-5pm
16 Pedro y Juanita Rodriguez
                                                  Sagrado Corazón: 12: 05p Lunes a Viernes
23 Oscar y Paty Garcia
                                                  (Confesiones a las 11: 15a); 7: 30a Sábado
HOSPITALIDAD                                      (Confesiones a las 7a)
16 Miguel y Luz Álvarez                           San José: 7: 30am Lunes y 7:00pm los primeros vier-
23 Víctor y Elvira Juan                           nes
MINISTROS DE COMUNION                             San Bernardo: 8: 45am Miércoles
16 María Mateo ; Roberto y Sara Quintero          Sábado:
                                                   7:30 a.m. Sagrado Corazón (7am Confesiones)
                                                   16:00. San José (2:45 pm Confesiones)\
SERVIDORES MISA DE FEBRERO 12:15 P.M. (SM)         Domingo
BIENVENIDA                                         7:30 a.m. San José (español)
16 Erika Flores                                    8:30 a.m., San Bernardo
23 Lupita Ramirez                                  10:00 a.m. Sagrado Corazón
LECTORES                                           10:30 a.m. Catedral de Santa María
16 Carlos y María Hernandez .                      12:15 a.m. Catedral de Santa María (español)
23 Marina Fernández ; Ma. De Jesús Vargas

16 Alfredo y Juana Garcia
23 Blanca y Teresa Brown

16Marco y Naty Buenrostro,
                                                        Nadie tiene amor
   Jorge y Maricarmen Martínez
23 Rosy Vázquez, Silvia López,
                                                       más grande que el
   Arturo y Carla Vargas
                                                       dar la vida por sus
16 Severo y Juana Vargas                                     amigos
   Esteban y Melania Ceron

             Intenciones para Misa
7:30 am (SJ) † María de Jesús Elizondo                                                Juan 15:13
12:15am † (SM) Marion Howarth, Juliana

                          Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                            9
Liturgical Schedules and Staff Information
          Saint Bernard • Saint Mary                              Heart of Peoria Community Staff
           Sacred Heart ● St. Joseph                       Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, Bishop of Peoria
Lectors                                                    Monsignor Paul Showalter, PA, In residence-St. Bernard
Saturday, February 22, 2020                                Fr. Alexander Millar, Rector/Pastor
(SJ)     4:00 pm      Theresa Davis                        Fr. Jim Pankiewicz, Parochial Vicar
Sunday, February 23, 2020
                                                           Toby Tyler Deacon
(SB)     8:30 am      Allie Redington
(SH)    10:00 am      Bob Meyer                            Jenny Caughey, St. Mary’s Cathedral/St. Bernard /
(SM)    10:30 am      Mario Gonzalez & Michael                          Sacred Heart/St. Joseph Secretary
                       Berlinger                           Claire Crone, Director Sophia’s Kitchen
 Ministers of Holy Communion                               Jo Ellen Lohnes, Sacred Heart/St. Joseph
Saturday, February 22, 2020                                       Finance Office
(SJ)       4:00 pm   Ed Bush & Margie Barnes
                                                           Matt Meads, Youth Director
Sunday, February 23, 2020
(SB)       8:30 am   Tony & Anne Ripp, Tom                 Sr. Vicky, Hispanic Community
                     Eertmoed                              Julie Enzenberger, Consecrated Virgin
(SH)     10:00 am    Kim Hicks, Matthew Walters,           Weddings
                     David Rupert                          Contact our wedding coordinator at least six months
Altar Servers                                              before desired date.
(SB)       8:30 am   Brendan Pesely & James Smith          Georgette Williams
           St. Bernard (SB) • St. Joseph (SJ)
           Sacred Heart (SH) • St. Mary (SM)               Baptisms
                                                           Contact parish office for formation programs and
                                                           Knights of Columbus
                                                           Clinton Coulter-Grand Knight
 Readings for the Week of February 16, 2020
Sunday: Sir 15:15-20/Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34                      Office phone number:
[1b]/1 Cor 2:6-10/Mt 5:17-37 or 5:20-22a, 27-28, 33-                309-673-6317, fax 309-673-6330
34a, 37                                                        Emergency after hours contact number:
Monday: Jas 1:1-11/Ps 119:67, 68, 71, 72, 75, 76
[77a]/Mk 8:11-13                                                             673-6317, Ext. 0
Tuesday: Jas 1:12-18/Ps 94:12-13a, 14-15, 18-19             For email addresses and complete staff listing,
[12a]/Mk 8:14-21                                                 please visit www.CatholicPeoria.com
Wednesday: Jas 1:19-27/Ps 15:2-3a, 3bc-4ab, 5 [1b]/
Mk 8:22-26                                                                    Prayer Chain
Thursday: Jas 2:1-9/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [7a]/Mk 8:27-33                   mcm86@mtco.com or
Friday: Jas 2:14-24, 26/Ps 112:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [cf. 1b]/Mk          309-685-9103 (home), 648-0229 (cell)
Saturday: 1 Pt 5:1-4/Ps 23:1-3a, 4, 5, 6 [1]/Mt 16:13-
Next Sunday: Lv 19:1-2, 17-18/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8, 10,
12-13 [8a]/1 Cor 3:16-23/Mt 5:38-48

10                       Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
Mass Intentions
                     Saint Mary                                                Sacred Heart
Sunday, February 16, 2020                                   Sunday, February 16, 2020
   10:30 am †      Fr. Raymond Lukoskie              (SM)        10:00 am †        Larry Stump
   12:15 pm †      Marion Howarth & Luis             (SM)   Monday, February 17, 2020
                   Mercado                                       12:05 pm †        Hazel & Bernard Trinder
Monday, February 17, 2020                                   Tuesday, February 18, 2020
    7:00 am †      All Souls                         (SM)        12:05 pm †        Tom Kujawa
Tuesday, February 18, 2020                                  Wednesday, February 19, 2020
    7:00 am †      Maria Ngo Thi Phuong              (SM)
                                                                 12:05 pm †        Gladys Powell
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
                                                            Thursday, February 20, 2020
    7:00 am †      Marion & Nora Johnson             (SM)
                                                                 12:05 pm †        Hanna Samara
Thursday, February 20, 2020
                                                            Friday, February 21, 2020
    7:00 am †      Amelia Wolf                       (MC)
Friday, February 21, 2020                                        12:05 pm †        Deceased Members of the
    7:00 am        Madison Vanskike                  (SM)                          George Damm Family
    8:30 am         Spanish Mass                     (SM)   Saturday, February 22, 2020
Sunday, February 23, 2020                                          7:30 am         Franciscan Sisters of John the
   10:30 am †      Joseph Kavelman                   (SM)                          Baptist
   12:15 pm        All Parishioners                  (SM)   Sunday, February 23, 2020
                                                                 10:00 am †        Deceased Members of the
      Missionaries of Charity (MC) • St. Mary (SM)                                 Capranica, Behme & Thomas

                   Saint Bernard
Sunday, February 16, 2020
                                                                               Saint Joseph
       8:30 am †       Ed McGraw, Sr.
                                                            Saturday (vigil), February 15, 2020
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
                                                                  4:00 pm           All Parishioners
       8:45 am †       Jack & Jane Donnelly
                                                            Sunday, February 16, 2020
Saturday, February 22, 2020
                                                                  7:30 am †         Maria de Jesus Elizondo
       5:30 pm         Judy Stickelmaier
                                                            Monday, February 17, 2020
Sunday, February 23, 2020
                                                                  7:30 am †         Hanna Samara
       8:30 am †       Ronald Meindl
                                                            Saturday (vigil), February 22, 2020
                                                                  4:00 pm †         Jesse & Mary Flores
                                                            Sunday, February 23, 2020
                                                                  7:30 am           Birthday of Lizbeth Guadarrama
 Special Days for the Week of February 16, 2020
Sunday: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday: The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order;
Presidents’ Day
Friday: St. Peter Damian, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
Saturday: The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle
Next Sunday: 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                                                              † Denotes deceased.

                         Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                                          11
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